单词 | Lincoln |
释义 |
复数:lincolns 例句释义: 林肯,〈美〉林肯牌大轿车,林肯大学,林肯传,林肯市 1. A man who knew him well in Indiana said he had often seen Lincoln grasp a barrel of cider and lift it to his face as if to drink. 一个在印第安纳州熟识他的人说,他经常看到林肯抓起一桶苹果酒举到脸前像要喝似的。 www.24en.com 2. He thought tat Lincoln had the advantage in the war of words in the famous Illinois debates, but was pleased when Douglas won the election. 他认为林肯在伊犁诺亚州举行的著名的唇枪舌剑的辩论中占了上风。但是他很高兴道格拉斯最终赢了大选。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Lincoln is best known for his policies on abolishing slavery and his belief in self-government; he took his job as president very seriously. 林肯最为外人所知的是他的废奴政策及对自治的信念。他严肃看待他的总统一职。 www.24en.com 4. Last season, Lincoln found her head (or what he thought was her head) in a box, delivered to him by The Company. 在上一季中,林肯发现了公司寄给他的莎拉的人头(或者他以为的莎拉的人头)。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. Kellerman flashes his government badge, then tells Giles they know he made a copy of the garage surveillance tape and wants to know why. Kellerman亮了亮他的政府徽章,告诉Tim,他们了解到他复制了一份Lincoln案的监控录像带,他们想知道为什么。 www.bing.com 6. There was a time when Republicans used to refer to themselves proudly as "the party of Lincoln. " 曾几时,共和党骄傲地自称“林肯之党”。 www.bing.com 7. But Abraham Lincoln, who had made his way up to heaven later than the founders, warned them that a nation undivided cannot long endure. 但是,比开国元勋较晚走进天堂的亚伯拉罕-林肯,警告他们说,美国可能无法长久地维持统一。 www.bing.com 8. This famous picture of Lincoln features his head grafted to the body of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy. 这张著名的林肯照片中,他的头被移花接木到了美利坚联盟总统杰弗逊·戴维斯身上。 kk.dongxi.net 9. Lincoln was to see Stanton, Stanton explained to him the issuance of the order the possible consequences, so Lincoln recalled every. 林肯果然去见史丹顿,史丹顿向他解释了签发这项命令可能带来的后果,于是林肯收回了成命。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Then someone said, Mr. Lincoln, this man has ridden all day to speak to you. He has a question to ask. 后来有人说,林肯先生,这个人骑了一天马想跟你说句话,他要问一件事。 www.douban.com 1. Glamour rating? High: Lincoln seems to interested in her purely for her looks. And she gets to don a wedding dress for a nuptial scene. 魅力指数?高:Lincoln看起来纯粹是着迷于她的外貌。而且她还有一场穿婚纱的婚礼戏。 www.bing.com 2. The American president Lincoln's friend once recommended someone to him. After the meeting, Lincoln did not employ him. 美国总统林肯的一位朋友,有次向他推荐某人,待见过面后,林肯却没用他。 www.xue163.com 3. He was a poor president, but he was the general Lincoln needed; he also wrote the greatest political memoir in American history. 他是一个贫穷的总统,但他总林肯需要;他还写道,在美国历史上最大的政治回忆录。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The speaker before Lincoln, Edward Everett, was one of the most popular orators of his day. 在林肯发表演讲之前的演讲人是爱德华.爱弗瑞特(EdwardEverett),也是那天最受欢迎的演讲人之一。 www.24en.com 5. Lincoln, McCarthy said, was the only United States president to hold a patent, which might have explained his great respect for science. 麦卡锡说,林肯是唯一持有发明专利的美国总统,这可以用来说明他对科学的无比尊重。 www.america.gov 6. Lincoln's sigh, quoted above, is a bit of an old chestnut. But it tells us something about the great president's character. 前文提到了林肯的叹息也已经是一种陈词滥调了,但是这让我们对这位伟大总统的性格有了更深的了解。 club.topsage.com 7. pulls out some of T-Bag's teeth to get him to talk. Then Lincoln and Sucre leave the Company headquarters to go find Scylla. 林肯拔掉了几颗西奥多的牙齿,逼他交待赛尔夫交易的地址,然后他和苏克雷离开“公司”总部去寻找“锡拉”。 www.bing.com 8. We honor two students of Lincoln, philanthropists in science, education, and art, and a museum dedicated to one of our most beloved artists. 我们在科学尊敬林肯的二名学生,慈善家、教育和艺术和博物馆致力到我们的一位最心爱的艺术家。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Those hopes died when a key Republican moderate, Senator Lincoln Chafee, said he would not back Mr Bolton. 然而这些希望灰飞烟灭了,因为一位关键性人物,共和党的温和派力量、参议院LincolnChafee说他不会再支持博尔顿担任此职了。 www.ecocn.org 10. Lincoln's sigh, quoted above, is a bit of an old chestnut. 在上文中引用的林肯的叹息有点老生常谈。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Lincoln was also like him. Some people say that the greatest tragedy in Lincoln's life wasn't that he was shot dead but his wife, Mary. 林肯和托尔斯泰遭遇也很相似,有人说林肯一生最大的悲剧不是被枪杀,而是他娶了玛丽做妻子。 www.bing.com 2. Kellerman removes a pair of leather gloves from his pocket, and begins telling Lincoln a story. Kellerman从口袋里拿出一双皮手套,向Lincoln讲述了一个故事。 www.bing.com 3. It was a request I couldn't honor, but we did use the name Cougar a few years later for a fine new car in the Lincoln-Mercury division. 这是我当时无法答应的一项请求,但几年之后我们的确把林肯-墨丘利分厂的一部好车命名为美洲豹。 4. Tripp went so far as to suggest that Lincoln's sexual indifference is what contributed to his wife's mental illness. Tripp进一步推测是由于他妻子的精神疾病引起林肯的性行为冷淡。 www.bing.com 5. Many Americans in northern states did not support the war policies of Union President Abraham Lincoln. 在北方,许多人不支持林肯总统的战争政策。 www.bing.com 6. For days the face of Lincoln haunted him, and very often during the war his mind reverted to that singular figure. 林肯的面貌有好多天萦绕在他的脑际,在战争期间他时常回想起那个杰出的人物。 www.jukuu.com 7. Abraham Lincoln, as is well known, was one of the greatest of all American presidents. 正如大家所知道的,亚伯拉罕?林肯是最伟大的美国总统之一。 www.jxenglish.com 8. Self explains to Michael and Lincoln that he wants them to be independent contractors to help him bring down the Company. 赛尔夫向迈可兄弟清楚表示,他希望他们兄弟与他合作来打倒“公司”。 www.bing.com 9. Great reformers from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King have urged America to live up to its ideal of "freedom" . 从亚伯拉罕?林肯到马丁?路德?金,历代改革家们都敦促美国实践其自由之理想。 www.ecocn.org 10. "I was not scared at the time, " he said. "But I slept with Lincoln for the next six months. " “我当时并不害怕”,他说,“可在那以后的半年里,我每晚都会梦见林肯”。 www.bing.com 1. Waving his arms over his head, Lincoln declared he was the "big buck of the lick" and was ready to prove it. 林肯在头上挥舞双臂,宣布他是“重击雄鹿”,并准备予以证明。 www.jukuu.com 2. Father: You know, Tom, when Lincoln was your age, he was a very good pupil. In fact, he was the best pupil in his class. 父亲:汤姆,你要知道,当林肯在你这年龄时,他是一个很好的学生。事实上,他是班里最好的学生。 big5.cri.cn 3. Lincoln, losing consciousness, looks up to see the Samaritan dragging him away from the wreck. 失去知觉的Lincoln,向上望去,看到这个男人正将他从出事现场拖出来。 www.bing.com 4. The conspirators intended to kill Lincoln in Baltimore during a stop on his way to his inauguration. 阴谋者想要在林肯前往参加就职典礼的途中,经过巴尔地摩(Baltimore)时,将之暗杀。 www.24en.com 5. Lincoln closes his eyes and flashes back to cooking breakfast with a young LJ. Lincoln闭上眼回想以前,他当时为年纪还很小LJ做早餐。 www.bing.com 6. Lincoln is hesitant. The last time they spoke she called him a liar and suspected that the judge who sentenced him to death "got it right. " Lincoln迟疑不决,上次他们交谈时,Veronica还说他是大话王,而且觉得法官判他死刑是“罪有应得”。 www.bing.com 7. Had Lincoln seriously wished a peaceful resolution, the matter could have been readily resolved. 林肯要真是希望和平解决方案,事情会好办的多。 www.bing.com 8. I asked John who killed Abe Lincoln and he cursed and said he didn't know and didn't care, and told me to stop asking him questions. 老师说,“我问他,谁杀了林肯,他开始骂人,说他不知道也不在乎,并要我不再问他任何问题。” www.ebigear.com 9. Mexican buyers are prepared to pay more for a Lincoln-badged vehicle than they would for a similar one with a Ford blue oval. 墨西哥买家愿意支付更多的林肯标志的车辆比他们将进行类似的其中一个福特蓝色椭圆形。 usa.315che.com 10. Sara tells Lincoln that she must go save Michael, but he asks her to stay away. 莎拉告诉林肯她必须要去救迈可,但林肯叫她不要轻举妄动。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. How much did it change your impression of who Lincoln was? 你是如何改变林肯的印象? www.kekenet.com 2. High: Lincoln seems to interested in her purely for her looks. 高:Lincoln看起来纯粹是着迷于她的外貌。 www.bing.com 3. The Michigan Assembly Plant was one of the most profitable plants of the late 1990s, building the Ford Expedition and Lincoln Navigator. 密歇根大学的装配厂之一,是最有利可图的植物上世纪90年代末,建设福特Expedition和林肯Navigator。 usa.315che.com 4. Lincoln said he had not prepared a statement. He wished to wait until the next night. 林肯说他还没有准备好陈词,要等到第二天晚上。 www.unsv.com 5. Lincoln had said he opposed the decision, because it did not permit Negroes to enjoy the rights of citizenship. 林肯曾经说,他反对这项裁决,因为此项裁决剥夺了黑人成为公民的权利。 www.bing.com 6. "Lincoln was always conscious of his own mortality, " and the cracked-plate photograph conveys a certain fatalism, said Ward. 沃德指出,“林肯始终清醒地认识到自己终有一死”,这张破版照片寓有某种宿命感。 www.america.gov 7. On April fourth, Lincoln called Captain Fox to the White House. He told him that the government was ready to take supplies to Fort Sumter. 在4月4日,林肯将福克斯上校请到白宫,他对福克斯说,政府已经准备向萨姆特堡运送给养。 www.bing.com 8. When Lincoln was just a boy, he had to help his father to look after his farm. 林肯小的时候,他必须得帮父亲干农活。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Mark Twain to say that: "President Lincoln with a cloth napkin, facial expression happy to think: Why not put it cleaned it? " 马克吐温的说法是:「林肯总统拿著一张餐巾布,表情不悦地想著:为什麽不把它洗乾净呢?」 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Lincoln swears he never touched them; his hands were wet from splashing water on his face. Lincoln发誓他从没碰过那裤子,他手上是湿的是因为他正在洗脸。 www.bing.com 1. Lincoln was a quiet man. Abe Lincoln was a quiet and a melancholy man. But when he spoke of democracy, this is what he said. 林肯是个安静的人。亚伯拉罕·林肯是个安静的人。但是当他讲到民主的时候,他是这样说的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Lincoln takes the IV needle out his arm and calls Michael's name into the grate, Michael excitedly knocks back against the new metal plate. Lincoln拔掉手臂上的静脉注射针,在栅栏处大声叫唤Michael的名字,Michael激动地敲击新的金属管道向他做出回应。 www.bing.com 3. Stolte finishes shaving Lincoln's head, and thanks him for keeping his word, "We'll be moving you to final visitation soon. " Stolte完成了为Lincoln剃头的工作,他感谢Lincoln守住他的承诺,没有给他添麻烦,“我们马上就把你送到临终探访室去。” www.bing.com 4. Abraham Lincoln was born into a poor family in Kentucky. He grew up in Indiana and later moved to Illinois. 亚伯拉罕.林肯出生于肯塔基州一个贫苦的家庭,他在印第安那州长大,后来又搬到了伊利诺斯州。 www.bing.com 5. If Mary Lincoln had known how much pernicious mischief Herndon would perpetrate in later years, she might have been more self-serving. 如果玛丽·林肯早知赫恩登在以后年代中能造成多么致命的伤害,她可能会为自己多考虑一些。 6. on the train back to Washington, Lincoln bay stretched out on a seat, tired and discouraged. 当晚在回华盛顿的火车上,林肯摊手摊脚地坐在位子上,疲倦,沮丧。 dict.bioon.com 7. "You've got to help me, " Lincoln begs Pope as he stands shackled in the warden's office. “你必须得帮帮我,”Lincoln戴着全副镣铐站在狱长办公室内向Pope求情。 www.bing.com 8. Sucre takes him to a part of the yard where they see Lincoln squatting against a wall, far removed from the general population. Sucre将Michael带到院子的一角,在那里他们看到Lincoln靠着墙蹲坐着,与一般囚犯的活动区域离得很远。 www.bing.com 9. LINCOLN: That man today. The question. I can't get it out of my mind. Jennings's opened a can of worms. 林肯:今天那个人,那个问题,我心里放不下。詹宁斯让我心里很不舒服。 www.douban.com 10. His memory seemed to be triggered by what he saw on TV, when he heard that Lincoln had been shot. 当他听到林肯被枪杀时,他的记忆似乎是被电视上所看到的一幕触动了。 www.bing.com 1. The murder weapon is found in Lincoln's house and the victim's blood is all over his clothes. 凶器在Lincoln家里被发现,并且他衣服上有受害人的血迹。 www.bing.com 2. In his report, Weston said that he said he saw Lincoln merely standing in the bathroom. 在Weston的报告里,他只说他看见Lincoln站在浴室里。 www.bing.com 3. President Lincoln had made a speech in which he said that the recent successes gave hopes of a righteous and speedy pace. 林肯总统发表了演讲,他说,最近的连连告捷给了人们希望,正义的步伐正快速向前迈进。 www.bing.com 4. Abraham Lincoln, who led the United States through these difficult years, was one of the greatest presidents in American history. 亚伯拉罕·林肯是美国最伟大的总统之一,他曾领导美国人民度过这些艰苦的年代。 wenku.baidu.com 5. "The only thing worth fighting for is family, and I'm going to do everything and anything I can to end this. " Lincoln says. 林肯说:“只有家人才值得我为之奋斗,我要把一切做个了断。” www.hjenglish.com 6. And I don't think Lincoln was. I don't think Lincoln was a good president in that respect. You know he was admirable in other ways. 我认为林肯并非如此,我认为在那方面,林肯并非一个好总统,在其他方面他被钦佩。 open.163.com 7. "What seems to be the matter? " inquired Lincoln, with all the calmness and self-possession he could muster. “这是怎么一回事?”林肯询问道,他竭力保持沉着和镇静。 8. I think of you, think of your drive, took us to the beach to shopping malls, to museums, to the Lincoln school. 我就会想起你,想起你开着车,带我们去海滩、去商场、去博物馆、去林肯学校。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Back in the attorney-client visitation room, Lincoln is livid that evidence of a fake phone call isn't enough for a stay of execution. 在律师会客室,由于一个谎报的电话并不足以作为证据而延迟执行死刑的时间,Lincoln极为恼火。 www.bing.com 10. Obviously in pain, Lincoln turns his head and sees the headlights of a single car come to a stop on the roadway above. Lincoln明显疼得要命,他转动着头,通过辨识车头灯灯光,他意识到有一辆车停在了事故现场的路面上。 www.bing.com 1. The Father and His Son Father: You know, Tom, when Lincoln was your age, he was a very good pupil. 父与子父亲:汤姆,你要知道,当林肯在你这年龄时,他是一个很好的学生。 www.wangchao.net.cn 2. Lincoln put on his glassed, took from his inside coat pocket the two small sheets of paper on which he had written his speech. 林肯戴上眼镜,从上衣夹层的口袋里掏出两张小纸片的讲话稿。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The only American Presidents she remembered from her history lessons were Washington ( "a great man" ) and Lincoln. 在历史课上学到的美国总统,她只记得华盛顿(“一个伟人”)和林肯; dongxi.net 4. Lincoln said eloquently the point what I'm trying to make: motivation, concept and implementation. 林肯用一句雄辩的话概括了我想说明的三点,即动机、理念和行动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I had made up my mind about a week before a party that I was going to, to be either a woman or Abraham Lincoln, but definitely not both. 在我要参加的那个万圣节派对开始前一个星期,我就已经下定决心,我要不就打扮成一个女人,要不就化妆成亚伯拉罕·林肯,但决不会二者混搭。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Lincoln examines the pill under a feeble stream of light coming through a vent in the dark cell. 在漆黑的牢房内,Lincoln在一束从通风孔透入的虚弱光线下,仔细研究那片药丸。 www.bing.com 7. As if this testimony wasn't shaky enough, Nick reminds Lincoln that his prints were all over the gun the cops found. Nick仿佛觉得这条证词不够有力,他向Lincoln提及他的指纹遍布了警察所发现的枪上。 www.bing.com 8. She worked with her father on Lincoln publications and continued to collect Lincoln. 她和父亲一起从事关于林肯的书籍出版工作,并且一直在收集林肯。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It was now exactly seven months since the balloon voyagers had been thrown on Lincoln Island. 气球上的冒险家落在林肯岛上已经整整七个月了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. If you were to send the Lincoln Memorial to China, there would be an uproar. 要是谁想把林肯纪念堂(LincolnMemorial)弄到中国去,恐怕会掀起一片哗然。 dongxi.net 1. The baby reached out his hands to Lincoln. 婴孩向林肯伸出双手。 forum.bomoo.com 2. Just as they are about to get in the car, Lincoln sees Kellerman through the plastic hanging over the garage. 就在他们准备钻进车内时,Lincoln透过车库外悬挂着的塑料布看到了Kellerman。 www.bing.com 3. Anyway, he said, Lincoln probably did not want his advice. 他说,无论如何,林肯也许并不需要他的建议。 www.bing.com 4. There he was, a tall, lean man with a black hat, walking out onto the platform of the train----Abraham Lincoln. 他出现了,一个戴着黑帽子的又高又瘦的人走了出来,登上了月台,是亚伯拉罕·林肯。 www.jukuu.com 5. It was cold and dark. Nothing but sand and a couple of "Lincoln Logs" . 那儿又冷又黑除了沙子和几块“林肯积木”以外什么都没有 www.kekenet.com 6. Abruzzi tells Lincoln the plan is to lock James up in a moving van; they'll release him once the escape is complete. Abruzzi告诉Lincoln,计划将James关在一个搬家货车里,等他们逃出去后就放了他。 www.bing.com 7. The pilot was returning from training on the carrier USS Abraham Lincoln off the San Diego coast when the plane went down, she said. Putnam说当飞机在下沉的时候,飞行员驾驶着亚伯拉罕.林肯号美国航空母舰在离开圣地亚哥海岸训练返回的途中。 www.elanso.com 8. One of the General's sitting beside Lincoln asked why this man had a gray beard and black hair. 坐在林肯旁边的一位将军问道,为什么他的胡子发白,头发却乌黑呢? www.chinaedu.com 9. In Arkansas, Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln narrowly won nomination to a 3rd term. Arkansas native Bill Clinton campaigned for her. 在阿肯色州,民主党参议员布莱切·林肯以微小优势获得第三个任期的竞选机会。阿肯色州本地人比尔·克林顿为她站台助阵。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. Lincoln was shot in a week ago, in Maryland, Kennedy town Monroe in assassination a week ago, and Mali Marilyn Monroe together. 林肯在被刺杀的一星期前,在马里兰州的梦露城,肯尼迪在被刺杀的一星期前,和马里莲梦露在一起。 women.wenda.sogou.com 1. He flashes back to a conversation he had with Lincoln a few months ago, where they talked about the date of his execution. 镜头闪回到几个月前他和Lincoln的一次谈话,谈及执行死刑的日期。 www.bing.com 2. The dates of Thanksgiving in the era of the Founding Fathers until the time of Lincoln had been decided by each state on various dates. 从美国建国到林肯总统执政的时代,感恩节的日期被每个州确定在不同的日子。 page.renren.com 3. Lincoln began to live on his own when he was growing up. 长大后,林肯开始独立谋生。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I came across a great quote recently from Abraham Lincoln, who I thought you'd be pleased to have quoted at this point. 最近,亚伯拉罕·林肯的一句话让我感触很深,我想你会很高兴在这儿听到这段话。 dongxi.net 5. One C. O. wets Lincoln's forehead with a sponge while another places a metal halo on his head. 一个狱警用海绵打湿了Lincoln的前额,另一个狱警将一个金属环架在了他的头上。 www.bing.com 6. Lincoln had another side to his personality; he had a good sense of humor and liked to make jokes. 林肯的个性中,也有较不为他人所知的一面,就是他幽默感十足而且喜欢开玩笑。 www.24en.com 7. Ms Lincoln was one of only three Democrats to vote with Republicans to block the bill's advancement. 林肯女士是仅有的三位投了反对票的民主党人之一。 www.ecocn.org 8. The petals of a white flower set off the white stripes of this zebra-winged butterfly at a children's zoo in Lincoln, Nebraska. 大自然的图案:蝴蝶。这翼瓣上的白色花引起白色条纹的斑马-翅膀蝴蝶在一个林肯儿童的动物园,内布拉斯加州。 www.picturechina.com.cn 9. Throughout the north, thousands of men rushed to answer Lincoln's call for troops. 整个北方,数以千计的人响应林肯的号召,应征入伍。 www.bing.com 10. By July, he began pressing the Lincoln administration to admit that the contrabands were not really contraband: that they had become free. 到7月,他开始向林肯政府施压,要林肯政府承认这些敌人的财产并不只是财产,他们已经自由了。 www.bing.com 1. "You can't make it on that; it's just impossible, " said Jack Kain, a Ford and Lincoln dealer in London, Kentucky. “销量这么不景气,你不能赚到钱;简直不可能,”杰克·凯恩(JackKain,福特和林肯在伦敦(London)和肯塔基(Kentucky)的经销商)。 www.bing.com 2. Lincoln was thankful for what Meade had done at Gettysburg. He said Meade would continue to command the Army of the Potomac. 林肯对米德葛底斯堡之战感佩不已,他说,米德将军应连任统帅波多马可军队之职。 www.unsv.com 3. United States of America around the Lincoln Memorial and temporary buildings take up a large number of workers to adapt to coming. 美利坚合众国政府临时建筑在林肯纪念堂周围搭起来,适应大批工人涌来。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 4. As he walks past Lincoln's cell, Lincoln slides the last meal request form under the door. 当他走过Lincoln的房间,Lincoln将最后一顿的申请表从门下滑出来。 www.bing.com 5. As the Warden turns to leave, Lincoln asks Pope who was in the viewing room for his execution. 狱长转身准备离开,Lincoln向他询问,在行刑时观刑室里的都是些什么人。 www.bing.com 6. I feel Lincoln's quote is especially appropriate now, given the state of the economy and the worry that I suspect a number of you must feel. 如今鉴于经济发展和你们大多数人的担心,我更加认定林肯的话是多么的正确。 m.yeeyan.org 7. Yet even those who initially underestimated him soon came to realize that Lincoln was a man of extraordinary gifts. 然而,连那些最初低估林肯的人也很快意识到他具有卓越的才能。 www.america.gov 8. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for the last Thursday of November to be observed as a day of thanksgiving. 在1863年,亚伯拉罕·林肯发布公告呼吁将11月的最后一个星期四作为感恩节。 www.hbqnb.com 9. As Veronica signs out, Lincoln is being led through a parallel corridor. He sees her, but she does not see him. 在Veronica签名离去时,Lincoln正被领进同一条走廊。他看见了她,但是她没看见他。 www.bing.com 10. Then several persons came out of the car and took Lincoln and his son to a safe place. 接着,车上下来几个人把林肯和他儿子带到一处安全的地方去了。 www.1363.cn 1. The governor of Pennsylvania had asked the president to say a few words at the ceremony. Lincoln agreed. 宾夕法尼亚州州长请求总统在典礼上说点什么,林肯同意了。 www.bing.com 2. Having saved the Union, freed the slaves and redefined freedom, Lincoln was struck down in his hour of triumph. (已经)拯救联邦,解放奴隶和从头定义自由,林肯在他的胜利的时刻被打倒。 xinziw.hn00.com 3. There was Dr. Lincoln Fisher, born in Michigan, brought up in New England, dark, young, eager, quick. 一个是林肯·费希尔大夫,生在密执安州,长在美国东北部,黝黑,年轻,热烈,敏锐。 www.jukuu.com 4. But our debt is yet greater to the men whose highest type is to be found in a statesman like Lincoln, a soldier like Grant. 但是,我们更感激另外一些人,他们的最佳楷模就是林肯那样的政治家和格兰特那样的军人。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Abraham Lincoln (American president): All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. 亚伯拉罕林肯(美国总统):我一切的成就和一切的梦想,都源于我天使般的母亲。 dict.bioon.com 6. Lincoln took him in his arms, and an expression of love lit up his sad face. 林肯把他抱过去,忧郁的脸上露出怜爱的光辉。 forum.bomoo.com 7. Once, doctors pointed out a young soldier who was near death and Lincoln went over to his bedside. 有一次,大夫指出,一名年青兵士谁是接近灭亡和林肯走到他地床边。 sxfast.com 8. In fact, he was in Lincoln School just a few days. 事实上,他在林肯学校仅仅几天。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Guests in the Lincoln Bedroom have reported seeing the ghost of Lincoln staring out of his window, overlooking an invisible battleground. 在参观林肯卧室的游客中,曾经有人称看到林肯的灵魂在窗户外闪烁,灵魂的样子好像是俯瞰一个看不见的战场。 big5.cri.cn 10. Lincoln tells Mahone about Michael's situation and asks him to deal with The Company. 林肯向马宏说明了迈可的现状,请他帮忙对付“公司”。 www.bing.com 1. Lincoln knew he had the support of his own party. He also wanted northern Democrats to give him full support. 林肯知道,他已经得到了本党的支持,他还希望能够获得北方民主党人对他的全力支持。 www.bing.com 2. And southerners expected hunger would force the soldiers to leave. But Lincoln announced he was sending a ship to Fort Sumter with food. 在萨姆特堡,粮食严重短缺,南方人原以为饥饿会迫使里面的守军撤离,但林肯宣布,他正向萨姆特堡派遣船只运送给养。 www.bing.com 3. As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. ---Abraham Lincoln. 因我不想当奴隶,我也不想当奴隶主,这就是我的民主理念。----亚伯拉罕。林肯。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Had Lincoln lived today, he would be a football coach's dream, a greAT tackle, a speed end, a genius AT quarterback. 如果林肯生活在今天,他将是橄榄球教练的梦想:一个出色的阻截员、一个快速的突击手、一个后场的天才。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Abe Lincoln is just a boy, but he helps his father Tom around the farm. 艾贝。林肯只是一个男孩,但是他在农场上帮他的父亲汤姆干活。 www.jukuu.com 6. The colony of Lincoln Island was now at its highest point of prosperity, achieved by three years of continued hard work. 经过三年来不断的艰苦劳动,林肯岛小队的繁荣现在达到了全盛时代。 novel.tingroom.com 7. But Abraham Lincoln was formed with love of knowledge, the pursuit of knowledge, the kind of good quality and horns. 但林肯从小就养成了热爱知识、追求学问、善良正直和不畏艰难的好品质。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. By Mills, the relationship before the age of eighteen, have the opportunity to help Ryan plastic bust of President Lincoln. 藉由米尔斯的关系,十八岁之前,瑞恩就有机会帮林肯总统塑半身雕像。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Five-minute interview, try to look back Three Hundred Tang Poems, or Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, to relax the mood to put intense battle. 面试前五分钟,试着背一下唐诗三百首,或林肯的葛底斯堡演讲,放松一下情绪,以便投入紧张的战斗。 www.xmdsw.com 10. The whole country plunged into deep sorrow at the news that the President Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated. 一听到林肯总统被刺的消息,全国顿时沉浸在悲痛之中。 www.lw23.com 1. It had nearly the opposite effect, ending Lincoln's plans for a rather generous peace. 这个枪击事件终止了林肯原本要运行的和平计画。 www.24en.com 2. Two hundred years after he entered the world, Abraham Lincoln seems to be undergoing a rebirth. 亚伯拉罕.林肯在出生两百年后,似乎又获得了重生。 www.bing.com 3. Lincoln grimly trying to enjoy the play, until he's so miserable he digs up his heart and stabs it himself. 最后,终于痛苦难耐的他把他的心又挖出来,亲手把它刺死。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Christina's sniper takes aim at Lincoln just as he moves behind some trees giving Self and Mahone enough time to spot the sniper. 克里斯蒂娜手下的狙击手瞄准了林肯,林肯正好走到树后的遮掩处,赛尔夫和马宏有了足够的时间找到狙击手的位置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Denson's argument, and that of other Lincoln revisionists such as Thomas DiLorenzo, should not be misunderstood. Denson的论点,包括诸如ThomasDiLorenzo这样林肯修正主义者的观点,不应被曲解。 www.bing.com 6. I cannot understand why men should be so eager after money. Wealth is simply a superfluity of what we don't need. --Abraham Lincoln. 我不明白为什么人们会那么热衷于金钱。财富只是我们并不需要的多余之物。——林肯。 dict.wenguo.com 7. Lincoln was firmly against extending slavery in the territories, but did not seekatfirstto eradicate the "peculiar institution" altogether. 林肯坚决反对奴隶制在这些地区扩张,但是也并未曾从一开始就全面根除黑奴制度。 www.bing.com 8. Photographs of Lincoln meeting with his generals and with soldiers on the battlefield sent a signal, as well. 林肯会晤他手下的将领以及在战场上同士兵见面的照片也有象征意义。 www.america.gov 9. A former classmate of Butler's from Lincoln confirmed the Facebook post to The Associated Press and provided AP with a copy of it. 从林肯的巴特勒的老同学证实了Facebook邮政美联社和提供它的一个副本的AP。 www.englishtang.com 10. Moreover, Lincoln "was able to tell stories and jokes, " which was an important asset in the political arena. 此外,林肯“很会讲故事、说笑话”,这是在政界发展的一种重要才能。 www.america.gov 1. They filled the long grassy area from the steps of the United States Capitol building to the Lincoln Memorial. 他们站满了从美国国会大厦的台阶到林肯纪念碑之间的绿色地带。 www.unsv.com 2. But Lee and his commanders have underestimated the nature of this conflict. . . and of their opponent, President Abraham Lincoln. 但李和他的指挥官们低估了这场战斗的性质,也低估了他们的对手亚伯拉罕·林肯总统。 www.kekenet.com 3. "Listen to this, William, " Lincoln said. "See how you think it sounds. " Lincoln then read aloud the short speech he had written. “你听听这个,”威廉林肯说。“看你听了觉得怎么样。”林肯把写好的那篇短短的演讲稿大声地念给他听。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Lincoln fought off death for nine hours - hardly within the ability of a man with a pre-existing condition. 而林肯是九个小时后死亡—如果一个身体存在疾病的男人是很难做到这点。 www.bing.com 5. Illinois is sometimes called the Land of Lincoln after one of its most famous residents. That's your answer and that's your "Shoutout. " 伊利诺伊州有时被称为林肯之地,是为了美国最著名的领袖。那就是你的答案,那就是你的“大喊”。 www.kekenet.com 6. But, in other ways, both sides have shortchanged one of Lincoln's most important ideals: that of self-help and upward mobility. 但另一方面,两党在林肯最重要的理想上短斤缺两:自力更生以及自强不息。 www.ecocn.org 7. He was to have appeared in a Lincoln Center staging in 1998, before Shanghai municipal authorities blocked his company's travel to New York. 1998年时,他本来会去林肯中心表演曲目,但后来上海市政府阻止了其剧团的纽约之行。 www.bing.com 8. Abraham Lincoln, was determined at all costs to preserve the unity of the nation, even if it meant war. 亚伯拉罕·林肯决定不惜一切代价维持国家的统一,哪怕使用战争。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. As long as the sincerity of the criticism, and have enough facts, has certain constructive, Lincoln would be very happy to accept. 只要是诚意的批评,并且有足够的事实依据,具有一定的建设性,林肯都非常乐意接受。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. One of his advisers urgently recommended a candidate and Lincoln declined to follow the suggestion. 林肯的一个顾问急切地向他推荐一个候补人,但被他婉拒了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. After she leaves, Lincoln closes his eyes, collapsing for a moment from the emotional strain he's been hiding. 等她离开后,林肯闭上了眼,他一直隐藏的情绪压力使他几近崩溃。 www.rayzen.cn 2. Perhaps Davis ought not to have fallen into Lincoln's trap; on this issue Denson does not commit himself. 也许Davis不应落入林肯的圈套;就这一问题Denson不置可否。 www.bing.com 3. As the war continues, Lincoln brings down the hammer of his war machine. 随着战争的继续,林肯使出了他那战争机器的致命杀招 www.kekenet.com 4. Lincoln hands Sucre a gun and tells him to take Sara and head back to the hotel. "Find out what room Self and Gretchen are in. " 林肯交给苏克雷一把枪,告诉他带上莎拉回旅馆去“找到Self和Gretchen在哪间房。” www.hjenglish.com 5. Lincoln got better after a few weeks. He began working on his yearly message to Congress. 几个星期后,林肯感觉好些了,他又开始工作,为一年一度向国会发表的国情咨文做准备。 www.bing.com 6. Knowing that the only way to save Bob is to fight, Lincoln takes Bob's keys and unlocks his own handcuffs. 他知道唯一能救Bob的方法就是与他们对抗,他拿过Bob的钥匙打开了自己的手铐。 www.bing.com 7. A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln. 加于人名的称号,绰号用来代替一个人姓名或头衔的称谓,如伟大的解放者用来称呼亚伯拉罕·林肯 dict.ebigear.com 8. Lincoln feel the body is good, then decided to campaign, but he state parliament speaker failed. 1838年,林肯觉得身体良好,于是决定竞选州议会议长,可他失败了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Though I co-edited a collection of Lincoln papers with Shenk, we disagree on this point. 虽然我与Shenk合作收集的林肯的这些资料,但是我们不同意这个观点。 www.bing.com 10. The family collection was the basis for the new book, "Looking for Lincoln" (Knopf), and for a PBS documentary. 这个家庭的收藏构成了新书“寻找林肯”的基础,也是作为公共图书系统的纪录。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In the stairwell where T-Bag left him, Lincoln lies face down in a pool of blood, unconscious. 在楼梯处,Lincoln被T-Bag他们狠揍过后,脸朝下地躺在血泊里,失去了知觉。 www.bing.com 2. As a young man, Abraham Lincoln was a storekeeper and a postmaster. 亚伯拉罕?林肯年轻时,当过商店老板和邮电所长。 en.ruiwen.com 3. The Lincoln Highway is one of the main thoroughfares of the United States . 林肯公路是美国主要大道之一。 www.bing.com 4. She did everything she should to help Lincoln. 她尽力去帮助林肯。 xyabcd.com 5. President-elect Lincoln traveled by train from his home in Illinois to Washington, D. C. Along the way, he stopped to make speeches. 当选总统林肯离开他的家乡伊利诺斯州,乘坐火车前往华盛顿。一路上,他不停地停下来,发表演讲。 www.bing.com 6. On Sept. 26, 1901, a boy named Fleetwood Lindley was summoned from school by his father to see Lincoln. 1901年9月26日,一个叫弗利伍德·林德利的男孩被他的父亲从学校里叫回来看林肯。 www.bing.com 7. Abraham Lincoln, who led the American people in overthrowing the Negro slave system, is considered one of the greatest American presidents. 亚伯拉罕·林肯领导美国人民推翻了黑奴制度,他被看作是美国最伟大的总统之一。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Abraham Lincoln, the former president of the United States, had a famous word, "I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. " 美国总统林肯有句名言,我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。 blog.stnn.cc 9. In that capacity, Lincoln invented the concept of presidential war powers that are again at the center of controversy today. 在这种能力,发明了林肯总统的战争权力,处于争议中心今天再次概念。 ccebook.net 10. Lincoln realizes that victory depends on mobilizing the entire industrial might of the North behind the war effort. 林肯意识到要取得胜利还得尽可能调动北方的一切工业力量作为战争的强大后盾 www.kekenet.com 1. And Abbey Lincoln, the former subtly sensual supper-club singer, was transformed before my eyes into a blazing Sojourner Truth. 我也亲眼看到艾比林肯,前任俱乐部的歌手,怎样变成一个活跃的改革家。 www.elanso.com 2. A military jet on a training mission from the USS Abraham Lincoln crashed into a San Diego neighbourhood, killing four people on the ground. 一架从亚伯拉罕·林肯号航母执行完训练任务的战机在圣地亚哥居民区坠毁,造成地上4人死亡。 www.ecocn.org 3. February is Presidents' month, and in this frame, it's a fine time to spend a few hours with Abraham Lincoln. 2月是总统月,借此良机我们花几个小时与亚伯拉罕·林肯共处。 www.elanso.com 4. But in his own time Lincoln was highly controversial, as was the emancipation of slaves. 但是在他那个年代,林肯是一个非常有争议的人物,就像解放奴隶非常有争议一样。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Back in the U. S. , I would be intern No. 3 at some company or selling tickets at Lincoln Center. 如果回到美国,我可能是某些公司实习的三号人选或是到林肯中心卖票。 blog.163.com 6. Lincoln's school education added up to no more than two years. 林肯所受的学校教育加起来仅有两年。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. If any of these illnesses wracked Lincoln's body during his presidency, how do we explain his inexhaustible physical constitution? 如果这些疾病肆虐林肯总统身体,怎么解释他的取之不尽,用之不竭的体质? www.bing.com 8. Within a week, lincoln lies dead from an assassin's bullet, but America has pulled back from the brink. 叛军投降不到一周林肯死于一名刺客的枪杀,但此时美国已从崩溃的边缘拉回正轨 www.kekenet.com 9. The memorial will occupy a one-and-a-half-hectare site not far from the Washington Monument and memorials to Jefferson and Lincoln. 纪念园占地1.5公顷,离华盛顿纪念塔、杰斐逊纪念馆和林肯纪念馆不远。 www.voanews.com.cn 10. Lincoln is considered (to be) one of the greatest president of America. 林肯被认为是美国伟大的总统之一。 www.jxenglish.com 1. Lincoln is considered (to be) one of the greatest president of America. 林肯被认为是美国伟大的总统之一。 www.jxenglish.com 2. A similar retaining wall provides security for the Lincoln Memorial, but here the topography requires additional intrusive bollards as well. 一个相似的挡土墙为林肯纪念堂提高安全保护,但这里的地形同样需要额外碍眼的护柱。 dongxi.net 3. touring lincoln memorial , vietnam memorial , thomas jefferson memorial , national history museum , capitol hill white house. 下午参观白宫华盛顿纪念碑越战纪念碑林肯纪念堂及林肯遇害地国会大厦历史博物馆。 www.ichacha.net 4. The hot-looking rear-engined Pantera was sold at Lincoln-Mercury dealers, a rather incongruous retailing channel for a car like this. 外型惹火、发动机后置的索潘特拉在林肯—墨丘利销售处对外销售,对于该类型车而言,这是一个与众不同的销售平台。 gb.cri.cn 5. He opens the door and gently eases the still unconscious Lincoln out of the car. 他打开车门,轻手轻脚地将仍在昏迷中的Lincoln抬出车外。 www.bing.com 6. And in the evenings there was the usual conversation and storytelling, with young Lincoln as the center of attraction. 在晚上,店里通常有人来聊天、讲故事,而年轻的林肯往往是焦点。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. After reading a biography of Lincoln I was able to tell many stories about the President. 读过了林肯传之后,我能够说出关于这位总统的许多故事。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Lincoln pursues Downey up to a mezzanine overlooking the conference area. 林肯追着丹尼来到一二层楼间的夹楼处,从那可以看到整个会场。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Mercury sales have been down recently, so Ford decided to end the line and focus more on its luxury Lincoln brand. 由于水星系列近来销量下降,福特决定停止此款车型的成产,更多地投入到林肯豪华品牌。 www.bangbenw.com 10. Lincoln was a champion and he never gave up. 林肯天下无敌,而且他从不放弃。 bbs.enfamily.cn 1. Two years after he was defeated in the Senate race, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States. 林肯在竞选参议员失败后两年,当选为美国总统。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. For those who like that sort of thing, as Abraham Lincoln once said, it is just the sort of thing they would like. 喜欢这类东西的人,按照林肯的说法,去看这些东西就没错了。 www.bing.com 3. The audience simply expected a longer speech, When Lincoln returned to his seat, there was polite applause. 林肯回到座位上时,听众中发出几声出自礼貌的掌声。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The power of good continued though with Abraham Lincoln's objection to slavery leading to his Gettysburg Address in 1863. 林肯反对奴隶制的斗争中继续着,因而1863年他在葛底斯堡的演讲诞生了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. One of those purposes, Lincoln then suggests, may be to punish both North and South for permitting the offense of slavery. 林肯提到,这些目的之一可能就惩罚允许奴隶制这种罪过存在的北方和南方。 www.ecocn.org 6. Later, Lincoln wrote of that period with shame, saying that he had lost the "gem of my character. " 后来,每当林肯写及那段经历时,总是羞愧难当,他说自己已经失去了“人性中最宝贵的东西。” www.bing.com 7. Lincoln's eyes grow huge as he sees the prepped electric chair. He looks again to Bellick, insisting "I've got a month left! " 当Lincoln看到已准备好的电椅后双目圆睁,他再次望向Bellick,喊道,“我还有一个月!” www.bing.com 8. President Lincoln gave him Medal of Honor and promoted to at least. 林肯总统授予他荣誉勋章,并升任至少将。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln touched the imagination of America's writers. Many tried to put their feelings into words. 暗杀亚伯拉罕.林肯,触动了美国作家的心灵,许多人都在设法将他们的情感用语言表达出来。 www.bing.com 10. Lincoln Heights is one of the neighbourhoods that were planned specifically for blacks migrating from the South in the early 1920s. 林肯高地是20世纪20年代特地为黑人从南方迁徙而设的社区之一。 www.ecocn.org 1. LINCOLN: Yes, but I got a laugh off it. It was a quick answer. 林肯:对,可是让我笑了一场。回答得很快。 www.douban.com 2. What few may know is that Lincoln's example has been a beacon to the rest of the world as well. 但很少有人知道的是,林肯的事迹已经成为了一簇烽火,传递到了世界的其它地方。 www.bing.com 3. We might remember, though, that Abe Lincoln was at a stylistic disadvantage when he wrote his Gettysburg Address. 然而,我们也许应当记住:亚伯·林肯写葛底斯堡演讲稿时,他实在没有很好的条件来讲求文体修辞。 www.hjenglish.com 4. During the war, critics pressed Lincoln to replace Grant, but the president replied, "I can't spare this man. He fights! " 南北战争时期,有人给林肯总统施压要换掉格兰特将军,但总统说:我们没他不行,他能打仗! blog.sina.com.cn 5. As Abraham Lincoln said: "A child is a person who is going to carry on what you have started . . . the fate of humanity is in his hands. " 正如亚伯拉罕-林肯(AbrahamLincoln)所说:“孩子将继续你开始的一切……人类的命运掌握在他们的手中。” www.ftchinese.com 6. B, ( Reading card ) Mr. John Lincoln , Mr. Black is expecting you . I'll tell him you are here . Please sit down and wait for a moment. (读卡)约翰林肯先生,布莱克先生正在恭候您的光临。我去告诉他您已经来了。请坐,稍等片刻。 www.bing.com 7. New Jersey's Lincoln Tunnel expressway carries eight buses a minute; the planned frequency of the Edinburgh tram is six an hour. 美国新泽西州林肯隧道高速公路每分钟能够通行8辆公共汽车,而爱丁堡有轨列车的计划运行频率是每小时6班。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Southern General Joe Johnston said: "Mr. Lincoln was the best friend we had. His death is the worst thing that could happen for the South. " 南方的一位将军乔.约翰斯顿说:“林肯先生是我们的最好朋友,他的死对于南方所发生的一切来说是最糟糕的事情。” www.bing.com 9. Lincoln liked Slade, often talked with him, asking his opinion about different matters. 林肯喜欢他,常常和他谈话并就各种问题征求他的意见。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. (on camera): You studied the speeches of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln as a youngster when you were learning English? 听说当您还是个年轻人,在学习英语的时候,就已经研读过托马斯·杰斐逊以及亚伯拉罕·林肯的演讲稿了? bebigear.com 1. One of the most important things to see at Christamas is the Nutcracker by the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Centre. 一个最重要的事就是在圣诞节纽约芭蕾舞团在林肯中心演出的《胡桃夹子》。 huangyunzheng123.blog.163.com 2. In a tradition that some say started with President Abraham Lincoln, the U. S. President pardons a turkey at Thanksgiving time each year. 有人说从阿伯拉罕林肯总统开始有个传统,美国总统在每年的感恩节赦免一只火鸡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. By doing the only thing he could think of to save his brother, Lincoln might have just doomed his own chances of escape. Lincoln用他唯一能想到的方式救了他的弟弟,但也许,他也毁掉了自己越狱的机会。 www.bing.com 4. Lincoln was invited to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery because he was President of the United States at the time. 林肯被邀请在国家军士兵公墓演讲是因为他是当时的美国总统。 wenku.baidu.com 5. But the life of a tall, gangly, self-made Springfield lawyer [Abraham Lincoln] tells us that a different future is possible. 但是,一位身材高挑、自学成才的斯普林菲尔德律师[亚伯拉罕·林肯(AbrahamLincoln)]的经历向我们显示,可以有不同的未来。 www.america.gov 6. Michael and Lincoln, trapped in the hotel, make a run for it once spotted by the local police, led by Captain Hutchinson. 迈可和林肯被困在酒店中,他们试图逃出去,但被当地警察发现了,警察队长叫汉金森。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Its significance was pointed out in 1998 by Thomas Lowry, a Virginia psychiatrist, who was immediately lauded as a leading Lincoln scholar. 1998年,弗吉尼亚的精神病学家托马斯·洛瑞指出了它的重要性,并很快被赞扬为研究林肯的学者之灵秀。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Send me a picture of the White House and the statue of Abraham Lincoln. 寄一张白宫的照片还有亚伯拉罕·林肯的雕像给我吧。 www.bing.com 9. How do you think President Lincoln, who had earlier been elected president of the United States, reacted to the Southern election? 你知道较早被选为总统的林肯对南方各州的选举有什么想法呢? www.24en.com 10. The American people regard Lincoln as one of the greatest presidents in history. 美国人民把林肯看成历史上最伟大的总统之一。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. "Dealers will have to decide if it's a good business case making the extra investment" in Lincoln. 在林肯上投入额外的资金是否划算这个问题上,经销商们将必须做出决定。 www.bing.com 2. The key to Lincoln's policy toward the states that had seceded may be found in a passage of his First Inaugural, delivered on March 4, 1861. 林肯对脱离联邦的州邦所采取政策的核心也许可以在他1861年3月4日的首次就职演说的字里行间中找到。 www.bing.com 3. As it turned out, Lincoln and the Republicans had the last laugh on this joke because he won reelection as president in 1864. 结果,真正笑出来的人是林肯及共和党员,因为他们赢了1864年的总统连任。 www.24en.com 4. But in a poll commissioned by Washington College for President's Day, Americans rated Abraham Lincoln as the greatest president. 但是,在华盛顿学院为总统纪念日展开的民意调查中,美国人们把亚伯拉罕·林肯评为最伟大的总统。 www.dreye.com.cn 5. Lincoln himself was able to stay on top of, literally, hour-by-hour developments in the course of individual battles. 林肯得以随时跟踪着,可以说是每小时都在更新专注着每场战斗的即时战况 www.kekenet.com 6. Christina never bonded with the angry young Lincoln like she did with Michael. 克里斯蒂娜与易发脾气的少年林肯一直合不来,不如她与迈克尔的关系亲近。 www.rayzen.cn 7. Lincoln hoped for an easy peace. He wanted no hangings or other brutal acts against the losers. 林肯希望国家维持和平,对战败方不再施以绞刑,或进行残忍的报复。 www.unsv.com 8. We're kicking off inaugural week events on Sunday afternoon with a free celebration at the Lincoln Memorial that's open to the public. 我们将会在这个周日下午在林肯纪念碑前举行对公众开放的免费的就职庆典。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The people had considered Abraham Lincoln to be a great leader , and a wise , kind and honest man . 林肯小时侯几乎没有上过学,美国人民把他看作美国最伟大的总统之一。 www.bing.com 10. abraham lincoln ' s mother : " again with the stovepipe hat , abe ? can ' t you just wear a baseball cap like the other kids ? " 林肯的妈:又是直统大礼帽,亚伯?你就不能和别的孩子一样戴棒球帽吗? www.ichacha.net 1. After Abraham Lincoln's presidency, Inaugural crowds became far too large for the White House to accommodate them comfortably. 亚伯拉罕林肯后总统之后,参与就职仪式的人数以至于白宫无法容纳。 www.bing.com 2. He let her not to hush up the news about Lincoln's death to his father. 他让她不要向他的父亲隐瞒林肯去世的消息。 3. When he visited us in the White House, I kidded him about sleeping in Lincoln's bed, which Bo Forney had turned down. 博.福尼来白宫看我们的时候,我曾跟他开玩笑,说让他睡在林肯的床上,他拒绝了。 www.bing.com 4. Lincoln asked him to be head of the army when General Winfield Scott retired. 林肯要求他在温菲尔德.斯科特将军退休后担任美国陆军最高指挥官。 www.bing.com 5. Lincoln stands against a pillar in the garage steeling himself in preparation for what he has to do. Lincoln站立在停车场的某一根柱子后,做着行动前的准备,给自己鼓劲。 www.bing.com 6. Historians generally agree that Lincoln suffered from clinical depression, part of a lifelong struggle with mental health issues. 史学家通常同意林肯患有临床抑郁症,一个终身的和心理健康问题的斗争的部门。 xinziw.hn00.com 7. It took Bush three years to find his general (as it did Lincoln) and turn a losing war into a winnable one. 正如当年林肯一样,布什用了三年的时间,找到了他的大将(大卫·彼得雷乌斯DavidPetraeus),使得这场战争反败为胜。 www.ecocn.org 8. The chief justice of the United States swore Johnson into office a few hours after Lincoln's death. 林肯去世后几个小时,美国法院院长宣誓约翰逊就职。 www.unsv.com 9. While all the evidence that Lincoln was the murderer, and firmly believe that Michael's elder brother is innocent. 虽然所有的证据都指出林肯就是凶手,迈克尔坚信兄长是无辜的。 www.docin.com 10. The President lay stretched out on the large Lincoln bed. 总统伸直身子躺在一张林肯大床上。 www.bing.com 1. This is the language of the Bible, and if the rhetoric does not convince us of that, Lincoln mentions God six times in one paragraph. 这是圣经的语言,但即使有这种修辞也并没有使我们信仰圣经,林肯在一段话中就提到上帝六次。 www.ecocn.org 2. In November eighteen sixty-three, President Lincoln traveled to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He spoke at the opening of a military cemetery. 在1863年11月,林肯总统前往宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡,出席在那举行的葛底斯堡军事公墓落成典礼,并发表演讲。 www.bing.com 3. Lincoln sent drafts of his speech to his closest political advisers for feedback. 林肯将他的演讲草稿送给最亲密的政治顾问,以寻求意见。 www.24en.com 4. We'll be on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial first thing in the morning. I heard that's the place to watch the sun rise! 我们一大早就会去林肯纪念堂的台阶上.我听说那里是看日出最好的地方。 www.bing.com 5. Another watershed was the legal-tender act under Abraham Lincoln, which paved the way for an acceptance of deficit spending. 另一个分水岭是亚伯拉罕?林肯的法定货币法案,正是这个法案铺平了赞同政府寅吃卯粮的道路。 www.ecocn.org 6. Like Lincoln, he writes, he took time to find the right men for the task. 如林肯一样,他写道,他花了很长时间去寻找可堪重任的人选。 ellesime.anetcity.com 7. "If General McClellan does not want to use the army, I would like to borrow it for a time, " sighed Lincoln. “如果麦克拉伦将军无欲指挥军队,我希望能借军一次。”林肯感叹道。 www.ecocn.org 8. But as president of the United States, Lincoln was bound by a Constitution that protected slavery in any state where citizens wanted it. 但是,身为合众国总统,林肯受到宪法的约束——任何一州在公民的意愿之下尽可保存奴隶制度。 www.bing.com 9. But it is a difficult year to be an incumbent, and doubly so to be a proudly moderate incumbent, as Ms Lincoln is. 对于现任者来说,今年会有一场苦战,对像林肯女士这样骄傲的温和派现任者来说更是如此。 www.ecocn.org 10. If Congress were to permit this exploration, it would mean new jobs at businesses like Lincoln Electric. 如果国会允许近海石油勘探,也就意味着能为类似于林肯电子公司创造新的工作职位。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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