单词 | load operation | ||||||||||||
释义 | load operation
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 负荷操纵,负载运行,负载工作电源 1. At this point the room air-conditioning will be the biggest load operation, and a little on the indoor temperature pleasant cooling effect. 此时房间内的空调将以最大负荷运转,且对室内温度起不到一点的降温效果。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Manually control all electromagnetic valves and verify the action is right or not when the system no-load operation for some time. 空载起动系统后,运行一段时间,采取手动的方式控制各电磁阀,验证动作是否正确。 baike.baidu.com 3. An alternate consideration is to use the LOAD operation allowing you to use the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY option on a table. 另一个考虑事项是使用LOAD操作,它允许您对某个表使用NOTLOGGEDINITIALLY选项。 www.ibm.com 4. That means the LOAD operation cannot be redone during the rollforward phase of a database recovery. 这意味着在数据库恢复的前滚阶段无法重新执行这个LOAD操作。 www.ibm.com 5. Do not execute insert triggers defined on the destination table during the bulk load operation. 在大容量加载操作过程中,不要执行在目标表上定义的插入触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Rotary compressor is most suitable for close to full load operation conditions of the compressor compressed air system. 旋转式压缩机最适用于接近压缩机满负荷工况下运行的压缩空气系统。 www.sokongyaji.com 7. Specify a time-out for the bulk load operation. 指定大容量加载操作的超时值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. bending machine fully checked before use and no-load operation, refueling or cleaning process does not operate lathe. 弯曲机使用前全面检查一次,并空载运转,运转过程不能加油或抹车床。 www.jianhuw.com 9. That is all the information that is required to initiate a basic DB2 load operation. 这就是启动基本的DB2加载操作所需的所有信息。 www.ibm.com 10. The connector supports performing the data load operation using multiple processes running on multiple computing nodes. 连接器支持使用在多个计算节点中运行的多个进程来执行数据加载操作。 www.ibm.com 1. For example, DB2 LOAD could run simultaneously on each partition, splitting the load operation up in parallel across the servers. 例如,DB2LOAD可以在每个分区上同时运行,负载操作可以并行地分摊到多个服务器上。 www.ibm.com 2. Execute insert triggers defined on the destination table during the bulk load operation. 在大容量加载操作过程中,执行对目标表定义的插入触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Applicable to fixed or mobile sliding vane type and screw air compressor, especially suitable for load operation. 适用于固定或流动式的滑叶型及螺旋型空气压缩机,特别适用于负荷的操作。 076986538938.dg114.com 4. Automatic power-saving modes maximizes efficiency during light load operation. 自动省电模式,最大程度地在轻负荷运行效率。 ec.eepw.com.cn 5. When you load content from a URL, the default value is undefined until the load operation has started. 从URL加载内容时,直到开始加载操作,才会定义默认值。 space.flash8.net 6. Select the Truncate table action to delete all the existing rows in the Orders table before the data load operation starts. 在数据加载操作开始之前,选择Truncate表操作删除Orders表中的所有已有行。 www.ibm.com 7. Bearing selection shall limit the bearing temperature rise to a maximum of 60 C under full load operation. 在全负载状态下,所挑选的轴承将轴承温度限制在60℃以下。 www.jukuu.com 8. For improved performance, the load operation uses light appends when applicable. 为改善性能,加载操作在适用时将使用“轻追加法(lightappend)”。 www.ibm.com 9. The access is restricted to data that existed prior to the start of the load operation. 该访问局限于开始加载操作之前已经存在的数据。 www.ibm.com 10. Moreover, if an ALLOW READ ACCESS load operation fails or is aborted, pre-existing table data can still be read. 此外,如果ALLOWREADACCESS加载操作失败或者被中断,预先存在的表数据仍然可以被读取。 www.ibm.com 1. Specify the maximum number of errors allowed before the bulk load operation is canceled. 指定在大容量加载操作取消之前允许的最大错误数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Occurs when the asynchronous image-load operation is completed, been canceled, or raised an exception. 在异步图像加载操作完成、取消或引发异常时发生。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Acquire a table-level lock for the duration of the bulk load operation. 在大容量加载操作期间获取表级锁。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. User-defined SQL is not supported for the data load operation. 用户定义的SQL不可用于数据加载操作。 www.ibm.com 5. Isochronous load sharing, kW droop, and base load operation can be provided. Learn more from 2300G product spec 03338. 同步负载共享,千瓦下垂,和相应的负荷运行可以提供。 www.genset.hk 6. To improve performance, the exhaust-gas power recovery turbine (3) is decoupled during partial-load operation. 为改进效率,在部分负荷期间将排气动力回收涡轮机(3)断开。 ip.com 7. This package is used to query for data in the source system during the Load operation. 在Load操作过程中,此包用于查询源系统中的数据。 www.ibm.com 8. Retain null values during the bulk load operation. 在大容量加载操作过程中保留空值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The affective value of vibration speed measured under non-load operation shall not exceed those specified in Table 5. 电动机在空载时测得的振动速度有效值不超过表5的规定。 www.kuenglish.info 10. Execute this load operation on the proxy server. 在代理服务器上执行这个装载操作。 www.ibm.com 1. Files that db2move generates during an export operation are used as input files for the ensuing import or load operation (see Table 1). db2move工具在导出操作中所生成的文件可以用作后来这些导入或装载操作的输入文件(参见表1)。 www.ibm.com 2. In order to minimize torque ripple, the waveform of phase back EMF should be sinusoidal at no load operation. 为了尽量减少转矩脉动,相反电动势波形应在无负载正弦波。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Transformation of the machine tools installed, we can achieve full load operation. 改造的机床一安装好,就可以实现全负荷运转。 www.zdh1909.com 4. When indexes exist on a table, you cannot perform a parallel load operation by using the TABLOCK option. 如果表有索引,则不能通过使用TABLOCK选项来执行并行加载操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. A DB2 load operation requires a database connection. DB2加载操作需要数据库连接。 www.ibm.com 6. Customize the bulk load operation by specifying options such as whether to check constraints. 通过指定如是否检查约束之类的选项,自定义大容量加载操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Using extra gas supply source to realize low load operation of an air separation plant 利用外备气源实现空分设备的低负荷操作 www.ilib.com.cn 8. As shown in Figure 14, continue defining parameter values in the Properties tab of the connector for the Teradata load operation 如图14所示,在连接器的Properties中继续为Teradata加载操作定义参数值 www.ibm.com 9. As shown in Figure 13, return to the Properties tab of the connector and specify the following parameters for the Teradata load operation 如图13所示,返回连接器的Properties选项卡并为Terdata加载操作指定以下参数 www.ibm.com 10. Two main steps are required to set up the LoadDataUsingBulkLoad Teradata connector for the bulk data load operation 为批量数据加载操作设置LoadDataUsingBulkLoadTeradata连接器需要两个主要步骤 www.ibm.com 1. The Characteristics of Dynamic Stress and Fatigue Life of Steam Turbine's Last Stage Blade under the Condition of Variable Load Operation 汽轮机末级叶片在变负荷运行时的动应力和疲劳寿命特性 ilib.cn 2. A Model for the Prediction of the Full-load-operation Performance of Variable-geometry Multi-stage Axial Compressors 变几何多级轴流压气机全工况性能预测模型 www.ilib.cn 3. The Influence of High Load Operation on Polypropylene Production Unit and Its Countermeasures 高负荷生产对聚丙烯聚合装置的影响及对策 www.ilib.cn 4. Relationship Between Capacitance and Speed of Self-Excitation Induction Generator Under Constant Voltage at No-Load Operation 自激异步发电机空载建立恒压时电容与转速的关系 www.ilib.cn 5. With the pressure machine full load operation, the motor can be efficient operation; 当空压机满负荷运行时,电机能高效运行; www.sokongyaji.com 6. Research on Variable Load Operation Performance of Regenerative Heater with Superheated Steam Cooler 具有蒸汽冷却器的回热加热器变工况特性研究 ilib.cn 7. Users also require INSERT and DELETE privileges on table being loaded, depending on the mode of the LOAD operation 根据LOAD操作的模式,用户还需要被装载的表上的INSERT和DELETE特权 www-128.ibm.com 8. Relation between over-temperature tube bursting of partial division wall superheater and low load operation 锅炉辐射过热器超温爆管与低负荷运行的关系 www.ilib.cn 9. Application of DTC Frequency Transforming Technique in Thermal Energy Load Operation 势能负载拖动中DTC变频技术的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Ash Fouling Monitoring of Boiler's Convective Heat-Delivery Surfaces During Variable Load Operation 变负荷工况下锅炉对流受热面污染的监测 ilib.cn 1. Problem of High Load Operation of Zhongyuan Ethylene Unit and Its Solution 中原乙烯装置高负荷运行的问题与对策 service.ilib.cn 2. Record for Installation, Inspection and No-load Operation of AC Motor 交流电动机安装检查及空载运行记录 z.tougao98.com 3. Research on economic efficiency of low load operation in large thermal power units; 论文对大型火电机组热经济性在线监测进行了理论研究与工程开发。 www.dictall.com 4. The Research on Turbine Economic Operating Modes in Various Load Operation 汽轮机变负荷运行时经济运行方式的研究 service.ilib.cn 5. Self-excited capacitance of induction generator for no-load operation 异步发电机空载建压电容值的确定方法 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis of Load Operation of Three-Phase Induction-Voltage Regulator 三相感应调压器的负载运行分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis of Inductance Load Operation to Reduce Electricity Cost 对感性负载运行节电的分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Cleaning on Flowing Passage with Load Operation, Huhhot Power Plant 呼和浩特发电厂通流部分带负荷清洗 service.ilib.cn 9. Measure of cavitation prevention in low load operation of SHP station 小水电站低负荷运行及气蚀预防措施 www.ilib.cn 10. Noise Analysis of Starting up Stand by Transformers on No Load Operation 启备变压器空载运行噪音分析 service.ilib.cn 1. Adjustment of stable combustion in low load operation of boiler 锅炉低负荷无油运行的燃烧调整 ilib.cn 2. The stable strategy of generator under full load operation 发电机满载运行时稳定策略 service.ilib.cn 3. Problems of Kilowatt-hour Meter Self-running on No-load Operation Transmission Lines of 110 kV Degree 110kV空载运行线路电能表自行走字问题分析 ilib.cn 4. While the load operation is running, execute the following script from another session 在执行载入操作时,从另一会话执行下列脚本 www.ibm.com 5. low load operation at night 夜间低负荷运行 wenku.baidu.com |
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