单词 | limitation | ||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:limitations n. drawback,inadequacy,imperfection,weakness,weak point limitation 显示所有例句
例句释义: 限制,局限,限度,控制,局限性,缺点,极限 1. One limitation of this method is all linked content appears in the resulting process as "read-only" and cannot be modified directly. 这种方法的一个局限在于所有被关联的内容都在得出的结果过程中以“只读”的形式出现,它们不能够被直接修改。 www.ibm.com 2. The screen was not visible due to a limitation of your video card or display monitor. Please try different settings for your display. 由于视频卡或监视器的限制,而导致屏幕无法正常显示。请试用其他显示设置。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 3. Moreover, the frustration of naval limitation did not bring with it an immediate turn to unlimited rearmament. 况且,海军部分的扫兴没有带来以它一个直接轮给无穷的重新武装。 www.lostonline.cn 4. Bare Theism would be to me a bleak creed and one subject to a standing limitation the insoluble problem of evil. 对我而言,光秃秃的壹神论只是没有内涵的教条,而且面临无法克服的限制——不能解决邪恶问题。 www.cntuw.com 5. This limitation insures that this enormous expenditure will not go in disproportionate share to a few individuals with large holdings. 这种限制保证了这种大规模的花费不是投入了少数拥有大量土地的人的不合理的分额之中。 www.jukuu.com 6. It is possible that the query optimizer might have generated a remote statement that hits the remote server's limitation on performance. 查询优化器有可能生成与远程服务器的性能限制有冲突的远程语句。 www.ibm.com 7. Due to the limitation of human beings'brain, language used to depict the objective world is bound to be fuzzy. 由于人脑的有限性和客观世界的无限性,用来描绘客观世界的语言就不可避免的产生了模糊。 www.fabiao.net 8. The gulf between the two clubs was apparent from the start and, by half-time, it had become an exercise in damage-limitation for Leeds. 两个俱乐部的差距从一开始就显露无遗,半场的时候利兹联已经被摧毁了,比赛进入垃圾时间。 www.bing.com 9. The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to the limitation of liability for maritime claims. 第二百七十五条海事赔偿责任限制,适用受理案件的法院所在地法律。 cq.netsh.com 10. The spirit of the Great Charter was the limitation of the powers of the king, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land. 《大宪章》的精神是限制国王权力,使其在英国封建法律允许的范围内活动。 www.ebigear.com 1. Another limitation of QA is that it has no sort of "meta" knowledge. QA的另一个局限是它没有”中继“知识。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Law, in its true notion, is not so much the limitation as the direction of a free an intelligent man to his proper interest. 法律真正的意义,是要把一个自由而有理性的人,导向正当的利益上去,而不是对此加以限制的。 en.cnxianzai.com 3. The limitation with the log file is that at the end of test suite you are not able to determine which exception belongs to which test case. 日志文件的缺陷在于,在测试套件的结尾您无法去决定什么例外与什么测试用例相对应。 www.ibm.com 4. Intercepting and perhaps subclassing any of these actions may result in a sort of "limitation" of generally accepted Internet practices. 截取以及细分这些操作可能会对普遍认可的Internet操作带来某种“局限性”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. And he inquired when we might be ready to engage in talks on the limitation of strategic arms. 而且他询问我们什么时候能准备好进行限制战略武器的谈判。 www.jukuu.com 6. This chapter is going to make a overall conclusion on this thesis, and the limitation of the thesis has been stated as well. 对全文的论述结论进行概括,并总结本文研究的不足及有待进一步深入探讨的相关论题。 www.fabiao.net 7. The removal or limitation of any one of these elements will cause combustion to cease. 支除和限制此三个要素中的任何一个元素将使氧化燃烧终止。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. We HAD a most interesting discussion on the question of limitation of strategical nuclear weapons. 我们对限制战略核武器的问题作了十分有趣的讨论。 dict.ebigear.com 9. This is not usually specified for a switch card, but the limitation is usually a function of the trace width and connector ratings . 虽然开关卡的技术指标并不明确显示,但是电流限值通常是走线宽度和连接器额定值的函数。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. But this robot has it's culinary limitation, it has no sensors or eyes, so all the equipment must be positioned perfectly. 但是它也有烧菜能力限制,因为没有感觉器官和眼睛,所以,所有的工具必须要放得恰到好处。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. 成年男女,不受种族、国籍或宗教的任何限制有权婚嫁和成立家庭。 www.jukuu.com 2. The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on length of the file names. 您试图用来保存文件的磁盘有文件名长度的限制。 translations.launchpad.net 3. Thought, which is so very complex, must be understood, but the very understanding of it awakens thought to its own limitation. 思想这个复杂的东西需要被理解,而正是这个理解,让思想意识到它自身的局限性。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 4. The two delegations were never able to agree upon the limitation of light cruisers, and the conference broke up in complete disagreement. 两国代表团从未能在限制轻巡洋舰的问题上意见一致,会议乃不欢而散。 www.jukuu.com 5. Others, sensing the limitation of being paid by the hour, are trying to develop new ways to capture the value their work can create. 其他的广告公司也感觉到了以时间决定费用的局限性,努力的寻找创造更大广告价值的方法。 www.bing.com 6. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 在这种情况下,许可证包含的限止条款和许可证正文一样有效。 www.aka.org.cn 7. The single-threaded nature of legacy application, like that just mentioned, is an example of a technical limitation of a legacy system. 如刚刚提到的,遗留应用程序的单线程特性就是遗留系统技术限制的一个例子。 www.ibm.com 8. It was due to this limitation that the great trade wind sailing routes around the world were developed centuries ago. 环球大航海的信风路线就是几百年前由于这种限制而建立的。 www.bing.com 9. Many of these soldiers now wear hearing aids. That limitation alone may keep some from going back to the front line. 很多到坎贝尔堡治疗的军人都使用助听器,仅仅这个听力损伤就让一些军人不能再到前线作战。 www.bing.com 10. The big limitation of the open-skies arrangement was that it left in place the 25% limit on foreigners' stakes in American carriers. 互相开放各自航空市场的协议有一个很大的局限性,即外国人在美国航空公司所占股份上限为25%。 www.ecocn.org 1. Specifying 0 (the default ) for this option turns off the query governor , and all queries are allowed to run without any time limitation . 如果为该选项指定0(默认值),则将关闭查询调控器,并允许所有查询在没有任何时间限制的条件下运行。 www.bing.com 2. This limitation should be kept in mind with respect to any tunables or configurations that did not have the expected effect on performance. 对于任何可调优的、没有产生预期性能影响的配置,一定要考虑该限制。 www.ibm.com 3. In speaking of what is ordinarily implied by the expression, Universe, I shall take a phrase of limitation the Universe of stars. 或许在谈及“宇宙”这个表达通常暗示的意义是,我因该加一个限制短语——恒星的宇宙。 www.bing.com 4. There is only one limitation to what can be cached--the item must be an object. 对于什么可以被高速缓存这个问题只有一个限制―这个项必须是一个对象。 www.ibm.com 5. This is a limitation of the Petals Mail component, the subject of the email message sent is always set to the name of service. 这是Petals邮件组件的一个局限,待发送邮件消息的主题通常被设置成服务的名字。 www.infoq.com 6. We can increase it a bit at the expense of rainforests, but there's a limitation very soon. 我们可以增加一点农业用地,牺牲雨林,但不久这就会到一个极限。 www.ted.com 7. Our vision at ThirdAge is to transform the voice of aging from one of limitation to that of possibility and ThirdAgers are doing just that. 我们的愿景是在ThirdAge改造老化的声音从一个限制的可能性,并ThirdAgers正在这样做。 wenda.tianya.cn 8. The fourth part of the article is the limitation of our neighboring right to exercise the system design. 文章的第四部分是我国相邻权行使之限制的制度设计。 www.fabiao.net 9. Enthusiasm is a hobby, an attitude, but do not make it too or out of limitation, just so so. 狂热是一种喜好,一种态度,但是不要太过火了就行。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. You can only have one of these - that's an SDL limitation, not a pygame one. 你只能有一个这玩意——这是SDL的一个限制,而不是pygame的。 uil330.blog.163.com 1. With such a limitation, it becomes a requirement for the single LDAP server to store all the user authentication information. 有了这一限制,就需要单一LDAP服务器存储所有用户身份验证信息。 www.ibm.com 2. The analytical process is nondestructive and the method has the advantages of easy to operate and free of mass range limitation. 分析过程对样品没有破坏性,具有操作简单、直观、不受质量范围限制的优点。 www.moderninstrs.org.cn 3. The fact that changes to technical attributes are not reflected in the business model should not be viewed as a limitation. 对技术属性的更改未在业务模型中得到反映的事实不应视为局限性。 www.ibm.com 4. This part introduces three points of the concept of administrative benefit and indicates the limitation of the main point. 本部分首先浅析浅析了我国学者目前对行政给付概念界定的三种观点,指出当前学界主流观点的局限性。 www.zidir.com 5. For more information about this limitation, see "Storage Group Limitations" in Planning Considerations for Clustering. 有关此限制的详细信息,请参阅规划群集时的考虑因素中的“存储组限制”。 www.kuenglish.info 6. Some states do not allow limitations or incidental or consequential damages to the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. 有些国家不允许上述限制或附带或相应的损害限制或排斥可能的不适用于您。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 7. This can be a severe scalability limitation for a server application , and is a well- known problem . 这对于服务器应用程序来说可能是一个严重的可伸缩性限制,并且是一个众所周知的问题。 www.bing.com 8. These droplets must be large enough to settle rapidly, and this limitation determines the allowable velocity, and therefore the K factor. 液滴必须很大,足以快速沉降,这是确定允许速度的限制条件,因此K系数。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Despite this limitation it seems that talking about music might be a very powerful way to make a connection with another person. 尽管有这个局限,看起来谈论音乐是了解他人的一个很好的方式。 www.bing.com 10. A tariff is a tax on an import and a quota is a limitation on the number of units that may be imported. 关税是进口税和一个可能进口的关于限制单位数目的配额。 www.dhdgcc.com 1. We overcame the limitation of a fixed number of columns by rebuilding columns dynamically when a change in data occurred. 我们在数据发现变化时动态地重新构建列,从而解决了固定列数的限制。 www.ibm.com 2. The limitation period for claims with regard to collision of ships is two years, counting from the day on which the collision occurred. 第二百六十一条有关船舶碰撞的请求权,时效期间为二年,自碰撞事故发生之日起计算; cq.netsh.com 3. Maybe that problem is not the limitation of our mother tongue but the limitation of my using of the language. 大概不是母语的局限问题,是自己运用语言的局限问题吧。 www.elanso.com 4. This isn't as big a limitation as it might seem to be. 这并不像它看上去那样是一个很大的限制。 www.ibm.com 5. Bush has said he will veto the bill, citing budgetary gimmicks and an unacceptably high limitation on eligibility to receive farm payments. 布什曾表示要否决这一法案,理由有二,一是预算有问题,二是领取农业付款的资格限定过高。 www.21food.cn 6. This configuration has one known limitation: in the case of the JMS technology connector, security must not be turned on. 这个配置有一个众所周知的局限:就JMS技术连接器而言,不允许打开安全性。 www.ibm.com 7. Information about this limitation can be obtained from your modem manufacturer. 关于此限制的信息可以从您的调制解调器厂商获得。 www.fan6.net 8. The electric effects could clarify organic compound with acid - base , but it had limitation. 电子效应较好地解释了有机物的酸碱性,但也存在着局限性; www.chemyq.com 9. The theoretical foundation of limitation on intellectual property can be analyzed in terms of jurisprudence, law and economics. 知识产权权利限制的理论基础可以从法理学和法经济学的角度进行分析。 www.zhugewenku.com 10. As long recognized, some values are enjoyed under an implied limitation and must yield to the police power. 正如长期以来所公认的那样,财产的一些价值,在法律隐含的时效内是可以享用的,但必须服从于行政权力。 www.jukuu.com 1. However, all such computational systems are subject to a limitation known as the Halting problem. 然而,所有这些计算系统受到的停机问题已知的限制。 news.dxy.cn 2. However, this limitation can be removed by using a TCA method in an iterative way in order for the smaller peaks to be detected. 然而,这种限制可以去除用三氯乙酸法在迭代的方式,以便使小峰被检测。 www.syyxw.com 3. As a limitation of the abuse of the power of detection, video-recording is widely used in the whole procedure of detection now. 侦查讯问全程录音录像作为限制侦查权滥用的一种手段,目前广泛应用于侦查机关的讯问和询问活动。 www.13191.com 4. The existing single sign-on systems are usually not easy to be deployed, and they have a limitation in password security protection. 现有的单点登录系统通常存在部署开销大、口令安全性保护不足等问题。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 5. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties, so this disclaimer may not apply to you. 有些司法辖区不允许排除或限制隐含的保证,因此,这声明可能对您不适用。 translations.launchpad.net 6. We have to be mindful of the limitation of these statistical figures too. 另外,我们也应知道这些统计数字的局限性。 www.hotdic.com 7. Every time you hear about some product that sounds great but just has one strange limitation, follow the money to understand why. 每一次你都会听到一些听上去伟大的产品却有一个奇怪的限制,想知道为什么就从钱上找原因吧。 www.bing.com 8. The concept of judicial justice can trace to theory of power limitation, perception of natural justice and practice of due process. 司法正义的理念溯源于权力制衡理论、自然正义观念与正当程序实践。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Due to the limitation of time and the restriction of visa , I may not be able to attend other activities except the meeting. 我因受到时间及签证要求限制,可能不便参加会议以外活动,敬请谅解。 www.i21st.cn 10. SUCH LIMITATION SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING A FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. 即使未实现任何对赔偿加以限制的基本意图,上述限制仍在法律允许的最大范围内适用。 www.google.com 1. This limitation is not generally the case, which as a special case of this occurred when they arise. 这种限制并非普遍情况,它随着某此特殊情况的出现而出现。 2. The main research results and limitation of the thesis were listed and the direction of further research was also pointed out. 归纳了本文中的研究结果,同时指出研究的局限性及进一步研究的方向。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. The best path can be planned on condition of cross limitation existing. Simulation and practice have prove the validity of this algorithm. 仿真试验的结果证明了该算法的正确性:在存在交通限制的情况下,也能规划出最优路线。 www.magsci.org 4. This method has no limitation on the system modes and orders. 该方法不受系统模态及模型阶次的限制。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Clearance of goods Limitation: same day delivery, with flights the next day to their respective destinations. 出港货物时效:当日交货,配航班次日到达目的地。 www.showxiu.com 6. At MESC, every staff should be able to grow without any limitation and won't be stopped by bureaucracy, sexuality and education background. 在卓制,您会得到其他员工的帮助,会不受限制的成长,不会受到任何政治、性别和教育背景的影响。 www.renhe.cn 7. Get rid of that limitation, and allow even greater interaction and creativity on your Web sites. 摆脱这种限制,让您的Web站点拥有更大的交互性和创造性。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Besides, even with this limitation, the final cause, or Good, is a vague abstraction, and the same vagueness attaches to what is to be Duty. 此外,即使加上这层限制,那最后目的或善,仍然只是一个没有规定性的抽象概念,正如时间理性中的义务观念那样。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Statistics-limitation-options Allows you to limit the columns for which statistics are generated during the execution of LOAD TABLE. statistics-limitation-options用于对在LOADTABLE执行期间为其生成统计信息的列进行限制。 www.ianywhere.com 10. This limitation meant that you could not easily consolidate remote Exchange 5. 5 Sites into a central Exchange site. 此局限性意味着您无法轻松地将远程Exchange5.5站点合并到中心Exchange站点。 technet.microsoft.com 1. However, it had some limitation in partial deformity of surficial body, not better than the 2 D images. 但有其一定的局限性,对部分体表畸形检出不及二维探头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. After that, we simply ran out of time to go further, but there is no specific or reasonable limitation to this scaling. 然后,我们持续长时间运行,但这种伸缩并没有特定或合理的限制。 www.ibm.com 3. The business goal of the enterprise is to gain as much market share as possible within a budget limitation. 企业的目标是在一定预算的限制下取得尽可能多的市场份额。 lib.cqvip.com 4. SimpleDB's single-datatype approach to attribute values could be a benefit or a limitation, depending on how you look at it. SimpleDB的单数据类型属性值方法有利有弊,这取决于您如何去看待它。 www.ibm.com 5. Reagan insisted that the name of the treaty be changed from Strategic Arms Limitation Talks to Strategic Arms Reduction Talks. 里根坚持要将限制战略武器条约的名字改为削减战略武器条约。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It's necessary to redefine the concept of money Laundering because of the limitation in the present criminal law. 我国现行刑法下的洗钱罪存在缺陷,应该重新界定洗钱犯罪的概念。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. You could, however, overcome this limitation by performing multiple SimpleDB queries and doing the join on your end. 不过,您可以通过执行多个SimpleDB并在您这一端执行联接来克服此局限。 www.ibm.com 8. Due to his overemphasis on national culture and the status of "Li Jing" , he has his own limitation in understanding historical events. 由于其过于强调民族文化和礼书的地位,从而造成了自己理解史例的局限。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. But you do not have to have fill stent expansion or full stent apposition to get rid of the bulk of the flow limitation. 但是解决大部分的血流受限并不需要充分的支架扩张或良好的支架安置。 esc.icirculation.com 10. The limitation to two colours in graphic design does not necessarily imply a limitation in terms of creativity or design impact. 在平面设计中仅使用两种色彩,并不一定意味着对设计和创意的局限和影响。 www.red-bookstore.com 1. The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on file sizes. 准备用来储存档案的磁碟加上了有关档案大小的限制。 translations.launchpad.net 2. A significant limitation of SPECT is its poor resolution (about 1 cm) compared to that of MRI. 对SPECT的一个明显的局限性是其分辨率较低(约1厘米)相比,磁共振成像。 www.chinaradiology.org 3. Another limitation, they noted, was the lack of a standardized classification system for COX-2 expression in colorectal cancer. 他们指出,另一个限制因素是,对COX-2在大肠癌中的表达缺乏一个规范的分类体系。 medicine.cadjy.com 4. Since the limitation of the cathodic reduction ability, the currents decreased remarkably with the electrode distance. 由于氧还原阴极阳极反应能力的限制,随着与阴极室距离加大,模拟反应装置各阳极室的电流迅速减小。 www.cjee.ac.cn 5. When you add multiple charts to a workbook with this setting enabled, the font limitation for a workbook may be reached. 在启用了此设置的情况下向工作簿添加多个图表时,可能会达到工作簿的字体限制。 support.microsoft.com 6. If the law has not stipulated a time limitation of arbitration, the provisions on the limitation of actions shall apply. 法律对仲裁时效没有规定的,适用诉讼时效的规定。 www.hjenglish.com 7. We also have to have sensible defense, because no limitation is going to prevent a crazy person from doing something. 我们也必须同时具有一定的防卫能力,因为没有什么限制是能够真正阻止一个失去理智的人做任何疯狂的事情的。 www.ted.com 8. However, the restrictions would not apply in East Jerusalem and the Palestinians have already made clear that limitation is not acceptable. 然而,该限令在东耶路撒冷并不适用,巴勒斯坦人已经明确表示,该限令不可接受。 club.topsage.com 9. With a limitation like that the only phrases I can really think of are words like cheap and awful. 它具有这样的限制,我想到的两个字是:廉价和糟糕。 www.elanso.com 10. The above limitation does not apply to the documents of permanent records and of unresolved accounting issues. 但有永久保存之必要或有关未结会计事项者,不在此限。 www.cntranslators.com 1. his right to appeal, of the time limitation, and of the competent appellant court. 宣告判决时,必须告知当事人上诉权利、上诉期限和上诉的法院。 dict.ebigear.com 2. From the point of view of linguistics, Chinese poetics have the limitation of dual-conflicts, blur boundary, and float ideology. 从语言学角度看,中国现代诗学存在二元对抗思维、诗学概念边界模糊、具有泛意识形态色彩等局限。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The limitation interests after the expiration of the limitation period are allowed to freely manage by the obligor. 对于时效期间届满后的诉讼时效利益允许义务人自由处分。 lib.cqvip.com 4. So the article expounds the basic theory of each method in detail and points out the limitation and the applicable conditions of the method. 针对这一特点,本文阐述了各种方法的基本原理,在此基础上指出了方法中存在的不足以及方法的适用条件。 www.chemyq.com 5. Socially and economically, limitation of reproduction frequently reflects a desire to maintain or improve family living standards. 从社会和经济的角度来看,节制生育经常是反映出想维持或提高家庭生活水准的愿望。 www.tdict.com 6. For the expiration of the limitation period to have effect, the obligor must assert it as a defence. 经债务人作为抗辩提出,时效期间届满方产生效力。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The reason for this, is because with TCP, the name server can respond using several packets, thus getting around the packet size limitation. 之所以会出现这种情况,其原因在于,使用TCP时命名服务器可以使用几个数据包进行响应,因而可以不受数据包大小的限制。 e-support.hp.com.cn 8. One limitation of our studies was the usage of fashion students as a proxy for cultural capital. 我们的研究的一个限制是时尚的学生作为文化资本的代理使用。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The control can contain as many shapes as you need, with the limitation that the shapes cannot overlap. 根据需要,该控件可以包含任意多个形状,并且您可以限制这些形状不能重叠。 msdn.microsoft.com 10. This induces a great reduction of implementation time for production, as well as a limitation of the associated costs. 这会引起很大的执行减少生产时间,以及限制的相关费用。 word.hcbus.com 1. Joshua Macy (with some help from Joe Kraska) has lifted a limitation of xml_pickle that I pointed out in the original article. JoshuaMacy(在JoeKraska的帮助下)消除了我在当初文章中指出的一个xml_pickle限制。 www.ibm.com 2. Of course, JSONP is a great help to workaround the cross-domain limitation and specifically when a server-side proxy cannot be used. 当然,JSONP对于绕开跨域限制很有帮助,尤其是在服务器端代理无法使用的情况下。 www.infoq.com 3. Some states do not allow the limitation of liability, so the foregoing limitation may not apply to you. 有些州不允许限制责任,因此前述限制可能不适用于你。 www.lyg148.com 4. However, they do not cast away the restriction of financial accounting, and the limitation appears obviously nowadays. 这些研究有重要的价值,但因其没有摆脱传统财务会计的桎梏,局限性日益显现。 www.fabiao.net 5. But multithreaded programming is notoriously hard to do correctly, so this limitation is not without a silver lining. 但是众所周知,多线程编程是很容易出错的,所以这个限制并不是一点益处都没有。 www.infoq.com 6. For the variety of mobile terminals, the limitation of their computing capability, the system uses the ideology of optional service. 针对终端多样性、计算能力不足等特点,系统采用了可选服务的思想; www.fabiao.net 7. There exist unexampled advantages, but a series of limitation and challenges inside and outside as well in Ningbo. 宁波市发展现代国际物流产业有其无可比拟的优势,但也面临着内外部一系列的局限和挑战。 lib.cqvip.com 8. Claiming the money was acquired in prior years barred by statutes of limitation (I was a criminal then; I'm not a criminal now). 主张财产是在已经超过追诉时效的年度取得的(我曾经是一个罪犯,但现在不是)。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The parties can only specify that either Restructuring Maturity Limitation or Fully Transferable Obligation apply. 各方只能指定,要么重组到期限制要么完全转让债务适用。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. Working with other countries is an exercise of sovereignty, not a limitation of it. 与其他国家共事是行使主权而不是限制主权。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. The limitation of the data collection procedure as well as that of sampling was discussed in depth. 本文还深入分析了本研究数据收集程序以及采样的缺陷。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. We have to ask ourselves whether that limitation has become obsolete. 我们必须问问我们自己,是否这样的限制已经变得过时了。 dongxi.net 3. The origination of these precessing methods has its historical background, progressive quality and limitation. 这六种处理范式,各有其提出或产生的历史背景、进步性和局限性。 www.fabiao.net 4. That limitation is crippling because many of the most common design patterns rely on being able to pass this as an argument. 这一限制的影响极大,因为许多最常见的设计模式都要依赖于能够将this作为参数传递。 www.ibm.com 5. Enter Article, the total number of words not limited to, the number of characters per line limitation. 输入一篇文章,总字数不限、每行字符数不限。 www.dgmini.com 6. A limitation of this method is that the source language statements have been lost. Or do not exist for some applications. 这个方法的一个限制是,源语言语句已经丢失,或是对于一些应用程序来说不存在。 www.xici.net 7. Secondly, the limitation of means of pursue interests in the pressurized system is the direct cause of the phenomenon. 其次,压力型体制下权力主体利益实现手段的有限性,是权力非制度化运作的直接成因。 www.fabiao.net 8. The limitation of efficiency regarding load and capacity limit is to be decreased, thus improving the overall quality of feeding. 装载效率和生产能力限制的局限性减少,因此喂入质量全面改善。 www.chemyq.com 9. The common findings of these two patients are unilateral proptosis , limitation of ocular movement and slow progressive course. 其临床表现均为缓慢进行性的单侧眼球突出,以及眼球运动障碍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This capital limitation factor appears to have triggered an innovative response by developers active in tourism accommodation construction. 资本局限的因素似乎激发出业内活跃的旅游建设开发商,让他们想出了一些创新的对策。 www.88769253.com 1. The only real limitation on your abilities is the level of your desires. 唯一真正的限制你能力的是你想要的程度。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. They discovered that key portions of the corpus callosum seem to play a role in the limitation on synchronization. 他们发现胼胝体的关键性部位在协调性破坏方面具有重要作用。 news.dxy.cn 3. This also points out a limitation of the QBE approach -- zero cannot effectively be used as a value to search on. (这同样指出了QBE方法的一个缺点——不能够有效地使用0作为搜索值)。 www.ibm.com 4. If you do not agree and accept , without limitation or qualification , these Terms and Conditions, please exit this website . 如果阁下不能无限制、无条件地同意和接受这些条款和条件,请退出本网站。 www.bing.com 5. Attempts to deal with features of Qipao in terms of national characteristics, function and limitation. 从民族性、机能性、局限性等方面,对中国旗袍的特性进行了阐述; www.chemyq.com 6. "That's a real problem, " he said, "and it's a real limitation on growth. " “这是一个现实问题,”他说,“这对增长是个真正的限制因素。” www.bing.com 7. This limitation can be somewhat mitigated by delegating administrative authority to each page hierarchy to a different group of users. 通过将每个页面层次的管理权限授权给不同的用户组可以稍微缓解该局限。 www.ibm.com 8. but if the mind is compelled, disciplined to be tranquil, that tranquillity is in itself a limitation, it is merely self-hypnosis. 但是如果心意是被强制、被训练得到平静,那么这种平静本身就是一种限制,只是自我催眠。 www.douban.com 9. As of this writing, the project is yet to be released, so it is a deployment limitation for the server implementation. 本文撰写之时,该项目还没有发布,因此它是服务器实现的一个部署限制。 www.ibm.com 10. However, because of the intrinsic limitation of LIU Xie's idea, he did not criticize the mistake validly. 但是,由于刘勰思想的内在局限性致使他未能真正地批其纰谬。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. If you do not mind the weight of the Arduino and RX, you can put them on the Drone and break free from the WIFI range limitation. 如果你不介意的阿尔杜伊诺和RX体重,你可以把他们的雄蜂,脱离了WIFI范围限制自由。 bbs.5imx.com 2. The construction of value and aim of legislation can be deeply understood through the analyzing the justification of copyright limitation. 通过剖析著作权限制的正当性,有利于深刻认识著作权法的价值构造和立法宗旨。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Today you are lucky to go out of the limitation to see the sea. 今天你很幸运走出了你那有限的崖岸,来到大海之中; blog.sina.com.cn 4. PI controller is usually the core of control, but there is the limitation of pure PI controller in active filtering. 电流环数字控制器通常以PI调节器为控制核心,但纯PI调节器在有源滤波中存在一定的局限性。 www.fabiao.net 5. (3) A right may still be relied on as a defence even though the expiration of the limitation period for that right has been asserted. (3)即使权利的时效期间届满已经提出,仍可依据此权利作为抗辩。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The key limitation at this point is radial strength and the ability to keep the artery open acutely when you do an intervention. 目前的主要限制为支架的径向支撑力以及在置入支架时撑开动脉。 www.icirculation.com 7. Current human thought form is in extreme limitation being born into less limitation through the absolute commands of the Tao. 当前的人类思想形态,正从极度局限中,通过道的绝对指令而诞生到更少限制中。 www.lingyuan.net 8. Worse, it is an abdication of our responsibility to our children and grandchildren - and a limitation on our future. 这是对我们子子孙孙不负责任的表现,对我们未来的不负责任的表现。 kk.dongxi.net 9. Be able to work under high pressure and time limitation good communication skills team player. 能够在高压力并有限的时间限制的条件下工作,有良好的交际能力,有集体合作精神。 www.kshr.com.cn 10. By testing, the assistant method has a certain application value, but it has limitation for its specific application condition. 通过验证,该辅助方法具有一定的应用价值,但因其特定的使用条件而具有局限性。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. But it does not in itself the device description file cannot be edited, so there is a huge limitation. 但由于它本身不克不及编纂摆设刻画文件,因而有很大的局限性。 www.bing.com 2. These viewpoints had the obvious progressive significance, but owed to his age limitation, he still had some flaws. 这些观点具有明显的进步意义,但由于他不可超越的时代局限,也有诸多不足。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Firstly, it makes a research on whether the limitation of actions is applicable in neighboring right or not. 首先对相邻权是否适用诉讼时效进行了研究。 51lunwen.net 4. Coronary restenosis continues to be a major limitation of percutaneous coronary intervention even in the era of intracoronary stenting . 在冠脉支架应用的时代,再狭窄仍然制约着经皮冠脉介入治疗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Owing to the limitation of storage conditions in process, a great deal of clinker stored in open storage has become true facts. 由于工艺仓储的局限性,熟料大量露天存放已成事实。 www.chemyq.com 6. Image stitching plays an important role in digital image processing field, which used to solve the limitation of the view field. 图像拼接技术是数字图像处理中的一个重要研究内容,可用于解决视域局限问题。 www.fabiao.net 7. In no case shall the limitation period exceed six years, counting from the day on which the accident causing the pollution occurred. 在任何情况下时效期间不得超过从造成损害的事故生之日起六年。 bbs.fanyijia.com 8. But the sole cutting method meets the certain restrictions and limitation, is unable to satisfied modern clothing cuts needing. 而单一的裁剪方法必然受到某些制约与限制,无法更好的满足现代服装裁剪的需求。 www.chemyq.com 9. Some of commentators argue, however, that targeting simplicity at the user model level can also be a limitation. 但是一些评论家认为,在用户模型级别以简单性为目标也有局限性。 www.infoq.com 10. Ability to read English is a limitation. Oral communication would be an advantage. 能阅读英文资料,能口语交流者优先。 www.cadedu.com 1. The limitation of identification in degree and scope means that non- anthropocentric environmental ethics may be formed in a limited sense. 这种认同在程度和范围上受到的限制意味着非人类中心的环境伦理可能也只能在有限的意义上建立。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. What if the application's scalability requirement dictates deployment to a cluster whose size is beyond the implicit limitation? 如果应用程序的可伸缩性需求要求部署到超过隐含限制的集群中,又该怎么办? www.ibm.com 3. This alternative technique has the limitation of having to be tied at the end of a pole. 这种替代性的技术有一定的限制,即必须系在杆子的底部。 www.bing.com 4. "Becoming the king through the destiny" also has a limitation to emperor from the interior, enables him to have a tendency to Dao. “受天命而王”也从内部给皇帝限制,使其有向道的趋向。 www.fabiao.net 5. The limitation period for arbitration shall be calculated anew from the time of discontinuance. 从中断时起,仲裁时效期间重新计算。 www.bing.com 6. Very often, the form of the present moment seems like a limitation on your life, something that is impinging on your freedom. 常常,当下时刻的外在形式看上去像是对你生命的限制,看上去它影响了你的自由。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The small sample size used in this study remains as a limitation towards conducting further analysis. 小样本量在这项研究中使用的仍然是一对进行进一步分析的限制。 www.ddqcw.com 8. Any answer to that last one is not a reason, but rather a self-imposed limitation, excuse, or lack of desire or effort. 对上一个问题的任何答案都不是理由,而是一种自我欺骗,一种自我限制,一种借口,或是缺乏渴望和上进心。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 9. This paper discusses the practicability and limitation of various multiples used to estimate values of listed high-tech companies. 探讨用相对估价法对中国高科技上市公司进行价值评估的实用性和局限性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Most data designers would cringe at this minute amount of information -- e-mail doesn't even have such a limitation, for goodness sake! 大多数数据设计师对这个数量限制感到无法理解——即使是电子邮件也不会有这样的限制! www.ibm.com 1. This limitation derives from the fact that most touch-screen displays today use a single sheet of glass as the top layer. 这一局限性源自这样一个实际情况,那就是如今的大多数触屏显示器最表层单有一片玻璃。 www.bing.com 2. One of the new champions of synthetic methods, Jean-Victor Poncelet, did concede limitation of the older pure geometry. 综合方法的新提倡者之一,Jean-VictorPoncelet是承认旧的纯粹几何学的局限性的。 3. There is no time cap on how long items will be stored, the only limitation being that they must be downloaded on a regular basis. 没有文件存储的时间上线,唯一的限制是需要保证文件有定期的下载。 www.bing.com 4. That's right, Hyper-V R2 introduces Live Migration so you can move your VMs with no interruption, but the limitation is one VM at a time. 没错,Hyper-VR2介绍活迁移,这样你就可以移动你的虚拟机(没有中断,但限制是一个VM的一段时间。 www.qichebaba.com 5. The first round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) between the U. S. and U. S. S. R. opened in Helsinki. Finland. 美苏两国在芬兰赫尔辛基开始第一轮限制战略武器会谈。 www.eeffee.com 6. This limitation is present since the PDH uses the operating systems at the client and target endpoint for communication. 这种局限性是由于PDH使用客户端和目标终端的操作系统来进行通信。 www.ibm.com 7. The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall by mutual agreement settle the mode of application of this limitation. 缔约国双方主管当局应相互协商决定实行上述限制的方式。 www.chinesetax.com.cn 8. Limitation of movement, regardless of the underlying cause, can result in a particular pattern of abnormal fetal morphogenesis. 限制运动,无论的根本原因,可能会导致在一个特定的模式异常胎儿形态。 www.syyxw.com 9. In the last part, we will talk something about the significance and limitation as well as the future direction of the research. 最后我们对这篇论文总体上进行总结,指出其意义、不足和将来的研究方向。 www.fabiao.net 10. Limitation of diversity through standardization of hardware and software and of methods and processes. 对贯穿于硬件软件和方法步骤标准化时多样性的限制。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 1. The first thing that I noticed was the limitation of the trace-method. The more I dug, the more confused I became. 我发现的第一个问题就是跟踪方法的局限性:跟踪层次越深,我变得越迷糊。 www.infoq.com 2. Any person liable claiming the limitation of liability under this Code may constitute a limitation fund with a court having jurisdiction. 第二百一十三条责任人要求依照本法规定限制赔偿责任的,可以在有管辖权的法院设立责任限制基金。 cq.netsh.com 3. The law ascertains the subject of the limitation of liability bases on the risk and interest of vessels' management and operation. 法律确定责任限制主体的依据是基于他们在船舶管理和经营上的风险利益。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The sixth part is the conclusion of this paper which points out the limitation of this article and subsequent development were reviewed. 第六部分是本文研究的总结,指出了本研究存在的不足,并对后续开发进行了展望。 www.71155.com 5. Note the limitation that the toolkit imports the content of Lotus Notes documents, but it does not import their attachments. 请注意这样一个限制,即工具箱只导入LotusNotes文档的内容,并不导入它们的附件。 www.ibm.com 6. This limitation can be overcome by "repeaters, " which pick up weak signals, amplify them, and retransmit them on a different frequency. 这种限制可以被中继站所克服。中继站可以捕捉到微弱的信号,然后把它放大,再用不同的频率重新发送。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. As large scale construction of highways in West China, more small spacing tunnels have been adopted due to the limitation of landscape. 随着西部高速公路的大规模建设,受地形和施工场地的限制,小净距隧道已越来越多地在工程实际中使用。 www.dictall.com 8. Deficiency still existed in the system and await for further improvement due to the limitation of time. 由于时间的限制,系统还存在一些缺陷,日后有待进一步改进。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The time scale of variations with the second period is still uncertain due to the limitation of data time length. 由于数据时间长度的限制,气候转型的时间尺度还不明确,也不清楚其是否有明显的周期性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Able to work under high pressure and time limitation with leadership quality. 能够在高压力和时间限制下进行工作,并具领导素质。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The main cause is that the limitation of the condition of equality in metal flowrate has no been broken through. 分析其原因,主要是在控制器设计上未能突破秒流量相等条件的局限性。 epub.cnki.net 2. The cause of environmental problems does not lie in anthropocentrism but in the historical limitation in human ration. 环境问题的成因不是人类中心主义,而是人类理性的历史局限性。 www.chemyq.com 3. The most common limitation is the offset allowed to the start of the partition superblock. 最常见的限制是到分区超级块的开始处所允许的偏移。 www-128.ibm.com 4. This one regulation still is enlarged to international airliner this year, time of incur loss through delay is in 4 hours by limitation in. 这一规定今年还被扩大至国际航班,延误时间被限制在4小时之内。 news.zyoo.net 5. Another long lamented issue for fans of our game was the four play limitation for plays assigned to each player. 另一个长期让玩家叹息的是每个球员的四个战术上限。如果你很少玩,这可能不是一个主要的议题。 bbs.baballs.com 6. Such a limitation resulting from blood-relationship entrepreneurial activity becomes a big obstacle to decision making. 这样血缘关系成为公司决策非常大的障碍。 www.iacmr.org 7. Second, through the deductive proving of the environmental capacity maximum and deducing the limitation conditions wh. . . 通过对环境容量最大值的演绎证明,得出排污点的最优设置方案为等距等量设置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Please include an explanation of any limitation on my coverage. 请包括在范围内有关任何限制的解释。 www.med66.com 9. With the weight below the permitted limitation, the performance can be improved with the increase of the PCM thickness. 在重量允许的范围内相变防护服的性能随厚度的增加有明显提高。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The doctor-patient contradicts and medial tangles occur more due to safety and limitation of prenatal ultrasonography. 超声检查的安全性和局限性引发的医患矛盾甚至医疗纠纷日益增多。 www1.chkd.cnki.net 1. Is wireless connection supported? Is there any limitation on the number of computers connect to it? 它有几个插孔,通过无线方式上网,有机器数量的限制吗? study-abroad-web.com 2. But for this topology, delay and limitation of harmonic detection is so prominent that finding a solution to these problems is urgent. 但是针对这种拓扑结构,谐波检测算法的延时问题和局限性问题还十分突出,分析出解决这些问题的方法迫在眉睫。 www.boshuo.net 3. You can update the extensions to suit your needs; the only limitation is that extensions must be less than 256 characters long. 您可以根据需要更新扩展名,唯一的限制是扩展名的长度必须少于256个字符。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The 8th criminal law amendment has formulated the drink-driving to be a crime without the limitation of situation of "Being Abominable" . 《刑法修正案(八)》已将单纯的醉洒驾驶行为单独入罪,但是并没有“情节恶劣”的限定。 lib.cqvip.com 5. Certainly, this special regulation still had certain limitation, but the flaw did not cover the fine jade, we should dialectical regard it. 当然,这一特别规定仍然存在一定的局限性,但是瑕不掩瑜,我们应该辨证地看待它。 www.lw23.com 6. Another limitation of programmed instruction and later CAI was the lack of social interaction . 程序教学和后期的计算机辅助教学(CAI)的另一个缺陷是缺少交流互互动。 jpkc.nxu.edu.cn 7. Instructional scaffolding optimizes the results of learning, but it has its limitation in application. 尽管支架式教学可最大化优化学习效果,在其有效使用上还存在着局限。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. In my point of view, his works brings us a sort of enrichment without the limitation of areas. 在我看来,这些照片表面的多意,带给我们一种剔除地域概念的丰富。 www.zhuokearts.com 9. "Necessary" could be read here as a term of limitation, but it is joined to "all, " which effectively runs the other way. 此处的“必要”可以理解为限制词,但“必要”与“一切”连用,使得意思别有所指。 www.bing.com 10. One love's lifecycle can be long or short, but there must be a shortest limitation, which is a quality warrant for love . 一个爱情的生存时间或长或短,但必须有一个最短限度,这是爱情之为爱情的质的保证。 www.elanso.com 1. The Historical Contribution and Limitation of "the law of Natural Formation of Archives" “档案自然形成规律”的历史贡献与局限 www.ilib.cn 2. Under software, as the limitation of memory management under DOS , DJGPP -a freeware was used to so. 软件环境下,由于DOS对内存管理的限制,采用了DJGPP这一自由软件,很好地解决了上述问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Another important limitation is the detection of injuries without hemoperitoneum, particularly retroperitoneal and enteric injuries. 其他的一个重要局限性就是发现那些没有腹膜腔积血损伤,特别是后腹膜腔和肠腔的损伤。 news.dxy.cn 4. On this basis, the author gives a comprehensive analysis containing limitation and contribution of the concept. 在此基础上,笔者综合分析了承认规则的局限性和它的贡献。 5. It analysis the limitation about its adapted scope, the third party and limitation in carrying out in exercising the right of subrogation . 就保险代位求偿权在适用范围、第三人、时效等方面的行使限制情形作了探讨分析。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Electricity network transmission limitation is an important feature that power market is different from other commodity markets. 电力网络传输限制是电力市场区别于其他商品市场的一个重要特点。 www.zidir.com 7. Certainly, regardless of its own inherent characteristic or the influence to judicial operation, folk law has the inevitable limitation. 当然,民间法无论是自身的固有特点,还是对司法运作的影响方面,都存在着不可避免的局限性。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. What does the limitation, the physical limitation of creating a localized inventory physically close to the customer ? 创造一个比较接近顾客的局部目录的局限性是什么?。 www.bing.com 9. By keeping the balance with main axis, landscape in-group was broken the space limitation and made some changes in content. 组团景观在组团内单调线形空间中突破局限,从形式上与主轴相一致,在内容上寻求变化。 www.sedgroup.com 10. To work around this limitation and have rich reflection over JavaScript classes, ASP. NET AJAX requires the names of types to be registered. 为了规避此限制,并使JavaScript类有丰富的反射,ASP.NETAJAX需要将类型名称进行注册。 msdn.microsoft.com 1. To work around this limitation and have rich reflection over JavaScript classes, ASP. NET AJAX requires the names of types to be registered. 为了规避此限制,并使JavaScript类有丰富的反射,ASP.NETAJAX需要将类型名称进行注册。 msdn.microsoft.com 2. Finally the advantage, limitation and applicable scope of these methods are discussed. 最后讨论了各自的优势、局限性以及适用范围。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Is suitable after the cheek admission passage in the limitation nasal cavity and the nose is called a tumor. 经腮进路适用于局限鼻腔和鼻叫部的肿瘤。 www.suiyi8.net 4. The forth part makes total appraisal to Mill's freedom of discussion rationality and limitation of it. 第四部分对密尔言论自由思想的合理性和局限性做了总体的评价。 www.fabiao.net 5. Was also popular on these two spots from the network coverage and its expression's deviation to analyze its limitation. 又从网络的覆盖面和其表达上的偏差兴这两点上分析了它的局限性。 zhishi.sohu.com 6. Second, the unity of governmental limitation and its efficiency is determined by bettering its static existence environment. 依靠改善政府静态生存状态,使政府的有限性与有效性高度统一; www.magsci.net 7. This should be measured and recorded, as it clearly defines a limitation for the application. 这应该被测量和记录,因为它明确定义了应用程序的限制。 www.ibm.com 8. Frequency changer by means of electric current for calculation limitation. 因变频器以电流为计算限制。 www.geocities.com 9. Examples of medical end effectors include, without limitation, a medical grasper and a medical snare. 医疗端部执行器的例子包括但不限于医疗抓钳和医疗圈套器。 ip.com 10. We do not currently encounter any limitation in this area, hence the maximum level is unlimited. 目前,我们还没有遇到过任何限制,因此确定系统没有最高限。 www.dhl.com 1. We do not currently encounter any limitation in this area, hence the maximum level is unlimited. 目前,我们还没有遇到过任何限制,因此确定系统没有最高限。 www.dhl.com 2. The construction of metro section connecting passages is quite difficult due to space limitation. 地铁区间联络通道由于受空间限制,其施工相当有难度。 lib.cqvip.com 3. However, there one serious limitation so far: this stunning network provides read access only. 然而,目前有一个重大限制:这个帅呆了的网络只能提供只读访问。 www.infoq.com 4. People with rights and obligations propose the defense and defense again of the limitation, they should be prove defense and defense again. 权利人和义务人就诉讼时效提出抗辩和再抗辩,则应当分别对其抗辩和再抗辩予以举证。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 5. if ab extra wu is versed in , personnel buys insurance not to have this limitation more for its by employer. 若外来务工人员由雇主为其购买保险则多无此限制。 www.ichacha.net 6. The fact that the broadband dispersion compensation is analyzed by using the relative dispersion slope(RDS) theory is a certain limitation. 相对色散斜率(RDS)理论在分析宽带色散补偿时,存在一定的局限性。 www.dictall.com 7. The band limitation arises due to a characteristic of said channel digital representations. 频带限制源自所述若干通道数字表示的特性。 ip.com 8. international trade of intellectual property rights; parallel importation; legal regulation; limitation. 国际知识产权贸易;平行进口;法律规制;局限性。 www.vocbbs.com 9. Right to use sea area, Alteration principle and register system, Limitation, Coordination. 海域使用权,海域使用权变动与登记,海域使用权限制,法律协调与适用。 www.fabiao.net 10. At meanwhile it also states that the subjective capability limitation of law makers is one factor which reduces the law certainty. 同时也表明,立法者的主观能力局限也是造成法律确定性降低的理由。 www.zidir.com 1. But this method has low accuracy and is subjected to noise disturbances, which limits the low limitation of the flowmeter. 这种方法精度差,易受噪声干扰,限制了仪表的量程下限; www.fabiao.net 2. In chapter five, the finding of this research is concluded with remarks of the research limitation, and suggestion of the following studies. 第五章结论说明研究发现、研究限制,并提出后续研究建议。 www.cetd.com.tw 3. The main symptoms of the patients included ankle pain, local swelling, obvious tenderness and activity limitation. 均有明确外伤史,主要表现为足踝部疼痛,局部肿胀,压痛点固定,压痛明显,活动受限。 www.zggszz.com 4. Cargos whose declare value is over the customs limitation of the destination country or transferred country. 海关申报价值超过目的国或中转国海关限定。 oadoc.net 5. There is no limitation to the size and file size of the image displayed except for common sense paid to download times. 是没有限制的大小和文件大小的图像显示,除普通常识支付给下载时间。 xtdownload.com 6. In short, market restrictions are a far more important limitation on black socioeconomic progress than racial discrimination. 总之,市场限制对于黑人社会经济学上进步的限制作用远比种族歧视的作用还重要。 www.bing.com 7. Article 74 If the law has stipulated a time limitation of arbitration , such provisions of the law shall apply. 第七十四条法律对仲裁时效有规定的,适用该规定。法律对仲裁时效没有规定的,适用诉讼时效的规定。 www.qeto.com 8. Due to the limitation on the number of characters in Windows path names, you may incur problems if you accept the default. 由于Windows路径名的字符数限制,如果接受缺省值,可能会遇到问题。 www.ibm.com 9. The cause of error and the limitation of this method are discussed in detail. An improved method is suggested in this article. 及长、短轴问题,分析了该算法的误差成因及局限性,提出改进的算法。 www.chemyq.com 10. We may think about something, a particular problem or a similar experience, but this thinking does not go beyond its own limitation. 我们或许会思考一个特殊的问题或经验,但是这种思考并没有超越它自身的局限。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn |
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