单词 | lively | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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比较级:livelier 最高级:liveliest lively 显示所有例句
例句释义: 有活力的,活泼的,生动的,兴趣浓厚的,充满生气的,活跃的,充满活力的 1. Square table: This square table according the old time style made it on the surface inlay different jade. Picture looks very lively. 方桌:古式方桌用玉石镶嵌在桌面,人物栩栩如生,具有现代和古代的美感。 www.bjdayi.com 2. You are a young man of good abilities, quick imagination, lively spirits, and open, affectionate manners. 你是一个有能力、想象力敏捷、意气风发、开朗和多情多义的年轻人。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 3. Of another peer: "Catherine was lively, domineering and always in love. I had not chosen her friendship; it had been imposed upon me. " 对于其他人:“凯瑟琳很活泼,专横跋扈,总是在恋爱,我没选择这段友谊她却强加于我。” www.ecocn.org 4. e. g. He seemed a very lively young man, certain of his own abilities and eager to set people by the ears . 看来他是个非常活跃的青年,对自己的能力十分自信,且急于一鸣惊人。 www.for68.com 5. I am not too good at communication rhetoric, but I was trying to make its own efforts to become a lively, cheerful person. 我不太擅交际言辞,但我正在努力尝试使自己变为一个活泼开朗的人。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. My thanks again to our two protagonists and to all of you who helped make it a lively and hard-fought debate. 衷心感谢两位辩手,以及那些对这场活力四射、峰回路转的辩论有所贡献的网友 www.ecocn.org 7. As the great day approached, there was more singing in the slave section than usual. It was lively and lasted later into the night. 当这一伟大日子来临时,奴隶居住区内传出了比平日更多的歌声,歌声也更活泼优美而且持续到深夜。 www.jukuu.com 8. It was so quiet and lively automobile market, that price would be the next follow-up to this? 这使一度平静的车市又热闹起来,那谁会是下一个降价的跟进者呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. There seem to be several good forums with lively subjects, one of which will reveal the identities of those big men in Fanhall. com. . . (哆)好像有不错的论坛数个,并且主题挺活泼。其中一个貌似会揭露出现象网上诸位大佬的真面目… group.mtime.com 10. Once upon a time, there was beautiful Italian architecture and a lively and vibrant cultural life. 曾几何时,这儿有美丽的意大利建筑和生气勃勃、充满活力的文化生活。 kk.dongxi.net 1. Thus followed the story that astonished me greatly as if I had attended a lively MBA course. 这一走,于是有了后面的这个让我深感震撼的故事,象上了一堂生动的MBA案例课。 www.englishpub.cn 2. Like the innocent and lively book, funny movies, like the children's game. 喜欢天真活泼的书,搞笑的电影,喜欢小孩子的游戏。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Small room extra duty flying heart, do not know much room under the lively confusion, fighting in the solitude, loneliness is the prize. 小小的房间关不住飞翔的心,大大的房间不了解热闹下的迷茫,在孤独里奋战,寂寞是奖品。 enwaimao.cn 4. The trouble was his lively imagination did not fit into a school pattern. 他的活跃的想象力与学校的管理模式格格不入。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. When females shower in the sun for a group of lively monkey caught fleas, your feelings for that? 当母猴淋浴在阳光下替一群活泼的小猴抓蚤时,你的感想是什么? www.bing.com 6. Elsewhere, we seem to be able to speak our minds. The different styles and flow of ideas make it much more lively. 其它地儿咱们好像可以畅所欲言,百花齐放,百家争鸣,热闹得很。 www.chinadialogue.net 7. But I also know how much more prosperous, not to mention lively and interesting, our community would be if tourism increased. 但我也知道,如果旅游业得以发展,我们的社区将会变得多么的更加繁荣,不用提多么的生气蓬勃和引人入胜。 www.proftrans.com 8. This resort is located at the heart of a lively beachfront area where the stunning Thai style villas look out over a spectacular sea view. 这个度假村位于一个生机勃勃的海滨区的中心,拥有迷人的泰式别墅,享有壮丽的海景。 www.orangeway.cn 9. All this ensures that his book is lively enough to engage even those with only a passing interest in the intricacies of global trade talks. 这一切都保证即便是对全球贸易会谈中那些难以理解的事物只有一时兴趣的人也会觉得此书生动可读。 www.ecocn.org 10. My good friend Jia Xu M. is a lively and lovely little girl. she had a black hair. a pair of eyes like two stones. Shuihonghong. cute love. 我的好朋友许佳男。是一个活泼。可爱的小女孩。她有一头乌黑的头发。一双眼睛就像两颗宝石。水汪汪的。人见人爱。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The heart in your breast, as lively as a little rabbit, was so excited by the challenge of the wide world that it would give you no peace. 你只是揣着一颗小兔子般活泼的心,被大千世界的风雨世面激动得坐卧不宁。 www.jukuu.com 2. She had been genteelly bred, was sensible, lively, and of a most pleasing conversation. 她受过教育,聪明而活泼,言谈也很有趣。 leimingg.spaces.live.com 3. One of the top film premieres this year was the highly anticipated Elvis and Anabelle starring Blake Lively and Max Minghella. 一个最电影的首映式今年备受期待猫王主演的布莱克和Anabelle充满活力的和最高明格拉。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Although she had become frailer and a little deaf, the old woman's mind was as lively as ever. 尽管这老太婆变得虚弱并且有点失聪,但她的头脑跟往常一样灵活。 dict.crazyenglish.org 5. he does not wish to be contacted more with media, do not wish to intervene lively, do not hope more him particularize. 他不愿与媒体多接触,不愿介入热闹,更不希望大书特书自己。 www.bing.com 6. Chelsea continued to threaten, with Drogba looking lively up front, and a breakthrough looked increasingly likely. 切尔西继续威胁,德罗巴在前面看起来很活跃,看来一个突破很快就会出现了。 www.qieerxi.com 7. Sweet smile is often on her face, which makes her more lively. 脸上时常有甜甜的微笑,使她显得更加活泼。 www.rr365.com 8. To-day he is lively and in good spirits . But that's the effect of your being with him; he is not often like this. 今天他的精神振奋,心情也很愉快,这是您的到来对他产生的影响,他很少是这个样子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. She was transformed into a lively girl after a year aboard. 在国外呆了一年后,他变成了一个活泼的女孩。 gaokao.ewstudy.com 10. It has a mind of its own. It is too lively and too bouncy and it's contributing to a poorer World Cup in terms of the quality of football. 它就像长了脑子一样,太活跃、太飘忽了,就是它才让这次世界杯的足球水平变得不敢恭维。 hi.baidu.com 1. We hope that this freedom of expression will allow you to help create a community as varied and lively as the world it exists in. 我们希望这样自由的表达可以让你创造出一个如同真正存在于这个世界一样的,丰富多彩的,生机勃勃的社区。 www.elanso.com 2. He had the simplicity and naturalness of the Chinese peasants, with a lively sense of humour and a love of rustic laughter. 他有着中国农民质朴纯真的性格,颇有幽默感,喜欢憨笑。 dict.veduchina.com 3. Many participants began to think about how to better the learning results into a lively practice, to better promote the work. 许多学员们开始思索如何更好地把学习成果转化为生动实践,更好地推动工作。 www.123wzdq.com.cn 4. The question of compulsory sterilisation has been the subject of lively public debate over the last few months. 强制绝育是过去几个月里公众热议的话题。 www.bing.com 5. She is a lively, quick -witted young woman with a strong sense of justice and a natural goodness that have widespread appeal. 伊丽莎白是个活泼机智的年轻女性,她强烈的正义感和善良的本性有广泛的吸引力。 www.kekenet.com 6. What he does know is that you think it's a bad thing to say and, when he does say it, people respond in a very lively way. 他所知道的是说这句话是不好的,如果他这样说了,人们就会以一种比较激烈的方式回应。 www.elanso.com 7. The enforced rest he had might have done him some good because he was certainly lively on Saturday, both going forward and defensively. 这次的被迫休息可能让他有一些正面的影响因为他在星期六表现得很有活力,无论是在进攻还是防守。 www.ept-team.com 8. Before Prospero left the island, he let Ariel go from his service, to the great joy of that lively little spirit. 布劳斯佩洛离开这岛以前,他解除了艾瑞尔的服侍,让这活泼的小精灵非常快乐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Silhouette cuts, representing figures and landscapes by their outlines, can be as vivid, lively and genuine as any other form of ART. 皮影是以人物和风景的侧面轮廓表现其造型的艺术.与其它艺术形式一样,有生动,活泼和真实的特点。 dict.ebigear.com 10. She saw it with concern; for what could a silent man of five and thirty hope, when opposed to a very lively one of five and twenty? 她为此深感忧虑;因为一个三十五岁的沉默寡言的人,跟一个二十五岁的朝气蓬勃的人相竞争,哪里能有什么希望呢? www.kekenet.com 1. He likes the place lively, like fashion, like the noise, also like to see when beautiful MM, secretly took aim at the one. 他喜欢热闹的地方,喜欢时尚,喜欢喧哗,也喜欢看到漂亮MM时,偷偷的瞄上一眼。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. First, while the aging parent is still vital and lively, children must not fool themselves that this happy situation will last forever. 首先,尽管衰老的双亲现在生命仍然充满活力,但孩子们不要愚蠢的认为这种乐观的形势可以永远持续下去。 www.bing.com 3. It may not be the sort of thing to discuss over dinner, but research is opening a lively debate on the origin of the anus. 这也许不是饭后闲谈的事情,但是研究正开启关于器官起源的激烈的争论。 www.dxy.cn 4. When the child lives in his world, running, jumping, playing, as if being lively and joyful forever. 儿童置身于自己的世界,奔腾跳跃、嬉戏打闹,永远一副天真活泼、快乐无忧的模样。 5. Time urged me to grow, bright blue youth, like the wind smiling through my side. The lively vivid figure, always appear in my dream. 时光催促着我在长大,明亮忧伤的青春,像一阵风微笑经过我的身旁。 www.bing.com 6. She has big eyes. Her long hair is often plained. Sweet smile is often on her face, which makes her more lively. 她又一双大眼睛,一头漆黑的长发,脸上经常挂着甜美的微笑,使她更生动。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. KM: I mean, I didn't really think of that as an argument so much as just a lively discussion. (KaryMullis说)我是说,我并不觉得这是个争论,只是个很活泼的讨论。 www.ted.com 8. He was an uncommonly lively and interesting father, I think now, but I really had little idea of that at the time. 现在想来,他绝对是一个异常乐观活跃、趣味横生的父亲,但小时候的我对此却真的知之甚少。 www.bing.com 9. I have already crossed the life twelfth rings, I from a willful ignorance of the children grew up to be a lively and cheerful girl. 我已越过了人生的第十二个年轮,我从一个任性无知的孩子,长成了一个活泼开朗的少女。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In the country's lively internet blogosphere, the book has created something of a stir. 在国内百家争鸣的博客圈中,该书引起了不小的轰动。 maqiang992000.blog.163.com 1. It is not strange, then, that those who wrote of him should have eked out their scanty recollections with a lively fancy. 因此,那些给他写文章的人必须借助于活跃的想象以弥补贫乏的事实,看来也就不足为奇了。 2. One of my favourite fruit and vegetable stalls is run by an extremely lively Chinese woman assisted by her hen-pecked husband and sons. 我最喜欢光顾的水果蔬菜摊由一位很会来事的中国妇女经营,帮手就是她那位惧内的老公以及几位儿子。 res.hersp.com 3. This story has given an account of a little girl Mary who was self-abased has become a lively , open and clear , clever girl's process. 这故事主要讲述了一个小女孩玛丽从姿势子的而又自卑变成了一个活泼、开朗、聪明的女孩的过程。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. "He's Wayne Rooney - a good character and a lively character, " said the defender. “他是鲁尼,性格很好,”这名后卫说。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 5. With its dangerous river crossings and climbs, river tracing is typically not a sport suited for dogs, so all of her gear is custom-made. 以渡河和攀登为主的溯溪并不是一种适合狗儿的运动,所以Lively的装备都是特别订制的。 www.taipeitimes.com 6. Your friends really do want to see you and conversation that bubbles up would be lively! 你的朋友确实希望看到你和谈话,泡沫行动将热闹! www.chinatarot.com 7. It had a distinctive and lively culture of its own. 它有着自己独特而生机勃勃的文化。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. Another part of our work was to find a good radio performer with a soft and gentle voice, yet vivid enough to convey a lively mood. 我们的另一项工作是要找到一位嗓音柔美又生动的好播音员。 sm2000.org 9. How innocent, lively and lovely you were to be always asking us whys endlessly. 你是那么的天真无邪,那么的活泼可爱,永远有问不完的为什么。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 10. I said, is a painting, a piece of clean lines, but a lively scene in the ink. 我所说的,是一幅画,一幅线条简洁,却又生动盎然的水墨画。 www.bing.com 1. German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said there had been a "lively" discussion and some disagreement. 德国财政部长朔伊布勒表示,经历了一场“激烈的”讨论,仍存在一些分歧。 cn.reuters.com 2. It is lively and easy to drink with ripe tannins and a bright, youthful colour. 其呈现明亮的年轻色泽,成熟的单宁使其生动易饮。 www.ttwines.com 3. Life is only a lonely circus, we lonely play ourselves. Although this is just a lonely circus, we still have to play lively. 生命只是一场寂寥的马戏,我们孤独地表演着自己。即使这只是一场寂寥的马戏,我们依然要活色生香地演下去。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. the child has no time innocently , is full of lively and lovely symbols. 孩子是天真无暇,充满活泼和可爱的象征。 www.ichacha.net 5. This lively book explores one of the most pressing economic questions of our time: To what extent should government intervene in markets? 这本书生动地探索了我们时代最亟待解决的经济问题之一:政府对市场的干预应该保持在什么样的程度范围内? dongxi.net 6. He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making (to make) his classes lively and interesting. 他矮个子,戴着一副深度眼镜,但他有奇妙的方法使他的课生动有趣。 philok.blog.163.com 7. The company has designed a number of professional staff, products in a unique, lively and interesting by domestic customer favorite. 公司拥有一批专业设计制作人员,产品以独特,生动有趣深受国内外客户喜爱。 www.tonke.cn 8. His eyes were large and lively, but the lids were caught up in the middle in a curious way, so that they formed a triangle. 他的眼睛大而活泼,但盖子被夹在中间在一个奇特的方式,使他们形成一个三角形。 home.24en.com 9. Russian bloggers, as others around the globe, have entered into a lively discussed about the recent revolution in Tunisia. 俄罗斯的博客,就像全球各地的博客一样,也热烈讨论著突尼斯人近日的革命。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. There are signs too that the PdL could be conjured into a more lively attitude in the next few weeks. 与此同时,有迹象表明,自由人民新党将在未来几周内采取更为积极的态度。 club.topsage.com 1. He is not only the children education method to preach, but will correct ideas in a lively story, inspired by education child story. 他教育子女的方法不是一味说教,而是将正确的思想寓于生动的故事之中,通过故事启发教育孩子。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The dark yellow color, texture clear, cutin , triangular overall close, cabinet modelling, lively and interesting. 色泽呈暗黄色,纹理清晰,角质细密,整体呈三角形,造型小巧,生动有趣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. At least twice he did so. When you attend his interesting and lively classes, you will be sure of his real age still young. 只要听一听他的化学课——那课既生动又有趣,你就会发现他依然如他真正的年龄一样年轻。 www.enbaike.cn 4. it? A love story, can reveal the terrible war, but more lively performance. 用一个爱情故事,完全可以揭示战争的可怕,而且表现的更生动。 bbs.5i5i.cn 5. l was a lively and cheerful boy I de Xiao Long a pair of big eyes, small mouth, in be riotous with colour clothes, let; s be good friends! 我是一个活泼开朗德晓男孩我长着一对大眼睛,小小的嘴巴,穿着五颜六色的衣服,我们做好朋友吧! zhidao.baidu.com 6. She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively , when she was Minnie Foster , one of the town girls singing in the choir . 过去她穿着漂亮的衣服,活泼可爱,那时她还叫明妮?福斯特,是唱诗班里的一个城里姑娘。 www.bing.com 7. This beach is comprised of a few handfuls of restaurants and bars and the nightlife is not as lively as other areas of the Algarve region. 这个海滩是对餐馆和酒吧和夜生活几捧组成不如的阿尔加维地区的其他地区活跃。 ptyly.com 8. Your lively talents would place you in the greatest danger in an unequal marriage. You could scarcely escape discredit and misery. 以你这样了不起的才能,要是婚姻攀得不相称,那是极其危险的,那你就很难逃得了丢脸和悲惨的下场。 www.hjenglish.com 9. I looked over at him, but couldn`t tell why he had suddenly stopped talking in the midst of a lively conversation. 当我告诉那个司机我要去哪儿时,他沉默下来。我仔细地打量他,弄不清他为何在我们谈话正起劲的时候突然停止了说话。 www.bing.com 10. She puts forward a new dance aesthetic view - through dance, bring the children cultivate into lively, lovely, natural elegant little angel. 她提出了一种崭新的舞蹈美育观——通过舞蹈,把孩子们培养成活泼、可爱,自然高雅的小天使。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. GStreamer developers are a lively bunch, and there is always someone to help -- or be helped by -- you. GStreamer开发人员组成了一个非常活跃的集体,通常总有人为您提供帮助或得到您的帮助。 www.ibm.com 2. All this Mr Starr relates in an erudite but lively style that happily stops this long book from becoming indigestible. 斯塔先生在讲述所有这些事情时采用了一种渊博而又不失生动的风格,从而很好地避免了这部大书变得晦涩。 www.ecocn.org 3. Things are beginning to get a bit lively. 事情开始紧张起来了。 4. Balagencang however ground of as if nothing happened from king father beside go by, gaze around , what still see him is lively. 巴拉根仓却若无其事地从王爷身旁走过去,东张西望,仍看他的热闹。 www.showxiu.com 5. He is active on the surface , loving somewhere lively , being out of loneliness but quiet inside. 他表面上很活跃,很关心人,永远都不消停,但内心却很安静。 zhishi.sohu.com 6. The old lady is so fond of lively parties, I was sure there must be some reason for her absence. 我说老祖宗是爱热闹的,今日不来,必定有个原故,若是这么着就是了。 www.jukuu.com 7. A lively young man with dark hair and a ready smile made his way to the center of the room. 一个朝气蓬勃的黑发青年,面带微笑,径直走到屋子中间。 www.jukuu.com 8. The dark yellow color, texture clear, cutin , overall modelling unique, fine cabinet, lively and interesting. 色泽呈暗黄色,纹理清晰,角质细密,整体造型独特、小巧,生动有趣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This will be a very lively, social full moon, and you will be able to meet and greet quite a number of people you don't know. 这是一个很轻松很合群的满月时光您也会遇见很多从未谋面的人。 www.douban.com 10. However, splendid edifices and a lively arts scene do not necessarily make Singapore a renaissance city. 但是,壮观的建筑物和热闹的艺术景象,并不一定能使我们建设成一个文艺复兴城市。 www.hotdic.com 1. Friday's spring equinox will bring the Sun into Aries and a lively social life to your doorstep . 周五的春分点将把太阳带入白羊座并且把真实的社会生活带到你的门槛。 www.showxiu.com 2. festive and lively atmosphere of the game is to develop children's initiative, creativity and ability to think in a positive way. 游戏中欢愉活泼的气氛,是培养孩子的主动性、创造精神和思考能力的积极方式。 www.xiami360.com 3. He were a less man dawn thick glasses, but he get a stupid way of his class lively or interesting. 他是一位身材不高、戴着深度眼睛的人,但他有着一套非同寻常的技巧,能使他的授课生动、有趣。 www.ffenglish.com 4. A lively curiosity to see him prevailed, though the compliment was so little returned that he had never there in his life. 很多人极想见一见他,然而这种恭维没有得到回响,他一次也不曾来过。 5. Sports reporters write about fast moving, lively events. They must develop a way or wring that goes straight to the point. 体育记者写一些关于最新的,生动的事件,他们必须开展一种方法或写一些正直的事件。 www.unsv.com 6. He kept his tone lively for the two pairs of ears just a few feet away. 他的语调也很轻快,让门外几尺外的两对耳朵听到。 www.bing.com 7. We are the small lively wave in the river of time, leaping smilingly to the place where the sun rises. 我们是时间长河里欢快的浪花,蹦着、跳着、笑着,一起奔向太阳升起的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Concise and lively colors bring you vigor and a good mood. The taste of green apples goes well with a lazy afternoon in the big, cozy bed. 简洁明了的色彩使人如沐春风。午后,坐在柔软的大床上,削一个青苹果满足自己的口腹,何乐而不为。 www.grandhotels.com.cn 9. but upon my word I should have thought we were lively enough at the Cottage for such a heart-broken man as Captain Benwick. 可是不瞒你说,我倒认为我们乡舍里热热闹闹的,正适合本威克中校这样一个肝肠寸断的人。 novel.tingroom.com 10. Just in case some are still lively, bees can be pacified with a few puffs of smoke blown into each hive's narrow entrance. 不过万一一些还醒着,蜜蜂能通过往每个狭窄入口吹烟的方式安静下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The dark yellow color, texture clear, a diamond, the whole fine cutin, cabinet modelling , lively and interesting. 色泽呈暗黄色,纹理清晰,角质细密,整体呈菱形,造型小巧,生动有趣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It may take a while, but people will soon notice that you're becoming a confident and lively speaker. 尽管这会需要很长的时间,但是人么很快就会发现你是一个自信而又活跃的演说者。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. In the eyes of her classmates, she was a lively and skilled young woman. 在同学们的眼中,她是一个相当活跃又多才多艺的女孩。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Eat as much raw fruits and raw vegetables as you can to replenish your astral bodies, as those carry the most lively Chi. 尽能够吃新颖水果与蔬菜,这样你会补充你的星光体,由于那些携带了少量的气。 www.yp51888.com 5. While meeting with Gutierrez and his business delegation, Premier Wen chose to hold the discussions in a more lively atmosphere. 在会见戈提兹率领的代表团时,温家宝建议会谈气氛要活跃些。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The lively intellectual debates of the time often took place in learned journals. 当时,这场空前活跃的辩论通常都以学术期刊为阵地。 www.douban.com 7. I am very pleased to be able to see so many vivid animals, they seem lively and lovely. 我很高兴能看见那么多活灵活现的动物,他们看上去又活泼又可爱。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines brightly, the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively. 在清明节的时候,是一个阳光明媚,树木和草地变成绿色,自然是再次活跃。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. e. g. Ah! Diving feeling I seem to feel that they are a lively and cute fish! 啊!潜水的感觉真爽,我似乎觉得自己就是一只活泼可爱的鱼! zhidao.baidu.com 10. It was a full, lively classroom and I can understand the trauma to all the staff. 这原是一个坐满学生、生机勃勃的课堂,我可以理解此事对全体教职人员的创伤。 www.bing.com 1. He is a very lively young man, certain of his own abilities and eager to make a noise in the world. 他是一位非常活泼的年轻人,对自己的能力充满信心而且渴望名扬四海。 wenwen.soso.com 2. One of the ways you keep this book lively and accessible is to use anecdotes from early science fiction. 你让这本书生动而易懂的方法是插入了一些早期科幻小说中的趣事。 www.bing.com 3. he was lively and unreserved, danced every dance, was angry that the ball closed so early, and talked of giving one himself at Netherfield. 他很真实且坦白,每个舞他都跳了,让他气恼的是舞会结束的如此早,他还说要在内泽菲尔花园开一个自己的舞会。 naturegarden.blog.163.com 4. He's a lively and clever young boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures. 他是个活泼灵动的男孩,他发现自己在很多令人兴奋的冒险。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. My disposition extroversion, lively, very easy to get along with people. 我的性格外向,活泼好动,很容易与人相处。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Happy camp program, we will see a lively, funny, humor, and be able to get the atmosphere at the scene of the most HIGH Kyung Ho. 在《快乐大本营》节目中,我们会看到一个活泼、风趣、幽默,能够把现场的气氛弄到最HIGH的何炅。 word.hcbus.com 7. So if you're stuck on a task, maybe all you need to do is to step into a lively coffee shop to get the your imaginative juices going again. 所以,如果你为了某项工作苦恼不已,也许你要做的就是走出去,到一个活色生香的咖啡店里,奇思妙想没准就不请自来了。 www.hjenglish.com 8. It's a tight ground, a lively pitch. You see the result they've had over the years. They make it difficult for you. 球场也比较硬,看看这几年他们的成绩,真是不好打。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 9. He added fictitious details to make it more lively, but modern historians have confirmed the basic accuracy of his writing. 为了使自己的叙述更生动一些,他添加了一些假想的细节。 www.thnu.edu.cn 10. When aroused she would make a dash which, just for the time, was not unlike the move of a naturally lively person. 她要是一旦兴起,那她也会勇往直前,一时之间和天性活泼的人并不两样。 www.jukuu.com 1. While filming, producer told me to act more lively so now I try to be livelier in real life. 在拍摄的时候,导演让我演的更生动活泼一点,所以我在现实生活中也正在试着变得更活泼些。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He was lively, witty, good-nature'd, and a pleasant companion, but idle, thoughtless, and imprudent to the last degree. 他很活泼幽默,性格温厚,谈吐风趣,但是懒惰、轻率和极度地不审慎。 www.putclub.com 3. Before that time, I had been a charming, lively child, a promising early reader, my mother's favorite. 上学之前,我一直是个人见人爱、活泼开朗的孩子,潜力无穷的早期读者,母亲的宠儿。 qikan.syn.cn 4. Personality, cheerful, warm, lively, self-confidence, self-discipline, a sense of responsibility, like challenging things! 个性方面,开朗、热情、活泼,自信自律,有责任心,喜欢有挑战性的事物! fw.t135.com 5. I had been touring with a lively metaphysical group for almost three weeks through the temple sites of Egypt and Greece. 我已经用差不多三个星期随同一个真实的超自然的团体通过埃及和希腊的寺庙位置游览参观。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Lively field used to describe the dynamics of living picture of the Mu-ying, was a rare moment of family life were depicted. 惯于描绘热闹场中的动态生活画卷的穆时英,此刻却难得地对家庭生活进行了描写。 www.cutpic.cn 7. I am lively and outgoing personality, a lot of good friends, it is very easy to make friends with it! 我的性格活泼开朗,有很多好朋友,也很容易交朋友呢! women.zhishi.sohu.com 8. But portals in Korea are generally lax about regulating the content and length of user comments in a bid to promote more lively debates. 但是网站对登载的内容并不严格控制;也不限制发帖长度,目的是使讨论更活跃。 www.kuaiyilin.com 9. After breakfast, my sister Lou and I had our usual lively quarrel over whose turn it was to wash dishes. 早餐后,我和璐姐像平日一样争辩该轮到谁洗碗的事。 www.jukuu.com 10. Lively and lovely, smart, studious, very interested in mathematics, but the total has its own unique insights. 活泼可爱,聪明好学,对数学极有兴趣,而且总有自己独创的见解。 wenwen.soso.com 1. And " sale culture " take seriously cheer bosomy interest, prefer to call catchword, more lively better. 而“销售文化”则重视加油鼓劲,更喜欢喊口号,越热闹越好。 pjprimer.com 2. The bond market, as it stands, is about as lively as a graveyard. On some days, there is no trade at all. 目前中国债券市场就像墓地一样死气沉沉,有些交易日完全没有交易。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Lively, vigorous debate has played out on Internet forums, radio stations and newspapers in recent weeks. 最近,活泼,充满活力的辩论已经在因特网论坛,无线电台和报纸上开展开来。 ourtra.netat.net 4. FOR all its grand central squares and lively cultural scene, the Belgian port of Antwerp is not always a happy town. 比利时安特卫普港拥有非凡的中心广场和充满活力的文化场所,但并非事事处处愉快。 www.ecocn.org 5. "I think it's rare for people to respect one another, " she said, giving her blessing to Mr. Badgley's and Ms. Lively's relationship. “我觉得人们互相尊重很罕见,”她还祝福贝格利和莱弗利的恋情。 www.e100e.com 6. China's Internet, with more registered users than any other nation, is a lively forum for public opinion, said Xinhua News Agency. 根据新华社报道,中国互联网的注册网民比任何国家都要多,中国的互联网是公众活跃交流的场所。 www.bing.com 7. Our physics teacher's class is always lively, interesting and clear, the students benefit from him so much . 我们的物理老师讲课总是生动有趣,清晰明了,学生们受益匪浅。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. It was a fresh and lively melody, with lyrics close to social life, widely enjoyed by the masses. 它以清新活泼的旋律,贴近生活的唱词,广受群众喜爱。 www.fabiao.net 9. We are the children which come from china are are very lively and lovely. 我们中国的孩子都是很活泼开朗的! wenwen.soso.com 10. They're at the bottom of the League, but they're really a lively and determined team who deserved to win against Napoli. 他们虽然在联赛中排名靠后,但是他们是一支灵活而且果断的球队,他们理所当然地赢得了与那不勒斯的较量。 www.juvefans.com 1. They show him in lively conversation with Haider at some kind of party. 这些照片生动的表现了他和海德尔先生在一些场合进行交谈。 www.ecocn.org 2. If you've read Takemiya-sensei's work, you might notice that her characters tend to be very lively and bright, cheerful types. 你要是读过竹宫老师的作品,大抵会发现她笔下多半是些朝气而叫人欣喜的角色。 www.douban.com 3. This is a good game screen, cute characters and lively design, easy-to-read mode of operation. 这是一款不错的游戏画面、活泼可爱的人物设计、简单易懂的操作方式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. That girl is a very lively girl, is an ordinary girl, do not give up anything encountered. 那个女生,是一个很活泼的女生,是一个平凡的女孩子,遇到什么事都不放弃。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. It may be suggested naturally, however, and spontaneously, from a fresh and lively conception of the subject. 这种字眼,也许来源于自然的暗示,但经过对主题清新活泼的观念思维,会自然而然地想到。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love; and very lively hopes of Mr. Bingley's heart were entertained. 喜欢跳舞是谈情说爱的一个步骤;大家都热烈地希望去获得彬格莱先生的那颗心。 www.ebigear.com 7. In his childhood, Sun Wukong, who lives on the Pure Land out of the secular world, is lively, cheerful, naughty and lovely. 童年的孙悟空生活在世俗之外的净土之上,他活泼开朗、顽皮可爱; www.airiti.com 8. And a lively media scene emulates Western television content that would turn the stomach of many an austere Talib. 活泼的媒体镜头模仿着西方的电视节目,这会让许多严谨的穆斯林信徒反胃的。 www.ecocn.org 9. Is very pleased to be able to participate in this interview, I was a lively and cheerful girl, likes music, reading. 很高兴能够来参加这次面试,我是一个活泼开朗的女生,喜欢音乐、看书。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. That Ma can engage and interest a lively, bright boy while enduring the despair of their situation turns her into a heroic figure. 玛能在吸引一个活泼阳光的孩子的注意力和兴趣的同时,忍受着对他们处境的绝望使得她呈现了一个女英雄的形象。 www.bing.com 1. She was engaged in a lively, interesting conversation with a faculty wife. 她同一位教师的妻子谈得很起劲,很有意思。 www.jukuu.com 2. At Boston's Quincy Market, dilapidated and dangerous buildings were converted into a lively complex of shops and restaurants. 在波士顿的昆西市场上,荒废而危险的建筑都被改造成了生机勃勃的商铺和饭店。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Shaman Ta is a lively, naive American girl in London College of Music in violin, graduating. 莎曼塔是个活泼天真的美国姑娘,在伦敦的音乐学院学习小提琴,即将毕业。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Methods: Iteration, recovery, interfere and lively test were tried by an established way, and also compared with HK method. 方法:用已建立的方法进行重复性试验、回收试验、干扰试验、线性范围试验,并和HK法进行比较。 www.showxiu.com 5. His wealth of knowledge and teaching well, lively and interesting classes, students love to hear his lessons. 他知识丰富,教学有方,上课生动有趣,学生很爱听他的课。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The atmosphere is lively and all the children love to join in. 这样的课堂气氛活跃,所有的学生都乐于参与。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Lively and lovely parrot lost his clever, and gradually do not love singing, gradually also does not like to eat. . . Is a weekend. 活泼可爱的鹦鹉失去了往日的机灵,渐渐地不爱唱歌了,渐渐地也不爱吃饭了……又是一个周末。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. At one or two o'clock in the morning he would still be talking, untroubled, close to his fireplace, lively, often amusing. 凌晨一两点,他仍就滔滔不绝,不知疲倦,靠近火炉,生龙活虎的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Her love for students, students of the strict requirements of her hard work, lively and interesting classes. 她热爱学生,她的辛勤工作,生动的严格要求学生,有趣的课。 wenwen.soso.com 10. the lively land sector, permanent easy to rent, by Fang Yangfang, seeing which the repayment looked. 繁华地段,恒久易租,以房养房,回报看的见。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Look for a cosy or lively place for dinner among the many traditional restaurants, bars, cafes and boutiques. 从众多老饭馆、酒吧、咖啡馆和精品店中,挑个舒适抑或热闹的地方享用晚餐。 www.bing.com 2. Ken can be lonely for a long time, suddenly become lively, a bit does not adapt! ! ! ! ! 肯能是孤独久了,突然变得热闹,有点不适应! wenwen.soso.com 3. Although Mr Medvedev's article was dismissed by critics as a mere simulation of action, it inspired lively debate among the elite. 尽管批评家认为梅德韦杰夫的这篇文章只是空想,但仍在精英中引起激烈的辩论。 club.topsage.com 4. My son has been very lively and talkative, but then my son just nodded and he said nothing. 儿子一向非常活泼、善于言辞,但当时,儿子只是点点头,什么也没有说。 www.5f5y.com 5. This was just the lively picture of ourself, countless omissions of coffee granules , somehow never managing to make that cup of coffee. 这正是我自己的鲜活写照,无数的咖啡粉末却从没有真正地泡成一杯咖啡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. She was not the leading role, but her lively and lovable performance added much beauty to the drama. 她虽然不是女主角,但是其活泼可爱的表演为戏剧增色许多。 www.cctv.com 7. She gave a lively account of her adventure. 她栩栩如生地描叙了她的冒险经历。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 8. But can appear unusually like the Xi'an such traveling city is lively - certainly, also can have the very many foreign friend. 而像西安这样的旅游城市就会显得异常的热闹——当然,其中也会有很多外国朋友。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. To keep balls lively , manufacturers package them in canisters that are sealed at slightly less than two atmospheres of pressure. 为维持球的弹性,制造厂商会将球包装在铁罐中,并在略低于两大气压的压力下封装。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It charms guests with its varied menu, friendly and professional service, and its lively ambience. 它迷住客人以它各种各样的菜单、友好和专业服务,和它活泼的气氛。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. North early autumn night, moonlight dim, night appears to be so beautiful, joyfully lively. 北方初秋的夜,月色朦胧,夜色显得那么幽美,生趣盎然。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He replaces Nguyen Van An, who helped transform Vietnam's parliament from a rubber-stamp body into a forum for lively debate. 他替代了推动将越南国会从橡皮图章角色转变成活跃论坛的前国会主席阮文安。 www.for68.com 3. And month by month, visitors are surprised to see how lively and international downtown L. A. is becoming. 一个月接着一个月,游客们会惊讶地发现洛杉矶市这个城市变得越来越鲜活,越来越国际化。 www.bing.com 4. Then all the evils, those lively, winged beings, flew out of it. 然后所有的邪恶的东西,他们活泼的,有翼的生物,从里面飞走出去的。 hi.nciku.com 5. He wrote out of a deep hatred of economic injustice, imperialism, and totalitarianism , topics of lively concern in the 21st century. 他写下了对经济不公、帝国主义和极权主义---那些与21世纪也息息相关的主题---的深深仇恨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The city is also known for its incredible efficiency as a result of its convenient transport, quick customer service and lively atmosphere. 香港还以其方便的交通、快捷的客户服务与充满活力的氛围带来的不可思议的高效率而闻名于世。 home.netat.net 7. section of the clapping song rehearsal. Only a small lively Student beautiful, full of energy ahead. 只见小同学一个个活泼漂亮,精神饱满,喜气洋洋。 www.lspjy.com 8. Put pepper on the mascot head, with a lively beat to note that this is intended to mark a drum cultural event. 吉祥物头顶上的花椒把,用一个活泼跳动的音符来表示,意在标示这是一场鼓乐文化盛会。 huajao.com 9. Mr Liu is an experienced teacher, he always had a way of making his classes lively and interesting. 刘老师是个有经验的老师,他总是有办法使他的课生动有趣。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. This bustling city charms visitors with its beautiful palaces, ancient winding streets, colorful goods, and lively city square. 这座繁忙的城市以美仑美奂的宫殿、蜿蜒的古街老巷、五彩缤纷的商品和活力盎然的城市广场,吸引游客慕名而来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The flowing melody, lively mood, youthful passion, and progressive spirit of this piece leave us with an endless aftertaste. 乐曲那流动的旋律,活泼的情绪,青春的热情,向上的精神,让人回味无穷。 www.rcdandelion.com 2. Wilcox said the man was a lively guy who enjoyed playing hockey. 威尔考克斯说他是活泼好动的人,喜爱玩冰球。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. She loved to run about and skip and dance, and she was always lively and gay. 她喜欢跳跃和舞蹈,总是充满生机和快乐。 www.zftrans.com 4. Using zinc alloy material made of fine men and women of the TAB key chian, personification image gorgeous colors, vivid and lively. 使用锌合金材料制成的精致男女拟人形象的拉环钥匙扣,色彩艳丽、生动活泼。 www.expo2011eshop.com 5. And there is no shortage of lively entertainment: stilt walkers, jugglers, a yo-yo professional and a beaded person. 在这里,还当然少不了动感的娱乐表演:高翘足、变戏法、游游球表演和珍珠人。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Hernandez, a self - confessed Brazil fan, described the ball as "having a good bounce" and " very lively" . 自称巴西队球迷的赫尔南德兹称“普天同庆”“弹性很好”,“很轻盈”。 www.bing.com 7. Einstein is not lively child, three-year-old will not address many parents worry that he is dumb, and took him to the doctors. 爱因斯坦小时候并不活泼,三岁多还不会讲话,父母很担心他是哑巴,曾带他去给医生检查。 wenwen.soso.com 8. In the open ground were a group of innocent and lively children who made fun of firecrackers and fireworks with a innocent smile. 空旷的场地上,一群天真活泼的孩童玩着鞭炮和烟花棒,嘻皮笑脸着。 hi.baidu.com 9. He made his classes so lively and interesting that all of us enjoyed every minute of them. 上课生动有趣,大家喜欢上他的课; club.edu.sina.com.cn 10. We were allowed to listen in on a lively lecture on how top-down management systems don't often work. 我们被允许旁听一堂生动的演讲,是关于不经常工作的自上而下的管理系统是什么状态的研究。 www.bing.com 1. getting ready for the massive game this weekend vs lfc, . . . our support is always lively at Anfield! 正在准备应付周末对利物浦一战…我们在安菲尔德(晏菲路)球场的支持总是精力充沛的! w.159.com 2. He was lively, witty, good-natured, and a pleasant companion, but idle, thoughtless, and imprudent to the last degree. 他是活泼、聪慧、好脾气,是一个愉快的伴侣,但是也是懒惰、没有思想、而且又粗心大意的人。 leimingg.spaces.live.com 3. It is possible to have a lively press, both online and in print, that does not break the rules. 媒体是可以做到充满活力又不破坏规则的,不管是在线媒体还是印刷媒体。 www.ftchinese.com 4. I was a good student, you taught me that hate words, so I very like. As long as your lessons, you are so lively and cheerful. 我是你的好学生,你教会了我那讨厌的单词,使我变得很喜欢。只要是您的课,您都是那么活泼开朗。 www.ok06.com 5. There have been some good talks, articles and a few lively debates. 包括很不错的演讲、文章,还有一些激烈的讨论。 www.infoq.com 6. He gave a lively description of the football match. 他生动地描述了那场足球赛 www.tingroom.com 7. At another table at Ebisu's dagashi bar, a lively group of men and women in their 20s, some wearing suits, picked at a selection of sweets. “便宜糖果”另外一桌上的男男女女热闹非常,他们都是二十多岁,有些穿着正式的套装,正在品尝精心挑选的糖果。 www.ebigear.com 8. The pair were in lively form and Inzaghi had the first chance of the game, with a diving header. 这对搭挡现在在最佳状态,因扎吉首先利用头球得到第一次射门机会。 www.milanchina.com 9. With beautiful pronunciation and great fluency , she is good at creating lively atmosphere in her class with her passion. Sarah发音纯正,口语地道,教学充满激情,善于营造活跃的课堂气氛。 www.houxue.com 10. She was always very lively when someone new arrived at the house, jumping up and wagging his tail. 当有陌生人来我家的时候,她总是非常活泼,跳跃,摇着尾巴。 www.ieltsunlimited.com 1. Fourthly, praises the Lord, the kids were all healthy, smart, lively and respectful. 第四,感谢主,孩子们健康、聪明、活泼,懂事。 blog.163.com 2. We drove home a bit after midnight, over the rive and through the lively old sleeping town. 时过午夜,我驱车回家,先过了河,又窜过了这个在酣睡中的古老而可爱的城市。 wenku.baidu.com 3. I loved to see their beautiful, clean and broad foreheads, and their lively, limpid eyes. 我喜欢她们美好宽阔又明净的额头,以及活泼清澈的眼神。 bhygz2008.blog.163.com 4. In the calligraphy version, in the last sentence I used Jiu Huo, rescue back to life, instead of Jiao Huo, teach to be lively. 在翰墨的版本中,在最后的句子里我用〝救活〞以取代〝教活〞。 www.yogilin.org 5. Their most passionate interests are understanding and knowledge, and their greatest pleasure a lively life of the mind. 他们最强烈的兴趣是知识和理解,而最能够令他们愉悦的是朝气蓬勃的精神生活。 www.bing.com 6. Well, she's quite a lively, talkative person in her. . . in her late teens. 她是一个比较活跃、健谈的人,大约十八九岁。 tr.bab.la 7. But they may serve nonetheless to make your perception of that good fortune all the more lively. 但它们可能仍然能够帮助你更加地意识到自己的幸运。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. He gave a lively description of the football game. 他对这场足球赛进行了生动的描述。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. He encourages students to stand up and defend their decisions, which leads to a lively and often humorous classroom debate. 他鼓励学生站出来为自己的观点辩护,这通常激发生动而幽默的课堂辩论。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Because he was a vegetarian and had saved many lives, when he was very old, Zhang was still as healthy and lively as a person much younger. 因为他是个素食者,又救过很多生命,所以尽管他很老了,他还是像一些比他年轻得多的人一样健康有活力。 www.for68.com 1. WHEN Floyd Feikema, a lively 90-year-old living in Minnesota, lost his wife eight years go, he knew he needed help. FloydFeikema是一名住在明尼苏达州的90岁的老人,当他的妻子在8年前去世后,他知道他需要帮助。 www.ecocn.org 2. But "Goki" still the land of China, and the reproductive reproduce the lively bounce, only emerged in a more hidden. 但“五鬼”依旧在中华大地上活泼乱跳并生殖繁衍着,只不过是以更加隐匿的面目出现。 www.chinavalue.net 3. Oh, yes. It would have been such a lively evening. 是啊,这原本会是个温馨美好的夜晚。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Since Lively's launch, we have been delighted to see the creative ways you've used the product. 自从Lively发布以来,看到你们在使用该产品时所展现的创意,我们非常开心。 www.bing.com 5. My hometown although nothing places of interest, nor metropolis of lively, but a picturesque, charming scenery. 我的家乡虽然没有什么名胜古迹,也没有大都市的繁华,但风景如画,景色迷人。 sack.52jiazigu.com 6. Bouquet: A fresh, lively, peachy style with just a hint of supporting oak. 气味:新鲜、活跃,有桃子和一丝橡木的香味。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Teddy Rowe's Band is the name of a lively and noisy parade which, until 1964, regularly ushered in Pack Monday Fair. 有一个名叫“罗特迪乐队”的活泼、喧闹的游行,1964年以前一贯由它迎接星期一收工节的到来。 www.chinaedu.com 8. I grew up in a very warm family, that my character lively and cheerful. 我成长在一个很温暖的家庭,以致于我的性格活泼开朗。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. All in all I found Lively to be an enjoyable experience so far. 总的来说我发现lively到目前而言对我来说还是一次非常有趣的体验。 www.bing.com 10. Maria was able to cheer up the family by teaching them to sing lively songs and perform short, funny plays. 玛利亚能够通过教他们唱活泼欢快的歌曲以及表演有趣的短剧来使这个家庭高兴起来。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. There would be a healthy range of boutiques for dictators' partners and the political chats would be lively and informed. 这里会有各种各样的精品店为独裁者的配偶们服务,而有关政治的闲谈也将是生动活泼、见识不凡。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Classifications which appeared during the nineteenth century were therefore devised in a lively and dynamic environment. 十九世纪的分类是在一个充满活力,生气勃勃的气氛中创立的。 3. Results Cases analysis and discussion made the theory component of abstract become lively, and made students' clinic ideation cultivated. 结果病例分析及讨论使抽象的理论内容变得生动形象,使学生的临床思维能力得到培养。 terms.shengwuquan.com 4. Maybe, Jonas suspected, they had been so exhausted by Asher's lively foolishness that they had needed a little time. 或许,乔纳斯怀疑,他们因为亚舍旺盛的愚蠢行为已经精疲力尽所以她们需要一点时间。 www.easeparts.com 5. Maria taught the children to sing lively songs and perform short, funry plays to cheer themselves up. 玛丽亚教孩子们唱的歌曲和表演生动总之,有趣的发挥了自己的欢呼。 wenku.baidu.com 6. excellent pack, good sentence colorful, lively scenes of wonderful scenes, the fellowship of the festive atmosphere to a climax! 佳作连篇,好句纷呈,一幕幕精彩热烈的排场,将联谊的节日气氛推向高潮! www.txjunshi.com 7. in southern home, line is more lively also, color is given priority to with white, still have the color of a few Walnut and green. 我在南方的家装修得相对简约,线条也比较明快,颜色以白色为主,还有少量胡桃木的颜色和绿色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Shaw is known as the creator of the Mongrel and Mongrel2 Web servers, and more recently as the author of this lively manifesto. Shaw以创造了Mongrel和Mongrel2网络服务器而闻名,他最近编写的这本生动的教程更是使他声名远扬。 www.bing.com 9. Saying commonly is lively and vigorous in calligraphy, let a person see water of a mist, not know what is said. 一般说来都是龙飞凤舞,让人看了一头雾水,不知所云。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Her education level is not important, but she should possess an intelligent, inquisitive and lively mind. 她的教育水平并不重要,但她应该拥有一个聪明,好奇和活泼的心态。 www.chineselovelinks.com 1. We had dinner together. It's so lively that I'm very happy. But I still have to do my homework. 我们一起吃晚饭,那太有趣了我非常开心,但是我仍然要做我的家庭作业。 www.jianfeicha.org 2. You might not accept the comparison. But there is now a lively debate within the economics community on this very issue. 你可能不同意这种比喻,但在这个尖锐的问题上,经济学界正在发生激烈的争论。 www.bing.com 3. The water-filled bowls, when rubbed with a leather-wrapped mallet, exhibit a lively dance of water droplets as they emit a haunting sound. 在用皮革包裹的木槌摩擦倒满水的碗时,碗里的水滴会跳起生动的舞蹈,同时它们发出萦绕不绝的声音。 www.bing.com 4. As one used to do lively ZhongGuanCun also was lost in former days vigor, in perfect order market also beg ins some desultorily . 往常热闹的中关村也失去了昔日的活力,井井有条的市场也开始有些杂乱无章。 www.showxiu.com 5. They spent a full and very enjoyable morning together, and Fred discovered that he had a gift for making a visit interesting and lively. 他们在一起度过了一个充实而又非常欢快的上午,弗雷德从中发现自己具有导游的才能,能够使参观变得生动活泼,饶有风趣。 www.xuexiku.cn 6. A person is whether fine- looking, lively, it is classic contemporary still , very big one part depends on her lip. 一个人是否美貌、是否活泼、是古典还是现代,很大一部分都取决于她的嘴唇。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The lively behind will not be able to keep anything, the time will prove all. 繁华的背后藏不住任何事情,时间会证明一切。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The academic community has embarked on a "need to read" How the Steel Was Tempered "" discussion, lively debate altar were mixed. 学术界上展开了“还需要阅读《钢铁是如何炼成的》”的讨论,众说纷坛,意见不一。 www.dota123.com 9. The children in the kindergarten look healthy and lively. 幼儿园的孩子们看上去健康活泼。 jpk.heut.edu.cn 10. When the sun sets in Albufeira things don't slow down, they pick up the pace for evening nightlife, which is incredibly lively. 当太阳在Albufeira,确定了不放缓,他们拿起晚间夜生活,这是令人难以置信的生动的步伐。 ptyly.com 1. Nice interplay between lively structure and creamy texture, ending with balance and a grapefruit aftertaste. 良好的结构和奶香有机的结合。平衡度好,品尝后有西柚的味道。 china.makepolo.com 2. He was a lively fellow who told me with absolute confidence that one day Estonia would be free again. 他很有活力,曾信心十足地对我说,爱沙尼亚总有一天会重获自由。 www.bing.com 3. for she had a lively, playful disposition, which delighted in anything ridiculous. 她的性格比较活泼,只要是好玩的事都让她觉得愉快。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The Workers can be used to prefetch data or perform other ahead-of-time operations to provide a much more lively UI. 这些Workers可用于预取数据或执行其他预先操作,从而提供一个更加实时的UI。 www.ibm.com 5. This Small-Scale Hotel Offers Elegant, Practical Accommodation Right In The City Centre, Near The Lively Shopping And Entertainment Areas. 这家小型的酒店在市中心为您提供高雅、实用的住宿,临近活跃的购物和消闲娱乐区。 hotels-zh.csbest.cn 6. Lively, then, mates, lively, " said the first voice. " Off we go. 伙计们,那就赶紧加油吧,加油啊,“先前那声音说,”我们走吧。 www.kekenet.com 7. It was a wonderful and lively place, there lived a group of lost children, elves, mermaids, Indian tribe, a group of pirates. 那是一个神奇而热闹的地方,住着一群丢失的孩子,小精灵,美人鱼,印第安人部落,还有一群海盗。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Mr. Weiner was considered technologically adept and was known for his lively Twitter persona. 据说韦纳技术娴熟,他还是个众所周知的狂热“推”迷。 www.bing.com 9. The two day event will also include what is sure to be a lively open dialogue called "Digital Media, Social Networking and Young People. " 此次为期两天的活动中还将就“数字媒体、社会网络与青少年参与”进行别开生面的公开讨论。 www.china.org.cn 10. The warmth of orange appears lively yet agitated, flashing erratically along the middle, shaking the overall temper of the canvas. 暖和的橙色富生命力却带点激动,它神秘地穿插于画面中央各部份,令整个画面看来份外生动。 www.christies.com |
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