单词 | large-numbers | ||||||||||||||
释义 | large-numbers
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 大数,大量,大数目 1. The bane is armed with a Bane Blade. Banes are the generals of the Underworld and are able to lead large numbers of undead. 祸灵装备着自己的祸害之剑,它是来自幽冥界的将军而可以统率庞大的死亡军团。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Voters are likely to turn out in large numbers for a general election scheduled for January 16th. 大多数选民也打算参加计划在1月16日举行的大选。 club.topsage.com 3. Overstretched borrowers were bound to start defaulting in large numbers once the housing bubble burst and unemployment began to rise. 一旦房产泡沫破裂、失业率开始上升,过度负债的借款人注定要大规模违约。 www.bing.com 4. Large numbers of shoppers attempt to log on to the retailer's site to take advantage of the door-crasher specials. 大量的购物者会尝试登录零售商网站,以获得顾客折扣。 www.ibm.com 5. And besides, if your life were on the line, you know you could perform long division of any arbitrarily large numbers. 除此以外,如果你命悬一线,你可以运用任意大的数来做长除法。 note.sdo.com 6. He said large numbers were going to Australia, where there was a skills shortage. 他表示,大量人群涌向澳大利亚,因为当地面临熟练工人短缺的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Flat organizations, which emphasize horizontal connections, seem to be the best bet for involving large numbers of people lightly. 平行的组织结构,强调横向的联系,似乎是让大量成员或多或少的参与其中的最好措施。 www.bing.com 8. But all that could be at risk if large numbers of SMEs were to fall victim to the global economic crisis. 但如果诸多中小企业成为全球经济危机的牺牲品,那么所有这些都会面临风险。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Better-armed, better-trained forces were sent in large numbers into areas which had been seized by the militants. 受过更好训练的装备更好的部队被大量派往激进分子占领地区。 www.bing.com 10. And if Mr Qaddafi uses his air force to kill large numbers of his own people, the world would be right to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya. 如果卡扎菲使用自己的空军去屠杀自己的人民,整个世界将会正确地选择强行在利比亚上空建立禁飞区。 www.ecocn.org 1. The representative said he was not aware of any contingency planning to deal with large numbers of refugees. 该代表说,他不知道有任何应变计划以处理大量的难民。 www.bing.com 2. There notes we designed during World War II to be easily declared void if captured in large numbers by the enemy. 这些钞票是在二次大战中设计的,为的是如果被敌方大量缴获,就可能轻而易举地宣布作废。 www.bing.com 3. "Yet the government was not prepared to go into Afghanistan in 2001, or Iraq in 2003, using large numbers of contractors, " he said. “然而,政府在2001年并未准备让大批承包商进入阿富汗,2003年在伊拉克也是如此,”谢斯说。 www.ftchinese.com 4. They must be, in some ways, much like the algorithms used to sort, classify, and analyze large numbers of pictures. 这些算法肯定在某些方面很像用于查找、分类和分析大量图片的算法。 www.bing.com 5. Newspapers have not yet started to shut down in large numbers, but it is only a matter of time. 报纸还未开始大规模停刊,但这只是时间问题。 www.ecocn.org 6. However, that does not mean U. S. forces will be engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq for decades or in large numbers indefinitely, he said. 不过他同时表示,这并不意味着美国军队将在阿富汗和伊拉克驻扎几十年,或无限期地大规模驻军。 www.america.gov 7. Designers found that large numbers of men complained that they struggled to maintain erections when using conventional condoms in sex. 产品的研发者们发现,大多数男性都在抱怨,在使用传统的避孕套时,保持勃起的状态都非常“费力”。 gb.cri.cn 8. If you put your ideas up for discussion, there are large numbers of lobby groups to tell you where you may be wrong. 如果你把自己的想法拿出来讨论,会有大量游说团体告诉你,你可能错在哪里。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Large numbers of hairy crabs travelling around the country by Learjet is definitely one of those "Only in Today's China" images. 大批大闸蟹乘商务飞机周游全国,这着实是“当今中国特有”的景象之一。 app.fortunechina.com 10. In the days leading up to Election Day, large numbers of voters also turned out to cast their ballots in early voting. 在投票日到来之前,已经有很多选民提前投了票。 www.24en.com 1. The bcp utility can be used to import large numbers of new rows into SQL Server tables or to export data out of tables into data files. BCP实用工具可以用于向SQLServer的表中导入大量新行或者将表中的数据导出到数据文件中。 www.infoq.com 2. At least two meals must be provided per day, and the efficient organization of wet ration distribution for large numbers is difficult. 每天必须提供至少两餐,为大批人建立有效的熟食分发组织是困难的。 pro.yeeyan.com 3. We did not anticipate that large numbers of people would decide not to be vaccinated. 我们并没有预见到,数目众多的人决定不接受免疫接种。 www.who.int 4. It's hard to get a grasp on such large numbers. So let me share a few observations on what they mean. 对于如此大的统计数目很难完全详尽的分析,现在我们就来分享一些统计中发现的关键点。 www.bing.com 5. Large numbers of professional software developers, this is an easy to use, comprehensive reference book. 对广大专业软件开发人员来说,这是一本使用方便、内容全面的参考书。,UMLReferenceManual。 3333355555.com 6. The doctor referred to large numbers of medical records and finally worked out an treatment plan for him. 医生参阅了大量的医案,终于给他制定了治疗方案。 www.nciku.com 7. This could explain why large numbers of species are packed together in the tropics, but it doesn't seem to hold consistently. 这就解释了为什么热带地区的生物总是聚集在一起,密度很大,但是这一理论并不能站住脚。 www.bing.com 8. On the surface, Dell seems the victim of the law of large numbers. 表面上看,戴尔似乎是大数法则的受害者。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Dabie Mountains did not allow much room for strategic manoeuvre and could hardly accommodate large numbers of troops. 大别山战略机动范围不大,容不下更多的部队。 www.dictall.com 10. Until the early 19th century there was no technology for disseminating news to large numbers of people in a short space of time. 直到19世纪早期,还没有哪项技术可以让消息在极短的时间内向无数人传播。 www.bing.com 1. And that rate of spending was already unsustainable at a time when the baby-boomers are starting to retire in large numbers. 当婴儿潮时期出生的那批人开始大量退休时,开支率就已经无法持续了。 www.ecocn.org 2. After some underground nuclear tests, large numbers of tiny aftershocks can be recorded during the next few weeks. 在进行某些地下核试验以后的几周后,可以记录到大量微弱的余震。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 3. Your best bet is to forget the pictures and concentrate on the large numbers in all four corners on the front and back. 最好的办法是忘记那些图像,集中注意正反两面四个角上的数字。 www.24en.com 4. So, up until now I've been talking to you about really large numbers , let me talk about a relatively small number . 到现在为止我跟你们讲的都是非常大的数字,让我来讲些相对小的数字。 www.bing.com 5. This results in closer coupling among the system's components and large numbers of critical interdependencies. 这会导致系统的组件间的耦合更为紧密以及大量重要的相互依赖关系。 www.ibm.com 6. At more than five times the cost of a standard TIE fighter, the TIE defender proved too expensive to produce in large numbers. 由于是标准TIE战斗机成本的五倍多,TIE“防御者”被证明太贵而无法大规模生产。 starwarsfans.cn 7. Impetus for change could come if large numbers of men moved into female-dominated jobs, like Mr Brush is doing. 如果大量男性像布拉什那样涌入女性占主导的就业岗位,变革的动力就会到来。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Intel's ability to deliver good enough chips in large numbers meant profits no longer had to be shared with secondary manufacturers. 英特尔大规模生产质量过硬的芯片的能力意味着他们不再需要和二级生产商分享利润了。 www.ecocn.org 9. He said IVF had led to the destruction of large numbers of human embryos. 他说,体外受精导致大量人类胚胎被毁。 www.bing.com 10. More recently, he has appealed to the Sunni minority, which voted for him in large numbers. 就在最近,他向将大量选票投向自己的逊尼派示好。 www.ecocn.org 1. Many experts worried about that the virus could kill large numbers worldwide if it starts to spread easily from person to person. 许多专家开始担忧,如果禽流感病毒能随意在人群传播的话,那么禽流感将夺取许多人的生命。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. The firm was also running up against the law of large numbers, which makes it more difficult for big companies to grow rapidly. 另外,公司的运作也曾一度有违于大树法则,该法则使得大型企业快速增长变得更加困难。 www.ecocn.org 3. The enemy troops came against us in large numbers but were forced to retreat under our heavy fire. 敌军向我们大举进攻,但在我军炮火猛烈回击下,被迫撤退了。 www.jukuu.com 4. Illegal immigrants, once concentrated in the southern states along the border with Mexico, can now be found in large numbers across the US. 以前,非法移民主要集中在美国靠近墨西哥边境的少数几个南部的州里,但是现在在美国的任何地方都找到非法移民的身影。 www.bing.com 5. Yet just as immigration has hugely increased, so has emigration. In particular, large numbers of skilled Britons are emigrating . 然而正如入境移民大幅增长,出境移民同样在大幅增长。尤其明显的是英国,大量能力出众的英国人正在移居他国。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. If Mr Karzai does win, many in the relatively peaceful north of the country, where voters turned out in large numbers, may feel cheated. 阿富汗北部地区相对和平,这里有大批选民参与了投票。倘若卡尔扎伊先生果真当选,许多北方人会觉得受到了欺骗。 www.ecocn.org 7. For a small number of categories, checkboxes are easier to use, while a multiple selector works well with large numbers of categories. 显示在分类页面中的类别选择器的类型。(对少量的类别来说,核取框会比较方便使用;多项目选择器比较适合大量的类别。) www.bp-one.com 8. Large numbers of extracellular polymer form mucus layer on the surface of particle sludge and protect particle sludge. 大量的胞外多聚物在颗粒污泥表面形成粘液层,对颗粒污泥形成保护。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. To be dependent upon centralized systems in a disaster allows single points of failure to compromise large numbers of communities. 在一场灾难中要想独立于集权制之上,就要允许少数的失败妥协于大量的团体。 www.chinadialogue.net 10. e. g. The robber robbed the bank of large numbers of money. 抢劫犯抢劫了那家银行许多钱。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Today, newspapers sell in very large numbers. And books of every kind are sold more than ever before. 现在,报纸仍在大量销售,各种图书也比以前卖得要多。 www.tao2tao.com 2. Hyde Park is one of a few neighborhoods in Chicago where both blacks and whites live in large numbers. 海德公园社区是芝加哥少有的几个社区之一,那里居住着大量的黑人和白人。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. One of the most common problems of managing large numbers of computers is how to keep so many systems up-to-date and consistent. 在管理大量的计算机时最常见的问题之一是,如何保持这些系统最新和一致。 www.ibm.com 4. It is surprising that tourists from all over the country visiting this town should be in large numbers. 令人惊讶的是,从全国各地来参观这一小镇的游客竟然很多。 met.fzu.edu.cn 5. When many small restaurant were worried about how to attract more customers, foreign fast food restaurants opened up in large numbers. 当许多小饭馆发愁如何吸引顾客的时候,外国的洋快餐厅蜂拥而至。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. Western traders, missionaries, and soldiers of fortune began to arrive in large numbers even before the Qing, in the sixteenth century. 西方的商人,传教士和渴望财富的士兵在16世纪、清朝之前就开始大批来到中国。 chinafanyi.com 7. A steep swoon in housing construction is starting to put large numbers of laborers out of work but fewer skilled employees. 房地产方面的大幅衰退导致大量劳动力失业,但是技术型人员极少。 www.bing.com 8. Immediately, large numbers of youth female came out family and tend towards the road of pursuing the free revolution. 随之,大批青年女性走出家庭、迈上追求自由的革命之路。 www.boshuo.net 9. After some underground nuclear tests, large numbers of ting aftershocks were recorded during the next few weeks. 在进行某些地下核实验以后的几周里,可以记录到大量微弱的余震。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It has large numbers of anti-ship missiles which can be launched from small, fast boats or batteries hidden ashore in buildings or trucks. 它拥有大批反舰导弹,能够从体积很小、速度很快的小艇和隐蔽在海岸边建筑物里的导弹连或者卡车上发射。 www.ecocn.org 1. The price of copies dropped, and people began to photocopy books and journals in large numbers. 复印使得书成本下降,于是人们开始大量地复印书籍和杂志。 www.bing.com 2. In many parts of the world, large numbers of trees have been cut down and the ecological balance of nature has been disturbed. 在世界很多地方,大量的树木遭到砍伐,自然界的生态平衡遭到破坏。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It does not rely on probability measures and Law of Large Numbers, hence is different from many other statistical methods. 它基本上不涉及概率测度及大数定律等,因此不同于现有的统计方法。 qk.cams.cma.gov.cn 4. Then it sponsors lots of symposiums and a credibility project dedicated to wondering why customers are annoyed and fleeing in large numbers. 然后它又办许多研讨会和开展可信度调查,去探究为什么顾客们恼火了,为什么会有那么多人逃避新闻等等。 club.topsage.com 5. The WFP employs large numbers of press officers in its headquarters in Rome and elsewhere to jump to its defence. 为了能快速及时维护WTP,在其的总部罗马和其他分点,都请了大量的新闻官员。 www.ecocn.org 6. The law of large numbers for a class of random walks with resting state on line in random environments. 一类随机环境中可逗留随机游动的一个大数定律。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Had the virus turned more lethal, we would be under scrutiny for having failed to protect large numbers of people. 这个病毒一旦变得更具杀伤力,我们则会因不能为大量人员带来保护而接受细察。 www.who.int 8. Electronic 'brain entrainment' is a very simple type of mind control, and can be applied to large numbers of people simultaneously. 电子的“大脑诱导作用”是一种非常简单的大脑控制形式,并可同时应用于大部分人群。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Large numbers of the enemy's main force were at last pinned down. 敌人的许多主力部队终于被牵制住了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. If very large numbers of people would be exposed to a small risk, then you've got a population problem. 如果非常多的人暴露于这种小的风险中,那么面临的将是一个人群问题。 news.dxy.cn 1. If Latinos stay home in large numbers, that will make it really difficult for the president to carry this state. 如果这些拉丁美洲人多数都呆在家里,总统驾驭这个州将变得非常困难。 www.kekenet.com 2. When large numbers of these cells are linked together, the effects can be astonishing. 当这些细胞大量聚集时,产生的效果会非常令人吃惊。 www.zxlww.com 3. But a real sickness from which increasingly large numbers already suffer . 一种越来越多的人已经遭受的真实疾患。 www.bing.com 4. However, when large numbers of tourists concentrate to a certain place, did probability sense, the probability of accidents on the increase. 可是,当大量的游客集中到某一个地方的时候,从概率意义上说,发生意外的可能性就增大。 www.showxiu.com 5. When large numbers of these cell are linked together, the effects can be astonishing. 这种细胞大量地连接在一起时产生的效果非常令人吃惊。 en.hujiang.com 6. Big game is dying in large numbers in national parks, and electricity has had to be rationed, affecting petrol and food supplies. 国家公园的大型项目已大规模停业,电力不得不配额供应,汽油与食品供应也深受影响。 www.bing.com 7. Not surprisingly, regions that have large numbers of creative class members are also some of the most affluent and growing. 毫不奇怪,创新阶层庞大的地区常常也是最富有、增长最快的地区。 www.america.gov 8. Ecosystems are delicate and easily damaged. Around the world, areas are endangered by the large numbers of tourism who visit them. 生态系统非常脆弱,容易遭到破坏。全世界范围内游客云集的地区都面临着危险。 www.for68.com 9. There was a shortage of accommodation, so marshland was drained and built on to house the large numbers of people now living there. 那时住宿是一个巨大的问题,因此沼泽地被抽干用来建造房屋,为那里的很多人提供了住处。 www.hjenglish.com 10. The basic computer courses are the required courses to cultivate large numbers of computer application talents for the information society. 计算机基础课程是为信息社会培养大量的计算机应用型人才的必修课程。 www.dictall.com 1. You should be able to create clear and effective presentations that avoid large numbers of slides filled with bullet points. 您应该能够创建清楚且有效的演示文档,该文档需要避免使用填满了项目符号的大量幻灯片。 www.ibm.com 2. To Malta's relief, countries receiving large numbers of asylum-seekers will be able to share the burden (and cost) with others. 让马耳他欣慰的是,接收大数额收容所寻求者的国家将能够与其它的国家分担负担(与救济成本)。 www.ecocn.org 3. The price ended up at top of this range, as a small group of "cornerstone" investors committed themselves to buying large numbers of shares. 由于有一小部分“基石”投资人承诺要大量购进此股,最终股价以此价格区间的上限收盘。 www.ecocn.org 4. Restrictions on visas have kept many tourists out of China for the Olympics, and large numbers of Beijing hotel rooms remain empty. 对签证的限制令许多海外游客无法来中国亲身体验奥运,北京许多宾馆仍有大量客房无人入住。 www.bing.com 5. Large numbers of Chinese workers have been poisoned by mercury, which forms part of the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. 大量的中国工人因接触水银而中毒,水银是紧凑型日光灯管的组成部分。 www.bing.com 6. Despite the lifting of the state of emergency, the security forces were deployed in large numbers ahead of Friday prayers. 尽管解除了紧急状态,在周五的祈祷之前还是部署了大量安全部队。 www.hxen.com 7. In response, Germany recruited large numbers of foreign workers to fill the gap, just as China does today. 为应对这种情况,德国聘用了大量外国工人填补缺口,正如中国今天所做的一样。 www.ftchinese.com 8. After some underground nuclear tests, large numbers of tinyaftershocks are recorded during the next few weeks. . . 在进行某些地下核试验以后的几星期内,可以记录到大量微弱的余震。 www.jukuu.com 9. In the United States, large numbers of American families are adopting and raising children from mainland China. 在美国,有许多的家庭,领养来自中国大陆的幼儿。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Large numbers of Iraqis and displaced people from Afghanistan have been allowed to build new lives in Australia in the past several years. 过去几年来,大批来自伊拉克和阿富汗的无家可归的难民被允许在澳大利亚开始新的生活。 www.voanews.cn 1. She said that in addition to recycling, no large numbers of consumers willing to spend more effort. 她说除进行回收利用外,并没有大批消费者愿意付出更多的努力。 www.bing.com 2. If large numbers of branches, then of course the market is likely to be expanded soon, but has diluted the brand. 如果大量开分店的话,当然市场是可能被很快扩大的,但是品牌却被稀释了。 english.lagoo.com.cn 3. This paper derives several theorems concerning weak law of large numbers for sequence of complex independent random variables. 得到复值独立随机变量序列的几个弱大数定理。 www.dictall.com 4. As a result of the recession and this broken business model, large law firms have recently shed associates in large numbers. 由于经济衰退和这种破烂的经营模式,大型律所最近解雇了大量的法律助理。 www.bing.com 5. The specific attack scenario for a Linux SACK processor requires a retransmission queue that already holds large numbers of packets. 特定于LinuxSACK处理器的攻击场景要求重传队列中已经持有大量包。 www.ibm.com 6. Large numbers of UN staff were reported to be missing, as well as two American and two Australian citizens. 据报道,大量联合国工作人员失踪,还有两名美国公民人和两名澳大利亚公民。 www.bing.com 7. They said it was the most unusual virus they had ever seen, that it could kill in large numbers. 他们说这是他们从未见过这种不同寻常的病毒。这病毒会导致人大批死亡。onthegovernmentpayroll,吃皇粮的人。 www.77sx.com 8. At some point, they shift from offense to defense, becoming managers of empires ruled by the law of large numbers. 最终,在某一时刻,他们转攻为守,以经理人的身份坐镇“以大为胜”的商业帝国。 www.bing.com 9. They buy volumes with titles like the "Book of Heroic Failures" in large numbers. 他们大量购买讲述失败的书籍,书名类似《失败英雄传》(TheBookofHeroicFailures)。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Large numbers of deer, peacocks , camels in the garden "of Dartmoor. " 大批的梅花鹿、孔雀、骆驼在花园里“闲庭信步”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Large numbers of deep crevasses are a sign that parts of the glacier are moving rapidly. 大量的深层冰隙表明该区域的冰川正在迅速移动。 www.bing.com 2. In communities, clinics and hospitals can be overwhelmed when large numbers of sick people appear for treatment during peak illness periods. 在社区中,疾病高峰期间患者大量求医,可使诊室和医院不堪重负。 www.who.int 3. These deployments and others proved the practicality of sending large numbers of fighters overseas from bases in the United States. 上述及其它的部署行动证明了从美国本土基地跨洋派驻大量战斗机的可行性。 jpkc2009.nudt.edu.cn 4. Pasture is depleted and cattle and goats are dying in large numbers, leaving thousands of animal carcasses littering the roadsides. 牧草枯竭、牛羊大量死亡,成千上万的动物尸体横七竖八的躺在路边。 www.bing.com 5. Although people's some habit have shown a tendency to favor sth, large numbers of studies have been concentrated on its adverse impact. 虽然某习惯使得人们对事物A越来越趋之若鹜。一直以来,大量的研究主要集中于探讨事物A的负面。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Dr. Goldstein argues that the genetic burden of common diseases must be mostly carried by large numbers of rare variants. Goldstein博士认为,常见疾病的遗传因素主要应该是大量的罕见变异。 www.bing.com 7. It also fears instability in its own backyard. Large numbers of weapons are in circulation in Kyrgyzstan. 该国也担心自己后院局势不稳,因为散落在吉尔吉斯各地的武器数量众多。 www.ecocn.org 8. This type is useful for applications that need large numbers but do not need precise accuracy. 该类型对于需要大数但不需要很高的准确度的应用程序很有用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. But as private equity becomes an ever bigger player, its operators are running into the law of large numbers. 但作为私人股票变得比以往更大的球员,其经营者陷入大数定律。 www.brar.cn 10. As the world is becoming smaller, the number of interracial couples is growing, especially in countries with large numbers of immigrants. 世界变得愈小,异族婚姻的数量随之增多,尤其是移民众多的国家。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. To date, outbreaks involving large numbers of poultry have been reported at commercial poultry farms, including one in Pyongyang Province. 迄今为止,在商品禽场中已报告涉及大量家禽的暴发,其中包括平壤道的一个禽场。 www.who.int 2. Under identical conditions, the Euler weak law of large numbers in empirical processes was spread to the situation of strong convergence. 在相同条件下,将经验过程中的欧拉弱大数定律推广到强收敛情形。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. "Since only a relatively small fraction of planets will transit, finding large numbers of them will be of tremendous benefit, " Deming said. “由于只有相对一小部分行星为凌日行星,找到大量的此类行星将会对研究大有助益,”戴明说。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 4. In that decade, however, large numbers also migrated from California, mostly to other parts of the West. 70年代也有大量的人离开加利福尼亚,大多数去了西部其他各州。 www.hjenglish.com 5. By the end of the 1920s he was producing large numbers of etchings for literary commission and for exhibition. 到20世纪20年代末,他曾为文学委员会和展览创作了大量的蚀刻作品。 www.tdict.com 6. With the modification, large numbers of pedestrians were induced to come to a halt, crowd together and peer upward. 经过改变,大量的行人被诱导停下脚步,聚集在一起并抬头凝望。 dict.veduchina.com 7. Easterners tell pollsters of their nostalgia for the old days and vote in large numbers for the successors to the East German communists. 东德人常常向民意测试者倾诉对过去的怀念,他们还投票支持东德的共产主义继承者。 www.ecocn.org 8. Furthermore, the presentation formats of our advertisements are not the optimal way to peruse through large numbers of products. 而且许多产品的广告演示格式也不是最佳的。 www.bing.com 9. Another important consideration is the efficient processing of large numbers of documents that may exist at many locations in a company. 另一个要考虑的事项是对于可能存在于公司多个位置的大量文档的处理效率。 www.ibm.com 10. If you are expecting to deal with large numbers of mobile users, consider having a mobile design as well. 假如你希望面对大量的手机用户,最好考虑一个手机版设计。 www.bing.com 1. The power of pressure groups is magnified by the indifference of large numbers of Americans to foreign affairs. 很大一部分美国大众中对外交政策漠不关心,这也助长了那些集团的势力。 www.ecocn.org 2. whereas , the large numbers of probe packages is not acceptable for some network environment , especially in wireless sensor network. 在实际网络特别是无线传感网络和无线自组织网络中,大量发送探测包是不可接受的。 www.ichacha.net 3. WebSphere Commerce benefits significantly from hardware platforms that support large numbers of concurrently executing threads. WebSphereCommerce的性能会由于支持大量并发执行线程的硬件平台而得到显著提升。 www.ibm.com 4. But the political appetite for operations involving large numbers of boots on the ground may not recover for a generation. 但对牵涉到大量地面部队的行动的政治兴趣可能整整一代人都不会恢复。 www.ecocn.org 5. Cracking RSA means confronting what mathematicians believe to be the hard problem of factoring large numbers. 破译rsa意味着数学家所认为的面临分解大量数字因子的难题。 www.hotdic.com 6. When protesters fail to marshal large numbers, local governments are more likely to simply ignore or suppress them. 当抗议者无法聚集起大量人群时,地方政府更有可能对其简单地不予理采或进行镇压。 www.bing.com 7. Some of the most violent births are "starbursts" --regions of space where stars come into being not as single spies, but in large numbers. 最为猛烈的爆发中有一些是“星群爆发”枣即在宇宙空间的某些地区,恒星不是单个诞生,而是成群出现。 wuzengping.blog.163.com 8. Hydroelectric power stations are to be built in large numbers where water resources are plentiful. 只要那儿那里水源充实,就在那儿那里建筑多量的水电站。 peixun.nntv.com.cn 9. It has pledged to publish figures "naming and shaming" those universities that pay large numbers of staff below the minimum wage. 国家学生联盟声称将发表这些数据,“点名指出并羞辱”那些给众多职工发放不到最低线工资的大学。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Extensive FAE support can be difficult to obtain due to the large numbers of accounts they generally support. 由于他们通常支持的客户数量众多,获得广泛的FAE支持可能很困难。 comm.chinaaet.com 1. Might the presence of large numbers of immigrants not explain some of the performance problems in American schools? 大量移民人口的存在不能解释美国学校中的一些问题吗? www.ebigear.com 2. Membership lists can also form the basis of a telephone tree, a system for getting messages out to large numbers of people. 成员名单也可以组成一个电话树状图的基础,一个可以发出给外面更多人们信息的系统。 www.bing.com 3. However, placing large numbers of traditional sensors close together increases the potential for electromagnetic interference. 然而,把大量的传统传感器紧密地安放到一起,会增加电磁干扰的可能性。 www.suiniyi.com 4. One afternoon before a storm I saw ants coming out in large numbers. 一天下午的暴雨前,我看到大批大批的蚂蚁爬出来。 www.jxenglish.com 5. Despite a variety of methods of propagation, the plants have failed to grow in sufficiently large numbers. 尽管有多种多样的繁殖方法,但是这种植物没有实现以足够大的数量栽培。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. In addition, there were large numbers of men still employed as gamekeepers. 除此之外,还有大量的人从事猎场看守人的工作。 www.bing.com 7. With BT maize, he says, he might spray once if maize borers are present in large numbers. 而对于改良玉米,他说,只要在玉米钻孔虫大量出现时喷溅一次就行了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The scientists also show that a certain family of mature cells known as astrocytes produce large numbers of scar-forming cells after injury. 这些科学家也显示一个名叫星形胶质细胞的家系成熟细胞在损伤后产生大量疤痕形成细胞。 www.dxy.cn 9. The LCS lacks major air defenses and cannot, on its own, defend against large numbers of incoming missiles. LCS缺少重要的对空防御,并且,无法单独抵御大量袭来的导弹。 dongxi.net 10. This grouping lets the reporting tool display large numbers of attributes in a more manageable way. 使用此分组,报表工具能够以更易于管理的方式显示大量属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The current one, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, included large numbers of Latino and Japanese-American people. 目前发表在《美国流行病学杂志》的这项研究中,包括大量的拉丁美洲人和日裔美国人。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 2. million of these circuits, and there are no known methods for producing large numbers of them quickly and efficiently. 例如,即使今天普通的桌上电脑也需要至少几百万个这种电路,目前人们还不知道怎样快速有效地大批量生产它们。 www.jukuu.com 3. Large numbers of unescorted ships, their lights on and their crews freely chatting over the radio, gave away their positions. 大量没有护航保护的船只,他们灯火通明,船员们利用无线电自由地聊天,离开他们的岗位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Finally, the assembled large numbers of troops, heavy and light weapons, all groups can be found in the giant rat eradication. 最后当局集结大量军队、轻重型武器,将所有能发现的巨鼠群消灭。 www.englishtang.com 5. Efficiency can be a potential concern when code needs to scan large numbers of source code files. 当代码需要扫描大量的源代码文件时,效率也是一个潜在的重要因素。 www-128.ibm.com 6. When experienced staff leave in large numbers ----as they often do now ---the newspaper loses great professional memory. 当大量有经验的职工离开---现在是常有的事情--新闻就没有专业思想。 www.1x1y.com.cn 7. Escape on the road, is staged scenes humanitarian tragedies, large numbers of children starve to death, women, looted by bandits, violated. 逃亡路上,正上演一幕幕人道悲歌,大批儿童饿死,妇女,遭土匪洗劫,侵犯。 blog.163.com 8. Typically, online transaction processing (OLTP) systems perform large numbers of relatively small transactions. 通常,联机事务处理(OLTP)系统可执行大量相对较小的事务。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Unless we annihilate large numbers of enemy troops and fully arouse the masses, it would be impossible for us to gain a firm foothold. 如不大量歼灭敌人和充分发动群众,要想站稳脚跟是不可能的。 www.hotdic.com 10. Bearing arrangements where large numbers have to be mounted. 大量安装的轴承配置。 www.skf.com 1. It could be applied to the analysis of lead in large numbers of urine samples with satisfactory results. 应用于大量尿铅生物样品测定,结果令人满意。 www.bing.com 2. Technicians extract DNA from a sputum specimen and then use amplifying techniques to produce large numbers of copies of the DNA. 技术人员从唾液样本中提取DNA,然后采用扩增技术产生大量的DNA拷贝。 news.dxy.cn 3. These objects can be present in large numbers in a J2EE application heap, which uses HTTP sessions to store user session in memory. 这些对象在J2EE应用程序堆中可能大量出现,该堆可以使用HTTP会话将用户会话存储在内存中。 www.ibm.com 4. Explicit definition of the threshold prevents the database manager from using excessive amounts of memory for large numbers of sorts. 阈值的显式定义防止数据库管理器将过多数量的内存用于大量排序。 www.ibm.com 5. Rail would move travelers around the country in large numbers at unprecedented speeds. 铁路将以不可比拟的速度大量运输旅客到达全国各地。 www.bing.com 6. The grand size was both to accommodate large numbers of people on ceremonial occasions and to create a sense of imperial majesty. 这样巨大尺寸的空间有两个作用,即可以在特殊仪式场合容纳好多人又充分的显示了皇权的威严。 www.beijingguide2008.com 7. He was able to produce large numbers of vehicles very quickly. 他可以非常快速地生产大量的汽车。 www.blog.edu.cn 8. The Indians hunted bison, a type of wild animals which used to exist in large numbers on the plains of America. 印第安人捕杀野牛,这种牛过去大量生活在美国平原上。 beike.dangzhi.com 9. Data clustering can have an especially large impact on data warehouse query performance, because rows are often retrieved in large numbers. 数据聚簇对于数据仓库查询性能的影响尤其显著,因为常常在一个查询中获取许多行。 www.ibm.com 10. New Zealand has attracted large numbers of tourists from all over the world. 新西兰吸引了来自世界各地的大量游客。 ts33z72b.blog.163.com 1. In recent years, parts of modern hotels, office buildings and other large public buildings and high-rise buildings in large numbers. 近年来,我国各地现代化的宾馆、办公楼等大型公共建筑和高层建筑大量涌现。 www.docin.com 2. The tournament scheduling constraints in Olympics had characters of large numbers of quantity and category, dynamic alterability . 奥运赛程编排约束具有数量多、种类多、可动态改变的特点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Effective document capture is optimized for automatic classification of large numbers of scanned pages without human intervention. 有效的文件捕获优化自动分类的大量扫描网页,没有任何人为干预。 www.yeewe.com 4. The researchers identified places around California where large numbers of plants hit hardest by climate change are expected to relocate. 研究人员鉴定了加州被规划作为大批遭受气候变化影响最大的植物重新安置区域。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. In this paper, we study the strong law of large numbers for nonhomogeneous Markov information sources. 本文研究非齐次马氏信源的一个熵定理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The baby-boom generation has entered its 50s and over the next few years will be retiring in large numbers. 生育高峰期出生的一代已经年过半百,他们中的大部分人过不了几年将会退休。 www.putclub.com 7. The second scenario is suitable for the redaction of large numbers of documents when the client application should not be blocked. 第二个场景适合在不应阻止客户端应用程序时对大量文档进行编校。 www.ibm.com 8. People were being killed in very large numbers. By striking from the air against Gadhafi's ground forces, we have saved lives. 为了被杀害的大量无辜的人民,我们通过空中打击卡扎菲地面武装部队,已经拯救了大量生命。 www.bing.com 9. Counterflow centrifugal elutriation is a noninvasive method for separating large numbers of cells on the basis of their size and mass. 逆流离心淘洗是一种无创方法分离大量的细胞根据其大小和重量。 www.syyxw.com 10. That's because Apple's profit, seemingly defying the law of large numbers, keeps growing faster than the share price. 因为苹果的盈利能力,公司利润增长超过了股价的升幅,看来它似乎是否定了股市中的大数定律。 www.bing.com 1. Using the red-black tree, large numbers of timers can be active without affecting the performance of the timer subsystem (O(log n)). 通过红黑树,可以使用大量的定时器而不会对定时器子系统(O(logn))的性能造成影响。 www.ibm.com 2. Large numbers of image materials for the representation stone have been gathered and settled. 收集并整理大量汉朝画像砖(石)的图象素材。 www.fabiao.net 3. Tracking large numbers of symbols scattered throughout several files can be difficult. 跟踪散布在多个文件中的大量符号会很困难。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. But even before Stuxnet struck, security consultants had shown how large numbers of smart power meters could be hacked and shut down. 但即使在Stuxnet蠕虫病毒爆发前,安全顾问就演示过大数量的智能电表会遭到如何的黑客攻击,并因此被关闭。 www.ecocn.org 5. The need to give guidance to large numbers of people has never been more acute. 向广大民众提供财务指导的必要性从未像现在这么紧迫。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Some countries have large numbers of earthquakes. Japan is one of them. 有些国家地震频繁。日本是其中之一。 www.yuloo.com 7. Furthermore, large numbers of employees must deal with hazardous substances and wastes in laboratories and the workplace. 还有,为数众多的雇员要在实验室和车间处理有毒物质和废品。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Filling your frame with a repetitive pattern can give the impression of size and large numbers. 将画幅中填满重复的图案可以营造体积和数字感。 www.bing.com 9. It has long been appreciated by science that large numbers behave differently than small numbers. 科学长期认为大量个体和少量个体的行为存在重大差异。 www.bing.com 10. Jordan Siegel of Harvard Business School reports that foreign multinationals are recruiting large numbers of educated Korean women. 据哈佛商学院的约旦.西格尔的报告,外国跨国公司正在南韩大举招募受过教育的女性员工。 www.ecocn.org 1. If those factory jobs move in large numbers overseas, China's ability to sustain its double-digit annual growth may be endangered. 如果这些工作大量转移至海外,中国维持其两位数经济增长的能力或许会受到威胁。 cn.wsj.com 2. After this, large numbers of ordinary Burmese joined in, manylinking hands along the route of the monks' procession. 此后,大批普通缅甸民众加入到示威中来,许多人在和尚们游行的路线上互相牵着手。 www.ecocn.org 3. The microstructure of cooling surface was made up of large numbers of iron particles with several micron diameter and copper base. 数量众多的直径约为几微米的铁粒子和铜基体组成了冷却表面的微观组织。 www.rm-journal.com 4. Puppet is ideal for automating administrative tasks over large numbers of servers and is widely used today. Puppet非常适合于自动化管理许多服务器上的任务,如今已被广泛使用。 www.ibm.com 5. Eventually, consumers will begin spending more on houses, cars, appliances and services, and employers will begin hiring in large numbers. 最终,消费者将增加其在房屋、汽车、家用电器及服务方面的支出,而雇主也会开始雇佣更多人员生产。 www.bing.com 6. accommodate large numbers of OEM production orders, the college students as skilled workers, the formation of industry talent "base. " 接纳大量代工生产订单,将大中专学生成长为熟练技工,形成产业人才的“基座”。 www.dw188.com 7. The plantations meet UNFCCC rules, are halophytic and will help large numbers of Farmers to get back to sustainable farming. 符合联合国气候变化框架公约的作物,可帮助数目可观的农民回到可持续耕作。 www.chinadialogue.net 8. He also provided more cedar logs than could be counted, for the Sidonians and Tyrians had brought large numbers of them to David. 又预备无数的香柏木,因为西顿人和推罗人给大卫运了许多香柏木来。 www.ebigear.com 9. The fact that Russian scientists want to work abroad is not a problem in itself; large numbers of Chinese scientists do the same. 俄罗斯科学家想在外国工作本身不是个问题;大量的中国科学家也是如此。 www.ecocn.org 10. Sums of Random Variables and Limit Theorems, Law of Large Numbers, Central Limit Theorem. 随机变数和和极限定理,大数定理,中央极限定理。 www.myoops.org 1. Large numbers of passengers wearing yellow life jackets were seen being pulled from the water and taken on board ferries. 大批的乘客身穿黄色救生衣,被从水中救起,送上了渡轮。 www.bing.com 2. File storage areas are the preferred medium when storing very large numbers of files with high ingestion rates. 当文件数量较多,存入较频繁时,文件存储区域是首选的媒介。 www.ibm.com 3. We have said that the release of classified data puts large numbers of people at risk and does not serve the public interest. 我们说过,公开大量的机密材料使大批人员面临危险,不符合公众利益。 www.america.gov 4. Despite the large numbers, stillbirths have been relatively overlooked. 虽然死产数量巨大,但它却基本上一直处于被忽视的状态。 www.who.int 5. The feasibility and advantage have been validated through large numbers of experiments. 通过大量的成形实验,验证了装置的可行性与合理性。 www.chemyq.com 6. The Irish are the second largest ethnic group in this state. Their ancestors came in large numbers, especially during the 19th century. 爱尔兰人是新泽西州内的第二大种族,他们的祖先大批迁居美国,尤以19世纪时最盛; www.24en.com 7. In early spring, apple tree consumed large numbers of nutrition. Nutrient elements distribution shifted with central growth. 果树早期生长需要大量的养分,营养元素的分配随生长中心的转移而变化。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. During the active participation of large numbers of people, showing voters the importance of these elections. 期间,大批民众踊跃参与,表现了选民们对这些选举的重视。 www.englishtang.com 9. Communities for foreign investors should be planned in the areas with large numbers of foreign-funded enterprises. 在外商投资企业集中的地区规划和建立“涉外居住区”。 www.liaoning-de.gov.cn 10. Such large numbers have opened up a raging debate. Are these companies worth it? Might they even be worth more? 天价估值令外界展开了激烈的辩论:这些公司是否值这个价?它们的估值可能更高吗? chinese.wsj.com 1. Otherwise the country will experience measles outbreaks with large numbers of cases, associated hospitalizations and deaths. 不然的话,国家会遇到病例数目很大并且需要住院治疗以及出现死亡情况的麻疹疫情。 www.who.int 2. When the weather starts to turn cold again, large numbers of bears gather around this coast. 当天气再度转冷的时候,大量的北极熊就会集聚在这个海滩上。 www.eoezone.com 3. It was protected by large numbers of federal police before and during the Pan American games. 这座城市在美洲联赛之前和进行的过程中由大批的联邦警力进行保护。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. According to security experts, theft on such a scale requires the co-operation of large numbers of senior people in Nigeria's navy. 根据安全专家们的推测,如此大规模的盗油行为,背后肯定有众多的海军高级官员与其合作。 www.ecocn.org 5. Increasingly, large numbers of women and teenagers have also taken up the habit. 但越来越多的妇女和青少年也渐渐染上这一恶习。 www.bing.com 6. Many wore facial masks as a symbol of opposition, while closely watched by large numbers of police officers. 很多人戴着口罩作为反对的象征,同时也被很多警察严密监视着。 www.rg-gd.net 7. What is needed in the case of. Is a study of large numbers of people. , To discover whether they are. More often than other people are. 对于这件事来说,我们需要对大量。的人做研究,看看他们是否比其他的人更为。 www.54tsinghua.cn 8. Counter-insurgency requires large numbers of troops and policemen (the latter are too often weak, notoriously corrupt or drug-addled). 反暴动要求大量的军队和警察(后者通常力量太薄弱,而且极度腐败,或者吸毒成性)。 www.ecocn.org 9. Server farms consist of large numbers of low-cost machines running identically configured application servers or clusters. 服务器机群包含大量运行不同配置应用程序服务器的低成本计算机或集群。 www.ibm.com 10. Thirdly, trees help to prevent drought and floods. If we cut trees down in large numbers, we will lose the best friends in the world. 第三,树有助于防止旱灾和水灾。如果我们大量砍伐树木,我们会失去世界上最好的朋友。 www.56y.cn 1. Florida's governor, the president's brother, is also personally popular with large numbers of state residents. 佛罗里达州州长是布什总统的弟弟,他本人在该州很多居民中的声望也不错。 www.voanews.cn 2. It was packed with large numbers of Chinese stock and currency traders who miss great home-cooked Cantonese food. 钟爱正宗广式家常菜的中资股票和外汇交易员常常云集于此。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Second, with large numbers of tourists coming to this event, Chinese tourism and service industry will have an opportunity of blooming. 其次,随着大量的游客来参加这次盛会,中国的旅游业和服务业将迎来一次快速发展的机会。 www.jiaokedu.com 4. Robot path planning in environment containing large numbers of irregular obstacles is a typical nonlinear problem. 具有大量不规则障碍物的环境下的机器人路径规划问题是一个典型的非线性问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Both plants were staffed by large numbers of Chinese workers and helped establish sizeable Chinese community in Nanaimo's downtown core. 两个厂雇佣了大量的华工,帮助在南奈莫城中心建立了一个很大的华人社区。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Summery : With the rapid development, market economy demands large numbers of high quality skilled laborers. 市场经济的高速发展,呼唤大批高素质技能型劳动者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Depression screening is a universal intervention provided to large numbers of secondary school students. 抑郁筛查是提供给大量中学学生的普遍的干预措施。 www.bing.com 8. And the large numbers infected within a short time make pandemics disruptive, even when the virus itself is not an efficient killer. 大部分感染人群在很短时间内会使得流行性疾病发生变异,甚至病毒本身就不是一个有效杀手。 www.ecocn.org 9. This community, or ecosystem, brings together large numbers of diverse participants across many locations. 这个社区,或曰生态系统,汇集了大量来自各地的参与者。 www.fortunechina.com 10. Via a technology dubbed distributed computing, large numbers of individual computers can work together to achieve a common goal. 通过一个复制的分布式的计算机的运作技术,大量的个人电脑可以一起工作来完成一个共同的目标。 www.bing.com 1. Polymerase helps coax DNA to replicate itself, leaving researchers with large numbers of samples to work with. 聚合酶链式反应可使DNA自我复制,产生大量的DNA样品可供科学家进行研究。 www.bing.com 2. Pakistan has a close military relationship with China, and large numbers of Chinese engineers work at military bases inside Pakistan. 巴基斯坦与中国在军事领域关系密切,大量中方技术人员在巴基斯坦境内军事基地工作。 dongxi.net 3. After 1896, Americans began to visit Chinese restaurants in large numbers for the first time. 1896年之后,美国人开始到中国餐厅吃饭,有很多人都是第一次。 www.24en.com 4. Since Korean women started entering the labour force in large numbers, the opportunity costs of having children have risen sharply. 自从韩国妇女大批加入劳工队伍以来,养育孩子的机会成本已经大大增长。 www.bing.com 5. It may seem surprising, but there are large numbers of people who would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a trip into space. 这似乎有些令人惊讶,伹有许多人愿意花费几十万美元去太空旅游。 www.ecocn.org 6. Processing the interactions among large numbers of objects is the main computation task in game system. 处理场景中数量庞大的各种对象间的交互是游戏的一类主要计算工作。 www.jsjkx.com 7. Bitmap indexes are not suitable for OLTP applications with large numbers of concurrent transactions modifying the data. 位图索引不大适合于拥有大量修改数据的同步交易OLTP(联机事务处理)应用。 www.showxiu.com 8. You can use oVirt to manage large numbers of hosts, and the platform easily scales to support thousands of VMs. 您可使用oVirt管理大量主机,且平台可轻松伸缩以支持数以千计的VM。 www.ibm.com 9. Large numbers of these gulls are found in Tolo Harbour and Deep Bay in winter. 在冬季,大量红嘴鸥于吐露港海面及后海湾出现。 www.wwf.org.hk 10. Most, however, were weekend shoppers attracted by large numbers of foreign journalists and television cameras. 不过,他们当中多数人是周末购物者,是被大批外国记者和电视摄像机吸引到这家麦当劳门外的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The Justice Department still maintains that online gambling is illegal, yet large numbers of Americans carry on regardless. 虽然美国司法部仍表示网上博彩是非法的,但大量的美国人对此视而不见,照赌不误。 www.ecocn.org 2. He credits the presence of large numbers of diligent Chinese, in particular, with making their classmates more industrious. 他相信,录取更多勤奋的中国学生可以使得他们的同学更加努力。 www.ecocn.org 3. The Second Artillery's missiles could swamp the bases' defences and destroy runways as well as large numbers of fighters and ships. 第二炮兵的导弹能够攻克该基地的防御,摧毁跑到和大量战斗机和舰艇。 www.bing.com 4. It does mean, however, that the mental abilities of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in the summer. 然而,这确实意味着,相当多的人的智能在夏天趋向于最低点。 www.24en.com 5. c. Large numbers of talented persons have come to the fore in today's education circle. 在当今的教育界,已经涌现出了大批的优秀人才。 yanni-teresa.blog.163.com 6. Tongxiang City, known for their "culture of the state" known for a long history, celebrities forth in large numbers. 桐乡市素以“文化之邦”著称,源远流长,名人辈出。 www.elycn.com 7. Apoptosis is a more orderly process of cell death in which there is individual cell necrosis, not necrosis of large numbers of cells. 细胞凋亡是一种程序性细胞死亡,属于单个细胞死亡,而不是大量细胞死亡。 www.binglixue.com 8. Witnesses said crowds were swelling in central Tehran, with people marching silently in large numbers toward Azadi Square. 目击者说,大批人聚集在德黑兰的市中心,还有很多人朝着自由广场默默前行。 c.wsj.com 9. But banks are unlikely to move in large numbers to sell debt just yet as long as investors are still absorbing the information provided. 不过在投资人仍在消化刚出炉的资料之际,银行业者不太可能马上就发行大量债券。 cn.reuters.com 10. The painful lesson of Iraq and Afghanistan has been that Britain can no longer fight long wars with large numbers of troops. 伊拉克战争和阿富汗战争带来的惨痛教训是,英国再也没有能力投入大部队打长期战争。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Moreover, in animals, large numbers of sperm tend to evolve when competition between different males to fertilize a female's eggs is fierce. 此外,动物界里,大量的精子在不同雄性使雌性卵细胞受精的激烈竞争中也都趋向进化。 www.bing.com 2. It used to distress large numbers of Eastern peoples who lived mainly on rice. 这种疾病困扰着大是以米饭为主食的东方人。 wenku.baidu.com 3. We think of the techniques we're developing for dealing with large numbers of startups as like software. 我们想象自己,正在开发一种处理大量创业者的技术,就像开发软件一样。 www.24en.com 4. Although not operated in large numbers by any governmental organizations, it isn't for lack of quality and performance. 虽然没有被任何政府组织大批装备,但并不说明该战斗机的质量和性能有问题。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Instance Store - Instance Store: Java application for (Description Logic) reasoning over large numbers of individuals. 这个Java应用程序用于在大量个体之上进行(描述逻辑)推理。 cosoft.org.cn 6. the opportunity of networking advertising business will increasingly emerge in large numbers. 因特网广告生意的机会将会大量的持续增加。 www.xiaoma.com 7. Large numbers of police cleared the area after the incident and workers have been seen cleaning the portrait. 在事故出现后,大批警察清理场地。有工人们对画像进行清洁。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Reducing PPP consumption estimates drops large numbers of additional households below the poverty line. 降低购买力平价消费估算值,会大大增加生活在贫困线以下的人口数量。 www.ftchinese.com 9. MPLS also scales to accommodate very large numbers of sites fully meshed , so phoning among corporate sites via VoIP shouldn't be a problem. MPLS的也表,以容纳大量的网站完全啮合,所以打电话给其中的企业网站通过网络电话应该没有问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. With few exceptions, countries with large numbers of cases are those with good surveillance and testing procedures in place. 除了个别例外,出现大量病例的国家都具备良好的监测和检测程序。 www.who.int |
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