单词 | longwall |
释义 | 例句释义: 长壁开采法,长壁工作面,长壁式,壁式采矿法,长式 1. The paper regards the main roof strata in uphill and downhill mining of an inclined longwall as a elastic plate. 本文将倾斜长壁仰斜、俯斜开采的老顶岩层视为倾斜弹性板。 tech.zidian8.com 2. system used in a longwall mine is dependant upon the conditions found at each mine. 在长壁开采中使用的通风系统是根据各矿的具体情况决定的。 www.97bg.com 3. The number of shield support on longwall is big, so the control system is strict to realtime and security of the correspondence. 综采面的液压支架数量较多,所以对电液控制系统的通信要求很高。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. These seals are primarily used for Longwall Roof Supports. 生产的密封主要用于长壁工作面液压支架上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Serving as the key equipment for fully mechanized longwall face, hydraulic support plays a major role to the whole face'safe production. 液压支架是综采工作面的重要设备,对整个工作面的安全生产起着至关重要的作用。 www.chemyq.com 6. Their reliable, compact design make them the outstanding choice for powering hydraulic longwall equipment. 他们以其简洁,可靠的设计跻身于液压长臂开采行业的领先地位。 www.chinaminexpo.com 7. Medium and small coal mines in north of Shaanxi Province generally adopt longwall remaining coal pillars support mining. 长壁留煤柱支撑法开采是陕北中小煤矿普遍采用的一种采煤方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Practice and understanding of longwall top-coal caving mining in thinner thick-seam with "three soft" “三软”较薄厚煤层综放开采的实践与认识 ilib.cn 9. The new technique increases the efficiency of longwall panel mining. 这种新技术提高了长壁盘区采矿的效率。 www.nciku.cn 10. This all happened inside a facility that does what's called longwall mining. 事故发生在进行长壁开采的设施内。 show.24en.com 1. According to the conditions of seam No. 5 in Shifengshan Coal Mine, longwall face roof coal drawing method is chosen. 通过对峙峰山煤矿5号煤采煤方法的设计,提出了采用综采放顶煤法回采5号煤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In order to enhance the working efficiency of shield support, more and more Electro-hydraulic control system is used in in the longwall. 为提高支架支护效率,越来越多的综采面开始采用电液控制系统。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Study of the prediction model of coal spontaneous combustion in the gate close to gob of fully mechanized longwall top-coal caving face 综放采煤法中沿空巷道煤层自然发火预测模型研究 ilib.cn 4. Formation and application of the front abutment pressure on longwall face 论采场前方支承压力的形成及应用 ilib.cn 5. Ground pressure regularity in longwall mining face to the dip or to the rise 倾斜长壁综采面矿压规律浅析 www.ilib.cn 6. Numerical modelling study of the top-coal caving and drawing capability in longwall top-coal caving mining 综放开采顶煤冒放性的数值模拟研究 www.ilib.cn 7. The new concept of relationship between support and surrounding-rock in longwall top-coal caving faces 综放采场支架-围岩关系的新概念 www.ilib.cn 8. Mechanical analysis and calculation on hydraulic roof-support bedplates used in comprehensive longwall top caving technique 综采放顶煤液压支架底座的力学分析与计算 www.ilib.cn 9. Study on the changing law of stress in coal pillar of top slice face passed by isolated face adopted longwall with top-coal caving mining 孤岛综放面穿越顶分层煤柱区煤体应力变化规律 www.ilib.cn 10. The theory and its application of determining working resistance of powered support in longwall with top-coal caving technology 综放工作面支架工作阻力确定的理论与应用 www.ilib.cn 1. Study On Narrow Coal Pillar Width and Support Parameter of Coal Gates Close to Gob in Fully Mechanized Longwall Top Caving Face 综放面沿空掘巷窄煤柱宽度及巷道支护参数研究 ilib.cn 2. Probe into the roof support at the time of face moving in longwall top-coal caving mining 综采工作面支架回撤顶板支护探讨 ilib.cn 3. Law of Ground Behavior in an Inclined Longwall Face with High Mining Height 大采高倾斜长壁综采面矿压显现规律 service.ilib.cn 4. Analysis and research on secondary stress change law of fully mechanized longwall caving mining face 综放面次生应力变化规律分析研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Spatial fracturing progresses of surrounding rock masses in longwall face monitored by microseismic monitoring techniques 微地震监测揭示的采场围岩空间破裂形态 www.ilib.cn 6. Fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining technology for special thick and hard seam and its application 特厚坚硬煤层综放开采技术及其应用研究 ilib.cn 7. Research on the Parameter of Sublevel Concentrated Arrangement on Near Strike in Oblique Longwall Sublevel Concentrated Shield Coal Mining 走向伪俯斜长壁分段密集掩护采煤法中近走向分段密集布置参数的探讨 www.ilib.cn 8. Phenomenon law of underground pressure in mechanized super longwall caving face 超长综放工作面矿压显现规律 service.ilib.cn 9. Research and practices on temperature reduction technology for fully mechanized longwall mining face with high ground temperature 高地温综采工作面降温技术研究与实践 www.ilib.cn 10. Mechanics model of coal-rock compound structure and its control in fully mechanized longwall top-coal caving face 综放采场围岩复合结构力学模型及其控制研究 www.ilib.com.cn 1. Research on fire prevention and control technology for seam spontaneous combustion in overlong fully mechanized longwall coal mining face 超长综放面煤层自燃火灾防治技术研究 ilib.cn 2. Research on mine fire extinguishing countermeasures for fully mechanized longwall face in spontaneous combustion thick seam 易自燃厚煤层综采工作面防灭火对策研究 www.ilib.cn 3. The Solution of the Face-contacted Blocks Structure in Overlying Strata Above the Longwall Face 采场上覆岩层面接触块体结构的解析解 www.ilib.cn 4. Discussion on efficient measures to improve mining rate of fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining 提高综放面回采率有效措施的探讨 www.ilib.cn 5. Determination on the Length of Coal Mining Face in Trend Longwall 走向长壁回采工作面长度的确定 service.ilib.cn 6. Study of gas permeability in top-coal during mechanical longwall top-coal caving mining 综放开采顶煤瓦斯渗透性研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Design and practices on roof monitoring and measuring information management system for fully mechanized longwall mining face 综采工作面顶板监测信息管理系统的设计与实现 www.ilib.cn 8. Practical experiences on preparation works of equipment removing before fully mechanized longwall mining ended 综采搬家倒面前期准备工作的实践经验 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Development and application of fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining technology under several seam conditions 多种煤层条件下综采放顶煤技术的发展及应用 www.ilib.cn 10. The fall protection and antiskid measures of the fully mechanized caving equipment in the large - angle coal seam longwall 大倾角走向长壁综采配套设备的防倒防滑措施 www.ilib.cn 1. Application of the pre-excavation and bolt-mesh support roadways on mining coal island face in longwall with top-caving mining 预掘锚网支护巷道在综采孤岛工作面末采中的应用 ilib.cn 2. Application of the fully mechanized longwall sub-level caving technology in the large-angle angular surface mining 综放技术在大倾角俯斜开采中的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Parameter Optimization and Equipment Selection of Longwall Mining with Sublevel Caving Face under Three Soft Conditions 三软煤层综放工作面参数设计及设备选型 www.ilib.cn 4. Fully mechanized longwall mining technology with high cutting in inclined seam under ultra complicated seam conditions 极复杂煤层条件下倾斜长壁大采高综采技术 ilib.cn 5. Recognization and control measures for assembling dangerous sources of fully mechanized longwall coal mining face 综采工作面安装的危险源辨识及控制措施 service.ilib.cn 6. Seam gateway support technology for fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining in horizontal slicing of deep inclined thick seam 急倾斜特厚煤层水平分层综放开采煤巷支护技术 ilib.cn 7. Application of gob-side entry retaining technology to transportation gateway of fully mechanized longwall mining face 沿空留巷技术在综采工作面运输顺槽的应用 www.ilib.cn 8. Optimization on roof strike borehole parameters of gently inclined and high cutting fully mechanized longwall mining face 缓倾斜、大采高综采工作面顶板走向钻孔参数的优化 www.ilib.cn 9. The technological way of developing longwall mining in the small colliery of shallow seam area 浅埋区小煤矿发展长壁开采的技术途径 service.ilib.cn 10. Analysis and technological measures for longwall topple mining process at the big inclined angle seam 大倾角煤层倾斜长壁仰斜开采工艺分析及技术措施 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis on the Characteristics of Spontaneous Ignition and Preventive Technology at Longwall Working Face 综放工作面自燃火灾特点及防治 www.ilib.cn 2. Ground pressure observing of rational staggered distance between double-longwall faces in mining on confined aquifer 承压水体上对拉面合理错距的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Selection and Application of Equipment for Comprehensively Mining Working Face in Longwall Top Coal Caving Face Under Wire Mesh Roof 网下低位放顶煤综采工作面设备选型及应用 ilib.cn 4. Research and practices on production and benefit improvement of fully mechanized longwall mining face with super long length 提高大采长综采工作面产量和效益的研究与实践 www.ilib.cn 5. Technology for fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining face crossing over folded structure in Yangquan Mining Area 阳泉矿区综放工作面过褶曲构造技术 ilib.cn 6. Fracture Characteristics of Floor Strata due to Double Longwall Mining on Confined Aquifer 承压水体上对拉面开采底板岩层破坏规律 www.ilib.cn 7. The theory of roof structure and determination of support resistance in shallow seam longwall mining 浅埋煤层长壁开采顶板结构理论与支护阻力确定 service.ilib.cn 8. The experimental study of loose medium flow field on the longwall top-coal caving 综放开采顶煤放出散体介质流理论的试验研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Practices on fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining technology for face strike continued upward inclined 走向长壁俯仰斜连续综放开采技术的实践 service.ilib.cn 10. Site measurement and digital simulation of dust density distribution in fully mechanized longwall coal mining face 综采工作面粉尘浓度分布的现场实测与数值模拟 service.ilib.cn 1. Analysis on site measurement of support pressure distribution law for seam of fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining 综放开采煤层支承压力分布规律现场实测分析 service.ilib.cn 2. Technology of comprehensive dust prevention and control for fully mechanized longwall caving mining face 综放面粉尘综合防治技术 www.ilib.cn 3. Discussion on "three major machines" matching design for middle section of fully mechanized longwall coal mining face 综采工作面中部设备“三机”配套设计探讨 service.ilib.cn 4. Equipment disassembling and removing from deep inclined fully mechanized longwall coal mining face 大倾角综采工作面设备拆除 service.ilib.cn 5. Rational coal caving step distance setting for fully mechanized longwall top coal caving face under soft fine sandstone roof 松散细砂岩顶板下综采合理放煤步距的确定 www.ilib.cn 6. Discussion on underground longwall mining method for extraction of Indian shallow thick coal seams under hard roof rocks 印度浅埋坚硬顶板厚煤层开采方法探讨 service.ilib.cn 7. Design and Test of Hydraulic Jet Sprayer Controlling Dust Shearer in Longwall Face Fully Mechanized with Sublevel Caving 综放面煤机水力引射喷雾降尘装置的设计与试验 ilib.cn 8. Techniques of prevention and fighting using colloid for spontaneous ignition in longwall with top-caving mining face 综放面煤层自燃胶体防灭火技术 www.ilib.cn 9. Dealing with the roof of initial cut in longwall with top-caving mining through deep-hole blasting to improve the coal recovery 深孔爆破处理综放面切眼顶板提高煤炭采出率 www.ilib.cn 10. Water drainage experiences in fully mechanized longwall coal mining face under special conditions 特殊条件下综采工作面排水经验 ilib.cn 1. Determining technique of spontaneous combustion hazard zone in the gob of fully mechanized longwall top-coal caving face 综放面自燃危险区域及最小推进速度的确定 www.ilib.cn 2. Analysis on factors effected to gas drainage law of longwall coal mining face 长壁工作面瓦斯抽放规律影响因素分析 www.ilib.cn 3. The laws of roof movement in longwall top-coal caving face with light hydraulic support in thinner thickness and greater angle seam 大倾角较薄厚煤层轻放工作面顶板运移规律研究 ilib.cn 4. Application of supporting with full bolts and meshes for roadways driving along gob in detached longwall top-coal caving face 全锚网支护在综放孤岛面小煤柱护巷中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. A trial study on longwall top-coal caving mining under sand-prevention and caving-prevention pillars near strata outcrop zone 露头区防砂防塌煤柱条件下综放开采试验研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Longwall top coal caving mining with higher mining height and its feasibility 大采高综放开采及其应用可行性分析 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Approach to improve the recovery ratio in steeply inclined and extra-thick seam adopted longwall with top-coal caving mining 提高综放开采急倾斜特厚煤层采出率途径 ilib.cn 8. Techniques and practice of longwall with top caving mining in soft and combustible coal Seam with steep dip, extra-thickness 急倾斜特厚松软易燃煤层综放开采技术与实践 ilib.cn 9. Practices on installation technology for fully mechanized longwall mining face in deep inclined seam 大倾角综采工作面安装技术实践 www.ichacha.net 10. Assembling technology of equipment for deep inclined fully mechanized longwall coal mining face 大倾角综采工作面设备安装技术 www.ilib.cn 1. Stoping Practice of the Longwall Caving Method Along the Dip 倾向长壁式崩落采矿法的回采实践 service.ilib.cn 2. The key technical problems and their solvable ways between double-longwall faces in mining on confined aquifer 承压水体上对拉面开采关键技术与对策 ilib.cn 3. The loose medium flow field theory and its application on the longwall top-coal caving 低位综放开采顶煤放出的散体介质流理论与应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Test and research on fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining technology with small mining and caving ratio 小采放比综放开采工艺的试验研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Discussion on unstability cause of roof when oblique longwall mining face passing secondary cross section 伪斜工作面过亚眼交岔口处顶板失稳成因探讨 service.ilib.cn 6. Reliability analysis of fully mechanized longwall coal mining system base on fault statistics 基于故障统计的综采系统可靠性分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis on bolt support for full seam gateway of fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining in special thick seam 特厚煤层放顶煤开采全煤巷锚杆支护分析 ilib.cn 8. Equipment connection technology for down step type fully mechanized longwall mining face 台阶式综采工作面设备对接技术 ilib.com.cn 9. Replacing practice of the destroyed low-caving-door support in longwall top-coal caving face 低位放顶煤综采工作面更换损坏支架的尝试 ilib.cn 10. Longwall shearing and heading machines; shanks of cutting tools and their assembly openings 切削开采机和掘进机.切削工具柄杆及其安装尺寸 www.mapeng.net 1. Study on the separation and the broken law of top-coal in longwall top-coal caving mining 综放开采顶煤体离层与破坏规律研究 ilib.cn 2. The technology of fire-prevention and fire-extinguishing and the management of gas and coal dust in longwall top-coal caving mining 综采放顶煤开采防灭火技术及瓦斯煤尘管理浅议 service.ilib.cn 3. Practice of Downriver Ventilation Technology in Retreat Simple Longwall 后退式回采工作面下行通风技术的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Triangular coal contracted face back mining technology in unequal longwall working face 不等长综放工作面三角煤缩面回采技术 www.ilib.cn 5. Structural analysis of "roof-pillars" on longwall remaining coal pillars support mining 长壁留煤柱支撑法开采“顶板-煤柱”结构分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Causes for the Tilting of Support in Longwall Face and Its Solution 综采工作面液压支架倒架的原因及对策 www.ilib.cn 7. Control technique of equipment status in longwall top-coal caving mining of inclined or slight inclined seam 倾斜及缓倾斜煤层综放开采设备状态控制技术 ilib.cn 8. Technical measures for high inclined upward mining of full mechanized longwall mining face in Malan Mine 马兰煤矿综采工作面大倾角俯采技术措施 www.ilib.cn 9. Analysis on strata pressure of fully mechanized longwall coal mining face in soft roof, soft coal and soft floor seam 三软煤层综采长壁工作面采场矿压分析 ilib.cn 10. Layout and management of fully mechanized longwall coal mining face with irregular ultra length 不规则超长综采工作面的布置与管理 ilib.cn 1. Design and exploration of forced roof falling for fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining face 综放工作面强制放顶的设计与探索 www.ilib.cn 2. Research and practices on high inclined strike longwall mining face passing over high drop strike fault 大倾角走向长壁工作面通过大落差走向断层的研究与实践 www.ilib.cn 3. Probe into principle of gas emission in longwall with top-caving mining face of Cheng zhuang mine 成庄矿综放面瓦斯涌出规律浅探 service.ilib.cn 4. Study on the weakening of top-coal in high toughness and extra-thick seam adopted longwall with top-coal caving mining 高韧性特厚煤层综放开采顶煤弱化处理研究 ilib.cn 5. Review and prospect of the theory and practice of strata control around longwall face 采场围岩控制理论与实践综述及展望 service.ilib.cn 6. Comprehensive measures for water disasters in thin seam with inclined longwall mining 薄煤层倾斜长壁开采水患的综合治理 www.ilib.cn 7. Mining horizontal pillars with hydraulic roof propping in longwall caving method 在长壁式崩落法中用液压支柱护顶回采水平矿柱 service.ilib.cn 8. Long Faces and Short Loading Mining Practice for Striking Longwall with Big Inclination Angles 走向长壁大倾角长面短装开采实践 www.ilib.cn 9. The application of bolting technology for extraction roadways in longwall top-coal caving face 锚杆支护在综放工作面顺槽的应用 ilib.cn 10. Trial of longwall with top-coal caving mining without coal pillar in spontaneous combustion thick seam 自然发火厚煤层放顶煤工作面无煤柱开采尝试 ilib.cn 1. Practice and knowledge in the mechanization dip longwall mining in Jixi coal are a 鸡西矿区倾斜长壁综合机械化开采的实践与认识 www.ilib.cn 2. Structural Theories of Overlying Strata in Longwall Faces and Their New Development 采场上覆岩层结构理论及其新进展 www.ilib.cn 3. Mine fire prevention and control along goaf side of fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining face 综放工作面沿空侧采空区防灭火治理 ilib.cn 4. Study on the chain pillar stability of the developing entry in longwall top-coal mining 综放开采采准巷道护巷煤柱稳定性研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Comprehensive dust prevention for longwall combined mining face in Nanshan Coal Mine 南山煤矿综放工作面煤尘综合防治 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis on fully mechanized longwall coal mining technology with thick complex roof 厚层状复合顶下综采工艺分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Development tendency of fully mechanized longwall coal mining method 长壁综合机械化采煤方法的发展趋势 www.ilib.cn 8. Practice of longwall top coal caving technology in deeply inclination and thinner thick seam 大倾角较薄厚煤层综放开采技术实践 ilib.cn 9. Research and development on goaf model test system for fully mechanized caving longwall face 综放长壁开采采空区模型试验系统研制 www.ilib.cn 10. Practices on coal mining in fully mechanized longwall coal mining face with dynamic water inrush 荆各庄矿动态涌水综采工作面回采的实践 www.ilib.cn 1. Issue analysis and technical measures for up-dip mining of overhand longwall face in deep inclined seam 大倾角煤层倾斜长壁仰斜开采问题分析及技术措施 www.ilib.cn 2. Fully mechanized longwall caving mining technology in deep inclined thick seam 急倾斜厚煤层长壁式综放开采技术 ilib.cn 3. Practice of Gas Control Technique for Fully Mechanized Longwall Face along Dip in High Gassy Region 高瓦斯区倾向长壁综采面瓦斯防治技术与实践 service.ilib.cn 4. Analysis on Caving Order and Oblique Longwall Retreating with Underhand Feed Model 伪倾斜长壁俯采进刀方式与放顶煤顺序分析 www.ilib.cn 5. State Analysis and Strata Controlling Technology in Roof Movement of Longwall Workings under the Stoops of Adjacent Coal Seam 近距煤层刀柱下长壁开采顶板活动形态及控顶技术 ilib.cn 6. Discussion on layout of top coal gateway for fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining face 综放工作面布置顶煤巷道的探讨 ilib.cn 7. Characteristics of Strata Behaviors and Roof Control for Longwall Faces in Deep Mining 煤矿深井采场矿压显现及其控制特点 www.ilib.cn 8. Adaptability Analysis of Powered Support in Longwall Top-coal Caving Minging of Steep Seam 急斜煤层综放开采中液压支架适应性分析 service.ilib.cn 9. Existing problem on longwall remaining coal pillars support mining 长壁留煤柱支撑法开采存在的问题 ilib.com.cn 10. The support power of the trend longwall coal face 走向长壁高档采煤工作面支护力 www.ichacha.net 1. Measures of Controlling Dust and Gas with Wind- cloth Curtains in the Bringing Back Longwall Face 后退式长壁开采工作面用风帘控制粉尘和瓦斯的措施 service.ilib.cn 2. Top-coal Division by Expansion (broken)-ratio in Longwall Sublevel Caving Mining 放顶煤开采顶煤变形的膨(碎)胀率分区 www.ilib.cn 3. Modelling experiment for immediate roof with many cracks caving in longwall face 采场多裂隙直接顶破坏的模拟研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Analyses of ground pressure in longwall sublevel caving mining with thinner top-coal 较薄厚煤层综放矿压特点分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Economic analysis on over pass cross-cut mining of fully mechanized longwall mining face 综采工作面跨石门回采经济分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Practice of inclined longwall downward mining with light caving supports in big dip seam 倾斜长壁大倾角俯斜轻放开采实践 www.ilib.cn 7. Prevention and Control of roof leaking-dirt in the fully-mechanized longwall working face 综采长壁工作面顶板漏矸的预防与控制 service.ilib.cn 8. Retrospection and prospect of Longwall top coal caving technology 综放开采技术回顾与展望 www.ilib.cn 9. Relative location set in gas drainage gateway along strike roof of longwall mining face 回采工作面走向顶板瓦斯抽放巷相对位置确定 www.ilib.cn 10. Some opinions on the safety production of the longwall top-coal caving 关于综放开采技术安全问题的几点认识 www.ilib.cn 1. Application of mini-support in steep-dip seam adopted longwall with top-coal caving mining 急倾斜厚煤层水平分层微型放顶煤液压支架开采工艺实践 ilib.cn 2. Stability analysis of sliding canopy supports in longwall top coal caving face 悬移支架放顶煤工作面支架稳定性分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Anchor supporter applied in cutting hole a of comprehensive longwall face 锚杆支护在综采工作面切眼中的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Actuality and developing trend of longwall top coal caving mining under water 水体下放顶煤开采研究现状及其发展趋势 service.ilib.cn 5. Longwall actual mining technology for large inclined angle face 大倾角工作面走向长壁回采技术 www.ilib.cn 6. Experiences of fully mechanized longwall top caving mining in thick seam 厚煤层综采放顶煤开采经验 ilib.cn 7. Influence of Mine Goaf Air Leak of Longwall Coal Face on Coal Spontaneous Combustion 长壁工作面采空区漏风对自然发火的影响 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on the lose of top-coal and the ways to increase its recovery ratio in longwall top-coal caving mining 综放开采顶煤损失及提高回采率途径研究 ilib.cn 9. Practice on dip oblique strike longwall coal mining method in deep inclined seam 急倾斜煤层俯伪斜走向长壁采煤法的实践 www.ilib.cn 10. Research and practice of longwall top coal caving technology in Xuzhou mine area 徐州矿区综放开采技术研究与实践 ilib.cn 1. Technological Practice of Longwall with Top-coal Caving Face Fast Pass Fault 综放工作面快速过断层技术实践 www.ilib.cn 2. The Study on the Movability of the Face-contacted Blocks in Overlying Strata Above the Longwall Face in Datong 大同采场覆岩面接触块体可动性判定研究 service.ilib.cn 3. Discussion on Design for Fully Mechanized Longwall Coal Mining Face 大倾角中厚煤层长壁综采工作面设计探讨 service.ilib.cn 4. Analysis of Developing Trend to Longwall Mining Technology of world 对国外长壁开采技术发展趋势的分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Application of longwall mining method in steeply inclined seam 在急倾斜煤层中巷道长壁采煤法应用 www.ichacha.net 6. Probe and Research on Longwall Caving with Water Preservation in Deep Coal Seam 浅埋煤层长壁保水开采探究 www.ilib.cn 7. The Charactritics of Strata Behaviors on Longwall Face under Network Observation of Rock Pressure 网络矿压观测下长壁工作面矿压显现特征 service.ilib.cn 8. Study on the rock pressure observation in the sharp tilting coal seam longwall face 急倾斜煤层走向长壁工作面矿压观测研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Numerical Simulation on Roof and Floor Stability in Longwall Faces 长壁工作面顶底板稳定性数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 10. Post-buckling behavior for roof strata in shallow seam longwall mining 浅埋煤层长壁开采顶板岩层的后屈曲性态 www.ilib.cn 1. Development of the hydraulic support affording system in the longwall face 长壁式工作面自移液压支架供液系统的改进 www.ilib.cn 2. Ground pressure of longwall mining face to the dip with large mining height 大采高倾斜长壁采场矿压规律研究 service.ilib.cn 3. Butting method for longwall with top-coal cavingfaces in special geological conditions 特殊条件下综放工作面对接方法 ilib.cn 4. High Production and High Efficiency Longwall Mining in Thick Seam 中厚煤层长壁综采高产高效开采 www.ilib.cn 5. Mining practice of longwall with top-coal caving in great inclined thick-seam 倾斜较薄厚煤层综放开采实践 ilib.cn 6. Longwall actual mining process at large inclined angle thin seam face 大倾角薄煤层工作面走向长壁回采工艺 www.ilib.cn 7. Common fault analysis and shootings of longwall coal shearer 长壁式采煤机常见故障分析及其排除 ilib.cn 8. Reform of Coal Winning Technology with Caving Last-roof in Longwall Face 长壁工作面放结束顶工艺的改革 www.ilib.cn 9. Stability on roof structure in shallow seam longwall mining 浅埋煤层长壁开采顶板结构稳定性分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Application of Vector Analysis on the Structure of Face-contacted Blocks in Overlying Strata Above a Longwall Face 矢量分析计算法在采场覆岩面接触块体结构中的应用研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Design of Arch mining of fully mechanized longwall coal mining face 综采工作面弧形开采研究与应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Practice on Mining Methods of Longwall Deep-hole Basting in Roadway 巷道长壁深孔爆破采煤方法的实践 www.ilib.cn 3. Application of inclined longwall mining in Sanhe coal mine 倾斜长壁采煤法在三合煤矿的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Stability control of end face in longwall sublevel caving face 放顶煤工作面端面稳定性控制 service.ilib.cn 5. The effect of the inferior key strata breaking on weighting of longwall face 相邻亚关键层破断对采场来压的影响分析 service.ilib.cn 6. Analysis of longwall top coal caving in thick seams with parting band 含夹矸厚煤层综放开采技术分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on plate group mechanical model for main roof of longwall face 长壁工作面采场围岩铰接薄板组力学模型研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Discussion on ground control method of longwall mining 长壁式采矿法地压管理方法初探 9. Review of the Theory and Practice of Strata Control Around Longwall Face in Recent 20 Years 20年来采场围岩控制理论与实践的回顾 ilib.cn 10. Single longwall mining method in thin or middle thick coal seams 薄及中厚煤层单一长壁采煤方法 wenku.baidu.com 1. Analysis for support-surrounding rock system structure of longwall face on the strike for steep coal seam 大倾角煤层走向长壁采面支架与围岩系统分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on longwall top coal caving method in big obliquity seam 大倾角综放采煤方法的实践研究 ilib.cn 3. Reform of Advance and Mining System of Mining Area in Double-longwall Face 对拉工作面的采区准备及回采系统的改进 www.ilib.cn 4. The Optimum Design of Strike Longwall Mining District Based on Niche Genetic Algorithm 基于小生境遗传算法的走向长壁采区优化设计 www.ilib.cn 5. The balance structure of main roof and its action to top coal in longwall top coal caving workface 综放开采上位岩层的平衡结构及其对采场矿压显现的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. Fully mechanized longwall top coal caving technology in China and discussion on issues of further development 我国综放开采技术及其深层次发展问题的探讨 service.ilib.cn 7. Brief Discussion of High Mining-height Longwall Mining Techniques in China Coal Mines 浅谈我国大采高综采技术 service.ilib.cn 8. Longwall Top Coal Caving Method and Its Future in China 我国综采放顶煤开采技术及其展望 www.ilib.cn 9. The Development of Longwall Technology for Thick Coalseam Mining in China 中国长壁开采技术现状及其在厚煤层中的应用 www.ilib.cn |
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