单词 | maintain |
释义 | maintaining是maintain的现在分词
第三人称单数:maintains 现在分词:maintaining 过去式:maintained 例句释义: 维护,保持,坚持,维持…关系,保养,维持因素,维修 1. It is a question of finding a balance between doing something different and maintaining a professional promotion of your style. 找到事情的区别和保证风格专业性风格的区别就是个问题。 m.yeshj.com 2. Even if your toolkit is up to its task, creating and maintaining tons of generated objects are just burdensome and inflexible. 即使您的工具集能够完成其任务,创建和维护所生成的大量对象也会让人觉得是负担,缺乏灵活性。 www.ibm.com 3. Mr. Okada emphasized the role he said the U. S. plays in maintaining peace and stability in East Asia. 冈田克也强调了美国在维护东亚和平与稳定方面所起的作用。 chinese.wsj.com 4. "The managers are at the bottom of the pyramid, supporting and maintaining a balance for the rest of the pyramid, " a caption explains. 经理们总在这个金字塔的底端,支持和保障金字塔的其他部分的平衡。 www.bing.com 5. If you do, then the cost of building and maintaining the wall goes into the price of rice, and the poor will no longer be able to buy it. 如果确实如此,那么建造和维护这堵墙的费用就进入了水稻的价格,而穷人将不再有能力购买它。 www.scidev.net 6. It is only a question of how willing various data collectors are in maintaining the privacy of users. 唯一的问题是,各类数据采集商期望怎样保证用户的隐私。 www.bing.com 7. A state, he said, could become rich in no other wise than by maintaining an inviolable respect for the right of property. 他说,国家富裕的唯一办法便是维护财产权利的神圣尊严。 dict.veduchina.com 8. How this will affect battery life is up in the air, but Motorola has always been very careful about maintaining good battery life. 但这对电池寿命的影响仍悬而未决,但是摩托罗拉始终在保持电池寿命这方面非常谨慎。 www.bing.com 9. They were asked how much time they spent on jobs such as cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping and maintaining the house. 调查中,他们被问及分别花在做饭,洗衣,清扫,购物,和修缮房间的时间。 edu.163.com 10. But a small subset gained far less, coming close to maintaining the body size with which they started the study. 但也些小组成员,体重增加很少,她们的体型几乎接近她们刚开始加入到研究中来时的样子。 www.bing.com 1. "Hence, making monetary policy less accommodative would not be inconsistent with maintaining the current monetary policy stance, " he said. “因此,降低货币政策的宽松程度,并不会与保持目前的货币政策倾向发生矛盾,”他说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. XIII You may lend the DEATH NOTE to another person while maintaining its ownership. Subletting it to yet another person is possible, too. 只要自己还有所有权,可以出借死亡笔记给其他人,二手出借也没问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. McGuffin said the primary use for St. John's wort is maintaining good mood and a sense of well-being. McGuffin称,贯叶连翘主要用于维持良好的情绪,提升人的幸福感。 cn.reuters.com 4. As a way of maintaining a steady, comfortable temperature, the building features heat release panels high up in the ceiling. 由于保持平稳,舒适的温度的方法,建筑特征放热板高高的天花板。 www.bugutang.com 5. "It's about going back to the basics; maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be a scientific equation, " she said. 她还说到这关乎回归本质,维持健康的生活方式并不需要成为一个科学的方程。 www.cowinfo.com 6. Maintaining this compaction head position tends to break down the memory of the material. 保持该压缩头的位置容易把存储的材料分解。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 7. Public spending on building and maintaining infrastructure also matters, though economists argue about how much. 在基础设施的建设及维护上,政府的公共支出同样必不可少(尽管对于支出数量多少经济学家们一直争论不休)。 www.ecocn.org 8. Productive living is all about being properly equipped. Maintaining an essential set of useful tools is the key to the productivity kingdom. 多产的生活完全和拥有合适的装备密不可分,拥有一套实用工具是实现多产的关键。 www.suiniyi.com 9. Maintaining the list of online users in a view makes it easy to display them using a simple @DbColumn formula. 在视图中维护在线用户列表将便于使用简单的@DbColumn公式来显示在线用户。 www.ibm.com 10. This allows the professional to accelerate the racquet head to speeds twice that of the amateur while maintaining control and consistency. 当同样维持控制力和一致性时,让职业球手比业馀者更能加速网球拍头到二倍之快。 dict.kekenet.com 1. An occasional deep breath is all right, but should not be the norm for maintaining breath control during running. 深呼吸,偶尔为之没有关系,但是,不应该成为您在跑步时维持呼吸控制的常态。 bbs.running8.com 2. Protesters continued to gather after nightfall, with police maintaining a heavy presence and helicopters circling the capital. 抗议者在夜幕降临后依然集结在一起,现场有大批警力,首都麦纳麦上空有直升机在盘旋。 c.wsj.com 3. A robust, easy-to-use development environment for creating, building, and maintaining dynamic Web sites, applications, and Web services. 这是一个健壮的、易于使用的开发环境,用于创建、编译和维护动态Web站点、应用程序和Web服务。 www-128.ibm.com 4. He said that maintaining the ability to mate was more important to men than getting better, yet for women it was the other way around. 他说,对于男性而言,保持交配的能力比身体康复更重要,然而女性却是反过来的。 www.bing.com 5. He told police he never had sex with animals while maintaining a relationship with his a girlfriend or his wife, the complaint said. 起诉材料还说,哈特告诉警察,他与女朋友和妻子关系好时未出现畜奸动物现象。 www.for68.com 6. Beautiful systems are flexible and easy to understand. Building them and maintaining them is a joy. 美的系统是灵活、易于理解的,构建、维护它们就是一种快乐。 www.kuqin.com 7. Clearly, inflation is important and maintaining price stability is an important task of the central bank. It is not the only task, though. 当然,通胀是很重要,保持物价稳定也是央行一项重要任务。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Who ever heard of a cobbler saying that there was no such thing as boots, or a tailor maintaining that all men are really naked? 有谁听到一个补鞋匠自己说,毕竟上没有靴子这种对象?可能一个裁缝师说,天下上悉数人都没穿过衣服? yibar.com.cn 9. The red-robed man came into the tent, standing up straight and maintaining an air of dignity. 那红袍人进入帐内,仍是神威武,直立不屈。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 10. Take a slow, deep breath and remind yourself of how much more effective you can be by maintaining a positive, results-oriented approach. 慢慢地深吸一口气,提醒自己,采取一种积极的,面向结果的方法会让你无论干什么都更顺利。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Building and maintaining connectivity between the organizers, the events, and with the causes is a common theme across the mega events. 构建并维持组织者、活动和慈善事业之间的联系是组织大型活动的共同课题。 www.bing.com 2. Maintaining five friendships promises to be a Herculean task, so I'm going to have to let one of you go. 维持五个朋友的友情太困难了,所以…我要开除你们其中一个。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Maintaining your code structure in such a way that reduces repetition, is better organized, and is easier to read and maintain. 以能够减少重复、更具组织性、更易于读取和维护的方式维护您的代码结构 www.ibm.com 4. Now that you know a lot more about maintaining healthy and beautiful hair, you'll be able to impress others with your lustrous locks. 现在,你知道了很多事情,保持健康美丽的头发,你可以向别人炫耀你的光亮的门锁。 word.hcbus.com 5. The diverse nature of these environments makes maintaining and monitoring system performance a challenging task. 这些环境的异构性,将给系统的维护与监控带来巨大挑战。 www.infoq.com 6. Maintaining the commonweal nature of the state-run main medical and health care system is an important aspect of human rights protection. 坚持国家主体医疗卫生事业的公益福利性是社会人权保障的重要内容。 www.91sqs.com 7. While not as exotic as an Eastern philosophy, maintaining an optimistic attitude and an open mind can be a form of meditation. 并不像东方哲学那般古怪难以捉摸,保持一种乐观的态度和开放的心态也是一种冥想的形式。 www.elanso.com 8. It's late 80s job is more than handled by the B-2 anyway and we save quite a bit of money that maintaining the aircraft took. 它的后期,80年代的工作是多所处理的B-2无论如何,我们节省相当多的钱,维持飞机。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. Like I said before, getting your ex boyfriend back is the easy part. It's maintaining a strong. 正如我以前说的那样,让你的前男友回到你身边是一个简单的事情,让这个关系保持。 img3.zhubajie.com 10. Fast response and high flow is often critical to maintaining tank pressures in back pressure applications. 快速响应和高流动性,往往关键维护应用在反压罐压力。 www.gyzdhw.com 1. How much of your income do you spend maintaining your job, via transportation, career development, clothing, and so forth? 你的收入有多少花在了交通、职业培训、服装等维持工作的事情上? www.bing.com 2. Maintain the body, including maintaining the parts and connectors, connectors can be connected with a bone plate in the far Department. 保持机构包括保持件和连接件,连接件具有可连接于骨板的远部。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Maintaining cultural diversity and integrity is possible as a healthy community builds on teamwork, praise, pride and enthusiasm. 对于一个建立在合作、奖励、自豪和热情基础上的健康集体而言,保持文化的差异与完整是可能的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Creating and maintaining this sense of well-being is an integral part of your role as a leader. 创造并维护这种幸福感是一个领导者所必须的工作。 www.bing.com 5. Maintaining regular and open communication among the worldwide branches of a multinational company is no easy task. 维持全球的分支机构之间定期和开放的信息交流对一家跨国公司来说绝非易事。 blog.sciencenet.cn 6. For most indiiduals, drug therapy combined with maintaining a healthy lifestyle is often key to managing their condition. 对大多数患者来说,药物疗法结合健康的生活方式是控制好自己病情的关键。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. That molecule remained for only a few days and appeared to strengthen the brain circuit responsible for maintaining the fearful memory. 这种分子仅仅出现几天并且似乎在加强着维持痛苦记忆的大脑电路。 www.bing.com 8. Perhaps but some parents like maintaining the child idea to go from any them to see an achievement chaotic high school. 但有些父母也许喜欢保持孩子想法去从什么他们看见作为一所混乱的高中。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. He is concerned that he and his wife may not be able to help Tony in maintaining control. 李先生担心他和他妻子在帮助托尼控制局面方面无能为力。 www.sunofus.com 10. This includes maintaining a strong partnership with Israel while supporting Israel's lasting integration into the region. The U. 这包括与以色列保持强有力的伙伴关系,同时支持以色列和该地区的长期融合; www.bing.com 1. Calcium supplements and plenty of weight bearing exercise seem to help in maintaining bone mass. 及时补充钙剂和足够的负重锻炼一般情况下有助于维持骨量。 www.rainlane.com 2. If you're trying to establish a career or launch a new one maintaining a blog can position you as an expert. 如果你正准备开始职业生涯或跳槽,拥有一个博客可以让你跻身专家的行列。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Her passion for winning a point seemed outmatched by an even stronger passion for maintaining her beauty as it was . 一股想永葆她青春之美的强烈欲望似乎压倒了她每分必争的热情。 www.bing.com 4. Direct staff in maintaining clean, tidy and an organized work area at the front and back area of the Front Office. 指导职员保持前厅的前后区域的清洁、干净和有组织。 job.veryeast.cn 5. It would be difficult for someone maintaining this code to know whether the code can be safely changed without introducing new defects. 这使维护该代码的人员不知道是否可以安全地更改代码(不引入新缺陷)。 www.ibm.com 6. Creating and maintaining the software can only be one of several core things on which you need to focus. 开发和维护软件是你要保持专注的诸多事情之一。 www.douban.com 7. How much money do you charge for maintaining my CD player? 维修我的CD播放机,你收费多少? zhidao.baidu.com 8. Maintaining configuration items within a secure repository is one of the main tasks of software configuration management. 在一个安全存储库内维护配置项,就是软件配置管理的一个主要任务。 www.ibm.com 9. As an idealistic type, you could face difficulties maintaining your principles in a dog-eat-dog world, but stick to your guns! 理想主义派的你在这个弱肉强食的世界可能会碰到难以维持原则的困境,不过你一定要坚守自己的立场! english.tw 10. To handle all activities to secure the use and maintaining of the CCC label for relevant products within the company, controlled by CQC. 采取行动确保公司内部相关产品的CCC标签的使用和维护受控于CQC。 www.gao8dou.com 1. A trip to any Mediterranean country will tell you how important shutters are to maintaining a comfortable internal temperature. 你如果去地中海任何国家旅行的话,你就会发现百叶窗对保持舒适的室内温度有多么重要了。 www.bing.com 2. But it's not so easy to hit your marks 100 times in a row while maintaining balance and proper knee height. 但是在命中你在一条线上的记号100次并不容易。 dongxi.net 3. After maintaining an austere, healthy diet for a few weeks, the desire to eat a juicy cheeseburger proves too irresistible for some dieters. 对一些严格执行节食计划几周的人来说,一个油汪汪的三明治的诱惑简直无法抵抗。 www.suiniyi.com 4. For Mr Sarkozy economic government would be a means of extending French influence and maintaining parity with Germany. 萨科奇先生的经济政府构想,旨在扩大法国的影响,继续维持与德国之间的平衡。 www.ecocn.org 5. l brought them up here to illustrate the point of conformity: the difficulty in maintaining your own beliefs in the face of others. 我让他们上前是为了说明“一致”的重点在其他人面前维持自己信念的困难所在 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Maintaining interest in the subject matter is clearly one of the best things you can do for your teaching. 很显然,让学生对学科保持兴趣是教学中最重要的事情之一。 www.bing.com 7. Native thread implementations avoid this inefficiency by maintaining multiple stacks and switching between them. 通过维持多个栈并在这些栈之间进行切换,原生的线程实现就不用担心出现这种低效率情况的尴尬了。 www.infoq.com 8. As if the blood is the basis for maintaining life, cash is the foundation of the enterprises'existence. 犹如血液是维系生命的基础一样,现金是维系企业生存的基础。 www.bing.com 9. Hanging a mirror with the eight trigrams over the door is another way of maintaining harmonious relations with others. 门前悬起八卦镜,是中国人维持与他人关系和谐的作法之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. "This process involves at least five separate pathways and is critical for maintaining genomic stability, " said Matta. 这种过程涉及到至少5中独立的途径,在维持基因稳定性中具有重要作用。 www.dxy.cn 1. The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities. 维持有效的工作纪律的学生们往往是谁的学术机构提供意见。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Nonetheless, once I determined who was responsible for maintaining the NSDAP brand, it was a bit easier to identify the identity manual. 不管怎样,只要我确定谁负责维护“民族社会主义德国工人党(NDSAP)”这个品牌,找到标识手册就比较容易了。 www.bing.com 3. Experiments have proved that this method is effective in improving the inquiry speed and maintaining a good network-load performance. 实践证明,该方法能够有效提高查询速度和保持全局网络负载的良好性能。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. It is important to understand that simply maintaining the size of the mail database does not ensure the best user or server performance. 理解这一点很重要,即简单地维护邮件数据库的大小不能确保最佳的用户和服务器性能。 www.ibm.com 5. From the point of information management, the information classification of the military maintaining material is given. 从军用装备维修物资信息管理的角度讲述了装备维修物资的信息分类; stae.com.cn 6. It would be one of things that the human brain can do, just like dreaming or maintaining your body temperature. 人的大脑是可以做到的,就像做梦或者维持体温。 down02.putclub.com 7. A catheter device includes at least one anchoring member for maintaining a distal portion of the catheter within a disc. 导管装置包括至少一个锚定元件,用于将导管的远端部分保持在盘内。 ip.com 8. The girl is maintaining the custom which does not close down all night, is only no longer anticipated that it will remember. 女孩还是保持着整夜不关机的习惯,只是不再期待它会想起。 blog.163.com 9. Experience is usually applied in maintenance for widening curve railway, but maintaining quality fail to reach the requirement. 铁运处在曲线加宽养护中,采用的是经验法,养护的质量总是达不到要求。 www.chemyq.com 10. In so faithfully maintaining and adding to it, he has earned a place apart as a contemporary man of letters. 通过忠诚如一地坚守与不断为之,他赢得了区别于暂时笔者的一方领域。 pro.yeeyan.com 1. Administrating function: The internal administration of the office can be viewed from three aspects: first, document maintaining. 管理职能主要是针对办公室内部而言,集中体现在以下三个方面。一是文书管理。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. The bank and the depositor are maintaining independent records of the deposits, the checks, and the current balance of the bank account. 银行和储户各自保持独立的存款、支票和银行账户滚动余额的记录。 www.showxiu.com 3. Activist groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) recommend Tor as a mechanism for maintaining civil liberties online. 电子前沿基金会(ElectronicFrontierFoundation,EFF)之类的社会活动团体建议将Tor作为维护公民在线自由的一种机制。 cvs.seul.org 4. It's also trying to strike a balance between curbing inflation and maintaining the economic growth rate. 同时中国也正尝试在抑制通货膨胀与稳定经济增长率之间寻求平衡点。 wenku.baidu.com 5. As the saturation of the telecom market, the cost of getting a new customer is much higher than maintaining an old customer. 由于电信市场日趋饱和,获取新客户的成本比留住现有客户群要昂贵得多。 www.fabiao.net 6. A system and method for maintaining an air inflation mattress configuration sufficient for patient support and comfort. 用于维持足以支撑病人和使病人舒适的充气床垫结构的系统和方法。 ip.com 7. And the army has an interest in maintaining at least the illusion of an Indian threat to protect its bloated budget and special privileges. 军队至少在保持印度是个威胁的幻象上是有兴趣的,这是为了保护它庞大的预算和特权。 ecocn.org 8. A choice between maintaining domestic order and pleasing outside critics was no choice at all. 是维持国内秩序还是迎合外界的批评,两者之间别无选择。 www.bing.com 9. Providing well-commented code can be very helpful, especially for the developers maintaining policy files. 提供适当注释的代码会非常有用,尤其对于维护策略文件的开发人员更是如此。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. They are prepared to take a minority position for the sake of maintaining long-term relations with the authorities. 它们准备收购少数股权,以维持与当局的长期关系。 www.ftchinese.com 1. They are prepared to take a minority position for the sake of maintaining long-term relations with the authorities. 它们准备收购少数股权,以维持与当局的长期关系。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The server keeps track of client loggings as if you were maintaining it! 该软件保持对客户记录的跟踪就像你正在对其进行管理一样! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. S. military is committed to maintaining the ability to, in his words, "over match" the capability of any potential adversary. 他说,美军致力于维持他所说的“超越”任何潜在敌手能力的力量。 www.goldenenglish.net 4. Maintaining in a modest and peaceful mental state pushes us further up to a higher level. 保持谦和的心理状态有助于我们达到更高的高度。 www.bing.com 5. It concluded that maintaining a healthy weight and cutting down on smoking and drinking are far better ways to ward off the disease. 这项研究表明,保持合理的体重,少吸烟喝酒更有助于让人体远离疾病。 www.bing.com 6. However, he had an advanced thought expressed in his earnest opposing foreign powers aggression and his maintaining constitutional reform. 但他竭力反对列强入侵,主张维新,又有进步的一面。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. This complexity can be partially managed by maintaining a strong focus on system architecture and program management techniques. 通过重视系统架构设计和项目管理技巧可以部分解决这个问题。 www.sudu.cn 8. "Sleep is critical to maintaining performance, particularly reaction time, " he said. “睡眠对保持状态十分重要,尤其是对反应敏捷度。”他说。 3g.xplus.com 9. So a new growth industry may emerge from the crisis: that of holding and maintaining essential stocks on behalf of manufacturers. 因此,从该危机中会出现一个新的发展行业:代表制造商持有并维护基本库存。 www.hxen.com 10. Forty minutes later, clinging to the side of a snow-covered mountain I was still maintaining that I could walk in them. 四十分钟之后,只能依靠着白雪覆盖的山行走的我,仍然坚持我可以穿着这鞋走路。 dongxi.net 1. Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high levels of productivity. 次要根据工做年限奖励员工不利于人们保持高水平的生产力。 www.va1314.com 2. Modifying existing source trees in an SCM (while maintaining the history of the various components) can be difficult and time consuming. 在SCM(在维护各种组件的的历史记录时)中修改现有的资源树将是困难的和费时的。 www.ibm.com 3. a stage for inputting a pulse current with a positive electric polarity into a maintaining electrode. 向维持电极输入带正电极性的脉冲电流的阶段。 ip.com 4. Maintaining the system costs about $250 a year for new UV bulbs and filter cartridges, Wheeler said. 保持该系统的成本大约250美元的一年新的紫外灯和过滤盒,Wheeler说。 www.tech-domain.com 5. From the mid-1990s onwards, development has not been persuasive enough to act as the core idea maintaining social balance. 90年代中后期,发展已经不足以担当维护社会平衡的核心思想。 www.bing.com 6. It provides a good deal of flexibility to make a work available while maintaining the intentions of the creator. 这提供了很大的灵活性,在保持作品可用的同时还能保留创建者的目的。 www.ibm.com 7. Firefighters can prepare at the fire station by maintaining their equipment, like the new fire engine vehicle. 消防人员可以在消防局中通过维护他们的设备,如新的消防车; www.simcity.cn 8. The nature of the public security works decides that the police must be the models of promoting and maintaining the social harmony. 公安工作的性质决定了广大公安民警必须要作促进和维护社会和谐的模范。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Dynamic loading of flange bolts allows expansion and contraction movement in and around the joint while maintaining a seal. 耳轮缘螺栓动态装货允许扩展和收缩运动在和在联接附近,当维护封印时。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Job responsibilities Keep on sourcing, developing, and maintaining supplier for direct material used for production. 工作职责持续开发维护生产需的直接原材料供应商资源。 search.hr33.com 1. Maintaining a smooth flow of bank notes and coin and of distributing it evenly throughout the country is important and expensive. 维持钞票和铸币的平稳畅通并在全国范围内均衡分配,这是一项重要和花费昂贵的工作。 chinafanyi.com 2. "I don't see us maintaining an advantage for as long, as I think other nations will continue to gain that technology, " he said. 他说,“我认为我们不会再如此长时间的保持领先了,因为我想其他国家将继续获得该项技术”。 www.bing.com 3. This puts you in a sound negotiating position - unless, of course, the boy is maintaining a long-distance relationship of his own. 这样做会让你在谈判中处于很有利的地位——除非那个男孩也维持着一份他自己的远距离关系。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Humor can be a legitimate strategy for relieving stress and maintaining a general sense of well-being while increasing a person's hope. 幽默可以成为合法的策略,以纾缓压力和维持一个一般意义上的福祉,同时增加一个人的希望。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. PizzaExpress was an important part of London culture that we took nationwide while maintaining standards. PizzaExpress是伦敦文化的重要组成部分,我们在保持水准的情况下将它推向全国。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Opening up new markets, develop new customers, maintaining good customer relationships and increase the scope of the company's sales. 开拓新市场,发展新客户,维护良好的客户关系,增加公司的销售范围。 www.yjbys.com 7. 'America plays a role in Asia that China cannot replace, ' he said, which includes 'maintaining peace in the region. ' 他说,美国在亚洲的角色是中国所不能替代的,其中包括维持地区和平。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Strange as it may seem , a strong used- car market can play a crucial role in maintaining brand image . 虽然看起来可能有点奇怪,但一个强大的二手车市场可以在保持品牌形象方面起到关键作用。 www.bing.com 9. Before the factory have been occasional rigorous testing to ensure that the interests of customers and maintaining the company's image. 在出厂之前均经过不定期严格的检测,以保证客户利益和维护公司的形象。 www.tonke.cn 10. Engines, munitions, wiring and electronics are all recycled to help lower the cost of maintaining the current-day fleet. 为了降低现役飞机的维护费用,这些退役飞机的发动机、弹药、线路甚至电子产品都可以回收利用。 www.bing.com 1. At this point, while maintaining eye contact, Colo opened her hand and revealed a key chain. 此刻,目光保持对视,Colo伸开她的手掉出一串钥匙链。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Under the guidance of these thoughts, we have made great achievements in the cause of maintaining the authority of the Constitution. 在这些思想指引下,我们在维护宪法权威方面取得了重要成就。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. You are responsible for maintaining several form templates that you did not design . 您负责维护多个不是由您设计的表单模板。 www.bing.com 4. Jill has been maintaining two separate locations of the same store for over a year. 卲儿经营同一家店的两个不同点已经超过一年的时间。 lc.ypu.edu.tw 5. One of the issues faced by Web site designers is maintaining a secure session with a client over subsequent requests. Web站点设计人员面临的一个问题是针对并发请求维持客户端的安全会话。 www.ibm.com 6. Responsible for maintaining the validation master record to make sure all the company's special processes are validated. 负责维护验证主文档,确保整个公司所有的特殊过程都被正确的确认; www.meijob.com 7. Yazid was also responsible for maintaining al Qaeda's relationships with other terrorist groups, like the Taliban. 亚齐德也负责维护基地组织和其他恐怖组织的关系,比如塔利班。 www.bing.com 8. "Indeed, it is because these anxieties are rampant that some banks face difficulties in maintaining liquidity, " he said. 他表示:“实际上,正是由于这方面的担忧十分严重,一些银行才难以保持流动性。” www.ftchinese.com 9. By far, one of the most challenging aspects of open water swimming is maintaining a reasonably straight course as you swim. 到目前为止,如何维持游进尽可能的直线仍然是公开水域游泳的最大挑战。 www.topswim.net 10. Maintaining strict adherence to the company's HR policies, including Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) policy requirements. 始终严格遵守公司人力资源政策,包括职业健康与安全(OHS)政策。 www.lietou.com 1. This meter shall be capable of maintaining this accuracy for an adequate period, and the calibration frequency set accordingly. 这个表应能保证其准确度在一定内时间都不变,其校准周期同火花机。 www.dianyuan.com 2. The heart can be kept beating, thus maintaining circulation for one to two days following brain death. 他的心脏可以继续跳动,因此脑死亡后循环得以继续一至两天。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Maintaining harmony in marital conflict might be considered as equally important for both Americans and Asians. 婚姻冲突中保持和谐对美国人和亚洲人会被视为同样重要。 img3.zhubajie.com 4. With fears of a double dip increasing, chief financial officers are maintaining a strong focus on costs. 随着对经济二次探底的忧虑增加,主要财务高管正保持对成本的强烈关注。 dongxi.net 5. Ministers will have to ask whether 20 per cent budget cuts are compatible with maintaining calm on the streets. 内阁大臣们必须质问:预算削减20%与维护街头治安的使命是否匹配? www.ftchinese.com 6. The locals boast that the work that has gone into maintaining this steep terracing is comparable to the building of the Great Wall of China. 当地的人对维护这些陡峭台地的工作很自豪,并且拿来与中国的万里长城相比。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A SQL Remote setup can be seen as a single dispersed database, spread out over many sites, maintaining a loose form of consistency. SQLRemote系统可以视为一个分散的数据库,该数据库跨越许多站点,维护一种松散的一致性。 www.ianywhere.com 8. Instead, Levenson thinks the heightened sadness response might be beneficial for maintaining and strengthening social ties. 相反地,Lavensen认为强烈的悲伤也许有助于维系且加深社会联系。 www.bing.com 9. Once an organization gets started on defining and maintaining their ontologies, it needs to be managed and run across the enterprise. 当组织开始走上定义自己的本体论的正轨,需要对本体论进行管理并在整个企业中推行。 www.infoq.com 10. The funds may, upon the codetermination of the owners, be used for maintaining such common parts as elevators and water tanks. 经业主共同决定,可以用于电梯、水箱等共有部分的维修。 bbs.translators.com.cn 1. Inflation, meanwhile, has been a source of growing public anger that has worried a government obsessed with maintaining social stability. 与此同时,通货膨胀已经成为导致公众日益不满的一个原因,让执着于维护社会稳定的中国政府感到担心。 c.wsj.com 2. The stated aim of the subsidy is to help to keep inflation down, support companies in maintaining production levels and protect jobs. 据称,该项补贴的目的在于压低通胀,协助企业维持产出水平以及保证就业。 www.ecocn.org 3. Her work load was phenomenal, and yet, Margaret insisted upon maintaining an active role as wife and mother. 玛格丽特的工作量是有目共睹的。此外,她还是个辛辛苦苦的妻子和母亲。 www.jukuu.com 4. Think of creative ways of cutting your expenses and yet maintaining your quality of life. 思考一些既能减少你的开销,而又能够维持你的生活品质的有创意点子。 www.wowenni.com 5. Financial Bureau of maintaining the advanced nature of the educational activities carried out what other comments and suggestions. 对财政局保持共产党员先进性教育活动的开展还有哪些意见和建议。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The key was the ability to load balance work across the available CPUs while maintaining some affinity for cache efficiency. 关键在于能在可用CPU之间进行负载平衡,同时维持亲合性以提高缓存效率。 www.ibm.com 7. Supporting and maintaining technology is no easy task, particularly as the demands on your system grow. 支持和维护技术并非易事,尤其是在系统不断增长的要求下。 www5.ncr.com 8. Most of the participants agreed that the status quo was worth maintaining, at least at the present stage. 大部份嘉宾同意至少在目前这个阶段是值得维持不变。 www.info.gov.hk 9. Maintaining huge and expensive nuclear warhead stockpiles was the cost of peace during the Cold War. 维持规模巨大、耗资惊人的核武库是冷战时期和平的代价。 www.america.gov 10. The management of such risks with a view to maintaining currency stability is therefore quite a challenge. 在此情况下,要妥善管理这些风险以维持货币稳定,挑战实在不小。 www.info.gov.hk 1. Similar applications for maintaining inventory and for shipping would exist but are not shown in this example. 维护库存和运输的类似的应用程序也存在但是没有出现在这个例子中。 www.ibm.com 2. It is only in such an environment that China can be confident of maintaining rapid economic development. 只有在这样的环境中,中国才能有信心保持快速的经济发展。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Maintaining strength of confidence in the face of any challenge or difficulty is our spirit. 在任何困难和挑战面前保持对自己力量的信心是我们的精神。 www.ciicc.com 4. In simple terms, the property must generate enough income in rent to pay for all the total costs of buying and maintaining that property. 简单来说,就是房地产必须要能创造足够的租金收入,用来支付购买及修缮的所有费用。 tr.bab.la 5. You can "have it all" , as she does, but only by cutting life into compartments and then ruthlessly maintaining the boundaries. 只要把生活分割成各个部分并严格把握区别,她说,就能“同时拥有家庭和事业”。 www.ecocn.org 6. He said that Thailand and China are close neighbors, and have been maintaining friendly cooperative relations for a long time. 他说,泰中是友好邻邦,长期以来一直保持着友好合作关系。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. A perfect fit is when top clamp fits firmly down on both steering lever and handlebars while maintaining parallel with the lower casting. 一个完美的结合,是适合时顶部钳位牢固下来都转向杆,把手,同时保持较低的铸造平行。 www.tech-domain.com 8. Senator McCain has focused his campaign on finding new energy solutions, as well as maintaining strong military support for the war in Iraq. 麦凯恩竞选活动的主题就是找到新能源,以及继续为伊拉克战争提供强大的军事支持。 www.ebigear.com 9. For the sake of the children he is maintaining friendly relations with his ex-wife. 为了孩子,他与前妻保持着友好关系。 blog.jscsedu.com 10. Just like the Federal Reserve, it should be responsible for maintaining a sound banking system and stable capital markets. 和美联储一样,它应该负责维护银行业体系的健康和资本市场的稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 1. In one of my first programming jobs, I learned what not to do while maintaining code written by my new boss. 在我早期所做的一份编程工作中,在维护我的新上司编写的代码时,我学到了不应该做什么。 www-128.ibm.com 2. The project focused on maintaining the original industrial nature of the space. 项目聚焦的是如何维护空间的工业特性。 xr.zhulong.com 3. The conversation scope provides a means of temporarily maintaining state over a well-defined series of requests. conversation作用域提供了在一组明确定义的请求期间临时维护状态的方法。 www.ibm.com 4. They are focused on who their respective women are and they stay true to this vision, maintaining consistency and a strong point of view. 他们都关注各自目标女性是怎样一群人,并且忠于自己的目标,保持连贯和强烈的风格。 www.360doc.com 5. It means that the PM tries to step back for a moment and carefully make judgment calls for the sake of possibly maintaining the schedule. 这意味着首相试着退后一会,然后可能的维护日程表给出自己的的决定。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. And I thank you and your people for all, your help in maintaining the continuity which is the bulwark of our Republic. 我感谢你和你手下的人为保持连续性而给予的所有帮助,这种连续性是我们共和国的支柱。 www.yylj.info 7. However, despite having Australian citizenship and maintaining a home there, Mr Kith Meng has "mixed memories" from his youth in Canberra. 不过,尽管陈丰明拥有澳大利亚公民身份,而且在那里拥有住所,他对堪培拉少年时期却有着“复杂的会议”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. "We need to consolidate our efforts to conserve our natural resources, " I said, maintaining a constant forceful tone. “我们需要努力加强对自然资源的保护,”我说道,始终如一地保持着一种铿锵有力的声调。 www.24en.com 9. The smallest load capable of maintaining the bar in a slightly bent form is called the critical or bucking load. 使杆保持稍微弯曲形状的最小载荷称为临界载荷或临界压曲载荷。 www.kuenglish.info 10. A major factor in nurturing and maintaining the fighting spirit of the Waffen-SS panzer divisions was their strong sense of unit identity. 武装党卫队装甲师保持战斗精神的一个很主要的因素是他们对单位身份的强烈意识。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Publisher status table used for maintaining Publisher specific information. 发布服务器状态表,用于维护发布服务器的特定信息。 technet.microsoft.com 2. "Also associated with fluidization is stability, [since] by maintaining stability you're able to maximize your run lengths, " he continued. “同时稳定与流态化相关,[因为]维持稳定你能够最大限度地提高您的运行长,”他继续说。 www.bing.com 3. accordingly, maintaining roll stability of the AUV must be considered during the propeller design work. 所以,在水下机器人的推进器设计过程中就必须考虑保持机器人的纵向稳定性。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Whereas, a women in her thirties must go for a natural and sophisticated look while maintaining her charm. 然而,一个三十岁的女子必须通过自然和高雅的发型来保持自己的魅力。 www.elanso.com 5. Maintaining high-level visits between the two countries is of great significance to China-France relations. 保持中法高层互访对推动中法关系具有积极意义。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. Keep on searching, developing, and maintaining suppliers for direct material used for production. 持续开发维护生产所需的直接原材料供应商资源。 www.gao8dou.com 7. Apparently they did not care so much about maintaining flexibility in the future. 显然他们并不去在意对将来保持灵活变通。 www.ebigear.com 8. The property was as Michael had left it, with coats hanging on their hooks in the hallway and staff still maintaining the house and grounds. 财产是迈克尔离开了它,与自己的外套挂在钩在走廊和工作人员仍保持在众议院和理由。 baike.china.alibaba.com 9. Mirroring The practice of creating and maintaining more than one copy of data by writing to two or more disks instead of one. 镜像通过向两个或更多而不是一个磁盘写入,生成和维持一个以上数据拷贝的技术。 www2.ccw.com.cn 10. We've got to get it together: fiber is really important in maintaining a healthy digestive tract. 所以,我们必须从现在开始就意识到:纤维是非常非常非常重要的,因为它可以维持消化道的持续健康! www.bing.com 1. Abide by the company's environment rules and regulations, maintaining the work place cleanliness. 遵守本公司的环境文件和规定,维持工作环境的整洁。 www.u3w.com 2. Fares have been frozen for more than a decade even as the cost of maintaining vehicles and paying police bribes has spiralled. 票价已冻结十多年,甚至保养车辆和贿赂警察的成本一直在攀高。 www.ecocn.org 3. The harmonious society is the aim of our Party, and full employment it one of the pillars for maintaining social harmony. 社会和谐是我们党不懈奋斗的目标。在现阶段,充分就业是保持社会和谐的重要支柱之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Italy's ideas for maintaining the balance of power in Europe clearly gravitated towards major alliances, even if they were a passive member. 虽然意大利是被动的国家,但其希望保持欧洲均势的意念,很明显是倾向支持规模较大的同盟。 instapedia.com 5. The resource constraints which led to a more inclusive government gave each clan a stake in maintaining stability. 资源短缺是一个政府更有包容力,使部落们依赖其稳定发展。 www.ecocn.org 6. Capable of creating and maintaining good relationships with suppliers, as well as developing cooperation contracts. 能够建立和与供应商良好的合作关系,以及发展合作合同; job.in-en.com 7. The hydrogeneration efficiency is then improved by means of optimizing operation condition and maintaining the catalyst property. 从改善操作条件,稳定催化剂性能方面考虑。最终达到提高加氢反应效率的目的。 www.chemyq.com 8. And I can't speak for them, but I certainly had a sense that they are maintaining a policy flexibility, depending on the course of events. 我不能代表他们,但我确实有一种感觉,就是他们保持着政策灵活性,根据事态发展的方向而加以调整。 web.worldbank.org 9. Have strong communication skills and teamwork spirit, capable of maintaining good relationships with superiors, colleagues and subordinates. 有很强的沟通能力和团队协作能力,能与上级、同事、下级之间保持良好的关系。 img3.vikecn.com 10. One of the main problems in software development is the high cost of maintaining code. 软件开发中的一个主要矛盾是,管理代码的成本很高。 word.hcbus.com 1. Maintaining such a relationship, however, requires sacrifice. 维持好这种关系,无论如何,爱是需要牺牲的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It's an understatement to say that maintaining good guanxi, or relationships, with the government is of vital importance to developers. 因此,说开发商和政府保持良好关系关乎自身存亡一点也不过分。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Maintaining the data is possible from both the accounting view and the sales and distribution view. 从会计视图和销售和分销视图都可以修改该数据。 blog.vsharing.com 4. Although switching to this type of diet can be very difficult, maintaining it is actually very easy. 尽管一下子转变成这种饮食的确比较困难,但要保持它却很容易。 www.bing.com 5. Maintaining supply of public rental housing for needy applicants with an average waiting time of around three years . 以平均大约三年的轮候时间为目标,继续为有需要的家庭提供公共租住房屋。 www.bing.com 6. Beijing spends much, much more on maintaining domestic obedience (in the form of police, censors, etc) than it does on its military. 北京在维护国内服从(以警察,审查等形式)上的花费比它在军事上大得多。 www.bing.com 7. Maintaining and improving process performance can be achieved by applying the PDCA concept at all levels within an organization. 维护和改进过程性能可能通过在组织各层级应用PDCA的概念来达成。 notime2004.blog.163.com 8. Sixth, maintaining the Party's solidity and unity through increasing the concept of Party's discipline. 六是着力增强党的纪律观念,切实维护党的团结统一。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Beyond the satisfaction that comes from maintaining my own house, there are a number of financial rewards associated with doing this. 除了由于我自身能够维护自己的房子因而产生的满足感之外,做这些简单的修理工作还有许多财政上的好处。 www.elanso.com 10. Maintaining oxygen and water to plant roots is the result of good aerification and top-dressing of turf. 维持氧气和水植物根部是良好aerification和顶级的结果修整草坪。 www.cfli.cn 1. New research shows sleep is critical in building and maintaining memories, particularly the kind dealing with facts and events. 最新调查显示睡眠在建立和维护记忆方面起着至关重要的作用,在记忆事实和事件方面尤为重要。 microcard2u.com 2. TPG-Axon has recently let go of at least a third of its Asian staff, while maintaining its US workforce, according to insiders. 知情人士透露,TPG-Axon近期裁掉了至少三分之一的亚洲员工,美国员工人数则保持不变。 www.ftchinese.com 3. We show our care for one another by maintaining high standards for academic achievement and for personal conduct. 通过对学生的学业、个人品行的高度要求显示我们的关爱。 www.51liuxue.net.cn 4. Maintaining this equilibrium is not always easy, because emphasis inevitably shifts from one area to another. 保持这种平衡并不容易,因为这种平衡会不可避免的在各个领域中转换不停。 www.bing.com 5. Closer cooperation between the two regions contributes significantly towards maintaining global peace , stability and prosperity . 这两大洲的更紧密合作,有助维护世界和平、稳定和繁荣。 www.bing.com 6. This may be very difficult (or even impossible) to accomplish while maintaining links to your code's history. 这在维护代码历史记录的链接时是很难(或甚至不可能)完成。 www.ibm.com 7. Sandel said on the film's Web site that the greatest challenge was maintaining a sense of balance in the film. 桑德尔在《西岸故事》网站上表示,该片最大的挑战是使情节保持平衡。 www.america.gov 8. This last set of questions is invaluable in terms of maintaining and growing relationships. 最后一组问题对于维持和增进人际关系是尤为重要的。 www.bing.com 9. Maintaining existing traffic numbers to its sites should therefore be considered a victory, Mr. Armstrong said. 阿姆斯特朗表示,因此,维持AOL旗下网站现有流量就应被视为一种胜利。 dongxi.net 10. Although it is not difficult to write a custom appender, the total cost of writing and maintaining the code should not be underestimated. 尽管这编写一个定制的附加器并不困难,但是编写和维护这种代码的总体成本不应低估。 www.ibm.com 1. The ego must offer you some sort of reward for maintaining this belief. 小我必会设法奖励你维系这种信念。 812827.249125.20la.com.cn 2. Objective: To investigate anatomic feathers of the lateral patellar retinaculum and its role in maintaining appropriate patellar tracking. 目的:观察髌外侧支持带的解剖学特点,探讨其对维持正常髌骨运动轨迹的作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Democrats and traditional Republicans in Congress understood that maintaining the credit of the U. S. was serious business. 按照国会中的民主党人和传统的共和党人的理解,保持美国的信用等级是当务之急。 www.bing.com 4. We've also found that you can reduce the fresh air requirements into the building, while maintaining industry indoor air quality standards. 我们还发现这样可以减少建筑物对室外新鲜空气流入的需求同时保持室内空气质量标准。 www.ted.com 5. Either way, you are able to spend more time writing the application, rather than installing and maintaining its underlying infrastructure. 不管怎样,您都能够将更多的时间用于编写应用程序,而非安装和维护其底层基础架构。 www.ibm.com 6. Consequently, maintaining a clean environment is no longer a matter of personal importance. 这么一来,环境清洁就不再是个人的事了。 www.wearyourchinesename.com 7. When you're in the mood, it's a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is boosting your immune system or maintaining a healthy weight. 当你兴致勃勃的时候毫无疑问地,你脑海中的最后一件事是增强你的免疫系统或是保持一个健康的体重。 www.bing.com 8. a very useful means of maintaining muscle tone and range of motion without placing concussive forces on the joint. 游泳对于维持肌肉状态和增进关节转动范围非常有用,而且不会为关节带来任何冲击。 www.xici.net 9. Maintaining the length of your neck and spine, slowly lower your feet to the floor. 保持脖颈和脊柱的伸展状态,慢慢地将双脚放落到地面。 www.bing.com 10. So, maintaining the dynamic balance of a certain quantity of cultivated land is a prerequisite for the guarantee of food security. 因此,保持一定数量的耕地面积的动态平衡是保障粮食安全的先决条件。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. H&M, which is further ahead in this, seems to be maintaining its big regional markups. H&M在差异定价方面走得更远,似乎它将继续保持显著的区域差价。 www.ecocn.org 2. Knowing the background of key decision makers is the ticket to maintaining their interest as you explain the value you offer. 了解主要决策者的背景是在说明您所提供的价值时保持他们兴趣的关键。 www.ibm.com 3. Note that the existence of peer groups mandates some means of maintaining membership . 请注意,对等组的存在要求一些维护成员资格的手段。 www.bing.com 4. As evident from the most people on the Agile community believe that maintaining a formal traceability matrix would be a overkill. 很明显,敏捷社区的大部分人相信,维护一个正式的跟踪矩阵有点过火。 www.infoq.com 5. Maintaining a low weight over the course of your entire life is about more than looking good; it'll preserve your overall health. 维持一个适当的体重在你整个人生过程并不只是追求外表的好看,而是对于一个人整体健康状况的考虑。 dongxi.net 6. Try replacing doubt with maintaining respect of your potential through the positive experiences of your daily achievements. 可以通过日常成绩的正面经验,让你的潜能得到尊重,以此取代你的疑问。 www.bing.com 7. Administrative assistants are responsible for managing, organizing, scheduling and maintaining information for a company's workers. 行政助理负责管理、组织、计划和保存公司员工的信息。 content.chinahr.com 8. Maintaining that promise depends in part on potash, the only fertiliser in which China is seriously deficient. 要信守这个承诺,在一定程度上要靠钾肥,这是中国唯一一种严重短缺的化肥。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Said means for maintaining a constant load comprise an elastic pad inserted into the space between said cell stack and said housing wall. 用于维持恒定负载的所述装置包括插入到所述电池堆与所述外壳壁之间的空间中的弹性衬垫。 ip.com 10. During the entire exercise, the horse, should remain "on the bit" , maintaining its desire to move forward. 在整个后退的动作中,马仍然要保持“受衔”姿态,维持向前运动的欲望。 mysuper.com.tw 1. Maintaining coverage density at least 30% has contributed to the significant reductions in soil erosion. 维护至少30%的植被覆盖率可以显著的降低土壤侵蚀。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Main responsibilities include preparing project plan, arranging logistics, updating website and maintaining accurate data in the system. 工作职责包括准备会议计划、联络会务事宜、发布活动信息、更新网站和会员资料等。 bbs.yingjiesheng.com 3. Similarly, the United States and China share an interest in maintaining peace and prosperity around the world. 同样,美国和中国在维护世界各地和平与繁荣上有着共同利益。 e.3edu.net 4. This example iterates through a data reader created using a data adapter's select command as well as maintaining a count of records read. 此示例循环访问使用数据适配器的select命令以及维护记录读取的计数创建的数据读取器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. For engineering practice, monitor of the soil suction is of great importance in maintaining slope stability. 对于工程实践而言,吸力的监测对于维持土坡稳定具有重要意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Assist senior leasing consultant in terms of business development and customer relationship maintaining. 协助资深物业顾问开发和维护客户,主要是针对国内外客户。 www.xyzp.net 7. For Hobbes, this is the only sure means of maintaining a civil, peaceful polity and preventing the dissolution of society into civil war. 为霍布斯,这是唯一的手段,确保维持一个民间的,和平的政体和防止社会解体陷入内战。 lwdx123.com 8. But even the notion that al-Qaeda will be our sole security risk in maintaining bases in Iraq is, to put it mildly, wishful thinking. 但就算是那种认为基地组织是我们维持伊拉克基地的唯一安全风险的想法,说得客气一点,是一厢情愿的。 www.stnn.cc 9. We always advocate for maintaining unity of the Security Council and do not support taking hasty actions. 我们一贯主张维护安理会团结,不赞成匆忙采取行动。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. JCA allows you to integrate existing EIS while maintaining correct transactional semantics required for e-business. JCA允许在集成现有的EIS系统的同时,维持电子商务所需要的正确的事务性语义。 www.ibm.com 1. Need to remove one of these logos and add another three, maintaining the current transition styles and timing. 必须消除这些标志之一,另外三个补充,维持目前的过渡方式和时机。 www.bing.com 2. Maintaining the base state ensures that the navigational state of previous interactions does not get lost. 维护基状态可确保不会丢失前面的交互的导航状态。 www.ibm.com 3. Many children do not need to lose weight but can achieve a more optimum body mass index by maintaining their weight while they grow. 很多儿童不需要控制体重,但可以在生长发育过程中通过维持体重达到更适宜的体重指数。 www.idiabetes.com.cn 4. Determine the legal or administrative requirements for maintaining records within the system. 决定在维护系统内的档案时,法规与行政方面的需求。 www.infodoc.com.tw:8080 5. A rubber plug used to separate the cement slurry from other fluids, reducing contamination and maintaining predictable slurry performance. 使水泥浆与其它流体分离所用的胶塞。它减小污染并保持预计的水泥浆性能。 www.infopetro.com.cn 6. In the attitude of good advice, maintaining the right-based culture, self-confidence, "is still Bumei their self-awareness. " 在从善如流的态度中,保持对本位文化的自信,“仍不昧其自我的认识”。 www.cutpic.cn 7. The system is composed of six parts: subject entering module, subject maintaining module, user entering module, purview management module, . 系统分为六大模块:题库录入模块、题库维护模块、用户登录模块、权限管理模块试卷生成模块和试卷抽取模块。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Discusses the beat length of polarization maintaining optical fiber measurement methods. 阐述啦保偏光纤拍长地丈量办法。 www.lxyyf.com 9. When the war ended, we were in Czechoslovakia, maintaining a road block just down the hill from one being worked by a Russian unit. 当战争结束的时候,我们住在捷克斯洛伐克,保留着一条街角办公楼,此楼坐落在俄罗斯人管辖的山脚下。 www.bing.com 10. This article considers that Ji Kang's health preservation includes preserving the body and maintaining mental tranquility. 本文认为嵇康的养生包括养形和养神两个方面。 www.fabiao.net |
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