单词 | loaf |
释义 | loafing是loaf的现在分词
现在分词:loafing 过去式:loafed 第三人称单数:loafs 复数:loaves n. sugar loaf 例句释义: 条,一条面包,面包形糖块,混日子,游荡,闲混,磨洋工,闲逛,野逸,悠闲 1. He spends his days mostly loafing around, occasionally helping with the work but always having to accept orders from his wife. 她丈夫一天游手好闲,偶尔给她帮帮忙,但都是听她的安排和命令。 www.bing.com 2. eg: I don't want you loafing around all day. Do something productive with your time. 我不想你整天在家游手好闲。利用你的时间做些富有成效的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I don't want you loafing around all day. Do something productive with your time. 我不想你整天游手好闲。做点有意义的事。 liuxi1019.blog.163.com 4. Wrong! Deke has always been a better rebounder than Yao. Yao got less rebounds than Deke doesn't mean he was loafing. 错!木桶伯的篮板一向都比姚明要好,姚明篮板比穆大叔少不是意味着他浪费了一年光阴。 www.nbatop.com 5. Before he went broke, running a harness shop, there were always a lot of men loafing in the shop. 他开着一个马具店,没有破产的时候,常常有许多男人在店里游荡。 www2.scut.edu.cn 6. For two days he had been loafing about the town in quest of the money. 两天以来,他在城里到处奔波着去找这笔钱。 www.bing.com 7. Instead, the Harvard man seemed to spend most of his time loafing in the woods near his hometown over near Walden Pond. 但是,这个哈佛毕业的人似乎花费了他大部分时间在他城市外的树木中闲逛。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. As there wasn't anything to do in the place but work they were uncomfortably conspicuous loafing about the streets. 因为这个地方除工作外无事可做,他们在街上到处闲逛,招遥过市。 word.englishok.com.cn 9. He allowed me to waste those two precious years in loafing about at home. 他让我在家里闲混日子,浪费了两年宝贵的光阴。 www.hotdic.com 10. Broadway was full of loafing thespians in search of next season engagements. 百老汇大街上挤满了闲荡的演员,在寻找下个季度的演出机会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Today still struck in Tampa, nearly thousand of visitors resided in various hotels, loafing, wandering about and doing nothing. 今日仍然滞留坦帕。上千客人入住在不同的旅店,游手好闲。 www.bing.com 2. During the blackout, some workers in the factory were loafing around, awaiting power resumption. 停电期间,部分厂工閒荡著,等待电力恢复供应。 dict.bioon.com 3. It was a vault, a steel chapel where loafing and laughter were raw sin. 这里象是一个钢板小教堂,放荡和闹笑都是大逆不道的罪孽。 www.jukuu.com 4. Sir Richard Jolly and Dr Henry Moon talk about "hurry sickness" and "social loafing" among peals of laughter. RichardJolly勋爵和HenryMoon博士在一阵阵的大笑声中讲述着“急迫症”和“社会游荡”。 www.ecocn.org 5. In this context, the phenomenon of "social loafing" may be informative. 此时,“社会惰化效应”(socialloafing)这种现象就有可能掺和进来了。 www.bing.com 6. The boss crawled him for loafing on the job. 老板因他磨洋工而训斥他。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. No signs of social loafing were detected among group-monitored participants. 没有迹象表明社会懈怠之间组检测监测参与者。 www.syyxw.com 8. Yet an indignant campaign called "We are the 53%" has sprung up online, to complain about the loafing remainder. 一个名为“我们是那53%的人”的愤愤不平的运动在网上如火如荼地展开,抱怨剩下的47%好吃懒做的人。 www.bdza.cn 9. Of course, some women argue that maintaining the charade is more desirable than loafing about. 当然,一些女人认为保留一些神秘感要比坦然相对更富有魅力。 www.bing.com 10. Social loafing is tendency for individual effort to decrease when people work in groups rather than individually. 个人在群体中工作会比个人独自工作付出较少的努力,这种现象称为社会性偷懒。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Instead of loafing around on Saturday morning, go to that seminar on executive deportment. 与其在周六游荡一早上,不如参加一场关于仪态举止的研讨会。 www.bing.com 2. When the boss found Ron loafing on the job, he sent him about his business. 当老板发现罗恩在磨洋工,他马上把他辞掉了。 www.bing.com 3. Your loafing days are over. 你游手好闲的日子不再有了。 www.bing.com 4. It looks like you're loafing. 这样显得你游手好闲。 www.bing.com 5. for two days he had been loafing about the town in quest of the money and had at last made the sum up that very morning 两天来,他到处奔波,终于在今天上午才凑足了这笔钱。 www.ichacha.net 6. Effective ways Of Economic Development In Ethnic Minority Areas--On Economic Development In Loafing County 浅议民族地区县域经济发展的有效途径--来凤县经济发展刍议 www.ilib.cn 7. The Measures should be Done to Soothe Social Loafing--A Case Study of Jimei University Library 缓解社会惰化现象的具体措施--集美大学图书馆个案分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Social Loafing Realized Group Effectiveness Group Tasks 群体任务 wenku.baidu.com 9. An Introduction of Researches and Theory of Social Loafing 国外社会惰性的理论与相关研究概述 www.ilib.cn 10. Sometimes for sport the men of loafing crews 常常,为了消遣,航船上的海员 zhidao.baidu.com 1. then we went loafing around town 随后我们在镇上逛来逛去。 www.ichacha.net |
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