单词 | long-running |
释义 | 例句释义: 长期连续上演的,长流程,长时间运行,长期运行 1. Given the long-running nature of business processes, there is usually a need to change these policies dynamically. 考虑到业务流程的长期性,通常需要动态地更改这些策略。 www.ibm.com 2. A ruling on the case of a woman known only as C has reignited the long-running and divisive abortion debate in Ireland. 一对只知道为C掀起了在爱尔兰长期运行和分裂堕胎辩论妇女的案件作出裁决。 www.englishtang.com 3. The dispute over the border is so long-running that India's reaction was no stronger than official outrage and unofficial weariness. 中印边界争端由来已久,以至于印度的反应无外乎官方表示强烈愤慨,而民间则对此感到厌烦。 www.ecocn.org 4. The long-running boom in iron-ore prices appears to have at least one more year to run, and maybe more. 铁矿石价格的长期涨势看来还要持续一年,甚至更长时间。 smilelyspring.spaces.live.com 5. Long-running jobs, or jobs that never seem to have finished, probably indicate a problem that should be investigated. 长时间运行的作业或似乎从未完成的作业可能指示应该调查某个问题。 www.ibm.com 6. And unless results are forthcoming, the long-running drama over Iran's nuclear ambitions could rapidly escalate into a global crisis. 除非成果即将诞生,否则围绕伊朗核野心展开的漫长剧作将可能迅速升级为一场全球危机。 www.ecocn.org 7. She had a long running battle with successive tumors and sarcomas and was always in the front line for any daring new treatment. 她长时间以来不停地和肿瘤作斗争,也一直在大胆地尝试新的治疗方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. All of these factors suggest that the state of the long-running process after each progression needs to be persisted to a backend database. 所有这些因素都表明每一次进程运行后长期进程的状态都需要持久保存到后端数据库。 www.ibm.com 9. The statement broke little new ground in the long-running dispute between the North and countries, led by the U. S. 声明在解决朝鲜与美国为首的多国之间的长期争端上并没有实现新的突破。 www.bing.com 10. This makes it easy to see the impact of long running SQL statements while they are still in progress. 这使得很难容易查看长时间执行的sql当她们还在运行的时候带来的影响。 space.itpub.net 1. Ask the database administrator to check the lock and memory configuration for this instance , or to check for long- running transactions . 请询问数据库管理员,检查此实例的锁定和内存配置,或检查是否有长时间运行的事务。 www.bing.com 2. Moscow is keen to be seen to be clamping down on smuggling as part of its long-running campaign to join the World Trade Organization. 莫斯科希望外界看到,作为俄罗斯加入世界贸易组织(WTO)长期努力的一部分,它正在努力打击走私活动。 www.bing.com 3. Implementing the human activities of this long-running process as a Web flow would be a sound technical solution. 将此长期运行进程的人类活动实现为Web流成为一个明智的技术解决方案。 www.ibm.com 4. Makati was noted for his long-running feud with the Prophets of the Dark Side, especially the Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side, Kadann. 马卡蒂因其同黑暗面预言会长期不睦而闻名,他与黑暗面首席预言者卡丹特别不合。 word.hcbus.com 5. During the navigation of a long-running process, activity instances are not always persisted. 在导航长时间运行的流程时,并不是始终保持活动实例。 www.ibm.com 6. Starting the task also sends a request to start the long running service with which the task is associated. 启动任务同时也会发送一个请求来启动与该任务相关联的长时间运行的服务。 www.ibm.com 7. However, he waved off a reporter's question whether there would be a resolution to the long-running beef spat this week. 但是当一位记者问及本周是否会解决长期以来的牛肉争端时,他却没有回答。 cn.reuters.com 8. A service is a component that runs in the background to perform long-running operations or to perform work for remote processes. service是在后台运行长时间操作或者执行远程进程工作组件。 www.cnblogs.com 9. Some of the similarities are striking, right down to the long-running federal antitrust suits that both companies endured. 它们二者有很多惊人的相似性,包括两个公司长期面对的联邦反垄断的起诉。 www.bing.com 10. Pyongyang pulled out of the long-running six-party nuclear disarmament talks earlier this year. 朝鲜于今年年初从针对解除核计划的长期六方会谈中退出。 www.elanso.com 1. The business process is itself a service, one that combines simpler services into a long running flow of services. 业务流程本身就是一个服务,它将多个较为简单的服务组合成一个长时间运行的服务流。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Now a soon-to-be published book in English has revived the long-running debate about whether the man can be separated from his philosophy. 现在一本即将出版的英文书又复兴了这个长期以来的争论:人们是否可以与其哲学思想分离。 www.bing.com 3. Reducing the size and weight of batteries with the necessary charge capacity has been a long-running battle for developers of electric cars. 降低电池的大小和重量的同时又能保证必需的电量一直以来都是电动汽车研发人员长期奋战的目标。 www.bing.com 4. The misleading email is basically just a long-running practical joke targeting computer users who believe incredible claims. 基本上,这封欺诈信只是出经久不衰的恶作剧,目标就是那些相信难以相信的声明的电脑用户。 www.elanso.com 5. Children tend to be recruited in brutal, long-running civil wars, the kind that simmer for years or even decades. 娃娃兵通常在残酷的长期内战中被征召,这种漫长的战争通常要持续几年甚至几十年。 www.bing.com 6. The move had echoes of the Bank of Japan's long-running, largely unsuccessful zero interest-rate policy. 此举让人想起日本央行曾长期实行的零利率政策,而该政策大体上并未奏效。 cn.reuters.com 7. The integrity of the eurozone has been considered sacrosanct by its core members throughout the long running European sovereign debt crisis. 欧债危机旷日持久,但欧元区的完整性一直被核心成员国视为神圣不可侵犯。 www.fortunechina.com 8. Nokia and Apple have agreed a technology licensing agreement that ends the long-running legal dispute between the two firms. 诺基亚和苹果达成了技术批准协议,从而结束了两公司长期以来在法律上的争议。 www.bing.com 9. Considering the long-running assumption that the rapper was homophobic , the performance helped clear up some unneeded negative attention. 考虑到长期运行的假设,即说唱是同性恋,性能有助于澄清一些不必要的负面关注。 baike.soso.com 10. The long-running soap is no stranger to controversial topics, but now it sets its eyes on the transgender community. 旷日持久的争论话题肥皂并不陌生,但现在变性的眼界。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. There has been a long-running debate over whether the animal was a jackal or wolf. 关于此种动物是豺是狼存在一个长期的争议。 www.bing.com 2. Once the user has completed the activity, all subsequent business processing should be handled by the long running process. 用户完成了活动后,所有后续业务处理都应该由长时间运行的流程进行。 www.ibm.com 3. The context is managed to represent your evolving interest in various artifacts as you work, even on very long-running tasks. 管理上下文是为了精确地表示出对所从事的各种工件的聚焦程度,即使对长期运行的任务也是如此。 www.ibm.com 4. This method of calling services allows you to begin the long-running process on the server side. 调用服务的这种方法允许您在服务器端开始长期运行的进程。 www.ibm.com 5. From an application perspective, the long-running reporting workload is not interrupted by detach and completes concurrently. 从应用的角度来看,长期报告工作量没有被分离中断,而是已经同时完成。 www.ibm.com 6. In a long running process, each service is typically treated as a transaction if it changes data. 在长期运行过程中,通常每个服务都被视为一个事务(如果改变数据)。 www.ibm.com 7. Short-running process use cases can also be extended by a long-running process use case as a result of an event that they generate. 短时间运行的流程用例还可以通过生成的事件由长时间运行的流程用例进行扩展。 www.ibm.com 8. As you learned in Part 1, long running processes, short running processes, and automated activities are all invoked by a service. 正如第1部分中所述,长时间运行的流程、短时间运行的流程和自动化活动都由服务进行调用。 www.ibm.com 9. Sounds like a perfect fit, right? It even fits with long-running reports that Mercedes is looking for a partner for its next-gen compacts. 听起来很完美,对不对?它甚至符合长期运行的报告说,奔驰正在寻找合作伙伴,其次世代协约。 www.showxiu.com 10. A LONG-RUNNING row between Boeing and Airbus over the extent of state assistance to the two firms may be brought closer to a resolution. 波音与空中客车围绕政府对两家公司的补贴范围长期争执不休,就快尘埃落地了。 www.ecocn.org 1. Quite possibly it has shattered prospects for a negotiated settlement to Afghanistan's long-running internal conflict. 这很可能使阿富汗长期内部冲突并协商解决的局面彻底破灭。 club.topsage.com 2. A long-running effort to do this, known as DNSSEC, hit a key milestone in 2010 and may have enough pieces in place soon to be usable. 众所周知的域名系统的安全协议(DNSSEC)长期努力这么做于2010年达到一个重要里程碑而且或许有足够合适的协议不久可用。 www.ecocn.org 3. From a process modeling point of view, human activities are invoked by the long-running process they are part of. 从流程建模的角度而言,人工活动由其所属的长时间运行的流程进行调用。 www.ibm.com 4. This method will always be executed in a separate thread, so you are free to call long-running tasks. 该方法总是在独立的线程中执行,因此您可以自由调用长期运行任务。 www.ibm.com 5. In a long-running process, the default behavior is to have each activity run as its own transaction. 在长期运行流程中,默认行为是使每个行为作为自身的事务运行。 www.ibm.com 6. For long running processes, the only requirement is a database where all the intermediate statuses will be maintained. 对于长时间运行的流程,唯一的要求是一个可维护所有中间状态的数据库。 www.infoq.com 7. Distributed, long-running business transactions have always been difficult problems to solve. 分布式的长期运行的业务事务一直是难于解决的问题。 www.ibm.com 8. This long-running hit has moved on to its eighth season. Two things, however, remain constant in this show: basketball and buddies. 这部播出已久的热门剧集已经进入第八季,但篮球和兄弟依旧贯穿始终。 www.24en.com 9. A long-running process, therefore, is meant to be a set of chained navigation transactions. 一个长期运行的流程,也就是一组连接的导航事务。 www.ibm.com 10. Quality system and improve without people's participation and management to enhance the training can reduce the long running-in period. 质量体系的运行和改进离不开人的参与和管理,加强培训可以减少漫长的磨合期。 www.bing.com 1. The Long Running Scheduler (LRS) dispatches and monitors the execution of a single job. 长时间运行调度程序(LRS)分派并监视单个作业的执行。 www.ibm.com 2. Long-running processes can invoke services that do not respond immediately and can involve people interaction. 长时间运行的流程可以调用不能立即响应的服务,并且可以涉及人员交互。 www.ibm.com 3. But China and Nepal have had a long-running disagreement over the height. 但中国和尼泊尔在珠峰的高度认定上却存在长时间的争论。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The class manages a report in the form of a string that represents a long-running process. 该类管理字符串形式的报告,此报告表示一个长期运行的进程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Progress bars are commonly used to provide feedback to the user when downloading large files or performing similar long-running tasks. 进度条通常是在下载大文件或执行类似的长时间运行的任务时为用户提供反馈。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Put simply, Wall Street firms used towering leverage to make tons of money in a long-running bull market that blatantly under priced risk. 简单地说,华尔街的公司使用过份的杠杆作用在长时间明显低估风险的一轮牛市中赚取了大量的钱。 www.newpower.org.cn 7. Because microflows perform better than long-running processes, use a microflow for your proxy process implementation if possible. 由于微流程的性能比长时间运行的流程的性能更好,应该尽可能使用微流程来实现代理流程。 www.ibm.com 8. It is quite natural that people seldom reach a total agreement on such a long-running controversy. 很自然,人们很少在长期的争论中达成一致意见。 dahuaielts.com 9. Human tasks are separate from the long running processes that are generated for BSMs and are not covered in this article. 人工任务与为BSM生成的长时间运行进程是分开的,本文没有讨论该人工任务。 www.ibm.com 10. India has a remarkable ability to wage long-running low-intensity wars without their causing a sense of national outrage or panic. 印度发动的一些长时间、低强度的战争,通常不能引起国民的愤慨或恐慌。 www.ecocn.org 1. Each step in a long-running process is a transaction in and of itself. 一个长期运行流程的每一步都是该流程自身的或流程中的一个事务。 www.ibm.com 2. If the specified threshold is met or exceeded, the status is displayed as Long-running merge. 如果达到或超过指定的阈值,状态将显示为“长时间运行的合并”。 technet.microsoft.com 3. One common technique for making dynamic Web sites more efficient is to move long-running requests to a background process. 使动态网站更加高效的一个常用技术是将一些运行时间很长的请求移到后台过程完成。 www.ibm.com 4. In this article, you see how to start WebSphere Portal's render processing before receiving the entire data from the long-running call. 在本文中,您将了解从耗时的调用接收到全部数据之前,如何启动WebSpherePortal的呈现处理。 www.ibm.com 5. An alarming surge in the practice over the past decade has surfaced in Latin America, the long-running leader in kidnapping. 在过去的十年中拉丁美洲的犯罪率越来越汹涌,经常会有领导人被绑架的事件发生。 www.bing.com 6. of the tar gasification process to deal with the problem has not been long-running test. 对气化过程焦油问题的处理尚未经过长时间运行的检验。 emuch.net 7. And maybe then, the nation will finally start to be cured of its long-running Galapagos sickness. 或许到时,日本终将开始治愈其长期以来的加拉帕戈斯综合病征。 dongxi.net 8. Each step in a long-running process runs within its own transaction as a default and how you can override the behavior. 一个长期运行流程中的每一步如何作为一个默认步骤在它自己的事务中运行,以及如何覆盖它的行为。 www.ibm.com 9. The technical attributes now include checkboxes to indicate whether the process is long-running, and whether it runs as a child process. 技术属性现在包括相关复选框,以指示流程是否长时间运行,以及是否作为子流程运行。 www.ibm.com 10. The first is a long-running argument about who has the right to what piece of land. 首当其冲的是一个长期以来的争论,那就是关于谁有权利占有哪块地的问题。 www.chenyingke.com 1. Some job steps, such as long-running Transact-SQL statements (BACKUP) or some DBCC commands, may not respond quickly to stop requests. 有些作业步骤(例如一些长时间运行的Transact-SQL语句(BACKUP)或一些DBCC命令)可能不会快速响应停止请求。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Political leaders will also be active in dealing with some long-running disputes and here real progress can be made. 对于政治领袖而言,他们也将同样会积极商讨一些长期悬而未决的争端,并会取得实质进展。 www.ecocn.org 3. Using these settings, you can enable multiple activities in a long-running process to run within a single transaction. 使用这些设置,您可以使一个长期运行流程中的多个行为在一个事务中运行。 www.ibm.com 4. The application's two critical components -- MRP and CRM -- require frequent changes and recompilation of a long-running application. 该应用程序的两个重要组件(MRP和CRM)要求不断发生变化且重新编译长期运行的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 5. Yet the decision is not entirely surprising, as it relates to a long-running trade dispute. 然而做出这样一个决定不是一时兴起,而是长期的贸易争端所产生的。 www.ecocn.org 6. Updates will be rejected until the long-running transaction has been completely committed or rolled back. 在完全提交或回滚长时间运行的事务之前,不能进行更新。 www.microsoft.com 7. A long-running process triggered by an event is described with the extends relationship. 由事件触发的长时间运行的流程在extends关系中描述。 www.ibm.com 8. That will need to change if it hopes to finally put a lid on this long-running sovereign debt crisis and move forward. 可是如果德国政府想要给这久拖不决的主权债务危机作个了结,推动欧盟继续向前发展的话,就必须改变立场。 www.fortunechina.com 9. In December two Airbus executives were charged in connection with a long-running insider-dealing investigation by French authorities. 12月,空客的两名高管涉嫌长期利用内幕消息投资而被法国当局指控。 www.ecocn.org 10. Doing so will freeze your application until the long-running task completes. 冻结您的应用程序直至长期运行任务完成。 www.ibm.com 1. The resulting screen indicates the status of the long-running task of adding a new appliance. 结果页面显示添加一个新设备的长时间运行任务的状态。 www.ibm.com 2. When the calling component is a long running process, the preferred interaction style is always honored. 当调用组件是长时间运行的进程时,将始终采用首选交互样式的设置。 www.ibm.com 3. Surely the first task is to analyse why back-end call is so long-running in the first place. 首先,第一项工作就是分析后端调用为什么耗费那么长时间。 www.ibm.com 4. Whether men should get tested for prostate cancer when they have no symptoms is a long-running debate within the medical community. 人们长期争论不息的是在没有前列腺癌症状的时是否应该去接受相关检查。 www.bing.com 5. A long-running job -- say, number crunching or a large compilation -- is perfect to place in the background. 一个长时间运行的工作(例如,系统管理的数值计算或大型程序的编译)最适合放在后台。 www.ibm.com 6. The business process engine in WebSphere Process Server processes long-running flows using a number of chained transactions. WebSphereProcessServer中的业务流程引擎使用几个链式事务来处理长期运行流。 www.ibm.com 7. The currency could still face resistance because investors often place long-running sell orders when a notable benchmark approaches. 澳元仍将面临阻力,因为投资者在重要关口来临时往往会设置长时间的卖盘指令。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Pearson said their comments and others like it have led the school to reconsider the focus of even some of it's long-running programs. 皮尔森教授说,这类意见促使学院重新考虑课程设置的重点,甚至包括一些已经开设很长时间的课程。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Long-running trends, natural fluctuations and random patterns are fed into the global weather machine, and it spews out a series of events. 长期趋势、自然波动和随机模型已被装进全球天气监测仪器,其能模拟一系列的事件。 www.bing.com 10. This is not the end of this long running and acrimonious dispute, but it is an important stage. 这并不是这场持续了很久的尖锐的争论的结束,然而却是非常重要的一步。 club.topsage.com 1. Even after long running periods under rolling contact, reached with ideal lubricating conditions, the chromium layer must not peel. 即使经过长时间滚动接触下运行期间,与理想的润滑条件达成,铬层不能剥离。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In recent weeks, China has added vigor to a long-running effort to position Shanghai as a global finance and shipping hub. 最近几周,中国加快了长期以来将上海打造为全球金融中心和航运中心的计划。 www.bing.com 3. When the long running call is finished and the data is received, it gets stored in the Distributed Map cache of Application Server. 当长时间运行的调用结束并接收到数据时,这些数据将存储在ApplicationServer的分布式映射缓存。 www.ibm.com 4. I'm suggesting that those long-running integration tests are better suited for a continuous-integration server. 我的意思是,这些耗时的集成测试更适合于持续集成服务器。 www.ibm.com 5. Turkey and Armenia are in a long-running dispute over the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks nearly a century ago. 土耳其和亚美尼亚因为一个世纪前奥斯曼大规模屠杀亚美尼亚人而长期存在争议。 webs.nbptweb.net 6. The current volatility means the continuation of a long-running roller-coaster ride for Europe stock-fund shareholders. 当前的波动意味着欧洲股票基金的投资者们还将在这次漫长的过山车之旅上继续颠簸一阵。 c.wsj.com 7. You must denote this process as long running because in a subsequent section you will add a Staff activity. 您必须指示此流程为长期运行的,因为在后续部分中将添加一个Staff活动。 www.ibm.com 8. The long-running process worked similarly to the short-running process. 长期运行流程与短期运行流程的工作方式类似。 www.ibm.com 9. Comet style implementation - keeping the HTTP channel open for the duration of a long running request. Comet风格的实现——为长运行的请求保持HTTP通道的开放。 www.infoq.com 10. In the next sections, you will create a long running BPEL process that would invoke a Java Web Service and another BPEL process. 在下一部分中,将创建一个长期运行的BPEL流程,该流程调用JavaWeb服务和另一个BPEL流程。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Compensation enables a long-running business process to have the same quality of service as a short-running process. 补偿使一个长期运行的业务流程具有像短期运行流程一样的服务特性。 www.ibm.com 2. We have recently witnessed a flurry of comment in the US on the long-running stagnation of wages. 最近,针对薪资水平长期停滞的状况,美国国内出现了一连串的评论。 www.ftchinese.com 3. This really brings me to the more general use case for multiple threads: long running operations. 这也让我想起了多线程的一个更常用的用例:长时间运行的操作。 www.ibm.com 4. The query governor configuration option can be used to prevent system resources from being consumed by long-running queries. querygovernor配置选项可用于防止长时间执行的查询占用系统资源。 technet.microsoft.com 5. But the long-running debate over home atmosphere needs putting in perspective. 但关于主场气氛的长期争论需要被纳入视野。 www.qieerxi.com 6. This monitor is a great asset for identifying long-running SQL statements, locking conflicts and storage consumption. 此监视器是用于确定长时间运行的SQL语句、锁定冲突和存储消耗的极好资产。 www.ibm.com 7. The announcement by GM is the latest stage in a long-running saga over the future of the US group's car businesses in Europe. 通用汽车的这项宣布,使有关该美国集团欧洲汽车业务的长篇故事,进入了一个新阶段。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In doing this, you can also ensure that human activities will not invoke the long-running processes layer. 通过这样,您还能够确保人工活动不会调用长时间运行的流程层。 www.ibm.com 9. Last November Mr Saakashvili's well-wishers were horrified when he used tear-gas and truncheons against a long-running street protest. 去年11月份萨卡什维利先生的支持者们被他使用催泪弹和警棍来对付一场上演已久的街道抗议活动吓坏了。 www.ecocn.org 10. Frequently, a long-running query is caused by indexing a column with few unique values, or by performing a join on such a column. 通常情况下,为包含很少唯一值的列创建索引或在这样的列上执行联接将导致长时间运行的查询。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Many had called in sick as part of a long-running pay dispute, causing the shutdown of several Spanish airports. 由于持久的薪资争议,许多机场工作人员宣称生病请假,导致西班牙几个机场关闭。 www.17tx.com 2. Intel has become one of the world's most recognizable computer brands following its long-running "Intel Inside" campaign. 在长时间进行“英特尔在里面”商业宣传后,英特尔已经成为世界上最易辨认的电脑品牌之一。 wenku.baidu.com 3. It is far easier to develop, modify, test, and run Web services than to make changes to a long-running, huge enterprise legacy system. 与修改长时间运行的大型企业传统系统相比,Web服务更容易开发、修改、测试和运行。 www.ibm.com 4. Discussions have been long- running, and are still ongoing, these people said. Renault and Daimler declined to comment. 他们说,相关谈判已开始很久,目前仍在进行中。雷诺和戴姆勒拒绝置评。 www.ftchinese.com 5. From a DBA perspective, the roll-out operation progresses in the presence of a long-running reporting workload. 从DBA的角度来看,滚出操作要在完成长期报告工作量后展开。 www.ibm.com 6. Messages on the hold queues are usually required for navigation of long-running business process instances to continue. 持有队列中的消息常常用于导航长时间运行的业务过程实例。 www.ibm.com 7. So in the case of a long-running nose, it's best to let each nose run its course. 因此在长期流鼻涕的情况下,最好不管它。 www.putclub.net 8. The new hire marks another twist in Huawei's long-running effort to crack the U. S. wireless industry. 聘请Amerilink公司,是华为敲开美国无线行业这一长期努力的又一举措。 chinese.wsj.com 9. To close connections by disposing the long-running object context in the closeForm_Click event handler method, type the following code. 要通过在closeForm_Click事件处理器方法中清理长期运行的对象上下文来关闭连接,输入以下代码。 www.ibm.com 10. In both cases, you see a lot of long-running objects on the heap, but the number flattens out once Geronimo is completely started. 在这两种情况下,您都会在堆上看到许多长时间运行的对象,但是一旦Geronimo完全启动,这个数量将趋于平缓。 www.ibm.com 1. These deal with how one coordinates the dependable outcome of both short- and long-running- business activities. 这两种规范用来协调对短期和长期运行的企业活动来说都可靠的结果。 www.ibm.com 2. Runtime UI improvements: Auto-complete box, better keyboard navigation, and improved end-user experience for long-running operations. 运行时UI的改善:自动完成提示框,更好的键盘导航(keyboardnavigation),并对长时间运行操作的最终用户体验做出了改善。 www.infoq.com 3. Specifically, GAE queues make it possible to unload long-running processes from web requests. 特别地,GAE队列使我们可以通过Web请求卸载长期运行的流程。 www.ibm.com 4. But how do the two main parts--the portlet which starts one call, and the servlet which gets the long-running data--interact together? 但是这两个主要部分——启动一个调用的Portlet和获取耗时操作的数据的Servlet如何一起交互呢? www.ibm.com 5. Business Processes: A long running set of actions or activities performed with specific business goals in mind. 业务流程:为实现特定业务目标而执行的一组长期运行的动作或活动。 www.ibm.com 6. The server compiler has been optimized to maximize peak operating speed, and is intended for long-running server applications. 服务器编译器针对最大峰值操作速度进行了优化,适用于需要长期运行的服务器应用程序。 www.ibm.com 7. This pattern allows for a long-running process to return a handle or interim results before its long-running aspects start. 此模式允许长时间运行的流程在长时间运行的部分开始前返回句柄或中间结果。 www.ibm.com 8. A long-running process with a one-way operation interface must always be a peer process. 带有单向操作接口的长期流行的流程必须是一个peer流程。 www.ibm.com 9. The hand-rolled cigars are a major export for the Caribbean island, although they are limited by a long-running US trade embargo. 虽然受到长期的美国贸易禁运限制,手卷雪茄依然是加勒比岛国的主要出口产品。 www.tobaccochina.com 10. Moreover, the temperature of the long-running argument over the level of the Chinese currency is rising. 此外,围绕中国货币升值水平的长期争论正在升温。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Time gaps are not an indicator that you should break use cases apart; business use cases, especially, can be long running. 时间间隙并不是你分隔用例的指示器;尤其是业务用例可以是长期运转的。 www.ibm.com 2. The two main political parties in Northern Ireland reached an agreement in a long-running dispute over policing and justice. 北爱尔兰两个主要政党达成协议,解决长期存在的治安和司法问题。 q.sohu.com 3. A cookie or something similar is used to correlate the relationship between the messages in a long-running work. cookie或者类似的东西用来联系时间跨度长的消息。 www.freegames.com.cn 4. This is because a microflow child can be executed and commited within a transaction in the long-running process. 因为微流的child在长期运行的事务内被执行和提交。 www.ibm.com 5. China has long-running territorial feuds with many of its neighbours, including Japan, India, Taiwan and numerous Southeast Asian nations. 中国与许多“邻居”有长期的领土纠纷,包括日本、印度、台湾以及多个东南亚国家。 www.ftchinese.com 6. WebSphere MQ Workflow enables long-running business processes with human tasks as well as automatic steps. WebSphereMQWorkflow支持带有人工任务以及自动步骤的长时间运行业务流程。 www.ibm.com 7. Then we analyzed the access plan and decided to do runstats and rebind the database during a long-running test. 然后,我们分析访问计划,并决定在长时间的测试运行期间,运行runstats并重新绑定数据库。 www.ibm.com 8. When you design a long-running process, consider implementing the parts of your process that are likely to change as subprocesses. 在设计长时间运行的流程时,应该考虑将可能会更改的流程部分实现为子流程。 www.ibm.com 9. This section walks through the use case in the Long Running section of Figure 4. 此部分逐个介绍图4中的“长时间运行”(LongRunning)部分的用例。 www.ibm.com 10. Click on Tasks to view the status of the long-running process. 单击Tasks,查看长时间运行的进程的状态。 www.ibm.com 1. Arming doctors with the commonsense tools of economics is a tactic in a long-running campaign to fix America's health system. 教授医生们掌握经济学常规原理是修整美国卫生系统的长期努力中的一项策略。 www.ecocn.org 2. The private component is responsible for managing long running transactions and mapping them to internal business processes and workflows. 私有组件负责管理长时间运行的事务并将它们映射为内部业务流程和工作流。 www.ibm.com 3. This step is required if any one of the deployed processes is long-running. 如果所有部署的流程都是长时间运行的,那么必须执行这一步骤。 www.ibm.com 4. Long-running (receive with callback) indicates an interruptible process that communicates back to the caller by invoking a callback service. Long-running(receivewithcallback)表明该流程为通过调用回叫服务与调用者通信的可中断性流程。 www.ibm.com 5. A recent example was the long-running bull market from 1982 through 2000. 最近的一个前车之鉴是1982到2000年的大牛市。 c.wsj.com 6. This new ruling from swimming's world governing body FINA is the latest twist in a long-running and confusing saga over hi-tech body suits. 来自世界游泳管理部门FINA的新规定是对高科技泳衣长久而困惑的传说的扭转。 club.topsage.com 7. A step in a long-running process can correspond to a human activity (a manual workflow item). 长时间运行的流程中的步骤可以与人工活动(手动工作流项目)对应。 www.ibm.com 8. The Rahals and Forces are two of the latest examples of a long-running trend in American motor sports: racing families. 美国赛车运动有个长远的倾向,就是赛车成为家族职业,拉哈尔和佛斯这两个家族就是最近的例子。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. This process is long running so that it manages persistence of the state of the state machine. 此进程可以长时间运行,因此它可以管理状态机状态的持久性。 www.ibm.com 10. Therefore, the business state machine actually invokes a long-running BPEL process that in turn calls the human task. 因此,业务状态机实际上是调用一个长时间运行的BPEL过程,而该过程进而调用人工任务。 www.ibm.com 1. BPEL processes in the WebSphere Process Server environment can be divided into two types: Microflows and long-running processes. WebSphereProcessServer环境中的BPEL流程可以分为以下两种类型:微流程和长时间运行的流程。 www.ibm.com 2. The municipal railway is 40. 85 kilometers long, running through the northern part of Beijing with a shape of inverse "U" . 该城市铁路工程全长40.85公里,贯穿北京市北部地区,呈倒“U”字形。 www.eximbank.gov.cn 3. Such short-running flows can run between five and fifty times faster than comparable long-running flows and are recommended, where possible. 这样的短期运行流比等效的长期运行流快5到15倍,因此建议尽量使用。 www.ibm.com 4. Business process layer (of SOA reference architecture), long-running process, implemented using BPM engine. (SOA参考体系结构的)业务流程层,长时间运行的流程,使用BPM引擎实现。 www.ibm.com 5. My short answer is that the long-running con game of economic conservatives and the wealthy supporters they serve finally went bad. 我的简短回答是,经济保守派以及他们所服务的富有的支持者长期上演的骗局游戏最后已经变坏。 www.bing.com 6. This fiasco provides fuel for both sides in a long-running debate in Brazil about the foreign policy of the Lula government. 这次外交失利,对巴西国内长期以来关于卢拉政府外交政策的辩论来说,无异于火上浇油。 www.ecocn.org 7. He and Mr. Singh also have agreed to try to resolve a long-running territorial dispute about their shared border. 温家宝和辛格还同意解决两国共同边界上长期存在的领土争端。 www.voa365.com 8. His The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast, along with Elton John's The Lion King, became long-running Broadway shows. 他的小美人鱼、美女与野兽,和约翰埃尔顿一起创作的狮子王,都成为了电台里经久不衰的曲目。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In comparison, a long-running conversation holds variables in scope over a well-defined series of requests. 相比之下,长期运行的对话能够在一系列明确定义的请求期间保持作用域中的变量。 www.ibm.com 10. Other long-running deal situations also appear to be making progress. 其他旷日持久的收购动作似乎也有所进展。 www.ftchinese.com 1. From a process modeling viewpoint, and within this context, human activities are invoked by long-running processes. 从流程建模的角度而言,在这个上下文中,人工任务由长时间运行的流程进行调用。 www.ibm.com 2. This allows a long running exchange to use symmetric cryptographic operations to protect the messages during an established session. 这允许一个长时间运行的会话使用对称密码操作在一个已建立的会话期间保护消息。 www.ibm.com 3. You can use these component instances to interact with Windows performance counters, event logs, and long-running services. 可以使用这些组件实例与Windows性能计数器、事件日志和长时间运行服务进行交互。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Currently there is no specific pattern identified for this long-running process. 当前没有专门用于标识这个长时间运行的流程的特定模式。 www.ibm.com 5. Our methods provide useful tools for evaluating long-running community-based primary health care programmes. 我们的方法为长期实行的社区初级卫生保健计划的评估提供了十分有用的工具。 www.who.int 6. The leaders of Sudan and South Sudan have held direct talks in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa aimed at resolving long-running disputes. 苏丹与南苏丹领导人在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴举行直接会谈,旨在解决长期存在的纠纷。 www.enread.com 7. It provides a long-running transaction model that allows increasing consistency and reliability of web services applications. 它提供的长期运行的事务的模型提高了Web服务应用程序的一致性和可靠性。 www.ibm.com 8. A deadlock typically occurs when several long-running transactions execute concurrently in the same database. 在同一数据库中并发执行多个需要长时间运行的事务时通常会发生死锁。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Widgets TaskTip Provides feedback to the user about the state of a long-running task. WidgetsTaskTip向用户反馈长时间运行的任务的状态。 www.ibm.com 10. The runtime artifacts for business state machines are long running processes, so the invocation behavior is the same for both. 业务状态机的运行时构件是长时间运行的进程,因此二者的调用行为是相同的。 www.ibm.com 1. Business process-based applications can include long-running instances, which can run for weeks, months, or even years. 基于业务流程的应用程序包括长期实例,这种实例可以运行几周、几月、甚至几年。 www.ibm.com 2. A tool that consumes metadata can help you discover this type of error easily and save those nights for long-running Halo tournaments. 使用元数据的工具有助于轻松地查明这种类型的错误,从而可以节省那些晚上来看长期进行的Halo联赛。 www.ibm.com 3. Thus, a future extension of BPEL may support long-running transactions that are distributed across processes and even across BPEL engines. 所以,未来的BPEL扩展可能支持分布于流程间甚至跨BPEL引擎的长期运行的事务。 www.ibm.com 4. In addition, both can set up long-running connections such that events can be delivered asynchronously subsequently to the application. 另外,这两个协议都能够建立长连接,事件可以通过长连接异步地递送给应用。 www.infoq.com 5. Store and Forward is not supported for synchronous calls from long running processes. 对于从长期运行的过程发出的同步调用,不支持存储和转发。 www.ibm.com 6. Long running transactions in BPEL are centered on scopes, and scopes can be nested. BPEL中的长期运行的事务被集中在作用域上而作用域是可嵌套的。 www.ibm.com 7. Lead actors in complex, long-running serials often say they feel more like characters in novels than autonomous artists. 领导者在复杂的,长期运行连续剧常说,他们觉得更像小说中的人物,比自治区的艺术家。 www.sjgcz.cn 8. Measurements of long-running tasks can also be considered "free" . 对长时间运行的任务的测量也可被认为“无影响”。 www.infoq.com 9. A rotating stick at the right indicates it's a long-running task, as shown in Figure 6. 右侧旋转的小棒表明它是一个长时间运行的任务,如图6所示。 www.ibm.com 10. Bucket: This category includes the requirements that are long running or deferrable. 大量(Bucket):这类需求包括长期运行或者可以暂缓的需求。 www.infoq.com 1. Secondary logs are created for long-running transactions to spill over; specifying -1 as the value allows infinite secondary logs. 辅助日志用于长期运行的事务;指定-1表示允许无限的辅助日志。 www.ibm.com 2. As shown in Figure 5, the process is a long-running flag that specifies which style of process to use. 如图5所示,该流程有一个长期运行标记,用于指定使用哪种流程样式。 www.ibm.com 3. Transaction services provide error recovery for both short running and long running processes. 事务服务为短期运行和长期运行过程提供错误恢复。 www.ibm.com 4. The execution mode of a process can be long-running or microflow. 流程的执行模式可以是长期运行或微流。 www.ibm.com 5. Microsoft Corp. and the Justice Department have reached an agreement to settle their long-running antitrust dispute. 微软公司已同司法部达成协议从而解决了长期僵持的反垄断争端。 dict.veduchina.com 6. Instead, all the messages between two people are threaded together into one long-running conversation. 另外,它将两个人之间的所有消息以一个长对话形式呈现出来。 www.bing.com 7. Any long running operation that operates on the main thread will cause an application to freeze up. 任何在主线程上运行的这类操作都会导致应用程序冻结。 www.ibm.com 8. These may be simple, involving a single specialist, or complex, involving their own long-running processes. 这些可能很简单,仅涉及到一名专家,也可能很复杂,涉及到自己的长时间运行的流程。 www.ibm.com 9. The more complex and long-running stored procedures are, the more reliable this information will be. 存储过程越复杂,运行时间越长,该信息就越可靠。 www.ibm.com 10. In some large, long-running, complex engagements with infrequent milestones, payments may be scheduled on a monthly or a quarterly basis. 对于某些复杂的大型长期项目,如果其中包含的里程碑过多,可以根据日程表按月或按季付款。 www.ibm.com 1. Short-running processes are invoked by consumer processes, long-running processes, or human tasks. 短时间运行的流程由使用者流程、长时间运行的流程或人工任务调用。 www.ibm.com 2. Major indexes have steadily risen throughout the week on signs the economy is exiting a long-running recession. 经济正走出长期衰退的迹象刚一显露,主要指标在本周内就一直呈平稳上扬趋势。 www.bing.com 3. Examples of long-running services are those that aggregate data, generate documents, or archive files. 长期运行服务的示例是那些聚集数据、生成文档或者存档文件示例。 www.ibm.com 4. It makes sense to split a long running task to a number of repeatable stateless tasks to reduce transaction size. 将一个长期运行的任务分割成多个可重复的无状态任务能够显著地减少事务大小。 www.ibm.com 5. However, during a long running transaction, a log full situation may occur, where all the primary logs are active. 但在长期运行的事务期间,可能发生日志已满的情形,在这种情形中,主要日志是活动的。 www.ibm.com 6. The process of copying (or capturing) a cloud instance into an image and then moving it between pools is a very long running task. 将一个云实例复制(或捕获)到一个映像中并在资源池之间移动它是一个运行时间非常长的任务。 www.ibm.com 7. MICROSOFT'S long-running antitrust battle with the European Union is widely expected to reach a conclusion on Tuesday December 15th. 微软与欧盟反托拉斯的长期斗争有望在本月15日周二看到结果。 www.ecocn.org 8. The long-running bull market crashed. 长期存在的牛市出现崩溃。 www.mrtranslator.cn 9. To repair a process and how you can use compensation to give a long-running process the same quality of service as a short-running process. 如何修复一个流程,以及如何使用补偿为一个长期运行流程提供一些与短期运行流程相同的服务特性。 www.ibm.com 10. That long-running joke about men being unwilling to stop for directions? 男人们迷路了都不愿意停车去找正确方向。 www.elanso.com 1. The UK Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) waged a long-running campaign to have a "panic button" installed on the site. 英国儿童剥削和在线保护中心发动过一个长期的运动,即在网站上安装一“紧急按钮”。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. Apache Axis2 1. 1 has been released and offers exciting new features to fans of the long-running Apache series of web services frameworks. ApacheAxis21.1已经发布,它为那些长期运行ApacheWeb服务框架系列的忠实用户提供了令人兴奋的新特性。 www.ibm.com 3. Support long running business transactions and activities. 支持长期运行的业务事务和活动。 www.ibm.com 4. The long running back-end call is simulated. 这里模拟了耗时的后端调用。 www.ibm.com 5. Pakistan has used a long-running territorial dispute over Kashmir as a reason to launch wars. 两国克什米尔问题上的长期争端,为巴基斯坦挑起战争提供了借口。 www.ecocn.org 6. One way is to create a long-running business process, which is calling those backend services in a defined timeframe. 一种方法是创建一个长时间运行的业务过程,它以指定的时间间隔调用后端服务。 www.ibm.com 7. When recovering after a restore operation , let the server finish the rollback process if a long- running transaction was terminated . 还原操作后恢复时,如果长时间运行的事务已终止,就让服务器完成回滚进程。 www.bing.com 8. Mr Koumura played down the likelihood of resolving a long-running dispute with China over claims to gas resources in the East China Sea. 高村正彦淡化了与中国解决长期以来中国东海天然气资源主权争议的可能性。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The class takes an in-depth look at how the long-running cartoon depicts social issues such as racism and politics. 这门课深入研究长系列动画片如何反映了与种族主义、政治等相关的社会问题。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Business Flow Manager API (BFM API), which allows client applications to interact with microflows and long-running processes. BusinessFlowManagerAPI(BFMAPI),它让客户机应用程序可以与微型流和长时间运行的过程交互。 www.ibm.com 1. Might the prime minister, exposed over a long-running telecoms scam, fall next? 下一个倒下去的会是身陷长期电信骗局的总理辛格吗? www.ecocn.org 2. A variation on this theme is to look at very long-running trends. 在此基础上,可以看非常长期的趋势。 www.ftchinese.com 3. To make the GAE scalable, it cannot be tied up by long-running requests. 要让GAE具有可伸缩性,就需要减少长时间运行的请求。 www.ibm.com 4. For long-running processes, compensation is normally defined using the BPEL element compensation handler. 对于长时间运行的流程,补偿通常是使用BPEL元素补偿处理程序定义的。 www.ibm.com 5. Processes, on another hand, are typically long running and asynchronous in nature. 另一方面,流程一般来说本质上就是长运行且异步的。 www.infoq.com 6. To solve this problem, another class of business processes, which are long-running, can be used. 为了解决这个问题,需要使用另一种长期运行的业务流程类别。 www.ibm.com 7. To create the table for the long-running process. 来为长期运行的流程创建表格。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Seam offers two types of conversations: temporary and long running. Seam提供了两类对话:临时对话和长时间运行的对话。 www.ibm.com 9. We're proud to partner with Warner Bros. on another highly successful, long-running comedy. 我们也很荣幸能与华纳兄弟公司合作再制作出这样一部长期播映的高质量喜剧片。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Libya and Switzerland are embroiled in a long-running diplomatic row. 利比亚和瑞士都卷入了一种外交上的长期争吵。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. This corresponds to the default setting for long-running processes. 这对应于长时间运行的过程的默认设置。 www.ibm.com 2. A long running back-end call should proceed in an asynchronous way. 耗时较长的后端调用应该以异步方式进行。 www.ibm.com 3. A very long-running transaction to cause the transaction log to fill. 长时间运行的事务会导致事件日志填满。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Obviously, there will be cases where long running business processes are required. 很明显,会存在某些需要长时间运行的业务流程的情况。 www.ibm.com 5. Typically, long running-process instances may run for hours, days, or even months. 通常,长时间运行的流程实现可能运行几小时、几天,甚至几个月。 www.ibm.com 6. Show the applications with long-running transactions. 显示具有长时间运行的事务的应用程序。 www-128.ibm.com 7. You can use this property to modify the time-out period to allow for long-running operations. 可以使用此属性修改超时期限以允许长时间运行的操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. In this step, you configure the process to be long-running. 在这一步骤中,您将其配置为长期运行的流程。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Those are very low level constructs and you need a lot of deployment descriptor mess in place to support a long running process. 但是,那些都非常的底层。你需要很多部署描述符来支持一个长期运行的过程,非常麻烦。 www.infoq.com 10. Break up long-running operations into smaller chunks to meet this goal. 将执行时间长的操作分解成符合要求的小块。 www.ibm.com 1. India and China have begun a new round of talks in New Delhi aimed at resolving a long-running Himalayan border dispute. 印度和中国在新德里开始新一轮谈判,努力解决双方沿喜马拉雅山一带长期的边界争端。 ept-cn.com 2. A consumer application cannot expect an immediate result from a long-running process. 使用者应用程序不能从长时间运行的流程立即获得结果。 www.ibm.com 3. In the details pane, scroll down to the Server tab and select Process is long-running. 在细节窗格中,向下滚动到Server选项卡,并选择Processislong-running。 www.ibm.com 4. This use case represents a long-running process that orchestrates the activities to fulfill an order that has been placed. 这个用例代表长时间运行的流程,此流程对活动进行编排,以履行已下的订单。 www.ibm.com 5. The publication is also a further sign that long-running tensions between Russia and Poland are easing. 这些文件的公开也进一步表明,长期以来笼罩俄罗斯和波兰的紧张气氛正在趋于缓和。 www.bing.com 6. The current situation is the latest twist in a long-running saga that peaked three years ago. 目前的情况,只是他在三年前达到高峰的戏剧化人生中的一个最新转折。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The autonomy specification is applicable only to long-running processes. 自治规范仅应用与长期运行的流程。 www.ibm.com 8. Since the process will be long-running, requestPickup is a one-way operation and only has an input which is the delivery data. 因为流程将会长期运行,所以requestPickup是单向操作并且其唯一输入是交付数据。 www-128.ibm.com 9. The famous and long-running Dream advertising campaign is launched. 著名、长期运行的梦广告推出。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The strength of the process engines is the ability to support long-running processes, where actions can take a long time to complete. 流程引擎(processengines)的长处在于支持长运行流程的能力,在这里,动作可以花很长的时间来完成。 www.infoq.com 1. Long running, general purpose frames that exit only when instructed to. 长时间运行的对象,只在获得指示时才会退出的通用帧。 technet.microsoft.com 2. When compensation is triggered in a long-running process. 当补偿在长期运行的流程中触发时。 www.ibm.com 3. There is data stored in the BPEDB for each iteration of a loop in a long-running business process. 对于长时间运行的业务过程中循环的每次迭代,都要在BPEDB中存储数据。 www.ibm.com 4. Jordan and Scottie Pippen, who had a long-running feud with the Bulls management, Both become free-agents on July 1. 与公牛队管理层长期不和的乔丹和斯考蒂·皮蓬从7月1日开始都成为自由代理人。 www.tdict.com 5. As a result, Swing applications often require additional worker threads for long-running UI-related tasks. 因此,Swing应用程序经常需要额外的工作线程,用于运行时间很长的、同UI有关的任务。 www.ibm.com 6. JMS is used for any long running business process. JMS用于任何长期运行的业务流程。 www.ibm.com 7. Or, the order has been parked (with reason provided in the result passed back to the calling long-running process). 或者,订单已经暂停(并在传递回进行调用的长时间运行的流程的结果中提供了原因)。 www.ibm.com 8. You can also specify transactional behavior for steps within a long-running business process. 您也可以为长期运行的业务流程中的步骤指定事务行为。 www.ibm.com 9. This way, you can change code in Web services rather than redesigning and compiling a large, complex, long-running application. 如果这样,您就可以更改Web服务中的代码,而不用重新设计并编译长时间运行的大型复杂应用程序。 www.ibm.com 10. The move will anger China even though it is far short of Taipei's long-running request for new fighters. 此举将激怒中国,即便它距离台方早就提出的获得新型战斗机的长期请求差距甚远。 www.ftchinese.com |
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