单词 | look back on |
释义 | 例句释义: 回顾,回忆,回顾过去,回首 1. Yeah, You know memories are what make up high school life, What made you laugh and cry are things that you look back on. 是的,你知道高中生活回忆。在你回想起来的时候,那些回忆会让你哭,又让你笑。 www.ttxyy.com 2. Earthly things may be worthy of a dash of earth-shattering, is not to like dust, all of these look back on the case. 尘世有几许事可堪惊天动地,还不是去似微尘,所有种种回头再看,就那么回事。 t.qq.com 3. So it's just as easy to say Google will regret buying Motorola as it is to say it will look back on the deal as a shrewd move. 因此,说谷歌会因收购摩托罗拉而感到后悔,正如说它今后会将这桩交易看成是一笔精明的投资一样,都是说得轻巧。 www.fortunechina.com 4. I wondered how I would look back on my life once I reached Nicholas's age, so I asked him, "What was the best time of your life? " 我寻思着等我到了尼古拉斯的岁数真不知该怎样回顾自己的一生,于是我问他:“你一生中最美好的时光是什么时候?” wenwen.soso.com 5. It's strange to look back on my years of terror now that the final chapter of my brilliant cinematic journey is culminating. 回首多年来我的累累恶迹,如今我辉煌的电影旅程的最后一章居然就要结束了。 dongxi.net 6. When I look back on this I wish that there had been children's services, where kids could sit in a more relaxed atmosphere. 回想到这些,我希望有专门对儿童的布道,能使孩子们处于一个更宽松的氛围。 www.tjlit.org 7. I'm sorry. Look, it's not so bad. I bet in a year he'll look back on this whole thing and laugh. Ok, maybe, chuckle. 抱歉。瞧,这也没那么糟。我敢打赌一年以后当他回头看这整件事的时候会大笑,好吧,或许,窃笑。 bbs.putclub.com 8. Huang, as he prepares to graduate, can look back on his gaokao experience with satisfaction, but knows that his joy is far from universal. 黄志敏,由于他快要毕业了,他可以轻松地回望他的高考经历,但是他的乐趣远远不是独一无二的。 www.bing.com 9. It will be the point they look back on as the crucial turning point for Humanity towards a more spiritual future. 这将是未来的一点,他们回顾了作为关键的转折点人类迈向更精神。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. In a ray of light, an angel appears and leads him to look back on his short life. 一阵光中,天使出现,天使带领阿远回顾他短暂的一生。 arte.media-net.com.tw 1. Do you ever look back on early episodes and find yourself with a new appreciation for how much Leonard has evolved? 你有没有过曾回看自己较早的剧集发现自己很感激莱纳德这个人物的成长演变? www.bing.com 2. You want to be recognised as a good player, but also you want to look back on your career and feel proud of what you achieved. 你想被承认为是一个好球员,但你也想在回顾职业生涯的时候能为自己的成就感到高兴。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 3. Today, look back on past events like the Gulf Stream as an overflow, and perhaps those memories last a day. 今日回首,往事像一湾溪流一样溢出,或许那些往事刚过去一天。 blog.wtojob.com 4. When I look back on what he did, I'm not sure that I would have done the same in his position. 当我现在回过头来看,我真不敢肯定如果我处在他的处境我是否也能像他那样做。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. When future scholars look back on the early years of the 21st century how will they characterize military art and science? 当未来的学者们回顾21世纪初期他们将如何评论现在的军事艺术和军事科学? www.globalmil.com 6. is determined to look back on this afternoon's game at Newcastle as the game in which we ended a miserable run of form. 我们要结束这一段艰难的旅程,而今天下午对阵喜鹊的比赛将是我们在未来所回望的开始,对此,伊万已经下定决心。 bbs.qieerxi.com 7. But there was a their history which it would be sad to look back on. 但那里有一个他们的历史,那将是悲哀的回顾。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Bush also acknowledges that 1986 was a watershed year in his life. " A year of change, when I look back on it. " He says. 布什也坦承,1986年是他生命中的一个分水岭,他说:“当我回想时,我认为那是一个转变之年。” blog.sina.com.cn 9. Then, let's reflect and look back on the times that have passed while looking at the trace of time imprinted on the paper of our lives. 然后,让我们思考和回首过去每每看着时光消失而记录在纸上的那些生活中的点滴事迹。 zhishi.sohu.com 10. Oh yea! Maybe you even look back on the relationship and you become obsessed with the things you hate about him. 好的,也许你曾经对你们的关系作了回顾,并且发现你被一些你憎恨他的事情所困扰。 paoxue.com 1. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. 我只是在这里稍加歇息,看一看身边的美好风景,回顾一下自己所走过的路。 bbs.ucity.cc 2. And to be able to look back on that and say, hey, you made a mistake, it's not a big deal, everything turns out OK. 但是当你有机会回过头来细看,你会说,嘿,你犯了错,这没什么大不了的,一切都会好起来的。 www.joyen.net 3. A bow and eat it too, a former head Yang, a look back on lap tongue, a forward slowly, in a rub trees Jing itch. 一俯首吃草,一翘首前仰,一回首舐舌,一缓步前行,一在荆棵蹭痒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. "You look back on yourself and you wonder, Why was I that way? " he says, shaking his head ruefully. “你回顾自己的过去,你不明白我当时怎么竟然那样呢?”他说道,后悔地摇着头。 www.bing.com 5. No matter what you're going through in life right now, there is something you can look back on and say, "God, I'm grateful for that. " 不管你的生命正经历什么,你还是可以回忆说“上帝,我为你做的那件事而感激”。 www.bing.com 6. It's not necessary to go back and read what you have written, but after a time it can help to look back on some pages. 你不必马上翻阅完成的灵修日记,不过,在过了一段时间后,重读某些日记会对你有帮助。 chinesetodays.org 7. I look back on my post from a year ago and recognise my ignorance: high-end prostitutes do have a unique skill-set. 我回顾了自己一年前的文章,承认我的无知:高级妓女确实得有一套独特的技能。 www.bing.com 8. Most of you, after all, can look back on honor grades for most of what you have done. 不管怎么说,你们中的大部分人,会以欣慰的目光来回顾你们所取得的辉煌成绩。 q.163.com 9. In 1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling. 到了1995年美国回顾着过去五年的持续增长,而日本开始了挣扎。 www.kancaimi.cn 10. When I look back on my years there, I think I was lucky to be one member of that place. 当我回顾在那儿度过的岁月时,我认为,能成为那个地方的一员,我还是很幸运的。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. When I look back on my own career, I can find plenty of reasons for discouragement, personal discouragement. 当我回顾起我的职业生涯,我发现我对自己的胆怯总是有太多的理由。 www.bing.com 2. I can look back on my life and see that if God had answered prayers according to my timing, I would have missed His best in every case. 追溯以往,我发现,若上帝按我的意思应允了我的祷告,那么,在每件事情上,我都会错过他最美的祝福。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But a look back on the life of Mr. Kluge also highlights a broader wealth trend: the soaring price of being the richest man in America. 但回顾克鲁格的一生,还能清楚地看到一个愈加普遍的财富趋势:成为美国首富的身价条件一路飙升。 c.wsj.com 4. As he look back on it now, he see much more important standards: God's timing and God's training. 后来回顾起来,他明白了一些更重要的准则,那就是神的时间和神的训练。 blog.jrj.com.cn 5. However, when I look back on their own path traversed, but found that there are in fact the wind endpoint. 可是,当我回首自己走过的路,却发现,风其实是有终点的。 www.tradeask.com 6. When you are old and gray, and look back on your life, you will want to be proud of what you have done. 当你白发苍苍、垂垂老矣,回首人生时,你需要为自己做过的事感到自豪。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I look back on those days as the happiest time of my life. 我回顾那些日子,把它看作是我生活中最快活的时光。 www.wenkoo.cn 8. No one can look back on his schooldays and say with truth that they were altogether unhappy. 谁也不能在回首校园时代时真心真意地说那段日子完全不快乐。——《如此欢乐童年》 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Some Americans look back on the World War II era as a simpler time, when questions of good and evil were more black and white. 有些美国人回顾二战时,会认为那个时代更简单些,那是一个正义与邪恶黑白分明的年代。 twentyfirst.englishbaby.com 10. As we look back on 15 years of achievement, let us look forward to a world of equality and progress for all. 让我们认真审视过去15年所取得的成就,让我们期待一个人利平等、机会均等并共享进步的美好未来! www.bing.com 1. Whatever next season brings, Guus Hiddink can look back on his brief stay at Chelsea and its fairytale finish. 不管下赛季有什么风吹草动,在切尔西执教的短暂时光和童话般的完美结局都将是希丁克在英超的美好回忆。 lixiaomin88888888.blog.163.com 2. Two generations have gone by since the last real steel barons led the world in production and we look back on those days with nostalgia. 从最后一批钢铁大亨领导世界生产到现在已经过去了两代人的时间,我们回首那段时光也会充满怀旧之情。 dongxi.net 3. What does the song mean to you now, as you look back on it? 当你现在回头看时,这首歌目前对你是什么意义? www.bing.com 4. Don't you now simply look back on the episode with a mixture of rose-tinted false memories and chiseled sentimentality ? 难道你现在不仅仅是去回顾那段人生经历?那既是玫瑰色错误回忆,又是痛彻心扉的伤痛? blog.sina.com.cn 5. When I look back on my career in politics, the 1983 legislative session on education is one of the things I'm proudest of. 回首我的政治生涯,1983年的议会特别会议是我最引以为傲的事件之一。 www.bing.com 6. i dont wanna look back on life to see this missed opportunity . 我想看看生活看这错过的机会。 wenwen.soso.com 7. I have wondered if there will ever come a time when I'll look back on my relationship with Daniel in disgust, but I don't think so. 我好奇会否有一天,回顾我和丹尼尔的关系时我会感到恶心,但我想不会。 www.bing.com 8. It has become common to look back on this period of restraint as an embarrassment. 这种共识是在回顾这个视克制为难堪的时期中形成的。 m.yeeyan.org 9. This week, we look back on a few of the big economic stories of twenty eleven. 本周我们来回顾一下2011年发生的一些经济大事件。 www.bing.com 10. With that in mind, over the coming weeks ReadWriteWeb will look back on the defining Web trends of the past 10 years . 基于此,读写网将在未来几周回顾过去十年之间重大的网络趋势。 www.bing.com 1. This week, we look back on a few of the year's biggest economic stories. 本周我们回顾一下本年度的若干特大经济新闻。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Will historians look back on 2009 and see it as a singular case of international cooperation or the start of something new? 如果回首2009年,历史学者会视之为偶一为之的国际合作,还是一个新的开端呢? web.worldbank.org 3. "One day, we might well look back on this as the perestroika moment" , says a Western diplomat in Havana. 哈瓦那的一个西方外交官说到:“也许有一天,我们会将现在的改革视作革命性的一刻。” www.ecocn.org 4. Look back on the training days, for us the wheel of slumber was wont to turn noiseless and slick and swift. 回顾训练的日子,在我们看来,时间在睡眠中总是过得很快,静悄悄地就溜走了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Exercises to do each unit before going to look back on its main outline. 做每个单元的习题前都要先回顾其要点。 hi.baidu.com 6. As you get older and look back on the past, you'll be able to list all kinds of significant experiences and jobs in your life. 当你有了年纪,回头看看过去的时候,你可以列出在一生中所经历过的各项重要经验与工作。 www.24en.com 7. But one day you're going to look back on this and be glad we went through it together. 但有一天我们回想起来的时候,你会庆幸我们一同撑过来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It would probably be the funniest and most touching things when you look back on your life. 也许那还会是你回顾生命的时候最有趣最让人感动的一部分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. And, we travel to Argentina, to look back on Tzu Chi's 19 years of commitment to empowering local communities. 我们再带大家到阿根廷,看看慈济在当地深耕19年的回顾报导。 www.newdaai.tv 10. Investment bankers worldwide have every reason to look back on 2006 with a warm glow of affection. 世界各地的投资银行家完全有理由带着兴奋的心情来回顾2006年。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Don't ever look back on the wind closing in. 不要神色在关闭的风。 wenwen.soso.com 2. We look back on obstacles avoided and dangers overcome, on expectations more than realized and prosperity perfectly secured. 我们看到以往的障碍已被避免,危险被克服。看到期望不仅仅被实现,繁荣也完全得以保证。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Listen, three months from now we're going to look back on this and laugh. 再三个月后这都会变成一个笑话 blog.sina.com.cn 4. When I look back on my own education, one thing that stands out is how often I had to write in the (private) high school I attended. 回首我的学习历程,在高中我的一个最突出的特点就是,我经常写作。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Maybe in a few hours you'll look back on that sketch and see a solid idea in there. 也许几小时后你再回头看的时候会发现这个创意也许不错。 www.bing.com 6. Not only do you want to help the team win but you don't want to look back on a game and be ashamed of your performance. 不仅是希望帮助球队获胜,更加是不希望自己在复盘的时候为自己的表现感到羞耻。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 7. It wasn't such a bad experience when I look back on it. 回忆起来,这并非是如此糟糕的经历。 8. Historians, it is fair to say, will probably look back on the past year or so as an epochal moment. 诚然,历史学家在回顾过去一年左右的岁月时,很可能会认为它具有划时代的意义。 www.ftchinese.com 9. When enough years had gone by to enable us to look back on them, we sometimes discussed the events leading to his accident. 当好些年过去了足以使我们回头再看那些,我们有时候会讨论是什么导致了他的事故。 www.shanbay.com 10. When historians a century from now look back on China's rise to global power, the carrier may stand out as the turning point. 100年后,当历史学家们回顾中国崛起为世界大国的进程时,这艘航母或许正是转折点。 www.bing.com 1. Not only will this make the transition easier, but it will also be a nice keepsake to look back on. 这不仅使你更好的应对季节的变换,更是你回忆夏天时的纪念品。 www.01ielts.com 2. It wasn't such a bad experience when I look back on. 当我回想起来的时候,觉得那并不是多么不堪的经历。 3. It is those relationships that you'll look back on with satisfaction when you get old and begin to wonder what your life was worth. 在你老去或者开始怀疑人生的时候,这些友谊能你带来满足感。 www.bing.com 4. We may come to look back on 2009 as a vintage year for environmentally themed movies and documentaries. 2009年是环保主题影片和纪录片大放异彩的一年。 www.bing.com 5. "It feels like a fairy tale when you look back on it, " he says of the class. “回头看看,感觉就像一个童话。”他对班上的同学说。 www.bing.com 6. Weof the Mother Country cannot look back on that event as representing one of our successes. 我们母国不能回头把那个分离看作我们的一个具有代表性的成就。 www.edu114.cn 7. However, whenever I look back on brief past life, I find a beacon illuminating my soul and thereby lending a little brightness to my being. 然而在短促的过去的回顾中却有一盏明灯,照彻了我的灵魂和黑暗,使我的生存有一点光彩。 www.bing.com 8. when i look back on that awful week , what i remember most clearly is lia crying on the telephone. 我回忆可怕的那一周的情景时,最清楚地重映脑海的就是丽雅在电话中哭泣。 www.ichacha.net 9. Eventually, I hope we'll look back on this as a shameful period of discrimination against our fellow humans beings. 我希望最终当我们反思这段历史时,会为这种对人类同胞的歧视感到羞愧。 www.qafone.org 10. It turned page after page with the moment passed, we have a common look back on a colorful period of days. 翻开那一页页一起走过的瞬间,我们共同回首了那段多彩的日子。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. WHEN people look back on a bubble, they tend to blame the mess on crookery , greed and the collective insanity of others. 当我们回看经济泡沫,我们不免对欺诈和贪婪引起的混乱,他人的集体疯癫加以指责。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In fact, as this column has often said, history will likely look back on the redoubtable Deng as China's greatest leader and revolutionary. 事实上,正如本栏所言,历史也许会证明邓小平是中国最伟大的领导和革命家。 www.bing.com 3. But it's obviously a great night to look back on, beating Real Madrid, the most famous name in European football, 5-0 on aggregate. 但无论如何这都是一场值得回味的比赛,我们战胜了欧洲赛场上最有名气的皇马,而且是以总比分5-0取胜的。 www.showxiu.com 4. My grandparents often look back on their bitter life in the old society. 我的爷爷奶奶总是回忆他们在旧社会的痛苦生活。 jsxtzx.com 5. I look back on the day where I was, a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. 回想当年,一个愚蠢的年轻人犯了一个可怕的罪行。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. When I look back on the time I spent in Corporate America, I realize that I didn't know any better. 当我回头看我工作的美国公司,我认识到我不知道任何好转。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Mr. Nelson liked to look back on the time he spent with his daughter. 纳尔逊先生喜欢回顾他与女儿度过的时光。 www.ebigear.com 8. When we look back on the formation of the socialist market economy theory, Jiang Zemin integrates the research of generations of Marxists. 回顾社会主义市场经济理论的形成,经过了几代马克思主义者的探索,江泽民是集大成者。 www.magsci.org 9. He insists that being captain of Liverpool is something he'll look back on in years to come with pride. 他认为成为队长是今年可以带着骄傲回顾的一件事。 www.lfcbbs.com 10. Still, Mr. Normand says, 'when we look back on this in six months, we'll find the dollar is weaker against Asian currencies. ' 但是,诺曼德说,六个月后我们再回过头看,将会发现美元价值低于亚洲各国货币。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Still, Mr. Normand says, 'when we look back on this in six months, we'll find the dollar is weaker against Asian currencies. ' 但是,诺曼德说,六个月后我们再回过头看,将会发现美元价值低于亚洲各国货币。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did. 勇敢无畏.当你回首生命时,你因未做之事之遗憾,远多于你做过的事。 dict.bioon.com 3. The second, look back on several classical motivating theories, is the theoretical auxiliary. 第二部分回顾了几个经典的激励理论,是本文的理论辅助部分。 www.13191.com 4. I hope when historians look back on these unprecedented times they will understand that we stepped back from the brink of fragmentation. 我希望历史学家在回顾这个前无古人的时代时可以看到我们从分裂的危险中走了出来。 www.bing.com 5. So it's time to look back on our own inferiority complex instead of seeking pleasure from attacking just one among us. 所以,现在是时候回顾我们本身的自卑感而不是从攻击我们中的一个人来寻找乐趣。 xkyn.net 6. I remember the first time I post on the forum on the Internet when few people look back on that thread, and felt very happy, warm! 记得笔者第一次在网上论坛发贴时,回头再看发现有几人跟帖,心里非常高兴、热乎乎的! blog.sina.com.cn 7. He could look back on a long career entrepreneurship already. 对自己一长串的创业历史进行回顾。 open.163.com 8. At the end of the day, look back on your list. Did you hit all the items you checked off? Do you feel happier? 在一天结束的时候,回过头去看看你的清单。核对一下,你是否做到的所有的要求?有没有感觉更快乐 www.bing.com 9. We can look back on it and see that he's happy and know that it was worth it for that reason. 我们可以回顾一下,看看他的快乐,知道这是值得的一个原因。 www.englishtang.com 10. They like to look back on those unforgettable years in the army. 他们喜欢回忆在部队度过的难忘的岁月。 www.ruiwen.com 1. When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I survived at all. 回首童年,我奇怪自己是怎么活下来的。 bbs.newacad.com 2. They like to look back on those unforgettable years. 他们喜欢回想那些难忘的岁月。 www.zhounan.com 3. Q. If you don't want to look back on it, do you look forward, see yourself doing that again? Do you see yourself winning this tournament? 既然你不想回忆这些,那是不是还期待自己能再做到一次,再赢一次美网? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I was blessed to have you in my life. When I look back on these days, I'll look and see your face. You were right there for me. 在我的生命中有你是多么幸运,当我回忆过去,眼前就会浮现你的脸庞,你总会在那守候着我。 mag.e-say.com.cn 5. They like to look back on those unforgettable years in the country. 他们喜欢回顾在农村的那些难忘的岁月。 huludou.blog.163.com 6. Q. When you look back on your career, did you find it easier to hunt somebody or be hunted down? 回顾你的职业生涯,你认为追赶别人更容易还是被别人追赶更容易? blog.sina.com.cn 7. When I look back on it, I realize I may have made a mistake. 当我回顾时,我发现或许做了一个错误的决定。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. They won't all look back on "the longest day" as mainly a triumph of Allied military might. 当他们回想起那“最长的一天”,他们不会都将这看作盟军军事力量的胜利。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. I look back on those great moments. I recall the greatness of a nation which I have the honour to represent in this forum. 我回顾这些伟大的时刻,回想起这个我有幸在这里作为它代言人的民族的伟大。 www.360doc.com 10. It will be a major achievement if we win and I'll look back on it as something to be proud of. 如果我们赢了那将是巨大成就,而当我回首过去时将会把它作为一个值得骄傲的事。 bbs.miqiu.com 1. The result, in many cases, was a detailed archive of events and memories that they can look back on now and say "that was how I was then" . 在很多情况下,这将产生对事件和回忆的详细描述,日后重新查看时,能够明白地说:“嗯,当时就是这样的。” dongxi.net 2. It wasn't such an exciting experience when I look back on it. 当我回想起它的时候,觉得不是一个那么令人激动的经历。 3. I often look back on our lunchtimes together, bathed in the soft midday light. 如今,沐浴在正午和煦的阳光里,我常回忆起我们一起度过的那些午餐时间。 www.yyyyw.com 4. Founded in Hanover, Germany, in 1871, Continental can look back on a history of success. 大陆集团于1871年创立于德国汉诺威,伴随公司的成长壮大取得了卓越的成就。 campus.chinahr.com 5. Responders to Washington 's Dirty Face Fire look back on what went right. 对回顾华盛顿火灾污浊天空采取的措施方面什么是正确的的回应。 lib.forestpolice.net 6. I often look back on our lunchtime together, bathed in the soft midday light. 我经常回首我们中午一起,在光线柔和中午沐浴。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. I look back on this as something we really did right. 我现在回过头看这件事情,认为我们是真正做对了。 dict.veduchina.com 8. Lieh-tzu, we look back on discussion of the relationship between dreams and Cox. 我们在回过头来看列子对梦与觉关系的论述。 www.cutpic.cn 9. To consider retrospectively; look back on. 回顾性地考虑;对…进行回顾 zhidao.baidu.com 10. It creates a permanent record you can look back on any time. Your kids might even find it interesting to look back on one day. 你随时都可以查询它所记录的一切,你的孩子也许某天会发现看你过去的文章很有趣。 www.bing.com 1. Perhaps some day it will be pleasant to look back on these things. 可能将来有一天我们回顾这些事时会感到愉快的。 www.soenglish.com.cn 2. It's free and you'll always have something cool to look back on! 这是免费的,并且你们总有一些酷炫的事物值得回忆。 www.bing.com 3. Now when I look back on my father, I only remember a man of great vigor and boundless energy. 现在当我回想起父亲,我最记得他是个精力充沛,活力十足的人。 www.jukuu.com 4. It's an odd thing to look back on the world, to watch those I left behind. 回望这个世界,看那些被我抛在身后的东西,是一件非常奇怪的事情, blog.sina.com.cn 5. When I look back on the darkest moments of our history. 再次度过历史的黑暗时刻。 blog.mdbchina.com 6. How, I wonder, will the world look back on what is now being planned? 我想知道,世界未来将如何看待目前的计划? www.ftchinese.com 7. If you look back on history, you'll realize just how essential craziness is in order to reach your dreams. 回首历史,你就会发现对于实现梦想而言,疯劲是多么重要。 www.bing.com 8. What is good enough that you can look back on your life and be content with the choices that you have made? 什么是足够的好-你能够回首你的生活并满足于你所做的选择? www.bing.com 9. He still feels quite guilty when he look back on the past. 想起过去,他仍然感到很内疚。 www.hxen.com 10. Perhaps it's because as we get older we look back on that period of adulthood as the height of freedom and autonomy. 也许是因为随着年龄的增长,当我们再次回顾那段时光,会发现那是一段充满自由和独立的时光。 www.kekenet.com 1. Do you look back on your childhood and feel that it was happy? 你觉得你的童年快乐吗? c.wsj.com 2. It is not a pleasant thing to look back on that. 这不是一个愉快的事情回首这一点。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. When you look back on your whole life, and will not be ashamed because of doing nothing in the whole life. 只有这样,当你白发皓首回眸此生时,你才不为虚度年华而悔恨,不因碌碌无为而羞耻! www.resun.com.cn 4. When you look back on your professional life, you will regret the the things you didn't do more than the one you did. 否则当你回首你的工作生涯时,你会后悔你没做的事情,而不是某一件做过的。 home.linyiren.com 5. As I look back on it now, I see what happened more clearly. 现在我再回过头来看这件事,就看得更清楚了。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. Oftentimes we can look back on our week and say, "I didn't get a lot done, but I sure was stressed doing it! " 当我们回顾一周的时候经常会说,“我没完成什么大事,但是我真的很忙碌。” hitwsq.blog.163.com 7. They often *look* back on the days they spent together. 他们常回顾他们在一起度过*的*日子。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Soon you will look back on days gone by and will realise how well time has served you. 很快你将回顾过往,终将意识到时间如何为你们服务。 www.guangyuai.com 9. I look back on my childhood with mixed feelings. 回想起我的童年,我百感交集。 www.baike.com 10. Achievement. Can you look back on something that you are proud of? 成就你能回想起些你感到自豪的事吗? www.bing.com 1. It didn't matter; those hackneyed (now I look back on it) figurines were worth it. 这没有关系,那些常见的(我现在看来是这样的)小雕像值得你这么做。 www.ftchinese.com 2. I look back on the way I was then a young stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. 我回顾以前那个年轻愚蠢的小伙子,他犯下了严重的罪过。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. No chewing can look back on the scene. 没有了可以回首咀嚼的痕迹。 xzd.2000y.net 4. I always look back on the happy days I spent at college. 我总是回想起我在大学里度过的快乐时光。 qquu.net 5. I look back on my childhood with sadness. 我忧伤地加快着我的童年。 www.englang.cn 6. When asked about his time in Serie A, Dennis refused to look back on that time as a failure. 但当问到他在意甲度过的时光时,他并不把那些日子看作是失败的经历。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. This is more important than detailed reflection, because what you are doing today is what you will look back on soon enough. 这比详细的反省更为重要,因为你今天正在做的事情,很快就会变成你将要回顾的事情。 www.elanso.com 8. What do I want to look back on my life and say that I never regretted? 我应该做些什么,才能在当我回首往事时,说我从不后悔? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I always look back on those days I spent in Britain. 我总是回想起我在英国度过的岁月。 10. Now I look back on it and think, Man, that was a helluva , helluva run that we had. 我现在回头看,并认为,男,这是一个极度,极度运行,我们。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It records your life so you can look back on it later. 它记录了你的生活,你可以过后再去看看。 www.bing.com 2. When we eventually look back on winter 2008 [we will see it] as another great challenge that was thrown Britain's way, and that Britain met. 当我们最终在2008年冬回顾时[我们会看到],作为另一种巨大的挑战,它被英国人抛弃,却又与英国人侠路相逢了。 www.bing.com 3. The most important thing is the volume with the help of sheepskin, I no longer look back on the past. 最重要的是在羊皮卷的帮助下,我已经不再回首往事。 hi.baidu.com 4. And many people would look back on Dell and say, "You just went straight up. " Well, not exactly. 回头看戴尔的发展历程,很多人会说,你们的业绩直线上涨,其实并不尽然。 open.163.com 5. Time really passes by quickly, and do you want to look back on your last 40 years and think: What the HECK have I done? 时光飞逝,难道你希望在四十年之后回首往事时心想:见鬼,我这些年到底干成了什么事? www.bing.com 6. When I look back on the past 15 months, I am reminded of the feeling one has when living in Shanghai: great excitement at a frantic pace. 回顾过去的15个月,一种在上海生活的人都会有的感觉再次涌上心头:激动人心、节奏飞快。 www.ftchinese.com 7. It is a fair bet that we will recall this crisis the way we look back on the dotcom bubble of the late 1990s. 我估计,我们将来会像回顾上世纪90年代末的互联网泡沫一样回忆此次危机。 www.ftchinese.com 8. If that happens, we may look back on $95 oil with nostalgia. 若果真如此,到那时我们可能会带着沉重的心情回顾每桶95美元的油价。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Sometimes it's not good to look back on the past. 有时候回首过去不是好事 blog.sina.com.cn 10. So history may look back on the past 60 years as an interlude. 因此,历史或许会将过去的60年当作一段插曲。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I always look back on my school days. 我老师回想上学时的日子。 yingyu.eduu.com 2. But as we mature and grow older, we can look back on what our mothers (and other elders) told us and appreciate how right they were. 但随着我们慢慢长大,回过头来,我们会发现并感谢妈妈(和其他长辈)告诉我们的是多么正确。 www.bing.com 3. When I look back on these days, I'll look and see your face. 当我回顾这些日子,我来看看,看看你的脸。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The old often look back on the good old days. 老人常回忆以前的美好日子。 wxy.scnu.edu.cn 5. Several years from now, you will probably look back on this time and remember all the fun you have. 年之后,你会回忆起现在的时间跟你的快乐。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The past always seems better when you look back on it . 当你回顾往事的时候,过去总是那么美好。 www.bing.com 7. Someday he will look back on this and it will all seem funny. Or maybe not. 将来有一天他回首往事时,或许会对此一笑置之,或许仍会耿耿于怀。 chinese.wsj.com 8. I think for them to look back on that was just unspeakably sad. 我想当他们回顾那段历史时只会是难以言表的悲愤 www.kekenet.com 9. This is a mistake that historians will look back on with contempt. 这个错误将为未来的历史学家们所鄙视。 www.ftchinese.com 10. And when you're old and grey, you'll look back on this day and you'll know, you earned the right to live every day in between. 当你们年老体衰,两鬓斑白,回首往事你们会发现,是你们迎来了和平生活的权利! blog.sina.com.cn 1. Really when I look back on it, I wouldn't change a thing. 当我回想起这些往事的事情,我一点也不想去改变什么。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Today, we look back on some top stories of 2005. 今天,我们回顾一些2005年发生的重要事件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Apparently people in 2014 will look back on our tilt sensors and laugh. 很显然2014年的人们会往回看我们的倾斜感应器,然后笑话我们。 www.elanso.com 4. Above all, we should not look back on but look forward. 最重要的是要往前看而不是往后看。 www.mmrtvu.gd.cn 5. How do you look back on your time at Liverpool? 你怎样回头看你在利物浦的职业生涯? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. I'm in my fifties now. Sometimes when I look back on my life, I find a lot of things in our life have changed. 我今年已经五十岁了,当我回顾自己的人生时,总能发现很多东西伴随着生活发生了改变。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Oil prices hit a record high of $97 a barrel on Tuesday, but the next generation of consumers could look back on that price with envy. 星期二,油价达到了创纪录的97美元一桶,但是下一代消费者回过头来看看这个价格可能会充满羡慕。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Look back on that summer Do you remember The evidence of the whole life ? 遥望那年的夏天~~~是否还记得那些~~~今生今世的证据。 wenku.baidu.com 9. I still shudder when I look back on the past. 想起过去,我仍然不寒而栗。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Staring at our school badge, we look back on the past, we assess the present, and we contemplate the future. 凝视着校徽,我们回忆过去,思考现在,展望未来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. They can look back on their endeavours with pride. 他们可以骄傲地回首过去付出的努力。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. When you look back on your life, think: "Would I want to date myself? " . 当你回首往事,想想:“想不想与自己约个会?” www.bing.com 3. I look back on the way I was then, a yong, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. 回首曾经走过的弯路,我多么想对那个犯下重罪的愚蠢的年轻人说些什么,告诉他我现在的饿感受,告诉他还可以有其他的方式解决问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. 他们可以一起回顾过去,展望未来。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. On the annual New Year's Day, I always look back on last year and look into this year. 每年的元旦,我都会盘点一下去年,展望一下今年。 bbs.depv.org 6. I like to look back on my high-school days, which were the happiest in my life. 我喜欢回顾我的中学时代,那是我生命中最快乐的时光。 www.jukuu.com 7. There was a degree of resilience, if you like, at that time which we can now only look back on with envy. 这就是可恢复性的一个例子,希望你们喜欢,我们现在只能带着羡慕的眼光回首那时。 www.ted.com 8. I like to look back on my high school days. 我喜欢回顾我在高中的日子。 beike.dangzhi.com 9. When we come to look back on the 2008-2009 recession, it will be seen to have had important economic consequences; 当我们回顾2008年至2009年的衰退时,它将被视为具有重要的经济影响; www.ftchinese.com 10. A look back on Year 2009, when investment recovered 回眸2009投资复苏年 zhidao.baidu.com 1. to look back on your childhood 回顾自己的童年 www.eol.cn 2. But they may look back on 2011 and see three events that undermine that story: the downgrade of America's credit rating; 但回头看看2011年,有三件事足以打破他们心中这个神话:美国信用评级下降; bbs.ecocn.org 3. That may be the legacy we remember best when we look back on this age; 那也许是我们最好记得的遗产当我们在这年龄时看; 08translation.cn 4. Fast forward to 10 years ahead. Here's how the world might look back on Combs then: 快进至10年后,我们来看看那时的世界会怎么看待库姆斯: chinese.wsj.com 5. I look back on the way I was then. . a young. . . stupid kid who commited that terrible crime 我回首过往,一个年青的,愚蠢的孩子犯了如此大的罪 zhidao.baidu.com 6. weather the storm and don't look back on last november 经历风霜,不要回顾去年的十一月 zhidao.baidu.com 7. someday, look back on a young day 有朝一日,回首曾经那年轻的时光 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Tell me who wants to look back on their youth and wonder 告诉我,谁愿意回首青春的时候才疑惑 qxqzx.blogbus.com 9. Look back on the history of external debt in the modern history of China in the 20 century 20世纪中国近代外债史研究回顾 ilib.cn 10. Look Back on Modern Stylistics 现代文体学世纪回眸 www.ilib.cn 1. From the Periphery to the Centre: Look Back on the Development of the World Higher Education and Think Deeply 从边缘走向中心:世界高等教育发展的历史回眸与反思 service.ilib.cn 2. Getting back when I look back on those days of us 我们找回当我回首这些日子 zhidao.baidu.com 3. These will be the times we look back on 这就是我们回首看见的美好时光 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I'll look back on myself and say I did it for love 我将回首往事,说我是为了爱而战 zhidao.baidu.com 5. When you look back on times we had 当你回想起我们在一起的时光 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Long series of scenes, events, etc that one can look back on or forward to 回顾或展望的一连串情景﹑事情等 www.readfree.net 7. look back on one's youth 回顾自己的青年时代 test.2u4u.com.cn 8. look back on one's own 回首自己的往事 wenku.baidu.com |
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