单词 | leisure activities |
释义 | 例句释义: 业余活动,休闲活动,娱乐活动,闲暇活动 1. Leisure activities are single, elderly leisure life is monotonous. For most elderly people, the children are not the focus. 娱乐休闲方式单一,公共文化参与程度低,老年人的闲暇生活较为单调。 2. Sport is an American national leisure activities, and its popularity is other recreational activities are cannot be compared. 运动是美国全国性的休闲活动,其受欢迎的程度是其他休闲活动都无法相比的。 www.bing.com 3. Undeniably , the travel and tourism is a close link with the leisure activities of industries, but by no means the only leisure industry. 无可否认,旅行和旅游业是一项同休闲活动密切联系的产业,但决不是唯一的休闲产业。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Lisbon is one of Europe's most beautiful and livable cities, with a variety of cuisines, cultures, and leisure activities. 里斯本是欧洲最漂亮也是最具活力的城市之一,也是具美食,文化及休闲的城市。 www.yappr.cn 5. Bar is one of the main places for leisure activities, mini bar bar-line management system aimed at achieving paperless management. 酒吧是人们休闲活动的主要场所之一,小型酒吧在线管理系统旨在实现酒吧管理的无纸化。 wenwen.soso.com 6. This study also found that the more opportunities they contact with outside, the more diversity of leisure activities they might have. 最后研究亦发现与外界接触机会较多的外籍配偶,则具有较多样的休閒活动安排。 ir.lib.ukn.edu.tw:8080 7. We had grown up in the same city, shared many of the same friends, and enjoyed similar leisure activities. 我们生活在同一个城市,有许多共同的朋友,享受着相似的业余活动。 www.bing.com 8. Turn the pen is a used different methods and techniques, with finger to turn the pen of the leisure activities. 转笔是一项用不同的方法与技巧,以手指来转动笔的休闲活动。 www.hjiu.net 9. Well, Barcelona is a Mediterranean city with an abundance of leisure activities and considerable public participation. 是啊,巴塞罗那是典型的地中海城市,那里的人民有许多消遣方式和公众活动。 www.englishmorning.com 10. What are those market forces ? Sport used to just compete with sport . Nowadays it competes with other leisure activities . 这些市场力量是什么?运动过去只是运动比赛,现在却是和其它业余活动竞争。 www.bing.com 1. His office has a view of the Eiffel Tower and on the shelves are photos of large sailing boats, mementoes of his valued leisure activities . 从他办公室的窗口可以看到埃菲尔铁塔,在书架上是一些大型游艇的照片及他最钟爱的娱乐活动的纪念品。 www.bing.com 2. studies the main partner, leisure skills, impeding factors of kindergarten teachers when participating the leisure activities. 并考察了幼儿园教师在闲暇活动中的主要同伴、闲暇技能以及参与闲暇活动的阻碍因素等。 www.fabiao.net 3. Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and holidays. 请简要介绍您目前的娱乐和休闲活动,包括体育运动和假日休息。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies. 请你简单介绍一下你通常的娱乐和消遣方式,包括运动和兴趣? blog.chinahr.com 5. Among leisure activities of the time, singing songs in a low voice was perhaps the most common. 自己小声哼唱革命歌曲可以说是当时最普遍的休闲方式。 gb.cri.cn 6. in the future , you can also book holiday camp facilities online , making it easier for you to plan your leisure activities. 不久,你更可在网上预订度假营设施,让你可轻松自在地计划闲暇活动。 www.ichacha.net 7. The Mendips are home to a wide range of outdoor sports and leisure activities, many based on the particular geology of the area. 门迪普斯成为很多户外运动和休闲活动的聚集地,很大程度上是基于其特殊的地质。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 8. The UK is alive with opportunities for enjoying world-class entertainment, sport, leisure activities and places of interest. 英国提供许多机会让你享受世界级的娱乐、运动、休閒活动和有趣的地方。 www.taipeitimes.com 9. With the increase in national income and the implementation of the two-day weekend, leisure activities has been increasing. 随著国民所得增加及周休二日的实施,休閒活动也越来越受重视。 10. Take up cognitive leisure activities. Learn a language, take up an instrument, take a class or work crosswords or puzzles. 进行一些认知的休闲活动。学习一门语言,练习一种乐器,上一门课程或者做字谜或难题 www.bing.com 1. Most Chinese NGOs are small groups engaged in leisure activities, environmental protection and local charity work like health and education. 中国大多数非政府组织都是小型团体,从事休闲活动、环境保护以及健康和教育等地方慈善工作。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Other leisure activities: Several other leisure activities represent serious competition for social board and card games. 一些其它休闲活动也在抢夺桌游和卡牌游戏人口。 www.bing.com 3. Please describe your main interests and leisure activities outside work, including any related responsibility. 请说明您主要的个人兴趣及在工作之余的休闲活动,包括任何相关信息。 www.china200.net 4. Diving in hainan tourism is the most alluring offshore leisure activities, human curiosity and exploring spirit here are perfect embodiment. 潜水观光是海南最具诱惑的海上休闲活动,人类的好奇心和探索精神在这里得到了完美体现。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. In this essay we analyze the public leisurable landscape, leisure environment for shopping, and entertaining leisure activities of Wuhan. 本文分析了武汉市现代公共休闲景观、现代商业购物休闲环境和娱乐休闲。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. However, those who suffer with long-term pain can find that their work, everyday and leisure activities are limited to varying degrees. 可是,那些有慢性痛苦悲伤的人们会发现他们的工作和日常休闲勾当很年夜水平上被限制了。 www.laikg.com 7. Leisure culture is the sum of leisure activities and elements which enable people to return to human nature and state of being human. 休闲文化就是使人回归人的本性、使人成为人的休闲活动及其要素的总和,它具有三重结构和三种基本特征。 www.journals.zju.edu.cn 8. Many children do not use the library regularly, especially in summer, when many other leisure activities are available. 很多孩子都不常去图书馆,尤其是在暑假他们可以有很多娱乐活动的时候。 evergreeneducation.org 9. Conference often include a programme of leisure activities in between conference sessions for delegates. 会议期间往往会为代表们安排各种休闲活动。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Additional exercises were given, tailored to specific demands in work, sports, and leisure activities. 为满足一些工作、运动以及休闲活动中的特别要求,需要做一些额外的练习。 www.oaopdoc.com 1. and occasionally the community committee will organize some cultural or leisure activities. 有时社区委员会会组织一些文化和休闲活动。 www.tingroom.com 2. Also, pursuing leisure activities you're passionate about can lead to a second career. 另外,追求你热爱的业余爱好也可能会发展成为第二事业。 www.hxen.com 3. The sitting room is over there. You can have your meals, watch television, and enjoy various leisure activities there. 休息室在那边,您可以在那吃饭、看电视及进行各种娱乐活动。 yushunlan.blog.163.com 4. In a public space leisure activities beneficial to people's physical and mental health and between each other. 在公共空间的休闲活动有益于人们身心健康及其之间的相互接触。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Differences in leisure activities among different womens occupational groups has been the concern of this paper. 休闲活动在不同女性职业群体中的差异状况,是一个值得关注的问题。 www.dictall.com 6. The ability to carry out leisure activities in the day was also reduced, by 34 percent. 夜尿症患者白天进行休闲活动的能力也会因此降低34%。 www.kekenet.com 7. The opportunities for leisure activities are also an important part of student life. 能有机会从事课余活动也是学生生活很重要的一个部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Safety and health is an issue not only at work, but at home, at school and during leisure activities. 因此,我们不但要在工作时注意安全和健康,在家居、学校,以及消閒时也不应掉以轻心。 www.oshc.org.hk 9. In North America, we dress differently for business and various leisure activities. 在北美,我们在商务和各种休闲活动时穿着不同的衣服。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. But for some people, excessive sleepiness actually gets in the way of daily work, childcare, and even leisure activities. 对人来说,过分的瞌睡妨碍了日常的工作,照顾孩子,甚至连休闲活动的都了。 www.ttxyy.com 1. You can simply use your HKID Card No. To make online facility booking enrol leisure activities. 即日起,您毋须事先作任何登记,只要利用身份证号码,即可上。 www.esd.gov.hk 2. Find leisure activities that you really enjoy. 寻找你真正喜爱的休闲活动。 www.bing.com 3. Enjoy those social interactions and leisure activities more. 更享受社会关系的相关影响、休闲活动; www.bing.com 4. These leisure activities and interests will probably change over time. 当然休闲活动和兴趣大概也会随着时间而改变。 q.sohu.com 5. Unduly noisy in playing, or has difficulty in engaging in quiet leisure activities. 玩时不适宜的吵闹声,或者在休闲时难以安静优雅的活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. People will lose places for having relaxation and leisure activities. 人们会失去娱乐放松的场所 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A wide range of marine leisure activities such as fishing , water- skiing , canoeing , wind- surfing, diving and swimming are also pursued . 垂钓、滑水、划独木舟、风帆冲浪、潜水和游泳都是人们热衷的运动。 www.bing.com 8. When will I find details of the latest LCSD leisure activities in ESD life? 我可以在甚么时候上生活易查阅最新一期的康乐活动资料? www.esd.gov.hk 9. The community center provides all sorts of leisure activities. 社区活动中心提供各种的休闲活动。 hi.baidu.com 10. Common values occur in a wide variety of communities, many of which are leisure activities. 在各种各样的社区中都存在着共同的价值观,其中很多是关于休闲娱乐活动的。 www.bing.com 1. What kind of leisure activities help you perform your work better? 对您来说,对工作帮助最大的休闲活动是什么? 51mmbt.com 2. therefore , it is important to rationally arrange leisure activities and education activities. 因此,合理安排闲暇活动和正规教育活动对我国经济增长有重要意义。 www.ichacha.net 3. In all these changes, the mixture of participatory, spectator and home-based leisure activities has continued. 伴随着所有这些变化,人们依旧或亲身参与娱乐休闲活动,或观赏各种比赛和表演,或居家娱乐。 wenku.baidu.com 4. The hotel offers a host of leisure activities. 这家旅馆提供很多休闲活动。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And as for leisure activities, there are such words as racket, as in tennis racket, from the Arabic raha, "the palm of the hand. " 在休闲活动方面也有来自阿拉伯语的词汇,例如racket(球拍),源于raha,意思是“手掌”。 www.america.gov 6. This gives me 5-6 hours of discretionary time every evening for family, leisure activities, Toastmasters, reading, journaling, etc. 这给了我每晚5到6个小时的自由时间来关心家人、参加休闲活动、主持节目、阅读、写日记等等。 blog.163.com 7. Be interested in leisure activities. 热爱休闲活动。 www.bing.com 8. No Leisure Activities in this part of the resort. 部分度假胜地无休闲活动。 www.simcity.cn 9. What leisure activities does the Youth Club organise? 青年俱乐部组织什么空闲活动? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. With more and more people having the private car, driving tour has become one of the fashionable leisure activities. 随着越来越多的私家车进入人们的生活,自驾车旅游成了时尚的休闲方式之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. You deprioritize hobbies, leisure activities, and exercise because of your work. 你让工作优先于你的爱好、休闲活动和健身。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 2. During the week -long National Day holiday, many people went for leisure activities. 国庆黄金周,很多市民都放下工作,去休闲度假; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I seldom have time for fun and other leisure activities with my family. 我很少有时间娱乐或和家人一起进行休闲活动。 www.jukuu.com 4. I am wondering about the role of leisure activities in the stressful lives of contactees busily preparing to survive the pole shift. 我想知道休闲运动在联络人忙于为极移作准备的紧张生活中所起到的作用。 blog.163.com 5. self life. Your work or leisure activities. 你的工作及消闲活动都与艺术有关。 wenku.baidu.com 6. How to balance between study and leisure activities for college students? 如何平衡学习和大学生休闲活动? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Very rarely do people report flow in passive leisure activities, such as watching television or relaxing. 但在消极休闲活动中如看电视或放松时,甚少有人报告涌流经历。 blog.163.com 8. The courses will also give you some insight into student life and some cultural and leisure activities. 授课地点设置在大学校园内因此您可以更为深入地体会学生生活,并参与一些文化、休闲活动。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Leisure activities with a public open space, requiring new buildings can not exceed 12 meters. 公共活动休闲带是开放空间,要求新建建筑不能超过12米。 www.englishtang.com 10. To begin with, there are many other leisure activities in the modern society, young men go to do these things instead of reading. 首先,有许多在现代社会中的其他休闲活动,年轻人去读书,而不是做这些事情。 www.citynoon.com 1. I am sure when you finish your leisure activities, you will feel better. 我相信,当你完成你的休?活动时,你会感觉好一些的。 www.8875.org 2. Club participation helps the development of leisure activities and interests. 7. 社团活动的参与会造成性格上的转变。 3. At the same time, give them space and time to pursue their own hobbies and leisure activities. 同时,给他们空间和时间来从事自己的爱好和休闲活动。 www.bing.com 4. And more and more people in work take serious attitude toward their leisure activities and get more involved in what they really like. 深度休閒的观念被提出后,愈来愈多已有工作的人在休閒活动中发展出认真的态度,对于自己喜欢的事能深入投入。 ir.lib.ukn.edu.tw:8080 5. What kind of leisure activities do you prefer ? 你喜欢什么休闲活动?看电视算不算? zhidao.baidu.com 6. More and more researchers have been beginning to study the topic on leisure activities with more and more leisure time given to people. 随着人们余暇时间的增多,越来越多的学者开始探讨有关休闲的话题,使得休闲日渐人心。 www.fabiao.net 7. The study didn't include common activities such as commuting, sleeping, showering and eating as leisure activities. 这项研究不包括上下班时间、睡觉、洗澡和饮食休闲等常见活动。 cn.wsj.com 8. You have an artistic bent in your work or leisure activities. 你的工作及消閒活动都与艺术有关。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 9. Plan some leisure activities that push your limits and require focus, like diving the Blue Hole in Belize or climbing Mt. Fuji in Japan. 计划一些扩大你的范围和需要专注的休闲活动,象在伯利兹的蓝洞潜水、在日本爬富士山。 www.bing.com 10. College Students; Leisure Activities; Flow Experience; Mental-physical Health; 大学生;休闲活动;流畅体验;身心健康; www.zidir.com 1. Investigation and Analysis of Higher Vocational Students'Leisure Activities 高职学生闲暇活动的调查与对策探讨 service.ilib.cn 2. Influence Factors and Feature of Participating in Leisure Activities of University Teachers 高校教师休闲活动参与特征及影响因素 www.ilib.cn 3. On present situation of leisure activities for urban peasant workers and countermeasures to improve 农民工休闲活动现状及改进措施 www.ilib.cn 4. in uk , the most common leisure activities are held at home and include entertaining friends and relatives 在英国,最普通的休闲活动是在家里进行的,包括招待亲朋好友。 www.ichacha.net 5. The contents of a single passive leisure activities and leisure; 闲暇活动内容单一且被动闲暇; www.fabiao.net 6. Study on the Features of Leisure Activities of the Urban Residents in Urumqi City 乌鲁木齐市居民休闲活动特征研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on the Relation between Consumer Structure and Leisure Activities 成都市民消费结构与休闲活动关系研究 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Weekends: household chores and leisure activities 家庭琐事和休闲活动 2005.nf168.net 9. Booking of leisure facilities and enrolment to leisure activities 租订康乐设施和报名参加康乐活动 www.lcsd.gov.hk 10. The city's "green lung" with ecology, production and leisure activities 生态生产休闲结合的城市“绿肺” blog.sina.com.cn 1. The Impact of the Internet on Leisure Activities of Modern Families 论网络对现代家庭休闲生活的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Citizens'leisure activities and quality of open space in residential areas 居民休闲生活与居住区公共开放空间品质 service.ilib.cn 3. A Research on Middle School Students'Leisure Activities in the Cities of Hunan Province 湖南省城市中学生闲暇活动的调查研究 www.ilib.cn 4. A Research on Middle School Students'Leisure Activities in Chenzhou City 郴州市中学生闲暇活动的调查研究 www.ilib.cn 5. On the Relationship between Age and Leisure Activities 试论不同年龄阶段与休闲活动的相关性 www.ilib.cn 6. Design of Leisure Activities for Young Children 蒙特梭利教育幼儿休闲活动设计 www.onsports.cn 7. Place Time Limits on Leisure Activities 限制业余活动时间 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Mentally challenging leisure activities, such as reading, playing games or playing a musical instrument 智力上具有挑战性的休闲活动,例如阅读、做游戏或演奏乐器 www.bing.com 9. Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 时间消费和休闲活动调查 www.bsw.gov.cn 10. learn how to talk about leisure activities 学会如何谈论休闲活动。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Leisure Activities for People in Special Groups 专业科目选修特殊人群休闲活动研究 lwbase.com 2. The Research on Physical Exercises and Leisure Activities of the People Working in China's Broadcasting and Television Industry 我国广播电视工作者体育锻炼与休闲活动特征的研究 ilib.cn 3. Features of sports leisure activities in different social strata in China 我国社会不同阶层体育休闲活动的特征 www.ilib.cn |
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