单词 | admit |
释义 | admitting是admit的现在分词
过去式:admitted 现在分词:admitting 第三人称单数:admits v. n. admit mistake,admit defeat,admit guilt,admit liability,admit error adv. v. freely admit,openly admit,readily admit,cheerfully admit,frankly admit 例句释义: 承认,容许,许可入场,容纳,接纳,表达承认,虽说 1. maturity and humility by admitting how much they don't know. 而是承认他们不知道什么,以表现出成熟和谦虚的态度。 www.jukuu.com 2. Men did not fare much better, with three-quarters admitting to having had such a friendship. 男人们也没好到哪里去,有四分之三的男性被调查者承认自己曾与这样的人有过朋友关系。 www.bing.com 3. If I can't rattle off a list of things I have to do, I feel as if I'm admitting that I'm not worth much. 倘若我不能飞快地说出一长串待办事项,好像我就是在承认自己没什么价值了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This was one of the first instances of a government admitting to be researching anti-gravity. 这是政府承认去研究反重力的第一个实例之一。 blog.163.com 5. "I thought he would show some more human decency in admitting he made a mistake, " he said Monday. "We didn't really see that. " “我以为他会在承认自己犯错时表现出更多的人类尊严”他在周一说,“我们没有看到这一点。” www.fanyitie.com 6. While admitting that the ad has helped drive traffic to his Taobao store, Mr. Liu denied that he's trying to create media hype. 刘世杰承认该广告提升了其淘宝店的流量,但他否认这是试图进行媒体炒作。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Jackson's doctor became the subject ofa police investigation after admitting he gave Jackson a powerful drug to help him sleep. 杰克逊的医生在承认他给了杰克逊一些帮助睡眠的强效药物后成为警察调查的对象。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. My partners would give a grunt and nod in a knowing manner, as if I were admitting fault or a deficiency of some kind. 对方就会哦一下点头表示明白了,就好象我是在承认做了件错事或者有什么缺陷似的。 www.internet.org.cn 9. But on closer scrutiny of his paper, I spotted a note admitting that the penis in question is no longer attached to the king's body. 但详细审阅他的论文,我发现一个问题说明,必须承认存在问题的阴茎不再附属在国王的尸体上。 www.bing.com 10. For the sake of his life, Galileo recanted his views in 1633, admitting that the earth did not spin on its own axis. 为了保住性命,1633年,伽利略被迫宣布放弃日心说,承认地球并不是绕着地轴旋转的。 www.bing.com 1. In Europe, delays in admitting that Greece borrowed too much turned what might have been a difficult but manageable problem into a calamity. 在欧洲,由于迟迟不肯承认希腊借了太多的债,结果一个困难但却还有能力解决的问题演变成了一场灾难。 www.qeto.com 2. Spotify is now in eight markets, with Ek admitting that the U. S. launch took up the vast majority of the company's recent efforts. Spotify现在已经在8个国家生根发芽。埃克也承认,公司最近把大多数精力都放在了开拓美国市场上。 www.fortunechina.com 3. If I took this promotion, it would be like admitting that this is what I actually do. 我知道,但接受升职不就承认这就是我的目的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "We are trying to change people's habits, just to get them to walk, " he said, admitting that he himself never finds the time to exercise. “我们正试着改变人们的习惯,让他们肯走路,”他说,但他也承认自己从来不安排时间去锻炼身体。 dongxi.net 5. By admitting that excessive drinking does not harm than good, the man who indulged in the practice was condemned out of his own mouth. 酗酒成性的人饮酒过度是弊多利少,他这样说实际是自己打自己的嘴巴。 lymangordon.blog.163.com 6. And it could get even worse for Hamilton, with Mercedes' Haug admitting "it is possible" the gearbox will have to be replaced overnight. 它可能会更糟糕的汉密尔顿,与奔驰的豪格承认“这是可能的”变速箱将不得不改为通宵。 usa.315che.com 7. As, then, no change takes place in themselves, these cannot be said to be capable of admitting contrary qualities. 如果它们自身不发生变化,那么就不能说它们能容纳对反性质。 maxh03.blog.163.com 8. While admitting that this forecast was somewhat uncertain, the scientists warned against treating it as a cry wolf. 尽管科学家承认这次预言有点不确定,但告诫不要把它当作谎报来对待。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. Per the Zetas, admitting that it was all a hoax, a part of the Planet X cover-up, would be just too humiliating. 根据齐塔人的说法,承认这一切都是骗局,是X星掩盖活动的一部分,实在是太令人丢脸了。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. But women are more likely to fret, with almost half admitting that they worry a lot, compared to less than a third of men. 但女性更容易操心,近一半的女性承认她们操心很多事,而男性的这一比例则不到三分之一。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Wilson did give a candid opinion of one of his own portfolio companies, admitting to Twitter's unending problems staying online. 威尔逊确实给他自己的证券投资组合公司的一家提出了坦诚的意见,承认在网上Twitter有没完没了的问题。 www.bing.com 2. Then the rain stopped as suddenly as it started, and the clouds parted, admitting into the sky a God-like light that lit up the heavens. 接着,雨停了,就像他的突如其来,云雾消散,天空出现上帝般的光,照亮天空。 www.bing.com 3. But now Selena Gomez is opening up about her blossoming romance with pop star Justin Bieber and even admitting that she could be in love. 但现在戈麦斯是关于她一朵朵盛开的浪漫与歌星贾斯汀?比伯开放,甚至承认她可能在爱中。 08translation.cn 4. Ladies in Yorkshire pack the most, admitting to taking six handbags, ten outfits and six pairs of shoes for a week away. 约克郡的女士打包的最多,带六个手提包,十个全套服装和六双鞋为了一周的度假。 www.bing.com 5. Admitting failure was the toughest part - but I had to before I could get on with my life. 承认失败是最难的事,但为了生活下去必须承认这一点。 www.zftrans.com 6. Having no blog at all looks better than starting, stumbling, giving up and admitting to your readers, "It's not you, it's me. " 与吃惊、失足、投降,并向读者承认:“不是你的错,而是我的错”相比,没有博客看起来要好一些。 www.bing.com 7. Drawback: This strategy is better than admitting a flaw, but it's so widely used, it is transparent to any experienced interviewer. 缺点:这种回答比直接承认一个缺点要好,但是因为太多人应用了,所以很容易被有经验的面试官识破。 bbs.hrsalon.org 8. You've got to be tough to do the big things in life like taking risks, admitting mistakes, and changing bad habits. 在应付生活中的大事如敢于冒险,承认错误和改正不良习惯时,你必须得顽强。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Combine By the end of the century, the United States was admitting more immigrants than all the other industrialized countries combined. 到本世纪末,美国吸引的移民比所有工业国家加起来还要多。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The foundation's architecture school has broadened its reach to the point of admitting that there are other architects worth learning about. 赖特基金会的建筑学校已经扩大了它的理念:其他设计师也有值得学习的地方。 www.bing.com 1. A few fine restaurant dinners later, the two sisters grudgingly came around, admitting that at least I was "patient" and not too mean. 我在大酒店里请了几顿之后,这两姐妹勉强赏脸,说我至少还算有“耐心”,而且也还不是那么吝啬。 622005115.qzone.qq.com 2. The Twilight actress revealed that interviews make her feel uncomfortable, admitting that she does not mean to come off as distant. 《暮色》女主角克里斯汀·斯图尔特透露采访会让自己感觉不适,也承认自己并非刻意制造距离感。 www.putclub.com 3. Admitting that she was right, it would be impossible for us to do it. 即便她是对的,我们也不可能去做。 test.2u4u.com.cn 4. In 1952, Turing was convicted of "acts of gross indecency" after admitting to a sexual relationship with a man in Manchester. 1952年,图灵承认了他曾在曼彻斯特与一男子发生性关系,据此他被判处犯有严重猥亵行为。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. He doesn't shy away from this, admitting all his characters are inspired by traits of his own personality. 他没有回避这一点,并承认他写的所有角色都是受他自己性格中的某些特点启发而来的。 www.putclub.com 6. They were surprised, to say the least, and wished him well, while never admitting they were wrong. 他们很惊讶,这样说毫不夸张,但他们还是祝他一切顺利,然而绝不承认自己是错的。 wenku.baidu.com 7. The army deals secretly with its own extremists, without ever admitting to a problem. 军队只是秘密的处理自己的极端分子,而从不承认这个问题。 www.ecocn.org 8. So far, Google has been coy about admitting the rivalry (whereas Microsoft's boss, Steve Ballmer, is obsessed with it). 迄今为止,谷歌扭捏作态地承认了这个竞争(然而微软的老板,史蒂夫·巴尔默,却为此而困惑)。 www.ecocn.org 9. Private universities, in my opinion, have the right to do anything they want in terms of admitting students. 民办高校,在我看来,有权利根据学生录取情况做他们想做的任何事。 www.bing.com 10. The umpire gare his decision with an air admitting of no gainsay. 裁判员以不容反对的神气作出了决定。 www3.060s.com 1. Feeling guilty, ashamed and admitting to myself I missed her, I went up to the cottage after my walk and knocked at the door. 我感到自责和羞愧,同时也承认我有点想她了,于是就在散步之后走到那所房子前,敲了敲门。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. before admitting hydrogen into a system , purge it with nitrogen to ensure that a flammable mixture cannot be developed. 在允许氢气进入系统前,用氮气吹扫以保证系统不会产生可燃性混合物。 www.ichacha.net 3. The administration, however, has not been particularly forthright in admitting to this lack of accountability. 然而,政府在承认此类不负责任之时,并不是特别直率。 q.sohu.com 4. Forgotten man Philippe Senderos will come in from the cold tonight after admitting he thought his Arsenal career was over. 快被枪迷遗忘的森德罗斯曾一度认为在阿森纳生涯即将结束,今晚他将有机会走出冷宫。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 5. "To accept money from Ford would have been like admitting it was O. K. for them to do what they did, " he said. 他说:“拿了福特公司的钱,就等于承认他们可以为所欲为。” www.bing.com 6. I don't think that we have any standard of evidence that this data is going to be reliable in the way that the courts should be admitting. 我不认为我们有任何的证据标准,规定哪些数据将是可靠的,法院应当承认。 www.bing.com 7. Gourmets in Beijing are unanimous in admitting that Peking Duck is one of the best dishes in the capital city. 北京的美食家都一致认为北京烤鸭是首都最好的一道菜之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I was scared of admitting that I was a cross dresser and this was a mechanism that I used to cope with. 我害怕承认自己是变装者,这是我过去经常要应付的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The number of alumni from the MBA programme may be small, but the school has a substantial undergraduate programme, admitting 700 a year. 或许香港科大商学院的MBA校友规模还很小,但该校有一个大规模很大的本科生项目,每年招收700名学生。 www.ftchinese.com 10. As I said before, putting pride off involves admitting you are prideful. 正如我前面说过的,脱下骄傲包括承认你是骄傲的。 middlekingdomlight.com 1. It's just a sad fight now and we are all just waiting for an official statement from Toshiba admitting defeat. 现在这只是一场凄惨的斗争,我们都只是在等待东芝承认失败的官方声明。 www.elanso.com 2. In the realism of the name, itself founded on the imaginary, a dire is missing--one is interdicted from admitting this homage. 在命名的现实主义,它本身的基础上想象界,有一种「灾难」正在漏失---我们被禁止不能承认这种致敬。 www.easemind.com 3. You're avoiding the question because you know the answer is you don't know, but that's ok. Admitting you don't know is perfectly fine. 因为你知道答案是你不知道,你正在避免回答这个问题,但这样也好,承认你不知道非常好。 www.ebigear.com 4. The German had an appalling race after admitting he had made the wrong choice in opting for Bridgestone's hard-compound tyre. 在承认自己做出了错误的选择挑选了普利司通的硬质轮胎之后,德国人有了一场惊骇的比赛。 f1.sports.sohu.com 5. Admitting that his plan might be unrealistic, he still adhered to it. 他承认计划可能不能现实,但他仍然坚持它。 www.8875.org 6. Brawn chief Ross Brawn, while admitting his team personally supports budget capping, would not confirm the speculation in Monaco. 布朗首席罗斯布朗,同时承认他团队亲自支持预算上限,将无法确认的猜测在摩纳哥。 usa.315che.com 7. Admitting the court's power of ordering to enforce the arbitration agreement is a new international legislation trend. 新的国际立法趋势是承认法院有命令强制执行仲裁协议的权力。 news.9ask.cn 8. It rather reminds one of Professor Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady admitting "I've grown accustomed to her face. " 这使我想起了在《窈窕淑女》中,亨利·希金斯教授承认道:“我已经逐渐习惯了看到她的脸庞。” dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Admitting that you are at least partially at fault is the quickest and easiest way to solve any communication breakdown. 承认自己至少在这次冲突里的责任,这是解决你们之间冲突最快和最容易的方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Siemens paid $1. 6 billion in penalties, admitting it had paid bribes to companies in Argentina, Bangladesh, Iraq and Venezuela. 西门子支付16亿美元罚金并承认向阿根廷、孟加拉、伊拉克以及委内瑞拉的多家公司行贿。 www.bing.com 1. After that it is possible to start admitting job applicants. 之后就可以开始批准工作申请了。 www.ebigear.com 2. Apache has worked more as a meritocracy, with an oligarchy admitting people to a core team on the basis of contributions. Apache的工作更象是一个精英,在团队合作工作的基础上做贡献。 www.bing.com 3. In conclusion, let me very strongly recommend Lisa for admission to your program. I am sure admitting her will be a good decision. 最后,我再次强力推荐利萨加入你们的项目。我相信让她加入这个队伍,会称得上是个不错的决定。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Foggia also analysed these first few months of the season, admitting that lately results have not been very positive for the Biancocelesti. 福贾还分析了这赛季头几个月球队的表现,承认最近的几场结果对球队不是太有利。 www.laziofly.com 5. But I'm admitting that American medicine has overpromised when it comes to screening. The advantages to screening have been exaggerated. 但我承认,美国医学界在谈到筛查时作了过多的承诺,筛查的优势被夸大了。 www.bing.com 6. He was upset when Melvin told him that UConn would stop admitting Chinese students for Torrington. 但是,康州大学告诉他托灵顿校区不再招收中国学生,这让他很失望。 www.bing.com 7. When he won a Marshall scholarship, his father congratulated him by admitting that the award was "not trivial. " 在他获得马歇尔奖学金时,他的父亲向他表示祝贺并承认奖金“不是一笔小数目”。 www.bing.com 8. When we have invested a lot in a choice that turns out to be bad, we're really inept at admitting that it didn't make rational sense. 当我们已经在一个后来被证明错误的选择上投入很多的时候,总是很难承认那其实是不合理的。 www.bing.com 9. Admitting mistakes never hurts the authority of a government. Instead, the truth enhances the government's credibility. 承认错误永远不会伤害政府机构的权威。相反,诉说真相会提供政府的公信力。 www.bing.com 10. Admitting that I had a problem was the first step to my recovery. 承认自己有问题是我康复的第一步。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. But Mr Swan still faces accusations that he misled parliament by not admitting the full extent of his assistance to Mr Grant . 但斯旺仍面临指控,即他没有承认对格兰特的全部帮助,从而误导了议会。 www.bing.com 2. Admitting immigrants has therefore become the long-term national policy pursued by Canada. 万。吸收外来移民,是加拿大长期奉行的国策。 blog.edu.cn 3. No politician would be caught dead admitting this, of course: most promise that all will receive whatever is medically necessary. 政治家当然不愿承认这一点:大部分政治家承诺,只要是治疗上所需要的,所有人都能得到。 www.bing.com 4. If it were light, shame would burn them at admitting these things. 要是有亮光的话,承认这些事情会使他们感到羞愧之心在灼烤。 dict.veduchina.com 5. Maybe not, but every European is now paying the price for admitting a nation economically unfit to compete in the eurozone. 或许的确不能那么做,但由于欧元区接纳了这样一个经济竞争力不达标的国家,现在每一名欧洲人都在为此付出代价。 www.ftchinese.com 6. They regard admitting loneliness as weakness, as ridiculous and as an expression of a lack of manliness . 对他们来说,承认孤独是软弱可笑的、缺乏男人气概的表现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. She trapped him into admitting that he killed his wife. 她诱使他承认杀了自己的妻子。 8. We ought to start out admitting the same when we try to figure out what consumer spending will look like over the next 20 years. 在设法估计下一个20年的消费状态的时候,我们也应该本着同样的态度。 www.bing.com 9. In part we are , in part, admitting that a certain set of circumstances has enabled justice act of its own accord . 从某种程度上说,我们是在承认某些事情已使得正义自动起作用了。 www.bing.com 10. Did you know that admitting your hopelessness to God can be a statement of faith? 你知道吗,向上帝承认自己的失望是一种诉说的信仰。 www.bing.com 1. Values of his new company: "pragmatism, " "being a mensch, " "admitting when you're wrong" and "chill-ness. " 他的新公司的价值观是:“实用主义”,“做一个公正的人”,“犯了错误要敢于承认”和“冷静”。 www.bing.com 2. admitting that a certain set of circumstances has enabled justice to act of its own accord. 承认了某种特定的环境使得正义自动地起了作用。 www.jukuu.com 3. The economist is actually being humble here by admitting the limits of what economic reasoning can say about a given event. 经济学家不过是在谦逊地承认,经济学的推理对于解释给定的事件是有局限的。 www.bing.com 4. "I also ate a few other things that tasted nice but weren't fattening, " he added, admitting he had eaten some fish but no meat. “我也吃了一些其他的食品味道很好但不会致肥”他补充说承认他吃了一些鱼但没有吃肉。 www.bing.com 5. The Jewish Theological Seminary first began admitting openly LGBT students to its rabbinical and cantorial programs in 2007. “犹太教神学院”的祭司和唱诗班指挥专业于2007年开始招收公开身份的同性恋学生。 www.bing.com 6. any one of several hundred compounds having a bitter taste; not admitting of chemical classification. 几百种带苦味的化合物中任意一种,没有进行化学分类。 hotdic.com 7. Prudent parents, while admitting that their daughters should marry for love, took care that all the young men they met should be rich. 精明的父母纵使同意自己的女儿为爱结婚,也要留心让女儿所接触的都是富有的年轻男性。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Less officially, but with permission, his job was to startle, harry and trick the accused into admitting what they had done. 但在私底下,他却获许对被告进行惊吓和干扰,设计使其承认所犯罪行。 www.bing.com 9. He was a very educated and skilled man but humbled himself before God admitting that he needed the Lord. 他是一个非常有教育和技巧熟练的人,但是在神前谦卑自己承认他需要主。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Universities and colleges shall give priority to admitting foreign students who fall within the State Enrollment Plan. 高等学校应当优先录用国家计划内招收的外国留学生; dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Universities and colleges shall give priority to admitting foreign students who fall within the State Enrollment Plan. 高等学校应当优先录用国家计划内招收的外国留学生; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. ' Admitting his errors set him apart from other Chinese leaders, but it also gave fuel to his critics. 承认自己的失误,其他领导人也因此在政治上开始远离他,但这也恰好给了他正视问题的勇气。 www.transcn.org 3. Grandmother went on talking in her polite Virginia way, not admitting their stark need or her own remissness. 祖母继续以她那种弗吉尼亚式的彬彬有礼的态度同她说话,即不去理会他们那已到了极点的贫困,也不提她自己的疏忽。 www.jukuu.com 4. If the rest of the companies in the industry are against admitting defeat, Apple should be too. 如果业内的其他公司都不愿承认错误,苹果当然也不会那样做了。 www.bing.com 5. The youngster was delighted to join the conference side admitting it's a great opportunity for him to play first-team football. 这位年轻人对于通过被租借的形式得到在一线队上场的机会而感到兴奋。 tieba.baidu.com 6. This idea of admitting wrongs and finishing the business of the old year is found in many societies at New Year's. 许多国家过新年时,人们会承认过去一年所犯的错误并结束过去一年未了的事情。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. He claimed a real multiparty system already existed, while admitting there were serious problems. 他声称现在已经有了一个真正的多党体制,同时也承认其中还有许多严重的问题。 www.bing.com 8. The first step to be a successful manager by admitting you don't HAs all the answers s. 要做唯一胜利的经理人NO·1步就要承认你否则全能。 www.bing.com 9. And that would mean European politicians admitting that both are needed to create a fair, just society: a tall order. 那就意味着,欧洲政治家们承认要创造一个公平公正的社会,自由化和社会安全网都必须兼顾:一个难以完成的事情。 bbs.hbue.edu.cn 10. Grady argue that the selection process should be revamped to focus on admitting skilled workers who have job offers with Canadian employers. 格雷迪认为,遴选过程应改组,重点放在谁承认有加拿大雇主聘书的熟练工人。 www.edmontonchina.cn 1. The first step toward recovery is admitting that your love of getting it on is getting to be a problem. 摆脱性上瘾的第一步,就是承认你那鸡洞的爱好越来越是个问题。 www.bing.com 2. Contemporary christians are often uncomfortable admitting that God sometimes hides from us. 当代的基督徒通常不愿意承认有时上帝在躲避着我们。 www.bing.com 3. This means admitting that the summer dress you bought for a party can easily be your sightseeing dress. 这就相当于承认你为party而添置的某件夏装完全可以当作你在观光游览的着装。 www.bing.com 4. Sometimes I felt like I was the one who was queer, who was supposed to go through the process of publicly admitting it. 有时我甚至觉得我好像是那个该出柜的同性恋,一个应该努力试图获得公众承认的人。 www.bing.com 5. Mr Frolov has also suggested icebergs could be destroyed with bombs, though admitting that "might raise ecological concerns" . 弗罗洛夫还建议可以使用炸弹摧毁冰山,虽然承认“可能引起生态问题”。 www.bing.com 6. Admitting that you have been wrong also makes it easier to clearly analyse what you did and what you can learn from the experience. 承认你所犯的错误也可以使你跟容易和清晰的分析你以前所做的事情并从中吸收经验。 www.bing.com 7. The cure for this lies in admitting the part of sane and quieted enjoyment in a balanced ideal of life. 唯有在平衡协调的理想生活状态里,为理智闲适的快乐留下一席之地,才是治愈良方。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The bishop made a special visit to lay hands on a group of young people, so admitting them to membership of the Church. 那位主教将给这伙年轻人行按手礼,接纳他们成为该教堂的成员。 www.bing.com 9. I was absorbed in the execution of these nice details, when, after one rapid tap, my door unclosed, admitting St. John Rivers. 我正全神贯注地画着这些有趣的细节,一阵急促的敲门声响了起来,我那扇门开了,圣。约翰。里弗斯先生走了进来。 www.putclub.com 10. A philanthropist is someone who donates to charity. So Harper was admitting that he views "the environment" as a charity case. 慈善家是一些热衷于慈善事业的人,因此,哈珀算是承认他认为“保护环境”是一项慈善事业。 www.elanso.com 1. If these two reasons are removed, people will find no need to tell lies, and there will be no point in not admitting other people's remarks. 如果把这两个原因去掉,那么人就没有说谎的必要,也没有必要不采信他人的话。 qlfeng2000.blog.163.com 2. The cure for this lies in admitting the part of sane and quiet enjoyment in a balanced ideal of life. 解决的方法在于承认平衡的理想生活中健全闲适的享受的重要。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. On many occasions, he read on the air their most cutting letters, sometimes admitting he was wrong and apologizing. 在很多不同的场合下,他在直播时读出了批评者们最为刻薄尖酸的来信,有时他还会承认自己的错误并且道歉。 www.bing.com 4. Admitting that Keynes was largely right , after all, would be too humiliating a comedown . 毕竟,承认凯恩斯大体上正确将会使人颜面尽失。 www.bing.com 5. By claiming the exemption, the government is tacitly admitting that it does have records of such an investigation. 通过声明豁免,政府就默认了它的确有此类调查的记录。 www.bing.com 6. In most cases, however, the defendant will file an answer either admitting or denying each material allegation of the complaint. 在大多数情况下,然而,被告将提交答辩或者承认或否认每一个申诉材料的指控。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The idea of admitting mistakes and finishing the business of the old year is found in many cultures. 在很多文化中,人们会承认过错并将过去一年的事做个了结。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Apologies for admitting my ignorance, but how do Germany's family-based Mittelstand firms manage to avoid this familiar problem, I wonder? 请原谅我的无知,但我在想,德国这些家族型中小企业在经营中,要怎么去避免类似的问题? www.ltaaa.com 9. Look, I feel foolish for admitting it, But obviously, I've come late to this party. English, please. 要我这么说我也觉得很傻,但很明显,我错过了派对。别兜圈子。 www.bing.com 10. It is setting the scene for our coming, and very soon the long awaited announcement admitting to our presence will be made. 它正在为我们的到来作好准备,很快等待已久的承认我们存在的宣告将被做出。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. BGB refuses to have repudiation included, only admitting it in case law. 《德国民法典》未将给付拒绝纳入,但在判例中对其予以承认。 www.fabiao.net 2. Admitting your mistakes and being sincerely sorry for them can help both of you get over the incident a lot quicker and move forward. 承认你的错误并真诚道歉可以帮助你们很快克服错误,并向前发展。 www.bing.com 3. Worst would be some official admitting that the growth data was bunk all along. 最糟糕的是一些官员承认,增长数据自始至终都是空话。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The internalized homophobia and the inflated black masculine self prevent Rufus from admitting his homosexual inclinations. 对同性恋的恐惧和极度膨胀的黑人男性自尊使得鲁弗斯羞于面对自己的同性倾向。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Reading the same newspapers and magazines which support the same editorial position day after day and never admitting a contrary viewpoint. 只是阅读相同类型的报纸、杂志而且只认同一类编辑的观点,而对相反的观点则置之不理。 397565205.qzone.qq.com 6. And now you have basically most scholars admitting that this is a woman. 现在几乎所有学者,都承认这是一个女人。 open.163.com 7. On the Basis of the Theory of "Admitting AH the Outstanding Personage from Other Aspects of Society into the Party" 论把“社会其他方面的优秀分子吸收到党内来”这一论断的依据 www.ilib.cn 8. North Korea has denied admitting it has a nuclear program, and has been insisting on bilateral talks with Washington. 朝鲜已否认其核计划,并坚持与华盛顿展开双边对话。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Gary Neville has insisted he will never voluntarily quit international football despite admitting he may have played in his last World Cup. 内维尔坚持他不会退出国家队,虽然这很可能是他的最后一次世界杯了。 www.thefa.cn 10. The fact that he has been quite frank in admitting his mistakes counts to his credit. 他坦率地承认了自己的错误,这一点对他的声誉起着重要的作用。 www.tdict.com 1. Paradoxically, if the employees are sentenced after admitting misdeeds, Rio's relations with China could improve. 貌似有违常理的是,如果这四人在认罪之后被判刑,力拓与中国的关系可能会得到改善。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Officials have been instructed to loosen up on the rules for admitting immigrants into the country. 官员们已得到指示,放宽对移民进入该国的入境规定。 www.dictall.com 3. In photography, a device used to restrict the light from one area, while admitting whole or reducedillumination to another area. 在照相技术中的一种装置,用来限制某一区域的光,而允许其它区域保持总光照或降低光照。 cb.kingsoft.com 4. Without admitting divine intervention in the affairs of humanity, we cannot accept power as a cause of events. 不假设神干预人类的事务,我们就不能把权力当作事件发生的原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Now the OECD is coming as close as such organizations ever do to admitting that it was wrong. 但,现在经济合作与发展组织却跟这些组织亦步亦趋,甚至承认其以前犯了错误。 www.bing.com 6. Merrill agreed to settle an administrative proceeding, without admitting or denying wrongdoing. 美林同意在不承认或否认过错的情况下了结一宗行政诉讼。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But she balanced this by admitting that Islam "is part of Germany" . 但是她又承认伊斯兰“是德国的一部分”以此来平衡上面的言论。 www.ecocn.org 8. White indicates that the pureness admitting of no blasphemy , not admitting smearing pure , has and sacred. 白色表示纯洁,有着不容亵渎、不容玷污的纯净与神圣。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. In contrast, Arshavin heaped praise on league victors Chelsea and compatriot Yuri Zhirkov, admitting their win was well-earned. 相对的,他对切尔西和日尔科夫获得冠军表达了祝贺,并且承认这是他们应得的。 cnc.arsenal.com.cn 10. Early on, he anticipated and defused negative criticisms by admitting to past indiscretions his autobiography. 早期,他预料到了负面批评并承认在先前他的自传中的轻率举动,以此化解。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The fuzzy call admission processor is in use for admitting decision for new call request users. 模糊呼叫接纳处理器用于新呼叫请求用户的接纳判决。 ip.com 2. Just then an admitting clerk came back and told me I had five patients waiting to be evaluated. 这时,门厅接待员走过来告诉我有五个病人在等待检查。 www.bing.com 3. The firm agreed to pay compensation without prejudice, ie without admitting liability. 公司在未承认负有责任的情况下同意付给赔偿金。 www.jukuu.com 4. Just weeks after admitting having had extramarital affairs, the first- term lawmaker was unseated by Republican attorney Tom Rooney. 他在几周前承认有婚外情,这位首任众议员被共和党人鲁尼夺走国会席位。 cn.reuters.com 5. Admitting what you say, I still think you are mistaken . 我承认你所说的,但我仍然认为你是错的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. confirmation A Christian rite admitting a baptized person to full membership in a church. 基督教的坚信礼基督教一种在教堂中举行的接收洗礼教徒为正式成员的仪式 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Telling someone that he was wrong is a lot easier than admitting that you made a mistake. 当然告诉别人他是错的比承认自己犯错误更容易。 www.kekenet.com 8. Japan has also been admitting large numbers of Chinese and South Korean students, as its domestic enrollments have declined. 另外,由于国内录取率下降,日本也招收了大量中国和韩国学生。 www.bing.com 9. Actual prevalence of rape fantasies is probably higher because women may not feel comfortable admitting them. 强奸幻想的实际流行程度可能更高,因为女性不会那么轻轻松松地承认。 www.bing.com 10. Reynolds also admitting head-butting and racially abusing a police community support officer. He now fails a jail sentence. 雷诺尔德也承认了用头撞人和对一位社区治安员进行种族主义攻击的指控,他将面临牢狱生涯。 www.thefa.cn 1. Reynolds also admitting head-butting and racially abusing a police community support officer. He now fails a jail sentence. 雷诺尔德也承认了用头撞人和对一位社区治安员进行种族主义攻击的指控,他将面临牢狱生涯。 www.thefa.cn 2. By admitting the extent of their own ignorance today, they would help prevent investors from feeling railroaded tomorrow. 他们今天承认自己无知,将有助于防止投资者明天认为他们草率。 c.wsj.com 3. By not admitting mistakes and fining people for disagreeing with calls the NBA is lending credence to the conspiracy nuts. 由于不承认错误同时为球员不同意吹罚的罚款,NBA已经出租了他们的信任。 www.kobechina.com.cn 4. Admitting it wasn't a win that their mums were proud of, they said they hope to find some girls to clean it up. 他们也知道这不是一个让妈妈骄傲的奖项,表示希望找到愿意来打扫公寓的女孩子。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. a moment later the outer door opened , briefly admitting sunlight , then yvette was gone. 不一会儿,外面的大门开了,霎时间放进了阳光,接着伊维特不见了。 www.ichacha.net 6. He majored in accounting in college, but lost several jobs after admitting on the application form that he had diabetes. 他主修会计,但在毕业后失去了数个职位,当他在申请表格上说明他患有糖尿病时。 bbs.tnbz.com 7. Admitting that the vast expanse of oceans seems terrible, they provide us with abundant resources. 虽说浩瀚的大洋令人生畏,但它们向我们提供了丰富的资源。 www.ebigear.com 8. Despite admitting Milan hold the trump cards, Mourinho says the club will achieve their targets in the summer transfer market. 尽管承认米兰有自己的手段,但穆里尼奥说俱乐部今夏能完成转会目标。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The Duke of York has given an insight into the Royal Family's home life, admitting they are not allowed to play Monopoly. 约克公爵(即安德鲁王子)对皇室贵族的生活有着深刻的了解,并承认了他们不许玩大富翁一事。 www.bing.com 10. Some are admitting more out-of-state students, who pay higher fees. 一些学校正招收更多州外的学生,他们支付更高的学费。 www.ecocn.org 1. Some are admitting more out-of-state students, who pay higher fees. 一些学校正招收更多州外的学生,他们支付更高的学费。 www.ecocn.org 2. He asked me lots of questions and told me he worked for the government, virtually admitting he was assigned to keep an eye on me. 他问了我许多问题,告诉我他为政府工作,就差没有承认他是被派来监视我的。 www.bing.com 3. Admitting the coastguard was heavy-handed, it promised to ensure that legal claims for compensation ran smoothly. 福田政府正在把事件减弱,承认海岸自卫队失误,并承诺确保合法的索赔顺利进行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Admitting what she said, I still think she hasn't tried her best. 尽管承认她所说的话,但我仍然认为她没有尽到最大的努力。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. Instead of admitting or denying the allegations of the complaint, the defendant may choose to challenge the complaint by a moton to dismiss. 而不是承认或否认该宗案件的指控,被告人可以选择一个挑战投诉解雇各项要点。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. He harmed his own argument by admitting that he often did the opposite. 他承认自己经常做与其论点相反的事,这削弱了他的论证。 www.wordreference.com 7. The single market is already under attack from several governments, as is the notion of admitting Turkey to the club. 由于欧盟考虑接纳土耳其,已经使得这个统一市场面临多国政府的责难了。 www.ecocn.org 8. Real Madrid chief Ramon Calderon believes Ronaldo will stay despite admitting that Milan are keen on the Brazilian. 虽然承认米兰一直想得到巴西人,但皇马主席卡尔德隆相信罗纳尔多依然会留下。 www.milanchina.com 9. And admitting to a car from the Far East (Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai) was, of course, social suicide. 而至于开一辆亚洲制造的汽车(丰田、尼桑、现代),无异于是社交上自杀。 www.bing.com 10. The hardest part of productivity is admitting that you can't do everything. 生产力最困难的部分就是承认自己事事不可能都做。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The hardest part of productivity is admitting that you can't do everything. 生产力最困难的部分就是承认自己事事不可能都做。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Wall Street firms need to be forthright in admitting their shortcomings. 华尔街的公司需要坦率地承认他们的缺点。 chinese.wsj.com 3. It will ponder admitting a new member and the dismemberment of the colonial borders in the spirit of the original Pan Africanists. 它将考虑吸纳一位新成员,并以独创的泛非洲精神,取消殖民时期划分的边界。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Admitting to yourself what your limitations are can be difficult. 承认自己的能力局限可能是非常困难的一件事。 chinese.wsj.com 5. He also telephones the admitting physician at the emergency room (ER) where I am to be taken to discuss the medical issues. 他还打电话给转入医院的急救室(ER)医生讨论了有关的医学问题。 www.bing.com 6. In a society wary of admitting to mental problems, many are turning to exorcists for help. 在日本社会,人们一般都不愿承认自己有心理问题,因此许多人向驱鬼师寻求帮助。 www.kekenet.com 7. Britain is a nation of gossipmongers, with nearly 90% of British admitting they enjoy a good chinwag with friends and colleagues. 英国一项调查显示,英国是个闲话国家,几乎90%的英国人都很喜欢和朋友。同事说闲话。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Stoke boss Tony Pulis had no complaints after admitting his side were beaten by a better team at Anfield. 斯托克城主教练托尼-普利斯没有抱怨,他承认他的球队在安菲尔德是被最棒的球队击败。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 9. Levels of women admitting to cheating in these countries, meanwhile, are extremely low or negligible. 与此同时,这些国家女性承认不忠的比例极低,要么可以忽略不计。 www.ftchinese.com 10. and in the same way in all other cases it is by changing that substances are capable of admitting contrary qualities. 于其它事例亦然,正是通过变化,本体才得以容纳对反的性质。 maxh03.blog.163.com 1. Levels of women admitting to cheating in these countries, meanwhile, are extremely low or negligible. 与此同时,这些国家女性承认不忠的比例极低,要么可以忽略不计。 www.ftchinese.com 2. and in the same way in all other cases it is by changing that substances are capable of admitting contrary qualities. 于其它事例亦然,正是通过变化,本体才得以容纳对反的性质。 maxh03.blog.163.com 3. Women were particularly unimpressed with men who owned spiders , with 48% admitting to being repelled at the prospect. 女性对养蜘蛛的男士尤其印象恶劣,48%承认排斥与这样的男人发展关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Sara stands at the admitting desk, giving Michael's status to a nurse. Sara站在住院服务台,向一个护士陈述了Michael的状况。 www.bing.com 5. While courts will go a long way in admitting expert testimony deduced from well-recognized scientific principle or discovery. 当法院认可由公认的科学原理或发现中推论出来的专家证据时。 www.jukuu.com 6. Russian President Dmitri Medvedev pardoned Sutyagin and 3 other convicted spies after they signed documents admitting their guilt. 苏提雅金和其他三名已定罪间谍在签署了认罪文件后,俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫将他们赦免。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. He received eight mails, in addition to the two he had already spotted, admitting to cheating. 除了已发现的那两人之外,他一共收到了8封承认作弊的邮件。 www.shinewrite.com 8. Admitting the personality rights of legal person show a swing away from the civil law humanism. 承认法人人格权是对民法人文主义的背离。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Joe Gregorio says, admitting to having met his blogging-hyperbole-quotient for the day. JoeGregorio表示,他承认自己已经到做足那分博客宣传份额的日子了。 www.infoq.com 10. However, I firmly believe , a nation only has the good morality keeping self, advanced knowledge , only meeting admitting others progress. 不过我深信,一个民族只有保持自己的优良品德,吸收别人的先进知识,才会进步。 hi.baidu.com 1. However, I firmly believe , a nation only has the good morality keeping self, advanced knowledge , only meeting admitting others progress. 不过我深信,一个民族只有保持自己的优良品德,吸收别人的先进知识,才会进步。 hi.baidu.com 2. admitting now that one of her own made phone calls that could be perceived as pressure, and were just plain wrong. 现在她承认是她自己打的一个电话可能被视为施加压力,而那只是理解错误。 qac.yappr.cn 3. As the foster boys have less desire of admitting, than the common boys, their demands. from family are less. 寄托男童的承认需要没有一般男童那么强烈,家庭领域里尚来满足的需要比一般男童少。 www.fabiao.net 4. Now this knowing is not simply knowing about God, or simply admitting that God exists. 这所说的认识不是单单知道关乎神的事情,或单单承认神的存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. How about admitting that we are not that strong? Neither do we want to be invulnerable. We just want a warm hug. 不如就承认一下,我们没有那么坚强,也不想那样刀枪不入,我们只是想被温暖抱一下。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. Theorems 1 and 3 above depend on not admitting the rule of countable additivity among the probability axioms. 定理1和3以上依赖于不承认的公理之间的概率可数相加的规则。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Critics say that as a result these schools are discriminating against women and admitting less qualified men. 批评人士指出,这会导致学校歧视女性,而招收更多不太够资格的男性。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. And there's certainly nothing wrong with admitting you don't have all the facts. 而承认你并不了解全部事实也绝对没错。 www.bing.com 9. Most translation agencies are wary of admitting new freelancers into their networks. 大多数翻译公司对接纳新的自由职业者加入其网络持谨慎态度。 www.bing.com 10. And if they've hurt another person, even if their ego prevents them from admitting it, odds are they feel remorse on some level. 又或者是,如果他们伤害了别人,甚至他们的自大不能容忍他们承认自己的错误,他们最多也就是会有一定程度的后悔。 www.bing.com 1. Keano supported Spurs as a kid although he doesn't like admitting it. (Who can blame him? ) His hero was Glen Hoddle. 基恩在童年时代支持热刺但他不喜欢承认这个。(谁能责怪他呢?)他心目中的英雄是格伦。霍德尔。 manutdtwelve.blogcn.com 2. That said, there could be a hidden cost to admitting any error. 那就是说,如果承认一个过失,应该有一个隐性的代价,。 www.bing.com 3. e. g. Admitting what she said, I still think that she hasn't tried her best. 尽管承认她所说的话,但我仍然认为她没有尽最大努力。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The China News Service quoted Shi Yuehui, the county's deputy head, admitting the plan was simple-minded and inadequately thought through. 中新社引用了安平县副县长石跃辉的回应,批准这项决议实在是“思考不周密,做法简单化”。 www.bing.com 5. They see it as admitting they are wrong, and to be wrong is to fail. 他们认为那是承认自己错了,错就是失败。 www.bing.com 6. The new culture was essentially pagan, admitting Greece and Rome, and despising the Middle Ages. 新文化(和旧的教皇势力完全不同),推崇希腊和罗马,而摒弃中古的教义。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. This showed them the merits of occasionally admitting imperfection, and even of offering a prime-ministerial apology. 领导人从中明白了偶尔承认不足,甚至让总理出面道歉的价值。 www.ecocn.org 8. 'This is a case of Internet outsourcing, ' he added, before admitting that he, too, bought books online. 他说自己不愿意看到Borders倒闭,并说这是一个互联网抢生意的案例,然后承认自己也是在网上买书。 chinese.wsj.com 9. To speak about Siza's architecture, however, one must start by admitting that it is indescribable. 说到西扎的建筑作品,当然首先他们必然是难以描述的。 www.douban.com 10. You are storing up trouble for yourself by not admitting the truth. 你没有承认事实是在给你自己制造麻烦。 hybblog.blog.163.com 1. The argument for admitting such evidence in court seems straightforward. 在法庭上承认这类证据的理由看似很简单。 www.bing.com 2. After the emancipation of the serfs by Alexander II in 1861, medical academies in St. Petersburg began admitting women. 1861年,在亚历山大二世解放了奴隶后,在圣彼得堡的医学院开始接受女学生。 www.elanso.com 3. ASEAN has paid a high price for admitting the country and this seems the least it could do. 东盟为接纳这个国家已经付出了高昂的代价。这似乎是它目前唯一可做的。 www.ecocn.org 4. The country's business culture assumes that any company that agrees a merger or takeover is admitting failure. 这个国家的商业文化认为任何同意合并或并购的公司就是在承认自己的失败。 www.ecocn.org 5. Though admitting valuable game time would aid his recovery, Wenger is wary of rushing him back too soon. 尽管承认宝贵的上场时间有助于他的恢复,但是温格担心这样太仓促了。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. On a hunch (call it nursing judgment), I checked the chart after the admitting clerk had finished registering the family. 我有一个直觉(可以称之为护士的判断力),在接待员为他们全家做了登记以后,我查看了登记表格。 www.bing.com 7. Turney was shown on the television admitting "illegal entry" into Iranian waters. 在电视镜头上托内承认他们非法入侵了伊朗领海。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Admitting One-man Company matches the lawmaking trend of most developing nation. 承认一人公司符合多数特别是较发达国家的立法趋势。 www.13191.com 9. President Abraham Lincoln signed an act admitting West Virginia to the Union. 年,亚伯拉罕·林肯总统签署了一项法案允许西维吉尼亚州加入联邦。 www.kekenet.com 10. No, I just-- I just said that to avoid admitting the truth. 不我只是…我那么说只是为了避免承认一个事实 www.tingroom.com 1. Mcgwire is admitting he used steroids when he broke baseball's home run record in 1998. 这里是一分钟AP新闻Mcgwire承认1998年他打破棒球本垒打记录时使用了类固醇。 www.hjenglish.com 2. My education started over coffee in a London hotel, with Mr Buik admitting that many people were confused by spread betting. 在伦敦一家宾馆,我采访了布克先生,和他一起喝咖啡,从此开始了我的“对赌”教育。 besa.voora.net 3. Nearly 80% of its Foreign Language School is female and the school wants to lower the ratio by admitting lesser qualified male students. 许多高校外国语学院几乎80%是女生,校方用降低男生录取分数来调控男女比例。 www.nextchina.net 4. Methods Carries on the review analysis admitting 70 example old age hip department bone fracture patient's nursing work. 方法:对收治的70例老年髋部骨折患者的护理工作进行回顾性分析。 www.bing.com 5. When a boxer's towel was thrown, it meant he was admitting defeat. 当一名拳击手的毛巾被扔进来,就意味着他认输了。 www.bing.com 6. Admitting our hate compels us to make a decision about the surgery of the soul we call forgiving . 承认心中所藏的仇恨,可促使我们决定对称之为“宽恕”的心灵做一次外科手术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In Patricia's case, the Chinese herbalist Ying 'Susan' Wu received a two-year conditional discharge after admitting selling dangerous pills. 在帕特里夏的案例中,中医医生应·苏珊·吴(Ying‘Susan’Wu)承认销售危险药物后,获得了两年假释。 www.bing.com 8. This equates to around a fifth of spouses admitting to checking emails or text messages. 这相当于约五分之一的夫妇曾检查过对方的电子邮件或短信。 gb.cri.cn 9. "It's a burden I enjoy, " he says cautiously, admitting "it would be impossible to live in the house in this day and age. " “我享受这个负担,”他谨慎地说道。他承认:“在当今这个时代,要居住在庄园里是不可能的。” www.ftchinese.com 10. To my shame, I haven't taken a shower for months; I'm really ashamed of admitting it. 真丢人!我好几个月没洗过澡了,真不好意思说出来。 www.kekenet.com 1. According to the philosopher Kierkegaard, admiration for someone is like admitting defeat. 据哲学家克尔凯郭尔称,崇拜某人就像承认失败。 www.bing.com 2. and falling down into tears, admitting they never really loved their spouse. 然后泪流满面的说从来没有爱过自己的妻子。 www.tingroom.com 3. "It's true, people die of cancer here. There's nothing shameful in admitting it, " concluded 51-year-old resident Ahmet Balta. 五十一岁的居民巴尔塔总结道:「这里的人的确死于癌症,承认这点没什麽好羞耻的。」 www.chinapost.com.tw 4. In 1952, he was convicted of 'Acts of Gross Indecency', after admitting a sexual relationship with another man. 1952年,他在承认与另一名男子的性关系之后被判以“行为粗俗猥亵”的罪名。 www.bing.com 5. She believes that too many PhDs are being produced, and has stopped admitting them. 她认为博士培养的太多了,决定不再招收了。 www.ecocn.org 6. Simply admitting your own challenges won't get you past them entirely. 仅仅是简单的承认来自你自身的挑战是不会帮你全部战胜它们的。 www.bing.com 7. It may yet transpire that ministers knew more than they are admitting. 现在可能得知部长们知道的要比他们承认的多。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. While bosses might not like admitting to their own problems, they certainly like pronouncing on other people's. 尽管老板们可能不愿承认自己的问题,但他们肯定愿意对别人的问题发表见解。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Banks prefaced her comment by admitting, "How can I say this without tearing up? " 这是她接受采访的开场白“我能说这是没有付出代价的吗?” www.bing.com 10. Admitting that cheating happened and then saying the voting was fair is asinine. 承认了投票有误却坚持说结果是公平的是愚蠢的做法。 tieba.baidu.com 1. In 2001 Dr Hauser published another paper, admitting failure to replicate the earlier findings. 2001年,豪泽博士发表了另一篇论文,承认无法再现早期的发现。 www.ecocn.org 2. Admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices . 允许气体或液体从孔中或缝隙中通过的。 www.bing.com 3. Admitting Turkey, Mr Sarkozy says, would "dilute" the Union. 萨科齐表示,接纳土耳其将会“稀释”欧盟。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The Catholic church ruled out admitting more non-faith students. 天主教会不会招收更多的非基督徒学生。 www.kekenet.com 5. Meanwhile, for the first time since the blazes began, Russian authorities are now admitting that they can't get the fires under control. 与此,自野火开始燃烧俄罗斯当局首次承认无法控制火势。 www.ttxyy.com 6. On a hunch, I checked the chart after the admitting clerk had finished registering the family. 接诊员填好这个家庭的登记表后,出于直觉,我查看了一下。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 7. Charmed the guardinto admitting them without invitations. 劝诱门卫让他们可以不持请柬进入。 dict.hjenglish.com 8. The China Banking Regulatory Commission is now admitting that there are severe shortages in China of corn, cotton, sugar, and other crops. 中国的银监会现在承认,在中国谷物,棉花,糖和其它作物都存在严重的短缺。 www.bing.com 9. Few people hae a problem admitting to manual stimulation by a sexual partner, an act that is considered acceptable sexual behavior. 由性伴侣以手提供刺激被认为是可以接受的性行为,很少有人会惮于承认有过这种举动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Admitting that she has made a mistake, you should forgive her. 即使她犯了错误,你也应原谅她。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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