单词 | look forward to |
释义 | looks forward to是look forward to的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:looks forward to 现在分词:looking forward to 过去式:looked forward to 例句释义: 盼望,期待 1. And he took another swallow of the brandy, shaking his great fair head like a man who looks forward to the worst. 他又喝了一口白兰地,摇了摇他那大脑袋,像是预先知道了未来凶多吉少。 www.yuloo.com 2. He has always been highly regarded at Chelsea and everyone here looks forward to welcoming him back and working with him. 他已经赢得了切尔西俱乐部的高度评价,这里的每个人都期待欢迎他回来,希望和他一起工作。 www.kle100.cn 3. the united states welcomes the visit and looks forward to a comprehensive discussion of issues affecting the u . s . - china relationship. 美国对这次访问表示欢迎,并期待就影响美-中关系的有关问题进行全面磋商。 www.ichacha.net 4. The little kid asks me to say hello to you and looks forward to seeing you as early as possible. 小家伙们让我向你问好,并急切的盼望着早日能见到你。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Everything is so short, he looks forward to long long, but have to accept all this was all just temporary owners. 一切皆是如此的短暂,心中期盼着地久天长,却又不得不接受这所有的一切只是曾经短暂的拥有。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Odierno said Iraq will always be a part of him and he looks forward to coming back to visit. 奥迪耶诺说,伊拉克将永远是他生命的一部分,他期待有机会重访伊拉克。 www.bing.com 7. LIANYABENEFITWEI INDUSTRY. , LTD looks forward to working with you to establish a sincere and long-standing relations of cooperation. 联亚利维实业有限公司期待着与您建立真诚、长久的合作关系。 www.biz.jqw.com 8. PMG is delighted to have Bill on the team and looks forward to having him on board as a valuable industry resource. 和平监测小组很高兴能有比尔的团队,并期待着他在船上的一个宝贵的行业资源。 bzxw.512121.com 9. Bush said he also looks forward to conferring with his military advisers before laying out his plan for moving forward in Iraq. 布什表示,他还期待在制定出有关伊拉克的前进计划前与军事顾问们磋商。 www.america.gov 10. A spokesman for Pang said the businessman 'believes these charges are false and he looks forward to being vindicated at trial. 彭日成的发言人表示,彭日成认为这些指控都是伪造的,他期待在法庭上证明自己无罪。 www.bing.com 1. Companies all staff and its determination to Quality services, good reputation, and looks forward to cooperation with you! 公司全体员工,决心以优质的服务,良好的信誉,期待着与你的合作!! www.tonke.cn 2. He has consistently denied wrongdoing and said he looks forward to clearing his name publicly. 他始终否认自己存在过错,并表示他期待能够公开洗刷自己的罪名。 c.wsj.com 3. Mr. Brown said he looks forward to attending a summit of world leaders soon to discuss cooperative economic recovery measures. 布朗表示,他期待出席下个月在美国举行的世界领导人金融峰会,讨论合作制定经济复苏措施的问题。 www.voanews.cn 4. Sir Alex said the annual dinner is an event he always looks forward to on the calendar. 弗格森爵士说他一直在期待着这次的年度晚宴。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 5. Nantong Yuanyang International Trade Co. , Ltd. sincerely looks forward to cooperating with you. 南通源洋国际贸易有限公司伸出诚挚的双手,期待着与您的合作。 company.zhaopin.com 6. Shenghao Plastic Products Company sincerely looks forward to working with you friendly cooperation and common development! 盛豪日塑真诚地期待与您的友好合作与共同发展! www.cc365.cn 7. He looks forward to putting those skills to use in his career as an auditor, giving advice to his clients. 他希望这些辅导技巧在他日后当核数师时派上用场,能为客户提供中肯的意见。 publish.ust.hk 8. The Parisians look forward to dinner as a Mississippian looks forward to his evening necking of the Scriptures. 巴黎人之盼望晚饭,一如密西西比人之盼望傍晚钻研圣经。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The company looks forward to "sustainable, rapid, and healthy growth, " Chairman Xiaobing Chang said in a Sept. 28 press release. 该公司期望获得“持续、快速和稳健的发展”,主席常小兵在9月28日的新闻发布会上说。 www.bing.com 10. We urgently need action on this important issue and Vietnam looks forward to help moving the agenda forward. 我们迫切需要在这个重要问题上采取行动,越南期待着帮助向前推进这个议程。 web.worldbank.org 1. The president said he looks forward to having more bipartisan meetings in the future. 奥巴马说,他期待今后能够举行更多的两党议员会议。 www.bing.com 2. Germany grand film industry looks forward to and creates beautiful future with you! 德隆膜业期待与您共创美好未来! delongfilm.com 3. We looks forward to winning every opportunity hand in hand with you, our partner supplier. 我们期待着每一个机会赢得与您携手共进,我们的合作伙伴供应商。 ww.amoyfish.com 4. this year the festival looks forward to welcoming industry luminaries for a range of master classes , screen talks and panel discussions. 今年的电影节还将邀请电影产业的杰出人士对一系列大制作电影展开电影评论和专题讨论会。 www.ichacha.net 5. Thank you fellow delegates the delegate of United States looks forward to working with all of you this weekend. 感谢各位代表,美利坚合众国代表期待着与各位在这个周末里一同工作。 jianadaliuxue.com 6. Finally, it summarizes the content of studying in thesis, and looks forward to the direction of study on future for inventory control. 最后,对论文所研究的内容进行了总结,并对库存控制未来的研究方向进行了展望。 www.juhe8.com 7. She also says China looks forward to progress at global climate treaty talks, scheduled for the end of the year in Copenhagen. 她还表示,中国期待着全球气候条约谈判的进展,该谈判定于今年年底在哥本哈根举行。 www.bing.com 8. At last, the paper summarizes the research work of the subject and looks forward to the emphases of next research work. 论文最后对课题研究工作进行了总结,对下一步研究工作的重点进行了展望。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. Mr. Obama says he looks forward to the meeting, and he appreciates his predecessor's cooperation. 奥巴马表示,他期待着这次会晤,并感谢现任总统的合作。 www.voanews.cn 10. Your correspondent looks forward to using the service while travelling around Japan over the next month or so. 本报记者期待下个月周游日本时使用该服务。 www.ecocn.org 1. Looks forward to your reply and appointment time of an hour. 期待你的答复以及一个小时的会面时间。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. And, in true Gallic fashion, he is not exactly short of confidence as he looks forward to the tournament. 并且,他也不缺少信心。他正期待着世界杯的征程。 eriksson.blog.enorth.com.cn 3. Etchia sees competent, honest accountants as the cornerstone of business and looks forward to becoming one of them. 懿齐认为诚实而称职的会计师是商业社会的基石,期望能成为其中一员。 publish.ust.hk 4. She still looks forward to her little pleasures but she doesn't see anything unusual about that. 她还期待着她的小乐趣,但她不认为有什么不寻常。 www.bing.com 5. Jianhua company sincerely looks forward to your visit, and provide you with the satisfactory quality products and service! 公司真诚期待您的惠顾,并愿以我们的真诚为您提供优质的产品和满意的服务! blog.sina.com.cn 6. Barcelona looks forward to participating in the Urban Best Practices Area, having been selected for two of its best practices. 巴塞罗那有两个案例初步入围“城市最佳实践区”的评选活动。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 7. This paper introduces the features of finger shaft arc furnace and looks forward to its future. 介绍手指式竖炉电弧炉的特点,并展望了未来的发展趋势。 www.chemyq.com 8. Everyone, young and old, rich and poor, looks forward to celebrating the noisiest, most joyous and longest festival of the year. 每个人,年轻的和年老的,有钱的和没钱的,期待着在今年庆祝最热闹,最喜庆,最长的节日。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. CERAM looks forward to a profitable and successful relationship with the HuaXia Laboratory. CERAM希望地与华夏实验建立紧密的合作关系。 www.ccisn.com.cn 10. He looks forward to rebuilding the moral order between man and man, man and society with a compromise of love. 他期望以爱和爱的妥协重建人与人、人与社会的道德秩序。 www.fabiao.net 1. Generally, the community has accepted the Accountability System and looks forward to further consolidation and improvement. 市民大体上已认同问责制,并期望它进一步巩固完善。 www.policyaddress.gov.hk 2. At last, the thesis carries on the brief summary of the research, looks forward to the prospect, and points out some parts to improve. 第六章就对论文研究成果进行总结,展望了前景,指出了有待完善的地方。 www.fabiao.net 3. With this study, the author looks forward to offer the experience for other electric power enterprises about overall budget management. 通过本文的研究,期望能够为其他电力企业引入全面预算管理提供一定的借鉴意义。 www.fabiao.net 4. One looks forward to the day when the motor-car has been replaced by some less dangerous means of transport. 人们希望有一天,所有的机动车辆能够被危险较小的交通方式替代。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Officially, Kraft's offer is friendly. Irene Rosenfeld, its chief executive, says she looks forward to "constructive dialogue" with Cadbury. 从卡夫的官方态度来看,此收购是善意之举,正如该公司总经理IreneRosenfeld所说,她期待与卡百利进行“建设性谈话”。 www.ecocn.org 6. In a meanwhile, it also looks forward to the significance of promoting teachers current situation. 同时指出改善农村教师队伍现状的重要意义。 epub.cnki.net 7. The President also looks forward to working with Congress to further reduce our long-run fiscal deficit. 总统还期待与国会共同努力以进一步减少我们长期的财政赤字。 www.putclub.com 8. The Governing Council of the ECB looks forward to witnessing their action in this regard and will continue to support their efforts. 欧洲央行理事会期待着看到他们在这点上的行动,并且会不断支持他们的努力。 www.bing.com 9. He looks forward to see what have happened. 翻译为他朝前看看发生了什么。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Xiao Sisi, 26, a planning manager at a foreign advertising company in Beijing, looks forward to seeing the effects of the new regulations. 26岁的肖思思(音译)在北京一家广告外企担任企划部经理,她很期待看到新一轮限娱令的成果。 bbs.ewteacher.com 1. This paper looks forward to playing a positive role in the building students psychological harmony. 期待本论文的探索,能对大学生的心理和谐建设起到积极的作用。 www.zidir.com 2. Research Lab Channel, the online platform for frontline scientists, looks forward to your visit! 实验室频道,一线实验科学家的网络平台,期待着您的访问! www.sciencetimes.com.cn 3. A little child always looks forward to his birthday. 孩子总是期待着他的生日。 blog.tianya.cn 4. He looks forward to the harvest because he knows he's going to be blessed. 他期待来年的丰收,因为他知道他将获得神的庇佑。 www.bing.com 5. The ROK side looks forward to fruitful results from the trilateral leaders' meeting to be held in Beijing on October 10. 韩方期盼着10月10日在北京举行的中日韩三国领导人会议取得丰硕成果。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. To implement these new initiatives, Mr Wong looks forward to receiving the continuous support of the ICAC and other OC member organisations. 黄先生盼望继续得到廉政公署及其他筹委会成员机构的支持,以落实上述计划。 www.icac.org.hk 7. No one wants to plan a funeral, because none of us looks forward to losing a loved one or family member. 没有人希望安排一场葬礼,因为没有人希望失去自己至亲至爱的人。 www.bing.com 8. Australia looks forward to working with other partners in building capacity to establish and expand carbon markets. 澳大利亚期待着与其他合作伙伴共同进行能力建设,建立和扩大碳市场。 web.worldbank.org 9. Irene Rosenfeld, its chief executive, says she looks forward to "constructive dialogue" with Cadbury. 卡夫总执行官Irene表示,她正在寻求与吉百利建立“建设性对话”。 lando.ever.blog.163.com 10. Carpenter says he looks forward to the day when both urchins and parrotfish share the task of clearing way for baby coral. 卡朋特说:他盼望着有一天,海胆和鹦嘴鱼分担为幼年珊瑚扫清道路的任务。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Faulkner portrays us a world of tragedies, however, what he looks forward to is "a beam of light" for the future of mankind. 福克纳给我们展现了一个悲剧性的世界,但是,他所想展望的是人类的未来之“光”。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. All staff of China Construction Machinery Network looks forward to your join-in. We believe your join-in will create a new age for us! 我们中国工程机械网全体员工期待着您,您的加盟将会让你、我迈进一个新时代! 2004.smt.cn 3. Finally, the experimental system which has been developed is debugged. The author looks forward to follow-up work. 最后对本文所开发的实验系统进行了调试并对后续工作做了展望。 www.fabiao.net 4. Wang says the Chinese side looks forward to continue what he called a "candid and pragmatic dialogue" with the new U. S. administration. 王说中国期望与新政府继续这种“坦率的,实用的对话”。 www.kekenet.com 5. Every parent looks forward to these developmental milestones, but Beverly has been waiting two decades. 每一个家长都期盼着这些成长过程中的界碑,可贝弗利等了二十年。 www.bing.com 6. Now a titillated Japanese public looks forward to prosecuting the prosecutors. 现在,被煽动的日本民众正期待着审讯这些检察官。 www.ecocn.org 7. 'I'm probably one of the few people in the world who looks forward to losing his bags, ' Mr. Price says. 普莱斯说,“全世界大概很少有人会盼着自己丢行李的,我就是其中之一。” www.acsf.cn 8. The firework display is what everyone looks forward to in every Olympic opening ceremony. 每次的开幕式,大家都很期待巨大的烟火展示。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 9. Expectant first-time father Peter Highman (Robert Downey Jr. ) looks forward to his new child's due date five days away. 准爸爸彼得(罗拔唐尼饰),五天后就是太太的预产期,他希望能赶上飞机,从亚特兰大飞到妻子身边陪她生产。 www.moviex.com.hk 10. Through analyzing the four methods on Su-Cheh's estheticism , this thesis looks forward to find out how he composed his poems. 由以上四个面向,分析苏辙诗歌之审美精神,期待能深入剖析并发掘出苏辙个人形塑诗歌之特色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Make something yummy, like popcorn or a cup of special herb tea, to make reading time something your daughter looks forward to. 做些美味的食品,比如说爆米花或一杯特别的香草茶,使你女儿更加期待阅读时光。 www.yayan123.com 2. With premium quality products and excellent service, XPZ1 looks forward to creating a splendid future together with our customers! 为客户提供优质的产品和优良的服务,并愿与广大客户携手共创美好的明天! www.wzrcw.net 3. It also looks forward to the application prospect of laser welding technology in pipeline welding of X70 pipeline steel. 展望了激光焊接技术在管道焊接中尤其X70管线钢时的应用前景。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. This young veterinarian looks forward to the exciting moment. 年轻的兽医罗娌期待着这一时刻的到来。 www.cctv.com 5. He is rapidly becoming an expert in the code and looks forward to discussing features with other contributors. 他很快掌握了现有的代码,并期待着与其他的参与者进行讨论。 www.infoq.com 6. The conclusion part summarizes the whole content briefly, and looks forward to the future of Chinese real estate investment fund. 结论部分对全文进行了简要的归纳总结,并对我国房地产投资基金的未来发展提出了期望。 www.fabiao.net 7. Jim has been working hard and looks forward to spending his vacation lying on the beach doing nothing. 吉姆一直工作努力,他渴望能躺在海边什么也不干,度过假期。 www.bing.com 8. In addition to the competition, Wang looks forward to visiting China with pingpong diplomacy veterans. 除了比赛,蒂莫西·王还期待着与参与乒乓外交的老队员们一起访问中国。 www.unsv.com 9. The resolute student looks forward to becoming a resolute leader. 那个学生坚决想成为铁腕领导者。 www.ustraining.cn 10. My son used to fear tests at school, but now he looks forward to them. 我儿子以前很害怕学校的考试,但现在他盼望着考试。 club.kidspie.com 1. Pelosi said Tuesday she looks forward to leading a loyal but tenacious opposition in the House. 佩洛西周二表示,她期待着在众议院领导忠诚但顽强的反对。 www.englishtang.com 2. Steven Gerrard looks forward to captaining his country at the World Cup. 史蒂芬·杰拉德期待着率领他的国家参加世界杯。 bbs.sports.163.com 3. She looks forward to a trip to Australia. 她期待着到澳大利亚的旅行。 teacher.yqedu.com.cn 4. Each looks forward to different landmarks. 人们在寻找不同的路标。 www.elanso.com 5. New Zealand said it looks forward to having closer and more effective economic and trade ties with China. 新西兰期待与中国建立更紧密、更富实效的经贸关系。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. He looks forward to the verbal jousting and more often than not puts them firmly in their place. 他期望打口水仗,却经常性地使他们地位动摇。 bbs.qieerxi.com 7. Every athlete is eager to win (looks forward to winning) in the Games. 每位专业选手都想在比赛中获胜。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But of all the countries he has visited, singer Lee Hom looks forward to coming to Malaysia the most. 但在他所有到访过的国家,力宏最期待马来西亚。 www.blogcn.com 9. The Company looks forward to cooperating with more partners to promote the development of Intelligent Transportation Systems in China. 美慧公司愿与更多的合作伙伴共同推动中国智能交通信息事业的发展。 1010job.online.sh.cn 10. The Swiss insisted that, despite a losing 8-17 record against Nadal, he always looks forward to the challenge. 尽管与纳达尔的交手记录以8-17落后,但费德勒始终坚持,他总是期待挑战。 www.bing.com 1. She always looks forward to your dos. 她一直盼着看看你的计算机磁盘控制系统。 www.eng8.net 2. He looks forward to seeing the old home again. 他盼望能再看到老家。 aaenglish.bokee.com 3. He looks forward to becoming a scientist. 他向往成为一名科学家。 www.jukuu.com 4. James looks forward to meeting you. 詹姆斯非常想见你。 www.putclub.com 5. The Chinese government will take an active and constructive part in the Conference and looks forward to a positive outcome at Copenhagen. 中国政府将以积极的建设性态度参加会议,衷心期待会议取得积极成果。 www.putclub.com 6. Why he looks forward to the new 18th Hole? 为什么他对于新的18洞充满期待? sports.online.sh.cn 7. Hong Kong looks forward to and is ready to facilitate the greater use of the euro in Asia. 香港期待这么的一天,并会作好准备,协助推动亚洲更广泛使用欧元。 www.info.gov.hk 8. China's Domestic Venture Capital Looks forward to Inflexion 中国本土风险投资业期待拐点出现 www.ilib.cn 9. The U. S. Mission in China plays a vital role in this effortand looks forward to working with our many friends in both the U. S. and China 美国驻中国使团在这个任务中其这种要作用,我们期待着与众多美、中朋友共同努力, www.bing.com 10. He who lays up treasures in heaven looks forward to eternity; 那些在天堂积蓄财宝的人们期待着永恒; www.bing.com 1. my family looks forward to seeing you next week 我的家人都期待在下星期看到你。 www.ichacha.net |
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