单词 | low tide |
释义 |
复数:low tides 例句释义: 潮水的低潮,低潮时间,最低点,水乾,条约法律 1. It was ultimate candor, it was the body's lingo, it was low tide in his inner ear. 那是极度的坦诚,那是肉体的密语,那是耳中的潮歇。 www.poemlife.com 2. As the Earth rotates, different parts of the land and oceans pass through the high-tide and low-tide zones. 同时由于地球不停的自转,陆地和海洋的不同区域也就会依次进入涨潮区和落潮区。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. Seawater would sometimes kiss their colorful, ready low tide really let me listen to the voice of the ocean. 海水时而会亲吻自己的脚丫,潮涌潮退真的让我聆听到了海的声音。 www.kuenglish.info 4. Although academic research for this topic is still in low tide, a public search system may be inevitable. 尽管关于这个课题的学术研究没有很大的起色,但是公共的搜索系统终将被实现。 www.bing.com 5. You see, it's low tide right now and all of these starfish have been washed up onto the shore. 你看,现在是低潮,所有的海星都被冲到岸上了。 www.ecp.com.cn 6. At low tide, it is possible (but messy) to hike across exposed mudflats around Juneau . 落潮时,虽然朱诺周围裸露的泥滩略显肮脏,但是已经可以徒步走过了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The littoral zone of a sea is the part of the sea between high and low tide marks. 海的沿岸地带是高潮的测标和低潮的测标之间的海域。 www.showxiu.com 8. the difference between high tide(when the sea is very near to the land) and low tide (when the see is far away from the land) is very big. 涨潮(当海潮靠近岸边的时候)和落潮(当海潮远离岸边的时候)具有很大的差别 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Where we have to draw a boat tour of the beach, at low tide in the afternoon, I caught the rock is still a small starfish. 在那里我们还去划了船,游了泳,在下午退潮之后,我还在岩石上捉到了一只小海星。 enwaimao.cn 10. North of Haulbowline Head, the land runs in a long way, leaving, at low tide , a long stretch of yellow sand. 帆索岬的北面有根长一段陆地,退潮后留下了一条长长的黄色沙滩。 it.bab.la 1. Rising from its rocky shores, the 1300-year-old Benedictine Abbey at low tide is connected to the land. 一座有着1300年历史的修道院从圣米歇尔山的岩石海岸的低潮处延伸出来连接着这个大陆。 www.yappr.cn 2. Unable to return to the ocean during low tide, the starfish were dying. 海星由于在退潮后回不到海里,面临死亡的厄运。 hi.baidu.com 3. for snorkeling, since the visibility at high tide is not good enough and the water is too shallow at low tide. 这是潜水的最好时候,因为涨潮时能见度不够高,而潮落时水又太浅。 www.jukuu.com 4. A woman and her dog walk on a beach at low tide in Newport , Rhode Island. 一个女人和她的狗在海水退潮的罗德岛新港沙滩上散步。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Operations should be restricted to low tide and suspended during calving season, David advises. 大卫建议,工程应该被限制在退潮时分,同时在海豚生产季节停止作业。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. A second-time breaking diplomatic war once again brought Russian-British relations into low tide. 再次爆发的外交战,使两国关系再次陷入低潮。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. We like to keep them alive, so we decided to come back home at night, we gave up dig clam on the other day's morning low tide. 我们想让它们活着,所以我们决定晚上开车回家,我们放弃了转天早上低潮时的挖蚌。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. A boat sits on the beach at low tide near the rebuilt Weston Grand Pier in Weston-super-Mare, England. 退潮时一艘船坐落在沙滩上,在滨海韦斯顿重建的韦斯顿大码头附近,英格兰。 thehlc.cn 9. But, AMOI sank into the low tide quickly due to lack of the 2G core technique and the error of strategic decision. 但是,缺乏2G核心技术和战略决策的失误,使其迅速陷入低潮。 www.fabiao.net 10. At low tide, some form of coral reef island above water. 1981 list of World Natural Heritage List. 在落潮时,部分的珊瑚礁露出水面形成珊瑚岛。1981年列入世界自然遗产名录。 blog.163.com 1. The so-called west economics white potato effect thinks , the white potato may rise in price on the contrary time economy low tide. 西方经济学所谓的土豆效应认为,经济低潮时土豆反而会涨价。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Low tide to come in the global economy, we sincerely hope that cotton coat will give our packing user shelter. 在全球经济低潮到来之时,我们真诚地希望这件棉外套能够给我们的包装用户遮风挡寒。 www.bing.com 3. In appreciation of the spectacular sunrise at sea, at low tide can also pick up starfish on the beach, Haixie, is not to have some fun. 在欣赏了壮观的海上日出之后,还可以在退潮的海滩上捡拾海星、海蟹,更是别有一番情趣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Carman: Canadian poet noted for his ebullient nature poems, including the collection Low Tide on Grand Pre (1893). 卡曼:加拿大诗人,以洋溢奔放的歌颂大自然的诗著称。作品有诗集《大普瑞湖的低潮》(1893年)。 dict.veduchina.com 5. low tide it bare by years of wind and frost. 退潮时它裸露出经年的风霜。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Our staff and contractors will only work during periods of low tide when the water birds in front of the hides are very few in number. 本会职员及外判承办商将只于后海湾退潮时份,亦即观鸟屋前的水鸟数目极少时进行工作。 www.hkbws.org.hk 7. Right now, these adorable sea lion pups are protected by a reef that looms up during low tide. 此刻,这些可爱的海狮幼崽们正处在低潮时时隐时现的一块礁石的保护中。 www.yappr.cn 8. At high tide the sea covers the rocks , but at low tide it uncovers them . 海水在高潮位时淹过了礁石,可是在低潮位时却淹不过。 www.bing.com 9. They opulation, about every three years to go through a high tide and the low tide. 它们呈周期性变化,大约每三年经历一个高潮和低谷。 www.bing.com 10. At low tide, it is surrounded by a broad, flat apron of coral where a plane could safely touch down. 退潮时,这个岛四周是宽阔平坦的珊瑚礁,可以容纳一架飞机安全地降落。 www.bing.com 1. Low tide : The minimum height reached in a falling tide . 退潮:潮水退至最低时的高度。 www.bing.com 2. neap tide Tides occurring at first and third moon quarters, where the range between high tide and low tide is smallest. 小潮出现在第一个与第三个弦月的潮,这时高低潮之间的范围最小。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The ship lay keeled over at low tide. 那艘船因退潮而倾覆。 www.websaru.net 4. It being low tide , they could see their thick roots, nibbled by the teeth of the Indian Ocean . 这时正赶上退潮,所以连那些被印度洋的海浪冲刷的粗树根都看得清清楚楚。 www.bing.com 5. a tract of low muddy land near an estuary; covered at high tide and exposed at low tide. 靠近江河口低洼的泥地;在水位高涨时被淹没、水退去即露出来。 www.jukuu.com 6. Parallelism in the order generally light to heavy, low tide to high tide . 排比的次序一般由轻到重,由低潮到高潮。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Children are interested gathering shell-fish at low tide. 孩子们喜欢在落朝时采集贝壳动物。 www.szteacher.net 8. The commercial economy was still in low tide of Hanwu Emperor's time. 商品经济也持续在后汉武帝时代的经济低潮中。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Take what to save, in every life of low tide. 拿什么来拯救,在每一个生活低潮的时候。 www.qqniux.com 10. The moving average method is used to extract the values of high and low tide level. 结合潮汐的规律采用滑动平均法完成了高低潮位值的提取。 www.zidir.com 1. During low tide, water recedes back towards the ocean. 低潮时,海水退回海洋。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. Fishermen fix their boats at low tide on Matemo Island, part of Mozambique's 32-island Quirimbas Archipelago. 渔夫在潮汐退去后修补他们的渔船,马泰莫岛,基林巴群岛的32座岛屿之一,莫桑比克。 www.bing.com 3. The time for each high and each low tide changes regularly. 每次涨潮和每次退潮之间的时间规律地变化。 www.rrting.com 4. "Both sides would not have any reason to oppose the candidate despite their relations are in low tide, " the observer said. 他续说:「虽然中梵关系正处于低潮,罗马和北京没有理由反对这位候任主教」。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Sudden drawdown also occurs at low tide behind any sea wall which is wetted at high tide . 在高潮时浸湿的任何海堤的后面,当低潮时也会出现急遽的水面降落现象。 www.bing.com 6. Some lines that might build up into some knee high wave at low tide in the afternoon. 现在是潮高时间非常小的浪,下午退潮时间可能会有膝盖高的浪。 www.surfinghainan.com 7. My'cliff' I call it, though it is barely twenty feet high at low tide. 我称它为“悬崖”,尽管在退潮的时候它仅有20英尺高。 www.bing.com 8. 2008 and the year international oil price go through climax and low tide most in the past five years. 2008年,这一年内国际油价就经历了过去五年内的最高潮和最低潮。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. fish eat ant at high tide, as ant eat fish at low tide. 涨潮时,鱼吃蚂蚁;退潮时,蚂蚁吃鱼。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. After that, it went to the low tide, because of the War Of The World, until 1970s, it grew warm again with new item. 后来由于世界大战,喜剧电影经历了一段低谷时期,直到七八十年代才再度升温,出现了新形式的电影。 www.fabiao.net 1. The salvors must wait for low tide. 抢救人员必须等待退潮。 www.360abc.com 2. Miles of sand are exposed at low tide. 在低潮时数英里的沙滩就会显现出来。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Chinese fishing boats along theJinjiang coast at low tide on Sept. 9月9号,中国渔船在低潮时停泊在晋江岸边。 www.bing.com 4. We dug clams in the flats at low tide. 退潮时我们在浅滩挖蛤蜊。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Only saw the sea at low tide. 才看见了退潮时的海。 enwaimao.cn 6. high and low tide marks. 高低潮的标记。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 7. The low tide was over and the ocean water came back very quick. 低潮过后大洋的海水回来的特别快。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The research on Wide Grass appears a relative low tide. But Ren Guangtian, LvJue and ZhangXin's studies have a distinctive understanding. 《野草》研究出现了一个比较明显的回落,任广田、吕珏、张鑫的文章均可称得上别具一格; lib.cqvip.com 9. At that year, I experienced unprecedented low tide in my career. 那一年,我在工作上遇到前所未有的低潮。 sywanghappy.spaces.live.com 10. It is low tide now. Tide is coming back around 2 hours. 现在是低潮,大概2小时后会涨潮。 wenku.baidu.com 1. What time is low tide? 低浪是什么时候? infos.edulife.com.cn 2. the water seems to retrograde back into the ocean low tide 这海水好像在低潮时会倒逆流回大海。 www.ichacha.net 3. Implement innovative education, and walk out of the low tide of running the vocational schools 实施教育创新走出中职学校办学的低谷 www.ilib.cn 4. I also love the sea-Bay, like naughty children, the magnificent high tide, low tide waves quiet; 我也爱大亚湾的海,象淘气的孩子,涨潮时气势磅礴,退潮时平静无波; www.bing.com 5. Seeking the high and low tide law of international communist movement 国际共运高低潮规律探寻 service.ilib.cn 6. Chen Duxiu's Low Tide Theory Was a Correct Estimation to China's Revolutionary Situation 论陈独秀大革命失败后对中国革命形势的正确估计 ilib.cn 7. Comments on Chen Duxiu's Theory of Revolutionary Low Tide after the Fail of Great Revolution 评大革命失败后陈独秀的低潮论 ilib.cn 8. Low Tide, Causes, Characters and Prospects--On the World Socialist Movement in the Early 21st Century 低潮、成因、特征与前景--论21世纪初的世界社会主义运动 www.ilib.cn 9. Problems in the construction of broadband network in low tide period 低潮时期宽带网建设需要注意的问题 service.ilib.cn 10. low tide carries yet another feature of interest 低潮还带来另一种有趣的现象。 www.ichacha.net 1. A cultural probe into 20th century socialist movement's going from high tide to low tide 20世社会主义运动由高潮走入低谷的文化探析 www.ilib.cn 2. Do terminal market abolish low tide market 做终端之市场破淡市之低迷 www.ilib.cn 3. An Automatic Way to Select the High and Low Tide from the Tidal Records 一种自动挑选高、低潮的方法 service.ilib.cn 4. low tide, it doesn't matter, it's preparation for peak; 低潮,无所谓,是我为巅峰的准备 zhidao.baidu.com 5. mean spring rise of low tide 平均大潮低潮升 www.bing.com 6. mean neap rise of low tide 平均小潮低潮升 www.bing.com 7. mean rise of low tide 平均低潮升 www.mfyyw.com |
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