单词 | large-company | ||||||||
释义 | large-company
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 大公司,资产规模达一定水准之公司,大企业 1. At least 3 years of procurement experience in machinery, equipment, raw materials for a large company. 至少3年以上大型工厂在机械设备,原材料方面的采购经验。 www.haoqiantu.cn 2. He said he had just lost his son who had had a very good job and who would soon have become one of the directors of a large company. 他说他失去了儿子,他的儿子有个非常好的工作,本来很快就会成为一个大公司的董事之一。 www.j-krishnamurti.org.cn 3. But for the moment at least it is hard to think of a large company that better epitomises the art of innovation than Apple. 但至少在目前,要想出一家比苹果更能体现创新风格的大公司并非易事。 www.ecocn.org 4. His father is a senior government official, his mother is the general manager of a large company and he himself. 他的命真好。爸爸是政府高级官员,妈妈是公司的总经理,自己通过了托福考试并获得美国一所大学的奖学金。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Chariots and horsemen also went up with him. It was a very large company. 又有车辆马兵,和他一同上去;那一帮人甚多。 www.ebigear.com 6. Remember, as a large company we have access to testing capabilities far beyond that of the average player. 请记住,作为一个大公司,我们有机会获得测试能力远远超出平均的球员。 bbs.ngacn.cc 7. Up to now, his small website has been made into a large company which has thousand of employee and all of them are physically challenged. 现在,他的小网站已经变成了拥有上千员工的企业,所有的员工都是残疾人。 www.enfamily.cn 8. Quitting one's job and giving up a regular salary with a large company to start a new business represents an investment as well. 辞去大公司职务、放弃固定薪金而创业也是一种投资。 www.bing.com 9. It all came down to two people being able to do what a huge bank and a large company couldn't do --admit a mistake has occurred and fix it. 只有当这家大公司与大银行承认自己的错误并且去改正它,才能让两个人能够解决掉所遇到的麻烦。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Before he retired, Frank was the director of a very large company. 弗兰克退休前是一家非常大的公司的主管。 www.devblog.org 1. "I could triple my earnings by going to a large company, but I want to be able to follow my nose, " says one researcher. “去大公司工作的话,我的收入可能会翻三倍,但我希望能按自己的意愿办事,”一位研究人员说。 blog.tianya.cn 2. For a large company, the major IT costs are going to be salaries, hardware, bandwidth and data, regardless of platform. 对于一个大公司,主要的IT成本会是薪水、硬件、带宽和数据,而非平台。 www.bing.com 3. It would be hard for me to get employed by such a large company, I am afraid. 但恐怕被一家那样的大公司雇佣对我而言是一件很难的事情。 www.hjenglish.com 4. As a management trainee in a large company, I often found myself around the conference table among a group of unfamiliar faces. 作为一家大企业的管理培训生,我经常会坐在硕大的会议桌上,周围被陌生脸孔包围着。 www.bing.com 5. What's the policy recommendation out of that if you're in government, or you're running a large company? 从这种概念出发会产生什么样的政策建议,如果你在政府部门,或者在经营一个大公司? www.ted.com 6. I had an interesting meeting with the lead enterprise architect for a large company a few weeks ago. 我在数周前与一家大型企业的首席企业架构师进行了一次有意思的交谈。 www.ibm.com 7. 'It's very easy for a large company to get behind some obvious science that will benefit them greatly, ' Mr. Schmidt said in an interview. 他在接受采访时说,一个大公司很容易在能给它带来极大好处的一些显而易见的科学研究上落在后面。施密特为白宫提供科技方面的建议。 www.ebigear.com 8. I had visited a large company belongs to laser meifen at university, which let me understand the start and operation of a company . 在大学期间曾参观某大型激光镁粉企业,对企业的起步和运作有一定的自我理解。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. For a large company, an investment banker agrees to guarantee the purchase of a new stock issue at a set price. 对于一家大公司来说,投资银行往往同意保证以规定价格购买其新发行的股票。 www.jukuu.com 10. Even though he was now running a large company, he kept making bold moves that I don't think anybody else would have done. 尽管他现在执掌的是一家大公司,但他仍然不断做出重大举措,我想别人可能不会这样。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. For a large company, it could add millions of dollars to the bottom line. 对于一个大公司,这些会带来数百万美元的收益。 www.bing.com 2. I run a large company facing recession; I am trying to reorganize our business and keep shareholders at bay . 我管理着一家面临衰退的大公司;我正试图整顿业务,好让股东安心。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I worked for a large company. I used to be under a lot of pressure at work. 我在一家大公司工作,工作压力很大。 591bride.61bay.com 4. If you work for a large company, we would like to hear from you. 如果你为一家大企业工作,我们希冀听到你的声音。 www.bing.com 5. A guy walks into the human resources department of a large company and hands the executive his application. 一个人走进一家大公司的人力资源部,把他的申请表递给主管。 www.enfang.com 6. If KhanAcademy were merely about those online lectures, of course, it would be in good but large company. 当然,若是Khan学院只仅仅提供网络课程,那它就有一大帮的同行了。 www.ecocn.org 7. CONVENTIONAL wisdom says that it is better to be a large company than a small one when credit is tight. 传统思维认为:当信贷紧缩的时候大公司的情况总是比小公司要好一些。 www.ecocn.org 8. Some people consider the COE to be a large company need to control diverse and decentralized teams across technology domains. 有些人认为大型公司才需要COE以控制跨技术领域的多样和分散的团队。 www.ibm.com 9. I feel that in the foreseeable period of time, there may be a large company and compare those Super possession edge in the market. 我感觉在可预见的时间内,可能还是那些超级大和比较大的公司占有市场优势。 english.lagoo.com.cn 10. You really don't have a peer group in the same way that you have when you're one of a number of executives working at a large company. 你并没有一个探寻的团体,这个团体是你在大公司担任一个执行者时所拥有的。 www.bing.com 1. His father took him out of school and made him take a job in a large company. 他的父亲把他从学校里领出来,给他在一家很大的公司找了一分工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. My employer (Oracle) would be quite happy if $250M for every SOA project in a large company went towards our middleware. 如果大公司的每个SOA项目投入$250M买我们的中间件的话,那公司(Oracle)将非常乐意,然而这并不属实…… www.infoq.com 3. Leading U. S. retailer, Best Buy, was another large company to impress in 2010 with its adoption of semantic technologies. 美国领先的零售商BestBuy,是另一个在语义技术的运用中给我们留下深刻印象的大集团。 www.bing.com 4. Sam, the human resources director, speaks to Jessica, the supervisor of a large company. 人力资源部的主任山姆在和公司的主管洁西卡谈话。 www.gcl.com.tw 5. But a lot of great things come out of innovation Google is a large company. 但是很多好东西还是出自谷歌创新,谷歌是个大公司。,in,Google。,– open.163.com 6. Of course not: members of the politburo, cabinet or large company board would have consulted grey men in suits like themselves. 当然不会:无论是政治局、内阁还是大公司董事会,都只会去咨询那些与他们一样穿着西装革履的无趣人士。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The man talked at large for an hour about his plan for his building a new, large company. 这个人把他那新建一个大公司的计划长篇大论地讲了一个小时。 hotdic.com 8. For example, if last name is a valid user name, in a large company it would be fairly easy to find a "Smith" or an "Adams. " 例如,如果姓是有效的用户名,那么在一家大公司中很容易找到“Smith”或“Adams”这样的用户名。 www.ibm.com 9. Any large company composed of wholly admirable persons has the morality and intelligence of an unwieldy, stupid, and violent animal. 全部由极佳人士组成的任何大公司,会有著笨拙、愚蠢、暴烈动物般的道德和智力。 big5.jiese.org 10. It would be hard for me to get employed such a large company, I am afraid. That's why I want to enter this company. 恐怕我很难被那样的大公司录用,所以我希望进入贵公司。 www.ebigear.com 1. Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. 有些人喜欢为大公司工作,另外有些人喜欢为小公司工作,你喜欢哪个? www.hxen.com 2. His Mends father pulled wires and got him a good job in a large company. 他朋友的父亲暗中牵线,帮助他在一家大公司找到一份好工作。 www.jukuu.com 3. However, the software must be updated regularly, preferably daily in any large company. 然而,软件必须定期更新,大公司则最好是每天更新一次。 wiki.jukuu.com 4. Although this kind of approach may typify large company cultures, it is far from optimum and you should strive to avoid this anti-pattern. 尽管这类方法可能代表大多数公司的文化,但是它较之最适宜相距甚远,并且您应当努力避免这种反模式。 www.ibm.com 5. "Wal-Mart's promotion system departed very substantially from what virtually every other large company at this time was doing, " he says. “沃尔玛的晋升机制并没有任何重大的改变,事实上其他的一些大公司也是这样。”他说。 www.bing.com 6. Sure. How could we handle any volume in a large company - billings, sales, salaries - without computers? 当然真的。要没电脑,一家大公司的总营业额、销售额、工资总额,我们怎么计算啊? blog.hjenglish.com 7. The head of a large company has many responsibilities. 大公司领导有许多职责。义务 wenku.baidu.com 8. Franchise: a way of going into business by using the products or services of a large company. 是利用一家大公司的产品和服务来经营的方法。 www.hoohoohoo.com 9. Mr. Smith is an engineer and he works in a large company. So it is with Mr. White. 史密斯先生是位工程师,他在一家大型公司工作。怀特先生也一样。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. I have never attended a large company's board meeting in my life, but I feel certain that discussion often takes the following lines. 我一生中从未参加过大公司的董事会,但我肯定关于销售的讨论常常以下面这种方式进行。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Certainly, there are large company CEOs that are powerful, effective leaders, but it is not their rank that makes them so. 当然,许多大公司的CEO确实是强有力的、高效的领袖,但这与他们的等级没有太大的关系。 www.fortunechina.com 2. While it makes sense that Apple might target Amazon, a large company who competes with Apple in multiple markets, why target GetJar? Apple针对Amazon这家在多领域与之竞争的大公司或许说的通,但是为什么会盯上GetJar? www.bing.com 3. Meanwhile, Morningstar's small-company-value index rose 22% in April, and its large-company-growth index gained just 8%. 与这种现象对应的是,晨星公司的中小企业指数在4月也涨了22%,它的大企业指数上涨了8%。 www.bing.com 4. As a leader of a large company like Lockheed Martin, are you at all concerned with how the aerospace industry as a whole? 作为这样大公司的领导者,你是否关心,航空行业整体的发展? open.163.com 5. You take a typical large company these days that operates in a digital environment; it can have millions of customers. 以一个典型的运行与互联网环境下的大型公司为例,他们动辄坐拥百万计的用户。 www.bing.com 6. Cost budgeting in a large company is a much more exhaustive process. 大公司里的成本预算是一个非常详尽的流程。 www.bing.com 7. A VC: Budgeting In A Large Company Last week we talked about budgeting in a growing company. 上周我们谈论了在成长性公司里的预算。 www.bing.com 8. In the Internet era, even a 64-year-old retired math teacher can become a threat to a large company. 互联网时代,一位64岁的退休数学教师都能对一家大公司构成威胁。 www.bing.com 9. There is no senior person who has run a large company or built and sold globally a new innovative product. 并没有经营大公司或制造新型的创新产品并在全球销售的高级人才。 www.bing.com 10. speaker, and vice president of a large company. 他是一位富于鼓动性的演说家,一家大公司的副总裁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The tax changes will concern large company rather than small business. 税收变化影响的是大公司而非小企业。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Like any large company, Microsoft has had several great products, some reasonable ones and some total failures. 和所有大型公司一样,微软已经拥有多个伟大的产品,也有一些还算可以的产品,还有一些是完全失败的。 www.infoq.com 3. A large company introduces a central large server farm running SharePoint Server 2007 for its corporate intranet portal site. 大公司为其企业Intranet门户站点引入运行SharePointServer2007的中心大型服务器场。 technet.microsoft.com 4. The budgeting process is really critical in a large company. 预算流程对一个大公司来说真的很关键。 www.bing.com 5. He runs a large company with an in-house staff of translators. 他有一家拥有自己翻译队伍的大公司。 www.xmdaoyou.net 6. Commercial Paper(CP) Short term debt issued by a large company in their own name. 商业汇票大公司以自己的名义发行的短期债务。 www.bing.com 7. Jon is the new security analyst for a large company. Jon是一家大公司的新任安全分析师。 www.ibm.com 8. When a large company gets bought out you wonder about your job. 一家大公司被别人收买购,你自然担心你的饭碗。 www.ebigear.com 9. Mrs. Green is a manager of a large company. 格林女士是一间大公司的经理 z.tougao98.com 10. The difference is that the processes take place on whole ecosystems instead of a single large company. 其区别在于,该过程是发生在整个生态系统而非某个单独的大公司身上。 www.infoq.com 1. His husband ran a large company and he often treated some clients in some special places. 他丈夫运营着一家很大的公司,他经常在一些特别的地方招待一些客户。 blog.163.com 2. A large company could enter a brand new market to undermine competition. 大概是能够进入一个新的市场,然后逐渐破坏竞争机制。 www.bing.com 3. e. g. He's actually the boss of a large company. 他实际上是一个大公司的老板。 wenku.baidu.com 4. This is the same way eBay grew into such a large company. 易趣也是以这样同样的方式成长到这么大的公司。 www.elanso.com 5. Whether you are in a large company or you are in a small company, it doesn't make any difference. 不管你是在大公司还是,小公司,这一点没有区别。 open.163.com 6. And thus, I would like to join an excellent large company like urs. 因此,我愿意加入像你们这样优秀的大公司。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. For a small company or even a large company which is great at what it does and never does any marketing per se, social media is a godsend. 对于擅长做事不擅长营销的小公司乃至大公司来说,社交媒体是天赐之美。 dongxi.net 8. Because of the large company site maintenance team is bigger, even the resources is wider. 因为大公司站点维护队伍比较大,外连资源比较广。 www.82g.com.cn 9. The process of budgeting in a large company doesn't differ that much from a growing company. 在大公司里的预算流程和成长性公司不会相差很多。 www.bing.com 10. More than 2 years work experience in journalism or in PR field in large company. 有2年以上新闻业或大型企业公共关系职务的从业经验。 www.baidajob.com 1. If you work in a large company, it is more fitting that you call your subordinates by their surnames to show your status and education. 若是在规模庞大的公司,对于属下,尊称其姓,可以显出自己的身份和教养; www.ccfy.net 2. He held a senior position in a large company. 他在一家大公司担任高级职务。 ts.hjenglish.com 3. This large company has taken over many small ones. 这家大公司接管了许多小公司。 js.wubuzx.com 4. People often stubbornly think they are different, especially in a large company such as IBM, whose environments are large and complex. 人们经常顽固地认为他们是不同的,特别是在公司环境大而复杂的大型公司,例如IBM。 www.ibm.com 5. The large company has taken over some small ones. 这家大公司接管了一些小公司。 www.aim99.com 6. consolidate to form a large company for their further development. 几个小公司为了今后的发展,决定联合起来组成一个大公司。 www.nciku.cn 7. WOrk for a large company or a small company? 为大公司还是小公司工作? wenku.baidu.com 8. Fourth, when the firm is on the threshold of becoming a large company, a change in culture is also required. 第四,当该公司即将成为一个大公司,文化的改变也是必需的。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. He is the nominal partner of the large company. 他是这家大公司的挂名合伙人。 wordnet.sparke.cn 10. A large company usually requires the employment of many people. 大公司通常要雇用很多人。 course.zzu.edu.cn 1. He wanted to Build up a large company. 他希望建立一家大公司。 dict.hjenglish.com 2. We are a large company, company' s business is divided into many areas! 我们是一个大型的公司,公司业务分为很多环节! bbs.admin5.com 3. 2 father is very busy. he works in a large company and comes back home late everyday. 爸爸很忙,他在一家大公司上班,每天很晚回家。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Mr. Deckard: Why did you quit you last job at North Star? Aren't they a large company? 迪克阿德先生:你为什么辞去在北星的上一份工作?他们不是一家很大的公司吗? hi.baidu.com 5. He once worked at a large company. 他曾经在一家大公司工作过。 ts.hjenglish.com 6. She is a sales representative for a large company. 她是一家大公司的销售代表。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And all investors want to grill me on my ability to lead a large company. 所有的投资者都想拷问我领导一个大公司的能力。 www.elanso.com 8. Mr Brown manages a large company in town. 布朗先生在城里经营一家大公司。 www.liuyangriver.com 9. The world being what it is, too fine an ethical filter could quickly screen out almost every large company and many small ones. 现实世界,用太细的道德过滤器去筛选,那么几乎每大公司和许多小公司很快都得从投资的名单中筛出去。 www.ttxyy.com 10. Imagine, for example, a large company that announces a merger, to be consummated five months later. 举例来说,设想一家大公司宣布了一项将于5个月后完成的合并。 www.ftchinese.com 1. If you have ever called internal tech support from within a large company, this will make you laugh. 如果你有曾经在一家大公司工作时打电话寻求内部技术援助的经历,这肯定会使你忍俊不禁。 www.elanso.com 2. It's rare to find a large company with a heart. 很少能找到个有情义的大公司。 www.hicn1.com 3. I am an office worker in a large company. 我是一个大公司的翻译员工。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. In it 10, 000 people, it's a large company. 里头有10000员工,相当大的公司。 open.163.com 5. For example, one person I know who worked for a large company wanted very much to get involved with social work. 比如说,我认识一个曾在大公司工作的人,现在非常想要参与社会工作。 www.bing.com 6. In the spring of last year, he turned bullish on large-company stocks and did some buying, but suffered as markets declined. 去年春季,泰珀转而看好大型公司股并买进了一些,不过却随着股市的下滑而遭了殃。 chinese.wsj.com 7. a conspiracy of business-men who were trying to wrest control of a large company from its legal owners 从大公司的合法所有人手中夺取公司管理权的阴谋的商人 blog.hjenglish.com 8. I had breakfast not long ago with the chief executive of a large company who is a big pin-up of mine. 前不久,我跟一家大公司的首CEO共进早餐,他可是我心目中大大的偶像。 www.elanso.com 9. For example, if you work in a large company and are required to store personnel information, then use Access. 例如,如果您在某个大公司工作,需要存储人员信息,则应使用Access。 office.microsoft.com 10. I have a friend in a large company who spends an entire month each year appraising her team. 我有一个朋友效力于一家大公司,每年要花整整一个月时间考核她的团队。 www.ftchinese.com 1. If you are looking for a job, have a friend pose as an interviewer at a large company and have her call for a reference. 如果你正在找工作,有个朋友冒充面试官在一个大的公司,让她一个参考的呼吁。 www.chinatarot.com 2. She added that a certificate of Hanyu Shuiping Kcaoshi(HSK)is important when finding a job in a large company. 她补充说在大公司找工作的时候有汉语水平考试的证书是十分重要的。 wenwen.soso.com 3. I have a friend who works as a sales director for a division of a large company. 我有个朋友,在一个大企业的分公司作销售总监。 www.justing.com.cn 4. o Have at least 5 years experience from a CPA firm, or a large company; 在会计师事务所或大型企业5年或以上工作经验; jobs.zhaopin.com 5. Work for a Small or large Company? -LARGE 喜欢在小公司还是在大公司工作?——大公司 shop.csai.cn 6. Large company or firm inspect for potential supplier, before place order to do inspection factory; 一、大公司或商社对潜在供应商进行审查,在决定下单前所进行的审厂; www.dinghongguwen.com 7. Research and Development of Equipment Running System in Large Company 大型企业设备运行系统研究与开发 ilib.cn 8. Hire a large company that has experience with the type of project 雇用一家对这类项目富有经验的大公司 www.cnpmi.com 9. A Small Mill Become a Large Company 小石磨磨出大产业 service.ilib.cn |
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