释义 |
- n.柠檬酪(用柠檬、糖、鸡蛋及黄油制作的果酱)
- 网络柠檬酱;柠檬凝乳;柠檬羹
1. | 柠檬酪(用柠檬、糖、鸡蛋及黄油制作的果酱)a thick sweet yellow substance made from lemon, sugar, eggs and butter, spread on bread, etc. or used to fill cakes |
n. | 1. a thick sweet creamy yellow spread made from lemons, sugar, eggs, and butter and usually eaten on bread 2. a sweet food containing lemon juice that you spread on bread |
1. | | 2. | 柠檬凝乳 清爽柠檬凝乳(Lemon Curd) 鸡蛋 砂糖 柠檬 麦芽糖 水 2做过 苗苗桑 无油德式奶酥包 柠檬凝乳(见前一篇菜谱) 高筋面粉 … www.xiachufang.com | 3. | |
4. | 柠檬羹 高考英语考试大纲新增词汇讲解系列 ... 1. lemon balm 蜜蜂花 2. lemon curd 柠檬羹 3. lemon geranium 柠檬天竺葵 ... www.5ykj.com | 5. | 柠檬乳酱 诚品网路书店 - 英国原味美食 ... Kippers 燻鲱鱼 Lemon Curd 柠檬乳酱 Marmite 酵母酱 ... www.eslite.com | 6. | 英式柠檬蛋黄酱 WEI FÜ: 厨娘实习生 *... ... 厨娘实习生 * 自制蛋白糖霜 Homemade royal icing 厨娘实习生 * 英式柠檬蛋黄酱 Lemon curd ... weifuweifu.blogspot.com | 7. | 柠檬凝乳酱 ... 厨房里的人类学家 Anthropologist in the Kitchen 柠檬凝乳酱 - Lemon curd 橄榄小馆法国料理 Le Bistro de L'olivier ... 4and1kids.blogspot.com |