单词 | knock | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
第三人称单数:knocks 现在分词:knocking 过去式:knocked knock- 显示所有例句 门窗at door/window
心;膝盖of heart/knees
发动机;管子of engine/pipes
IDM Ill knock your block/head off! (informal) (威胁要打人)我非揍你不可,我要揍扁你used to threaten sb that you will hit them
knock sb dead (informal) 使某人倾倒to impress sb very much
knock sb/sth into a cocked hat 远远胜过某人(或事物);大大超过;使相形见绌to be very much better than sb/sth knock it off! (informal) 别吵了;别烦人了used to tell sb to stop making a noise, annoying you, etc. knock sb off their pedestal/perch 使某人丧失名位to make sb lose their position as sb/sth successful or admired
knock sth on the head (informal) 阻止某事发生;停止做某事to stop sth from happening; to stop doing sth
knock on wood (表示希望继续走好运)used when you have just mentioned some way in which you have been lucky in the past, to avoid bringing bad luck knock sb sideways (informal) 使某人惊讶得不知所措(或目瞪口呆)to surprise or shock sb so much that they are unable to react immediately knock spots off sb/sth (informal) 远远胜过;大大超过;使相形见绌to be very much better than sb/sth knock the stuffing out of sb (informal) 使某人丧失信心(或委靡不振)to make sb lose their confidence and enthusiasm you could have knocked me down with a feather (informal) (表示惊奇)used to express surprise 门窗at door/window
IDM take a (hard, nasty, etc.) knock 遭受(重大等)挫折;受到(沉重等)打击;受到(严重等)破坏to have an experience that makes sb/sth less confident or successful; to be damaged 例句释义: 敲,撞,击,打,撞击,敲击,敲击声,敲门声,敲打,爆震 1. The belief that Kobe can't win without a great player with him isn't a knock on him: it's the truth. 如果没有另一个伟大球员的助阵,科比赢不了总冠军,这一观点并不是在贬损他:这就是事实。 club.learning.sohu.com 2. You said an option knock him down. Fellows, you want your woman to be happy? All you got to say is: How was your day? How was your day? 一个选择就能把男人们打到了伙计们,你想要你们的女人开心吗?你只需要说:你今天过得怎么样? www.hjenglish.com 3. one another by the arm with your eyes closed down the stairs, when our hearts are very nervous, fear of knock the Peng Zhao. 一个闭着眼睛另一个搀扶着下楼,这时我们的心情都十分紧张,生怕磕着碰着。 www.tradeask.com 4. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening. 有人敲门,这是当天晚上第二次有人打扰我了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "I told him in the huddle, 'Everybody is coming at you, so look at me. I'll knock it down, '" Williams said. “我跟他说在人堆里每个人都冲你施加压力,看我的,怎么把他们搞定,”威廉姆斯说。 bbs.huanantiger.com 6. Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard insists revenge was not on his mind after seeing his side knock Chelsea out of the UEFA Champions League. 巴萨主教练里杰卡尔德在看到他的球队在冠军联赛淘汰切尔西队之后坦言,击溃切尔西并非是在报仇。 www.biodic.cn 7. One of its attractions was a printing press that was placed on the ice and used to knock up souvenir broadsides to mark the occasion. 集市上吸引人的一个地方之一就是放在冰上的一台印刷机,人们用这台机器来印出纪念性报纸,描述集市上的情形。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Yeah, but they demonstrated how you could knock him out with one karate blow to the throat. 有,但是,他们给你示范:怎样用空手道猛击他的喉部,将其打昏。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. After the meal however, when guests returned to their rooms, Campbell now says she was sleeping when there was a knock at the door. 那天晚宴之后,大家都回到各自的房间,坎贝尔说自己正要睡觉的时候,听到了敲门声。 www.bing.com 10. And for that wrong committed must you knock and wait a while unheeded at the gate of the blessed. 为了那过错,你必须伫立在幸福之门外,敲门、守候,却不被回应。 www.zftrans.com 1. Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you, but I believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales . 世人不时旳践踏你旳梦想,但我相信那旋律是真旳,就像有些人相信童话是真旳。 z.98xia.com 2. eyes and waiting for a knock upon the door. 揉了难合的眼,等着叩门的一声响。 dict.kekenet.com 3. To flea jumped out to a very easy to knock about the cup or heating click bottom of the cup, it will quickly jump out. 要想跳蚤跳出来很容易,敲一下杯子或加热一下杯底,它就会很快跳出来。 www.bing.com 4. If he ~ say such a thing again, I shall knock him down. 如果他胆敢再说这种话,我一定把他打倒在地 zhidao.baidu.com 5. There seems to be a knock at the door. 似乎有人在敲门。 learning.sohu.com 6. You can knock the dust out of the quilt after putting it in the sun for a few hours. 晒了几小时后你可以用球拍将灰尘从被子里打出来。 7. At the last moment, the player was able to knock the ball in and ensure his team's victory. 这个球员在最后一刻踢进了一球,从而保证了他的队取得胜利。 www.hahz.com 8. He wondered if it was proper to knock at the door of her room. 他不知道敲她的房门是否合适。 www.teaching8.com 9. Old George used to arrive home drunk every Saturday night and knock hell out of his wife. 乔治老头每星期六晚上总是喝得醉醺醺地回家,并把老婆痛打一顿。 www.websaru.net 10. There was a group of us on the western side who used to all try to knock off the top level of the wall before the cement had time to try. 在西柏林这边,我们是一大伙子,一直尝试着在柏林墙上的水泥干燥前敲掉最上面的墙块。 www.bing.com 1. There is no break but he took a knock to the leg and the membrane covering the bone is swollen. 这不用休息,但是他的腿被碰撞过一次后,骨头的薄膜已经肿胀。 www.bing.com 2. There was a knock at the door just as we were about to have dinner. 我们正要吃晚饭的时候有人敲门。 www.kekenet.com 3. As I sit at my desk to begin, there's a knock at the door. A church member enters with a huge smile on his face. 当我坐在桌前开始下笔时,教会的一位弟兄带着满脸的笑容敲我的门。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. If no one crashed, can wait a bit again after the bell or knock on the door (but rang the bell, it will not take too long). 如无人应声,可稍等片刻后再次按铃或敲门(但按铃时间不要过长)。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Alibaba is far from being just a Chinese knock-off of these American giants. Indeed, they have borrowed ideas from him. 阿里巴巴远不是那些美国巨头的简单模仿者,事实上,反是他们从阿里巴巴身上学到了不少点子。 www.ecocn.org 6. if edgar linton meets me , i shall not hesitate to knock him down , and give him enough to insure his quiescence while i stay. 如果埃德加林敦遇见我,我将毫不犹豫地一拳打倒他,在我待在那儿的时候保证给他足够的时间休息。 www.ichacha.net 7. The unseeded player has no chance; the champion will knock the living daylights out of her. 这个非种子选手没有获胜的机会,在比赛中冠军会把她彻底打败的。 www.jukuu.com 8. Six out of ten claimed their confidence took a real knock when they realized their old clothes did not fit. 6成妇女声称,当发现旧衣服不合身时,自己的信心会大大受挫。 gb.cri.cn 9. Smith struck a match to light the fire and was to strike iron when he heard someone knock at the door. 史密斯划燃一根火柴点燃炉火纯正要打铁的时候,他突然听见有人敲门。 en.12999.com 10. Wait until 11 o'clock, when the closed weigh the print, they knock out the door next to the door. How's the matter? 等到十一点,掂量着打印关门的时候,就冲出门去敲隔壁的门。 www.dota123.com 1. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 看哪,我站在门外叩门,若有听见我声音就开门的,我要进到他那里去,我与他他与我一同坐席。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 2. sometimes people put up walls, not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to knock them down. 有时,人会举起墙,不是想让人留在外面,可是是看清谁足够心已能到打到那个墙。 answers.yahoo.com 3. They made it a signal between them to knock at the door three times. 翻译他们以敲三下门作为他们的暗号。 learning.sohu.com 4. When he fell asleep, a farmer began to knock at the door and got him up. 当他睡着的时候,一个农民开始敲门于是便起床了。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The Kremlin was also fast improving batteries of surface-to-air missiles that could knock LeMay's beloved bombers out of the sky. 同时,苏联还在加紧改进地对空导弹电池,来对付李梅钟爱的轰炸机。 www.bing.com 6. Group E is now wide open with all four teams in with a chance of qualifying for the knock-out phase going into the final group matches. 现在E组的形式相当复杂,四支球队都有可能在最后一轮比赛中获得淘汰赛阶段的资格。 news.arsenal.com.cn 7. Ari continued to read aloud the words that now appeared in her little note book, "Knock and it shall be opened. " 雅俐继续把小记录簿上出现的字大声念出来,“敲门的,门就为你敞开。” q.163.com 8. I wished to go in and look at him but I had not the courage to knock. 我很想进去,瞧瞧他,可是鼓不起勇气敲门。 9. l. He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door . 他刚要入睡,突然传来一阵猛烈的敲门声。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Today, there was a knock at my door, and I was greeted by a punch to the face. 今天,有人敲门,我刚一开门就被一个充满愤怒的男人在脸上打了一拳。 autumnwater.galaaa.com 1. "The facts show that the door for students is more than open, and it's a very good time for Chinese students to knock. " he said. 裴孝贤说:“事实说明,美国对外国学生更加开放,现在正是中国学生来美的好时机。” www.america.gov 2. One man said that if someone was smiling at him for no reason he'd want to knock his block off. 一位男士表示,如果有人无缘无故地对他笑,他会想去扁他。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The local authorities have so far shown they are not afraid to spill blood, or at least knock a few heads. 迄今为止,当地政府已经表明,他们不怕流血,或者至少斗得头破血流。 www.bing.com 4. Once with within striking distance, they bound in among the startled animals, knock one down and kill it with a bite to the neck or throat. 曾经与在内打击距离,他们在在吃惊的动物之中绑了,将一个击倒并且与咬杀死它到颈或喉咙。 post.baidu.com 5. ANAND PANYARACHUN: People would come and knock on your door and plead with you to borrow, be they European or Japanese banks. 人们会来敲你的门,恳请你借钱,无论是欧洲银行还是日本银行。 www.dzxsw.com 6. He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door. 他开始抱怨起这个邪恶的世道来,却被一阵敲门声打断了。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. "Close one, Harry! " said George, streaking past him with his club in his hand, ready to knock the Bludger back toward a Slytherin. “真悬,哈利!”乔治说,他手里拿着击球棒,从哈利身边疾驰而过,准备把游走球击向斯莱特林队员。 www.kekenet.com 8. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. 看,我立在门口敲门,谁若听见我的声音而给我开门,我要进到他那里,同他坐席,他也要同我一起坐席。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I used to walk to my office but if I still walk to work my colleagues may get ready to knock off when I get there. 过去我经常走着去上班,但是如果我现在还走着去上班,等我到那时我的同事可能已经准备下班了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I told him plainly that if he ever said such a thing again. I would knock the stuffing out of him. 我明白地告诉他,如果他再说这种话,我就要打得他灵魂出窍。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. When you visit, when an Englishman, had to knock at the door, until he said "Come in" in order to go. 当你去访问一个英国人时,得先在门口敲门,一直等到他说“请进”,才能进去。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Devote all of your energy to that habit change, and once it's on autopilot, move on to the next one. Knock 'em down one at a time. 投入你全部的精力去改变这个习惯,并且当它进入自动运行状态,再转移至下一个,每次只击倒一个。 www.bing.com 3. Not open, you will not spend more strong, hard knock it a few! 打不开,你就不会多用些劲,使劲敲它几下! aa.258288.com 4. How much did that new watch knock you back ? 那只新表花费了你多少钱? www.jukuu.com 5. We read in the Bible, Knock and the door shall be opened, but we do not know where to knock. 圣经记载说:敲门,门就会开,但人们不知何处去敲门。 sm2000.org 6. For the foreseeable future, the system would knock out only a few missiles even if it worked. 在不久的将来,如果该体系发挥作用的话,或许也就只能对付几枚导弹。 www.bing.com 7. CEOs are on pedestals and if they announce from on high, "I'm a bit of a bully" , someone is likely to knock them down. 首席执行官地位显赫,如果他们高高在上地宣布,“我有点盛气凌人”,那他们很可能会被人赶下台。 www.ftchinese.com 8. There was a knock on the door of his hotel room, and a nervous engineering graduate student entered. 我去看望他时,旅馆房间的门敲响了,一位神情紧张的工程专业的大学生走了进来。 www.zftrans.com 9. In a little while there was a knock on the door. It was Fillmore. Collins was waiting downstairs, he informed me. 过了一会儿有人敲了敲门,是菲尔莫,他告诉我柯林斯正在楼下等着呢。 www.bing.com 10. Imagine, Kop fans must be thinking, how much Ferguson would gloat about achieving his dream to 'knock Liverpool off their perch. 想象一下,Kop们一定在想,弗格森会因为实现“把利物浦拉下来”的梦想而多么洋洋得意。 bbs.qieerxi.com 1. McCain was quick to knock down the lie. "No, ma'am, " he said, "he's a decent family man, a citizen. " 麦卡恩立刻驳斥了这个谎言:“不,夫人,他是美国居民,还是个不错的居家男人。” www.bing.com 2. Pick up the crazy bonus items that replenish your health, protect you and even knock a second or two off your time! 选择疯狂的奖励模式可以补充你的体力,保护你的安全,甚至避免一次或两次的危险。 forum.minisoyo.com 3. On the other side, President Obama has got to knock off the nonsense when it comes to ideological spending and nanny state building. 另一方面,奥巴马总统已停止了说到思想支出和婆婆妈妈的国家建设时的胡言乱语。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Just as Mrs. Richards was entering the dining room, there was a knock on the front door. 理查兹夫人刚刚走进餐厅,前门就传来敲门声。 www.joyen.net 5. I was just about to fall asleep when there was a knock at the door. 我刚要睡觉,有人就敲上门了。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Writing, for the speaker, is the knock on the door of misery, and of course this again returns to the theme of maternity-witch power. 写作,对于说话人来说,就是敲苦难的房门,这当然又要回到母性-巫婆力量。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. When he was a child he used to knock around the market, trying to find a little work to earn a few coppers. 他小时候常去市场上瞎转,企图找点小活干,挣几个铜板。 www.hotdic.com 8. He won't have time to run away before the Frenchman will think of his gun, and knock him on the head. 如果法国人想起自己的枪,用刺刀刺杀他的话,他连跑都来不及了。 novel.tingroom.com 9. Just as Mrs. Richard was entering the diningroom, there was a knock at the front door. 正当理查德太太要进客厅时,前门响起了一阵敲门声。 sq.k12.com.cn 10. Hands down baby toys to accurately grasp can mimic knock, rattle toys, based on his hands began to develop joint activities. 玩具倒手婴儿在能够准确抓握,能模仿敲、摇玩具的基础上,开始发展双手共同的活动。 www.cutpic.cn 1. The woman really has a talent. She can knock off a new book at least once a year and we can count on it to be a best-seller. 那位女士确实有才气。她一年至少能完成一部新书,而且还必然畅销。 www.for68.com 2. There was a knock at the door and a sentry put his head in. 门上响了一声,一个哨兵把头伸了进来。 dict.ebigear.com 3. What was his surprise at seeing him go up to a door and knock, and to hear him say, "Dear little sister, let me in. " 他非常惊讶看到他来到了一扇门前,然后敲门,然后听到他说,“亲爱的小妹妹,让我进来吧。” www.bing.com 4. It may knock the interviewer for a loop and appear to be overly aggressive, but some people think of it as closing the sale. 这可能会让有些面试官感到大为惊讶,觉得你过分自信了,但也有人会就此结束面试。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I heard a silent knock at the door and looked up to see Josh. 我听到沉默在门口敲,抬头看到乔希。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 6. That we might have a financial situation where a possible default of Greece might have knock-on effects around the world as well. 希腊可能对其债务违约,这种财政状况也可能在全球产生连锁反应。 www.putclub.com 7. There were exceptions, but the normal case was that there was a leader and it took a lot to knock them out of first place. 当然也有例外,但是通常情况是要想赶出那个首领者是要花费相当大的精力的。 www.ibm.com 8. It may conceivably knock the British empire to bits and leave England as primitive as she was when Julius Caesar landed in Kent. 可以想象,这样的战争会使大英帝国土崩瓦解、使英国回到裘力斯-凯撒在肯特登陆时那副原始模样去。 dict.wenguo.com 9. Use his head to knock into the door or crying as a baby as if nobody knows that I am not as stupid as your imagination. 一头撞到门上?或者说像孩子一样哭哭啼啼好像没有人知道你像你想象中的那么愚蠢? www.healthmedicalresearch.com 10. After all, people in this middle of the night silence of the night, who would knock her to move the new tenants of the door? 毕竟,在这夜深人寂的夜里,有谁会来敲她这个新搬住户的房门? zhidao.baidu.com 1. How much can you knock down a year? 你一年能挣多少钱? wenwen.soso.com 2. Ironically, that has been a legitimate knock on LeBron -- that he's too nice a kid, too chummy with and respectful of his elder opponents. 讽刺的是,还有这样“合理”的攻击勒布朗――他是个太“善良”的孩子,对比他年长的对手太亲密和尊敬。 bbs.sports.163.com 3. How much did your wife's new hat knock you back? 你妻子的那顶新帽子花了你多少钱? zhidao.baidu.com 4. Oh yeah, I found out that Alice gave you a knock-back but it's not the end of the world. There are plenty more fish in the sea you know. 奥,是这样,我发现爱丽丝拒绝了你,但这不是世界末日。你知道这个世界上还有很多姑娘。 blog.zol.com.cn 5. But now, before I come to knock at the door of adulthood I feel anxious to express my own opinions on this saying. 但是现在,在我即将跨如成年人行列时,我急切地想要把我对这句话的看法表达出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. and were finishing breakfast in their little parlour and eagerly discussing their plans for the day, when a heavy knock sounded at the door. 他们正在客厅里吃早饭,热烈地讨论当天的计划,忽听得一声重重的敲门声。 www.bing.com 7. It is comparatively easy to read this "password" file and simply try and match the knock pattern to gain access to this system. 这个“密码”文件非常容易读取,并且通过尝试和匹配敲打模式,可以获得对系统的访问权限。 www.ibm.com 8. Suddenly, one evening, as they were sitting quietly by the fire, a loud knock was heard upon the door. 有一天晚上,当她们静静地坐在炉火旁烤火时,突然,门外传来撞门的声音。 www.zftrans.com 9. One evening, little Hans was sitting near the fire when he heard a loud knock at the door. 一天晚上,小汉斯正坐在火炉旁,突然听到有人使劲敲门。 dict.bioon.com 10. The next morning there was a knock on my door and I was surprised to see my friend standing there with a funny look of concern on his face. 第二天早上,有人敲门,我吃惊地看到朋友一脸关切的心爱样地站在门外。 www.591lw.com 1. and were finishing breakfast in their little parlour and eagerly discussing their plans for the day, when a heavy knock sounded at the door. 他们正在客厅里吃早饭,热烈地讨论当天的计划,忽听得一声重重的敲门声。 www.bing.com 2. It is comparatively easy to read this "password" file and simply try and match the knock pattern to gain access to this system. 这个“密码”文件非常容易读取,并且通过尝试和匹配敲打模式,可以获得对系统的访问权限。 www.ibm.com 3. Suddenly, one evening, as they were sitting quietly by the fire, a loud knock was heard upon the door. 有一天晚上,当她们静静地坐在炉火旁烤火时,突然,门外传来撞门的声音。 www.zftrans.com 4. One evening, little Hans was sitting near the fire when he heard a loud knock at the door. 一天晚上,小汉斯正坐在火炉旁,突然听到有人使劲敲门。 dict.bioon.com 5. The next morning there was a knock on my door and I was surprised to see my friend standing there with a funny look of concern on his face. 第二天早上,有人敲门,我吃惊地看到朋友一脸关切的心爱样地站在门外。 www.591lw.com 6. Having done all that, he might also "without thinking" , knock her to the ground. 在完成所有这些之后,他也许又这样“不经意”地让蒂娜一贫如洗。 www.ecocn.org 7. It's easy to knock off the tasks on a list; it's hard to cope with that sense of having far too much work and nowhere near enough time. 从清单上去掉几项内容很简单,但是应付有很多工作要做又时间不够的感觉却不容易。 www.bing.com 8. Malone did not seem prepared to carry on briskly a conversation of this sort; he began to knock the heels of his boots together, and yawn. 马龙似乎不准备精神抖擞地将这种交谈继续下去,他开始叩击自己两只靴后跟,打起呵欠来。 9. He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door. 他刚睡着,就有人大声敲门。 www.diyifanwen.com 10. "I will often knock at his door and I'm sure I will always find it open, " she said in her acceptance speech. 继任讲话中她说:“我会经常寻求卢拉的意见,同时我也确定他会不遗余力帮助我的。” www.ecocn.org 1. "I will often knock at his door and I'm sure I will always find it open, " she said in her acceptance speech. 继任讲话中她说:“我会经常寻求卢拉的意见,同时我也确定他会不遗余力帮助我的。” www.ecocn.org 2. But a week before half-term there was a knock at the door, with a special delivery for Anna. 距离期中还有一周的时候,有人敲门给安娜送了一份特件。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. But this New Year, resolve to be a healthy weight and knock off the pounds that this holiday season may have put on. 但是在这个新年里,决心要有一个健康的体重和减少在这个假期里可能增加了的体重。 www.bing.com 4. like a child , you knock it out of my hand . l broke it. 像个孩子,你把它从我手里碰掉了。我弄坏了它。 www.ichacha.net 5. At the moment he's got a bit of a knock and is probably a few weeks away from playing, but the signing wasn't made to cover a few weeks. 目前他受了一点小伤,可能需要休养一些时日,但这笔签约不是只为这段时间的。 www.ept-team.com 6. Last minute preparations. In a little while there was a knock on the door. 几分钟后他又回来了,一句话也没对我说便忙着收拾画室,这是最后的准备工作。 www.bing.com 7. He took a Madison car and went direct to Ogden Place, this time walking boldly up to the door. The chambermaid answered his knock. 他上了一辆麦迪逊街的有轨电车直奔奥登公寓。这次他大胆地径直走到门口。女仆替他开了门。 www.bing.com 8. Later that same day, there was a knock at the door, but the old man did not answer . 当天稍晚的时候,门上传来了一声敲门声,可老人没去开门。 hi.baidu.com 9. He had no sooner come home than she started complaining. He made for the door directly he heard the knock. 他一听到敲门声就向门口走去。 wenku.baidu.com 10. A year to the day after the ball, a timid knock sounded upon the door of Rachael's parents' home. 一年后的一天,雷切尔父母的家门上响起一阵颤颤巍巍的敲门声。 www.bing.com 1. A year to the day after the ball, a timid knock sounded upon the door of Rachael's parents' home. 一年后的一天,雷切尔父母的家门上响起一阵颤颤巍巍的敲门声。 www.bing.com 2. All right, you're in your cabin, and you get a knock at the door, and one of the kids have been hurt. 好啦,情况是您在自己营地的小屋内,当时有人敲门,原来是小孩中有人受了伤。 www.ncut.edu.cn 3. One evening, just as she was on the verge of swallowing her draught, there was a timid knock on her door. 一天晚上,就在她要吞下安眠液时,门口传来怯怯的敲门声。 dongxi.net 4. Jingtian: Sorry I didn't knock the door but I wanna talk with you. You are going to bed? So let's make it tomorrow. Have a good rest. 景天:对不起,我有话对你说,忘了敲门了,你是不是要歇息了?那明天再说吧,好好休息。 hi.baidu.com 5. "Take a pic of your penis, tape it to your neighbor's front door, knock, run. . " My suggestion, it seems, was a hit in Carlton's mind. “给你的鸡鸡拍张肖像,然后贴在你邻居的前门,敲一下门后赶紧跑。”我建议道,这应该很中卡尔顿的心意。 www.bing.com 6. While it lasted, he got them interested in a new device. This was to knock off being pirates, for a while, and be Indians for a change. 趁着这股劲儿,他又使他们对一种新式玩法产生了兴趣,这就是大家暂时放弃当海盗,改扮成印第安人,换换口味。 www.jukuu.com 7. The person to knock off the last piece of the wood will get a prize, usually candies and chocolates. 击落最后一块木头的人就可以得到奖品,通常是糖果或巧克力。 english.voc.com.cn 8. Costacurta did not complete the session after picking up a slight muscle knock but is not a concern to the medical staff. 科斯塔库塔在轻微肌肉拉伤恢复后没有参加训练但是这与医务人员无关。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 9. Before liberation, he used to knock about the docks, trying to find a little work to earn a few coppers. 解放前,他常常到码头上去设法找点工作,挣几个子儿过活。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. But if it was the second time, he would knock me with a chopstick to "help" me memorize the lesson for not doing it again. 如果犯了同样的错误,爸爸就会用筷子敲我的手,“帮助”我加深印象,牢牢记住以后不要再犯类似的错误。 i.myechinese.com 1. Knock on the door, so Terry to open. 8 In his mother told him not to eat too many bananas after he found a few apples. 9. 在他妈妈告诉他不要吃太多香蕉后他又找到几个苹果。9。我没有去过西藏,我弟弟也一样。 www.wentidaquan.com 2. Still, they face a tough challenge in trying to compete in a market well know for its ability to produce knock-off footwear. 尽管如此,他们面临着艰巨的挑战,必须努力在一个以生产仿制鞋出名的市场上竞争。 c.wsj.com 3. Top a simple black dress with a beaded vest to look like an exotic princess, or mix-and-match stripes and prints to knock 'em dead. 既便是一款简单的黑色上衣,也能被你穿得别具异国风情。混合搭配的条纹和印花设计也是不错的选择哦。 www.zhongzhao.com 4. About a half an hour before she was getting ready to head out for dinner, there was a knock at Ellie's door. 在晚饭前大概半个小时的时候,有人敲响了艾莉的房门。 www.bing.com 5. Would we be prepared to knock industry for six simply because we felt that house prices were getting a bit too sporty? I don't think so. 仅仅因为感觉到住房价格太活跃,我们是不是就准备彻底打跨这个行业呢?我不这么看。 www.ftchinese.com 6. He never showed, but instead when I heard a knock of the front door, I immediately answered it, without thinking. 他并没有露面,但我听到前门一阵敲门声,我不加思索地就回应了。 www.elanso.com 7. They knock on doors. when a person opens the door, the children shout: "Trick or treat! " 他们走街串巷收集糖果,他们敲门,当人开门时,孩子们大声疾呼:“恶作剧还是招待!” wenwen.soso.com 8. knock at the door and enter. Then Suzuki sees a lady in the garden and learns with horror that she is Pinkerton's wife, Kate. 平克顿和领事敲门进来。铃木随后见到花园里有个女人,知道她就是平克顿的妻子凯特,不禁惊恐万分。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Knocks Ball Past Opponent - Likes to knock the ball past an opponent and attempt to run around him and pick up the ball again. 人球分过-喜欢把球踢过对方球员,然后尝试绕着对方球员跑过去重新接球。 fmers.ttsite.com 10. I stand at the door and knock. Anyone who opens the door, I will come in and I will eat with him and he with Me. 我站在门外叩门,若有听见我声音就开门的,我要进到他那里去,我与他,他与我一同坐席。 hourofpower.org.hk 1. Roving garbage robots might be a good way to clean up space debris, but they could also be used to knock enemy satellites out of orbit. 漫游太空的垃圾清扫机器人,或许是一种清理太空残骸的好办法,但也可用来把敌方卫星撞出轨道之外 www.ecocn.org 2. All this had a tendency to keep us awake, and knock the traditional dullness out of garrison life. 这一切都足以使我们保持警惕,打破驻防生活一向的沉闷。 3. SYRINGE SEDATIVE Stain steel, surgical syringe. Contains a non-lethal general Anaesthetic, enough to knock out a grown man. 麻醉药注射剂包含非致死性麻醉剂,足以放倒一个成年男子。 game.ali213.net 4. Originally had much of a long the nurse of patience to knock very for a while, finally impatient, screwed on door to walked into. 本来很有耐性的护士长敲了好一阵子,终于不耐烦,旋开房门走了进去。 www.swty.net 5. One stormy night, there was a knock at the door. A young lady stood there, wet, tired and footsore. 一个暴风雨晚上,有人敲门。一个年轻的女士站在那里,浑身淋透,疲惫不堪,脚也受伤了。 www.hjenglish.com 6. This morning, as soon as he got up, he went upstairs and began to knock at the door. 这天早上,他一起床,就下楼并且开始敲门。 wenwen.soso.com 7. B: Oh, nothing too much with me, but you ought to see Nick's new car. It'll knock your socks off! 哦,还那样。不过你真该看看尼克的新车。那车真带劲! www.for68.com 8. And if it's hard not to retaliate when someone knocks you down, it's even harder to let them knock you down again. 如果有人打你一拳不去报复很困难,不让他们再打你会更困难。 open.163.com 9. The children will knock on the door , and shout "trick or treat" . 孩子们会敲门,吆喝着“不招待就使坏”。 wenku.baidu.com 10. If such a "knock-out" comes off, the real auction sale takes place privately afterwards among the dealers. 如果这样的“串通压价拍买”行径奏效,则事后这伙商家私下将进行真正的拍卖交易。 www.yhtec.com.cn 1. As a young man he suffered a lot from poverty. He used to knock about at the market, trying to find a job for a few coins. 年轻时他很穷,经常在市场里闲逛,找些零活挣些小钱。 www.jxenglish.com 2. His lab hopes to knock out a specific oestrogen receptor in dogs to understand the hormone's effects on fertility. 他希望他的实验能剔除狗身上的一种特别的雌激素受体借以理解激素对生殖力的影响。 www.bing.com 3. ugh! Chih-sheng, did you see that horse brush past Su-su's head, and almost knock her OVER and trample on her? 喔,喔,喔,——芝生,你看见马头从素的头顶擦过,险一些踏倒了她么? dict.ebigear.com 4. The main object of teaching is not to explain meanings, but to knock at the door of the mind. 教育的主要目的不是去解释字义,而是去叩开孩子的心门。 www.bing.com 5. A few weeks back, I was watching TV at home when there was a knock at my door. 几周后,我在家看电视的时候,有人敲门。门口站着两位上岁数的妇女。 www.bing.com 6. He was just falling asleep when there was a knock at the door. 他刚要入睡,就有人敲门。 www.englishjia.com 7. Their job is to listen out for offensive noises and knock on the door of guests who snore too loudly. 他们的职责是监听恼人的鼾声,如果声音过大就去敲门。 www.wycode.com 8. And Buss said one of his greatest honors was being told that he could knock on any door in south Los Angeles and be invited for dinner. 巴斯说他最大的骄傲是他被告知,在洛杉矶南部,他可以去敲任何一家人的门,并与其共进晚餐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Don't knock me out or anything. Punch me in my arm. Hard enough to leave a bruise. 不是把我打翻之类的,打我的胳膊,弄个淤青就行。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. They were watching a wonderful movie on TV when suddenly there was a knock on the door . 他们正在电视上看一个非常好的电影,突然有人敲门。 blog.pedu.net.cn 1. I was just about to go to bed when I heard a knock on the door. 我正要睡觉,听见有人敲门。 www.kekenet.com 2. Even if it means putting up with an occasional knock on the door. 即使这意味着抬起手来偶尔地敲你家的门。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Italy will also be worried because their keeper Gianluigi Buffon picked up a knock and had to be substituted at halftime. 意大利也会担心,因为他们的守门员布丰捡起一敲,半场时被替换下场。 voice-english.com 4. This time, bubby opened the door and said, "Don't Knock at the door. I can't hear. Ring the doorbell, please. " 这次,芭比狗打开门嚷道:“不要再敲了,我听不见,请按门铃。” blog.sina.com.cn 5. Hard life doesn't knock the spirit out of him. 他人穷志不短。 dsky.cc.topzj.com 6. The general assured his men that they would knock the enemy for six. 将军要他的战士们相信,他们一定会彻底打败敌人。 bbs2.btbbt.com 7. The first step is always the hardest, and once taken, it sets up the momentum needed to more easily knock out the remaining steps. 第一步往往是最难得,但是如果做好了,它会帮你建立你需要的动力,并让我们更容易地去做接下来的步骤。 www.bing.com 8. Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation. 不要挑剔天气。如果不是它时常变化,十个人九个找不到话题交谈。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. When I left, at the door to give her the gift, kneeling down, knock his head. 我离开的时候,在门口给她行了大礼,跪在地上,磕了头。 www.bing.com 10. But [regardless], I was still willing to knock myself out to try to get my kid into the kind of school that he wanted to go to. 但是(不管怎样),我还是愿意尽量忽略这些,努力送儿子进入他想进入的大学学习。 www.bing.com 1. And as they repeatedly knock it down and start again , learning is happening as a sort of by- product of play . 当他们不断地拆了又建,学习就以游戏的副产品发生着。 www.bing.com 2. A punch or a kick is not to knock the hell out of the guy in front, but to knock the hell out of your ego, your fear, or your hang-ups. 一拳或一脚并不是要击倒你面前的对手,而是击倒你的自我、恐惧还有阻碍。 www.bing.com 3. There was a knock on the door and a large stoutish man stepped in. 门上敲了一下,一个身材魁梧、略为发胖的男人走了进来。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. He made for the door instantly he heard the knock. 他一听到敲门声,就朝门走去。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 5. One day my mother saw a shuttle spin out of a machine and knock out the eye of the girl next to her. 有一天,我母亲亲眼看到一支纺线的梭子飞出机器,正好砸中了她旁边那个女孩的眼睛,把眼珠子都砸出来了。 my.manaren.com 6. Knock on the door, answer the door, pick up the telephone, say Hello? Put the telephone down, Please sit down. 敲敲门,回应敲门,拿起电话,说你好?放下电话,请坐。 www.myld.cn 7. Fear knock afraid of touching the place in brown paper wrap, adhesive tape fixed. 8, clothing, bedding: within the loaded box or bag. 怕磕怕碰的地方,用牛皮纸包好,胶带纸固定。8、衣服、被褥:装入箱内或编织袋内。 www.good2.com 8. income residential street. MARTIN WELLS knock at the door. DOGGETT step up and pounds much more forcefully on the door. Oh, so manly! 低收入居住街道的小房子。马丁威尔斯敲门。道根上前一步更使劲地敲门。哦,真像男人! www.jukuu.com 9. One night they were having dinner when there was a knock at the door. 有一天晚上,他们正在吃晚饭的时候,有人在敲门。 fcbyxjys.cn21edu.com 10. God has frequently to knock the bottom board out of your experience if you are a saint in order to get you into contact with Himself. 如果你是一个圣徒,上帝就常要使你走出自己的经验,为要使你与他自己接触。 myutmost.wikispaces.com 1. There is a famous story about British poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. He was writing a poem when he was interrupted by a knock at the door. 这有一个关于英语诗人萨缪尔.柯勒律治的有名的故事,当时他正在写诗,却被意外的敲门声打断了思路。 dict.bioon.com 2. It is still five hours before someone will knock on the door, let herself in, and wash you. 照例五个小时之后有人敲你的门,让她进来,为自己刷洗。 www.bing.com 3. You don't have to "knock wood" every time you congratulate yourself that things have been going well with you. 每次你为了事情进展顺利而大肆庆祝的时候也不一定非要高兴得“撞树”。 rickding.blogbus.com 4. This knock back does not mean I feel like giving up the fight, even if there is now one less race in which to compete. 这一打击并不意味着我会放弃比赛,即使现在只剩一场比赛我也会去竞争。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If he can knock off the next two opponents, he could get into the last part of the competition. 他如果能击败下两个对手,就可以进入最后一轮比赛。 www.bing.com 6. Sometimes customers knock on the door in the middle of the night, he was always warm rice to the customer's home. 有时顾客半夜里敲门,他也总是热情地把米送到顾客家中。 www.enun.cn 7. An old man opened the door, ask him why so knock energetically, this hostage asks: "Who lives upstair ? " 一个老头开了门,问他为什么这么大力敲门,这人质问道:“谁住在二楼?” dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Knock, indeed, he did at the door, but not with one of those gentle raps. 门他的确是敲了,但并不是轻轻地叩击。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Tom was sitting near the fire when he heard a knock at the door. 汤姆正坐在火炉边,这时他听到一阵敲门声。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Announce presence. Knock firmly and say 'Housekeeping'. Do not use a key to knock on the door. 通知客人,沉稳地敲门并通报‘客房服务’,不能用钥匙敲门。 industry.yidaba.com 1. Suddenly one dog was running towards me, straining at the leash. Behind of it, there was a knock-out girl. 突然一条狗朝我跑来,把皮带拉得紧紧的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Sam: Look, you can't. . . you can't just bounce into my room like that. You got to knock, you got to communicate. I'm a teenager. 瞧,你不能…你不能就这样闯进我屋。你得敲门,你得沟通。我是个青少年啊! www.ebigear.com 3. Beautiful things in this world are not destined to last long , we kiss interrupted by a knock at the door. Dust and dry to pay back . 这个世界上美好的东西是注定不能长久的,我们的吻被敲门声打断了,烟尘和付乾回来了。 www.bing.com 4. Stop annoying my sister. If I see you near her again, I'll knock the living daylights out of you. 别打搅我妹妹。要是我再看到你靠近她,我就要狠狠地揍你一顿了。 www.hotdic.com 5. He suddenly heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw an attractive girl standing outside of his house. 突然间他听到敲门声﹐他去开门﹐看见了一位明丽动人的女子站在他的房门外。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. When he chose his father, she walloped him hard enough to knock him off the sofa and onto a glass coffee table. 当詹姆斯选择父亲时,母亲狠狠地将他揍了一顿,将他从沙发上拽起扔到一张玻璃咖啡桌上。 www.ecocn.org 7. Back home I knock out the pastry and do a bit of hasty tidying-up. 回到家后,我连忙檊面皮,匆匆忙忙地收拾了一下。 www.suiniyi.com 8. But some academics now think it is possible to make cheap, knock-off versions of these expensive originals. 但是一些学术界人士认为现在可以制造这些昂贵正版的廉价复制品。 www.ecocn.org 9. My knock at the door was answered by a gangly, tousled -haired young man in overalls, who confirmed that they did, indeed, have a telephone. 我敲门大门被回答的一个奖品,凌乱长发年轻男子工作服,他们证实,他们确实有一个电话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Even the children had to knock on the door for permission to go to the toilet. 就连孩子们也得敲他们的们才能获得许可去厕所。 mailftp.lihpao.com 1. All women in the world's death, you're the only one. Someday you're home, you write a knock on the door, and you hear will fear? 世界上所有的女性都死的差不多了,只有你一个。有一天你正在家中写文章,你听见了一个敲门声,你会害怕吗? wenwen.soso.com 2. This article presents a new twist -- knock codes -- and a simple program to run commands when specific knock codes are detected. 本文将展示“敲打代码”这种新技术和一个简单程序,该程序在检测到特定的敲打代码时会运行一些命令。 www.ibm.com 3. You could knock him down in a twinkling . 你可以在一秒钟里就把他打倒。 dict.veduchina.com 4. The German, who has undergone surgery on an injured ankle, is now ineligible to play in the competition until the knock-out stage. 这位踝关节一直有伤的德国人,最早也要熬到明年的淘汰赛阶段才能出现在欧冠赛场。 club.pchome.net 5. The 21-year-old limped off after receiving a knock to his right arm although the extent of his injury is still unknown. 这位21岁球员的右臂受到一次撞击,然后他就跛脚下场,目前他的伤势情况还不清楚。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. Cats can also be used electroporation to knock down, generally speaking, the role of the cat was a shock, after never went to bed. 也可用电击法将猫击倒,一般来说,猫受到一次电击作用后,再也不会上床了。 www.xiami360.com 7. I carried the lantern to the front door when there was a knock. 当前门响起了敲门声,我提着南瓜灯去开了门。 wenku.baidu.com 8. I grab onto the slab with bloody hands and sway back and forth, trying to knock it loose. 我用流着血的手抓住石碑,前后摇晃,想要使它松动。 www.bing.com 9. He says: do not fear. I stand at the door and knock, if one hears my voice and opens the door for me, i will come to him. 他说:不要怕,要相信我。我站在门前叩门,谁听见,请打开心门,我便会来到你那里。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I know. I've noticed that you always seem to knock off some of the price. 是呀。我看你总是能砍掉一些。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Knock on the door to master the correct method, every visitor is also their knowledge, culture, manners of a performance. 掌握正确的敲门方法,对每一位拜访者来说也是自己学识、修养、风度的一种表现。 www.citynoon.com 2. As a revolutionary of music, Debussy started from the end of romanticism in 19th century, and knock on the door of the new century. 作为一名音乐的革命者,德彪西从19世纪浪漫主义的末尾出发,又敲开了新世纪的大门。 www.fabiao.net 3. Peter told John to knock it off when he kept on punching him on his arm. 当约翰猛捶彼得的手臂时,彼得叫他停止胡闹。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Excuse me for rushing into your room forgetting to knock at the door , please . 请原谅,我忘了敲门就闯到您的房间来。 www.chinavalue.net 5. She had scarcely fallen asleep when a knock at the door awakened her . 她刚要睡着,忽然敲门的声音把她惊醒。 www.bing.com 6. They sat the re in silence, wondering where Sikes was. It was already dark when They heard a sudden, hurried knock at the door downstairs. 他们默默地坐在那儿,猜想着赛克斯会到哪儿去了。当他们突然听到楼下一阵急促的敲门声时,天已经黑了。 www.tingclass.net 7. A likely knock-on effect will be a redeployment of catastrophe cover elsewhere, probably driving prices lower for a time. 相似的会,可能会在一段时间内降低价格。 www.ecocn.org 8. A knock at the door dispelled Sarah's visions of that happy day. 一阵敲门声打断了莎拉对那段幸福时光的回忆。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The party was well under way when there was a knock at the door. 聚会正顺利进行时听到有个敲门声。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. There was a knock at the door and my friends came in. 有人敲了下门,进来的是我那几个朋友。 www.bing.com 1. Just as stainless steel material, hard material used to avoid the knock against, cutting or abvance surface or damage to scratch. 只是质地不如不锈钢材质坚硬,在使用时要避免刀具或硬物的磕碰,以防划伤表面或破坏光洁度。 img3.zhubajie.com 2. Start shooting people, when the cops come kill all of them, knock 2 heli's out of the sky, and blow up a few feds5. 开始拍摄的人,当警察来杀死所有这些,敲2合力的天空,并炸毁几联邦调查局5。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 3. Well, one dusky day in autumn, the ugly girl was sitting by the fire, when there came a knock at the door. 然后,在秋日昏尘的一天,丑女孩正坐在火炉边,听到了在敲门声。 www.bing.com 4. You might criticize someone in public, trying to knock them down, often unfairly. l你可能会在公开场合批评某人,努力克服这一点,这是不公平的。 www.bing.com 5. It's not a bad idea to keep the garage door shut during the day too. An unanswered knock is as good as a sign saying no one is home. 白天锁上车库的门其实也不错,但是如果有人敲门却无人应答就给了小偷很好的信号,说明这家现在没人。 www.elanso.com 6. From what I can see, it's a knock-on certainty he is about to be awakened by a falling apple. 在我们看来,他必然会被树上掉下来的苹果砸醒。 www.why.com.cn 7. Afraid to knock on any door, I crept close to a tree in an empty corner lot and fell into the sleep of exhaustion. 我不敢敲任何一家的门,走到荒僻空地上的一棵树旁,筋疲力尽地倒在地上睡着了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. When he started to complain about the wicked world, he was interrupted by a knock at the door. (安徽利学技术出版社译文)他开始抱怨这个坏世道,但他的话被敲门声打断了。 eol.njnu.edu.cn 9. One very cold, wet night at about 3: 30a. m. There was a knock on the front door of our house. 一个湿冷的夜晚,大概是凌晨3点30分,我们的前门处传来一阵敲门声。 wenwen.soso.com 10. For this time, the ducks could also power the shelves and things was quite trouble . . . but no passion any more, It could be knock off. 这次能上台也是赶鸭上架,颇具周折…不过也是激情不再,也可能是收工之作。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The guy warned me that you have to knock on the door first to scatter them away. 店员警告我说开门前最好先敲敲门,以便把它们吓跑。 www.ebigear.com 2. But it was a symbolic knock for Mr Sarkozy just seven months before a presidential election, and it has crushed morale in his party. 但这对于七个月以后就要参加大选的萨科齐来说可是个晴天霹雳,其党内士气更是一落千丈。 ecocn.org 3. Goofed off? Maybe, but I'm not a clock-watcher. I finished doing what I should and then knock off an hour earlier. 开小差?也许吧,可我不是老看钟点等下班的人,我干完了我要干的,提前了一小时下班。 bbs.xmfish.com 4. It is a classic tackle from behind-except the defender wins the ball cleanly and doesn't even touch the striker or knock him to the ground. 这就是典型的从背后阻截,除非防守队员干净的赢球并且根本不触及冲锋队员或者将其撞到在地。 www.bing.com 5. For the time being GM plants will go on making vehicles and workers will turn up for work to knock them out and be paid for it. 现在通用的子公司将继续制造汽车,工人上班并开始制造,为此而领取薪水。 www.bing.com 6. Mr Blair's candidacy also received a knock when David Cameron, leader of Britain's Conservative Party, said he opposed it. 布莱尔的候选人也遭到英国保守党领袖大卫卡梅隆的抨击,对此他表示抗议。 www.ecocn.org 7. To see the manager, knock at the door marked "private" . 要见经理,请敲标有“私人的”字样的房间。 hotdic.com 8. One man, trying in his terror to escape the awful sight, stumbled against the coffin so heavily as to knock away one of its frail supports. 一个男人恐惧地想逃避这可怕的景象,结果重重地跌倒在棺材上,撞开了棺材的一个脆弱的支撑物。 www.bing.com 9. Teacher's concern, so that seems to knock a small white heart Gomi bottles, really was not the taste. 老师的关心,使小白心里好像打翻了五味瓶,真不是滋味。 word.hcbus.com 10. If he gives me one of his tricky slow balls, I'll knock it for six. 刁钻古怪的慢球,我就给他来个一击得最高分。 ezitong.com 1. You know, once you're inside, you don't have to knock any more. 知道吗,一旦你进来,就不要再敲门了。哈克先生:你们又来了。 image.hjbbs.com 2. Children walk a few steps, unknowingly on the leng of stopped for a while knock knock. 走几步儿,不知不觉的就楞磕磕的站住一会儿。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. He estimated the damage would be felt for two quarters, but it was not likely to knock the economy back into recession. 他估计,破坏作用将在未来两个季度体现出来,但经济不太可能因此重陷衰退。 cn.reuters.com 4. The kitchen looked so clean and bright, and the ladies so kind and sensible, that I dared to knock at the door. 厨房看上去干净明亮,姑娘们显得那么善良知理,于是我壮着胆子敲了门。 www.chinaedu.com 5. But even news this positive was not enough to knock markets out of the ballpark. 但是,如此积极的消息依然不足以让市场兴奋起来。 www.ftchinese.com 6. He crept past them on his toe-tips, kindly halting to stopper the jug lest one of them knock it over with a sleep-flung arm. 他踮着脚尖,从他们中间经过,好心地停下来,阻止酒壶滑动,以免他们其中,有人会在熟睡中伸出手臂,碰翻了酒壶。 blog.tianya.cn 7. The troubles in the property sector have had a major knock-on effect on investment by developers, exacerbating the economic slowdown. 对资产领域的担忧严重打击了投资者信心,使得经济下行雪上加霜。 www.hicoo.net 8. Arshavin has a hamstring problem and Nasri had a knock on his head. 阿尔沙文有一个肌腱问题,纳斯里的头被撞了一下。 dx.arsenal.com.cn 9. Once, i heard knocks on my table, then the door creek and open a little, then following by several knock around me. 有一次,我听见敲桌子的声音,之后门“吱呀”开了一小条缝隙,然后我有听见了一些敲击声。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. Then one day, when the mother had almost given up hope, there was a knock at the door. 一天,母亲几乎不抱任何希望时,传来了敲门声。两姊妹一起站在门前。 qikan.syn.cn 1. And that her state has hired a company. It's gonna knock voters off the roll who aren't like lead a vote for you. 在她的州内,雇一家公司,把那些不愿投票给布什的选民的名字勾去。 bbs.putclub.com 2. She chatted and opened presents with them, her husband, and her visiting parents until the conversation was halted by a knock on her door. 她和孩子,丈夫和来拜访的父母交谈并一起打开了礼物。谈话被敲门声打断了。 www.bing.com 3. the rest is death, eternal life is only sport to knock on the door. 静止便是死亡,只有运动才能敲开永生的大门。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. No sooner had I heard the knock than I opened the door. 我一听到敲门声,立刻就开了门。 www.dearedu.com 5. In something under half an hour there was a knock at the door. 过了半小时不到一些,听到一下叩门声。 www.xinkb.org 6. Even my ex had now found herself an older guy who was willing to knock out two kids with her in no time at all. 甚至我的前女友,现在已经另找了一个更老的家伙,说是立即地要和她生两个孩子下来。 www.bing.com 7. I was just going out when there was a knock at the door. 我刚要出去,可是这时有人敲门。 360edu.com 8. Hurricane rolled up the door snow, The iron stick knock out the door cream. 飓风卷起门前雪,铁棒敲除户上霜。 www.chunwenxue.org 9. Nelson Mandela is sitting at home watching TV when he hears a knock at the door. 内尔森曼德拉听见敲门声的时候正坐在家里看电视。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Mr Nag said the eurozone crisis threatened "significant knock-on effects" across Asia. 纳格表示,欧元区危机有可能对亚洲各国产生“重大连带影响”。 www.ftchinese.com |
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