单词 | Lara |
释义 | 例句释义: 女子名,梁心颐,劳拉,拉拉 1. There's Lara Stone, in the Louis Vuitton ad by Steven Meisel, lying on her back in a woodsy setting with some birds. LaraStone,在StevenMeisel为路易威登拍摄的广告中,和几只鸟一起躺在森林中。 www.bing.com 2. On her return trip however, the plane crashed deep within the mountains and Lara was the only survivor. 但在回来的旅程上,飞机失事掉进了深山老林,劳拉是唯一的幸存者。 www.kuenglish.info 3. Last October, a month before Obama stepped out in her dress, model Lara Stone appeared blacked up in French Vogue. 去年10月,也就是奥巴马夫人穿着她的裙子现身的前一个月,模特LaraStone在法国的时尚秀上全副黑色武装出现。 www.bing.com 4. If any of you are interested in helping Lara build a small software module, please feel free to contact her with your credentials. 如果你有兴趣帮助她建立小型软件模块,请随时联系她,并提供资质证书。 career.51youcai.com 5. You know, I've caught Lara looking at me during Training. 你知道的,劳拉在我训练的时候偷看我,被我逮住。 www.bn13.com 6. Despite this drastic life change, Lara still retains the essence of her upbringing - most notably with her polite, upper-class accent. 尽管生活发生了巨大的变化,劳拉仍旧保留了高贵的本质,尤其是她那彬彬有礼的上流社会的口音。 www.mm52.com 7. Lara: Once called forth shall the heavens split asunder and the light of the Sun God Horus shall banish the lord of darkness, Seth. (继续阅读护身符上的文字)当雷电撕裂天空,太阳神荷露斯的光芒终将驱逐黑暗世界的霸主赛特。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Increasingly, I find it is Lara alone who remains untainted by academic dogma and open-minded enough to see this truth. 渐渐地,我发现只有劳拉,尚未被学术教条所侵染,并且拥有足够开明的思想领悟这个真相。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Lara: If that's the sort of attention you want, Larson, you are well on your way. 如果就是想要那种关注,拉森,你已经做得不错了。 www.gamersky.com 10. 'My daughter Lara has had her for three years now and she doesn't seem to be slowing down, if anything it is harder to get her off it. 我的女儿Lara已经养了它三年了,不管任何事都不会让她停止了,她会一直养着它。 gb.cri.cn 1. ADALBERTO LARA from the State of Mexico works as a construction worker in New York. He sends home $350 a week. 阿戴博图莱拉,来自墨西哥,在纽约做建筑工人,他每周寄回家350美元。 www.bing.com 2. Tell us who you think should be the next Lara Croft? 告诉我们你觉得LaraCroft这个角色适合谁来出演? www.hjenglish.com 3. The summer before college, Lara dropped some pounds and seemed determined not to gain them back. Her self-esteem went up and she was happy. 大学开学之前的夏季,拉罗减轻了几磅,看起来决定不想在增加体重了,她的自信心增长了,她也很快乐。 bbs.putclub.com 4. Lara must either come to terms with her weight gain and accept herself for who she truly is, or wallow in her own self pity. 劳拉要么得甘心忍受体重增加并接受真正的自我,要么是顾影自怜。 www.elanso.com 5. Lara: This is only one piece of the Scion, where's the rest of it? 劳拉:这只是其中的一个司祭盎,剩下的在哪? www.ziyio.com 6. The public paid $275 million for theater tickets to see a buffed up Jolie portray the adventuresome Lara Croft. 观众付出27,500万美元购票,以观看练就本事的朱莉演艺具有冒险精神的劳拉·克罗夫特。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 7. Lara: Unless you want to end up like Larson, get out of my way. 劳拉:要是你不愿像拉森一样,就给我让开。 www.91danji.com 8. Lara: The saddest things in life are separations and deaths. I don't want to say good-bye anymore. I've had enough of that. 拉拉:人生最难过的事情就是分别和死亡。我不想再说再见了,我已经受够了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. At its heart was Lara, a virtual call centre operator developed to improve customers' experience of interacting with the company by phone. 这个系统的核心是虚拟呼叫中心接线员拉拉(Lara)。开发这一人物的目的是改善客户通过电话与该公司交流的体验。 www.ftchinese.com 10. On his delivery run for the day, the gorgeous Lara suddenly jumps into David's car and the next thing he knows, he's ducking bullets. 在平凡的一天工作中,美艳的罗拉突然跳入大卫的车子,大卫只知道即时的反应是,闪避周围的子弹。 www.yesasia.com 1. Lara: Just hand it over , Larson . This has nothing to do with you . 快交过来,拉森。这和你一点儿关系也没有。 www.bing.com 2. Occasionally Bassil would lean over to flirt with Chris, an Australian with curly golden locks, leaving Lara and me to talk. 巴斯尔每年都要到贝鲁特来。他有时会探过身去和长着蜷曲金发的澳大利亚人克利斯调情,让拉勒和我谈话。 www.bing.com 3. Lara pulls the Eye out of her backpack, throwing it at Abernethy. 拉拉拉眼从她的背包,把它在阿伯内西。 word.hcbus.com 4. Larson: Sounds like fun, but I'm only here to make an introduction. Lara Croft, meet Jacqueline Natla, of Natla Technologies. 拉森:有意思,但我只是来做介绍的。劳拉克劳馥,见见纳特拉科技公司的杰奎琳·纳特拉小姐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Lara turned up to the beach party in a skimpy swimsuit. 萝拉穿着清凉的泳装来到沙滩派对。 www.bing.com 6. Trained in numerous defence arts, Lara can fight better than any man and isn't scared to get physical when it matters. 受过不计其数的各种防卫训练的劳拉,比起任何男人都能更好进行防御,重要关头也不惧怕采取武力。 www.bing.com 7. Not every child will follow Morgan's stormy passage to redemption, but many will, and for any parent, Lara's book will be a beacon. 不是每个孩子将遵循摩根的风风雨雨通道赎回,但许多人,以及任何父母,劳拉的书将是一盏明灯。 wenwen.soso.com 8. And I remember reading, after the Lara Croft movies, how Angelina Jolie would go home completely black and blue. 而且我还记得在看完LaraCroft电影之后,我阅读着AngelinaJolie如何偏题鳞伤的回到家中。 www.ted.com 9. Lara's role is now being extended beyond SIM cards: from April, hers will be the first voice heard by callers to Vodafone Australia. 拉拉的角色现在正向SIM卡以外拓展:从4月份开始,致电沃达丰澳大利亚分公司的人,首先将听到她的声音。 www.ftchinese.com 10. That blood on your hands, do you believe it was spilled for the good of all man, or for your own selfish desire? Look inside yourself, Lara. 你手上的鲜血,你认为它是为什么而流的?为了大众的利益?还是为了你个人的私欲?看看你的内心,劳拉。 www.gmly.info 1. Keira played Lara in this TV serial: a daunting task as the role was made famous by Julie Christie at her peak. 凯拉在这个电视剧里扮演Lara:一个因为由JulieChristie在她的巅峰时刻扮演而出名的角色,因此也使人望而生畏。 www.bing.com 2. Pierre thinks that since Lara seeks for the same things and believes her instincts, she is not trusted and is in second place. 皮埃尔不无得意的说,劳拉你和纳特拉找着一样的东西,而且又只相信自己的直觉,自然不会被纳特拉信任而处于下风; oldbbs.ali213.net 3. Natla: Lara would never part with the Scion; She's far too obsessed with it. Just like her father. 纳特拉:劳拉是不会放弃司祭盎的。她着迷还来不及呢。就像她父亲一样。 www.yxxd.com 4. Lara recognizes his voice and advises Pierre to move on, because Natla does not honor her contracts. 劳拉建议皮埃尔还是趁早干点别的去,因为纳特拉不会履行约定的。 oldbbs.ali213.net 5. This you must prevent at all costs. So, Lara, I'm asking you to complete my work. 你必须不惜一切去阻止。所以,劳拉,我期待你去完成我的工作…& www.kekenet.com 6. Natla: You've reached the top, Lara. There's nowhere left to go but down. 纳特拉:你已经到达顶端了,劳拉。除了下去没有别的路了。 www.ziyio.com 7. We were the first company to license Lara Croft [of "Tomb Raider" video game fame] as a toy, and it did really well. 我们是第一家获得劳拉[“盗墓者罗拉”游戏知名度作为玩具],它也确实非常好。 www.cnhuu.cn 8. As the heroine Lara Croft, the gamer is constantly presented with puzzles that must be solved in order to move through maze like tombs. 在扮演女英雄LaraCroft时,玩家会不停地面对必须解开才能在迷宫般的古墓中行走的谜题。 www.bing.com 9. according to written records , large buddhist temples would offer lara rice porridge to the poor to show their faith to buddha. 据有文字记载的记录,规模较大的寺庙一般会在腊八节向穷人提供腊八粥,以示他们对佛的忠诚和信任。 www.ichacha.net 10. Shadow monsters, bullet wounds, Pandora's box, back-stabbing friends, the Illuminati. . . Lara's survived them all. 暗影怪,枪伤,潘多拉的盒子,出卖自己的朋友,先觉者…劳拉都幸存下来了。 www.bing.com 1. You're reached the top, Lara. There's nowhere left to go but down. 你已到达顶点,劳拉。除了下去,你别无选择。 www.trorg.net 2. LARA: I decided to take the slow way down instead. 我觉得还是慢点好。 www.gmly.info 3. Serve a Lara or Kashi breakfast bar (both brands are found at most grocery stores), plus a glass of pure fruit or vegetable juice. 供应一条Lala或者Kashi的早餐条(都是能在大多数杂货店找到的牌子),加上一杯纯水果或蔬菜汁。 www.bing.com 4. Mia Jones: I guess my favorite would be Lara the sous chef from The L Word. So, so hot. 网友MiaJones:我想我最喜欢的应该是《拉字至上》里面的副厨师长LaraPerkins,太性感了。 www.bing.com 5. Lara: Got my fair share of that already. 我已经得到了我所应得的一切。 www.3dmgame.com 6. Lara: Natla doesn't honor her contracts, Pierre. I'd move on if I were you. 劳拉:纳特拉违约了,皮埃尔。我要是你的话就决不会为她卖命。 www.gamersky.com 7. What do your friends and family think of you as Lara Croft? 你的朋友和家人是怎样看待你这位劳拉·克劳馥的? www.gmly.info 8. Lara's back, and we got our hands all over her. 劳拉回来了,我们全面接触了她。 test.nuvs.net 9. Lara's weight may be a manifestation of mild depression. 劳拉的体重也许是轻度抑郁症的表现。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Lara has built about $200, 000 in revenue through retail and wholesale distribution, aggressive PR, as well as search marketing. Lara通过零售和批发销售,积极公关,搜索市场,收入达到约20万美元。 www.bing.com 1. Lara, on a mission for the BKA. is hunting a notorious professional killer. 原来罗拉正在追捕集团BKA,寻找一个极度危险的职业杀手。 www.yesasia.com 2. Lara: In the time you took to find your way here, I've examined the inscriptions. It warns of vengeance on those who remove it. 在你寻找通往这里的路的时候,我看了一下这些碑铭,上面警告说搬动它会遭到报复的。 3dmgame.chnren.com 3. Lara loves to travel, where has your job taken you to in the world? 劳拉喜欢旅游,你的工作将你带往过世界上的哪些地方? www.gmly.info 4. "No one wants to destroy these profits overnight, " says Mr. Lara. Lara先生说:“没有人愿意在一夜之间失去这些利润。” www.ecocn.org 5. How did you feel when you found out that you had won the role of being the new face of Lara Croft? 当你得知你赢得了劳拉·克劳馥的新一任形象代言时,你做何感想? www.gmly.info 6. Because they have not spoken for several weeks, Lara is certain that she is going to be fired. 由于两人好几个礼拜没讲过话,劳拉以为铁定要被炒鱿鱼了。 www.ftchinese.com 7. After being crowned Homecoming Queen, Lara begins to rapidly gain weight. 在加冕成为返校节王后之后,劳拉的体重就开始快速地增加。 www.elanso.com 8. Over and over again listening to tears with the hand with the legs snapped off Lara's been down. 一遍一遍听着同手同脚眼泪啪拉拉的一直往下掉。 f.qqgexing.com 9. Lara: I'm not who you think I am. 我不是你想的那样。 www.ziyio.com 10. Mr. Lara says Mr. Slim is letting his competitors grow to avoid regulation. Lara先生说Slim先生之所以让他的竞争对手成长是为了逃避政府的管制。 www.ecocn.org 1. I am Lara Setrakian in Lebanon, there is an old tradition in the Middle East to not just celebrate birthdays but celebrate name days. 我是黎巴嫩的Setrakian。中东地区有一个古老的传统,不仅要庆祝生日,还要庆祝他们的名字。 www.kekenet.com 2. What you gonna do, shoot me? C'mon, Lara; I just work here. 你想做什么,杀我?来啊,劳拉;我只是在这里工作。 www.gmly.info 3. In this case, Adair Lara has transcended the genre of self to achieve selflessness. 阿代尔拉腊已超越了自我,实现体裁无私的。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Jean: Lara! You are alive! I feared for you. What's. . . 你还活着!我好担心你啊,究竟发生了…… www.gmly.info 5. Lara: The plinth inscription warns vengeance on those who remove it. 柱基的碑铭上警告说搬动它会遭到报复的。 3dmgame.chnren.com 6. Lara gets to the eye first, and on the way back run into Valentine and Abernethy's mercenaries. 劳拉进入眼睛第一,并在返回的途中遇到了情人节和阿伯内西的雇佣军。 word.hcbus.com 7. Lara! And you handled yourself pretty well - Sergeant! You've got the codes. What now? 我叫劳拉。你的表现也很不错,长官!现在你得到了密码,该怎么办呢? tombworld.diy.myrice.com 8. "He's better than Brian Lara because he's 600 not out. What a guy. " Roy Evans on Ian Rush's 600th appearance for Liverpool. “他比布赖恩-劳拉更优秀,因为他踢了600场比赛,多么伟大的一个家伙。”罗伊-埃文斯谈伊恩-拉什为利物浦队第600次出场。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. LARA: Better and better. All right, then, I'm heading there straight away. 一切都渐入佳境了。好的,我马上就去。 www.gmly.info 10. During the Spring Festival, to eat rice cakes, spring rolls, lara rice porridge dumpling, yuan xiao, etc. 春节期间,吃年糕、春卷,腊八粥的饺子,吃元宵,等。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Dear Annie: My daughter, "Lara, " just finished her junior year in college, and she has been steadily gaining weight. 亲爱的安妮:我的女儿劳拉刚念完大三,现在她的体重还在持续增长。 bbs.putclub.com 2. Lara : If that's the case it should be a very good-natured dog. 拉腊:假如你说得没错,这只狗的个性一定十分和善。 www.wwenglish.com 3. Brazilian artist Cris de Lara engaged in graphic and web design. 巴西艺术家CrisdeLara从事图片和网页设计工作。 www.bing.com 4. Lara's conversations and monologues are sometimes forced and in the end her character seems flat. 劳拉的对话和独白听起来很勉强,到最后她的性格变得平淡。 www.elanso.com 5. Lara: There is more at stake here than the sum of the pieces, Von Croy. Ever heard of Armageddon. Unpleasant, even by your standards. 这里的危险指数甚至超过了这些纸片的总数。听说过哈米吉多顿吧。并不是什么值得高兴的事,即使是按你的标准来看。 www.gmly.info 6. The adventure in Egypt changes Lara a lot, she becomes more persevering, more gloomy, and untolerant. 经过埃及九死一生的历险,劳拉发生了很大变化,她变得更坚强、更抑郁、缺少宽容。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 7. Lara's pistols hold more ammunition in each magazine. 劳拉的手枪可以在每个弹匣内容纳更多子弹。 dict.bioon.com 8. Brian Lara 2008, the acclaimed genre-leading cricket game comes again to mobile. 布赖恩拉腊2008年,著名流派领先的板球比赛来再次移动。 www.opda.net.cn 9. Lara: Watch your back old man. I warn you, I'll pull no punches . 当心点,老伯伯,我得警告你,我是不会放水的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. While in England, Lara lives in a mansion in Surrey which she inherited many years ago. 在英国,劳拉住在萨里的一座几年前继承来的的大厦里。 www.mm52.com 1. Although her passion is for adventure, even Lara gets lonely from time to time. 虽然劳拉的热衷于探险,劳拉还是时不时的感到孤单。 www.mm52.com 2. Dear Lara, you are a valuable asset to the quest. 你知道吗,对于探险而言你实在是不可多得的珍宝。 trcn.512j.com 3. Lara: I make my own luck. 我的运气我自己可以创造。 www.gmly.info 4. people in the Lunar Laba lara porridge to warm drink on this day. 在农历腊八腊八粥人们在这一天温暖的饮料。 www.qiyeku.com 5. Lara: You're rebuilding the army of Atlantis. 你在重建亚特兰蒂斯的军队。 www.ziyio.com 6. Lara: I'm afraid you've been misled, I only play for sports. 劳拉:我想您是被误导了,能刺激我的只有那份出游的乐趣。 www.gamersky.com 7. What does Lara Croft mean to you? 对于你而言劳拉·克劳馥意味着什么? www.gmly.info 8. Are your plans for online There are various small Lara intangible clues do? 你还在为网上林林种种的小拉拉摸不着头绪吗? www.good2.com 9. Lara: There's more to life than money, Pierre. 劳拉:生活不仅仅需要钱。 www.ziyio.com 10. You're here because you belong here, Lara. 你在这里,因为你属于这里,劳拉。 www.91danji.com 1. Remember Lara Dutta from No Entry? 记得没有入口里面的拉瑞杜塔吗? www.bing.com 2. LARA: Do you notice anything familiar about her sword? 你有没有注意到她那把剑很眼熟? www.gmly.info 3. You can also play with custom outfit in Croft Manor if you go into Lara's bedroom and change the outfit in the wardrobe. 您也可以发挥与定制服装在馥庄园如果进入拉拉的卧室和改变服装的衣柜。 www.dianzishuma5.com 4. Any idea why Lara is not here? 你知不知道劳为什么不在这? www.for68.com 5. Reveal all, Lara's not really dead is she? 劳拉真的没有死掉么? www.level99.net 6. Beauty Queen Lara has the perfect life. 选美冠军劳拉拥有着完美的生活。 www.elanso.com 7. Lara: I think he was looking for this. 我想他是在找这个东西。 3dmgame.chnren.com 8. Tissues Out: When Zhivago is on the tram in Moscow, he sees Lara in the street. 泪点:在莫斯科的电车上,日瓦戈看到了大街上的娜拉。 www.bing.com 9. Lara International Cricket 2007, cricket games for the first time to enter our phone cheered it. 拉腊国际板球2007,为板球游戏第一次进入我们的手机欢呼吧。 www.fishjava.com 10. Lara : Ah, that explains it. What kind of a mixture is it? 拉腊:啊,原来如此。它是混了什么种? www.wwenglish.com 1. Prepare to get hit for six with Brian Lara 2008. 准备让触及六个月与布赖恩拉腊2008年。 www.opda.net.cn 2. Lara: Take me there. 带我去那儿。 www.gmly.info 3. In 2000 Jolie was asked to star in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001). 2000年朱莉接到主演《古墓丽影》(2001)的邀请。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 4. LARA: I know it impresses me. 我知道它让我印象深刻。 www.gmly.info 5. Lara: But you have mind and body intelligence. 但是妳可是身体和心灵全都充满了智慧。 www.lalabar.com 6. Lara: Jean, I am tired. Give a girl a break. 我好累,让我休息一会儿吧。 www.gmly.info 7. You are an exemplary student Lara, although you have not yet learned the root of all adventuring, the craving to win, at whatever cost. 但是你还没有把冒险的根本所在学到手。那就是对胜利的渴望,无论代价如何。 www.3dmgame.com 8. Lara : Yes I have but couldn't recognize the breed. 拉腊:有啊,但是我看不出是什么品种的豿。 bbs.wwenglish.org 9. For example, imagine that you can't remember whether Brian's surname is "Lara" or "Laras" . 例如,假设您不记得Brian的姓是“Lara”还是“Laras”。 www.ibm.com 10. Is your personality similar to Lara Croft in any way? 你的性格是否处处都与劳拉·克劳馥十分相似? www.gmly.info 1. I am a housewife, I would do the best lara porridge. 我是家庭主妇,我会做到最好腊八粥。 www.qiyeku.com 2. Lara Vapnyar emigrated from Russia to New York in 1994 and began publishing short stories in English in 2002. 拉拉·瓦彭亚(LaraVapnyar)1994年从俄罗斯移民到纽约,2002年开始用英文发表短篇小说。 www.america.gov 3. Lara: What is it you desire, Natla? 劳拉:你想要的是什么,纳特拉? www.bing.com 4. Lara : We'd have got married, had a house and children. If we'd had children, Yuri, would you like a boy or girl? 拉拉:我们本应该结婚,有房子和孩子,如果我们有孩子,你想要男孩还是女孩? blog.sina.com.cn 5. Lara: CCTV tower, others also like it? Yes, it's very nice. I like everything, chinese food is perfect. CCTV电视塔,其他的?还有很多很漂亮的景观我都喜欢,中国菜太棒了。 epaper.bjnews.com.cn 6. On the weekends I like to relax and sleep late. At night I go to dinner and a movie with my girlfriend Lara. 周末我喜欢放松并且睡的很晚,晚上我和我的女朋友劳拉去吃饭看电影。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 7. How far are you willing to go to find out, Lara? 你究竟要知道多少才能满足,劳拉? www.trorg.net 8. Article taken from Lara Weller's official website 本文取自于劳拉·韦勒官方网站 www.gmly.info 9. Browse more free Lara Croft pictures from our gallery 从我们的图库浏览更多免费劳拉图片 www.ichacha.net 10. Can Chinese media rule the airwaves? By Lara Farrar, for CNN 中国媒体能否统治全球电视广播? www.bing.com 1. her name ' s kim lara . she translated for me before 她叫金拉拉以前给我做过翻译 www.ichacha.net 2. Maurice Jarre - Lara's Theme from Doctor Zhivago 莫里斯-贾尔《日瓦戈医生》 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Tomb Raider III : Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影III:劳拉·克劳馥的冒险 baike.soso.com 4. lara ' s boss is having a fit about you dodging her 因为你总躲着她拉拉的老板气晕了 www.ichacha.net 5. I am, in your opinion, a Lara, a Manfred, a Lord Ruthven; 照您看来,我是一个勒拉,一个曼弗雷特,一个罗思文勋爵。 tr.bab.la 6. "Forget that Lara is your wife. Look at the evidence. " copyright englishtang “忘了这是你的妻子劳拉。看证据。”英语堂欢迎大家到来 www.englishtang.com |
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