单词 | let it be | ||||||||||||||
释义 | let it be
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 顺其自然,让它去,让它去吧 1. We need to know, and let it be known, that doubt is just a feeling that comes to us when we are about to step out of our comfort zone. 我们需要知道,并且深刻了解的一点就是,当我们准备踏出自己的安乐窝,寻找另一片天地时,那种踌躇犹豫的感觉总是如影随形,如期而至的。 www.bing.com 2. Love each other, but don't make it a tie. Let it be a moving ocean between the coasts of your souls. 相互爱,但不要让爱变成锁链,让爱变成你们灵魂之岛间流动的海洋。 durasafety.blog.163.com 3. Nor, let it be swiftly said, are Locke's looks by any means the only thing he has going for him in the Beijing ambassadorial stakes. 或者,我们可以由此迅速得出结论,骆家辉的长相对于他就任美国驻华大使职务在某种意义上会是唯一有用的吗? blog.sina.com.cn 4. and speak as it seems to thee most just, only let it be with a good disposition and with modesty and without hypocrisy. 说你看来是最恰当的话,只是要以一种好的气质、以谦虚和毫不虚伪的态度说出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Let it be quick now, was all I could hope as the flow of blood from my head sucked my consciousness away with it. 让一切快点结束,是我现在全部的愿望。从我的头上流下的鲜血带走了我的意识。 www.putclub.com 6. Word of advice, me to you: Let it be. You know, there's some wounds that are just too painful ever to be reopened. 我给你个建议:往事已矣。你要知道,揭旧伤疤是很痛苦的事。 www.myxfiles.com 7. We want a sense of responsibility is rooted in the heart, let it be in our minds a strong sense. 我们要将责任感植根于心,让它在我们的脑海里成为一种强烈的意识。 www.071799.com 8. If it has gone bad, let it be a lesson to you to keep a closer eye on your supplies. 如果它变坏了,就让它当做一个教训来提醒自己要密切关注自己的食品供应。 www.elanso.com 9. If she wins, let it be with a fair and open vote that will only add to rather than detract from her legitimacy and effectiveness. 如果她最终胜出,让她通过一场公开公平的投票获胜吧,这只会增强、而非削弱她的合法性与有效性。 www.ftchinese.com 10. "I'm just a peasant, " he said in an interview. "If it's unfair, let it be. " “我只是个农民,”他在采访中说,“如果这是不公平的,那就随它去吧。” www.dianping.com 1. With a new man in the White House, regulators in Washington let it be known that they intended to act with greater vigilance. 随着新人入主白宫,华盛顿的监管者们要让人们知道他们会提高警惕。 www.ecocn.org 2. As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. 他爱咒骂,咒骂就临到他。他不喜爱福乐,福乐就与他远离。 www.ebigear.com 3. Never expect, never assume, and never demand. Just let it be, because if it's meant to be, it will happen the way you want it to. 永不期待,永不假设,永不强求。顺其自然,若是注定发生,必会如你所愿、、 wenku.baidu.com 4. Come, let us make an agreement, you and I; and let it be for a witness between us. 现在,来,让我们在你我之间立约,作你我之间的证据。 www.jdtjy.com 5. It was so common that people did not bother to mention it ; whenever they used it in a paper they let it be understood. 它普遍到人们都不用费心再去提它;每当他们在论文中用到它时它都为人所理解。 www.bing.com 6. Had Mr. Burton lived, Ms. Taylor let it be known, she might have married him a third time. 泰勒曾称,如果伯顿还在世,她也许会第三次和他结婚。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Dear Ones, let it be said that before you dropped down into the lower vibrations, you were fully aware of your origin as a Spark of God. 亲爱的,说实话,在你们跌入低振动之前,你们完全知道你们起初是上帝的火花。 www.angozj.com 8. But let it be so! I did not burden you; but, as some of you say, being crafty, I took you by guile. 罢了!我并没有加给你们担子,你们却有人说,我是狡猾诡诈,用诡计牢笼你们。 edu.china.com 9. Let it be sufficient to say that, on this night, he was still my lighthouse and my albatross in equal measure. 让我们这么说吧,这天晚上,他仍是我的灯塔,也同时是我的包袱。 dipan.kekenet.com 10. They've been willing to put their self-esteem in a Cuisinart and let it be chopped and diced and crushed to a pulp. 他们是那群愿意把他们的自尊心放在碾碎机里,任由砍剁,切割,碾压成果汁的人。 blog.renren.com 1. But I am asking you to get in this fight as a community, and let it be known to your young people that there are lines you will not cross. 但是我要求你们作为一个社区参与这场斗争,告诉你们的年轻人,有一些界限是不能跨越的。 www.24en.com 2. Let it be said by the way, that this abandonment of children was not discouraged by the ancient monarchy. 附带说一句,那种遗弃儿女的事,在古代君主制度下是丝毫不受歧视的。 www.ebigear.com 3. Let your personal qualities surpass the requirements of your office. Do not let it be the other way about. 是啊,要让你个人的品质超过你的职责需求,而不是相反。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If diplomacy fails and you decide that the military option is in the end the lesser evil, at least let it be our decision, not theirs. 如果外交上的努力失败了,而你又决定军事行动最终不是很邪恶,至少得让它是从我们嘴里出来的,而不是那群夜色猎人。 my.putclub.com 5. If Yahoo is to be sold, let it be sold whole to any company that will take on the risk. 如果雅虎被收购,就把它整体出售给某家愿意承担风险的公司吧。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But in a last word to the wise of these days, let it be said that of all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. 但是,让我们给如今的聪明人进最后一言:在所有赠送与接受礼物的人里,夫妻俩是最聪明的。无论在什么地方,夫妻俩是最聪明的。 fanyicn.net 7. Get to know it a bit and let it be heard. 试着去了解和倾听它。 www.bing.com 8. Let every priest receive the money from one of the treasurers, and let it be used to repair whatever damage is found in the temple. ' 你们当从所认识的人收了来,修理殿的一切破坏之处。 www.ebigear.com 9. And if this day is not a fulfillment of your needs and my love, then let it be a promise till another day. 如果这一天不是成全你们的需要和实现我的爱,那么就把今天当做另一天到来的诺言吧。 www.zftrans.com 10. I wanted to destroy it rather than let it be part of a world where beauty and genius and greatness have no chance. 我不想被束缚到任何我想要摧毁它,而不是让它成为一个世界里的美丽和伟大的天才和没有机会的一部分。 www.englishtang.com 1. "Dad then looked at me and said: " The tree of children, you must study? Otherwise, let it be bullied on the life ah! 爸又看着我说:“树儿,你一定要好好读书?要不,咱们就这样被人欺负一辈子啊!” bookapp.book.qq.com 2. AFTER taking office in September, Hirohisa Fujii, Japan's finance minister, widely let it be known that he was happy with a strong yen. 自九月份上任以来,日本财务大臣藤井裕久最为人所知的论调是他乐于看到强势的日元。 www.bing.com 3. He was the hardest worker, so the boss man had let it be known that he ought to be fed regularly. 他是最最辛苦的工人,所以老板告知他要按时吃饭。 www.ecocn.org 4. Let it be known to you therefore that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will also hear it. 所以你们当知道,神这救恩如今已传给外邦人,他们也必听。 edu.china.com 5. Marriage is a destiny, you'll find someone before you know it, just let it be. 婚姻是缘分,在不经意间你会找到你的另一半,一切顺其自然好了。 home.ebigear.com 6. "Let it be powdered with little pink carnations, " said the Countess. “在上面点缀一些粉色康乃馨”。伯爵夫人说。 www.bing.com 7. So Mr Obama let it be known that the organisers of the census would report to (later softened to "work with" ) the White House. 因此,奥巴马先生宣布人口普查的组织者应当向白宫汇报(后来软化成“与白宫合作”)。 www.ecocn.org 8. It's important to give your mind a break, to let it be still for a while. 让你的大脑静下来一会儿休息下是很重要的。 www.bing.com 9. Let it be understood at once that the interests of this noble Prince were not at all commercial. 这件事该这样理解,高贵的王子的兴趣开始时跟商业一点关系都没有。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. "Well, let it be, now that you want to buy, then must promise me a few appearance conditions. " The boss speak softly word. “嗯,也罢,既然你想买,那么就必须答应我的几样条件。”老板轻声开口道。 bookapp.book.qq.com 1. "Then let it be, and never mind, father, " she said with dignified sorrow. “那么就由它去吧,您别担心,爸。”她带着一种庄严的悲哀说道。 dict.wenguo.com 2. "No one knows. Just let it be naturally. " The door closed slowly, hied your face. “不知道,随缘吧。”电梯门缓缓关上,再也不见你的脸。 club.163.com 3. What you yelling for? Lay back. It's all been done before And if you could only let it be. 你为什么喊叫?滚开,它们原先都是好好的,并不因你存在。 11pop.com 4. Accompanying officials let it be known that Mr Wen's subsequent stopover in Berlin was much the more important leg of his European trip. 随同出访的中国官员们放风说,温家宝的下一站访问地柏林,是他此次欧洲之旅中更加重要的一站。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Let it be impressed upon all hearts that, beautiful as our fabric is, no earthly power or wisdom could ever reunite its broken fragments. 让此在所有那些象我们绸缎一样美丽,但任何世上权力和智慧都无法治愈其创伤的心灵留下深深印记。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Being single is only a problem if you let it be a problem. 单身不是问题,除非你让它变成一个问题。 www.bing.com 7. My sources had told me Mullah Omar had let it be known the Taliban recognized they will not win the war by military means alone. 我的消息来源告诉我,奥马尔已公开表示塔利班已认识到他们不可能仅靠军事手段而赢得战争。 www.bing.com 8. The ministry let it be known that if Tsinghua could demonstrate results, its approach would be adopted at other universities. 如果清华经验被证明可行,中国的教育部希望能将这种方法推广到其他的大学来应用。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Take our own road to let others to speak; Since heaven gave the talent, let it be employed. 走自己的路让别人去说吧,天生我材必有用。 www.letou.cn 10. Last, selflessness. Everyone is selfish to different extent. The point is you should let it be acceptable. 最后一个是无私,每个人都有私心,关键是要把私心限制在大家可以接受的范围之内。 www.elanso.com 1. It let it be known that the US could not expect China to help fund its enormous deficit without something in return. 它表明态度,美国不要指望自己不付出任何回报,中国就会帮助填补其巨额赤字。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Let it be unto him as the garment which covereth him, and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually. 愿这咒诅像衣服一般给他披上,并当作他常常束上的腰带。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 3. When tomorrow comes, this day will be forever ; in its place is something that you left behind. . . let it be something good. 当明天来临的时候,这一天就永不存在了,而在它停留过的地方,是你留下来的东西。。。让这些东西有价值些吧。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The European Central Bank (ECB) let it be known that it would support Spain and Italy by expanding its bond-buying programme. 欧洲央行(ECB)通过扩大债券购买计划让投资者相信他们是支持意大利和西班牙政府的。 www.ecocn.org 5. If I were the headmaster, I will try my best to make a more beautiful construction of the school to let it be the paradise of the students. 假如我是校长,我一定会尽我最大的努力,把学校建设得更加美丽,让它成为学生的乐园。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Without resisting or trying to push it away, just let it be there and ask the fear what it wants. 不要去抵抗或者尝试将它推开,你需要做的是顺其自然、问问它需要什么。 www.bing.com 7. Let it be a testimony to how desperately I love this guy that I have spent the last ten months giving that offer serious consideration. 我认真考虑过这项提议,由此可见这个与我共处十个月的男人让我爱得多痴狂。 www.for68.com 8. if the wreath is not woven, who cares, if the wrist-chain has not been linked , let it be. 即使花环还没有编好,谁会在意呢,如果脚链还没有系牢,就任它去吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. since you wanna let the volcano be silence , so let it be, but the silence doesn't mean death, and i believe someday it will be erupt. 既然你要让火山沉默、那就让它沉默、但沉默不等于死亡、我相信、总有一天它会喷发的。 www.tiantianbt.com 10. Therefore let it be so; and your husband and myself will do well enough for the other sponsors, I daresay. 因此,就让这件事这样办吧,我想,你的丈夫与我本人来充当教父,我们将会当得很好。 www.kekenet.com 1. During the Expo the authorities let it be known, informally, that any gathering of more than 40 people would be frowned upon. 在世博会期间,政府当局就会非正式地通知,任何超过40人以上的聚会将受到限制。 www.bing.com 2. Ok, Let it be, why not just enjoy the dinner which all of us had been waiting for such a long time? 好吧,吃饭就吃饭,为什么不享受这第一顿我们等待已久的晚餐呢? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Let it be, but let there not be a recession to the quality of your life. 不要理会他就是了,但是一定要注重你生活的质量。 www.bing.com 4. Education have no love, become have no the pond of water, term your square let it be, circular let it be, total can't escape an empty. 教育没有了情爱,就成了无水之池,任你四方形也罢,圆形也罢,总逃不了一个空虚。 www.haosc.cn 5. I beg you to consider this and not let it be brushed aside and all these possibilities lost to us in the critical months that lie ahead. 我恳请你考虑这一问题,幸勿搁置不顾,致使我们在未来的危机四伏的几个月中失去所有这些可能性。 www.jukuu.com 6. In conclusion friends, if you take anything away from this record, please let it be the strength to be passionate. 总的来说,朋友们,如果你能在这张唱片中得到任何体会,就请你把它作为你燃烧激情的力量。 www.bing.com 7. Let it be a positive difference for you, your family, your community, and the planet. 让它对你、对你的家庭、社区和这个星球有积极意义。 www.bing.com 8. who read the letter i wrote you, who let it be gone with the wind? 谁看了我给你写的信谁把它丢在风里 wenwen.soso.com 9. But if you regard marriage as a civil contract, then let it be subject to the same laws which control all other contracts. 但是,如果你们视婚姻为民间契约,那麽就让它服从制约所有其它契约的同样法则。 www.zftrans.com 10. I agree that computers bring convenience to one's life, but if certain tasks need to be manually done, then let it be. 我同意电脑带来的方便,一个人的生活,但如果某些任务,必须手动做,然后让它成为。 www.en400.com:8080 1. Don't think about such thing again and again. Let it be. He must learn to control himself and turn over a new leaf. 别再想这件事了,顺其自然吧。他得自己学会克制,开始新的生活。 www.ryedu.net 2. In truth we feared for her safety, although we didn't let it be known. 虽然我们没表露出什么,但实际上我们很为她的安全担心。 wenku.baidu.com 3. my chin today, let it be today, today, the sun needs to rise up today, not tomorrow. 我今天在此疾呼,从今天开始,今天,太阳需要在今天升起,而不是明天。 www.shanbay.com 4. If I ask you not to try, oh could you let it be? 如果我让你不要去试了,你会放手吗? oral.ebigear.com 5. They say it's the last song. They don't know us, you see. It's only the last song if we let it be. 他们说这是最后的歌。他们不了解我们,你知道。如果我们想,那它就是最后一首歌。 www1.tianyablog.com 6. As Mr Putin let it be known in September, the next presidential election in 2012 will be decided in similar fashion by him and Mr Medvedev. 普京总统在9月的决定预示着,2012年的总统选举将会由他和梅德韦杰夫之间采取类似的形式决定。 www.ecocn.org 7. I am not the one who desires to achieve everything, so most of the time I just let it be. 我不是一个谁的愿望实现的一切,所以大部分的时间我只是让它。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Let a Love that is a powerful Healer and Comfort to All penetrate the Earth, civilisation and my being now. Thank You and Let It Be. 现在让那对一切产生治愈和安慰作用的爱穿过地球、文明和我的存在。感谢你,让其顺其自然。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. So, I suggest you follow your instinct and let it be nothing to be talked about. 所以,我建议你跟随你的直觉,让它不必去被谈论。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. " Then Mary said, " Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word. 马利亚说:“我是主的使女,情愿照你的话成就在我身上。” blog.sina.com.cn 1. After the trial, members of the jury let it be known that her testimony had helped sway their massive punitive damages on Philip Morris. 审判后,陪审团的成员称,她的证词对判决菲利普·莫里斯公司高额惩罚性赔偿有帮助。 www.bing.com 2. If everyone accept the baseline and let it be a guideline on time frame, improvement on project management will be observed. 如大家都接受这低线并按它的时间框架作指引,必可预见项目管理上的进步。 www.p3china.com 3. Piqued by this apparent insult, Barack Obama let it be known that his patience with the Israeli leader was running out. 对此显而易见的冒犯不满,奥巴马让他知道他的耐心被以色列的领导人耗尽了。 club.topsage.com 4. With his words be, sister like this, don't do let it be. 以他的话就是,这样的姐妹,不要做也罢。 www.tmyxkj.com 5. Let it be enough for me to evoke that desire, is not something like that, in effect, whose truth is that simple to define. 让我们不妨这样说就够了,欲望并不是某件像那样的东西。事实上,它的真理很容易下定义。 springhero.wordpress.com 6. And let it be the foundation on which you build your new life. 让它成为建立你新生活的基础。 www.bing.com 7. If you love someone, let it be suddenly fell in love with him, because if you love him, he will lose him, this is the punishment. 如果你一直不爱一个人,就不要突然爱上他,因为一旦你爱上他,就会失去他,这是上天对人的惩罚。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Let it be a change for the better and for the nobler in your taste. 你要是这些改变朝着更好的方向发展,让自己的品味也变得更高雅。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. And when the night is cloudy, There is still a light that shines on me, Shine on until tomorrow, let it be. 当夜空乌云密布,仍有一道光芒引导我前进。光芒照耀直到天亮,“顺其自然。” ks.cn.yahoo.com 10. I want to own a huge number of bosom friends, but I know it is out of the question. I just let it be without thinking too much. 我想永远拥有许多真心的朋友,但我深知这是不可能的。 www.kekenet.com 1. I want to own a huge number of bosom friends, but I know it is out of the question. I just let it be without thinking too much. 我想永远拥有许多真心的朋友,但我深知这是不可能的。 www.kekenet.com 2. And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me. Shine until tomorrow, let it be. 阴云密布的夜空,依旧有光明。它照耀我直到明天,顺其自然。 www.hicoo.net 3. So on Wednesday, it let it be known it wants to get its long-delayed flotation done by the end of June. 因此,光大银行周三透露它希望于6月底之前完成其拖延已久的上市计划。 chinese.wsj.com 4. But let it be said, a bloody knife as a gift is not normal, even in Arkansas (kidding). 但是值得一提的是,即使是在阿肯色州,将血淋淋的刀子作为礼物也是不平常的(开玩笑)。 www.elanso.com 5. In conferring it upon us you declare, or let it be presumed, that we are qualified to teach in those ways of life which we have followed. 你声称它赋予我们的,或是仅是推测的,是我们有资格用那些生活的方式去教授我们所学得。 blog.163.com 6. For let it be understood . . . that which you may think is being taken away from you , was actually taken long ago. 为了让它被予以理解…那些你们认为正在被你这里夺走的东西,其实在很久之前就被夺走了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. As soon as a day is over let it be gone. Carry-over thoughts on the previous day could leave you spent, dissipating your energies. 当一天已经结束了的时候就让它过去吧。老是想着前一天的事情会让你觉得疲惫,分散你的精力。 www.jysls.com 8. One stands opposite an oil painting of the Beatles, whose final album, Let it Be, was produced by her absent husband, Phil, in 1969. 蕾切尔的丈夫菲尔此时仍身陷囹圄,甲壳虫乐队的最后一张专辑《顺其自然》就是他在1969年监制的。 www.bing.com 9. When the night is cloudy, there is still a light shine on me shines until tomorrow, let it be! 乌云密布的夜空依旧有光明,它指引我直到明天,顺其自然! forum.cmbchina.com 10. Pakistan should give contract to eliminate terrorism also, if not to USA then let it be China. 巴基斯坦应该同时提供消除恐怖主义的合同,如果不是给美国,那就给中国。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The Taliban leadership has let it be known it wants to talk to the Americans. 塔利班领袖已经向外界透露,他们愿意与美国人谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Use the recordset within the function and let it be destroyed automatically when the function exits. 在函数内使用记录集,并让其在该函数退出时自动销毁。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. As the time flows, I increasingly believe in destiny, and many things we are powerless to control, so let it be. 随着时间的流逝,我越来越相信命运。因为很多时候我们无力抗争他的力量,那么就顺其自然吧。 blog.163.com 4. Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it. 谈话时不要有负担,不必害怕得罪我的灵魂。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If a bad thought pops up, you don't need to get upset about it or try to block or change it. You can just let it be as it is. 如果是一个坏的念头跑出来,你也不用感到失望或是想要去阻止、改变它,你就让它保持它的样子。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If your boss knows you're on the lookout for a new job, then by all means let it be known. 如果你的老板知道你在寻找一份新的工作,那么千方百计让这件事公之于众。 www.bing.com 7. Let it be, make it be that I'm the one for you. 让它实现吧,让我作为你的唯一成为现实。 bbs.ebbinghaus.cn 8. 1Sunday=sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be. 就像月圆月缺、潮涨潮落一样,星期日=运动。顺其自然吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Let it be the dream it used to be. 让它成为它过去追寻的梦想。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Despite public denials by the band, fans couldn't just let it be, and came together to look for more clues. 尽管乐队对这些猜测公开予以否认,但歌迷们决不会坐视不管,而是携手一起寻找更多的线索。 www.bing.com 1. The shelf namely occasionally takes elder pressed let it be, whether excessively, Be obtaining tooer many is as bad as also tiny. 偶尔拿长辈的架子压一压倒也罢了,若是过分了,可就过犹不及了。 cnxp.tk 2. And then, let it be very clear, too, that we are waiting. 最后,愿我们也能十分清楚,我们在等候。 christine77977.spaces.live.com 3. There's sth that we have no controll and cant explain in life, so just let it be. 生命中有一些东西我们无法控制并且无法解释,那么就让它顺其自然吧! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom , let it be . 当我身陷困苦圣母玛丽亚来到我面前说出智慧之语:随它去。 www.bing.com 5. Let it be known that because you have released thousands of animals and returned to them their natural freedom, you have earned great merit. 因为你们放了许多动物,绐它们回归自然的自由,你们将得到大福报。 www.028edu.com 6. The Social Management Theory of Lao Zi of "Let It Be, yet Everything Is Accomplished" 论老子“无为而无不为”的社会管理思想 service.ilib.cn 7. Opposition camp Mengpi his arrogant behavior, let it be investigated Naoto Kan's appointment and removal of responsibility. 在野党阵营猛批他的傲慢言行,放话追究菅直人的人事任免责任。 www.englishtang.com 8. Let it be--sorry--I don't want you to day these words. 顺其自然,很抱歉,我不愿意再听到你这么说, zhidao.baidu.com 9. Once think! I resolute brush-off your suggest, even you are toward me put forward accuse let it be. 想过!我坚决拒绝您的提议,即使您向我提出控告也罢。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Carry on your project. Don't let it be a flash in the pan. 把你的项目继续下去,不要虎头蛇尾。 www.5iart.net 1. Carry on your project. Don't let it be a flash in the pan. 把你的项目继续下去,不要虎头蛇尾。 www.5iart.net 2. That's easy too, if you're willing to let it be. 如果你想让它那样的话,也是很简单的。 www.bing.com 3. As for a replacement, let it be a tiger then. 那么这屏风,就雕虎吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Fernando Guti's agent has let it be known that he expects his client to re-sign with Real Madrid imminently . 古蒂的经纪人公开表示期望他的委托人立即和皇家马德里续约。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. if the wrist-chain has not been linked, let it be. 即使手镯没有扣上,让它去吧。 kgusedtobe.blog.163.com 6. So never leave me lonely; Tell me you love me only, And that you'll always let it be me. 因此永远不要独自离开我,告诉我你只爱我,并且永远只爱我一个。 www.cpatz.com 7. As to the person that I love, let it be until the college entrance exam finish. 对于我所喜欢的人,还是等高考过了再说吧! ourtra.netat.net 8. Five : you are told to stay away from the action, not judge, only observe, let it be. 其五:你被告知要远离行动,不要评判,只是观察,顺其自然。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. So hang on to the inner body, let it be the anchor, and then you become present. 继续保持注意力在你的内在身体,让它成为锚,然后你就会变得临在。 dongxi.net 10. I think the answer should be all reservations can do is wait, let it be of waiting, waiting for the easy. 我想答案的一切应该有所保留能做的就是等待,顺其自然的等待,顺理成章的等待。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I think the answer should be all reservations can do is wait, let it be of waiting, waiting for the easy. 我想答案的一切应该有所保留能做的就是等待,顺其自然的等待,顺理成章的等待。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I at once let it be known within my circles that a nightclub of questionable repute had hired her as a barmaid. 我立马把她曾经在一个名声有问题的夜总会当过吧女的事儿捅给了我圈子里的人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. So if my voice can touch you, if my actions can touch you, if my being here can touch you, please let it be. 所以说,如果我的声音能打动你,如果我的行为能打动你,如果我今天在这里的出现能打动你,请由它去吧。 www.ted.com 4. And let it be KNOWN that it is each one of YOU that is MAKING THIS HAPPEN. 并且让它被知晓,那就是你们每个人都在让这个事件发生。 yushenduihua.5d6d.com 5. But if that's the thanks I get, let it be a lesson to me. 既然您是这样感谢我的,我就要记住这次教训。 www.bing.com 6. They are like a mirror that devotedly reflects thing. If thing moves away from the mirror, they forget it and let it be. 当事情来到镜前就全心全力,完全地反应。事情走开了,就忘掉它,放手让它离开。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Let it be fun. Remember those days in grade school when your mother made you give a cut out Valentine card to everyone in your class? 还记得上学时候,母亲为让你把一个剪纸情人节卡片给班上所有的人吗? bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. And let love be like breathing. Breathe in, breathe out, but let it be love coming in, going out. 让爱像呼吸一般,吸进、呼出,带著爱进来带著爱出去。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Put a fauteuil in some dark wet place, let it be covered by the agaric slowly. 把一张太师椅放在阴暗潮湿的地方,等待它全身长出小木耳。 www.fqart.com 10. Never let it be said that China, proud consumer of more than half the planet's cement, thinks small. 永远不要认为自豪地消耗全球一半以上水泥的中国思维狭窄。 dongxi.net 1. Let it be your reward for completing the first task on your list. 把这件降低效率的活动当做完成第一项事务的奖励。 www.bing.com 2. You simply need to implement the appropriate handler and let it be called whenever you modify your DOM tree. 而只需实现相应的处理程序,并在修改DOM树的时候调用它。 www.ibm.com 3. So as Libyans rightly seek justice for past crimes, let it be done in a spirit of reconciliation, and not reprisals and violence. 当利比亚人对过去的罪行提出寻求正义的正当要求时,必须秉持和解的精神,而非报复和暴力。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 4. Let it be as You desire. 就按照你的意思办吧。 5. The finance minister has let it be known that, to avoid corruption, he does not want to flood the country with money. 财政部长却表示,为了避免贪污,他不想让大笔钱财流入利比亚。 www.ecocn.org 6. Isaiah is urging us to pull out all the stops and let it be known that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has come. 以赛亚敦促我们要尽一切可能起来行动,让世人知道神的儿子耶稣基督已降临世上。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Let it be f. forgotten, as a flower . is forgotten, . 忘掉它,就像忘掉一朵花。 www.qudati.com 8. His almost-fiance said: "Please God, don't let it be Arabs who did this, the world hates us enough already" . 他的准未婚妻说「天啊,不要是阿拉伯人干的,世人已经够恨我们了」。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 9. Morita therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: "Let it be, as by what is" is the essence of Morita therapy. 森田疗法治疗强迫症:“顺其自然,为所当为”是森田疗法的精髓所在。 www.bing.com 10. If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace. 如果一定要遇到灾难,就让灾难在我的年代发生,那样我的孩子就可能拥有和平。 www.welcometogz.com 1. Kirael: This is one of the most important questions in this book. If you remember nothing else, let it be this. 这是这一本书中最重要的疑问之一。如果你没记得别的事,让它是这个。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. LORD, so let it be with me, I pray Thee. Amen. 主啊,求祢也将这样的秉性放在我身上,阿门。 cllc-agape.spaces.live.com 3. Like I don't like or quality quality, let it be, first recover cost fast profit is true. 像不像、质量不质量,管它呢,先收回成本快盈利是真的。 en.cnxianzai.com 4. Save a copy of the project and let it be a target. 复制整个项目和保存它成为目标。 www.p3china.com 5. President Barack Obama has let it be known that he is preparing an important speech on trade policy. 美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马(BarackObama)已经宣布,他准备就贸易政策发表重要讲话。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I love you, let it be you know, I know the secret. 我爱你,让它成为你知我知的秘密。 www.qqrx.net 7. Every of our friends are beacon to our road in front. Protects it well, Let it be b. . . 每一个朋友都是我们的一盏明灯,照明我们前面的路,好好保护它,让前路灯火通明。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 8. This report falls under Nature or Geography. It comes under Top Stories because a lot of people like to interesting stories. Let it be. 这个报道应该归类于自然或者地理,登上头条新闻,应该是因为很多人还是喜欢有趣的故事。随它去吧。 www.ltaaa.com 9. If you love me, let it be for naught, except for love's sake only. ----Browning. 如果你爱我,那就不要为了别的,而只为爱情。----勃郎宁。 www.langfly.com 10. Let it be what it will, I assure you my soul has a great regard for your own. 不管怎样,反正我的灵魂对你的灵魂是非常尊重的。 1. If you only take one thing away from this article, let it be this: honesty always works. 如果你只想从这篇文章中得到一点的话,那么这一点就是:诚实是良药。 www.bing.com 2. Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten. 忘掉它吧,就像花儿被人遗忘。 3g.sina.com.cn 3. We are on the way now, so we do not have any excuse not to let it be beautiful. 我们正在路上,所以我们没有借口不让生活变得美丽。 aiwen.da345.com 4. Be an example to others and help create a new energy of fairness and justice, and let it be seen in your everyday dealings. 对其他人会成为一个范例并且帮助创造一个新的“公平公正的能量”,让它在你们的每日交易中被看到。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. Just let it be, come on and bring your body next to me. 随他去吧,过来,将你的身体靠近我。 wenwen.soso.com 6. I was very happy the other day, and everything becomes unimportant with so many good friends around me. let it be, the God damn age! 那一天我很开心,身边有这样一群好朋友,什么都不重要了,年龄让它见鬼去吧。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. He let it be know that his point man on religious affairs send him a devotional text each day. 他让大家知道他的宗教事务核心人物每天给他一篇祈祷词。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Eponine Just hold me now, and let it be. Shelter me, comfort me. 这时候只要你抱着我,随它去吧。保护我,安慰我··· blog.hjenglish.com 9. I am very honoured can be your friend, I believe in every word you say, a lot of things just let it be. 可以成为你的朋友,我觉得很荣幸,我相信你说的每一句话,很多事情就让他顺其自然吧。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. These things happen all the time. Let it be. 这种事常发生。听于由命! www.kekenet.com 1. Just hold me now, and let it be. Shelter me, comfort me. . . 这时候只要你抱着我,随它去吧。 blog.lanyue.com 2. Let it be spoken, let it be screamed, they'll never ever take us alive. 让它被说出来,让它被喊出来,它们绝对不能在我们活着的时候把我们带走。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Therefore, I just let it be. After all, I am not an idealist who can simplify everything. 罢了,我不是一个完美主义者,怎么可能把所有的事情都弄得简单化。 www.ebigear.com 4. Let it be me. Don't take this heaven from me. If you must cling to somebody, now and forever, let it be me. 不要把天堂从我身边带走,假如你要拥抱谁,从现在到永远,让那个幸运的人是我吧! iask.sina.com.cn 5. Your opposition won't make any difference, just let it be. 你反对也不能起什么作用,顺其自然吧。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Let it be so for the present. 你暂时让我这么做吧。 www.fuzhuang.com.cn 7. Now that I don't believe marriage, so let it be. 既然我现在不相信婚姻,那就顺其自然了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Don't let it be the story of your blog! 不要让类似的故事发生在你的博客上! www.elanso.com 9. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 你们心里不要忧愁,也不要胆怯。 www.ebigear.com 10. I was waiting for you. You did come. But let it be. 我其实等了你,你来了,还是算了吧。 spaces.msn.com 1. Let it be a man who makes you city even more fair. 请赞美那些让这座城市更加美丽的人们。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Defeat is only present when we let it be there. 只有当我们放任失败时,我们才会失败。 wy.xiaoxue123.com 3. Let it be known that I took this course of action against my will. 让大家知道我采取这种行动违反我的愿望 zhidao.baidu.com 4. I guess when the janitor let it be know that he could mop floors and wipe down blackboards he was soon busy with those tasks. 我想如果看门人知道他可以拖地板和擦黑板,他很快就会忙于这些工作。 www.bing.com 5. Let it be supposed that cocks crowed at midnight. 假设公鸡会在半夜啼叫。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Want to let it be, read too, all is love. 想也罢,念也罢,皆是真情; www.268r.com 7. "Well, let it be serious, " said Denisov. “让它糟糕吧。”杰尼索夫说。 novel.tingroom.com 8. Don't reckon the gain and loss that clearly; just let it be. 不要估计的得与失,清楚,就让它的。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Cool off your brain, what we need to do is to find out underestimated companies. Bull or bear, let it be. 我们要做的就是找出低估的企业,至于市场是牛是熊,不必关心。 www.360doc.com 10. L: That's true. Let it be, we won the game and really beat them. 那倒真是的。管它呢,反正我们已经赢了,也真正打败了他们。 community.studyez.com 1. Let it be and move on with my life. 顺其自然,继续我的生活 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Don't let your past dictate who you are, but let it be part of who you will become. 别让你的过去决定了你是谁,而让它成为未来的你的一部分。 spaces.msn.com 3. so don't put up a fight, just let it be! 所以不要引发争论,就让他顺其自然 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Season of mists and mellow celery, then let it be. 雾气洋溢、西芹成熟的秋,顺其自然吧。 www.ecocn.org 5. We need time to think, let it be. 我们彼此需要时间考虑,就让一切随缘吧。 www.qqgag.com 6. I'll bury it in my heart and let it be my forever memory. I hope you do so, too. Our photo is the most precious gift you give me. 我很珍惜我们在一起的那段短短的时光,我会将它埋藏在我心里,成为永恒的记忆。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I know that you've been good and you've been sweet, so don't put up a fight, just let it be! 我知道你已是好的,你已是甜的,所以不要为大打一场,只是让它! wenwen.soso.com 8. Let it be forgetton, as a flower is forgotten. 忘掉它,象忘掉一朵花。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. You may choose what you like: only let it be little, for I shall walk there and back: sixty miles each way, that is a long spell! 你喜欢什么就挑什么吧,只是要挑个小东西,因为我要走去走回:一趟六十英里,挺长一趟路哩! www.1stenglish.com 10. Then He touched their eyes, saying, According to your faith, let it be done to you. 耶稣就摸他们的眼睛,说,照著你们的信,给你们成就了吧! edu.china.com 1. He let it be known that the house was his. 他让大家知道那房子是他的。 www.kekenet.com 2. If you must love me, let it be for naught. Except for love's sake only. --E. B. Browning. 如果你必须爱我,请别因为任何理由。除非只是为了爱。 blog.163.com 3. Oh, please, let it be a dream. 哦,拜托,还是让我做梦吧。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. We just need to let it be. 我们能做的只是顺其自然 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Let it be forgotten forever and ever. 忘掉它吧,直到永远、永远。 3g.sina.com.cn 6. And Laban said, Fine; let it be according to your word. 拉班说,好阿,就照着你的话行罢。 bbs.r51.net 7. Let It Be Me I bless the day I found you. 感谢上天上我遇到你 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Let it be in charge for the highest integrity. 让它为了最高的完整而负责。 pov-all.blogspot.com 9. Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. 告诉我智慧的言语,让它去吧! blog.163.com 10. The term of fiat means "let it be done or by order of the authority" . 命令术语的意思就是“让其或按照当局者的指示来完成”。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Enough talk! Let it be finished! 废话少说!让我来斩了他! bbs.ngacn.cc 2. shine until tomorrow, let it be. 照耀你直到未来,所以顺其自然吧 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Although that can be a pretty awful place too. When we let it be. 然而如果我们把自我世界放任自流,那也会成为一个非常糟糕的地方。 www.elanso.com 4. There will be an answer, let it be. 一切终会有答案,就顺其自然吧 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. 一句充满哲理的悄悄话,顺其自然吧 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Why do we have to change our dreams, so, so in order to let it be "fulfilled" ? 为什么我们要改变我们的梦想,因此,因此,为了让它成为“履行”? www.eduzhai.net 7. let it be known you are there, and I am sure he will come to you. 他知道你来了,一定会去找你 www.tingroom.com 8. Summer day, let it be some other day. 让它变成另外一天 wenwen.soso.com 9. Take it easy and just. . . let it be. 放轻松,顺其自然。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Wife: Let it be. They said they would send someone as soon as possible. 妻子:随它吧。他们说会尽快派人来看看。 www.wwenglish.com 1. If you will thank me, let it be for yourself alone. 如果你当真要谢我,你只消表明你自己的谢忱。 www.paipaitxt.com 2. They are like mirror that devotedly reflects thing. If thing moves away, they forget it and let it be. 来到镜子里就全心全力完全地反应。事情走开了,就忘掉它,放手让它离开。 cn.bbs.yahoo.com 3. now and forever, let it be me. 那么从现在到永远,就让我成为这个人。 wenwen.soso.com 4. f you must cling to somebody, now and forever, let it be me. 如果你想要永远依偎某人,请选我。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It' s only the last song if we let it be. 要是我们想这么做,它就是最后一首歌。 www.haoduozhe.com 6. Really unwilling to drive all these mess away, because I just do poor in re fusion and rejection. So let it be. 真的不想再去试着赶跑它们,因为此时的我是如此的绵软无力…所以,就让它走吧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. just let it be, just take it away. 将来会是它应该的样子,让它去吧 zhidao.baidu.com 8. And so i beg you, Let it be me. Dont' take this heaven from me. If you must cling to somebody, now and forever, let it be me. 因此我祈求你,让这成为现实,别让我离开这天堂,如果你现在想找一个依靠的人,甚至相依到永远,那么就选择我吧。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Oh, even Homer nods, let it be. 噢,谁也会犯错误,让它过去吧。 www.letsebuy.com 10. Just let it be. Her rudeness will come back to haunt her. 不理它。她的那种无理迟早会让自己倒霉的。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Israel's generals and politicians let it be known this week that they wanted another 10-14 days to finish the job. 本周以色列的将军们和政客们将会公布结果,他们还需要另外的10-14天来完成任务。 www.ecocn.org 2. Let it be what it may, I will give him full security, even though it be the whole of Florence. 我可以提供充分保证,不管什么保证,即使他要佛罗伦萨全城的人担保都行。 www.jukuu.com 3. When I'm losed, my coach always told me "Let it be" . 我的教练总是对我说“顺其自然”,在我失败的时候。 www3.060s.com 4. Let it be constant rule to scrub the boards the right way; that is lengthways. 地板永远要朝适当的方向去擦,也就是要顺着的方向去擦。 wenwen.soso.com 5. You have told me more than twice. Let it be, honey. 你已经说过很多遍了。就这样吧,宝贝! bbs.sparke.cn 6. The box is empty, let it be. 那只箱子是空的,别管它,让它去吧。 club.heima.com 7. Let it be if we're nothing more than dreamers. 随它去吧,就算我们只是作梦的小孩。 www.kekenet.com 8. If you would prosper in your work for Jesus, let it be heart work, and let it be done with all your heart. 你若期望在为耶稣作工上得以亨通,就要从心中去作,也要尽你的全心去作。 www.glorypress.com 9. Let it be the judges. 让法官成为这样的人吧。 www.ecocn.org 10. eg. Never let it be said that the manager doesn't know how to motivate his players. 绝对不要让人说这位主教练不知道如何激励他的队员。 www.bing.com 1. I decide to just let it be. 我决定顺其自然。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. So just let it be and don't discuss who's correct because it's not important. 所以何不如随他们去,不要讨论谁是谁非,因为那根本就不重要。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Let it be bygones. 就让它成为过去吧。 dict.wanyuwang.com 4. Let it be just the past in the box that was left behind. 让这些东西都成为过去留在已被遗弃的箱子里。 bbs.wps2005.com 5. Let it be. Tom and Mary are fighting a lot these days. We should do something about it. 最近汤姆和玛丽老打架,我们是不是得做点什么。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. Let it be. We only can do what we can to help those who survived. 就这样吧,我们唯一能做的就是帮助那些幸存下来的人们。 bbs.sparke.cn 7. If you'd only let it be. 只要你让一切顺其自然 wenwen.soso.com 8. So let it be with us. 让我们这次也如此吧。 www.search.hc360.com 9. Let it be today. 就是今天吧。 www.ebigear.com 10. I know it's hard to accept. Let it be. 我知道这很难接受,就这样吧。 bbs.sparke.cn |
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