单词 | living beings |
释义 | 例句释义: 生物,众生浊,噍类,活物 1. I often reflect on this story and felt that such a spirit of self-sacrificing oneself to save living beings is truly remarkable. 这个故事给我的启示很大:我常常想,这种舍身救众生的精神多麽伟大呀! blog.163.com 2. The more in-depth the more unable to extricate themselves, circulated by the charm of his body, there is reverse the power of living beings. 越是深入就越无法自拔,他身上所散发的魅力,有颠倒众生的力量。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Learn to understand and be grateful to others. Develop the wealth of blessings and wisdom among living beings with a joyful heart. 学会去理解感恩别人,欢悦地于众生中,培植福慧资粮。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. There are no conditions under which you would take the lives of any living beings, no matter how inconvenient they might be. 没有任何条件能让你夺取生命,无论机缘何等不便。 www.liaotuo.org 5. The world is covered by a blanket of utter darkness. All living beings must use torches to see even a few feet in front of themselves. 世界被巨大的终极之黑暗笼罩,所有生命都将只能使用触摸来代替自己的视觉,即使近在咫尺仍无法看见。 dominions.eastgame.org 6. The alga can be used for measuring the environment as the ideal instruction living beings. 这些藻类可以作为理想的指示生物,用来检测环境。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Finally he asked every body to stop killing the milu deer and said that animals are living beings too and to love animals is to love us. 最后,他要求所有人停止捕杀麋鹿,他还说动物也是生物,爱动物就是爱我们自己。 www.jukuu.com 8. We can say , the role in nature of the plant is essential , there are no plants, the living beings do not almost know where to begin. 可以说,植物在自然界中的作用至关重要,没有植物,生物几乎就无从谈起。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. And I say: in this sense YOU ARE THE PLANTS, all living beings with an innate desire for nurturing warmth. 而且我告诉你们:现在这种情况下【你们就是这些植物】,所有的生命都渴望本能的热情。 www.angozj.com 10. The artificial seawater, a source suitable for the growth of living beings, is almost like the natural one. 极近天然的人工海水,适合生物生长的自然源泉。 www.tjzhenyuan.com 1. is just a link in a chain of innumerable living beings. 是地球上无数生物形成的生命链中的一环 wenku.baidu.com 2. After taking the first step of giving up the killing of living beings, I cannot stop part way. 在一开始就放弃了杀生后,我不能半途而废。 blog.163.com 3. Fly's Freedom The Freedom of the Fly We could never find any living beings more free than fly all over the world. 我们走遍天涯海角也难以找到比普通家蝇更为自由的生物了。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. In such places, spirits and demons pass into the world of the living and attempt to take control over living beings, spiders among them. 在这些地方,灵魂和恶魔穿入这个活人的世界并试图控制活生物,蜘蛛也是其中之一。 www.dashuye.com 5. If there are living beings who wish to see Amitabha Buddha in this lifetime. 其有众生欲于今世见阿弥陀佛者。 www.bing.com 6. We cannot risk to let the concentrations get to high to living beings, or we have too much loss to return. 我们不能冒险让甲烷集结至威胁到生命的程度,否则我们将返还巨大的损失。 haohz-lhp.blog.163.com 7. Uninhibited envy of any absurd dreams of living beings. 任何荒诞不羁羡煞众生的幻梦。 www.onlylz.com 8. Living beings detest oxygen- fine oxygen craft waste water get good application and embodiment of the project in dairy products. 生物厌氧-好氧工艺在乳品废水工程中得到了良好的运用和体现。 dzh.mop.com 9. These structures provide quick and effective passages for the transport of water and nutrition in the growth of living beings. 这些结构为生物体生长和发育提供了传输水分和营养物质的快速通道。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. This Bodhisattva's wisdom shines brightly upon the Saha world, causing living beings each to gain understanding. 是菩萨。以若干智慧。明照娑婆世界。令一切众生各得所知。 www.bing.com 1. The living beings spread calorifics as interdisciplinary new developing discipline , has got fast development in recent years. 生物传热学作为跨学科的新兴学科,近年来得到了迅速的发展。 www.fabiao.net 2. The land silently accepts everything done by all living beings, no matter how it is trampled on or ruined recklessly. 众生们再怎么践踏土地,蹧踏这块土地,土地还是默默的承受。 www.jilinfojiao.com 3. The vital principle or animating force in living beings; incorporeal consciousness; supernatural being. 所有生物,重大的原理或者有生气的力量:灵魂的意识;超自然存在。 www.bing.com 4. I dwell with my rod laid down, my knife laid down, scrupulous, merciful, compassionate for the welfare of all living beings. 我放下杖、放下刀,为著一切有情的福利,谨慎、仁慈、有同情心。 www.dhammatalks.org 5. Likewise, Blessed One, this world of living beings has spun around from time without beginning like a dancer. 同样的,圣尊,这个生命的世界有没有时间的开始旋转象一个跳舞的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. All moving and nonmoving living beings have taken shelter of the earth and are thus shelter at the lotus feet of my Lord. 所有动与不动的生物受到大地的庇护,因此也受到我主莲花足的庇护。 www.krishna.com.cn 7. Environment influences the social structures and living patterns of living beings including humans. 环境也会影响到社会结构以及包括人类在内的生物的生活方式。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 8. Mutual understanding, that living beings should have is the necessary foundation of all interpersonal relations in human life. 活着的人应有的相互理解,是人生中遇到的所有人际关系的不不可缺少的基础。 blog.163.com 9. The apparition is horrible to behold and her sorrow impossible to bear. Living beings drop dead at the wail of the spectral Lady. 她们身影如此可怖,哀伤声更让人无法忍受,生命会在这些幽影的哀号声中陷入死亡。 dominions.eastgame.org 10. We link ourselves to all living beings on the planet through the process of eating and being a participant in the food chain. 食物形成的过程将我们人类与地球上其他生物密切联系在一起,我们也是食物链的一环。 www.bing.com 1. The traditional ideas on gender was built and consolidated on the basis of living beings determinism and duality system. 传统的性别观念是在生物决定论和二元体系的基础上得以建立和巩固的。 www.fabiao.net 2. TINKERING with the circadian clock, the day-and-night cycle in the physiological processes of all living beings, is rarely a good idea. 捣乱生物钟——万物生灵生理过程中的昼夜节律——绝不是个好主意。 www.ecocn.org 3. Understanding the suffering that living beings undergo helps liberate the energy of compassion. 理解生命经受的痛苦有助释放同情的能量。 www.bing.com 4. The supercooling phenomenon in living beings is analyzed by phase equilibrium conditions. 利用相平衡条件简要分析了生物体内的过冷却现象; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 5. Harmonic connection between all living beings everywhere, even the stars. 万事万物都有和谐的联系甚至在地球以外 www.tingroom.com 6. The king followed the teachings of the wise dog king. He ruled with great respect for all living beings. 国王遵循智慧的狗王的教导,他以崇高的敬意统治所有的生命。 george.shi.blog.163.com 7. One who can receive and uphold this Sutra, in the same way, is foremost among all living beings. 有能受持是经典者。亦复如是。于一切众生中亦为第一。 www.bing.com 8. The living beings of six kinds of existence including Devas attain no such three enlightenments and are forced to be transmigrated . 至于六道众生包括诸天神在内,都是三觉俱无、不得不受生死轮回的支配。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We link ourselves to all living beings on the planet through theprocess of eating and being a participant in the food chain. 饮食让我们与地球上所有生物联系一起,成为食物链中的参与者。 www.bing.com 10. Then God commanded, "Let the water be filled with many kinds of living beings, and let the air be filled with birds. " 然后,神命令:“水里要充满多种生物,空中要飞满鸟雀。” edu.sina.com.cn 1. Tzu Chi prayer meetings promote spiritual peacefulness and consideration of all living beings. 慈济祈福会推广所有人心灵平静和沉思。 www.newdaai.tv 2. A 2004 study showed assistance dogs could help autistic children learn about living beings, feelings and needs, Griffin says. 格瑞芬指出2004年的一份调查显示助人犬可以帮助自闭症儿童学会自立、感知和需要。 www.bing.com 3. Cherishing love and compassion toward all living beings, he cleanses hit heart from ill-will. 对所有的生物怀有爱和同情,从心灵中清除掉邪恶的思想。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The energy used by living beings on the earth to feed, move, and reproduce all comes from what original source? 地球上所有生物捕食,移动和繁殖的能量的最终来源是什么? zhidao.baidu.com 5. They dwell with their rod laid down, their knife laid down, scrupulous, merciful, compassionate for the welfare of all living beings. 他们已放下杖、放下刀,为著一切有情的福利,谨慎、仁慈、有同情心。 www.dhammatalks.org 6. Mercy is "giving happiness" , giving all living beings joy and happiness. 慈是「与乐」,就是给与一切众生快乐。 www.59edu.com 7. Conclusion DR is a fast and effective algorithm of thermoacoustic imaging for small-scale living beings. 结论对于小尺度生物组织的热声成像问题,反卷积重建法是一种快速有效的算法。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Living beings don't create life, they re-purpose existing matter into offspring. 众生不创造生命,他们用现有的东西重新繁衍后代。 www.bing.com 9. To kill living beings, especially to kill wild animals, is a sin to the Tibetan. 杀生,特别是猎杀野生动物,对藏族百姓来说是一种罪孽。 dict.bioon.com 10. Soon enough, though, computers will become so smart they will surely rebel against all living beings. 不久电脑就会变得很聪明并且会发动针对一切生命体的叛乱。 www.bing.com 1. And living beings in the three evil paths all depend on Earth Store Bodhisattva to save them! 而三恶道都是仰仗地藏菩萨来救度他们的! blog.sina.com.cn 2. Animals are living beings, not inanimate objects. 动物是生灵,不是没有生命的物体。 www.elanso.com 3. Dear friends, you already know that all living beings are connected through the Law of One. 亲爱的朋友们,你们已经明白一切生命都通过【一的法则】联系在一起。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. The plant is the basis of the food pyramid for all living beings. 对所有生物来说植物是食物金字塔的基础 bbs.24en.com 5. We are introduced to the God of unlimited power and majesty and the author of all things and all living beings in Genesis. 在圣经创世纪里向我们启示那具有无限的权能和威严又创造万事万物的神。 gbicp.org 6. He then explained to M. that Brahman alone has become the universe and all living beings. 接着他向M解释梵天独一无二地成为了宇宙和所有的生命。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It suffocates and kills all living beings within one a circumference of . 5 kilometer. 它使一华里方圆内一切人畜都窒息死亡。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. My numerous living beings, just an ordinary, you, are my friends. 我,只是芸芸众生中普通的一员,你,就是我一生的朋友。 www.bing.com 9. Buddhism's main emphasis is universal peace and harmony among living beings in the world since Buddhism believes in 'One' or 'Unity'. 佛教的主要重点是世界中的生物之间的宇宙性和平与和谐,因为佛教相信〝一〞或〝统一〞。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages. 除非我们停止伤害所有其它的生物,我们仍然是野蛮人。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Essence of living beings, energy for life. 汲取生物精华,焕发生命潜能。 swyyfy.wlkc.zjtie.edu.cn 2. The good roots of living beings are inconceivable. 众生善根,不可思议; www.bing.com 3. All birds and animals are living beings. 一切飞禽走兽都是生物。 www.nmhrjy.com 4. Their star ships were not only fast, but were magnificent living beings. 他们的星际飞船不仅快,而且是壮美的生物。 www.starwarschina.com 5. In order to warn other living beings, Mr. Zhu specially added a large quantity of carotenoids so the acorns would become red. 朱公为了警告其他生物,特别又加了大量的胡萝卜素,使它变成朱红色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. All living beings and those in the Realms of Fiery Mara, the three evil paths. 所有一切众生,以及焰摩罗界,三恶道中。 www.bing.com 7. When you live in denial and can't be bothered to care, you feel separated from your life, your surroundings and other living beings. 当你生活在拒绝之中,不被他人关心,你会有种从自己的生活、周遭和其他人中分离出来的感觉。 www.elanso.com 8. Hope everyone cherishes this rare opportunity: not only to help our own dharma body, but also to benefit of all living beings. 希望大家珍惜这难得之因缘,不只是为帮助自己的法身,更为众生的利益做著想。 www.cttbchinese.org 9. How do the living beings on the superior planets create things? 在高等星球的众生如何创造事物? sm2000.org 10. Animals are our friends and there are so many living beings as us in the world. 动物是人类的朋友,芸芸众生,孰不爱生,爱生之极,进而爱群! www.hicoo.net 1. The one life that streaks forward for 4 billion years is the same life that is present everywhere and in all living beings on this planet. 这个40亿年来高歌猛进的生命就是现在这个星球上所有地方所展现出来,包含在所有生命中的那个生命。 dongxi.net 2. That is because she has an immeasurable and boundless love to all living beings. 自然是由于她有广大无边的爱了。 glotus.org 3. Qi is the life force that flows through all living beings. 气是流走于身体内的生命动力。 www.discoverhongkong.com 4. such minds do not think of other living beings as necessary part of the whole life process, like different parts of his body; 这样的思维不会意识到其他生灵和生态是地球生命体的一部份,就好像人的器官和血液; blog.sina.com.cn 5. Thousand Realmsencompass the life and death of all living beings in the boundless universe. “千重界”中囊括了云云众生生死往来之森罗万象的大千世界。 www.artnow.com.cn 6. This article discusses the methods of preventing the creatures invasion and how to control the living beings that had invaded our country. 该文探讨了预防生物入侵的方法以及对已入侵我国的生物如何治理。 www.chemyq.com 7. The living beings can feel the world, while the human being not only can feel but also can know about the world by all kinds of means. 其他的生物可以感知这个世界,但是,人类不但能感知这个世界,还可以通过各种不同的方式认识这个世界。 q.163.com 8. Biotechnology and Products Industrialization Development and Living Beings Safety Management 生物技术与产品产业化开发及生物安全管理 www.ilib.cn 9. The Philosophical Foundation of Harmonious Thought of Living Beings and Practice in Ancient China 中国古代生物和谐思想及其实践的哲学基础 www.ilib.cn 10. Enhancing of Inspection and Quarantine Ability, Controlling Invasion of Exotic Living Beings 增强检验检疫能力积极应对外来生物入侵 www.ilib.cn 1. the living beings form covers ; plant ; interference ; factor about influence 生物结皮;植物;干扰;影响因子; www.airitilibrary.com 2. Progress of Various Protection of Our Marine and Coastal Living Beings 我国海洋生物多样性保护的进展 www.ilib.cn 3. Application of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in analysing of living beings 气相色谱-质谱联用法在生物样品分析中的应用 service.ilib.cn 4. The Experimental Research of the Living Beings Tar Replacing Diesel 生物质焦油代替柴油为燃料的试验研究 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Application technology using DF living beings reaction to brew vinegar rapidly 应用DF生物反应器快速酿醋的应用技术 www.ilib.cn 6. Green Living Beings Development Center of Changzhi City, Shanxi Province 山西省长治市绿色生物发展中心 www.sxagri.gov.cn 7. On potential invasion of living beings brought about by genetically modified crops 转基因植物潜在的生物入侵问题 www.ilib.cn 8. Manifesto of Harmonious Ethics--for Harmonious Development of Living Beings and Abiotic Existence 和谐伦理学宣言--为了所有生物和非生物存在的和谐发展 service.ilib.cn 9. The contrast of enterprise lifecycle and living beings lifecycle 企业生命周期与生物生命周期的比较研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Non-living beings element of key control in the antibiotic microbe inspection 抗生素微生物检验中非生物因素的控制 service.ilib.cn 1. The Study on Main Factor About Influence of the Living Beings form Covers in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of the North Interlocks 北方农牧交错带生物结皮的主要影响因子探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. A Deharmized Technique for Harm Living Beings of Caryophyllaceous ginseng in Guizhou 贵州省太子参有害生物无害化治理技术 www.ilib.cn 3. Effect of Aquaculture Water Body Pollution on Breed Living Beings and the Recovery of Water Body 养殖水体污染对养殖生物的影响及水体的修复 service.ilib.cn 4. to provide all living beings rain and sunlight 供给万物雨水阳光然后大地之母 www.ichacha.net 5. Various Impact on Living Beings by Dietary Habits of China 我国饮食习惯对保护生物多样性的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. may all living beings find the ultimate truth 愿所有的众生了悟真理。 www.ichacha.net 7. 94 universe the closely linked living beings in the universe 94宇宙天地息息相关的宇宙生命 www.ichacha.net 8. Even number in living beings 生物体中的偶数 www.ilib.cn |
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