单词 | Acer |
释义 |
复数:acers 例句释义: 槭属植物,宏碁,宏基,宏碁集团 1. Acer is cooperating with authorities in the matter and said the investigation will have no impact on its business. Acer称目前正积极配合检方的清查行为,并称此次事件并不会对其业务造成影响。 www.cnbeta.com 2. Like Acer, Toshiba is trying to differentiate the Thrive from the iPad with a lower price. 与宏碁的做法一样,东芝也试图让Thrive的价格低于iPad。 chinese.wsj.com 3. "While an HP-Acer combination might provide similar scale and synergy benefits, end market complementarity would not be as high, " he said. “惠普与宏基合并可能会带来类似规模的协力优势,但与终端市场的互补性并不强,”他表示.(完) cn.reuters.com 4. Derek Hsu, product manager for Acer's desktop unit, said the company is working on a desktop with a 3-D, touch-sensitive screen. 宏?台式电脑部门生产经理DerekHsu说,公司正在研制一款配备3D触敏屏幕的台式电脑。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Acer declined to disclose how much it paid for the sponsorship. 宏碁拒绝披露为获得赞助权支付了多少钱。 www.ftchinese.com 6. However, people close to the bidding said the company tried to win another cycle as a global sponsor but was outbid by Acer. 不过,知情人士称,联想本想再赢得一轮全球赞助商资格,但出价低于宏碁。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The company is trying to distinguish itself from lower-price competitors such as Acer by linking higher prices to quality. 该公司力图将高价与优质联系起来,从而使自己有别于宏碁等定价较低的竞争对手。 www.ebigear.com 8. Acer yesterday said it would launch a number of mobile internet devices this year, but did not give details. 宏碁昨日表示,今年将推出一系列移动互联网设备,但没有透露具体细节。 www.ftchinese.com 9. J. T. Wang, Acer chairman, said his company had not fared as well as he had hoped in China over the past few years. 宏碁董事长王振堂(J.T.Wang)表示,过去几年公司在中国市场的表现,不如他所希望的那么好。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In trying to establish a global brand, HTC is following in the footsteps of another Taiwanese company, Acer Inc. 为了成为一个全球化品牌,HTC跟随着另一家台湾公司——宏基公司的脚步。 www.bing.com 1. In other consumer product areas, Acer provided details on several tablet PCs that it had announced in November. 在其他消费品领域,宏碁提供了已于去年11月发布的平板电脑的一些细节。 www.bing.com 2. Acer appears prepared to undercut its rivals to reach that goal , as it did in the stiffly competitive PC market . 宏碁看来准备以低于竞争对手的价格实现上述目标,这与该公司在竞争白热化的个人电脑市场上的做法如出一辙。 www.bing.com 3. Acer Chairman J. T. Wang said the weak economy has forced consumers to look for cheaper computers. 宏碁股份董事长王振堂说,疲弱的经济迫使消费者购买价格更低的电脑。 www.bing.com 4. Acer, one of the world's three biggest personal computer vendors, is going through a torrid time. 作为世界三大个人电脑厂商之一的宏碁公司(Acer),正在经历艰难时刻。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The Acer Aspire laptop applies a slightly older 3D method known as micro-polarized display, often referred to as 'micropol. ' 宏碁笔记本电脑采用的是一种略老的3D模式“微小偏振显示”。 c.wsj.com 6. And PC vendor Acer recently announced a dual-screen notebook as well, though such devices are still far from mainstream. 个人电脑供应商Acer近日也推出了一款双屏笔记本,不过这样的装置仍然远离主流的使用需求。 www.bing.com 7. The latest figures support the trend, with Acer's January sales down 34 per cent from a year ago and 4 per cent less than December's. 最新数据印证了这一趋势:宏碁今年1月销售同比下降34%,环比下降了4%。 www.ftchinese.com 8. A world map mounted on a wall at computer maker Acer's Taipei headquarters provides a window into the company's strategy. 计算机制造商宏碁在台北公司总部的墙上挂着一幅世界地图,这正显示出该公司的战略。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Acer's new China offensive and the Founder deal will change all that, say company executives. 宏碁公司的高管表示,该公司在大陆采取的最新攻势以及与方正的合作交易将改变这一切。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Currently, Microsoft's list of hardware partners includes HTC, LG, Samsung, Dell, Acer, Fujitsu, ZTE Corporation and, of course, Nokia. 目前,微软的硬件合作商包括HTC、LG、三星、戴尔、宏碁、富士通、中兴通讯,当然还有诺基亚。 www.bing.com 1. Stan Shih, Acer's founder, who no longer manages the company but retains a board seat, put it more bluntly. 宏碁创始人施振荣(StanShih)已经不再负责公司的管理,但仍担任董事。 www.ftchinese.com 2. HP and Dell dominate the PC business, together with Taiwan's Acer (see chart), so they are vulnerable to any shift away from such computers. 惠普跟戴尔,连同台湾的宏基(见图)主宰了个人电脑业务,因此个人电脑需求变动一点,都易使之受伤。 www.ecocn.org 3. Acer is 'very sensitive about adding new cost' since net books' greatest attraction is their low price, he said. 宏碁“对于增加新的成本十分谨慎”,因为上网本最大的吸引力在于其低廉的价格。 bbs.51ielts.com 4. In notebook sales, where Acer is now number two, he expects Acer to "bridge the gap with HP" before the end of the year. 在宏碁已经位居第二的笔记本市场,兰奇预计,今年年底前,宏碁将“缩小与惠普的差距”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Under the new partnership, Acer is to help Founder develop new PCs while using Founder's Chinese content platform for its e-readers. 按照新的合作伙伴关系,宏碁将帮助方正开发新款个人电脑,同时其电子阅读器将利用方正的中文内容平台。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Gene flow was small and genetic drift and inbreeding might be the main factors influencing population genetic structure of Acer miaotaiense. 庙台槭居群间的基因流很小,遗传漂变和随之而来的近交可能是刻划居群遗传结构的主要因素。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. The real action is to see what brands like Acer and Lenovo do now, as sentiment favors them. 现在该做的就是观望宏基和联想等品牌的动作。 cn.reuters.com 8. Xuzhou Acer for the company provided three counter-guarantee. 徐州宏三为公司提供了反担保。 www.showxiu.com 9. At Computex, Acer announced that it would use Android together with an Intel chip. 宏基在Computex上宣布它将同时使用Android和英特尔的芯片。 www.bing.com 10. For example, Acer CEO J. T. Wang told Bloomberg that Microsoft was trying to set restrictions on software licensees. 宏碁总裁J.T.Wang接受彭博社采访时表示微软此举其实是为了给软件授权商设限。 www.bing.com 1. Acer introduced ane-reader and a tablet PC, which it expects to start selling in the second half of the year. 宏碁发布了一款电子阅读器和一款平板个人电脑,并预期将从今年下半年起销售这些产品。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Over the past week, investors have punished him with an 11 per cent drop in Acer's share price. 在过去的1周里,投资者对他进行了惩罚,令宏碁股价下挫了11%。 www.ftchinese.com 3. For instance, Acer Inc. , the PC maker, increased sales by 40% in March; its models are among the top five sellers in the world. 例如,宏碁电脑公司,三月分销售量增加40%;它的模型是排名为世界的前五名销售者。 hercafe.yam.com 4. Acer, furniture to Foshan as the core, throughout the country with more than chain of shopping malls, chain of stores. 宏华家具以佛山为核心,在全国各地设有多家连锁商场,连锁专卖店。 www.tonke.cn 5. Acer's new notebook offering will run both the XP and Android operating systems and allows users to switch between the two. 宏碁的新笔记本电脑产品将同时运行XP和Android操作系统,允许用户进行切换。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Acer did not give a release date or a price range for the smartphone. 宏碁并没有透露上市日期和手机的价格范围。 www.bing.com 7. Plummeting corporate PC demand saw Lenovo fall far behind Acer in terms of market share. 商用电脑需求的大幅下滑,导致联想在市场份额上被宏碁远远甩在了后面。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Acer underwent a similar change several years ago, in an effort to separate its brand business from contract manufacturing. 而宏基为了将自有品牌业务与合同制造业务分离,几年前也曾进行过类似的调整。 www.examda.com 9. Dell, which tried to resist cutting its prices, has already seen slower sales growth as low-cost competitor Acer Inc. has stepped up. 随着奉行低价战略的竞争对手宏碁步步紧逼,一直试图坚持不降价的戴尔销售增幅已经放缓。 www.hjenglish.com 10. If my friends had wanted laptops, I could have steered them to a 15-inch Acer Aspire laptop at the same store. 如果我的朋友需要买台笔记本电脑,我会建议他们去看同一家商店里15英寸的宏(Acer)Aspire。 www.ebigear.com 1. Years ago, a computer company spent millions of dollars for the name "Acer" . 几年前,一家电脑公司花费了数百万美元的名称为“宏基”。 hi.baidu.com 2. For two years, Acer has relied on netbooks -- tiny, low-priced laptops -- to propel growth. 两年来宏碁一直依赖体积小、价格低的上网本来推动自身成长。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Acer, the world's third largest personal computer vendor, has outbid its close rival Lenovo to become a global sponsor of the Olympic Games. 全球第三大个人电脑生产商宏碁(Acer)以更高报价击败了劲敌联想(Lenovo),成为奥运会全球赞助商。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Acer had the Iconia, made up of two large touch screens connected to each other like a laptop. 宏则展示了Iconia,该产品由两个相互连接的大触摸屏组成,连在一起就像笔记本电脑一样。 c.wsj.com 5. Fresh economic fears in Europe at the start of the year have damped consumer demand and Acer's notebook sales as a result. 年初,欧洲人对经济的担忧抑制了消费者需求,进而影响了宏碁上网本的销售。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Mr Ahrens says that this link can help cut transport time to Europe, Acer's most important market, by two weeks. 艾仁思表示,这条线路可以将通往宏碁最重要市场——欧洲的运输时间缩短两周。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Acer to digital technology adhere to the independent research and development, independent production path. 宏成数字科技坚持走自主研发、自主生产制造之路。 www.tonke.cn 8. Taiwanese rival Acer won control of Packard Bell as part of its planned $710m purchase of US PC producer Gateway. 联想的台湾竞争对手宏碁(Acer)出资7.1亿美元,收购美国个人电脑制造商Gateway,最终获得了PackardBell的控制权。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Acer's immediate problem is that demand is still soft in Europe, by far its biggest market, accounting for just over half of revenues. 宏碁迫在眉睫的问题是,在迄今仍是其最大市场的欧洲,需求仍然疲弱——欧洲仅仅为其贡献了一多半的收入。 www.ftchinese.com 10. "With Dell, HP and Acer, they pretty much say to Quanta and Foxconn: 'Show us what you've got', " said Mr Yen. 严先生说:“戴尔、惠普以及宏碁,它们充其量只能对广达或富士康说:‘给我们瞧瞧你们有什么。’” www.bing.com 1. The transaction, approved by the boards of both companies, will strengthen Acer's position in the US retail market. 该交易已得到上述两家公司董事会的批准,将强化宏碁在美国零售市场的地位。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The focus on boosting PC volumes has also taken resources away from Acer's nascent smartphone and tablet divisions, he added. 他补充称,把重点放在提升个人电脑销量上,也从宏碁新兴的智能手机和平板电脑部门抽走了资源。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Acer mono seedlings which has a more extensive adaptability can survive in strong shade conditions. 五角枫幼苗则具有更广泛的适应性,可以在较强的遮荫条件下存活。 www.fabiao.net 4. What do you think about Acer, Dell, and other PC giants making a serious smart phone push this year or next? 你怎么看待宏碁、戴尔和其它PC巨头作出在今年或明年认真进军智能手机市场? www.bing.com 5. Others including Taiwanese rivals Acer and Asustek Computer are moving into smartphones, which tend to offer higher margins than PCs. 台湾的宏基和华硕等竞争对手也在进军智能手机市场,这个市场似乎拥有比个人电脑更高的利润空间。 www.bing.com 6. Google has announced the culmination of its CR-48 pilot program: two Chrome OS-powered notebooks manufactured by Acer and Samsung. 谷歌今天发布了其Cr-48测试项目的巅峰产品:两款由宏基和三星制造的ChromeOS驱动的笔记本电脑。 www.bing.com 7. Throughout career ladders, Austin Mr. Jieh worked with Philips, Wickes, and Acer in the management and financial capacities. 介先生在其事业历程中先后在飞利浦,威克斯及宏基管理和财务方面工作。 www.ujelly.org 8. Oak seedling bank shows more stable seasonal dynamics. Acer mono seedling bank shows significant positive trends. 辽东栎幼苗库表现出较为稳定的季节性动态,五角枫幼苗库则呈显著的增长趋势。 www.fabiao.net 9. Acer uses operating software from both Microsoft and Google in its smartphones and tablets. 宏基生产的智能手机和平板电脑对微软和谷歌的操作系统都有使用。 cn.reuters.com 10. "It's a crowded market place, " de Lencquesaing said, adding he expected sharp falls in smartphone prices to benefit PC makers like Acer. DeLencquesaing表示,“这是一个竞争激烈的市场。”他并补充道,预计智能手机价格大跌将令宏基等个人电脑厂商有利可图。 cn.reuters.com 1. This month it introduced a line of just such radical machines, in partnership with two laptop makers, Samsung and Acer. 6月份,该公司与三星(Samsung)和宏(Acer)这两家笔记本电脑生产商合作,推出了这样的超前机型。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Acer, in particular, looks set to undercut rivals to achieve its ambitions of becoming a top five smartphone vendor within five years. 特别是宏碁,似乎准备以低于竞争对手的价格展开竞争,以实现其在5年内跻身全球五大智能手机销售商的目标。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Acer of its franchise embroidery factory computer embroidery, computer Dingzhu film. 其属下宏发绣花厂专营电脑绣花、电脑钉珠片。 www.showxiu.com 4. Winter twig The leaves are opposite, hence the leaf scars are opposite on winter twigs; this example is Acer saccharum, sugar maple. 树叶是相反的,因此叶伤疤冬天树枝相反,这个例子是糖槭,糖槭。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Margins may come under pressure if the weakness continues, and that may hit Acer this year. 如果欧元持续疲弱,利润率可能有些压力,今年可能对宏基不利。 cn.reuters.com 6. The motion to dismiss the suit was filed by Sony and joined by Acer, BenQ and Asustek, all personal-computer makers named as defendants. 请求不受理诉讼的动议由索尼(Sony)发起,宏碁(Acer)、明基(BenQ)和华硕(Asustek)附议。它们都是被列为被告的个人电脑生产商。 c.wsj.com 7. Importantly, the transaction hands Packard Bell to Acer, spoiling Lenovo's ambitions to acquire the European PC maker. 重要的是,该交易将把PackardBell拱手让给宏基,从而破坏了联想收购这家欧洲个人电脑制造商的宏伟目标。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Acer, Sony and BenQ declined to comment, citing the ongoing litigation. Asustek didn't reply to a request for comment. 宏碁、索尼和明基以诉讼正在进行为由拒绝置评,华硕没有回应置评请求。 c.wsj.com 9. That deal will let Acer displace Lenovo Group of China as the world's third-largest computer company, behind Hewlett-Packard and Dell. 这笔交易将使宏碁将取代中国的联想集团(LenovoGroup)成为全球第三大电脑公司,仅次于惠普(Hewlett-Packard)及戴尔(Dell)。 www.examda.com 10. The company was established in 2002 and it is the authorized core distributor for ACER series products in Eastern China. 公司成立于2002年,是ACER系列产品华东地区的授权核心分销商。 www.spcc.sh.cn 1. Acer relies too much on [outsourced design and manufacturing], and Asus lacks global scale. 宏碁(Acer)太过依赖(外包设计与制造),而华硕(Asus)缺乏全球性规模。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Simon Ye, Gartner's PC analyst in China, said: "Acer has a strong record in making these things work, especially in winning market share. " Gartner驻华PC行业分析师叶磊表示:“在这些方面,特别是赢得市场份额方面,宏碁有着优秀的纪录。” www.ftchinese.com 3. Over the weekend, TechReviewSource scored some photos of what is allegedly an Acer laptop with dual touch screens. 在上周末,TechReviewSource入手了一些据称是多点触摸屏的宏基(Acer)笔记本电脑的照片。 www.bing.com 4. Acer took its share up to 13. 4 percent with a 28 percent rise in shipments. 宏基市占率提高至13.4%,出货量增长28%。 cn.reuters.com 5. We still skim the back waters of ponds and streams for the seed of Betula , Acer Salix and Populus species . 我们仍然要在池塘的静水上和溪流中捞取桦木,槭树、杨、柳等树的种子。 www.bing.com 6. Acer declined to comment further on its pricing strategy for the new product. 宏基拒绝进一步就其新产品的定价策略发表置评。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Acer's poor results over the past six months had been the trigger for Mr Lanci's departure, Mr Wang said. 王振堂表示,过去半年宏碁的业绩不佳是兰奇辞职的导火索。 www.ftchinese.com 8. This meant there was very little that Acer could do to prepare for potential problems emerging later. 这意味着,在为潜在问题做准备方面,宏碁目前能做的很少。 www.ftchinese.com 9. McAfee's biggest hardware partners include Dell Inc , Acer Inc , Lenovo Group Ltd , Toshiba Corp and Sony Corp . McAfee最重要的硬件合作伙伴包括戴尔,宏碁,联想集团,东芝公司和索尼公司。 www.bing.com 10. Acer, also from Taiwan, and the world's No. 3 PC vendor, said prior to the mandate's postponement that it was planning to comply. 同样来自台湾的世界第三大电脑厂商宏基(Acer)在中国宣布推迟“绿坝”计划之前表示打算守规。 www.bing.com 1. Acer's more lightweight 11. 6-inch Chromebook will also be available in two versions, the cheapest being $349. 宏基的产品重量更轻,配备11.6英寸屏幕,也将提供两种版本,最便宜的售价349美元。 www.bing.com 2. Acer KUOK high in the field of plastic, 48 years of experience, engaged in manufacturing plastic injection nearly 30 years. 郭氏宏高在塑料领域有48年的经验,从事注塑制造业也近30年。 www.b2easy.com 3. Moreover, Acer aims to collaborate with more telecom operators to boost smartphone sales. 此外,宏基的目标是与电信业者合作来促进智慧型手机的销售。 cn.reuters.com 4. Acer's management and its advisers reject the comparisons. 宏碁的管理层和顾问反驳了这种比较。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Acer looks in danger of making a much bigger mistake under interim chief executive JT Wang. 在临时首席执行官王振堂(JTWang)领导下,宏碁看来有犯下一个更大错误的危险。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In the short term, the gloom around Acer appears to be overdone. 就眼下来说,围绕宏碁的悲观情绪似乎有些过头。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Some analysts believe the Gateway acquisition was Acer's only option to accelerate expansion. 一些分析师认为,收购Gateway是宏碁加速扩张的唯一选择。 www.ftchinese.com 8. And Acer will soon regain that status when it completes its planned $710m acquisition of Gateway, a struggling US PC vendor. 一旦宏碁完成拟议中的以7.1亿美元收购Gateway的交易,很快就会重新夺得这一地位。Gateway是美国一家陷于困境的个人电脑销售商。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Yan Ying in the city gatehouse blue sky, green trees, ancient, natural, beautiful, yet re-Acer. 大城门楼掩映于蓝天、绿树之中,古朴、自然、绚丽、不失宏重。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Similar concerns have hit Lenovo's larger rivals, with shares in Taiwan's Acer and Dell of the US dropping 15 per cent this year. 类似忧虑也对比联想规模更大的竞争对手形成打击,台湾宏碁(Acer)和美国戴尔(Dell)股价今年均下跌15%。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The key argument Mr Wang presents to make his case is that Acer's growth would be unsustainable without the acquisition. 而王振堂为自己辩护的主要论点是,不进行收购的话,宏碁的增长将不具可持续性。 www.ftchinese.com 2. One concern is that US PC sales could slow this year just as Acer steps up its push into that market. 他们的担心之一是,在宏碁加大力度挺进美国市场之际,美国今年的个人电脑销量可能下滑。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Both Acer and Dell, the world's second and third- biggest PC makers respectively, have announced plans to launch their own smartphones. 全球第二大和第三大个人电脑(PC)制造商宏碁(Acer)和戴尔(Dell)已分别宣布,计划推出自身品牌的智能手机。 www.ftchinese.com 4. As soon as it did, all the other computer makers, from Acer to Dell and HP, surrendered. 它一这样做,从宏碁到戴尔和惠普,所有其它电脑生产商都立即投降了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. 'Asus enjoys strong advantages in innovation, ' said Acer founder Stan Shih. 宏碁创始人施振荣说,华硕得益于强劲的创新优势。 www.bing.com 6. "So far it appears that Acer hasn't really thought that far as to determine in detail how to run and position those brands, " she says. 她表示:“到目前为止,宏碁似乎还未认真考虑这些品牌的运营和定位。” www.ftchinese.com 7. While Acer has sold more textbooks than its rival, the low-priced products have not helped its bottom line. 尽管宏基售出的上网本大大超出了其竞争对手,但这些低价产品对其盈亏底线并没太多的帮助。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. Acer was also criticized for its slow inventory turnover. 此外,宏基还因存货周转率低而屡遭批评。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. Later this year, Acer also plans to make a laptop with Nvidia's technology. 今年晚些时候,宏碁也计划推出使用Nvidia技术的笔记本电脑。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Since then, Acer has grown faster than most of its competitors. 自那以后,宏碁的增长速度一直高于多数竞争对手。 www.ftchinese.com 1. If volumes fall and margins fail to rise, Acer will find itself looking into the abyss. 如果生产数量下降了,而利润率却没有提高,宏碁会发现自己行将坠入深渊。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The key, believes Tracy Tsai, an analyst with Gartner in Taipei, is Acer's global brand strategy. 咨询公司Gartner驻台北分析师TracyTsai认为,问题关键在于宏碁的全球品牌战略。 www.ftchinese.com 3. North American deciduous tree (Acer saccharinum) having palmately dissected leaves that are silvery below and light green above. 一种北美落叶树(糖槭槭属),有掌状开裂叶,下面为银色、上面为浅绿色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. This would give Acer a stable basis from which it could gain new momentum for more healthy growth. 这将为宏碁提供一个稳定的基础,并由此获得新的动能,以实现更为健康的增长。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Try to compile all the way SAS Acer order, simple and practical. 尝试的方法都自行编译SAS宏命令,简单而实用。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. "We will launch a notebook different than the ones we've sold before and targeted at a new consumer segment, " an Acer spokeswoman said. “我们将推出和之前产品不同的笔记型电脑,目标瞄准新的消费区隔。”一宏基公司人士表示。 cn.reuters.com 7. Acer is the first Taiwanese company to enter the contested ranks of global Olympic sponsors. 宏碁是首家进入竞争激烈的奥运会全球赞助商行列的台湾公司。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Whether Apple actually wants to compete with Acer and Asus is another matter. 苹果是否真的想要与宏基和华硕竞争是另一回事。 www.bing.com 9. The three biggest PC makers, Hewlett-Packard, Acer and Dell, are all making tablets that don't use Microsoft software. 前三大PC计算机制造商惠普、宏碁和戴尔都在生产使用非微软软件的平板计算机。 www.bing.com 10. Several large computer manufacturers have announced the launch of netbooks based on Moblin: Dell, Acer, Asus, and Samsung. 几大计算机制造商都宣布,要基于Moblin发布上网本:Dell、Acer、Asus和Samsung。 www.infoq.com 1. Acer is the world's second-largest personal computer maker by shipments after Hewlett-Packard Co. 按发货量计算,宏碁是世界第二大个人电脑生产商,仅次于惠普(Hewlett-PackardCo.)。 c.wsj.com 2. In this study, tissue culture technique and regeneration system for Acer negundo L were established. 本论文通过定芽与不定芽两种途径建立了复叶槭的组织培养再生体系。 www.fabiao.net 3. Acer of Taiwan is vying to become the world's second-biggest manufacturer of personal computers. 台湾的宏碁电脑公司力争成为全球第二大个人电脑制造商。 www.bing.com 4. Lenovo gained market share across all regions and last quarter overtook Acer to take the world number three spot, according to IDC. 研究公司IDC指出,联想在所有地区的市场份额都有所提升,上季度取代宏基(Acer)成为全球第三大个人电脑制造商。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Extracted flavonoids by supersonic from leaves of Acer truncatum bunge was studied. 以元宝枫叶为原料,研究超声波技术在元宝枫黄酮浸提中的应用。 www.dictall.com 6. Today, Lenovo is China's leading PC company and the fourth-largest in the world, trailing only HP, Acer and Dell. 今天,联想已经是中国个人电脑市场的主导者和世界第四大PC生产商,仅次于惠普、宏基和戴尔。 www.bing.com 7. Gap fillers were mostly Tilia amurense and Acer mono, whereas Pinus koraiensis in a smaller number. 林隙填充中,紫椴和色木槭的数量最多,红松所占比例较小。 www.magsci.org 8. Acer didn't provide details about pricing for its tablets during its product event in New York. 在纽约举行的产品介绍会上,宏碁没有透露其平板电脑的定价细节。 c.wsj.com 9. In Fitch's view, Acer is likely to recover its profit margin in 2012, following an expected deterioration in 2011. 惠誉认为,宏基的利润率在2011年恶化之后于2012年可能会回升。 cn.reuters.com 10. With "Shandong top brand" and "famous brand of Shandong Province" two loud name header, in the market to create a big "Acer" brand. 凭着“山东名牌”和“山东省著名商标”这两块响亮的名头,在市场上打造出了响当当的“宏业”品牌。 blog.bandao.cn 1. But Acer, too, prefers cautious rhetoric and it is not taking its new precedence for granted. 不过宏碁也选择了出言谨慎,并不把自己最新的领先位置看成是理所当然的事。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Acer, founded 30 years ago, first concentrated on manufacturing and selling computers. 宏碁创立于30年前,最初专注于制造和销售电脑。 www.ftchinese.com 3. As with Lenovo, Acer appears to have paid up handsomely in order to secure a brand and market share. 与联想一样,为了获得品牌和市场份额,宏基支付的价格似乎不菲。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Eight photos and nine short videos come loaded on the Acer Aspire. 宏碁电脑上自带八幅图片和九个短视频。 c.wsj.com 5. Last April, Acer announced it is planning on making handsets account for 10 percent of its total sales by 2011. 去年四月份,Acer曾宣布他们计划2011年手持设备销量将占其产品总销量的10%。 www.cnbeta.com 6. Does this mean it would now work with my Acer Ferrari 4000? 你是说可以在我的法拉利4000本本上正常工作了? www.showxiu.com 7. Acer will become one of 11 global sponsors for the Olympic Games from January 2009 to 2012. 从2009年1月至2012年,宏碁将成为11家奥运会全球赞助商之一。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Analysts believe it is too late for Acer to overcome HP this quarter, but they say it is on track to become number one. 分析师们相信,本季度内宏碁欲超越惠普已经太晚了,不过他们也表示宏碁确实正迈步在成为全球第一的大道上。 www.elanso.com 9. By March of this year, Acer shipped 38% of all netbooks, versus 30% for Asustek, according to research firm DisplaySearch. 研究公司DisplaySearch的数据显示,截至今年3月,宏碁占据了上网本市场38%的份额,而华硕只有30%。 www.bing.com 10. ANALYSIS AND UTILIZATION OF COMPOSITION OF THE SEEDS OF PINUS MASSONIANA L. AND ACER NEGUNDO L. 马尾松、糖槭种子成分分析和利用。 www.ilib.cn 1. Acer was charged for marketing expenses, which OEMs are not concerned with. 宏基要负担行销费用,而OEM对此却不必担心。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. The base is small, so to double or triple sales is something Acer can do. “基数很少,所以宏碁可以做到两倍或者三倍于其销售”。 www.bing.com 3. Acer's offer represents a near-60 per cent premium to Gateway's undisturbed share price. 宏基的出价较Gateway表现平淡的股价有近60%的溢价。 www.ftchinese.com 4. "Next year, the China contribution [to Acer's revenues] will be above 10 per cent, " says Gianfranco Lanci, chief executive. 宏碁首席执行官蒋凡可?兰奇(GianfrancoLanci)表示:“明年,中国大陆业务(对宏碁收入)的贡献率将超过10%。” www.ftchinese.com 5. All theses studies established a base for transforming Acer negundo gene, had important value for cloning aceraceous and other plants. 为复叶槭的基因转化奠定了基础,对槭树科其他树种的无性繁殖和遗传改良具有重要参考价值。 www.fabiao.net 6. Acer's shares have fallen 18 per cent since it issued the revised guidance last Friday. 自上周五宏碁发布修正后的指引以来,公司股票下跌了18%。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Consequently, Acer's fourth-quarter revenues fell 11 per cent year-on-year. 结果,宏碁四季度收入同比下降了11%。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But Acer Corporate President Jim Wong said he is concerned that the March earthquake and tsunami in Japan may have longer-lasting effects. 不过,宏碁(Acer)公司总裁翁建仁(JimWong)说,他担心3月份的日本地震和海啸可能会带来更持久的影响。 chinese.wsj.com 9. They will send requirement to Acer US office to get their approval. 他们将派宏基美国办公室的要求,得到他们的认可。 translate.google.cn 10. Acer, the Taiwanese computer maker, is considering another acquisition as early as next year to boost its market share in China. 台湾电脑制造商宏碁(Acer)正考虑最早于明年进行另一宗收购,以提高其中国市场份额。 www.ftchinese.com 1. A regeneration system of plantlets was established with apical bud of Acer negundo L. 初步建立了复叶槭顶芽组培再生体系。 tech.zidian8.com 2. Acer started shipping its new Iconia tablets in March, but it faces competition from better-established rivals, such as Apple's iPad. 今年3月,宏碁开始销售新款平板电脑Iconia,但该产品面临来自更成熟产品的竞争,例如苹果(Apple)的iPad。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Now the computer company's main brands are: Haier, Gigabyte, Samsung, Acer, Asustek, Sony and so on! 现公司主营的电脑品牌有:海尔、技嘉、三星、宏基、华硕、索尼等等! www.showxiu.com 4. The initial two Chromebooks, manufactured by Samsung and Acer, will launch on June 15. 由三星和宏碁(Acer)制造的两款首发版Chrome笔记本将于6月15日上市。 www.fortunechina.com 5. Now Lenovo is turning the tables on Acer. 如今,联想正在扭转局面。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Acer to digital technology has a very good team and have a good corporate culture and management structure is more reasonable. 宏成数字科技拥有一支非常优秀的团队并有着良好的企业文化,管理结构也较为合理。 www.tonke.cn 7. Acer, the world's second-largest PC vendor, is challenging Lenovo in the Chinese company's home market. 全球第二大个人电脑制造商宏碁(Acer)正在联想(Lenovo)的本土市场向其发起挑战。 www.ftchinese.com 8. A study on disinfectors for the explants of Acer davidii Franch . 青榨槭外植体消毒方法初步研究。 www.bing.com 9. Acer's deal gives it access to more than 10, 000 shops down to the local level. 宏碁与方正的交易,令宏碁得以进军地方级别的逾1万家门店。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Acer is also forecasting a 40 per cent annual rise in laptop shipments. 宏碁同时预测,公司今年笔记本电脑发货量将较上年增长40%。 www.ftchinese.com 1. According to data tracker IDC, Acer beat the market in almost every region, with worldwide shipments up 26 per cent to Lenovo's 18. 根据数据提供商IDC的数据,宏碁在几乎所有地区的市场都占了上风,全球发货量增长26%,高于联想的18%。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A desktop tower can be had for $400 or less, and some stores carry a 15' Acer laptop for just $299. 台式机价格可能在400美元或以下,一些商店还以299美元的低价出售一款15寸宏碁(Acer)笔记本电脑。 chinese.wsj.com 3. The Acer Aspire S3 is a metallic beauty with a 13. 3-inch display. 这款宏基AspireS3笔记本采用了13.3英寸的显示屏,有一种独特的金属之美。 www.bing.com 4. I purchased a new Acer Aspire 4930 laptop for my studies in January of 2009. 2009年1月,因学习缘故,我买了一台新的宏碁Aspire4930型号的笔记本电脑。 www.bing.com 5. In the second quarter this year, Acer's US shipments surged 164 per cent. 今年第二季度,宏碁向美国的发货激增164%。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The most basic model of the Acer Aspire One can be found for £ 179 in Britain and around $300 in America. 宏碁的AspireOne的基本款式在英国市场上花179英镑就能买到,美国市场上为300美元。 www.ecocn.org 7. Acer shares have dropped from T$63. 60 ahead of the deal announcement last Monday to T$56. 50 yesterday. 宏碁的股价从上周一交易宣布前的63.60元新台币,跌至昨日的56.50元新台币。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Unlike the Acer Aspire, 2D photos and videos can't be viewed in 3D on the Asus. 与宏碁Aspire不同,在华硕电脑上不能以3D模式观看2D照片和视频。 c.wsj.com 9. The Acer has a built-in webcam, which makes it ideal for video-calling services such as Skype. 这种宏基产品内置网络摄像头,把它当作如Skype一样的视频电话服务是很理想的。 www.bing.com 10. In fact, the leaf and fruit of Acer plants with high nutrient and medical value is resourceful in China. 其实,许多槭属植物营养和药用价值较高。 www.chemyq.com 1. Under the agreement, Acer gained access to more than 10, 000 shops across China. 根据协议,宏碁得以利用方正在中国大陆各地逾1万家门店。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Revenues from the Chinese market accounted for just 5 per cent of Acer's global total. 来自大陆市场的收入,仅占该公司全球总收入的5%。 www.ftchinese.com 3. What is discouraging for Acer investors is that not even management buys the bull case. 令宏碁投资者气馁的是,甚至连公司管理层都不认可看好宏碁的理由。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The most we can tell you right now is that Acer's confirmation matches the info our sources told us. 我们最多可以告诉你现在的问题是,宏基的确认相匹配的信息告诉我们,我们的消息来源。 bbs.pcbeta.com 5. "There is still a lot of room to grow in China, " Gianfranco Lanci, president of Acer, said. “中国还有很大的增长空间,”宏碁总裁蒋凡可?兰奇(GianfrancoLanci)表示。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I have talked with Acer Gary in the phone. 在电话中,我曾与宏基加里。 translate.google.cn 7. Acer expects total revenue this year to be flat compared with last year. 宏碁预计,今年总收入将与去年持平。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Early last year, Acer quietly slipped past Dell in global net book shipments to become the number two vendor worldwide. 今年早些时候,宏碁在全球笔记本出货量方面低调地超越了戴尔,成为了全球第二大笔记本电脑厂商。 www.elanso.com 9. First let's have a look at 2. 0 move of acer. 先看看宏碁的2.0行动。 www.elanso.com 10. As a result, Acer held no more than 3. 5 per cent market share in China in the third quarter of this year, according to Gartner. 因此,Gartner的数据显示,今年第三季度,宏碁在中国大陆的市场份额不超过3. www.ftchinese.com 1. Late last year, Acer hired a number of executives who had formerly run HP consumer notebook marketing in China. 去年末,宏碁聘用了很多以前负责惠普在华消费者笔记本营销的高管。 www.ftchinese.com 2. performance in tree species, Acer saccharum was against the heavier is in urgent need of the governance of regional and species; 在树种表现上,糖槭被危害较重,是急需得到治理区域和树种; paper.pet2008.cn 3. Application of wavelet packet analysis and BP ANN in diagnosing the hole defects in Acer mono wood using ultrasonic quantitative testing 小波和神经网络在色木孔洞缺陷超声定量检测中的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Acer expects the partnership to lift its market share in China, last year just 3. 5 per cent, to 15-18 per cent. 宏碁预期这次合作将使该公司在中国大陆的市场份额从去年的仅有3.5%提升至15%到18%。 www.ftchinese.com 5. An Experiment and Model of Interception by Broad-Leaved Tree: a Case Study of Acer mono 阔叶树截留降雨试验与模型——以色木槭为例 www.ilib.cn 6. The map is dotted with icons that show Acer's personal computer sales rank in different territories: number one in France and Germany; 这幅地图上图标标示出宏碁个人计算机销售额在不同地区的排名情况:在法国和德国均位列第一; blog.sina.com.cn 7. A Study of the Distribution and Flora of Genus Acer in Xiaoqinling Nature Reserve of Henan 河南小秦岭自然保护区槭属植物的分布与区系分析 service.ilib.cn 8. Isolation and biochemical properties of a protease from Acer truncatum Bunge 元宝枫蛋白酶的分离纯化及其生化性质 www.ilib.cn 9. The distribution of genus Acer resources in Jiangsu Province and their utilization 江苏槭属植物资源的分布与应用研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Growth Properties and Physiological Characteristics of Acer truncatum under Drought Stress 干旱胁迫下元宝枫生长性状及生理特性研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) 是由澳洲教育研究组织 www.jshnh.com 2. Photosynthetic Characters and Water Utilization Efficiency in Acer truncatum Under Water Stress 水分胁迫条件下元宝枫的光合特征及水分利用效率 service.ilib.cn 3. (Acer currently uses Nvidia's technology in its monitors. ) (宏碁目前在其显示器中使用Nvidia的技术。) chinese.wsj.com 4. Population Distribution and Dynamics of Quercus liaotungensis, Fraxinus rhynchophylla and Acer mono in Dongling Mountain, Beijing 北京东灵山地区辽东栎、大叶白蜡和五角枫种群分布格局与动态 www.ilib.cn 5. Comparison of effective components of summer and winter fruits of acer saccharum 糖槭夏果与越冬果有效成分的比较 www.ilib.cn 6. Studies on antioxidative activity and stability of the extracts of Acer truncatume leave 元宝枫叶提取物的稳定性及抗氧化活性研究 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Influence of Different Covering Treatments on Contents of Bioactive Substance in the Leaves of Acer truncatum 不同覆盖处理对元宝枫叶生物活性物质含量的影响 www.ilib.cn 8. Preliminary Report on Biological Characteristics of Acer truncatum 元宝枫生物学特性的初步观测 service.ilib.cn 9. Discoloration mechanism of Acer buergerianum during drying process 三角枫在干燥过程中变色机理的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. A robin shelters in an Acer japonicum tree, which is turning red and dropping its autumn leaves in Belstone, Dartmoor 在达特穆尔的德文郡一只知更鸟驻足在一株羽扇枫上,秋日的树叶正在变红并飘落 bbs.ebigear.com 1. Relationship between Xylem Embolism and Hormone Concentration in Xylem Sap of Acer truncatum 元宝枫木质部栓塞化与木质部汁液激素含量的关系 www.ilib.cn 2. ACER OUTBIDS LENOVO TO BECOME A GLOBAL OLYMPIC GAMES SPONSOR 宏碁击败联想成为奥运会全球赞助商 www.ftchinese.com 3. Population genetic structure and genetic diversity of Acer miaotaiense 庙台槭的居群遗传结构和遗传多样性 ilib.cn 4. Experiments on seedling cultivation techniques of Acer truncatum 元宝槭的育苗技术 5. Seedling Raising Techniques and Afforestation of Acer Truncatum 元宝枫育苗造林技术 6. Antioxidation property of Acer Truncatum Bunge Flavone Extract 元宝枫黄酮提取物的抗氧化性能 service.ilib.cn 7. Resources of Wild Ornamental Acer in Jiangxi Province 江西野生观赏槭树资源 www.ilib.cn 8. Study of Flocculation of Water Extracts of Acer truncatum 元宝枫水提取液的絮凝研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Diameter Increment of Stem and Branch of Potted Acer Buergerianum 植物生长调节剂对三角枫盆景枝干粗生长影响初探 www.ilib.cn 10. Acer chose NetStealth firewall to protect enterprise networks 宏碁电脑选择NetStealth防火墙作为企业防护网 netstealth.com 1. Compound leaf-Aceraceae acer in the Application and Development of Urban Greening 复叶槭在城市绿化中的应用与发展 service.ilib.cn 2. DNA extraction and characterization of Acer miaotaiense 庙台槭总DNA提取及鉴定 ilib.cn 3. Measurment of total protein and amino acid in Acer truncatum Bunge seeds and same generic plants 元宝枫及同属植物种子总蛋白质含量和氨基酸的测定 www.ilib.cn 4. Fluctuation of Acer truncatum sap flow in rapid growth season and relevant variables 元宝枫生长旺季树干液流动态及影响因素 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on kinetic characteristics of protease from Acer truncatum Bunge 元宝枫叶蛋白酶的动力学特征 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Analysis on Peroxidase Isoenzyme of Six Species of Acer 槭属六种植物过氧化物酶同工酶分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Silver maple trunk Trees of Silver maple, Acer saccharinum, have light gray, scaly bark 银槭树,银槭,有浅灰色,鳞片状树皮 wenku.baidu.com 8. Artificial Domestication on Wild Acer tetramerum 野生桦叶四蕊槭人工驯化 service.ilib.cn 9. Present Status and Development Tendency of Research on Acer truncatum 元宝枫研究现状及未来发展趋势 www.ilib.cn 10. Raising seedling technique by sowing for Acer mono 五角枫播种育苗技术 scholar.ilib.cn 1. The Multipurpose Utilization of Acer truncatum Bunge 元宝枫的综合开发利用 www.ilib.cn 2. A Preliminary Study on Introduction of Acer truncatum into Kunming Area 昆明地区元宝枫引种栽培试验初报 www.ilib.cn 3. A Study on Fruit Character Variance of Acer truncatum Introduced to Yunnan 云南引种的元宝枫果实性状变异研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Study on New Extraction Technology of Chlorgenic Acid in Acer truncatum Bunge Leaf with Enzyme Treatment 酶法提取元宝枫叶绿原酸的新工艺研究 scholar.ilib.cn 5. A primary report on softwood cutting test of Acer mono 色木槭嫩枝扦插试验初报 www.ilib.cn 6. Ultrasonic Extraction of Tanning from the Seed Hull of Acer Truncatum 超声波提取元宝枫种壳中单宁的研究 www.ilib.cn 7. The Shoot Annual Growth Pattern of Acer truncatum in Yunnan Province 引种元宝枫抽梢年生长规律研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on Seed Anatomy Biology of Acer Plants 槭属植物种子解剖生物学的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Effect of soil drought stress on the shoot growth and water use efficiency of Quercus liaotungensis and Acer stenolobum var. Megalophyllum 土壤干旱对辽东栎、大叶细裂槭幼苗生长及水分利用的影响 scholar.ilib.cn 10. A Study on Growth Trait Variation of Acer truncatum Seedling 元宝枫苗木生长性状变异的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Acer dasycarpum Ehrhart; A. saccharinum L. ; silver maple; white maple 银白槭;银白枫 www.scientrans.com 2. Study on breed technique for seed of Acer mandshuricum and Acer pseudo-sieboldianum 白牛槭和假色槭种子繁育技术研究 service.ilib.cn 3. A boy plays with leaves from an Acer treethat has turned red in Arley, Cheshire 在柴郡阿利,一个小男孩在一颗枫树下玩着已经变红的树叶 bbs.ebigear.com 4. David acer - extreme close up 极端特写镜头 shop34563572.taobao.com 5. Study on Flower Morphology of Acer trialatum 三翅槭花形态研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Effect of Leaf Quantity Change on the Growth of Acer truncatum 元宝枫叶数量变化对生长的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Spatial analysis of Acer miaotaiense populations in the Western Qin Mountains based on GIS and GPS 基于GIS和GPS的秦岭西段庙台槭种群空间分析 ilib.cn 8. The Comparative Anatomy on Wood of Acer trialum 三翅槭木材解剖学的比较 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Change of Cholorogenic Acid Content in Leaves of Acer truncatum 元宝枫叶内绿原酸含量变化研究 www.ilib.cn 10. A New Species of Acer from Yunnan 云南槭属植物一新种 service.ilib.cn |
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