单词 | last fall | ||||
释义 | last fall
例句释义: 去年秋天,去年秋季 1. but if you force him to write to the ground, he will repeatedly the up, last fall the most that you do not want to let him in place. 但是如果您将他用力的撇到地上的话,他便会多次的弹起,最后落到了您最不想让他在的地方。 dzh.mop.com 2. The bank also is expected to provide a strong showing from retail branches that it acquired last fall from failed thrift Washington Mutual. 预计该银行去年秋季从已倒闭的储蓄银行WashingtonMutual收购的零售业务也将有强劲表现。 www.bing.com 3. I didn't hear from David for two years, but last fall he called and said he might have found the right client for us. 我没有听到大卫两年,但去年秋天,他打来电话,说他可能已经找到了适合我们的客户。 www.igolfyou.cn 4. While down in Kentucky last fall, buying horses, Andrew got to know a blue grass belle. 去年秋天安德鲁在肯塔基州买马的时候,结识了当地的一位美女。 www.hotdic.com 5. The size of protection on the U. K. has roughly doubled since the year began, a move that far outpaces the run-up in Greek CDS last fall. 自今年年初以来,防范英国违约的CDS规模大约已经翻了一倍,远远超过去年秋季希腊CDS的增加速度。 chinese.wsj.com 6. When I spoke with him last fall, he was skeptical that the federal government would be a leading force for change. 去年秋天当我与他交谈时,他对联邦政府是否将成为变化的主导力量仍心存疑虑。 www.bing.com 7. He and his wife took the Tripper Bus from Arlington, Va. , to New York last fall, and described it as a clean, comfortable ride. 去年秋天,他和她的妻子乘坐大巴旅行从阿林顿到纽约,他们描述整个旅行的过程,“干净又舒适”。 www.bing.com 8. It was becoming impossible for him to separate his own electronic life from Obama's, so last fall Raj began using a backup account. 现在想要把自己的私人电子邮件从给奥巴马的邮件中清理出来,对他来说是不可能的事情了,所以最后拉吉开始使用备用邮箱地址。 www.elanso.com 9. The opening of the facility follows last fall's announcement that the company would be locating in Danville. 继去年秋天宣布日本烟草国际公司将落户丹维尔之后,这家工厂正式开业。 www.tobaccochina.com 10. Last fall, he called Mr. Clifford and said he wanted a role in Chancellor. 去年秋天,韦尔奇致电克利夫德,表示自己有意参与钱斯勒大学的项目。 www.bing.com 1. Last fall he jumped back in with Simple Funerals, which he runs from a 1, 500-square-foot storefront in a strip mall next to a dry cleaner. 去年秋天,他带着他的“便宜殡葬”公司重返这行,他在地带商场里有一个1500平方英尺的店面,旁边是一家干洗店。 www.bing.com 2. Politically, he acknowledges, Beijing's leadership may not have had any other realistic choice when the developed world collapsed last fall. 他承认,从政治上讲,当去年秋天以来发达国家的经济崩溃时,北京人领导层不会有其他的现实抉择。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Mercury Marine's nearly 900 hourly workers voted last fall to reject such terms, but a few days later, they voted again and accepted them. MercuryMarine近900名小时工去年秋天投票反对这项条款,但是几天以后,他们重新投票,并且接受了这项条款。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The actress visited the prestigious Ivy League school last fall. She was also said to be considering Yale and Columbia. 其实去年秋天时她赴美拜访过长春藤盟校,也曾表示自己会考虑耶鲁大学与哥伦比亚大学。 tw.rd.yahoo.com 5. That had been a key reason for its $9 billion investment in Morgan Stanley last fall. 这家按资产计算的日本最大银行去年向摩根士丹利投资90亿美元,一个关键目的就在于获得业务技能。 c.wsj.com 6. Since last fall, the flow of documents has been completely separated between the Kremlin and the White House. 自从去年秋天以来,送到克里姆林宫和总统府的文件已经截然分开了。 www.bing.com 7. Motorola last fall filed patent claims against Apple, which responded with a countersuit of its own. 去年秋天摩托罗拉公司针对苹果公司提出专利侵权索赔,苹果公司提出反诉以示回应。 cn.wsj.com 8. The court also said Ms. Li abused her position as a state media worker to intervene in the case last fall. Ms. 法院还称,去年秋季李敏利用其作为国家媒体工作人员的职务,干扰本案的侦查活动。 www.iamlk.cn 9. First, it was the dollar's surge against the euro as the financial crisis unfolded last fall. 首先,随着去年秋季金融危机的爆发,美元对欧元的升值。 qac.yappr.cn 10. The company unveiled two concept cars at the Tokyo motor show last fall that it believes meets their needs. 日产在去年秋季的东京汽车展上推出了两款概念车,公司认为这能够满足他们的需求。 laoguoweixiu.blog.163.com 1. In a bleak article published in The National Interest last fall, the Harvard economist Benjamin Friedman took a more systemic view. 去年秋天,在《国家利益》上发表了一篇悲观失望的文章中,哈佛经济学家本类明·弗里德曼,提出了一个更具系统性的观点。 www.bing.com 2. By the time Mr. Origer walked his daughter down the aisle last fall, only a small cancerous spot remained visible in his liver. 到去年秋天Origer先生与他女儿相伴走过走廊,只有一个癌性的小点可在他的肝脏上见到。 www.bing.com 3. Times. But, during a visit to America last fall, he became tearful as he recalled the plight of a Tanzanian in aneighboring cell. 但是,当他去年秋天访问美国的时候,回想起当时隔壁牢房那个坦桑尼亚囚犯的惨状时,不禁潸然泪下。 www.bing.com 4. And the effects of decisions he made could be felt as recently as last fall. 他做所作的决定的效果在去年秋天还可以感受的到。 www.bing.com 5. The bottom fell out of the market when the economy tanked last fall. 当去年秋季经济样败之后价格底线最终退出市场。 www.suiniyi.com 6. After controversy erupted last fall over the shoddy review of loan documents known as robot-signing, banks dropped some law firms. 去年秋季人们对贷款文件机器签名颇有争议,称之为伪劣审核,之后银行就断结了与一些法律事务所的关系。 blog.163.com 7. The revelation was the latest hit for a Republican party struggling to find new leaders in the wake of last fall's electoral losses. 对去年秋天大选失利之后一直在努力寻找一位新领袖的共和党而言,此事无疑是雪上加霜。 www.bing.com 8. Manning, who was invited to appear on the show last fall, acknowledges this will be one of the most memorable weeks of his life. 从去年秋天开始受邀参加节目录制的曼宁承认这将是他最难忘的星期之一。 www.nflchina.com 9. HaloSource Inc. , a water-purification company, is based in Seattle but last fall chose to list its shares in London. 总部位于西雅图的水净化公司HaloSourceInc.去年秋天选择在伦敦上市。 c.wsj.com 10. In a design studio I taught at Pratt Institute last fall, I used one of the new LCA tools called Sustainable Minds. 去年秋天,在我教学的一个位于Pratt学院的设计工作室,我用了一个新的生命周期评估工具,名为“SustainableMinds”。 hi.baidu.com 1. Consider Linda Parker Hudson, promoted last fall to run the U. S. arm of BAE Systems PLC, a global defense giant. 以琳达-哈德森(LindaParkerHudson)为例,2009年秋,她成为全球国防业巨头BAE系统公司(BAESystemsPLC)美国分部的负责人。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The quiver of the leaves reminded me of something sad, which happened in the last fall. 颤动的树叶让我想起了去年秋天发生的一些悲惨的事情。 kaoshi.5ien.com 3. Faced with complaints that ordinary citizens were being forced out of the market, officials took steps last fall to rein in prices. 听闻普通民众因为被挤出楼市而抱怨不已,香港政府官员从去年秋天开始采取措施平抑房价。 www.qeto.com 4. After the financial market collapsed last fall, the Fed responded with a massive injection of liquidity and expansion of the monetary base. 去年秋天金融市场崩溃,美联储作出反应,大规模注入流动资金和扩大货币基础。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. Congress took a stab at the problem last fall with a new law requiring doctors' offices to fill out all Medicare claims. 国会试图解决此一问题,去年秋天曾立新法,规定医生诊所填写所有老年人医疗保险申请表。 www.hotdic.com 6. And last fall, the U. S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services tightened its reimbursement policy for elderly cancer patients on ESAs. 并且在去年秋天,美国国家医疗照顾制和公共医疗补助制服务缩紧了关于ESAs的老年癌症患者的赔偿政策。 news.dxy.cn 7. Shimkus says he confronted Foley last fall after learning of an inappropriate message from the then congressman to a teen. 约翰说从去年秋天他获悉,当时作为国会议员的佛利发不正当信息给一名少年的时候,他就开始调查佛利了。 dict.bioon.com 8. Last fall, he was voted China's most hated male celebrity for the third year in a row on Tianya, one of the country's biggest online forums. 去年秋天,他在天涯社区(中国最大的在线论坛之一)连续第三年被列入“中国最受人讨厌的男明星”的行列里。 www.bing.com 9. A Senate report last fall found them getting into gun battles with one another for cash and doing favors for warlords and even Taliban. 据去年秋天参议院报告,这些守卫内部曾为争夺现金而交火,并且暗中支持军阀甚至塔利班。 dongxi.net 10. Last fall you said we couldn't be together, and I believe you. But everytime I try to move on, you're right there, acting like. 你说我们不能在一起,我相信了。但是每次我想离开的时候,你又出现在我面前,像。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Last fall I finally replaced my crappy LG Venus cell phone with a way cool HTC Incredible phone running Android. 去年秋天我终于把我讨厌的LGVenus手机换成了运行android系统的HTCIncredible。 www.bing.com 2. You know, I couldn't even walk this far last fall because of the condition of my heart. 你们知道,去年秋天因为我的心脏的问题,我都不能走这么远。 mysearch.100e.com 3. Moreover, Kim Jong-un has been blamed for last fall's currency "reform, " which destroyed most of what passed for a middle class. 此外,因去年秋季实行的货币“改革”,金正恩也备受指责,这项改革损害了被看作是中产阶级的利益。 www.bing.com 4. Toyoda's news conference was his company's first public apology in China since the series of recalls began last fall in the United States. 丰田章男的记者招待会,是一系列招回事件以来,继在美国公开露面以后,丰田公司在中国的第一次公开致歉。 www.bing.com 5. Last fall Beijing agreed to open its markets to more U. S. goods, including everything from Polaroid film to automobiles. 去年秋天北京同意对更多的美国货物,包括从宝丽来摄影胶片到汽车等所有物品开发市场。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 6. Jig is to be used to fixe the frame, then moved some distance upwards for turning over, and at last fall into the main assembly line. 用夹具固定车架,然后上移一定距离进行翻转,随后下落至装配主线上。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Last fall, 13-month-old Aidan Truett of Hamilton, Ohio, developed what seemed like an upper respiratory infection. 去年秋,13个月大,家住俄亥俄汉密尔顿的艾丹·特鲁特(AidanTruett)患上了疾病,疑是上呼吸道感染。 www.bing.com 8. When President Barack Obama traveled to Asia last fall, an elite team of 30 bomb-sniffing dogs were part of his security entourage. 奥巴马总统去年秋天的亚洲之行,30只炸弹嗅探犬所组成的精英警犬,也加入到了他的安全随行人员当中。 www.bing.com 9. The United States has said Iran was behind a thwarted plot last fall to kill Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States. 美国称,去年秋天,伊朗曾在幕后策划暗杀沙特阿拉伯驻美国大使,该计划以失败告终。 cn.nytimes.com 10. Like other provinces, Anbar's election will be regulated by a law passed last fall that requires 25% of council members to be women. 就像其它省份一样,安坝省的选举也必须服从女性委员人数要占25%的这一规定。 www.bing.com 1. The pilots at Continental and United currently are in negotiations over a new joint labor agreement, following the merger last fall. 大陆航空和美联航的飞行员目前正在就一项新的联合劳工协议展开谈判,两家航空公司于去年秋天合并。 chinese.wsj.com 2. After her cancer began growing again last fall, Cooney resumed intravenous chemo and hopes for a good response. 去年秋天,她的癌症复发,她再次接受静脉化疗,希望可以控制住病情。 www.bing.com 3. Last fall animal conservationists were caught catnapping when a new survey revealed a sharp and unexpected drop in Africa's lion population. 狮子被认为是易危物种,而非濒危物种。去年秋天,一项新的调查显示非洲狮数量出人意料地锐减。 sinaurl.cn 4. NPR's Tom Bowman and Graham Smith reported on the death of two soldiers in a roadside bomb attack last fall. 广播电台(NPR)的汤姆鲍曼和格雷厄姆史密斯报道了这个营去年秋天,路边炸弹袭击中,两名士兵死亡。 www.bing.com 5. How does this play out in regards to the Novell agreement made this last fall? 那么去年秋天和Novell达成的协议又将扮演什么样的角色呢? www.infoq.com 6. Before his death last fall ill, and perhaps also contributed to his determination to commit suicide. 在他死之前最后一次犯病,也许也促使了他自杀的决心。 movie.poco.cn 7. Last fall 80 percent of respondents to a China Youth Daily online poll said that home ownership was a prerequisite for happiness. 去年秋天在中国青年报的在线投票中显示,80%的被调查者认为居者有其屋是幸福的先决条件。 www.bing.com 8. Last fall, the IMF and the EU determined that Greece's debt would have to be cut to 120 percent of GDP to be sustainable. 去年秋,国际货币基金和欧盟决定:希腊的债务总额将降低到它的国内生产总值的120%,这样该国经济就可以维持。 www.bing.com 9. I personally don't see as many needs for a further amount, as I probably thought last fall. 就个人看法而言,我仍坚持去年秋季时的观点,规模无需进一步扩大。 cn.reuters.com 10. Last fall, he started moonlighting as a small-business consultant and personal finance counselor. 去年秋天,他开始兼职做小企业的顾问和个人理财顾问。 www.bing.com 1. Few are predicting that a CIT failure would cause as much havoc in the financial market as the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers did last fall. 没有人预计CIT的破产在金融市场上将会引起如同去年秋天莱曼兄弟破产时带来的破坏。 www.bing.com 2. Measures of business activity and consumer sentiment are returning to levels last seen before the great global financial panic of last fall. 商业活动所采取的措施以及消费者信心正逐步恢复到去年秋天在发生巨大的全球金融恐慌之前最后一次看到的水平。 www.bing.com 3. Last fall, the World Architecture Festival in Barcelona honored the center as the World Building of the Year. 去年秋天,巴塞罗那举行的世界建筑节上被选为当年的世界最佳建筑。 www.bing.com 4. But it's been saying that since the product went on sale last fall. 可自从NookColor去年秋天上市以来,这种话就一直在说了。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Last fall, beekeepers from states with warm climates begin (began) to report a sudden loose (loss) of honey bees. 去年秋天在气候温暖的州的蜜蜂饲养者开始报告说他们的蜜蜂突然减少。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. At $7. 66 last week, Harbin is well below the $24 at which the company announced last fall that it would do a buyout. 哈尔滨泰富电气有限公司上周的股价为7.66美元,远低于该公司去年秋天宣布它将实施私有化时的24美元。 c.wsj.com 7. Last fall, we were impressed by StackOverflow's usability, interface, and credibility system. 去年秋,StackOverflow网站的可用性,用户界面和信誉系统就给我们留下了印象深刻(link)。 www.bing.com 8. But the USDA still allowed some to be planted, prompting White to order their destruction last fall. 但是农业部还是允许了部分种植,刺激White在去年秋天命令他们自行销毁。 www.bing.com 9. Last fall Best Buy bought Napster for a jaw dropping $121 million, a staggering sum in the free-music era that Napster helped create. 去年秋天的时候百思买(BestBuy)以1.21亿美元的价格收购Napster(link),在免费音乐时代Napster创造了一个惊人的收购价格。 www.bing.com 10. Though factory wages were rising before plunging demand caused exports to slump last fall, villages still lag far behind the cities. 尽管在需求猛跌导致出口大减之前,工厂工资有所增加,但农村仍然远远落后于城市。 www.stnn.cc 1. During a trip to China last fall, she was asked during a press conference whether she was really like that. 在去年秋天访问中国期间,她在一个新闻发布会上被问到她是否真如片中女主角那样。 chinese.wsj.com 2. last fall, entered the office of the Beijing property market. 去年秋季,北京楼市进入盘整期。 www.robroad.com 3. A source close to the case says he will be answering questions about evidence that surfaced since his grand jury appearance last fall. 有关该案件的消息称他会回答关于为何其陪审团去年秋天露面的问题。 www.bing.com 4. Chinese players have initiated other fights recently, including one that wounded several Brazilian players last fall. 中国运动员们最近已引起了其他的争斗,其中包括上个秋季造成了一些巴西运动员受伤的事件。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Soon after the $434 million Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission launched last fall, scientists noticed contamination in its data. 在去年秋季开始的耗资4.34亿美元的土壤水分和海洋盐分任务之后不久,科学家就注意到其数据中的污染。 www.bing.com 6. The governor last fall unveiled a proposal to increase the state's cigarette tax to extend health care coverage to uninsured Hoosiers. 去年秋季,政府官员展示了一项提议来提高州内的香烟税,从而扩大本州居民的医疗保险覆盖面。 news.dxy.cn 7. In an EPA meeting on GM crops last fall, Vaituzis acknowledged the lack of long-term data on Bt crops and insect populations. 2000年秋天,在环保署的一个基因改造作物会议中,卫图吉斯承认他们缺乏Bt作物和昆虫族群的长期研究资料。 www.qc99.com 8. More than 3, 000 construction workers have been employed since the project broke ground last fall. 自从去年秋天破土动工开始已经有3000名建筑工人被雇佣。 www.bing.com 9. Last fall, beekeepers from states with warm climates began to report a sudden loss of honey bees. 去年秋天,各州伴随着温暖气候,养蜂人都开始报告蜜蜂突然消失。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Last fall, on his 60th birthday, Dr. McRobbie took the oath of allegiance as an American citizen, along with his three grown children. 在去年秋天他60岁生日的时候,麦克罗比博士和他的三位已成年的孩子一起宣誓成为了美国公民。 www.bing.com 1. Though it has receded from its extreme highs of last fall, it's recently been trading in a band of 40-50. 虽然最近这个指数较去年秋季的极端高点有所下降,但最仍位于40-50区间。 www.bing.com 2. The shares, which had risen as high as $18 last fall, slumped to $4. 去年秋季曾涨至高达每股18美元的Palm股票一下子跌到了4美元。 chinese.wsj.com 3. BEIJING -- When he bought his apartment last fall, Li Xiaofeng didn't even have time to read the purchase agreement. 去年秋天买房的时候,李晓风(音译,LiXiaofeng)都顾不上阅读购房协议。 www.stnn.cc 4. In fact, even before Mirabella opened last fall, residents asked for adjustments to the building. 事实上,在米拉贝拉去年秋天开始之前,居民们就要就对这座建筑进行调整。 www.bing.com 5. Last fall, bee keepers from states with warm climate began to report a sudden loss of honey bees. 去年秋天,气候暖和的几个州里,开始有养蜂人报告说蜜蜂忽然失踪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He said this one day last fall after accurately reciting pi to 100, 000 decimal places. It took him 16 hours. 去年秋天他说这句话的时候刚刚花费16个小时背诵到小数点后10万位。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. Last fall, it launched a music Web site called Music Recommenders fronted by David Bowie and meant primarily as a music referral site. 又比如在去年秋天,诺基亚由DavidBowie提前推出了名为“音乐推荐者”的网站,这一举措在最初旨在使该站点能够成为音乐推选站。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In February, I helped an elderly friend move to assisted living, and last month I cleaned out my mother's house (she passed away last fall). 二月份的时候,我帮助一个老年朋友搬到敬老院;上个月我清理母亲的房间(她去年秋天过世了)。 www.bing.com 9. Zeus from a young age so that Troy abandoned by their parents last fall as the shepherd Prince Paris judge to do. 宙斯从年轻时,使特洛伊父母遗弃的去年秋天的牧羊人巴黎王子法官的事。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The Group-of-20 nations pledged last fall in Pittsburgh to rebalance growth, but so far there is scant evidence of fundamental change. 去年秋天,20国集团各国在匹兹堡承诺促使增长再平衡,但迄今为止几乎没有任何有根本改变的迹象。 c.wsj.com 1. He suspended talks last fall after Israel refused to extend a moratorium on settlement construction. 自从去年秋天以色列拒绝延长居民建设的时候,他就暂停了谈判。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Last fall, it was widely speculated that after Georgia, Russia would next target Crimea. 去年秋季,人们普遍猜测,继格鲁吉亚之后,俄罗斯的下个目标就是克里米亚。 www.stnn.cc 3. Here's what happened last fall that has really unnerved the researchers. The North Polar ice cap is the same size geographically. 这是上个秋季发生的变化,这些变化真的让研究人员们感到焦虑。 www.ted.com 4. Last fall when the economy tanked, my dad worked round-the-clock to keep his retaining-wall company going. 去年秋天正值经济低迷之时,老爸为了使他的公司能维持下去,不分昼夜地辛勤工作。 www.bing.com 5. U. S. attempts to broker direct talks collapsed so badly last fall that Washington couldn't bring both sides back to the negotiating table. 去年秋天美国斡旋进行直接谈判的意图彻底失败,华盛顿不能将双方重新拉回到谈判桌来。 www.bing.com 6. Last fall I stayed up all night in Colombo, Sri Lanka, writing the manuscript for the Working for Yourself guide. 去年秋天,我经常在斯里兰卡的科伦坡工作至深夜,书写个人指南的脚本。 www.bing.com 7. Last fall, you stated that the world was off-target for meeting the Millennium Development Goal of halving hunger by the year 2015. 去年秋季,你指出在实现到2015年将饥饿人数减半这一千年发展目标方面世界未能达到指标。 www.fao.org 8. It said last fall that it would try to find buyers for Hummer and Saab. 上个季度通用汽车公司表示要将悍马和绅宝品牌出售。 www.bing.com 9. For the sixth year, India sent the most international students last fall, almost eighty-four thousand. 第六年,印度去年秋季派出了最多的留学生,将近84000人。 www.ebigear.com 10. All right, so I refused to risk my life last fall to put up that particular storm window because the borrowed ladder was so unstable. 好吧,那么我是不会冒着摔下来的危险爬上那单独的老虎窗的,因为那架借来的梯子时如此的不稳固。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Fall Break is here, this could possibly be my last fall break of my life! 秋假到了,可能是我这辈子最后一个秋假了吧! blog.sina.com.cn 2. The financial crisis that began last fall crushed stock markets world-wide, including those on the frontier. 但始于去年秋天的金融危机给全球股市带来了沉重打击,包括那些前沿市场。 www.bing.com 3. I traveled to Eritrea last fall with my wife, Courtenay, from Nairobi, Kenya, where I am based as The Times's bureau chief for East Africa. 我和妻子柯迪南去年去了厄立特里亚,当时我在肯尼亚的内罗毕担任时代周刊东非组的负责人。 www.bing.com 4. Until last fall, Ms. Kan was global head of communications for Synovate, a market-research unit of London's Aegis Group. 直到2009年秋,坎恩还是伦敦安吉斯媒体集团(AegisGroup)旗下一家市场研究机构Synovate的全球公关主管。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Charles D. Niemeier, whose second term expired last fall, remains on the board until a successor is appointed. CharlesD.Niemeier的第二个任期上个秋季就到了,他仍旧在位直到一个继任者被提名。 www.bing.com 6. The talk show host Tyra Banks declared a teen sex crisis last fall after her show surveyed girls about sexual behavior. 去年秋天,脱口秀主持人TyraBanks在她的节目对女孩们的性行为进行调查后,宣称青少年正处于性危机中。 www.bing.com 7. His heart was beating regularly, thanks to the pacemaker the doctors had installed last fall. 他的心脏有规律地跳动着,这全靠去年秋天医生给他安的起搏器。 mysearch.100e.com 8. LikeALittle, a flirting site for college students that launched last fall, is expanding to new schools at a furious pace. LikeALittle一家于去年秋季开办的大学生调情门户网站,如今正以他高速的步伐扩张到其他各所高校。 dongxi.net 9. The applicant was admitted to Grinnell in its early decision round last fall. 这个申请人在去年秋天早先几轮的决定中被招入了格林奈尔学院。 www.bing.com 10. The scandal contributed to Greek conservatives' election defeat last fall. 丑闻在一定程度上导致希腊保守党派在去年秋季的大选中败落。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Last fall, I received another micro loan of 3000 yuan and purchased fodder for the sheeps to live through winter time. 去年秋天,我又借3000元小额信贷主要还是够买了草饲料,能让我的几只羊安全过冬了! v2.wokai.org 2. Sales of laptop computers passed desktops in the U. S. for the first time ever last fall, according to market-research firm IDC. 据市场研究公司国际数据公司(IDC)的数据,去年秋季美国笔记本电脑销量有史以来首次超过台式电脑销量。 www.nce200.com 3. After trimming yields on cash accounts last fall, some banks are bumping up rates again to lure new deposits. 在去年秋天削减现金账户收益之后,一些银行正再次提高利率以吸引新的储蓄客户。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. CIC's stake was diluted after Morgan Stanley sold shares to Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group last fall. 在去年秋季摩根士丹利向三菱UFJ金融集团(MitsubishiUFJFinancialGroupInc.)出售股票后,中投公司的股份受到了稀释。 www.bing.com 5. The Career Services Council recently reported that 79% of surveyed schools said on-campus recruiting last fall was down. 职业服务委员会最近公布说,有79%的受访学校表示去年秋季校园招聘减少。 www.hjenglish.com 6. A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits. 去年秋天的一项研究报告表明,拥有一只宠物狗,不仅提高你的精神,但也有可能对你的饮食习惯的影响。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Under pressure from Europe to hold a leaders' summit last fall, then-U. S. President George W. Bush chose the G-20. 去年秋季在欧洲要求举办领导人峰会的压力下,当时的美国总统布什选择了G20。 www.ebigear.com 8. And after a spring audience exodus, network viewership compared with last fall is down as much as 10percent by one measurement. 在春季观众流失后,一项测评显示秋季收视率相比于去年同期下降了10%。 www.jysls.com 9. The extra amount that disappeared last fall was equivalent to this much. 去年秋季冰盖消失的面积大约和这个同量。 www.ted.com 10. Last fall he passed the physical for officer training, and was told to report on Jan. 去年秋天他通过了长官训练的身体检查,通知他1月16号去报到。 www.bing.com 1. That could lead to more dissent at the upcoming meeting, continuing a string of minority opposition since last fall. 这可能给下周的政策例会带来更多的不同意见,延续去年秋天以来少数成员持反对意见的状态。 recklessboy.blog.163.com 2. And now, against all odds, his cancer is in remission and has been since last fall. 度过九死一生的难关,他的癌症从去年秋天起开始有所缓解。 cn.nytimes.com 3. LM: Yes, I spoke to her at the Mao Dun Prize last fall. 是的,去年秋天我和她在矛盾文学奖上说过话。 www.bing.com 4. Take the young woman I met last fall in a beginner's golf class. 拿我去年秋天在高尔夫初学者班遇到的那个年轻女子来说吧。 www.zftrans.com 5. I was admitted to your University last fall, but could not enroll owing to my work engagement. 我去年秋季获准入贵校学习,但因工作期限未满而没能前去注册。 www.hotdic.com 6. U. S. investors have swarmed to Chinese initial public offerings since last fall. 去年秋季以来,美国投资者对中国企业的首次公开募股(IPO)趋之若鹜。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Last fall, Welch Foods, among others, came up with single-serve versions of grapes and other fruits. 去年秋天,韦尔奇食品,除其他外,提出了单一服务版本的葡萄和其他水果。 512121.com 8. The practice started last fall as the economy worsened. 这样的做法始于去年秋季,当时经济开始下滑。 www.bing.com 9. When credit dried up last fall, banks and other creditors seized those gems and sold them, he says, flooding the market. 他说,去年秋天贷款到期时,银行及其他债券人扣押了这些宝石并进行出售,充斥了整个市场。 www.bing.com 10. The results were the first since owner Armani shook up his management ranks last fall. 这是阿玛尼去年秋天调整管理层以来第一次公布财报。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Ever since Bryan went to college last fall, my wife and I started learning to adapt the emptiness. 自从布莱恩去秋上了大学,我和妻便开始学着接受空寂。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. But Chancellor Angela Merkel reversed that decision last fall. 但德国总理默克尔于去年秋季撤销了这项决议。 www.bing.com 3. With Democratic support, last fall she raised taxes on oil company profits. 去年秋天,在民主党的支持下,她提高了对石油公司的税收。 www.bing.com 4. Last fall he declared that we had just been through an "economic Pearl Harbor. " 他在去年秋天宣称,美国刚刚经受了一场“经济珍珠港”战役的袭击。 www.bing.com 5. On Wednesday, President Obama repeated the policy agreed to last fall. 周三,美国总统奥巴马重申了去年秋天通过的政策。 www.24en.com 6. By contrast, on the same test last fall, the 13-inch MacBook Air lasted over six hours -- more than two hours longer. 相比之下,在去年秋天进行的同类测试中,13英寸MacBookAir坚持了六个多小时,比三星长了两个多小时。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The banks were bailed out last fall, the automobile companies last winter. 去年秋季和冬季,银行和汽车业分别得到援救。 www.bing.com 8. To that end, the raft of new laws passed last fall calls for cities to cut water use 20 percent by 2020. 为此,去年秋天通过了大量新法,要求在2020年以前将城市的用水量削减20%。 www.bing.com 9. Last fall I had some ideas to go to Shanghai but nobody wanted to go with me so I have to look for another time. 去年秋天,我有一些想法去上海,但没有人愿意和我一起去,所以我要寻找另一个时间。 wenwen.soso.com 10. "Today, right now, is a wonderful day, " says computer scientist Pausch, here with son Logan, 3, last fall. “此刻的今天真是美妙的一天”去年秋天,与三岁的儿子洛根一起嬉戏的计算机专家Pausch说道。 www.elanso.com 1. To understand the gravity of the situation, you have to know what the Fed did last summer, and again last fall. 对美联储在去年夏天和秋天的决定作一些了解将有助于我们理解情势的严峻性。 www.bing.com 2. Portugal is currently negotiating the third such aid package, following Ireland's bailout agreement last fall. 继去年秋季达成紧急救助爱尔兰的协议后,葡萄牙目前正与有关方面协商第三个此类救助方案。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Last fall, a paper in Geology and Seismology reported that beforethe Wenchuan earthquake, there were many small foreshocks aroundthe dam. 去年秋天发表在GeologyandSeismology的一篇论文报道了汶川地震前水坝周围确实有许多微小的前震。 www.bing.com 4. General Motors should have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last fall, if not earlier. 通用汽车早就应该根据第十一条法案申请投产保护,不能拖延到去年秋天以后。 www.bing.com 5. About 600, 000 have been ordered since last fall, with Peru, Uruguay and Mexico making the largest commitments. 从去年秋天至今,累计订单数量已达60万台,秘鲁,乌拉圭和墨西哥成为最大的订购商。 www.bing.com 6. Judging from a U. N. food assessment last fall, that pattern persists. 从去年秋天的联合国粮食评估看,这种现象依然存在。 www.bing.com 7. Ten girls were shot last fall, five died. The gunman then committed suicide. 在上次的枪击事件中中,十个女孩被击,其中五个死亡,射击者随后自杀。 bbs.putclub.com 8. That is one reason the Nasdaq outperformed the broader market during the Lehman Brothers meltdown last fall. 这也是去年秋天雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)破产之后纳斯达克市场表现强于整体市场的原因之一。 www.bing.com 9. Rick Fox had a big idea while visiting girlfriend Eliza Dushku when she filmed her guest spot on The Big Bang Theory last fall. 里克·福克斯在去年秋季看望当时正在《生活大爆炸》客串的女友爱丽沙·杜什库之际,突然有了一个好主意。 www.hjenglish.com 10. And it still has more than $22 billion in taxpayer-guaranteed debt, thanks to an FDIC program instituted last fall. 而且,由于去年秋天开始的FDIC计划,该银行仍然拥有超过220亿美元的纳税人担保债务。 dongxi.net 1. Last fall, I had the chance to talk with Linda Robinson, a wife, mother, and long-time volunteer from Dallas, Texas. 去年秋天,我有机会与来自美国德克萨斯州达拉斯的一位妻子、母亲和长期的志愿者琳达·鲁滨孙作了一次交谈。 www.bing.com 2. The 21-year-old Grammy-winner released her latest multiplatinum effort, "Speak Now, " last fall. 去年秋季,21岁的格莱美奖获得者发布了她最新成就《说吧》。 www.bing.com 3. They put the unfinished condo project on the market for $20 million last fall. 他们去年秋天将尚未完工的公寓推向市场,要价2000万美元。 www.bing.com 4. Other creditors must have learned the lessons of last fall and have hedge their own loans to CIT too. 其他债权人肯定已从上个秋天学到了教训,也已经在他们向CIT的贷款上做好了防备。 www.elanso.com 5. Beijing University accepted her last fall. 去年秋天,她被北京大学录取了。 www.jkgz.cn 6. It opened last fall to some of the best reviews of the year, yet mustered only $469, 947 in limited release. 该片于去年秋季上映,口碑不错,但由于上映规模有限,票房收入仅46万9947美元。 www.bing.com 7. Internet Explorer 7, out last fall, also includes built-in search customization. 去年秋季推出,也内建了定制化搜索。 www.bing.com 8. Thirteen weeks later, Beesley was running 30 minutes at a time, and by last fall he had completed his first half-marathon in 2: 12. 十三个星期以后,Beesley一次已经能跑三十分钟,在去年秋天之前,他已经在两个小时十二分钟内完成了他的第一个半马拉松。 www.runbible.cn 9. Last fall she started a blog that commented on the world through clever diagrams. 去年秋天,她开始了博客,评论世界,靠巧妙图。 www.sjgcz.cn 10. I had a wonderful time last fall in Beijing. 去年秋天我在北京玩得很开心。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. You may recall that last fall, Apple released a smartphone that therumor mill thoroughly documented aheadof time. 你或许会想到,去年秋季,苹果发布了一款被谣言提前完全曝光的智能机。 bbs.e5zj.com 2. He deserves it. He's been working his butt off since he started last fall. 应该的。自从他去年秋天到职以来就一直很拼命地工作。 www.wwenglish.com 3. The economic meltdown last Fall both helped and hurt wind. 去年秋天的经济低迷既帮助也伤害了风电行业。 www.bing.com 4. Google first tried wedding songs to search last fall. 去年秋天,谷歌首次开始婚礼歌曲搜索。 www.bing.com 5. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro started an accelerated program last fall and only had five students sign up. 在格林斯波罗的北卡罗莱纳州大学去年秋季就开始引进的加速课程,也仅有5个学生同意接受。 www.bing.com 6. Last fall, Merck & Co. scrapped development of its anti-obesity drug taranabant because of side effects. 去年秋天,默克公司(Merck)由于副作用的原因放弃了开发减肥药taranabant。 www.bing.com 7. Microsoft introduced Windows Phone 7, a major overhaul, last fall. 微软去年秋季推出WindowsPhone7,这是一个改头换面的产品。 dongxi.net 8. Last fall I joined an American Internet company to help them set up shop in China. I am not charismatic or visionary, how do I lead? 去年秋天,我加入了美国一家网络公司,帮他们在中国成立分部。既不具备领袖魅力也没有深刻洞察力的我,要怎么领导别人呢? www.yuloo.com 9. Robert visited Thailand last fall. 去年夏天罗伯特访问了泰国。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Junko and Long Hair's relationship first came to light late last fall. “纯子”和“长毛”的恋情最早曝光是在去年深秋。 www.kekenet.com 1. Last fall, Kent E. St. Pierre was teaching an intermediate accounting class with 35 students, 17 of them from China. 去年秋天,肯特·皮埃尔教着中级会计学的35名学生,他们中的17个来自中国。 www.bing.com 2. Last fall, it became the first TMS therapy to earn FDA approval. 去年秋天,它成为首台经过美国食品药品监督局认证的TMS疗法用仪器。 www.bing.com 3. Your daughter is taller than when I saw her last fall. 您女儿比我去年秋天看到她时长高了。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Now 48, he saw disaster looming in the industry last fall and called it quits. 现在48岁的他,去年秋季目睹了行业灾难的降临,他呼吁灾难终结。 www.suiniyi.com 5. LAST fall I figured the American economy would outperform the pessimistic consensus of 2. 5% in 2011. 去年秋天我指出,美国的经济会比公认的2011年的2.5%要好一些。 www.bing.com 6. Ve been teaching English since last fall. 我自从去年秋天以来就在教英语。 family.mblogger.cn 7. A 1- to 2-cent rally in soybean oil futures would reduce biodiesel margins back to last fall's lows. 如果豆油期价上升1—2美分,生物柴油的利润就会降至去年秋季的最低点。 www.21food.cn 8. I guess he'd forgotten Missus Jones died last fall. 我想他把琼斯太太去年秋天去世的事给忘了。 www.hjenglish.com 9. The leverage wave crashed last fall. 杠杆式举债大潮于去年秋天坠地不起。 www.bing.com 10. Mr. Paulson's friends say he hopes his book will better explain the government's actions last fall. 鲍尔森的朋友们说,他希望自己的书能更好地解释去年秋季政府的行动。 www.bing.com 1. Last fall, 20 Chinese principals and superintendents came to the United States to learn about American schools. 去年秋天,二十位中国校长和学校负责人来到美国,了解美国学校。 www.bing.com 2. Mr. Trott also brokered Mr. Buffett's $5 billion investment in Goldman Sachs last fall. 去年秋季特洛特还促成了巴菲特向高盛投资50亿美元的交易。 www.bing.com 3. Ten girls were shot last fall, five died. 去年秋天,十个女孩糟遇枪击,五人死亡。 bbs.putclub.com 4. When the school year began last fall, diesel averaged fifty-five cents a liter nationally. 在去年秋季开学时,全国柴油平均55美分一公升。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Just last fall he seemed imminently beatable. 就在去年秋天,他似乎还不堪一击。 gb.cri.cn 6. Last fall, Amazon paid $1. 2 billion for Zappos, the specialty shoe retailer. 去年秋天,亚马逊以十二亿元收购了Zappos,一家专营鞋的零售商。 www.bing.com 7. Last fall, an open casting call drew 300 applicants. 去年秋天的主播招聘吸引了300多名申请人。 gzmp.dayoo.com 8. Ve been living here since last fall. 我从去年秋天起就生活在这里。 www.onlycollege.com.cn 9. My whole family went to Beijing last fall for the beautiful scenery there. 我们全家去年秋天去北京看了风景。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 10. GM shares sank as low as $32. 05 each, before rebounding to close at $33. 02 -- just pennies above last fall's initial offering price. 通用汽车股票跌至每股32.05美元,此后又回升至约33.02美元——也就比上一次下跌时的初始报价略涨几分钱而已。 www.bing.com 1. Fotolog received $4 million in funding last fall and has a reported 7 million members from 200 countries. Fotolog最后一次融资在去年,获收400万美元,目前有7万名注册会员,来自超过200个国家和地区。 www.elanso.com 2. Last fall, I had my first sleepover. 去年秋天,我有了第一次外宿。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Last fall, my poor father died. 去年秋天,我可怜的父亲去世了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. You have to wonder just who was bidding up Palm shares last fall. 你不得不猜测去年秋季是谁在推高Palm股价。 chinese.wsj.com 5. That was last fall, when the cat just gave birth to kittens. 那是去年秋天,母猫刚生下小猫时。 www.bing.com 6. Frost is a solar term last fall. 霜降是秋季的最后一个节气。 www.xiami360.com 7. Sales picked up last fall. 去年秋季的销售有起色。 al.livid.cn 8. American schools last fall had 583, 000 foreign students. 去年秋季,美国学校的留学生人数为583,000人。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. But last fall she finally got her chance to even the score. 可是去年秋,她终于有机会扯平了。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. In addition, the big gun, Microsoft, last fall released a new version of IE that is faster and slicker than prior editions. 此外,微软这家巨头去年秋天推出了IE的新版本,速度更快,介面更好看。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Dr. Michele Morgan migrated last fall from Detroit to Phoenix, taking a job as a psychiatrist. 去年秋天,米歇尔·摩根博士找到一份精神病医师的工作,从底特律移居至凤凰城。 www.elanso.com 2. Last fall, you launched a number of subsections such as Gilt Man, and Jetsetter for travel deals. 去年秋天,你们推出了数款旅行套装,如GiltMan,andJetsetter。 www.bing.com 3. After all, it's not like there are no concerns in America, as witnessed by the E coli outbreak that sickened hundreds of people last fall. 毕竟,美国也存在食品安全问题,去年秋天的大肠杆菌疫情就曾使数百名美国人染病。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "Never let a serious crisis go to waste, " Rahm Emanuel remarked last fall. “绝对不能让危机白白浪费掉,”伊曼纽尔去年秋天这样评论道。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. By last fall, while the ore had jumped to $80 per ton, shipping costs had risen to $90. 到去年秋天,由于铁矿石价格跳至每吨80美元,运费已涨至每吨90美元。 www.bing.com 6. I have not heard from him since last fall. 从去年秋天起我就没有他的音讯。 yingxie.99927.com 7. Ms. Stewart says last fall, for example, twenty-nine percent of all international graduate students were from China. Stewart女士称,例如去年秋天,29%的国际研究生来自中国。 www.hxen.com 8. Ever since I hurt my ankle last fall, I have been taping both my ankles in order to give me some extra stability. 自从去年秋天我扭伤脚踝之后,我一直习惯将两只脚踝都裹好,以保证自己有更好的稳定性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Yes , I went to Hongkong by air last fall. 是的,去年秋天我搭机去香港。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. both mothers chose to have amniocentesis after becoming pregnant again last fall 所以在去年秋天再度怀孕之后,两位母亲都选择采用羊膜穿剌来检查, www.tingclass.net 1. Last fall 700 plaintiffs sued Massey for allowing toxic metals to find their way into local drinking water. (Massey denies the charge. ) 去年秋天,700名原告状告Massey,指控他任由有毒金属渗入到当地的饮用水中(Massey否认了这一指控)。 www.bing.com 2. The deal was announced last fall, but now production won't get under way till 2013 合作开采稀土协议是去年秋天宣布的,但现在看来稀土开采将会拖延到2013年。 www.forbeschina.com 3. one - fourth of them were admitted last fall 其中四分之一已在去年秋天获准入学。 www.ichacha.net 4. I'll Always Know What You Did Last fall 我一直知道你去年秋天干了什么 www.blogcn.com |
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