单词 | landslide |
释义 | landslides是landslide的复数
复数:landslides n. mudslide,avalanche,landslip,rock fall,victory 例句释义: 〈美〉大胜利,压倒的优胜,山崩,滑坡,土石流 1. 'We were surrounded by mountains, ' he said. 'We were very worried that if it started raining, there could be landslides. ' 他说,我们被大山包围,我们很担心,如果开始下雨,可能会有山体滑坡。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 2. Some of these gullies are thought to have formed by flowing water or melting ice, but others may just be the result of landslides. 科学家们认为其中的几条沟壑是由于流水或融冰冲刷而成的,其他几条则是因为滑坡导致的。 www.bing.com 3. During rainstorms the froth is scattered by inflowing water and landslides, though some of it may be disappearing altogether. 在暴风雨的季节,气泡被流入的水和山体滑坡打散四周,而有些一起消失了。 www.bing.com 4. It had been raining cats and dogs for over a week and the downpour had caused landslides in many places. 倾盆大雨已下了一个多星期,造成了许多地区塌方。 csust.hnedu.cn 5. Finding evidence of landslides does not necessarily imply that they triggered tsunamis, he said. 他说,找到滑坡的证据并不必然意味着它们引发了海啸。 www.scidev.net 6. Well officials are working on that plans soldiers in Sichuan are trying to relieve pressure on lakes created when landslides dammed rivers. 但官员们正在努力制定着计划,四川的士兵们在努力解除因阻塞河道而增加的堰塞湖带的压力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In case of landslides, to stay away from the direction of the Rolling Stones on both sides of the direction of running. 如遇山崩,要向远离滚石前进方向的两侧方向跑。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Most debris flows originally occur in the form of rainfall-induced landslides before they move into a valley channel. 大多数泥石流是在强降雨的情况下,由滑坡滑入山谷河道而形成的。 www.rockmech.org 9. Large earthquake-induced rock avalanches , soil avalanches , and underwater landslides can be very destructive. 大地震造成的岩石、土壤崩塌,以及水下滑坡破坏性极大。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Emergency services in Guatemala say up to 100 people may have been buried by landslides on the main highway north of Guatemala City. 危地马拉急救部门表示,在危地马拉城北部主要的高速公路上,多达100人被山体滑坡掩埋。 club.topsage.com 1. At least 14 people are now known to have died on the Caribbean island of St Lucia after Hurricane Tomas triggered landslides, officials say. 官员称,飓风托马斯袭击加勒比岛国圣卢西亚并造成泥石流,至少14人丧生。 www.enread.com 2. Geological landslides and technical over-break in turning part shall be measured again and converted to total length of the tunnel. 地质塌方、转弯段的技术性超挖按实计量并折算成隧道延米计价。 groups.tianya.cn 3. Landslides, with debris traveling at speeds of up to 200 mph down the sides of the Nevado Huascaran mountain, destroyed whole villages. 夹带着瓦砾的泥石流坡以每小时200米的速度滑下瓦斯兰卡山,摧毁山下全镇。 www.24en.com 4. If you've read the news, it was a summer of torrential rains, landslides and deluges along the route that we've driven. 如果你看了新闻,应该知道在这个夏天,我们一路上遇到的都是暴雨、山体滑坡和洪水。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The landslides are bright streams of exposed earth that contrast with the dark green plants and tan soil around them. 与周围暗绿色的植被和黄褐色的沙地对比明显,裸露着泥土的滑坡体像是清晰可见的溪流。 www.bing.com 6. This true-color image highlights potential new landslides around the earthquake's epicenter, which is near the center of the scene. 这张彩图的中心附近醒目地标示出震中周围可能发生新的滑坡的地方。 www.bing.com 7. Initiation shall not be carried out if heavy rain has occurred, as this tends to increase the likelihood and effect distance of landslides. 如果下大雨,便不应进行拆卸工作,否则会增加发生山泥倾卸的机会及扩大受山泥倾卸影响的有效距离。 www.epd.gov.hk 8. The pre-modern structures were utterly unable to withstand a quake of such force, and massive landslides contributed to the casualties. 从前的建筑完全不能抵御这么强烈的地震,加之严重的山崩滑坡加大了伤亡。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. NASA scientists might have been yodeling for joy in March when they saw the first-ever picture of active landslides occurring on Mars. 今年三月,当美国宇航局的科学家们看到正在火星上发生的山崩的首张照片时,他们一定高兴地唱起歌来。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. "It's where foothills are that the worst landslides will occur, " he said. "That's also where people tend to build their houses. " “山脚是最严重滑坡发生的地点,”他说,“那同样是人们喜欢盖房子的地点。” www.bing.com 1. Up to now, heavy rain caused landslides and mud slides have resulted in the Brazilian state of Rio more than 400 deaths. 截至目前,暴雨所引发的山体滑坡和泥石流已经造成巴西里约州超过400人死亡。 www.englishtang.com 2. Landslides, with debris traveling at speeds of up to 200 mph down the sides of the Navado Huascaran mountain, destroyed whole villages. 山体滑坡携带者各种杂物从纳瓦多·瓦斯卡兰山以时速200英里速度急冲而下,将所有的村庄全部毁灭。 www.bing.com 3. Local officials strengthened monitoring and prepared relief materials in case of landslides and mud-rock flows triggered by the heavy rains. 当地官员加强防控并准备救济材料,以防暴雨冲击山崩和泥石流触发。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. Landslides generally occur on the main slide surface with the lowest strength among the discontinuities. 滑坡一般发生在众多不连续面中强度效应最弱的主滑面上。 www.cgejournal.com 5. Scientists have already linked deforestation and dams to landslides in at least one other place. 科学界至少曾在另外一个地方证实森林砍伐、水坝与泥石流之间的关系。 c.wsj.com 6. If you are in a MOUNTAINOUS AREA--watch out for falling rock, landslides, trees, and other debris that could be loosened by quakes. 如果你在山区——小心滚石、山体滑坡、树木和因震动而可能掉落的碎石。 pro.yeeyan.com 7. Six boys and three wardens[u5] who were critically injured in Saturday's landslides have been hospitalized[u6] , he said. 他说,在上周山体滑坡中受伤严重的六名男孩和三名工作人员已经被送入医院。 www.52mba.com 8. Shallow crevasses can form during earthquake-induced landslides, lateral spreads, or other types of ground failures. 地震引发的山崩会产生浅层裂缝,横向拉伸,或其他形式的地表事故。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. One of Sichuan's worrisome "quake lakes" , formed when landslides block a river, is also near the aftershock's epicentre in Hongguang. 在四川省众多令人担心的“堰塞湖”中,有一个也靠近位于余震震中的红光乡。“堰塞湖”是山体滑坡堵住河流而形成的。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The cause of the moonquakes remains unknown, with one hypothesis holding that landslides in craters cause the vibrations. 月震的原因目前仍然未知,有一种假说认为是环形山滑坡所引起的震动。 jishenhua.jn.blog.163.com 1. The road ahead, once a much-loved tourist trail through a stunning gorge, has either fallen away in places or disappeared under landslides. 前面的路,曾经是一条穿越极好山谷的小道,不是在这个地方倾斜就是在崩塌的泥石下消失。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, snow storms, landslides and droughts killed at least 250, 000 people, globally. 地震、热浪、洪涝、火山爆发、超强台风、暴风雪、泥石流,干旱致使全球至少有25万人丧生。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 3. The typhoon, referred to locally as Milenyo, caused floods and landslides that have displaced some 5, 500 people. 台风造成的水灾和塌方使大约5500人无家可归。 www.america.gov 4. The steep mountains looming over the breeding center were collapsing in landslides as strong aftershocks rippled through the valley. 当强烈的余震波及整个山谷后,繁育中心背后隐约矗立的大山开始崩裂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Small landslides constantly add to the steep rubble slopes along the lake's shore, and large boulders periodically drop into the lake. 小规模的山体滑坡不断落在沿着湖岸的陡峭碎石山坡上,巨大的卵石不时落入湖里。 www.bing.com 6. The two laws have wide suitability and applicability by analyzing a few typical examples of landslides and avalanches. 多个典型滑坡实例分析表明上述指数律的广泛适用性与可应用性。 7. Police told people in nearby houses to leave the area amid concerns of further landslides. 警方提醒住在附近的人们离开以防再次发生山体滑坡。 www.bing.com 8. Months of torrential rain have caused flooding and landslides all over the country. 持续几月的暴雨在朝鲜全境造成了洪水和滑坡。 www.ecocn.org 9. The water that runs off the hillsides, meanwhile, also increases peak river flows, eroding the banks and raising the risk of landslides. 山坡无法蓄水,也增加了长江的最高水位,侵蚀堤岸,易引发决堤。 www.bing.com 10. The dam, land acquisition to demolition of a mountain, rock was loose, the vegetation is damaged, will cause new landslides. 修水电站,要炸山征地,岩体被松动,植被被破坏,会引起新的滑坡。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 1. Other issues involving external impacts on the operating environment include seismic events, high winds, high water, and landslides. 其他问题与来自操作环境的外部冲击有关,如地震、狂风、大潮及滑坡等。 www.bing.com 2. Meantime, the government is moving thousands of survivors living downstream of rivers that have been dammed by landslides. 同时,政府也将成千上万住在被山崩后泥石堵塞的河流下游的幸存者转移到别处。 bbs.putclub.com 3. The initial program of the top box culvert could easily lead to landslides due to be denied. 最初的顶箱涵方案因易造成塌方被否定。 www.010dm.com 4. Rescue workers in Colombia say at least 15 people have died in landslides in the west of the country. 哥伦比亚的救援人员表示至少15人丧生于该国西部发生的泥石流灾害。 www.mykh.net 5. Heavy rains causing multiple landslides over the past three days have killed at least 50 people in south-east Bangladesh, officials say. 孟加拉国东南部地区最近三天连降暴雨,引发多处泥石流灾害,造成至少50人死亡。 www.enread.com 6. The storm's impact had already been felt by Friday morning (Thursday night ET), with mudslides and landslides occurring on the island. 在星期五早上(东部时间星期四晚)风暴的力量已经显现,岛上多处出现了泥石流和滑坡。 www.elanso.com 7. Water Resources Minister Chen Lei warned that increasing rainfall, aftershocks and landslides were still threatening the barrier. 水利部部长陈雷表示,受上游降雨、余震、山体滑坡等因素影响,唐家山堰塞湖仍存在溃堤的风险。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Haiti's steep mountains combined with its tropical rainfall pose a threat for landslides. 海底陡峭的山地与当地热带多雨气候结合造成容易发生滑坡。 www.bing.com 9. It turned out that large-scale felling of trees because people have not only the birds have no home, also caused landslides, floods. 原来,这是因为人们大量砍伐树木,这不但使鸟儿没有家,还造成了崩塌、洪水等。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Chen said no casualties had been reported , but some houses collapsed and landslides occurred . 陈卫铭说并没有伤亡报告,但是部分房屋倒塌,山体也有塌方发生。 www.bing.com 1. The government's own report referred to the nearby Bailong river as a "high-occurence disaster zone for landslides" . 政府的报告也将附近的白龙江列为“山体滑坡灾难高发区”。 www.bing.com 2. and two coastal highways blocked by landslides, travelers can only hope to escape the area by air. 枫港大桥中断,南巡公路也塌方不能通车,旅客现在只能期望飞机能飞。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. If you are in areas susceptible to landslides and debris flows, consider leaving if it is safe to do so. 假如你在有潜在山崩或土石流危险的区域,在安全的前提下考虑撤离那里。 fireman.tw 4. Citing continuing rains, downed power lines, and potential landslides, the Puerto Rico governor urged residents to stay indoors. 引发持续降雨、击落电源和可能引起山体滑坡,波多黎各的总督敦促居民留在室内。 www.bing.com 5. HaiYuan earthquake in the region, a number of large-scale earthquake induced landslides, causing heavy casualties and huge property losses. 海原地震在该地区诱发了大量的大型地震滑坡,造成了大量人员伤亡和巨大的财产损失。 www.fabiao.net 6. The cable is owned by the Georgian railway network. It is heavily protected, but landslides or heavy rain may have exposed it to scavengers. 电缆属于格鲁吉亚铁路网所有。是被高度保护的,但是山体滑坡或暴雨可能使其被拾荒者发现。 www.bing.com 7. In Gansu province, the death toll was more than 1, 200 after landslides buried buildings and streets in mud. 在甘肃省,因山体滑坡而被埋于建筑和死于街上浓浓泥浆的人数超过1200人。 www.bing.com 8. According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, at least 48 people are missing, including two dozen who were swept away by landslides. 据民政部统计,至少有48人在洪水中失踪,其中有24人被山体滑坡不幸卷走。 www.bing.com 9. With the mountainsides still loosened by the quakes and their aftershocks, the risk of further landslides is significant. 伴随着山腰在震后依然显得很松动,还有余震的威胁,预防又一次的泥石流危机显得格外重要。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Stability subarea and factor analysis of landslides are the key problems of engineering treatment zonation. 滑坡的稳定性分区和影响因子分析是工程治理区划的关键问题。 www.cgejournal.com 1. Shallow crevasses canform duringearthquake-induced landslides, lateral spreads, or other types of ground failures. 地震可以引起浅层裂缝,包括山崩,横向拉伸或其他形式的地表事故。 www.bing.com 2. Within a decade, the line was suffering from repeated breakdowns, landslides, and management failures. 十年以来,坦赞线遭受了一次又一次的故障、山崩及管理失误。 www.bing.com 3. Thousands of soldiers were rushed to the area after the landslides to rescue survivors buried in buildings. 发生泥石流灾害后,数千名战士受命赶往现场抢救被埋在建筑物中的生还者。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 4. Based on the overview of soil steady-state theory development, detailed analyses are carried out on the subaqueous landslides. 在回顾土的临界状态理论发展的基础上,将土的稳定状态理论应用于海底滑坡研究。 www.dictall.com 5. They must have known, from the tremors we felt, that aftershocks and continual landslides were killing hundreds of road and rescue workers. 我们听到了一条震惊的消息,他们一定也知道,频繁的余震和山体滑坡已经导致几百名道路施工和救援人员失去了生命。 www.bing.com 6. In Northwest China, the thawing of the frozen layer in spring is the main cause of large-scale landslides in loess region. 中国西北地区春季冻结层的融化,也是大规模黄土滑坡发生的诱因。 www.rockmech.org 7. Various initiatives continue to be implemented to reduce the risk of landslides. 当局继续推行各项新措施,以减低山泥倾泻的风险。 www.hotdic.com 8. More than 100, 000 troops and police have been deployed to help survivors and to rescue people trapped by rubble and landslides. 十万名解放军战士和武警官兵奔赴灾区,帮助受灾群众,并组织抢救因建筑倒塌和山体滑坡受困的居民。 blog.ecocn.org 9. Reservoir studies of major landslides and seismic zones the essential difference between a major landslide and characteristics. 研究库区重大滑坡和地震区重大滑坡的本质区别与特征。 www.fabiao.net 10. Meteorological departments have floods, landslides prone areas, the public alarm. 气象部门已向洪灾、泥石流易发地区民众发出警报。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 1. Our study shows that heavy rains and human activities are the main factors to cause landslides. 认为暴雨和人类活动是滑坡的主要影响因素。 www.rddlzz.com 2. After the passing of the Ice Age, rivers, landslides, wind and rain sculpted the valleys, leaving today's spectacular landscape behind. 经过冰河时代之后,河流,山体滑坡,风和雨雕刻成了峡谷,留下了今天的壮丽景观。 www.bing.com 3. Floods and rain-triggered landslides have left more than 100 people dead or missing in Jilin over the past few days. 连日洪水和暴雨引发的泥石流已造成吉林省100多人死亡或失踪。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Seismic loess landslides, seismic subsidence and liquefaction are predominant seismic disasters in loess areas. 黄土地震滑坡、震陷以及饱和黄土液化是黄土地区主要的岩土地震灾害。 www.gcdz.org 5. "Locke" in south-central city of Hamamatsu, Japan, Honshu Island, near the trigger landslides. “洛克”在日本本州岛中南部城市滨松附近引发山体滑坡。 www.englishtang.com 6. Environmentalists argue that large-scale sand-dredging can deplete fish stocks and cause erosion, risking landslides and flooding. 环境保护主义者认为,大规模的挖沙可能导致鱼群减少甚至灭绝,并伴有山体滑坡和洪水的危险。 www.ecocn.org 7. Haiti has been heavily deforested so the quake is likely to have triggered landslides. 海地是一个过渡伐木的国家,因此地震很有可能引起山坡崩塌。 www.bing.com 8. It is proved to be crucial in the analyses of landslides stability to obtain the more exact parameters of slip surface. 分析滑坡稳定性的关键是获得较为准确的滑动面力学参数。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Hurricanes, floods, landslides, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are frequent and deadly events. 飓风、洪水、山崩、地震以及火山爆发频频发生,且项项致命。 www.ecocn.org 10. The commission also warned of possible flooding and landslides and suggested residents avoid fishing trips or engaging in water sports. 委员会还警告可能的洪水和山体滑坡并且建议居民避免外出钓鱼或从事水上运动。 www.aitrans.net 1. Luochuan loess plateau is one of soil erosion regions which is mainly resulted from loess landslides. 黄土崩塌作用是造成该区域水土流失的重要方式。 www.dictall.com 2. these include natural disasters that happened year after year , like seasonal of floods , ocean storms , drought or landslides. 这些情况包括每年发生的自然灾害,比如说季节性的洪水、海洋风暴、干旱或者山崩。 www.ichacha.net 3. Landslides and avalanches, they report, were among the most common. 山体滑坡和雪崩也是鸟儿们最常见死亡原因。 www.bing.com 4. these include natural disasters that happen year after year , like seasonal floods , ocean storms , drought or landslides. 这包括每年发生的自然灾害,比如季节性的洪水,海上风暴,干旱或者塌方。 www.ichacha.net 5. Pipelines carrying oil can be broken by faults or landslides, causing serious oil spills. 管道带着油可以被错误或陆地滑坡弄破裂,导致严重的石油泄漏。 bbs.xiaoma.com 6. Early Sunday, a moderate aftershock rattled areas, while fears of flash flooding and landslides hindered rescue efforts. 周日早些时候,发生了异常中等强度的余震,对洪水和滑坡的担心阻碍了救援努力。 www.bing.com 7. Rinchen says Bhutan urgently needs to map its hazard zones as it is also prone to destructive landslides, mudslides and floods. Rinchen说不丹迫切地需要测绘危险区域,因为不丹很容易发生破坏性的滑坡、泥石流和洪水。 www.scidev.net 8. Even without landslides, post-earthquake pictures show collapsed houses sliding downhill. 即使没有滑坡,震后照片现实垮塌的房屋顺山坡滑下。 www.bing.com 9. Torrential rain, squalls and wind were expected and the weather forecast warned that downpours would bring more flooding and landslides. 暴雨和狂风预期还会来。气象预报警告,大雨将会带来更多的大水泛滥及山泥倾泻。 www.yuloo.com 10. Volcanic eruptions, rockfalls , landslides, and explosions also result in earthquake vibrations, but most of these are of only local extent. 火山爆发、落石、山崩和爆炸也会引起地震的馀震,但大部分这些只是局部性的范围。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Volcanic eruptions, rockfalls , landslides, and explosions also result in earthquake vibrations, but most of these are of only local extent. 火山爆发、落石、山崩和爆炸也会引起地震的馀震,但大部分这些只是局部性的范围。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Japan's weather agency warned of possible landslides and flooding, as the quake followed heavy rain. 日本气象厅警告说,由于地震之后下大雨,可能导致山体滑坡和洪灾。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Floods, landslides and mudslides have pummeled several southwestern regions. 洪水、山体滑坡和泥石流袭击了西南地区几个村庄。 www.hxen.com 4. Hundreds of villages have been swept away by torrential rains, flash floods and landslides. 数百座房屋被暴雨、山洪和山体滑坡冲毁。 c.wsj.com 5. Hundreds of mud and timber houses destroyed, including some buried in landslides triggered by the quake. 几百座用泥土和木头搭建的房子倒塌,其中还有一些被地震引起的山体滑坡掩埋。 www.bing.com 6. Torrential rain that began pounding Guangxi Monday -- triggering landslides -- had led to 51 deaths as of Saturday. 广西从本周一开始降暴雨,导致山体滑坡,截止周六已造成。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The bad weather has caused massive floods and landslides, and it has left the country in deep trouble. 坏天气造成严重的洪患和土石流,使该国陷入大麻烦。 www.ctcvn.org 8. Nonetheless, the town has been evacuated as a precaution against further landslides. 然而,整个城镇为预防后发泥石流灾害而已经全部撤离。 www.ecocn.org 9. Burns said landslides happen all over the world. 伯恩斯说世界各地都会发生山体滑坡。 ts.hjenglish.com 10. The steep slopes on either side of the streams are bare of vegetation, possibly making them prone to landslides. 两侧的陡峭山坡上缺乏植被(保护),可能(因此)增加了这次山崩发生的机会。 www.bing.com 1. Authorities were especially fearful for isolated residents still trapped in areas at risk of further landslides. 政府部门尤其担心那些仍困于将来还有滑坡危险地区的、与外界隔离的居民。 c.wsj.com 2. Some environmentalists and government officials blame landslides on deforestation, which they say loosens soils on mountainsides. 一些环境保护人士以及政府官员把山体滑坡归咎于过度砍伐森林,从而导致山坡上的土壤变得松散。 fengkuang12356.blog.163.com 3. Thanks to the country's mountainous terrain, landslides hampered transportation and rescue efforts. 由于该国的山区地形,山体滑坡阻碍了交通运输和救援工作。 www.bing.com 4. What we need to fear most are the after-effects of a bad earthquake: fires, flood, and landslides. 实际上我们需要更多担心的是一个大地震的震后影响:火灾、洪水、和滑坡。 www.24en.com 5. Heavy rain has saturated parts of China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region this week, causing landslides in some places. 本周的大雨已淹没了中国广西壮族自治区的部分地方,造成一些地方的山体滑坡。 www.bing.com 6. There were large numbers of landslides and ground cracks throughout the epicentral area. 有大量的滑坡,地面裂缝,整个震中地区。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Transportation in that region of China is difficult to begin with; landslides and bridge collapses made it near impossible after the quake. 中国那片地区的交通是很困难的,震后山体滑坡和桥梁坍塌让人寸步难行。 www.bing.com 8. Indonesia often suffers from deadly floods and landslides made worse by poor infrastructure and planning. 印尼经常发生洪灾和泥石流,基础设施不完善和缺乏建设规划使这些灾难更加严重。 www.enfamily.cn 9. A spokesman for China's Ministry of Land Resources blames this year's high incidence of landslides on heavy rain falls since spring. 中国国土资源部(MinistryofLandResources)某发言人将今年泥石流灾害高发的原因归咎于入春以后的大雨。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Indonesia often suffers from deadly floods and landslides during the rainy season. 印度尼西亚在雨季来临的时候,经常遭受导致人员伤亡的洪水和泥石流等自然灾害。 www.kekenet.com 1. Landslides of waste subside into the sea and at ground level the air is thick with dust and flies. 垃圾倾倒了海里,地面上堆积着厚厚的尘土和苍蝇。 www.hjenglish.com 2. The progressive failure process is simulated, and stability of four landslides in Luoshan mine is mainly studied. 本文模拟了边坡的渐进破坏过程,并重点研究了罗山的四个滑坡的渐进破坏稳定性。 www.boshuo.net 3. Roads in the mountainous area have been badly damaged by earthquake and landslides . 山区里的路已经被地震和山崩严重破坏 www.crazyenglish.org 4. Undaunted, Truman went on to a historic victory in 1948, and Nixon and Reagan went on to 49-state landslides. 无所畏惧,杜鲁门在1948年迎来了历史性的胜利,尼克松和里根则摧枯拉朽地获得了49个州。 www.bing.com 5. The paper also briefly reviewed the research progress on earthquake-triggered landslides in loess area. 对地震诱发黄土滑坡进行了专门的述评。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Landslides during the earthquake dammed a river further north , creating what is now called the Tangjiashan lake . 更北的地方,地震造成的滑坡泥石流拦断了一条河,如今成了唐家山堰塞湖。 www.bing.com 7. Such landslides also block the flow of water, causing natural dams to form, which later can breach or overflow. 这样的山体滑坡也阻止了水流,形成了堰塞湖,随后就可能决堤或者溢出。 bbs.xdnice.com 8. There's untold devastation in Argentina today as massive wrist-shaped landslides have decimated the country. . . 今天在阿根廷出现来自巨大腕型山崩的毁灭性打击… www.bing.com 9. Explore the mines filled with danger and always dig deeper to avoid landslides, bats and ghosts. 摸索布满危险的矿脉,不断得深切发掘,随时预防山体塌方,谨慎遁躲蝙蝠和鬼魂。 www.h2ofans.com 10. The rapid lowering of the reservoir's level has also raised fears of landslides and earthquakes. 快速下降的水库水平面也增加了泥石流和地震的危险。 www.bing.com 1. And as typhoon season arrives in Taiwan, we investigate how nature friendly methods are being used to prevent landslides. 台湾的台风季节来临,我们带大家去看看如何用环保的方法,预防土石流。 www.newdaai.tv 2. Family members continue to dig for loved ones despite the impending danger of further flooding and landslides. 家人继续挖着,寻找挚爱的亲人,尽管下一轮的洪水和山体滑坡的危险迫近。 www.bing.com 3. Heavy rains also triggered mountain torrents , water logging s, landslides and mudflows. 暴雨也引发了山洪,内涝,山体滑坡和泥石流。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. When it rains hard, landslides sweep topsoil down to the sea. 下大雨的时候,山崩会把表层泥土席卷到海里。 www.ecocn.org 5. "The worst kinds of landslides would be if you had an earthquake on rain-soaked soil, " Yale's Ashton said. 耶鲁大学的阿什顿教授说:“假如地震发生在雨水浸泡的土层上,那山崩会非常严重。” ngmchina.com.cn 6. The weight of the extra water has also been blamed for tremors, landslides and erosion of slopes. 额外的水量也因震动、滑坡和斜坡侵蚀而备受指责。 www.bing.com 7. Fossil landslides distribute broadly in Longzi county. And the trend of reactivation appears lately. 西藏隆子县境内古滑坡分布广泛,近年来有复活的趋势。 www.cnak.net 8. Torrential rain will also sweep Hunan Province where floods and landslides have caused great damage. 暴雨将席卷湖南省,在那儿洪水和泥石流已造成极大的损害。 www.bing.com 9. However the landslides are the most violent events ever observed in progress. 而这次的山崩是至今为止观察到的最剧烈的“火星事件”。 www.bing.com 10. The destructive types (transform types of the slope failure) are landslides, debris flow or debris-rock flow. 4. 落石堆积的破坏型式为滑坡、泥石流或碎屑流; www.ceps.com.tw 1. The landslides and mudslides have toppled homes, and the torrential rains that caused them are forecast to continue. 山体滑坡和泥石流冲毁了房屋,导致这两种灾害的暴雨预计还将持续。 c.wsj.com 2. In Jiangxi Province, heavy rainstorms caused landslides. Soldiers helped nearly 10 thousand local residents to evacuate. 在江西省,强烈的暴风雨引起山体滑坡。军队人员组织了将近1万当地居民安全撤退。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 3. Common knowledge suggests that landslides demolish and bury buildings and people. 山坡崩塌摧毁建筑并连人埋葬是常识。 www.bing.com 4. The report also warns of the risk of more frequent flooding and landslides in southern China. 这份报告还警告,中国南方可能会出现更频繁的洪水和山体滑坡。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Strong aftershocks and fears of flash flooding and landslides hindered rescue efforts. 强烈的余震和对洪水以及山体滑坡的恐惧妨碍了救援工作。 www.bing.com 6. Imagery classification method of SVM is tested to landslide interpretation, so the situation of landslides is determined. 采用SVM影像分类方法试验解译滑坡灾害的可行性,最终确定滑坡在影像上的位置等信息。 www.boshuo.net 7. Landslides and bad weather are continuing to hinder the arrival of relief supplies to the flooded area. 滑坡和恶劣天气仍在阻碍救援物资运送到该地区。这里由于滑坡和恶劣天气时 www.tingroom.com 8. You are listening to landslide expert Scott Burns, a geologist at Portland State University. He's talking about landslides. 斯科特·伯恩斯是波特兰州立大学的地质学家,专攻山体滑坡,他正介绍这方面的知识。 www.hxen.com 9. The two lakes were created when the quake caused landslides that blocked the Qingjiang River in Qingchuan county. 由于地震造成的滑坡阻断了四川清江,形成了两个人工湖。 www.bing.com 10. Villages on or below steep mountain slopes are particularly vulnerable to landslides. 位于陡峭山坡之上或其下方的村庄更有可能受滑坡之害。 www.ebigear.com 1. In areas burned by forest and brush fires, a lower threshold of precipitation may initiate landslides. 在因森林火灾烧过的地区,较低的降雨量即可能引发山崩。 fireman.tw 2. The track is swept away by landslides and waterfalls, and took most of a day for us to negotiate. 路被塌方和洪水冲毁,让我们花了几乎一整天才能通过。 www.bing.com 3. Landslides caused by heavy rain in Guatemala killed at least 45 people. 因暴雨导致的滑坡造成危地马拉至少45人死亡。 www.ecocn.org 4. Assume that steep slopes and areas burned by wildfires are vulnerable to landslides and debris flows. 假设陡峭的山坡以及被森林大火烧毁的地区容易爆发滑坡及泥石流灾害。 www.putclub.com 5. Sichuan province to the south has also been affected, with 38 people still missing, after rains spread, triggering landslides. 四川省南部也有受灾,至今已有38人失踪。降雨蔓延,将会诱发山体滑坡。 www.bing.com 6. Rainfalls and earthquake often lend to landslides of natural and artificial slopes . 降雨及地震往往引起天然边坡及人工边坡的快速滑坡。 stae.com.cn 7. Continuing rain is triggering fresh landslides and hampering the rescue effort. 持续的降雨引发了新的山体滑坡,阻碍了救援工作。 www.chinavoa.com 8. The glaciers are melting, storms have increased in ferocity, there are landslides and floods, followed by droughts and deforestation. 冰川在融化,风暴在凶猛增加,山体滑坡和洪水,随之而来的是干旱和森林砍伐。 www.bing.com 9. Many barrier lakes formed after the earthquake caused landslides, which blocked rivers. 很多堰塞湖是在地震发生后,产生泥石流,堵塞河流而形成的。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Teams are continuing to recover bodies in Gansu province in the wake of Saturday's landslides in Zhouqu county. 紧随周六甘肃舟曲的滑坡灾难,救援队继续搜寻着遇难者遗体。 www.bing.com 1. It put the death toll at 1, 072 for the year, excluding those who have died in the landslides over the weekend. 报道说,今年因灾死亡1,072人。这个数字并不包括周末泥石流中死亡的人数。 beijing.neworiental.org 2. Landslides, collapsed houses caused serious losses of lives and property. 山崩、屋倒造成生命财产的重大损失。 emuch.net 3. Other places are so at risk from future earthquakes and landslides that they won't be rebuilt. 还有一些地方将来还会面临地震和滑坡的风险,因此也不能在原地重建。 www.shinewrite.com 4. In the original location or position, such as a large outcrop that has not been disturbed by faults or landslides. 原始的地点或位置。如未经断层或滑坡扰动过的大片露头区。 www.infopetro.com.cn 5. The typhoon that hit Taiwan two weeks ago triggered landslides and widespread flooding. 台湾两个星期前遭受台风袭击,出现泥石流和广泛洪灾。 ept-cn.com 6. While landslides can occur naturally, scientists say there is unmistakable evidence that Yamal's ancient permafrost is melting. 科学家表示,虽然山体滑坡会自然发生,但明确无误的证据表明,亚马尔古老的永久冻土层正在融化。 www.bing.com 7. This includes people in the mountains, and people near riverbeds, as landslides, mud slides, and rising waters leave thousands homeless. 包括居住在山顶,河床的人们,山体滑坡,泥石流和不断上涨的水位造成数千人无家可归。 www.neworldedu.org 8. Landslides have hit an orphanage near the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, killing 16 people, many of them children, officials say. 马来西亚首都科伦坡郊区的一家孤儿院附近发生了山体滑坡,官员们表示有16人遇难,其中大部分是儿童。 www.bing.com 9. Seasonal downpours cause landslides and flash floods every year in Indonesia. 印度尼西亚的季雨每年都导致山体滑坡和洪水。 fengkuang12356.blog.163.com 10. Aid agencies will reinforce systems to warn people of impending floods and landslides. 救援机构将建立警报系统,警告人们可能发生的洪水和山崩。 www.ebigear.com 1. In Mingyong, surging meltwater has carried away topsoil; elsewhere, excess runoff has been blamed for more frequent flooding and landslides. 在明永,泛滥的河水冲走了土地的表层土壤,而且还直接导致了山洪和泥石流的频发。 www.bing.com 2. The rainfall is the dominant exterior factor triggering the landslides. 降雨是触发三峡库区滑坡的重要外动力因素之一。 www.rockmech.org 3. The lake was formed after earthquake-induced landslides blocked a river's course, creating a natural dam. 该堰塞湖是由地震引发的山体滑坡堵截河道后而成,滑坡土石构筑了一座天然大坝。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Landslides happen when large amounts of rock, mud and other loose materials are suddenly uprooted and sent sliding down a slope. 大量的泥、石及其他堆积松散的物质突然坍塌,顺着山坡倾滑下来就形成了山崩。 www.ayste.com 5. Higher rainfall in areas without proper drainage systems can destabilise the soil, leading to landslides and more floods. 在没有适当排水系统的地区降雨过多可能让土壤变得不稳定,导致滑坡和更多的洪水。 www.scidev.net 6. There were landslides and a flood last week. 上周发生土石流和水灾。 www.tjes.tcc.edu.tw 7. Work on the canal was slow and complicated by brutal heat, landslides and voracious insects. 运河的施工进度很缓慢,并且还饱受酷热、塌方以及严重虫害的拖累。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Police say two landslides hit the orphanage within seconds of each other. 警方称,两次山体滑坡在几秒钟之内相继袭击这家孤儿院。 www.hxen.com 9. The safety of long-distance oil and gas pipelines is seriously threatened by landslides. 长输油气管道沿线的滑坡灾害严重威胁着管道安全。 www.cgejournal.com 10. As we know, over the past years, floods, droughts, landslides, and dust storms have frequented our planet. 正如我们所知,在过去的几年中,洪水、干旱、山体滑坡以及沙尘暴在世界上频繁发生。 www.kekenet.com 1. She pledged to address the common problem of landslides facing hillside communities in Brazil. 她承诺会应对山坡住宅区所面对的共同问题:滑坡。 www.bing.com 2. Three years ago, she set out to change that by creating a searchable inventory of landslides specifically triggered by rain. 三年前,她决心要改变这种状况,于是创建了一个保存专由降雨引起的山体滑坡的检索库。 www.bing.com 3. Landslides are caused by disturbances in the natural stability of a slope. 滑坡是由于山坡的自然平衡被打破形成的。 www.putclub.com 4. Landslides blocking roads were reported in Apayao province. 阿巴尧省被报告有山体滑坡阻塞道路。 www.aitrans.net 5. Seismic landslides hazard is encountered frequently in the loess area. 黄土地区极易形成地震滑坡灾害。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. China's Landslides: The Price of Aggressive Development? 中国山体滑坡:激进发展的代价? www.bing.com 7. Some of the worlds cataclysmic disasters are associated with climate change, such as floods and massive landslides. 世界上一些大的自然灾害都与气候变化有关,比如洪水和大面积山体滑坡。 www.lvhua.com 8. As a result, it is urgent to systematic study the way of controlling the landslides to provide scientific basis for engineering practice. 因此,迫切需要对滑坡治理方法进行系统研究并以此为工程实践提供科学的依据。 www.fabiao.net 9. Officials have warned of rough seas, and the risk of flash flooding, storm surges and landslides. 官员已警告说,将会出现波涛汹涌的海面,和山洪暴发、风暴潮和山体滑坡的危险。 www.aitrans.net 10. It is understood that, in the southern plains of Nepal, the monsoon rains often cause landslides and floods and other natural disasters. 据了解,在尼泊尔南部平原地区,这种季风雨常会引起泥石流和洪水等自然灾害。 www.englishtang.com 1. It can be used to predict the damage of high-speed landslides so as to offer theoretical proof to the design and construction of projects. 实际工程中可用该公式来判断滑坡的危害性,为工程设计及施工提供理论依据。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. An earthquake in Costa Rica triggered huge landslides, killing 20 people and leaving thousands homeless. 哥斯达黎加的一次地震引发庞大的山体滑坡,造成20人死亡数千人流离失所。 www.ecocn.org 3. Landslides often develop in pebbly clay slopes as toe cutting or surface loading. 坡脚开挖或坡面堆载时,含碎石粘性土边坡经常发生滑坡。 www.dictall.com 4. Gangwon-do Chuncheon landslides, leading to the foot of the few villas are crushed, resulting in 13 deaths, 24 people were injured. 江原道春川发生山体滑坡,导致山脚下的几栋别墅被压毁,造成13人死亡,24人受伤。 www.englishtang.com 5. The death toll from rainstorms and landslides in Messina, Italy, rose to 20 Saturday and 35 people were still missing, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,截至3日,意大利墨西拿地区的暴雨和泥石流已造成20人死亡,35人失踪。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. 4 days ago, the provincial capital of Manizales Caldas landslides due to heavy rainfall disaster, 14 houses were destroyed. 4天前,卡尔达斯省首府马尼萨莱斯因强降雨发生泥石流灾害,14座房屋被毁。 www.englishtang.com 7. The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity. 地震的震动还有可能引发山体滑坡,还有时候会导致火山活动。 www.elanso.com 8. The plant society of landslides around the highway in this study has 116 species belonging to 42 families and 92 genuses . 横公路沿线崩塌地之植物社会调查,共计116种植物,分别属于42科92属。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Road travel is also still dangerous as water continues to flow down from mountains, while minor landslides occur from time to time. 道路行驶也依然很危险,因为水继续从山上向下流,有时还发生小型的山体滑坡。 www.233.com 10. Heavier rainfall could also cause soil erosion and landslides. 而强降雨也可能导致泥土的腐蚀和山体滑坡。 www.bing.com 1. It was reported last Wednesday that over 250 people in Brazil had died as a result of floods and landslides caused by heavy rainfall. 根据报导,上周三巴西豪雨引起的水灾和土石流至少造成250人不幸丧生。 times.hinet.net 2. But many farmers lost their tools in the quake. Landslides buried equipment. 许多农民在地震中失去了他们的工具,农业设施为山体滑坡所掩埋。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Landslides have severed roads to outlying towns and villages. (地震造成的)滑坡更是切断了通往边远城镇的道路。 www.ecocn.org 4. Hundreds died in mountain villages buried in landslides. 台湾山区有数百名村民被泥石流活埋。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Kaimowitz says that scientists' rule of thumb is that "if landslides are deeper than one metre, trees are not going to make a difference" . Kaimowitz说,科学家的经验是,“如果塌方深度超过1米,那么树木起不到(阻止泥石流)作用。” www.scidev.net 6. The rescue operation also suffered when landslides buried about 200 people en route to distant villages. 大约两百人在去偏远村庄的路上被山体滑坡掩埋,救援行动受阻。 shanghai.neworiental.org 7. Others were being evacuated amid fears that newly formed lakes could lead to flooding or further landslides. 其他居民已被疏散,以防新形成的湖泊可能导致洪水或进一步滑坡。 www.bing.com 8. Permafrost melt and lack of glaciers will make landslides and debris to produce greatly increased. 冻土的溶化和缺少冰川会使山体滑坡和泥石流的产生机会大大增加。 wenwen.soso.com 9. In the end, it discusses the lagged time of landslides. 最后初步研究了滑坡发生的滞后时间。 www.magsci.org 10. Roughly as many were killed by recent landslides and floods in north-east China. 这与最近在中国东南部发生的泥石流和洪灾造成的死亡人数大致相当。 www.ecocn.org 1. This moment, landslides, subsidence, and rivers Wu Yan. 这一刻,山崩地陷,江河呜咽。 www.enun.cn 2. Collected here are photos from the mountainous regions near Rio that were so hard-hit by these landslides. 以下图片来自里约热内卢附近深受山体滑坡打击的山区。 www.bing.com 3. A trickle of flowing or falling mud or debris may precede larger landslides. 流动或掉落的少数泥土或残骸,可能会发生在大规模的山崩之前。 fireman.tw 4. This combination of severe rainstorms and droughts, in turn, can lead to more flooding, landslides, soil erosion and other disasters. 猛烈的暴雨和干旱交替反过来又会导致更多的洪灾、泥石流、土壤侵蚀等其他灾难。 www.bing.com 5. There has been almost no news from the towns outside the capital, nor from the remoter areas that may have suffered landslides. 那些在首都之外的城镇几乎毫无消息,同样的情况也发生在一些偏远的地区,这些地区可能发生了山崩等一些伴随性灾害。 www.ecocn.org 6. Research on georobot deformation monitoring, system software for landslides of the Three Gorges. 用测量机器人监测三峡库区典型滑坡研究。 ilib.cn 7. In the mountains, earthquakes can cause landslides and landslides, often bury the village caused the tragedy. 在山区,地震还能引起山崩和滑坡,常造成掩埋村镇的惨剧。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Access was hampered as landslides washed out roads and bridges. 由于滑坡冲毁了道路和桥梁,人们无法进入灾区。 c.wsj.com 9. Landslides and rock falls contributed to the damage. 地震导致的山体滑坡和落石致使了这些损害的发生。 www.bing.com 10. Flash floods and landslides in the Teluk Wondama district have left another 80 people wounded and sent thousands into evacuation centres. 温达玛湾区的山洪暴发和泥石流使八十多人受伤,并有数千民众被送往疏散中心。 www.bing.com 1. landslides blocking traffic, separated from the party and the people continue to close as flesh and blood. 塌方阻隔交通,隔不断党和人民血肉相连。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Torrential rain has brought landslides to more areas in China, as relief teams in devastated Zhouqu county battle against the bad weather. 在被泥石流摧毁的舟曲县,当救援人员还在与恶劣天气抗争之时,暴雨诱发了中国新一轮泥石流。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Landslides occur when masses of rock, earth, or debris move down a slope. 当大量的岩石,泥土或者瓦砾沿斜坡下滑时就形成了滑坡。 www.putclub.com 4. A woman grieves near her relative's body after dozens of people were killed in landslides in China's Gansu province last week. 上个星期,中国甘肃爆发泥石流,造成许多人死亡。 www.bing.com 5. The death toll from rain-triggered landslides in Guangxi has climbed to 38 as of Thursday, Xinhua said. 据新华社报道,截至3日,广西局部由暴雨引发的山体滑坡等地质灾害已造成38人死亡。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Throughout the region, landslides menwaskan 1526 people and caused some of the region can not be identified from the air. 在整个地区,山体滑坡,造成menwaskan1526人本区域一些不能从空中识别。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Large landslides have been clocked in excess of 100 miles an hour. 大量的滑坡都是超过100英里每小时的速度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The part of Gansu struck by the landslides, Zhouqu county, is in China's poor and remote west. 此次遭遇泥石流的是中国十分贫穷、偏远的西部地区,甘肃省舟曲县。 www.ecocn.org 9. Mr. Yamamoto says tremors of magnitude 6 are possible. There is concern that further aftershocks could also trigger landslides. 山本雅博说,还可能会发生六级地震,而且他们担心再发生余震的话,可能会导致滑坡。 www.voanews.com.cn 10. The landslides were set off by the earthquake. 塌方是由地震引起的。 ling168.blog.hexun.com 1. Landslides caused by rain and steep hillsides is not a preview of what to expect! 雨水和陡峭山坡造成的山崩。并不是即将发生之事的预演! cqly186.blog.163.com 2. They have also been working to protect survivors who are still at risk of further flooding and landslides. 他们同样还担负着保护生还者不受山洪泥石流进一步危害的职责。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 3. During particularly heavy rains in 2005, more than 400 people died in floods, house collapses and landslides. 2005年的大暴雨,曾使得超过400民众丧生于因暴雨引发的洪水,房屋倒塌和山体滑坡。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Rain will lead to more traffic jams, set off landslides and debris flows natural disasters. 雨下多了会导致交通堵塞,引发山体滑坡、泥石流等自然灾害。 www.zzzdao.com 5. In the United States, landslides and debris flows result in 25 to 50 deaths each year. 在美国,每年有25-50人死于滑坡与泥石流灾害。 www.putclub.com 6. The landslides were caused by torrential rain, state-run Xinhua news agency reported. 泥石流是由暴雨导致的,国家新闻机构新华社报道! bbs.ebigear.com 7. We've had landslides before, but never anything this bad. 以前我们这儿也发生或泥石流,但都没有这么严重过。 www.bing.com 8. The area is unstable and prone to rock falls and landslides. 因为该地区地情并不稳定,易于发生岩石坠落和山体滑坡。 www.bing.com 9. In addition, Jeju City and Seogwipo City, many traffic lights were damaged, some signs were blown, roads 1100 landslides occur. 此外,济州市和西归浦市的多处红绿灯遭到损毁,部分招牌被吹落,1100号道路出现山体滑坡。 www.englishtang.com 10. Officials in China say flooding in landslides triggered from heavy rainfall are causing death and destruction in South and North West China. 中国官员称,中国南方和西北暴雨引发山洪泛滥,给当地带来了死亡和破坏。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Storm's heavy rains led the flash floods and landslides. 台风的暴雨导致洪水及山体滑坡。 www.bing.com 2. If you live in an area vulnerable to landslides, consider leaving it. 如果你生活在滑坡高危区,考虑搬家吧。 www.putclub.com 3. Clay soil becomes slippery if a layer of soft soil tops it, so is prone to landslides when heavy rains occur. 如果将一层粘土铺在另一层顶部,粘土土壤变得湿滑,所以下大雨时很容易出现滑坡。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. Paju, Gyeonggi Province also landslides, killing three people dead, 1 missing, 2 others injured. 京畿道坡州也发生山体滑坡,造成3人死亡,1人失踪,2人受伤。 www.englishtang.com 5. Heavy rains triggered landslides in the Philippines last month, obliterating a village of 1, 800 people. 上个月,大雨在菲律宾造成了滑坡,埋没了一个1,800人的村庄。 web.worldbank.org 6. Landslides caused by heavy rain are a chronic problem. 暴雨引起的山体滑坡一直是个难以解决的老大难问题。 www.bing.com 7. Landslides and floods have cut off several highways, including highways 1 and 9 and the Ho Chi Minh highway, officials said. 官员称,泥石流和洪水将数条高速公路切断,这其中包括一号、九号和胡志明高速。 www.bing.com 8. Days of rain caused local landslides, killing 17 people killed, 4 injured person, and another two missing. 连日来的降雨在当地引发了山体滑坡,造成17人死亡,4人身受重伤,另有2人下落不明。 www.englishtang.com 9. Continuing heavy rain is slowing down rescue work in southeastern Brazil where flooding and landslides have killed more than 500 people. 持续的暴雨延缓了巴西东南部的救援工作。洪水和山体滑坡已经造成500多人死亡。 www.voanews.com.cn 10. While landslides can swallow entire villages by themselves, there is a way for them to become even deadlier. 尽管山崩本身就能吞没整个村庄,但还有方法使其变得更为致命。 www.bing.com 1. The "trees" are really trails of debris caused by landslides as ice melts in Mars's spring. 这些“树木”的真实面孔是火星春天冰层融化时造成山崩、从而产生的碎片痕迹。 www.kekenet.com 2. The conclusion is verified by landslides between head of reservoir to Badong in the Three Gorgers Reservoir. 通过三峡库区库首至巴东段滑坡统计,验证分析结果的合理性。 3. Mixed with sea-floor sediment, they can constitute vast unstable deposits prone to underwater landslides. 和海底的沉淀物混合在一起以后,它们能够形成大量的不稳定的物质,造成海底山崩。 www.showxiu.com 4. In China, heavy rains on Friday interfered with efforts to reach people trapped by new flooding and landslides in the northwest. 在中国西北部,洪水和泥石流导致群众被困,周五的强降雨妨碍了救灾工作。 voa.hjenglish.com 5. Some, but not all, of the potential landslides are labeled. 部分(而非全部)潜在滑坡体已经标记出来。 www.bing.com 6. Earthquakes can trigger landslides that cause great damage and loss of life. 地震可能激发泥石流,造成巨大的破坏以及生命损失。 www.cnxueba.com 7. Floods sometimes follow landslides and debris flows because they may both be started by the same event. 洪水有时候会随著山崩或土石流,它们会因为相同的事件而引发。 fireman.tw 8. The 2008 report: There are more than 60 landslides in Zhouqu, 13 of them were serious cases that threaten the safety of local residents. 2008年的报道:舟曲全县有60多处滑坡,13处滑坡严重,威胁着下游村庄的安全。 dongxi.net 9. Two days of heavy rain, landslides in the morning of October 14 occurred. 两天大雨后,山体滑坡在十月十四日早上发生了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. NASA So, if satellites can't consistently help you track landslides, how do you analyze each landslide event? 那么,既然卫星没法一直帮你们追踪山体滑坡,那你们是怎么分析每一起山体滑坡事件的呢? www.bing.com |
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