单词 | long since |
释义 | 例句释义: 很久以前,早已,很久以来,早就 1. He appeared to be returning home from a walk, for his buckle shoes, which followed a fashion long since out of date, were covered with dust. 他似乎是散步走回家,因为他的旧式的扣鞋上盖满了灰尘。 en1390.hwc.edu.tw 2. We did not even know she was sick; we had long since given up trying to get any information from the Negro. 我们甚至连她病了也不知道;也早已不想从黑人那里去打听什么消息。 www.putclub.com 3. I loved her and I couldn't wait to see her because it had been so long since I'd held her in my arms. 我爱她,迫不及待地想见她因为距离上次我紧紧将她搂在怀里已经过了那么久。 page.renren.com 4. No one knew exactly what inspired her elliptic comments, and her relations had long since given up trying to interpret them. 谁都不明白什么事激发了她这简洁的评论,她的亲人早已放弃了解释这种评论的企图。 www.kekenet.com 5. He looks on the Earth and thinks it a mystery, it speaks a tongue whose language has long since been forgotten save by the few. 他注视着地球,认为它是一个神秘,它以一种早已被遗忘,很少留存的语言讲话。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. And any lingering stigma associated with OK is long since gone. Now OK is not out of place in the mouth of a US president like Barack Obama. 而且OK已经不再令人联想起那些有关文盲的污名。现在就算是出自奥巴马总统口中也没什么不妥。 www.bing.com 7. "Oh sorry, Mom. Yes, I heard you. It's been so long since I thought of him. " Jack said. “啊,对不起,妈妈。听见了。我已经好长时间没有想到过他了。”杰克说。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It's so long since I've sat in the company of well dressed people that I feel a bit panic-stricken. I can still smell the formaldehyde. 我已很久没有同穿着考究的人物坐在一起了,心里不免有几分忐忑不安,直到现在还闻得到那股甲醛味。 www.bing.com 9. It had been so long since she last held court that the crush of cases was almost overwhelming. 距离她上次开庭已经很久,于是挤压如山的案件顷刻间涌来。 www.cndkc.net 10. But the windows still cannot be left open all day and all night long, since it is still spring, and still cold. 因为只是春天,还留着残冷,窗子也不能整天整夜不关的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. As it has not been long since China began to make investment overseas, we have little experience in this area. 中国对外投资时间还短,我们十分缺乏经验。 www.ebigear.com 2. It was long since I had last seen her and if someone had not mentioned her name I hardly think I would have recognized her. 我上次见她已经是很久以前的事了,如果不是有人提起她的名字,我很难想到还会认出她来。 www.zftrans.com 3. But I feel that I shall be earlier, because althorn set outside was making noises all night and day long since I can remember. 我觉得自己还要早些,因为从我记事时开始,外面总是装着高音喇叭,没黑没夜地乱嚷嚷。 www.bing.com 4. Yes, I heard you. it's been so long since I thought of him. 是的,我听说你。这是这么长时间以来我想起了他。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Certainly, there were mosquitoes around, but they were all hidden in dark corners, long since having lost any impetus to make such a sound. 蚊子的确还有,可是都躲在暗角里,早失去了成雷的气势。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. You could feel the gathering heat through your trousers so you got up and went down and followed the lynx which had long since disappeared. 透过裤子你能够感觉到热量在集聚,然后你就站起来往下走,跟随着那只早就消失不见了的猫鼬。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 7. It has been so long since we have seen Yao on the basketball court that some of you might have forgotten how good a player he can be. 我们已经太久没看到姚明出现在球场上,以致我们中有些人可能已经忘了他可以是多么出色的球员。 www.bing.com 8. I became incredibly emotional in the beginning, because it had been so long since I had to just use my own brain to deal with things. 刚开始的时候我变得非常情绪化,因为我已经很久很久没有用大脑处理问题了。 www.bing.com 9. Clonidine has been used as a central antihypertensive drug long since, but it is beginning to apply to clinical anesthesia and analgesia . 可乐定作为中枢性降压药早为人们所认识,但在临床麻醉镇痛的应用上则起步不久。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Heaven long, since ancient times, she was the number of transfer passengers of a man of poetry. 悠悠苍天,自古以来,她被多少迁客骚人诗意化了。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. And the courts have long since given up trying to limit the power of the federal government. 法院也不再想原来那样试图限制联邦政府的权力了。 bbs.m4.cn 2. I miss you so much, it has been too long since the last time I saw you. 我想念你这麽多,已经太长,因为我最后一次见到你。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. It's not long since the Chinese community education came into being and began to develop prosperously. 中国的社区教育起步较晚,主要是在改革开放以后才得以再生和发展起来的。 www.fabiao.net 4. It's been far too long since the club won the title and hopefully Steven Gerrard will finally get his hands on the trophy next season. 俱乐部太久没赢得联赛冠军了,希望杰拉德下赛季能捧回冠军奖杯。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 5. It does not seem long since the opposite argument was in vogue and globalisation was the big new investment idea. 似乎就在不久前,对立的观点还很流行,全球化也还是一大新的投资概念。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Subordinate commanders who might have once used the compound also must have long since established alternate command sites. 有可能用到这些官邸的下级指挥官恐怕也早已在其他地方建立了指挥部。 dongxi.net 7. But she's nothing beside we - a junior branch of us, no doubt, hailing long since King Norman's day. 不过她同我们没法比——用不着怀疑,她只是我们家族的一个小支脉,从诺曼王时代传下来的。 ts.hjenglish.com 8. This novel was so much more than I expected. It has been too long since I finished a book in one sitting. 这部小说完全出乎我的意料,我已经很长时间没有一口气看完一本书了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I have looked at you for so long, since the young man you were, my young man. But you are not here anymore. . . 当你是小伙子的时候,我就静静地凝视你,我的年轻人,但是现在,你已不在这里。 feifei.ws 10. I had known that tune in my infancy, but it had long since passed out of my mind. 我曾在我年幼的时候记得歌的调子,但已经有很久记不起来了。 www.bing.com 1. Then it occurred to him that it had been too long since he'd heard from Wallace. 然后他突然想到,自上封信以来,已经有太长时间没收到华莱士的信了。 www.ecocn.org 2. Psychology has long since been trying to get us to deal with it. There is a way. 长久以来心理学都在试图使大家面对隐性的自我。 www.bing.com 3. Bicycles were first developed in the mid-18th century and have long since been used as a form of transport. 从18世纪中期问世以来,自行车一直是一种广泛使用的交通工具。 www.24en.com 4. I would like to mention at this point that I'd long since stopped watching this for any kind of sexual interest. 我想在此提出一点,我早已不再看任何这一类的性兴趣。 chinaagg.com 5. It has been so long since we were all together. 好久我们没有在一起团聚了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. As I've said, the revolutionary ethos in Czechoslovakia has long since vanished. 正如我所说,革命气氛在捷克斯洛伐克早就消失了。 www.bing.com 7. Such policies are equivalent to trying to resuscitate a patient long since dead. 这些政策就好比试图让死去多时的病人苏醒过来。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It's been so long since I sat under the moonlight in the middle of a lake, chatting with a bunch of friends, it felt so great! 好久没有在月光下,坐在湖心亭里跟一帮朋友聊天了,感觉好极了! lisalai.com 9. It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. 它已久以来,来了我的注意,人们的成就很少坐在回,让事情发生在自己身上。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 10. I saw Dr. Morgan sitting at the kitchen table. He was a neighbor of my grandparents' age, long since retired. 我见到摩根医生坐在厨房桌子边。他是外公家邻居,和外公差不多年纪,也早就退休了。 bbs.wdou.cn 1. Margaret has long since given up trying to moderate his language . 玛格丽特对纠正他的语言已经失去信心了。 www.bing.com 2. there was still a noticeable bounce in her stride , but whatever springiness I had once possessed had long since left me. 在她的步伐中仍然可以很明显的看到弹性,但是我曾经拥有的多少弹性都早已离开了我 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It's so weird to be happy. It's been so long since I've felt this way. Let me back track. 那么开心很不可思议。很久没有感觉到这样了。让我好好回忆一下。 savageboy.vip.63dns.com 4. It has been established long since that to know the origin of a word, one must know the properties of the object the word designates. 我们很久以来都知道,要了解一个单词的起源,必须知道此单词所指对象的属性。 www.bing.com 5. These days most links are generated by computers, so the original form of this "page rank" algorithm has long since been scrapped. 现在大多数链接都由计算机生成,所以之前的“pagerank”算法早就不用了。 www.bing.com 6. Whether the fiends still possess quintessence or whether they've used it up long since, it's not been seen or spoken of for many aeons. 恶魔们是否依然占有着原萃,又是否他们早已将它们挥霍殆尽,亿万年来无从了解与回答。 www.odyguild.net 7. I use to like stay in my own place all day long since I felt it's safe. 我原本喜欢每天都待在属于自己的空间里,认为这样比较有安全感。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. There was no postal service and the phone system had long since disintegrated. 这里自从国家瓦解以来,就没有邮电业和电话系统。 www.bing.com 9. It was so long since he had heard the song of a bird that it seemed to him the most beautiful music in the world. 这是这么久以来,他听到了一只鸟在他看来,世界上最美丽的音乐。 www.youeredu.com 10. The thirst for humor drives advertisers to resort to it, in the hope of catching an audience long since jaded by all the other appeals. 人们对幽默的如饥似渴,使做广告的人也大加利用这一点,希望能长时间的吸引观众,让他对其他的广告都不感兴趣。 www.sdau.edu.cn 1. It has been so long since George Washington was alive, how do we really know when he was born? 从华盛顿出生以来已经很久了,你能确实指出他是哪一天出生的吗? www.24en.com 2. I'm pretty confident that we have long since passed the point where options improve our welfare. 但是我可以肯定我们早就远远超出了‘选择令我们富有’所需要的这个关键值了。 www.ted.com 3. I wondered that the porpoises had not long since gone away. 我感到十分惊奇,那些海豚不久前才离开。 kaoshi.alai.net 4. Mora 's desperate digging finally draws the attention of her hungry cubs. But their prey has long since given them the slip. 莫拉绝望的挖掘最终吸引了自己饥饿幼仔的注意。但它们的猎物很长时间都没有犯错误了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I hear about people eating meat, it has been so long since we tasted this, as it is far too expensive. 我听说其他人在吃肉,我已很久没有吃过,因为太昂贵了。 www.oxfam.org.hk 6. Similarly, Carrie Fisher, whose film career had long since cooled off, regained the spotlight with her novels and memoir. 同样,演艺事业早已暗淡的凯丽·费雪,凭借她的小说和回忆录重新获得关注。 www.bing.com 7. My transport has long since left, so I hitch a lift with a couple of Republican Force soldiers in a battered army jeep. 我的座驾已经开走很久,所以我搭乘了一辆破旧的吉普车,车上是一群共和党的士兵。 www.ecocn.org 8. Many multinationals, meanwhile, have long since begun to focus their China manufacturing operations on the vast Chinese market. 许多跨国公司关注广阔中国市场的中国生产经营已很久。 www.bing.com 9. Another point to be made is that it has been way too long since the peoples of Inner and surface Earth cooperated as one. 另外一点是离上一次地球表面和地球的内部作为一个整体而合作,隔得时间太久啦。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. One Tuesday morning, the local grocer has refused to extend him any more credit, and his banker has long since refused to return his calls. 在某个星期二早上,楼下的杂货店开始不让他继续赊帐,城里的银行也很久不接他电话了。 local.joelonsoftware.com 1. Most of these exclamations have survived from earlier days. And their original meanings are long since forgotten. 这些感叹语中的多数源远流长,其原有意义早已被遗忘。 www.remword.cn 2. Had it been -that- long since he almost met his end at the hands of the barbarians , that long since he traded everything to save himself ? 究竟是多久了?自从他差点最终丧命在那些野蛮人手中开始,或者是他付出了一切来换取他的活命的开始?。 www.bing.com 3. Life there has long since returned to normal: the forecourts of terminals at Heathrow airport no longer resemble tent cities. 那里的生活很久才得以恢复正常:希思罗机场的候机厅前庭不再跟帐篷城市一样。 www.ecocn.org 4. It has not been long since China started to make efforts in cityscape planning. 我国开展城市风貌规划的时间不长,还处于探索过程中。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. By God, I could have long since become even the General Director of Security29. 上帝知道,说不定早就做到安全总署的署长啦。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. Mr Walesa, whose election to the presidency epitomised Poland's transition to democracy, has long since left the political mainstream. 瓦文萨成为总统的那次选举正是波兰向着民主制度转型的典型缩影,但他早已离开政界的主流; www.ecocn.org 7. He longs to see them and feels that it has been too long since he has. 他感到已经离开了太久,渴望见到他们。 www.cndkc.net 8. It's been too long since I've linked out to the fantastic resources outside of this blog! 用了好长的时间,我才链接到除博客之外极好的资源! www.elanso.com 9. As for the two tailors -- they were in fact thieves, and had long since left the town with their bags of gold. 关于二个裁缝师的--他们事实上是小偷,而且久自从被留下的城镇以后以他们的黄金的袋子有了。 www.vicn.net 10. The fire-heated wall of his room was very warm, the curtain long since having been drawn. 火墙烧得很热,屋子里的窗帘早早就拉上了。 blog.163.com 1. And I hardly need to tell you that in that 19- or 24-inch view of the world, cleanliness has long since eclipsed godliness. 我不必多费口舌告诉你们:在那十九或二十四英寸的世界图像中,清洁早巳使神圣黯然失色。 www.zftrans.com 2. I notice a bit late, since it's not long since I invented it, that it rhymes with ventouses. 我后来才又注意,自从我杜撰这个词语以来,不久就有人将它就跟「吸尘器」ventouses的词语押韵配对。 springhero.wordpress.com 3. The employees that created and maintained this configuration management system had long since left the state agency. 制造和维护这个配置管理系统的雇员们早已经离开了这个部门。 www.ibm.com 4. Why, I didn't notice, but it seems ever so long since I heard any of the others. 对了,我倒没留意。不过好像很长时间都没听到别的同伴的声音了。 chinaorb.com 5. The word has long since been out of use. 那个词早已不用了。 www.tjjy.com.cn 6. My experience in public concerns and the observation of a life somewhat advanced confirm the opinions long since imbibed by me. 我任公职的经验和对生活的略微高超的观察证实了我长久以来所形成的观点。 www.kekenet.com 7. I miss him so much. The acute, stabbing pain I had felt whenever I thought his name had long since dulled. 我的感觉早已迟钝,但只要我一想到他,一阵钻心的刺骨的疼痛就会袭来。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Ikeda was a charismatic and powerful figure and all potential rivals for leadership have long since left his organization. 池田曾经是一位超凡并有力量的人物,所有潜在的旨在取得这领导能力的竞争对手已经离开了他的组织。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Mother, I offer true feelings one piece to you, sues in my heart the long since words. 妈妈,我向你献上真情一片,诉出我心中久已的话。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It's been decades since those days of boyhood exploration, and I'm sure that rust has long since consumed my old bike. 少年时代的探险已经过去了几十年,我的旧单车肯定也早已生满了锈。 www.tesoon.com 1. China is probably the most egregious example of a country that should long since have graduated from World Bank borrowing. 中国也许是最突出的例子,这样的国家早就不该获得世行贷款了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. After all, it was not so long since every gentleman had gone to work in a wing collar and frock coat. 毕竟,就在不太久以前,所有男士还须穿着翼领衬衣和礼服大衣上班。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Sudo has a feature that uses time tickets to determine how long since the last sudo command was run. sudo的一个特性使用时间票据判断自从最后一次运行sudo命令以来已经过了多长时间。 www.ibm.com 4. He speaks and acts as he speaks, all for the sake of beings. - It is long since he attained Emancipation in the world. 他说并且像他说的那样做。为了所有的生命-这是他获得解脱后很久的事了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The area is the remains of a suburban city, long since abandoned due to radiation. 这个地区是市外的遗迹,很久以前由于辐射的危险而被遗弃。 pro.animamix.com 6. In theory, you need molten iron in the core to generate one, but Mercury is so small, its core should have long since solidified. 理论上,行星的核心要有熔融的铁水才能产生磁场。但是,水星那么小,它的核心应该早已固化。 www.bing.com 7. Miyazaki has claimed that the building contains a nuclear reactor that has long since melted down. 宫崎骏宣称这个建筑很久以前包含一个熔化的原子反应堆。 pro.animamix.com 8. His friends were everywhere in the state, from the Capitol to the smallest farm, and his enemies had long since run for cover. 他的朋友遍布全州,从州议会大厦到最小的农场都有,而他的敌人则早已销声匿迹。 dict.ebigear.com 9. "Eh, eh, eh! " yelled another, the carriage having long since passed out of hearing. “唷,唷,唷!”另一个大声喊着,马车早已走远,听不见了。 www.bing.com 10. Beloved , I take complete refuge in You. And the bicycle has long since been stolen . 挚爱,您是我完全的依怙。那辆脚踏车早就被偷了。 www.bing.com 1. We had long since decided, therefore, to turn on Moscow if an offensive developed. 因此我们早就打定主意,在一旦发生攻势时,就唯莫斯科是问。 2. The age is long since gone when friendly authoritarians could rule over passive populations and produce stability indefinitely. 友善独裁者可以统治消极人口(passivepopulations)、无限期维持稳定的时代已经一去不复返了。 www.ecocn.org 3. The defenders had long since been brushed aside, as they had known they must be. 防守的一方在被扫除干净之前坚守了很长的时间,因为他们知道必须这么做。 blog.stnn.cc 4. He was a neighbor my grandparents' age, long since retired. He'd come to the house several times before on social calls. 他是和我爷爷奶奶同龄的邻居,已经退休很长时间了,以前,他也曾经礼节性地来访过几次。 www.ryedu.net 5. The problem with some people is that it has been so long since they have dreamed that they have forgotten what their dreams are. 问题是,有些人已经等很久了,就忘了他们梦寐以求的梦想是什么。 cunt.amazing-network-marketing.com 6. But the honeymoon with Eliza has long since ended and they've become a bit tired of each other lately . 但与艾丽莎的蜜月早就已经结束了,近段时间他们彼此都有点厌倦对方了。 www.bing.com 7. The domination of Europe over the rest of the world has long since declined. 欧洲对世界其他地区的支配作用早已衰弱。 www.sogood.cn 8. The credit crisis has long since moved beyond the woes of investment banks forced to slash the market value of exotic securities. 信用危机从投资银行被迫削减国外证券的市值开始,而随著时间的推移这场灾难变的越来越恶化。 www.ecocn.org 9. Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I have been focused on finishing the T. V series. 对不起,很久没写博了,我一直在全力拍摄电视剧。 post.baidu.com 10. it has been long since the project being completed. 这个工程完工已经有一段时间了。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. actually, the source of this problem has long since been researched abroad. It is "not in my back yard" . 这个问题的来由,其实国外已经早有研究,那就是“不在自家后院原理”。 www.chinadialogue.net 2. Many are dry for years, their waters long since soaked up by the parched ground and left as a chain of water holes. 许多河流已经干涸了多年,他们的水域很长由于被干涸的大陆吸收并且会留下很多的水沟。 www.bing.com 3. They are those which reveal unsuspected relations between other facts, long since known, but wrongly believed to be unrelated to each other. 值得研究的数学事实是能揭示与其它早已知道的事实有无可怀疑的联系,而被错误地认为是相互无关的那些。 blog.edu.cn 4. Sure, I've always liked Darth Vader and I have long since found his progression from scary villain to redeemed tragic hero interesting. 当然,我一直都喜欢达斯·维达,很久以前在发现他从一个纯粹的恶棍转变为一个忏悔的悲剧英雄时起就对他感兴趣了。 starwarsfans.cn 5. Ive long since forgiven her for what she did. 我早就已经原谅她做过的事了。 ocw.guet.edu.cn 6. It has long since cast aside its many small flee without a trace. 它早就抛下它的虾兵蟹将逃的无影无踪了。 www.fgly.cn 7. "All right, " was his only reply. He had long since wearied of discussing the rancorous subject. “行啊,”他总是这么简单地回答一句。他早就厌倦这类怨气冲冲的话题了。 www.bing.com 8. By the time Cadieux took the case, the police had long since opened the missing persons case. 到卡接手的时候,警局已经在这失踪案件上磨蹭很久了。 www.bing.com 9. It seemed so long since she had been in a flutter at a ball. 似乎她在舞会上婆娑起舞已经是很久以前的事。 www.dictall.com 10. Its famous monuments and royal palaces have long since disappeared into the city's huge natural harbor. 著名的纪念碑和皇家宫殿都消失在这座城市的巨大的天然海港里已多年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The Bith have become totally dependent on technology, having long since lost all their animalistic traits and instincts. 他们高度依赖科技,早已摈弃了所有的动物性和本能。 starwarsfans.cn 2. The Swede, resident in Milan, had once possessed a Commercial Pilot's Licence (CPL) but this had long since expired, Dutch police said. 这名瑞典人先住在意大利米兰。荷兰警方说,他以前曾经是拥有过一个商业飞行员执照的,但这张执照已经过期很久了。 bbs.52pcgame.com 3. Images of Piye on the elaborate granite slabs, or stelae, memorializing his conquest of Egypt have long since been chiseled away. 那些花岗岩石板和石碑上纪念他征服埃及的图象早就被凿下并偷走。 www.bing.com 4. It is not that long since politicians of all persuasions were uncomfortable with the idea of government workers joining unions. 这种情况出现的时间还不长,因为所有党派的政客以前都不希望政府职员加入工会。 www.ecocn.org 5. Brown has long since shed its Baptist affiliation, but remains dedicated to diversity and intellectual freedom. 布朗早已摆脱浸信会的关系,但仍致力于多样性和知识自由。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Druid of the Claw: Shan'do Stormrage! I don't know what came over us. It's been so long since we remembered who we were. 利爪德鲁伊:“怒风导师!我不知道我们身上究竟发生了什么。我们已经很久都想不起来自己是谁了。” tieba.baidu.com 7. If so, it raises the possibility that organisms could survive even on planets whose surfaces have long since become lifeless. 如果是这样,那么有机体能在那些长久以来被认为表面毫无生气的行星上存活的可能性就增加了。 my.opera.com 8. Oh, ok. How, it's been so long since you've had sex, you're wondering if they've changed it? 哦,好的。怎么了,因为你太久没做爱了,你不知道有没有什么改变? www.kekenet.com 9. However, antioxidants have long since acquired a reputation as miracle health supplements. 然而,抗氧化剂神奇健康补品的名声在外已久。 www.ttxyy.com 10. The talk of setting aside a corner of the pasture for superannuated animals had long since been dropped. 拨出大牧场一角给退休动物享用的话题也早就搁到一边了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. After many decades he returns to his old life to find his former love has long since married. 在几十年后,他回到了过去生活的地方,发现他从前的情人已经结婚很久了。 www.hjenglish.com 2. "Isn't it long since the wolves were so near the city? " 我说,有点疑惑,“不久前城市附近不还有狼吗?” www.bing.com 3. These memories were almost intolerable to him, it was so long since they had recurred to him. 那些往事对他几乎是不堪回首的,他已有那么多年不去想它了。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 4. A: It's been so long since I've had a boyfriend! 我好久都没有过男朋友了! www.hjenglish.com 5. Then again, perhaps it has already ended, and we have already been long since blasted into some higher plane of existence. 不过话说回来,或许这事早就结束啦,而我们也早就被轰到这更高阶的存在层面啦。 www.pai-hang-bang.com 6. Junks have been long since a well known symbol of Chinese maritime transport and trade. 帆船早就因为众所周知的象征,中国海上运输和贸易。 www.23model.com 7. It was long since been completed without achieving the aspirations. 完成很久以来一直没有实现的愿望。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Though the super-sovereign reserve currency has long since been proposed, yet no substantive progress has been achieved to date. 超主权储备货币的主张虽然由来以久,但至今没有实质性进展。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Undoubtedly Goering had long since become corrupt and increasingly unnerved. 毫无疑问,戈林早已腐败了,并且越来越气馁。 dict.veduchina.com 10. But without Wade, LeBron's shots in the fourth quarter would have long since been rendered irrelevant. 但没有韦德,詹姆斯在第四节的投篮会像之前一样变得无关紧要。 www.bing.com 1. Some people had been helped, however, by my small acts of kindness, a smile, a kind word, little things I had long since forgotten. 有些人却因为我做的一些小事得到了帮助,如我一个微笑,一句亲切的话,一些我早已不记得的事情。 tieba.baidu.com 2. The board members from that era have long since parted ways with Apple , which now counts Al Gore among its directors . 现在的苹果董事会已是物是人非,当年的成员早已各奔东西。 www.bing.com 3. It has been too long since this server last replicated with the named source server. 此服务器与命名源服务器上次复制以来已太长。 support.microsoft.com 4. The accusations include stuffing of ballot boxes, vote rigging, using outdated voter rolls, including names of people long since dead. The指控包括票箱,选举舞弊,使用过时的选民名单,包括死亡的人,因为长的名字。 www.englishtang.com 5. The Cold War has long since ended, but Greenland remains a desirable territory, rich in oil and precious metals. 如今冷战结束已久,但是富藏石油与贵重金属矿产的格陵兰岛是各国希翼之地。 space.30edu.com 6. for it's been so long since I have seen you. I can hardly remember your face anymore. 太久没有遇见你我已经不敢相信,因为我几乎再也记不起你的样子。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Indeed, although the Japanese have a reputation of being a nation of savers, this has long since ceased to be true. 实际上,虽然日本素来有勤俭之国的美誉,但这已经是老黄历了。 blog.ecocn.org 8. With over 470 million Internet users, China has long-since grown accustomed to the rising popularity of social networking sites. 有着4.7亿的因特网用户,中国早已习惯社交网站的日益流行。 www.hxen.com 9. Choosing to live in the style of the 1830s, her clothes, her home, and her way of life all hearken back to an era long since past. 选择十九世纪三十年代的生活作风,她的衣服、她的家和她的生活方式都回归到那古老的年代。 www.bing.com 10. The rifts, tears and rents in that grid have long since been repaired by the archangels and the galactics. 那个网格上的裂痕、撕裂和裂纹已经被天使们和银河存有们修复了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The outreach teams had long since memorized his location and his habits. 外展队早已熟悉他的位置和习惯。 www.bing.com 2. We met each other before long. Since then my love for you did only grow. You are my eternal sunshine. 不久前我们相遇,从此便深深的爱上了你,你是我永恒的太阳。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. MOST people have long since made up their minds about the Western campaign in Afghanistan. 绝大多数人早就在心里给西方在阿富汗的军事行动定了性。 www.ecocn.org 4. Americans have long since taken up Adams's suggestion with awesome energy and enthusiasm. 长久以来,美国人对于落实亚当斯总统的建议可说是兴致勃勃、乐此不疲。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. That time of your life has past. Your growth plates have long since closed. 你生命中的那个阶段已经过去了,你的生长面已经永远地闭合了。 www.bing.com 6. It's not been long since you taught us English, but I am greatly impressed by you. 虽然你教我英语的时间不长,但是我对你的印象很深。 wenwen.soso.com 7. We have long since got used to this face. 很久以来,我们已经习惯了这些现象。 www.bing.com 8. Well, it's been so long since we've done this together. 哦,自从我们一起做这事到现在已经很久了。 www.putclub.com 9. When I became President, I tracked him down. He was in ill health and had long since retired from politics. 我当上总统以后,寻访到了他,当时他的身体很不好,早已退出了政界。 www.bing.com 10. This technology will probably be used to bring actors back to the screen who have long since died. 这项技术可能会被用来使过世很久的演员重返荧屏。 www.ecocn.org 1. It's been so long since I've made a video. 从我上一次做视频到现在的确过去很久了。 tieba.baidu.com 2. His notions about sex and spinning and simple living have long since been abandoned. 他那些有关性、纺纱、简单生活的理念已被遗忘已久。 dongxi.net 3. Very little hope I assure you . No. If a god of love and life ever did exist . He is long since dead. Someone. Something rules in his place. 只有很少的希望,我发誓。不,就算一个友爱与生命的神曾经存在。祂也早已死去。而现在,冥冥中的某人、某物统治着。 www.bing.com 4. All good for every branch is nearly saw when good, then slice inch long since, is good also exult. 天下善事俱是分所当为,近见有寸长片善,便自矜夸,是好名也。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. He has long since been recognized as a great playwright. 他早就被公认为伟大的剧作家了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. An Irish peasant would have long since come to terms with the creature. 如果是个爱尔兰农夫,恐怕他早就和这怪物妥协了。 www.bing.com 7. The mojo that Sony had three decades ago, when the Walkman first hit the market, has long since faded away. 30年前当索尼刚开始向市场投放Walkman时所具有的魔力已经褪去很久了。 www.bing.com 8. Many of Freud's theories have long since been discredited, but they remain influential to this day. 弗洛伊德的很多理论长期以来一直受到质疑,但时至今日仍然有影响力。 www.bing.com 9. The breeze had long since dropped, and the dry grass stood stiff and straight as copper wires. 微风早经停息了;枯草支支直立,有如铜丝。 www.putclub.com 10. said Harry, who had long since decided not to challenge Luna or her father's peculiar views. 哈利说,他早就决定不对这父女俩古怪的观点提出异议。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Faith in many banks' capital strength has long since vanished. 对许多银行资金雄厚的信心早已荡然无存。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Harpy Queen: Come, sisters! It's been too long since we feasted on outlander flesh! 鹰身女妖女王:快来,姐妹们!我们太久没享用过外来生物的肉了! wow8.org 3. The vast majority of Romanies have long since stopped being nomads. 大部分的罗姆人早已脱离游牧的生活。 bbs.ecocn.org 4. Microsoft had long since learned that fancy, colorful graphics didn't go over well in business circles. 微软早就深知迷人的、华丽的图形用户界面并不适用于商界。 www.bing.com 5. Not very long, since we started to work in the company. 而不是很长,因为我们开始在该公司工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. And what it takes away is long since gone, but being kept in memory appears to have immediate effects. 而它所解除之物,其实早就不存在了,只因记忆犹存,似乎仍具直接的影响。 cid-faaa7b0f89409ae6.spaces.live.com 7. Perspex lenses have long since been replaced by acrylic ones. 有机玻璃晶状体很久以来已被丙烯酸的代替。 www.ecocn.org 8. However, this not last long since I met the current English teacher. 这种状况没有持续太久直到我遇到现在的英语老师。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. It is pleasantly cool on the ground floor and the smells of cooking have long since been extracted. 这是凉爽的一楼,饭菜气味已被提取。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The world has turned over many times since I took the oath on the plain at WestPoint, and the hopes and dreams have long since vanished. 自从我在西点的草坪上宣读誓言以来,这个世界已经经历了多次转变,童年的希望和梦想早已消失得无影无踪。 www.bing.com 1. The people had long since willed the end of getting stuck in a traffic jam. 人们早就希望结束被交通拥挤所困的现象。 www.wantdoc.com 2. The once familiar scent of burning jet fuel has long since faded away. 这股熟悉的来自喷射发动机燃烧燃料的气味很久再也没有闻到过了。 bbs.dmzj.com 3. It's been so long since I've done that. 我很久没做过那种事情了。 bbs.exue.com 4. Not long since, a strolling Indian went to sell baskets at the house of a well-known lawyer in my neighborhood. 不久以前,一个闲步的印第安人到我的邻舍一位著名律师家中兜卖篮子。 conch.blogbus.com 5. Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved? 早已解决的事,何必重提呢? www.putclub.com 6. The house had long since been torn down, and the barns were deteriorated14. 风车房早已被拆毁,而那些牲口棚也是每况愈下。 www.showxiu.com 7. The job that brought me to Rotary has long since come and gone, but I am a Rotarian for life. 虽然那些带领我到扶轮的工作早就结束,但我终生会是一位扶轮社员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The afternoon shadows had long since lengthened into evening and the night air had turned chilly. 下午的阴影是那样长,一直延伸到了傍晚,而夜晚的空气已经变得有些冷。 dict.wenguo.com 9. He had long since worn out the desire for fame. 对于名声他早就心灰意懒了。 dict.veduchina.com 10. For it been so long since I have seen you. 自从我看见你已经很长时间了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. For it's been so long since I have seen you. 已经很久没有见过你,我甚至已经忆不起你的模样。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The two-year project has long since finished. 为期两年的项目早已结束。 www.oxfam.org.hk 3. Even though it grows to 20 feet long, since it eats only fish it's not dangerous to human beings. 尽管它们可以长到20英尺长,但由于它们只吃鱼,因而对人类没有威胁。 www.ted.com 4. It is now long since closed down. 目前它已被长久关闭, www.bing.com 5. Fellow long-term casualties Tom Cleverley (foot) and Darron Gibson (ankle) have long since been ruled out. 其他长期难及时归队的伤号还有汤姆·克莱维利(脚伤)和达伦·吉布森(膝伤)。 www.kle100.cn 6. Alas, their days of playing have long since ended. 唉,他们从前玩耍的时光结束了。 beautycute.blogcn.com 7. In the West world's fairs have long since lost their allure. 笼罩在西方世博会上的光环消失已久。 club.topsage.com 8. Most countries have long since squeezed as much tax revenue from their citizens as they can. 大多数欧洲国家长期以来尽可能多地从其国民手中征收税赋。 www.cn.wsj.com 9. That system has long since reached its sell-by date. 这一制度早就该寿终正寝了。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Vernon zhong: thank you. It is a long since i saw such beautiful night from this height. 仲天骐:谢谢你,我好久没有在这个高度看这么美丽的夜景了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. This fallacy has long since been torn to shreds. 这种谬论早已被批得体无完肤。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The people had long since willed the end of the Empire. 人民早就希望这个帝国快快完蛋。 3. And other tube materials had long since entered the world of packaging alongside aluminium. 和其他管材料早已进入了旁边铝包装世界。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 4. Coming to my happy long since. 回到快乐的从前。 wenwen.soso.com 5. And weep afresh love's long since cancell'd woe. 我重新哭泣爱情久已过去的哀愁。 bbs.edu.qq.com 6. Other staff had long since gone home. 其他的员工早就回家了。 wenku.baidu.com 7. It's been long since I posted anything new. 它的长,我张贴了什么新的东西。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. I've long since retired, my son's moved away. 我已退休很久了,我的儿子也搬走了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. a name long since forgotten. 一个以前长久为人所遗忘的名字 zhidao.baidu.com 10. It hasn't been long since I started learning Chinese. 我学中文的时间不长。 big5.cctv.com 1. It's long since time we got started. 从我们开始以来,已经过去很长时间了。 www.bing.com 2. It has been too long since I have tasted true freedom! 很久都没有感受到真正的自由了! gamequote.appspot.com 3. I've long since forgiven you. 我早就原谅了你。 www.kekenet.com 4. The euphoria of victory in 1945 had long since given way to sullen resentment. 1945年胜利时的欢快心情早已被阴郁的不满情绪所取代。 dict.veduchina.com 5. I first met him long since. 我在很久以前第一次见到他。 6. It's been too long since I've been in Taiwan and I really miss you all! 我已经很没有回台湾了,很想念大家! blog.sina.com.cn 7. It is long since we met; he will have forgotten me. 我们很久没见面了;他一定把我忘了。 enews.tacocity.com.tw 8. It is long since we had any hope. 我们长久以来都没有希望 blog.sina.com.cn 9. How long since you played? - My guitar? 你多久没弹了? www.tingclass.net 10. Have you known each other for long? -Not very long, since we started to work in the company. 你们彼此认识很久了吗?不是很久,自从我们在那个公司工作开始。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. How long since you are in the position of programmer? 你在程序员的位置上几年了? hcxt.com.cn 2. In America the bounce caused by a temporary tax credit for first-time buyers has long since faded. 在美国,先前受暂时性首次购房税收减免政策推动的房地产反弹早已渐行渐远了。 www.ecocn.org 3. How long since you saw him last time? 你隔多长时间去看他? wenwen.soso.com 4. Virtually all developing countries have long since passed the stage of easy import substitution. 自此,几乎所有发展中国家都早已超越单纯实行进口替代的阶段。 www.america.gov 5. I have forgot what we argued for long since we met last time. 我早就忘了我们上次见面吵了些什么。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. How long since what? 什么多长时间了? career.51youcai.com 7. I know it has been way too long since I have written on my blog, but I want you all to know that I am back! ! ! 我知道我的博客已经很久没有更新了,可是现在我想告诉大家我回来了! blog.sina.com.cn 8. Not long since I was present at the auction of a deacon's effects, for his life had not been ineffectual 此后不久,我参观过一个教会执事的动产的拍卖,他的一生并不是没有成绩的,而 www.zftrans.com 9. It hasnt been long since your comeback special. How long have you been resting before you returned? 从你的回归舞台特辑算起来,似乎不是很长的一段时间。你休息了多久? dododo3.iyuki.net 10. In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of violent controversy, but the scientific dust has long since settled, 伽利略在世时是激烈论战的中心,但是,自他逝世以来,那场科学上的纷争早已平息了下来, www.kekenet.com 1. It was so long since she had been anything near the right size, that it felt quite strange at first; 由于她已经不是正常高度了,所以开头还有点奇怪,不过几分钟就习惯了。 www.hjenglish.com 2. But this consuming method hasn't been very long since existing in our country, especially the credit card business. 但这种消费方式在我国存在的时间并不长,信用卡业务更是如此。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The beautiful days are long gone And I can't seem to breathe Feels like it hasn't been that long Since y 美丽的日子已逝去很久我似乎还不能呼吸感觉并非如此久远自你从我身旁离去 www.kekenet.com 4. It's been oh so long, since the last time I seen your smile 它是如此的长,因为我最后一次见到你的微笑 www.ebigear.com 5. And how long since you've been to the slave quarter? 有多久没到奴隶居所去了? blog.sina.com.cn 6. He forgot what I told him long since 他早把我跟他说的忘记了 wenwen.soso.com 7. It ain't so long since you were flying high 从你高飞以后,没过太久 zhidao.baidu.com 8. It's been so long since you've been here with me 很长时间以来你一直和我在一起 zhidao.baidu.com 9. And now Directorate forces have taken control of the planet Char, long since rumored to 而现在联邦军队已经完全控制了查尔行星,也就是传说中 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I love listening to people's stories. But long since have stopped being agony uncle. People must make their own journeys 我喜欢听人们的故事。但不做答读者问专栏作家后,已经很就没有听故事了,人们应该有自己的故事 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It has been so long since we have talked 我们太久没有说话 zhidao.baidu.com 2. So long, since you've been, missing 你已经消失了那么久 wenwen.soso.com 3. An undertaking long since achieved in the cognitive realm 这个任务在认知领域是早已完成了的 www.proz.com 4. It's been so long since last we met, 我们好久未交战, spaces.msn.com 5. it's been so long since we've talked 从我们上一次谈话已过去这么多时间了 wenwen.soso.com 6. It's been so long since I've been home 那是自从我回家以前的一段很长的时间 blog.sina.com.cn 7. its been so long since i held you 我和你在一起很久了 www.ebigear.com 8. And weep afresh love's long since canceled woe, 再哭为久已注销的心碎, www.bilinguist.com 9. Your heart of gold has long since tarnished 你的金子般的心自从失去了光泽后 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Memorial . . I love long since dead 纪念..我早已经死去的爱情 wenwen.soso.com 1. Ive long since retired, my sons moved away 我退休很长时间了,我的儿子搬走了 zhidao.baidu.com 2. And weep afresh love's long since cancel'd woe 要重温早已勾销的苦痛 wenku.baidu.com 3. It is not long since science developed in China, therefore the groundwork is friability ; 科学在中国扎根的时间短,根基不够深; dictsearch.appspot.com 4. for its been so long since I have seen you 因为我上一次见到你是在那么久以前 zhidao.baidu.com 5. My summer sun, you're long since gone 我的夏日,你早就离开了 bbs.gter.net 6. It's been to long since I've kissed your face 上次亲吻你的脸颊已是遥远的事情 zhidao.baidu.com |
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