单词 | lash | ||||
释义 | lashes是lash的复数
复数:lashes 现在分词:lashing 过去式:lashed
例句释义: 鞭打,眼睫毛,冲击,鞭笞刑,用绳[链等]捆绑,急打,假睫毛,鞭子,眼毛 1. As you might guess, when the beast is cornered it lashes out with total disregard for the consequences. 就如你们猜想的那样,当野兽被逼的走投无路的时候,它就会乱咬人。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Send thy angry storm, dark with death, if it is thy wish, and with lashes of lightning startle the sky from end to end. 如果你愿意,请降下你的死黑的盛怒的风雨,以闪电震慑诸天吧。 blog.163.com 3. The long lashes of her eyes fan the fires of his heart to flame. 她长长的睫毛煽动他心里的火焰熊熊燃烧。 fanyixueyuan.scientrans.com 4. We love the cute lashes on the snow lady though her outfit seems to be a little "revealing" . 虽然这位雪人女士的穿着有一点暴露,但我们喜欢她脸上那可爱的睫毛。 www.elanso.com 5. She had risen, as the nurse said, and the lashes of her eyes were wet with tears. 这位奶妈说,她起来了,眼睫毛都被泪水沾湿了。 www.kekenet.com 6. His eyes flickered up at me from under his lashes, the hint of a smirk on his face. 他的眼睛从睫毛下飞快地看了我一眼,脸上露出一丝坏笑。 wap.putclub.com 7. but in a moment she freed herself, and looked up at him with wet lashes. 但不一会儿她便挣脱开,睫毛上带着泪水抬头看着他。 www.kekenet.com 8. Convinced that her mother loves her less than she does Milton because her father was white, Edna lashes out at everyone around her. 因为她的父亲是个白人,她深信她的母亲爱弥尔顿远胜于她。她对身边的每一个人都加以讽刺。 www.elanso.com 9. Take your look to soaring heights by turning up the volume on your lashes, lips, and hair. Get ready to go over the top. 把你的睫毛、嘴唇和头发的感官都开大,看看高高翱翔的鸟儿吧,准备好超越最顶端。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The foam of it covered her lashes and brows and, with her red hair, for a minute she looked like a demented Queen Elizabeth. 泡沫盖在她的眼睫毛和眉毛上,加上她那头红发,看上去立刻像精神错乱的伊丽莎白女王。 www.bing.com 1. Recovering from the impetus which had carried him to that decision, Val looked at him maliciously from under his lashes. 法尔从逼使他作出这样决定的冲动下恢复过来,恶意地从睫毛下面看看他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. He had black close-cropped hair, grey eyes with long lashes, white cheeks and a mouth pouting As though he were determined not to cry. . . 他一头剪得很短的黑发,长长的睫毛下面有一双灰色的眼睛,白皙的面颊,撅起的嘴巴,就跟强忍住哭似的…… dict.ebigear.com 3. When Mary goes on one of her European trips she lashes out on presents for the whole family. 每当玛丽到欧洲旅行,她就不惜大肆花钱为全家购买礼物。 www.hotdic.com 4. But a sharp-eyed viewer suspected the actress was wearing false lashes to exaggerate the length of eyelid hair produced by the product. 但一名眼尖的观众怀疑,潘妮洛普其实是戴了假睫毛来夸大产品的增长效果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. She's so jealous of her best friend getting married before her that she can't help but lashes out at her poor dog. 她嫉妒好友比自己早结婚,把情绪不自觉地发洩在可怜的小狗身上。 www.gznf.net 6. the white lips no longer quivered--the eyes were suffused with a bluish vapor, and the long black lashes rested on a cheek white as wax. 那雪白嘴唇已停止了颤动;那一对眼睛似乎浮在浅蓝色的雾气里,又长又黑的头发散在那蜡白的脸颊上。 hlj7.com 7. Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends. 她的眼睛是纯粹的绿色,没有一点褐色杂质,眼框的黑睫毛在眼角处微微上翘。 www.bing.com 8. He looked down, and then glanced up at me through his long black lashes, his ocher eyes scorching. 他垂下头,然后抬起眼,透过他又长又黑的睫毛盯着我。他黑金色的眼睛发出灼热的光芒。 www.putclub.com 9. The elephant is not immediately susceptible to such blandishments, however, and usually lashes fiercely with its trunk in all directions. 然而大象不会立刻被这些讨好的话感动,而往往是用鼻子朝各个方向猛烈地甩动。 www.hxen.com 10. The newspaper said the men were whipped in a north Tehran square on Friday, each receiving 70-80 lashes for their offences . 报道称,这些男子是在德黑兰城北的一个广场上受刑的,他们每人挨了70-80鞭子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. His eyes were charming, deep as the night with dark rings under long lashes. I saw sigh in his eyes. 他的眼睛像长鞭子下的黑暗之戒般迷人且深如夜晚。我在他的眼睛中看见叹息。 tieba.baidu.com 2. They used black kohl eyeliner to line their eyes and darken their eye lashes and eye brows. 他们用黑色眼线排队科尔他们的眼睛和睫毛变暗的眉毛和眼睛。 www.cdcteam.com 3. The temperature of your body calms me down and quiet. My eyes lashes become heavy, smiling, and fall asleep in your arms. 你的温暖,让我变得安静。睡意爬上眼帘,嘴角挂着微笑,熟睡在你温暖的怀抱里。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Life has its ups and downs. Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes the rain lashes, but then it takes both the sun and rain to make a rainbow. 生活总是有起有落。有时候阳光普照,有时大雨倾盆,但只有阳光和雨露才会造就出彩虹 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Trichiasis , usually due to misalignment of lashes, is a very common and otherwise troublesome problem in routine ophthalmological visits. 倒睫,是在门诊相当常见的一种眼科疾病。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The first step is to get the lower lashes out of the way by taping them down, a slightly uncomfortable part of the procedure. 第一步是按住下眼睫毛,让它不要与上眼睫毛搭在一起,这个过程会稍微有点不舒服。 c.wsj.com 7. The word "bear" brings to mind an irrational, angry creature that lashes out at anything in its path. “熊”这个词让人们想到那个没有理智,易怒的动物,它会破坏掉挡在路上一切东西。 www.ecocn.org 8. Her eyes, which at one moment seemed blue-gray, at another violet, were shaded by long black lashes, curving backward inmost peculiar way. 她的睫毛乌黑,细长,非常别致地向后弯着,掩映着一双一会儿是蓝灰色,一会儿又像是紫罗兰色的眼睛。 www.bing.com 9. I kept my head down and glanced up under my lashes. None of them were looking this way. I lifted my head a little. 我没抬起头来,而是从睫毛下面往上瞥了一眼。他们谁都没望着这个方向。我稍微抬了抬头。 www.kekenet.com 10. Be careful of the manager's tongue; he often lashes out in sudden anger at anyone who annoys him. 当心经理的那张嘴,他对惹恼他的任何人都会突然生气地大骂起来。 www.hotdic.com 1. Mrs Smith always lashes out food for the children's party. 史密斯太太为孩子们的晚会准备食物总是很大方的。 www.hotdic.com 2. Her thick dark lashes lay like fans against her lids as they fluttered, awakened from a dreamless sleep, and she looked at the tray. 她眨着眼睛,乌黑浓密的睫毛像扇子一样在她睡意惺忪的脸颊上扇动,她看着我的托盘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Congenital birth inverted eyelashes are inverted into lashes, usually the next eyelid. 先天性倒睫毛在出生后就有睫毛倒插,通常在下眼皮。 uzmart.com 4. 'If I have lenses here, ' she says, sticking her finger through the frames, lashes 'may clash with the glasses. ' 楚帆用手指戳戳镜框中间说,“如果这里有镜片,睫毛就有可能划伤镜片。” chinese.wsj.com 5. Turbo Boost Formula and Patented Anti-Clump Brush quickly thicken lashes without clumps or globs for a dramatic lash look. 特殊的加粗配方和专利防结块刷头可以快速增厚睫毛。 www.by2by.com 6. closely twisted hard cord used for the lashes of whips. 紧拧在一起的结实的用来作为马鞭的绳。 www.hotdic.com 7. The world's first liquid through a tube-like lashes Maybelline New York, founder of Williams to develop after repeated listing! 世界上第一支管状睫毛液经过美宝莲纽约创始人威廉姆斯的反复研制后正式上市! wenwen.soso.com 8. Ursine madam sees shape tongue-lashes: With respect to you that rebukes appearance, still dare bubble small honey (secret) ? 熊太太见状大骂:就你那个熊样,还敢泡小蜜(秘)? www.google-web.org 9. She also faced up to 40 lashes if convicted, but that punishment was not imposed. 如果罪名成立,她还会面临40下鞭笞之刑,但这一惩罚并未实施。 www.ecocn.org 10. But she smiled when she spoke, consciously deepening her dimple and fluttering her bristly black lashes as swiftly as butterflies' wings. 不过她说话时总是面带微笑,刻意加深脸的酒窝,同时把像蝴蝶翅膀似的两圈又硬又黑的睫毛迅速地扇动起来。 www.kekenet.com 1. Clarins Double Fix Mascara - Keep mascara steady on lashes. Also very nice to use on its own. 娇韵诗睫毛雨衣-防止睫毛膏化掉。单独涂让睫毛定型也非常不错。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Xinhua burning law: will lash the hair roots to the method of destruction, burning, no longer inverted long lashes out. 电烧法:将睫毛之毛根以电烧的方法破坏,使倒睫毛不再长出来。 uzmart.com 3. A trick makeup artists use to make lashes pop is apply one coat of lengthening mascara, followed by one coat of thickening mascara. 一个诡计化妆师使用使睫毛流行是一层睫毛膏申请延长,其次是一层的浓稠式睫毛膏。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Finally, the last step is to brush your lower lashes for consistent color. 最后一个步骤,切记要记得刷下睫毛哦。 zhishiduo.com 5. Summer thunderstorms, and the penetration of the night sky, then move your soul But the lightning lashes jitter, mountains, shook my soul. 夏夜的雷雨,穿透夜空,那动魄的闪电可是你睫毛抖动,千山万水,震撼着我的心灵。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 6. The fight goes on with it's 15 second switch Prismatic Auras, Beams, random Saber Lashes and Fatal Attractions, until Mother Shahraz dies. 战斗继续进行,15秒钟的棱镜光环变换,光束,随机的“弯刀猛击”和“致命吸引”也不会停止,直到主母沙赫丝倒下。 bbs.ngacn.cc 7. Iran has a long history of persecuting bloggers and sentencing them to long years of jail - and in once case alsowhip lashes. 伊朗迫害部落客并把他们判刑入狱多年已有很长的一段历史,而伊朗也曾将部落客处以鞭刑。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. Even while I spoke in confident tones I could feel in anticipation the lashes which were soon to score our naked flesh. 甚至在我以自信的语调讲话时,我能预先感觉到不久即将打在我们裸露的皮肉的鞭挞。 www.bing.com 9. A giraffe's face is gentle and appealing, with big brown eyes that have thick lashes to protect them from dust. 长颈鹿面善而动人,褐色的大眼睛长着浓密的眼睫毛,保护眼睛免受灰尘的伤害。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. She was given 160 lashes, tied to a bed in the middle of the prison yard, while the other prisoners watched. 她被罚以160鞭刑,然后绑在一张床上,放在监狱院子的正中央,其他的囚犯在围观。 www.bing.com 1. His hair was wavy and black, and he had very beautiful blue eyes, lined with thick black lashes. 他的头发打卷,而且油黑,他长一双非常美丽的蓝眼睛,浓密的黑睫毛排列有序。 www.bing.com 2. Just 5 feet 2 inches at maturity, Mary had clear blue eyes, long lashes, light-brown hair with glints of bronze, and a lovely complexion. 她长大后身高仅5英尺2英寸,眼睛湛蓝、睫毛修长、头发浅棕、微透金黄、面容姣好。 sfileydy.com 3. Have Your Lashes Ready! All This for 2 Dollars in HongKong! 准备好假睫毛!这些在香港只要2美元! zhidao.baidu.com 4. Objective To investigate the clinical effect of tarsocheiloplasty and dermatoplasty on recurrent aberrant lashes of palpebra superior. 目的探讨睑缘切开加植皮治疗复发性上睑乱睫的临床疗效。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Black mascara darkens and lengthens your eye lashes, framing your eyes beautiful. Black mascara is dramatic. 黑色睫毛膏是极其神奇的,它会使你的眼睫毛变黑、延长,眼睛更加漂亮迷人。 www.bing.com 6. In vain he weeps , in vain he sighs , Her cheek is cold as ashes ; Nor love's own kiss shall wake those eyes To lift their silken lashes . 他哭泣既没用,叹息也不行,她的脸像灰烬般冷掉;爱和吻已唤不醒那双眼睛,唤不动那丝样的睫毛。 www.bing.com 7. Gently unscrew regular or waterproof applicator and work mascara from root to tip of lashes. Apply second coat if desired. 轻轻的拧开普通或防水睫毛膏的任何一头,从睫毛的根部刷至睫毛尖端,如果需要可以再重复一次。 www.25395.com 8. No clumps on the brush means no clumps on the lashes, for a defined and long lash look! 没有丛生的刷意味着没有块的睫毛,在界定和长期睫毛瞧! www.cnwebmarket.cn 9. Eye burns, trauma or eyelid eyelid surgery, will lead to scarring eyelid due to normal lashes inverted into thorn to the eyeball. 眼睛灼伤、眼皮外伤或眼皮手术后,也会引起眼睑结疤,而使正常睫毛倒插刺到眼球。 uzmart.com 10. Tip #6: Use an eyelash curler Curling lashes gives eyes the appearance of being wider and brighter. 冰山#6:使用睫毛膏拉出眼睛睫毛卷的外观更大,更明亮。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. So you still get longer, fuller, darker-looking lashes and shapelier brows without the negative side effects. 因此,你仍可以拥有更长,更浓,看起来更乌黑的眼睫毛以及抢眼的眉毛,而不用担心会有副作用。 www.bing.com 2. Unique gel technology maximizes smoothness, won't get dry and cake, so lashes are always naturally soft and the mascara doesn't flake. 独特凝胶体技术,令膏体倍添丝滑,不易变干、块,睫毛自然柔软,细幼平滑。 tr.bab.la 3. Because thorn to the eye lashes, so often the blink of an eye baby cry. . . If stabbed cornea, the eye will be red and will Paguang. 因为睫毛刺到眼球,所以婴儿经常眨眼流泪。,若刺伤眼角膜,则眼睛会发红且会怕光。 uzmart.com 4. A half-paralysed white sneering fellow--rather handsome head, but eyes with a lot of lashes. 老喝得半醉,苍白的面孔上露出讥笑——但脑袋倒很漂亮,不过眼睫毛太多。 www.kekenet.com 5. As the eyelid turns inward, eye lashes begin to scratch the cornea (trichiasis). 因睑内翻,睫毛开始摩擦角膜(倒睫)。 www.bddyyy.com.cn 6. with six Swarovski crystals representing the Gorgon's black eye, green teardrop and black snake's head eye lashes. 六颗施华洛世奇水晶展现蛇发女怪的黑色眼睛,绿色的泪滴和黑色蛇头的眼睛相互交映。 www.all4seiya.com 7. touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends. Above them, her. 褐色,用短而硬的在尾端翘起的睫毛点缀着。在那之上,她粗而黑的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Lashes trap debris and dirt, preventing it from coming in contact with our eyes, which could cause injuries. 睫毛能够阻止灰尘及异物进入眼睛,从而损伤眼睛。 www.bing.com 9. You can clean your lashes by holding the pad under them and wiping upwards so you are not putting any excess stress on the surrounding skin. 当你卸眼睫毛时,拿块化妆棉垫在上面,向上擦拭,这样你不给周围皮肤上施加多余的力。 www.bing.com 10. Step 2: Pull the wand up and through lashes, wiggling as you go. 步骤2:把魔杖,睫毛,通过你的下面。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It also helps to curl your lashes and swipe on an extra coat of mascara. 卷曲睫毛,涂上一层睫毛膏,同样也有帮助。 www.bing.com 2. Ramp up your makeup: Add a layer of mascara, concentrating on the outer lashes, and then curl your eyelashes. 强化妆容:涂一层睫毛膏,重点是外睫毛,然后使用睫毛夹使睫毛卷翘。 www.bing.com 3. When lashes or bacterial infection and inflammation of glands on a "Zhen Yan. " 当睫毛或腺体感染细菌而发炎,就产生“针眼”。 www.uzmart.com 4. The Hollywood star's voice promised: " Lashes that could reach for the stars. " 好莱坞影星潘妮洛普还在广告中保证,「睫毛就像可以碰到星星那麽长。」 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He's not very generous with his money, he'll pay for necessary things, but rarely lashes out . 他花钱不很大方,他会买一些必需的东西,但很少乱花。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Staring he rise above, the side around a long lashes call ah. 他抬头凝视上面的人,侧面看去睫毛那叫一个长啊。 www.dzxsw.com 7. Topshop has also previously designed for Natasha Khan of Bat For Lashes when the band supported Radiohead. 拓扑肖普曾经还为蝙蝠乐堆的娜塔莎可汗设计睫毛当这个乐堆支持收音头乐堆时。 www.qiaodapei.com 8. Make lashes appear fuller with by lining the lower lash line with black eye pencil liner. 用黑色眼线笔画下眼线会使睫毛显得浓密。 www.elanso.com 9. When completed, the extended lashes look close to the real thing. 完成后,假睫毛看起来就很逼真了。 chinese.wsj.com 10. She was convicted of adultery in 2006 and forced to confess after being subjected to 99 lashes, human rights lawyer Mostafaei told CNN. 人权律师木塔菲告诉CNN,阿什塔尼于2006年被判通奸罪,她在鞭打99次的情况下被迫认罪。 www.bing.com 1. Offered in numerous city spas, the procedure involves gluing one or more synthetic false lashes onto individual natural lashes. 香港的许多Spa都提供增长眼睫毛的服务,具体步骤包括将一根甚至更多的人造睫毛粘到自身的睫毛上。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The false lashes themselves are black, and slightly thicker than natural lashes to give the effect of fullness. 假睫毛本身是黑色的,为了达到浓密的效果它要比自然睫毛略微浓密一些。 chinese.wsj.com 3. a driver who urges the animals on with lashes of a whip. 用鞭子鞭打来催促动物的车夫。 www.hotdic.com 4. Under Sharia law in Khartoum, the normal punishment for "indecent" attire, including trousers, is 40 lashes. 根据喀土穆的宗教法律,对如穿长裤这样的“不当”穿着,一般的惩罚是40鞭。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. He saw only her long chestnut lashes , permeated with shadow and modesty. 他只见到栗色的长睫毛,掩映着幽娴贞静的神态。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Diagnosis is made by direct visualization of the eyelid, with eversion of the lid to reveal hidden lashes. 通过对眼睑的直接观察,将眼睑翻转并发现藏于其内的睫毛即可作出诊断。 www.bing.com 7. Dry pork knuckles after thawed, score the skin in 3 lashes with a sharp knife. 咸猪手解冻后,印乾,并在猪皮上介三刀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Then he was flogged, five lashes from each of the prelates present and three from each of the 80 monks. 然后,国王接受了鞭刑,在场的主教每人抽五鞭,80名僧侣每人抽三鞭。 www.bing.com 9. After conditioning your lashes, apply mascara as usual to make your eyes pop. 保养你的睫毛后,和平常一样涂上睫毛膏让你的眼睛醒目。 ts.hjenglish.com 10. Once you stop using it, your lashes, will eventually go back to their natural state. 一旦你停止使用,你的睫毛就会回复到自然状态。 www.bing.com 1. Once you stop using it, your lashes, will eventually go back to their natural state. 一旦你停止使用,你的睫毛就会回复到自然状态。 www.bing.com 2. Freeze Law: lashes of the hair follicles to minus 20 degrees freezing damage to good effect. 冷冻法:将睫毛之毛囊以零下二十度低温冷冻破坏,效果不错。 uzmart.com 3. As the Monitor reported last year, Sudanese UN media officer Lubna Hussein was threatened with 40 lashes for her pants. 本报去年报告过,苏丹的联合国媒体官员LubnaHussein因为穿长裤被威胁应罚40鞭刑。 www.bing.com 4. One who lashes so as to secure or bind, as with a rope. 捆绑者比如说用绳子固定或绑紧的人 www.enfang.com 5. This treatment also helps to nourish and strengthen the lashes with Aloe Vera, Vitamins A, C, E, and Pro Vitamin B5. 这种治疗方法还有助于滋养并加强睫毛,芦荟,维生素A,C,E和维他命原B5。 www.wujinggou.com 6. Earlier this month, her attorney Mohammad Mostafaei told CNN that his client confessed to the crime after being subjected to 99 lashes. 本月初,她的律师穆罕默德·米斯塔费尔(MohammadMostafaei)告诉CNN,他的当事人在受到99下鞭刑以后才承认了罪行。 www.bing.com 7. Ideal for women and men with brittle, weak, thin or short lashes and eyebrows. 非常适合妇女和男子脆,弱,薄或短的睫毛和眉毛。 www.wujinggou.com 8. His lashes were thick and dark from blood-pressure medication. 他的眼睫毛由于血压药物的影响而显得又浓又黑。 dongxi.net 9. Raindrops gathered his thick lashes and blurred Ross's vision. 雨点聚集在他的浓眉上,模糊了他的视线。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. If your lashes are very light, add a coat of black mascara. 如果眼睫毛非常稀薄的话,再涂上一层厚厚的睫毛膏。 www.bing.com 1. If your lashes are very light, add a coat of black mascara. 如果眼睫毛非常稀薄的话,再涂上一层厚厚的睫毛膏。 www.bing.com 2. Fijian authorities have warned people to prepare as Cyclone Evan lashes the Pacific natio. 斐济当局警告市民,要对飓风埃文做好准备。 www.enread.com 3. So make up was going to be strong. Thick 60s eyeliner full red lips and long lashes. 配套的妆容必须浓烈:粗粗的60年代眼线、红唇和长睫毛。 dongxi.net 4. Mascara makes the eyes look large and lashes appear long, dense. 染睫毛油可以使眼睛显得大、睫毛显得长、密。 99mrw.5d6d.com 5. Do not cake on a layer of extra face and make your eye lashes look like spider legs. 但粉不要涂得过后,不要让你的眼睫毛看起来像蜘蛛的腿一样。 www.bing.com 6. Then the pan make-up, powder on face and eyes, mascara and false lashes. 然后,拿粉扑上妆,全脸打粉底,扫画眼影,勾勒眉毛,黏贴假睫毛。 www.bing.com 7. His lashes were holding back the tears. I retired his blue wool scarf. 我把他蓝色的羊毛围巾拉了拉紧。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Perhaps that's why she's skipping mascara and fake lashes these days. 可能这就是她这些天为什么不用睫毛膏和和假睫毛的原因。 www.bing.com 9. Lightly tap eyeliner into bottom lashes. 轻微在眼底下化一条眼线 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Take her away and give her thirty lashes of the whip. 把她拖下去鞭笞三十。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Take her away and give her thirty lashes of the whip. 把她拖下去鞭笞三十。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Sweep a clean, fresh mascara wand through lashes when they're wet. 打扫干净、新鲜的睫毛棒鞭打,当他们通过湿了。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. In lower eyelid surgery, the incision is made just below the lashes in the skin's natural crease. 下眼睑手术时,沿睫毛下皮肤皱褶方向切开。 med.essaystar.com 4. There are many people of the eyelids and lashes glands (there are three . . . Mak's gland, Choi gland, Her glands). 人的眼睑有许多睫毛及腺体(有三种…麦氏腺、蔡氏腺、莫氏腺)。 www.uzmart.com 5. With our high performance, clump-free formula your lashes will look thicker, fuller and more luscious than ever. 与我们的高性能,丛无公式你的睫毛看起来更厚,更充分和更甘美比以往任何时候。 word.hcbus.com 6. who drives us mad, lashes us with whips, and crowns us with victory when we survive the impossible? 谁逼迫我们,鞭打我们并在我们完成不可能的任务时,以胜利为我们加冕? zhidao.baidu.com 7. Never walk behind a horse in case it lashes out . 绝对不要跟在马后面,以防它突然猛踢。 www.youtheme.cn 8. However, long lashes out again, so every 4-6 weeks must Stubbs first inverted eyelashes. 但是睫毛会再长出来,所以每隔四至六个星期就得拔一次倒睫毛。 uzmart.com 9. Never walk behind a horse in case it lashes out at you . 不要走在马后面,以防它突然踢你。 www.hotdic.com 10. Morning mist gave my lashes a string of pearls, but also gave me a day of happy mood. 晨雾送给我的睫毛一串珍珠,也送给我一天的快乐心情。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Morning mist gave my lashes a string of pearls, but also gave me a day of happy mood. 晨雾送给我的睫毛一串珍珠,也送给我一天的快乐心情。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Sonya was a slender little brunette with a tender look in her eyes which were veiled by long lashes, 索尼娅是个身段苗条小巧玲珑的黑发女郎,在那长长的睫毛遮掩下闪现出温柔的眼神, www.naxin.com 3. Her eyes, a deep grey, with dark eye-lashes and eyebrows, had never been denied their praise; 她的眼睛是深灰色的,睫毛和眉毛是黑色的,谁见了都要为之赞美。 novel.tingroom.com 4. Yep. See how long and curly my lashes are? 干了。看到我又长又卷的睫毛没? talk.oralpractice.com 5. Do you want eye-lashes, too? 你也要眼影刷吗? www.kekenet.com 6. For example, if someone lashes out at you in anger, don't respond in kind. 举例来说,假如某人愤怒地抨击你,不要针锋相对。 www.bangbenw.com 7. And that slave who knew his master's will and did not prepare or do according to his will, will receive many lashes; 奴仆知道主人的意思,却不预备,或是不照着他的意思行,那奴仆必多受鞭打。 www.msu.edu 8. he is beautiful in what he calls an " androgynous " way ; dark - lipped and hazel - eyed , with long lashes that curl perfectly up 他有一种他自己称为“中性”的美,深色的嘴唇,浅褐色的眼睛,长长的发丝完美地蜷曲着。 www.ichacha.net 9. veil these eyes with lovely lashes, which, when drooped, cast their shadow on the rosy hue of the cheeks; 可爱的睫毛罩住两眼,睫毛下垂时,它们的影子会投在玫瑰红色的两颊上; ebook.tianya.cn 10. I love my little boyfriend, he has a long lashes like a forest. the eyes like obsidian, soft like as a JinSiRong lips; 我很喜欢我的小男友,他有长长的森林般的睫毛,眼睛像黑曜石一样,柔软的像金丝绒般的嘴唇; www.27an.com 1. She had the lashes that swipe away the dust of the past 她有拨开历史风尘的睫毛 wenwen.soso.com 2. his basilisk eyes were nearly quenched by sleeplessness, and weeping, perhaps, for the lashes were wet then; 他那露出怪物的凶光的眼睛由于缺乏睡眠都快熄灭了,也许还由于哭泣,因为睫毛是湿的; putclub.net 3. leisurely, the new postilions follow, sucking and plaiting the lashes of their whips; 新的车夫懒洋洋地跟在后面,编着鞭梢,用嘴吮着。 www.jukuu.com 4. The collection includes Bionic Mascara ($19), specially engineered for sweeping lashes; 收集包括仿生睫毛膏(19美元),特别设计的清扫睫毛; bzxw.512121.com 5. The little dimples and the Long lashes are the most beautiful sign of you. I can't fall into sleep every day because of your smile 小酒窝长睫毛是你最美的记号,我每天睡不着想念你的微笑 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The Lashes Guizhou's Tourism Will Be Faced after China Enters WTO and Countermeasures 加入WTO后贵州旅游业面临的冲击与对策 www.ilib.cn 7. Applying Eyeliner and Mascara on Lower Lids and Lashes 在下眼睑和睫毛上涂眼线膏和睫毛膏 www.bing.com 8. Where your lashes cast down an enticing mystery; 那里你的睫毛投下暗影,诱人而神秘, bbs.ebigear.com 9. Their lashes are the herbs that look 那睫毛就是草本植物模样 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Take lashes to new lengths 睫毛,悠然增长 www.educast.com.cn 1. 23 Die as storm lashes India, thousands flee 23雨鞭打死为印度,成千上万逃离 www.2getnews.com |
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