单词 | mainland-Chinese | ||||||||||||||
释义 | mainland-Chinese
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 大陆人,大陆中国人,大陆话 1. I meant mainland Chinese but I probably should have made that more clear, so that people like you would be able to figure it out. 不过我指的是中国大陆,或许我应该把话说得再明白点,这样你这种人就能听懂了。 www.jun360.com 2. To Mainland Chinese, the area is often associated with the rich and wealthy. 对于中国大陆人来说,住在这个地区,就是身份和财富的象征。 www.fortunechina.com 3. A local investor, who now makes a mint selling bottled water to mainland Chinese tourists, beat her to it. 一位当地投资者捷足先登了,他现在通过向中国大陆人卖瓶装水赚了很多钱。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The vase was the last, yet most anticipated, lot in a session of morning sales that drew a packed room of mostly mainland Chinese buyers. 在持续一上午的拍卖会中,这只花瓶最后一个亮相,它也是最为人期待的拍品,拍卖会场人头攒动,大多数买家来自中国内地。 c.wsj.com 5. One mainland Chinese investor who owns real estate in London and elsewhere said his London investments were his most lucrative. 一位在伦敦和别处都拥有房产的中国大陆投资者认为其在伦敦的投资是最划算的。 www.bing.com 6. Placing a cash deposit is a common practice in mainland Chinese auctions, and has been used more recently by international auction houses. 要预先用现金支付订金是中国内地拍卖行的惯例,最近也被国际拍卖行所采用。 www.bing.com 7. By the time she saw her first-born child again in 1987, he was a 40-year-old man wearied by years of hard labor on a mainland Chinese farm. 1987年,当她再次见到自己的第一个孩子时,他已经40岁了,大陆农耕生活的艰辛已经在他身上留下了岁月的痕迹。 www.bing.com 8. On Tuesday, Mr. Wen spoke for many mainland Chinese in seeing Taiwan as one of the last pieces needed to make China whole again. 中国总理温家宝周二表示,许多大陆同胞将收复台湾视为国家统一的最后重任之一。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. Hainan has long been a preferred holiday destination for mainland Chinese tourists. 海南早已成为中国大陆游客的首选度假胜地。 www.voa365.com 10. Second, mainland Chinese passport holders should be allowed to attend international primary schools. 其次,应允许持有中国大陆护照的学生进入国际小学学习。 www.bing.com 1. analysts say they understand the company has lined up Asian banks, including one mainland Chinese bank for additional financing next year. 除了昨日筹集的21亿美元之外,分析师称,据悉,拉斯维加斯金沙集团已安排了包括一家中国内地银行在内的一些亚洲银行,明年进行更多融资。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Most of those have been mainland Chinese companies looking to take advantage of buoyant stock markets to raise funds for expansion. 这些公司中的大多数都是中国内地企业,它们试图利用繁荣的股市来募集扩张资金。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The mainland Chinese are beginning to dominate the salerooms. 中国大陆买家开始在拍卖场显现优势。 www.bing.com 4. Kavalan is being made by a new Taiwanese whisky distillery with its sights set on the mainland Chinese market. 在中国台湾,一家新建的威士忌酒厂制造的Kavalan正意欲席卷中国的大陆市场。 www.ecocn.org 5. It is no secret who brought the party: cash-rich mainland Chinese, eager to put their money to work. 是谁带来的这场盛宴不是什么秘密,他们是那些现金充裕的中国大陆人,这些人急于让手中的钱去生钱。 cn.wsj.com 6. "The mainland Chinese are rude and look down on us, " says a Nepali security guard, a sentiment echoed by many locals. 一名尼泊尔保安说:“内地人很粗野,还瞧不起我们。”这一观点引起了许多本地人的共鸣。 www.bing.com 7. Q. What's the best way for a Western guy to marry up with a mainland Chinese lady? 西方男子要想与中国大陆的富婆结婚,什么是最好的方法呢? www.bing.com 8. This expression has been interpreted by Chinese courts to require the appointment of a mainland Chinese registered arbitration commission. 中国法院对此的解释是,需要指定一个在中国内地注册的仲裁委员会。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The only mainland Chinese person to be ranked on the power list who doesn't come from government is Baidu founder and CEO Robin Li (No. 42). 中国内地登上权势人物榜的惟一一位非政府官员是百度创始人兼首席执行长李彦宏(排名42)。 cn.wsj.com 10. I'll tell you what the mainland Chinese will have to say to this video. Pick one : #1 This is propaganda by the west! It's fake! 我来告诉你中国大陆会对此视频如何反应:#1这是西方的反华宣传,是假的! q.sohu.com 1. Without a license, Google likely wouldn't be able to use its mainland Chinese search address. 没有许可证,谷歌可能无法使用在中国大陆的搜索地址。 c.wsj.com 2. As the Lunar New Year approaches and the number of mainland Chinese in the city state swells, emotions are running particularly high. 随着中国春节临近,在香港的中国内地人数量激增,人们的情绪越来越激烈。 www.putclub.com 3. Muzi Mei, a Mainland Chinese columnist. Well known for her blog on sexuality . 木子美,中国大陆专栏作家。因网上发表性爱网志而知名。 dict.veduchina.com 4. Even the infamous CIA in their World Book of Facts point out the differences between "Taiwanese" and "mainland Chinese" residents in Taiwan. 即使是臭名昭著的中情局,也在他们的事件年鉴中指出了“台湾人”与台湾的“大陆移民”的区别。 www.miltt.com 5. Moreover, a Chinese company switching to a Chinese auditor will limit investors' legal recourse to mainland Chinese courts. 此外,如果中资企业选择中国审计公司,会把投资者的法律追索权限制在中国大陆的法院。 c.wsj.com 6. Yet mainland Chinese business leaders operate in the shadow of a secretive and unaccountable ruling party. 然而,中国大陆的企业领导人是在一个行事诡秘和独断专行的执政党的阴影下经营业务的。 www.ecocn.org 7. "These people are expected to be the very best mainland Chinese living abroad, " said Zweig. “这些人有望成为最优秀的华侨”,崔大伟认为。 www.bing.com 8. In Asia, Hong Kongers recycle more than mainland Chinese and Japanese, but far less than South Koreans. 在亚洲,香港人比内地中国人和日本人回收的废品更多,但远不如韩国人。 c.wsj.com 9. Alvin Yeung, an estate agent, says about a fifth of his clients are mainland Chinese. 房地产经纪人AlvinYeung表示,在他的客户中,约有五分之一为内地人。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Xiamen Airlines Company Limited (Xiamen Airlines, Xiamen Airlines), is the first mainland Chinese airline by the operation of enterprises. 厦门航空有限公司(简称厦门航空、厦航),是中国大陆首家按企业化运作的航空公司。 www.xmdsw.com 1. Mainland Chinese law permits the parties to a "foreign-related" contract to choose their method of resolving disputes. 中国内地法律允许“涉外”合同的相关各方选择纠纷解决方式。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Britain is home to more than 400 mainland Chinese companies and is already ranked first in Europe for ease of doing business. 英国还是超过400家中国大陆公司的总部所在地。 www.bing.com 3. The company is planning to list on the mainland Chinese market soon. 腾讯计划不久在中国内地上市。 www.ftchinese.com 4. One day, perhaps, the imaginations of mainland Chinese will be allowed to roam free. 或许,在未来的某一天,想象的力量才能自由穿梭洋溢于中国大陆上。 www.bing.com 5. The surgeries, already popular among Koreans, are booming among newly rich, globally competitive, mainland Chinese, explains Dr Kim. 金医师说,这些整容手术正风靡新近富裕的中国大陆。 www.bing.com 6. That means mainland Chinese people can read traditional characters and still handwrite using simplified characters, Tsao said. 这就意味着大陆人民可以读繁体字,同时写简体字,陶说。 www.bing.com 7. Mainland Chinese athletes did not compete until 1974, and Iraq was barred in 1990. 中国大陆运动员直到1974年才开始参赛,而伊拉克则在1990年被禁止参赛。 www.readywin.com 8. Mainland Chinese buyers are slowly emerging, though insiders say most are speculators attracted to the giddy returns of recent years. 中国内地买家正缓慢浮现出来,但内行们表示,其中多数人是投机者,为近年来艺术品市场火爆的复苏场景所吸引。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This paper reports a contrastive study on refusal strategies employed by American English speakers and Mainland Chinese speakers. 本文对美国和中国大陆的拒绝策略使用情况进行了对比调查研究。 www.dictall.com 10. Mainland Chinese people have accumulated so much wealth. 中国内地的客户已经积累了大量的财富。 c.wsj.com 1. While mainland Chinese television programs and movies are filled with heroes, most are dead emperors and military leaders. 虽然中国大陆的电视节目和电影中满是英雄,但大多是已不在人世的皇帝和军事领导人。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. Yesterday's deal follows talks in June, which allowed mainland Chinese tourists to visit Taiwan and established weekend direct flights. 6月份的会谈中,双方达成协议,允许中国大陆居民赴台旅游,并开通了周末直飞航班。 www.hjenglish.com 3. The share of a Mainland Chinese company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. 在纽约交易所上市的中国大陆公司。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 4. The share of a Mainland Chinese company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. 在新加坡交易所上市的中国大陆公司。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 5. Another hurdle is the scarcity of seasoned wealth management professionals who can connect with mainland Chinese clients. 另一个障碍是,缺乏可以维系内地客户的资深财富管理专业人士。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Earlier this year, HKEx began allowing mainland Chinese companies to use Chinese accounting standards and auditors. 今年早些时候,港交所开始允许内地中资公司使用中国的会计准则和审计员。 c.wsj.com 7. To really flourish, Taiwan cannot rely on their market alone, but have to consider the mainland Chinese market. 要真正的繁荣台湾电影,光靠台湾本土市场是远远不够的,应该好好考虑大陆的市场前景。 www.elanso.com 8. The exterior resembles the Beijing Olympics' iconic 'Water Cube' -- a move aimed at drawing in Macau's large mainland-Chinese clientele. 赌场的外表酷似北京奥运会的标志性建筑“水立方”,这是为了吸引来澳门的大量大陆赌客。 c.wsj.com 9. How soon before mainland Chinese buys this American technology from its brothers. 很快中国大陆人就能从他们的兄弟手中买走美国的技术了。 www.ptfcn.com 10. Prices at the luxury end of the market, fuelled by purchases by many wealthy mainland Chinese, are about 10 per cent above their 1997 peak. 在中国内地许多富人买盘的推动下,高端豪宅楼价已高出1997年峰值大约10%。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Even a few years ago, private philanthropy barely existed among mainland Chinese. 就在几年前,私人慈善事业在中国内地还几乎不存在。 www.ftchinese.com 2. To date all of these have been mainland Chinese bodies, such as China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. 迄今为止,所有此类委员会都是中国内地机构,例如中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(ChinaInternationalEconomicandTradeArbitrationCommission)。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Instead, what they learn about in mainland Chinese history textbooks is the P. L. A. 's "great victory" when it "liberated" that city. 他们知道的是,大陆的历史教科书说,解放军在“解放”该城时,取得了“伟大的胜利”。 www.bing.com 4. One sign of how far the Indonesian government has come is its willingness to post mainland Chinese teachers across Indonesia. 显示印尼政府立场转变的一个信号就是愿意向印尼各地派遣中国汉语教师志愿者。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Last October, Huayi became the first mainland Chinese moviemaker to go public, raising roughly $176 million in Shenzhen. 2009年10月,华谊兄弟成为中国内地第一家公开上市的电影公司,在深交所挂牌,筹得约1,760万美元的资金。 chinese.wsj.com 6. This dissertation is a "re-study" of mainland Chinese rural political studies since 1990. 本文是对1990年代以来中国大陆乡村政治研究的一个“再研究”。 www.dictall.com 7. With restrictions on mainland Chinese tourists fast diminishing, the island could see a surge in medical tourists. 随着台湾方面快速放开对大陆游客的限制,台湾或许会出现医疗游客暴增的现象。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Mainland Chinese stock markets were trading slightly higher this week on the news. 汇改消息传出后,中国大陆股市上周微幅走高。 www.ftchinese.com 9. He explored his mainland Chinese heritage and bankrolled Empire of Silver, a lavish film set in feudal times in Shanxi. 他尝试挖掘大陆的中国文化遗产,并为《白银帝国》提供资金支持,那是一部描述山西封建时代的巨制影片。 www.bing.com 10. Hopu is a mainland Chinese fund backed by Temasek, Singapore's state investment agency, and Goldman Sachs. 厚朴是一家中国基金,受到新加坡政府投资机构淡马锡(Temasek)和高盛(GoldmanSachs)的支持。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Mainland Chinese visitors to Taiwan, you may now get off the tour bus. 来自中国大陆的旅行者,你们现在可以跳下旅游巴士了。 bbs.city.tianya.cn 2. This is not the first time that mainland Chinese have fanned out to work the world's natural riches. 这已不是中国大陆人第一次四散开来开发世界的自然财富。 www.ecocn.org 3. Mr. Zhang quickly became the favorite director of government officials and remains the most famous mainland Chinese director in the world. 张艺谋导演迅速成了政府各种大型活动的策划人,并成为世界上最著名的中国大陆导演。 www.bing.com 4. Many mainland Chinese have bought second homes on Hainan as vacation retreats and investments. 许多中国大陆人在海南买了第二个家作为假期休闲地区和另一种方式的投资。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. 'Mainland Chinese VVIP's are usually over-40 males, who are entrepreneurs, ' says Mr. Chan. 'We've found that they prefer more privacy. ' 陈先生说,“来自中国大陆的VVIP通常是40岁以上的男性企业主。我们已经发现,他们希望得到更多的私人购物空间。” chinese.wsj.com 6. Bankers serving China also remark that mainland Chinese tend to prefer mainland blue-chip equities. 服务中国客户的银行家也指出,中国大陆客户往往偏向选择大陆蓝筹股。 www.ftchinese.com 7. So it made no sense not to recognise mainland Chinese qualifications. 因此,不承认中国大陆的学历毫无道理。 www.bing.com 8. Most mainland Chinese fishing boats are dilapidated and lacking in life-saving equipment. 大陆渔船多半老旧,船上救生及机具设备也不足。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Macao's growth has come amid a relaxation of travel restrictions for mainland Chinese over the past few years. 过去几年,中国内地放宽了对旅游的限制,澳门经济随之增长。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Will mainland Chinese again become Red Guards? Will they drown in a sea of blood? 中国人还会不会变成红卫兵(溺死在红海洋)? datelinetaipei.wordpress.com 1. It doesnt just look good for a Mainland Chinese animation, it seriously just looks good. 它不只是寻找大陆动画很好,只是认真好看。 tieba.baidu.com 2. And some officials ache for a mainland Chinese writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. 有的官员呼吁大陆的作家参选诺贝尔文学奖。 www.bing.com 3. Wealthy mainland Chinese gamblers helped Macao surpass Las Vegas in 2006 as the largest gaming centre. 在富有的中国内地赌客推动下,澳门2006年超越拉斯维加斯,成为全球最大的博彩中心。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The reality is more complicated, and disturbing for those few mainland Chinese who are ever exposed to it. 对那些少数到过台湾的中国大陆人而言,事实更为复杂,而且令人担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Mainland Chinese taste is influenced more by history and tradition than by aesthetics. 中国大陆人的嗜好,受历史与传统影响多于审美。 www.bing.com 6. "The growth of the mainland Chinese market has really just begun, " Mr Tai said. “大陆市场的增长真的才刚刚起步,”戴昆财表示。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I even kind of envy mainland Chinese. I hate the idea that they might affect my country's economy. 我甚至有点嫉妒中国大陆,我不喜欢他们可能会影响我的国家的经济这种事情。 www.tianya.cn 8. Thus it is the Taiwanese, not the mainland Chinese, who can claim the most direct link to the 1911 revolution. 因此可以宣称与1911年辛亥革命有着最直接联系的是台湾,而不是大陆。 www.ftchinese.com 9. No Indian economists are known to have a regular column in mainland Chinese publications. 据已知,并没有印度经济学家为中国大陆出版刊物撰写定期专栏。 dongxi.net 10. Mr. Tong: Mainland Chinese have accumulated wealth very quickly. 唐启立:中国人积累财富的速度非常快。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Such transactions account for only 1% to 2% of total turnover and don't deter non-immigration-related demand from wealthy mainland Chinese. 此类交易在总交易额中仅占1%到2%,不会阻碍富有大陆居民对房产的非移民性需求。 c.wsj.com 2. In some cases, however, expectations of shopping largess from mainland Chinese tourists can turn against them. 但有些时候,希望中国内地游客能更多地消费也会适得其反。 c.wsj.com 3. Mainland Chinese media were silent on this story. 中国大陆媒体在这个事件中保持沉默。 www.ecocn.org 4. It's Golden Week, which means an influx of mainland Chinese visitors to the city, many of whom spend their days shopping. 本周是黄金周,也就是说,来自中国大陆的观光客潮水般涌入香港,其中多数都为了购物。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Of course, not every Taiwanese person behaves in this way, but it's also true that not all mainland Chinese are like Chen. 当然,这些人不代表所有台湾人,正如就算觉得陈光标暴发,并不意味大陆人都是这样。 c.wsj.com 6. But U. S. conservatives and some mainland Chinese say the piece, known from a 1956 anti-American film, was a slap. 但是美国的保守派和一些大陆的天朝人认为这首在1956年反美的电影中出现的曲子对美国人来说是一记响亮的耳光。 www.kuandaishan.com 7. Since peaking in October 2007, mainland Chinese shares have lost nearly three-quarters of their value. 自2007年10月达到最高点以来,中国内地的股票市值已经蒸发了近四分之三。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But some just can't sustain their H-share prices even after the fresh infusion of mainland Chinese cash. 但有些公司注入其在大陆股市募集的资金后却无法使其H股价格继续保持在高水平。 www.ebigear.com 9. But the vast majority of companies on the list are mainland Chinese companies, including 33 state-owned enterprises. 但绝大多数上榜企业都是中国大陆的公司,其中包括33家国有企业。 c.wsj.com 10. The sheer number of mainland Chinese now studying in the US(about40, 000) demonstrates that interest and ability are high. 如今在美国留学的来自中国大陆的学生人数之多(约4万)表明去美留学的兴趣之浓厚与能力之高超。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. The presence of mainland Chinese buyers in many of the categories drove prices, in some cases, to record levels, the auction house said. 佳士得说,中国大陆买家的出现推高了很多类拍卖品的价格,有些情况下甚至达到了创纪录的水平。 cn.wsj.com 2. Mainland Chinese equities suffered their biggest fall for two weeks, as the Shanghai Composite index shed 1. 9 per cent. 中国内地股市出现2周来最大跌幅,上证指数跌1. www.ftchinese.com 3. Many serve mainland Chinese from offshore centres. 许多银行从离岸中心向中国内地客户提供服务。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Chan in recent years has focused his efforts on the mainland Chinese market. 近年来成龙的事业致力中国市场。 www.bing.com 5. Q: You're localizing the menu for the mainland Chinese market. 问:麦当劳正在为中国大陆市场推出本地化的菜谱。 www.bing.com 6. You talked about the feelings of TW people. So what about the feelings of mainland Chinese? 你们提到台湾人的感情和愿望,那么有没有想过大陆中国人的感情和愿望呢? www.showxiu.com 7. Trade talks in 2008 paved the way for mainland Chinese to visit Taiwan, but, for security reasons, only in tour groups. 2008年的贸易会谈为两岸旅游开辟了道路,然而出于安全考虑,只允许旅游团前往台湾。 www.miltt.com 8. Prior to the financial crisis, the 30-year-old entrepreneur brokered deals to bring mainland Chinese companies to the stock market. 在经济危机之前,这位三十岁的企业家则是为大陆企业提供股票上市以及相关业务的经纪人。 www.bing.com 9. Last year, one of Apple's biggest suppliers was hit by a wave of worker suicides at several of its mainland Chinese facilities. 去年,苹果最大的供应商之一在好几处中国内地的工厂遭遇工人自杀风波。 www.bing.com 10. Shares of mainland Chinese companies were not immune to the US gloom. 中国内地公司的股票未能免受美国经济低迷的拖累。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Very few native mainland Chinese speak good English. 中国大陆很少有人英语说的好的。 www.chnmilitary.com 2. Now it must rely on mainland Chinese authorities to root out fraud. 现在它必须仰仗内地有关部门来杜绝欺诈行为。 c.wsj.com 3. Mr. Rong led Citic's mainland Chinese business until 1993 and later became the country's vice president. 荣毅仁领导中信集团的大陆业务直到1993年,此后不久他出任了中国国家副主席。 www.enfamily.cn 4. I am mainland Chinese and I will definitely stop and help in whatever way I could. 我是中国大陆人。我绝对会停下来并以任何我能做到的方式去帮助。 www.tianya.cn 5. Young overseas Chinese, mainland Chinese, anyone interested in China and pop culture, Jewish hipsters. 在外国的中国留学生、大陆人、任何对中国、流行文化以及犹太爵士乐感兴趣的人。 www.bing.com 6. Built in 2004, this one is designed with mainland Chinese tourists in mind. 这座雕像建于2004年,这个设计让中国大陆游客铭刻于心。 www.bing.com 7. Many Chinese companies offer better career prospects, according to some mainland Chinese professionals. 一些中国内地专业人士指出,很多中国企业能提供更好的职业前景。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Over the past year, however, Mr Tai has seen demand surge from mainland Chinese cities such as Shanghai and Beijing. 但过去的一年里,来自上海和北京等中国大陆城市的需求出现了大幅增长。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Two-thirds of mainland Chinese live in the fertile eastern fifth of the country. 三分之二的中国大陆人都生活在肥沃的东部沿海地区。 www.ecocn.org 10. Mainland Chinese sales increased 15. 7% year- over- year for the first half of 2010 , constituting 37% of total year-to- date sales . 2010年上半年,佐丹奴在内地的销售额比去年同期增长了15.7%,为年初至今总销售额的37%。 www.bing.com 1. Mainland Chinese accounted for 51 percent of Macau's visitors in 2008, according to Macau's Statistics and Census Service. 据澳门统计暨普查局数据显示,2008年内地游客占澳门游客总数的51%。 cn.reuters.com 2. The mainland Chinese stock market had its best day in seven weeks, rising 7. 3 per cent. 中国大陆股市上涨7.3%,创7周以来的最大单日涨幅。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Then you go to mainland Chinese companies will face. Think now what you need most! ? That's all. 那你到陆资企业也会遇到的。想想现在的你最需要什麽!?这样就好了。 wenda.tianya.cn 4. About 760 mainland Chinese plan to make the trip this weekend, but that number is expected to increase to 3, 000 by mid-July. 本周末,大约760名大陆游客表达了出游台湾的意向,这个数字在7月中旬有望达到3000。 www.bing.com 5. Mainland Chinese exchanges raised $66. 9bn, according to Dealogic. 据Dealogic统计,中国内地各交易所的总融资规模为669亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 6. By June 2009, mainland Chinese scientists had published 81 papers in Nature and 59 in Science. 到2009年6月,中国大陆的科学家已经在《自然》杂志上发表了81篇论文,在《科学》杂志上发表了59篇论文。 www.scidev.net 7. Ask a mainland Chinese student why Taiwan is an inalienable part of China and at most the response will be "because it is. " 当你问及一位大陆的学生,为什么台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分时,他们大多数只会回答,“因为它是。” www.bing.com 8. Since March, Google has been redirecting mainland Chinese users to its Hong Kong site, where Beijing's restrictions do not apply. 自今年3年以来,谷歌将中国内地用户重新定向至其香港站点,那里不受中国网络审查制度的管辖。 www.bing.com 9. Of 42 mainland Chinese companies in the Fortune 500 list of the world's biggest firms in 2010, all but three were owned by the government. 2010年中国大陆有42家公司登上世界最大公司财富500强榜单,除了三家公司之外,其余全部归政府所有。 www.bing.com 10. HITOMI: Many of mainland Chinese companies that invest in South East Asia have a lot of local partners who are not ethnic Chinese. 许多大陆的中国公司在东南亚投资,有很多当地的伙伴而不是当地的中国人。 www.miltt.com 1. Mainland Chinese collectors prefer more traditional 20th-century masters such as Chen Chengbo and Wu Guanzhong. 中国大陆的收藏家更倾爱于比较传统的20世纪大师陈诚波和吴冠中的佳作。 www.ecocn.org 2. He can sit next to a mainland [Chinese] and a Taiwanese fund managers and they can share their views. 他可以坐在一位(中国)大陆和一位台湾基金经理的旁边,分享彼此的观点。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Which of the following ways do you think can enable Mainland Chinese to become permanent citizens in Hong Kong (multiple)? 根据你的瞭解,下列哪些方式能够使得中国大陆公民成为香港永久性居民?(可多选) my3q.com 4. Mainland Chinese buyers have become a force to be reckoned with in Hong Kong property. 中国大陆居民已经成为香港楼市不可小觑的驱动力。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Mainland Chinese users will continue to be served in simplified Chinese via our servers in Hong Kong. 中国大陆用户将继续得到我们通过位于香港的服务器提供的简体中文服务。 hgc41082.chinaw3.com 6. The China Enterprises Index . HSCE of top locally listed mainland Chinese stocks fell 1. 88 percent to 13, 369. 中国大陆当地股市首位股票的恒生国企指数下跌1.88%,至13,369。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Even in Hong Kong, the growing number of mainland Chinese women giving birth in the territory is becoming an incendiary issue. 即便在香港,越来越多内地孕妇赴港生产,也正成为一个引发争议的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Consider the similarities: The scandals have centered on high-growth mainland Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong, Singapore or London. 看一看它们的相似之处:丑闻主要集中于在香港、新加坡或伦敦上市的高增长的中国内地公司。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The U. S. Commerce Department says 801, 000 Mainland Chinese visited the U. S. last year, adding $5 billion to the U. S. economy. 美国商务部说去年有80.1万中国大陆人到访美国,为美国经济增加了50亿美元。 www.bing.com 10. In Hong Kong schools, the number of mainland Chinese students is rising at a rapid pace, too. 在香港就学的内地学生人数也在迅速增长。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Some mainland Chinese iPhone users obtain their phones from Hong Kong or other regions to get a lower price. 一些中国内地iPhone用户从香港或其他地方买手机,以便拿到更低的价格。 cn.wsj.com 2. There are now more than 3, 200 KFC outlets in more than 700 mainland Chinese cities, according to Yum. 百胜宣称,在中国700余座城市中,肯德基快餐店的数量已超过3200家。 www.bing.com 3. Mainland Chinese companies wanting to list in Hong Kong remain the largest single group in the region primed to join the stock market. 等待在港上市的内地企业,仍然是亚洲地区最大一批准备进入股市的队伍。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A company incorporated and listed in Hong Kong with controlling mainland Chinese shareholders. 在香港注册、上市并由大陆控股的中资公司。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 5. HSBC is returning to its Asian roots, having relocated its chief executive to Hong Kong and opened its 100th mainland Chinese branch. 汇丰(HSBC)正回归其亚洲根源,将首席执行官迁往香港,还开设了中国内地的第100家分行。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Hong Kong's government pitches the railway as a key to more closely integrate itself into the mainland Chinese economy. 香港政府宣称这条铁路是香港更紧密融入大陆经济的关键所在。 cn.wsj.com 7. Mainland Chinese businesses sometimes launder money through Hong Kong to exploit Chinese government incentives for foreign investment. 有时候中国大陆的企业会利用中国政府鼓励外国投资这一点通过香港的渠道洗黑钱。 www.ecocn.org 8. Meanwhile, a smaller segment of mainland Chinese women have been flying to Hong Kong and Singapore for western-style wedding gowns. 同时,中国内地的一小部分女性一直在飞临香港或新加坡,选购西方风格的婚纱。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In mid-2007, some Chinese officials proposed allowing mainland Chinese residents to invest directly in Hong Kong stocks. 2007年中期的时候,一些中国大陆官员提议允许大陆居民直接投资香港股市。 www.bing.com 10. Demand from Hong Kong, mainland Chinese and global investors seems likely to have breached $500bn. 香港、中国内地和国际投资者的认购额可能已突破5000亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 1. For mainland Chinese, a 22 per cent gain for the renminbi since 2001 is reason enough to go long Hong Kong. 对中国内地人士来说,人民币自2001年以来升值22%,已经是做多香港资产的充分理由。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Stocks markets in Hong Kong and China were closed for public holidays. Mainland Chinese markets will reopen on Oct. 香港及大陆的股票交易所在公众关闭,大陆的市场将在8月8好重新开放。 www.bing.com 3. Mainland Chinese buyers have long been key supporters of the Hong Kong market but they now make up to half the buyers for luxury apartments. 中国内地买家一直是香港房市的重要支撑力量,但如今他们已占到豪华公寓买家的一半。 tr.hjenglish.com 4. Hong Kong and Macau serve as magnets for mainland-Chinese consumers seeking to avoid double-digit duties at home. 香港和澳门吸引了大批为规避内地重税而来的大陆消费者。 cn.wsj.com 5. Google subsequently moved its mainland Chinese search service to Hong Kong and stopped obeying requirements to censor results. Google后来将中国搜索服务移至香港,停止了服从要求审查结果。 dongxi.net 6. About half of its annual 70 are co-productions with mainland Chinese partners; the other half are independent Hong Kong productions. 年产70部电影中,一半是和大陆联合拍摄,另一半是香港独立制作。 www.bing.com 7. Google continues to use its mainland Chinese address for music and certain other services, without redirecting users to Hong Kong. 谷歌继续使用内地网址提供音乐和某些其他服务,而没有令用户自动跳转到香港。 cn.wsj.com 8. Native Mainland Chinese; Great business development. You may speak English well, or you may not speak English at all. 中国大陆人,母语是普通话,并且业务拓展能力强。英语能力则不作要求。 www.yingjiesheng.com 9. I was at an Hermes store in Hong Kong and saw so many mainland Chinese shopping there. 我在香港的一家爱马仕专卖店里看到很多内地人在那里购物。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Mainland Chinese firms arrived in force: more than 500 hired booths, up from 200 last year. 大陆的中国公司大批到达,租的摊位从去年的200家到今年的500多家。 beckwriters.blog.sohu.com 1. A significant factor is the uptick in the number of mainland Chinese tourists visiting Hong Kong. 一个重要因素是内地赴港游客数量的增加。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Overall, mainland Chinese investors are more bullish on their own companies than foreign investors are about the more open Hong Kong market. 总而言之,中国内地投资者对于本土公司的态度,要比外国投资者对于更开放的香港市场的态度更为乐观。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In recent weeks, mainland Chinese and Hong Kong real estate groups have been leading the charge. 最近数周以来,中国内地和香港的房地产集团一直在这股浪潮中扮演主要角色,特别是内地的开发商。 www.ftchinese.com 4. An expedition team formed by Mainland Chinese and Hong Kong members will set off this evening for the South Pole. 一队由中港攀山精英合组的探险队将于今晚出发,远征南极。 www.t6pr.com 5. He also announced plans for funds that would let mainland Chinese investors trade Hong Kong stocks. 他还宣布中国计划推出让内地投资者投资港股的基金。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Can we really assume that mainland Chinese and foreigners are buying homes in Hong Kong only because of low interest rates and hot money? 我们真的能够认为,内地人和外国人在香港买房只是由于利率低和热钱的缘故? www.ftchinese.com 7. This year 68 of the 85 initial public offerings in Hong Kong were by mainland Chinese companies. 今年香港85桩首次公开募股有68桩是中国内地的公司。 chinese.wsj.com 8. By comparison, more than 370 mainland Chinese companies are listed in Hong Kong, and 119 in Singapore. 相比之下,有370多家中国内地企业在香港上市,119家在新加坡上市。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The H shares of mainland Chinese companies traded in Hong Kong have risen 47 per cent. 追踪在港上市中国内地企业股价的H股指数今年则大涨47%。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Increasingly, however, Hong Kong has depended on mainland Chinese companies to keep the cash pouring in. 然而,香港越来越依靠中国大陆公司来保持资金流入。 www.ecocn.org 1. In recent years, Hong Kong's stock market has found itself beholden to shifts in mainland Chinese policy. 近年来,香港股市深受大陆政策变化影响。 bbs.51ielts.com 2. Some 163 mainland Chinese companies are listed in Hong Kong and 66 of them are also listed on the mainland. 目前约有163内地公司在香港上市,其中66家同时也在内地上市。 www.ftchinese.com 3. But analysts say the hefty mainland Chinese appetite for Hong Kong homes is unlikely to shrink soon. 分析师说大陆居民对香港房产的巨大胃口在短期内可能并不会缩小。 c.wsj.com 4. Mainland Chinese buyers are taking advantage of Hong Kong's tax policy. 大陆买家也在利用香港的税收政策优势。 c.wsj.com 5. However, PwC believes that a large number of mainland Chinese companies will list in Hong Kong in 2008. 然而,普华永道认为,大量中国内地公司将在2008年赴港上市。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Mainland Chinese were third, followed by visitors from the US, Hong Kong and Australia. 随后是台湾人,为139万。中国大陆游客排在第三位,其后是美国、香港和澳大利亚游客。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In 2007, mainland Chinese visitors flocked to Hong Kong for the full-length version of Ang Lee's 'Lust, Caution. ' 2007年,内地游客也曾蜂拥至香港观看李安导演的《色戒》完整版。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Mainland Chinese must obtain visas and special permission to travel to Hong Kong. 中国大陆居民前往香港旅游必须办理签证或港澳通行证。 c.wsj.com 9. Mainland Chinese shoppers are as important to Hong Kong's retail trade as they are to Macau's casinos. 中国内地游客对香港零售贸易的重要性,与其对澳门博彩业的重要性旗鼓相当。 c.wsj.com 10. About 40% of Joyce customers in Hong Kong are mainland Chinese, he says, up from 15% to 20% three years ago. 他说,光临香港Joyce时装店的顾客当中有大约40%来自中国大陆,而在三年之前,这个比例只有15%到20%。 chinese.wsj.com 1. In Hong Kong, queues of mainland Chinese tourists wait on the street to enter luxury retailers such as Louis Vuitton. 在香港,大队中国内地游客等在街边准备进入路易维登(LouisVuitton)等奢侈品零售店采购。 c.wsj.com 2. Travel in the opposite direction is much more restricted; overall mainland Chinese arrivals to Hong Kong were 16. 8m that year. 入境人数受到更多限制;当年,抵达香港的中国内地居民总数为1680万人次。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Mainland Chinese stocks listed in Hong Kong, or H shares, leapt 11. 5 per cent. 在港上市的中国大陆股票(即H股),跃升11. www.ftchinese.com 4. Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese are different. 香港人和大陆人有很多不同。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. London has lagged behind other financial centres, such as Hong Kong and New York, in attracting mainland Chinese companies. 在吸引中国大陆企业方面,伦敦落后于香港和纽约等其它金融中心。 bbs.hjenglish.com 6. More than 22 million mainland Chinese visited Hong Kong in 2010, making them the majority of people traveling to the territory. 2010年,超过2200万的中国内地居民到香港旅游,令内地居民成为到港旅游人数最多的一个群体。 www.irfp.com.cn 7. There are several reasons for this. First, a lot of mainland Chinese writers come to Hong Kong, as Hong Kong is a safe place for them. 这里有几个原因:第一,很多中国大陆作家来香港发展,因为香港对他们来说是一个安全的地方。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The sub-index of mainland Chinese shares traded in Hong Kong, or H shares, gained 2 per cent to 12, 328. 20. 衡量在港上市大陆股票表现的H股指数上涨2%,收于12328.20点。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The share of a Mainland Chinese company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. 在香港交易所上市的中国大陆公司。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 10. Hence its decision to launch a Hong Kong and Macau guide last year that is expected to be followed up with a mainland Chinese one . 因此,在去年该公司决定推出香港和澳门餐厅指南后,预计中国内地餐厅指南也将出炉。 www.bing.com 1. Zheng Yixing (Guangxi University of Nationalities) Comparative study of Network Modes among Contemporary Mainland Chinese's New Migrants 郑一省(广西民族大学)当代中国大陆华人新移民的移民网络模式比较研究 iea.cass.cn 2. In July 1993, Tsingtao Brewery made history when it became the first mainland Chinese company to list on the Hong Kong stock exchange. 1993年7月,青岛啤酒(TsingtaoBrewery)成为第一家在香港证交所上市的中国内地企业,创造了历史。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The sub index of mainland Chinese shares traded in Hong Kong dropped 2. 3 per cent to 7, 267. 12. 在香港上市的中国内地企业指数下跌2.3%,至7267.12点。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The sub-index of mainland Chinese shares listed in Hong Kong gained 8. 9 per cent to 8, 089. 50. 在香港上市的中国国企指数上涨8.9%,至8089.50点。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Characteristics of Mainland Chinese Students in Contemporary Malaysia 当代马来西亚中国大陆留学生的主要特点 www.ilib.cn 6. Late last month a small advertising firm became only the first ever mainland Chinese company to list in Tokyo; 上个月底有史以来第一家来自中国大陆的小型广告公司在东京上市; www.ecocn.org 7. Present Situation and Future of the Mainland Chinese Community Language Schools in USA 美国大陆系中文学校的现状与前景 service.ilib.cn 8. Present Situation of abroad Studying Mainland Chinese 中国大陆海外留学人员的现状 www.ilib.cn 9. APICS Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management (The First Mainland Chinese CFPIM Designee) 注册资深生产与库存管理师国际认证(中国大陆第一位); blog.sina.com.cn 10. Cantonese for mainland Chinese students 内地学生粤语课程 www.cuhk.edu.hk 1. Special offers for Mainland Chinese Readers 中国大陆读者订购优惠 www.cuhk.edu.hk 2. Hong Kong's mainland Chinese connections are not its only strong suit 可见,香港与中国内地的联系,并不是它的唯一强项。 www.ftchinese.com |
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