释义 |
n. card,note,letter,notelet,note card n. | 1. a card that is folded over and sealed before being mailed, usually with perforations for tearing the sealed edges when opening it 2. a long folding letter with postcard scenes printed down the back that can be folded, sealed, and then mailed like a postcard |
1. | 邮简 邮政标准目录... ... 邮政包裹包装箱(国内) Packing boxes for parcels 邮简 Letter-card 贺卡信封 Congratulatory card envelope ... www.cnii.com.cn | 2. | 邮件封面书写规范 my... ... Specifications for date-stamps of post and telecommunication 邮简 Letter-card 邮件封面书写规范 国际信函 ... www.my-diary.org |