单词 | landscape painting |
释义 | 例句释义: 风景画,山水画,风景画法,山水油画 1. Since the birth of Chinese landscape painting, the light as a component of the deposit is always with them. 自中国山水画诞生起,光作为其组成部分之一始终伴存其中。 www.fabiao.net 2. Invigorated by his travels, Turner continued to plow his energies into his prolific landscape painting. 旅行使透纳变得精神饱满,他不断地将精力投入到大量的风景画创作当中。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. melting into the depth of a landscape painting, you faded out into the dark background. 在泼墨山水画里你从墨色深处被隐去 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Such a statement demonstrates the kindred spiritual relationship between landscape painting and the mind enjoying mountains and waters. 这说明山水作品与人生喜好山水的心靈相沟通的关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. After 19 years of study and master the creation of a painting: portrait, landscape painting, flower painting works of art. 经过20年创作研究掌握了国画:人物画,山水画,花鸟画作品绘画艺术。 blog.artintern.net 6. Discussion the concept of the modern landscape painting makes a huge boost on the contemporary landscape painting. 论述了现代山水画写生观对当代山水画创作产生的巨大推动作用。 www.fabiao.net 7. The pursuit of pure natural and fresh style, making a wedding can be a decorative home furnishing landscape painting. 追求纯自然清新的风格,使得一幅幅婚纱照也能成为装饰家居的风景画。 xian.edeng.cn 8. We transform take the Song Yuan landscape painting language form development as the example, this rule does not debate the self-evident. 我们以宋元山水画的语言形式的发展转变为例,这一规律不辩自明。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. Many Chinese would hand up a landscape painting on the wall as home decoration and others may prefer flower-bird works. 很多中国人在家中挂一幅山水画,也有人喜欢挂花鸟画。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. What do you think of this one? The background is pale blue with traditional Chinese landscape painting. 这个怎么样?底纹是浅蓝色的。带有传统的中国山水画。 dec3.jlu.edu.cn 1. landscape painting became more fashionable among the art buying public as travel became increasingly popular. 随着外出旅行越来越受欢迎,买风景画也成了时尚。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Five Dynasties to the early Song Dynasty, ink landscape painting. dignified mountains, creativity, quality heritage. 五代至宋初,水墨山水画,大山堂堂,创作,质感,传承。 3. Compare with his tremendous achievement of landscape painting, Fu Baoshi's figure painting has not been completely realized. 研究傅抱石人物画,便是要发现其中的艺术价值、艺术成就及艺术地位。 www.fabiao.net 4. And then guide Chinese landscape painting development into a new stage and height. 进而将中国山水画发展引向一个新的阶段和高度。 www.fabiao.net 5. Therefore, it has an important significance to do research on texturing method of chinese landscape painting. 因此,深入研究山水画的皴法具有十分重要的现实意义。 www.fabiao.net 6. For thousand years, the gardeners have been taken natural scenery as blueprint, landscape painting as model, painting theory as guide. 千百年来,造园家都是以自然山水为蓝本,以山水画作为借鉴,以画论为指导思想进行创作的。 www.fabiao.net 7. Chinese landscape painting is the main form of painting language for the Chinese calligraphy and painting "is" stent. 中国山水画是以笔墨为主要的绘画语言形式,中国书法艺术的支架也是“笔墨”。 www.fabiao.net 8. With the dissolution of the water ink, can be applied draw a beautiful landscape painting. 墨与水的溶解,能被画者绘出一幅美丽的山水画。 dict.chla.com.cn 9. Actually, he expressed his lingering impression and release of Chinese landscape painting by the water-ink style straight lines and dots. 事实上,他渲染的直线和圆点表现了他对中国山水画的摆脱和留恋。 www.zhuokearts.com 10. The Blang villages become a part of a faint landscape painting . 布朗村寨也仿佛置身于淡淡的山水画中。 www.bing.com 1. The style characteristics of watercolor landscape painting, art skills and artistic conception of Qiyun, style exploration. 浅析水彩风景画的风格特征、技艺之道和意境,对气韵、格调的探索。 www.fabiao.net 2. Walks around the path of the mountain which covered with gravel, you can see a magnificent landscape painting in your eyes. 沿著铺满碎石的山间道路缓步前行,一幅壮丽的山水画卷在眼前渐次展开。 big5.xinhuanet.com 3. Second part for Chinese corner landscape painting to modern format design important enlightenment, also is the this article key paragraph. 第二部分为中国边角山水画对现代版式设计的重要启示,也是本文的重点段落。 www.fabiao.net 4. Lot Notes The work adopts the composition of traditional Chinese landscape painting to construct a modernized urban landscape. 作品以中国传统山水画的构图布局,营造现代化都市景观。 www.christies.com 5. So absorbed in landscape painting that he seldom looked seriously for effects of Nature out of doors. 他平日的心思只放在风景画上,很少认真观看户外大自然的景色。 6. After Tang and Song Dynasty, the style of landscape-painting represented by the two Lis weakened gradually. 唐宋以降,以“二李”为代表的青绿山水逐渐式微。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. Dark green landscape painting from composition form, line modelling to color utilization, has the distinct cosmetic characteristic. 青绿山水画从构图形式、线条造型到色彩运用,均具有鲜明的装饰性特征。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. From ancient times till today, Chinese people are very keen on landscape painting and can feel its wonderfulness. 古往今来,中国人对山水自然满怀依恋和倾倒之情,最能感受山川之美。 www.fabiao.net 9. But Turner had begun to develop what became a life long love of landscape painting. 而透纳开始创作他一生钻研、挚爱的风景画。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. As I paint, I try to anticipate the edges to come. Here is an example, one that often occurs in landscape painting. 我画画的时候会尝试预测未来的边缘。这里举个例子,这常常发生在风景画中。 matthewlodove.blog.163.com 1. The Chinese landscape painting has formed set of complete formulas in the long-time development history. 中国山水画在其成长的漫漫历史长河中形成了一整套完备的程式。 www.fabiao.net 2. He introduced innovations to Chinese landscape painting by using shadow portrayal techniques from Western paintings. 他把西方绘画中表现光影的方法融入到山水画创作中, www.jukuu.com 3. That explanation sufficiently accounts for the love of rocky peaks in Chinese landscape painting. 这个说明可以使我们了解中国风景画家为什么那么喜欢多石的山峰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The beautiful grasslands are like a landscape painting. 草原美得就像一幅天然的风景画。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Landscape painting subjects from the south and the north of the different landforms to create their own features in the artistic style. 山水画的绘画题材因南北方地貌的不同而在艺术风格上形成各自的特色。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. Hals's extraordinary gifts could have equally served still life or landscape painting. 哈尔斯过人的天赋既表现在静物画也表现在风景画上。 www.fanyitie.com 7. Jasper sometimes looks like a landscape painting. 风景玛瑙则像是山水画。 gemstone.org 8. Dynasties have been the difference between green and ink trend with a profound impact on the development of Chinese landscape painting. 六朝已经出现的青绿与水墨分野的趋向,深刻地影响着中国山水画的发展。 www.fabiao.net 9. Chapter seven examines the influence of landscape painting's decoration on contemporary design. 第七,山水画的装饰性对当代设计的影响。 soso.361xs.com 10. Li Cheng, Fan Kuan painted snow, Han Lin, Streams of various maps, created the eternal theme of Chinese landscape painting. 李成、范宽所画雪景、HanLin、行旅诸图,创造了中国山水画永恒的主题。 m.coolline.cn 1. Chapter 1: This chapter elaborates systematically on the practical significance of sketch of Chinese landscape painting from four aspects. 第一章:本章从四个角度系统阐释了中国山水画写生的现实意义。 www.fabiao.net 2. The paper analyses the causes of landscape painting from social background of the rapid development of modern culture and the technology. 从近现代文化和科技飞速发展的社会背景分析研究现代山水画写生观产生的原因。 www.fabiao.net 3. First, the history of Cantabile , like landscape painting - Fairview Nanchong. 首先,历史如歌,如山水画-锦绣南充。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Chinese landscape painting during this period to become the mainstream art of the times. 中国山水画在这一时期成为时代的主流艺术。 www.australianwinner.com 5. Chapter six is the influence of decoration on contemporary landscape painting pattern. 第六,装饰性对当代山水画格局的影响。 soso.361xs.com 6. The Song Yuan landscape painting language form the reason that has the transformation, has inside and outside two aspect reason. 宋元山水画语言形式之所以发生转变,有内外两个方面的原因。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. A painter also was hired to teach Buffett and buddy Bill Gates the ins-and-outs of landscape painting, Schroeder said. 施罗德说,一位画家被雇来教巴菲特和他的好友盖茨(BillGates)学习风景画创作的详细技巧。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The landscape painting 'Silent Pines' won the honorary award at Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition. 山水《松本无声图》上海美术作品展获荣誉奖。 www.zunke.com 9. Chapter 2 : This chapter explains the essential elements and fundamental principals of landscape painting sketch. 第二章:本章系统阐释了山水画写生的基本要素和基本法则。 www.fabiao.net 10. Joseph draws such that flowers and plants and landscape painting have the standard suitable. 约瑟夫画得花卉与风景画具有相当水准。 club.qingdaonews.com 1. His landscape painting had been favored Z, Li Jing. 他的山水画艺术曾得到李璟的垂青。 m.coolline.cn 2. The scenery is as beautiful as a landscape painting. 这里的景色太美了美得像一幅画一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Chapter two contains the ornamental elements of landscape painting. 第二,山水画的装饰性元素。 soso.361xs.com 4. They renew ancient style and lead in painting field. Moreover they are viewed as classic for Chinese landscape painting. 他们继明代董其昌之后恢复古风,领导画坛,当时被视为山水画“正统”。 www.13191.com 5. In landscape painting though, you can get away with almost anything provided no one decides to go out and compare it to the actual subject. 即使在风景画中,假如没有人决定发表这作品和把画作与事物对照的画,你也可以抛开任何东西。 matthewlodove.blog.163.com 6. The camp has eight elephant artists, who set a Guinness record working together on a 12-meter-long landscape painting. 目前园区共有八头会画画的大象,他们曾联合画出一幅长达十二公尺长的风景画,创下吉尼斯世界纪录。 www.cet6w.com 7. YuZhiXue, snow landscape painting, founder of the CPPCC national committee. 于志学,冰雪山水画创始人,全国政协委员。 www.cninfcw.com 8. The water landscape painting starts heading for maturity in Fives dynasty. 五代时期,水墨山水画开始走向成熟。 www.fabiao.net 9. Trace an analogy between pastoral poetry and landscape painting. 找出田园诗和风景画之间的相似之处。 www.hjenglish.com 10. We have landscape painting, figure painting and flower and-bird painting. 我们有山水画、人物画和花鸟画。 www.24en.com 1. Based on the analysis of Chinese landscape painting art skills, the author proposed a novel rendering method based on texture synthesis. 通过分析中国山水画的一般创作技法,提出了基于纹理合成的水墨山水画绘制方法。 www.joca.cn 2. Yangtianhu, like a landscape painting. 仰天湖,好象一副山水画。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Constitute a natural landscape painting . 构成了一幅幅天然图画。 www.bing.com 4. Their exploration and art practice embody and prove the effectiveness and fine brushwork in the field of landscape painting. 他们的探索历程与艺术实践,体现和证明了工笔绘画语言在山水画创作领域地有效性。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. Dong Yuan activity area is the germination of Landscape Painting Six old haunt. 董源活动的地区正是六朝萌发山水画的故地。 m.coolline.cn 6. Landscape painting and the oil painting scenery context analyse China. 中国山水画与油画风景语境分析 www.8bai.com.cn 7. The article discusses the culture development of China landscape painting and traditional parks. 论述中国山水画与古典园林的文化发展过程。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The drawer is famous for his landscape painting. 这位画家以其山水画著称。 qimao.org 9. Why is traditional Chinese ink landscape painting in the late Tang Dynasty? 为什么中国传统的水墨山水画出现在晚唐? www.cutpic.cn 10. Landscape painting establishes for us a familiar rap- port with nature. 风景画建立了人与自然很亲切、很自然的交流关系。 art.china.cn 1. There are figure painting, landscape painting and painting of flowers and birds depending on the designs. 根据图案,分为人物画、山水画和花鸟画。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Embroidery on the bird fleas lifelike, grain painting landscape painting magnificent, so come to visit the people put it down. 刺绣上花鸟鱼虫栩栩如生,五谷画中山水国画气势磅礴,让前来参观的人们爱不释手。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. resemble an idyllic landscape painting. 恰似一幅世外桃源般的风景画 www.hellomandarin.com 4. This article concrete object of study is the Chinese classical botanical garden and the botanical garden theme landscape painting. 本文具体的研究对象是中国古典园林及园林题材山水画。 www.fabiao.net 5. as a natural landscape painting. 美得就像一幅天然的风景画一样。 www.hellomandarin.com 6. The Yuan Dynasty painters later developed landscape painting from this basis. 元代画家在这样的基础上,把山水画又推上一个新的高峰。 www.tdict.com 7. He attained the acme of perfection in landscape painting. 他的山水画的技巧达到了炉火纯青的地步。 dict.tingroom.com 8. WuBin s paintings include: Buddhism figure painting, landscape painting, flower-and-bird painting , genre painting and so on. 吴彬作品主要包括:佛教人物画、山水画、花鸟画以及风俗画几个方面,其中以佛教人物画和山水画最为精彩。 www.showxiu.com 9. Its form has made special contribution for the passing on development of the Chinese landscape painting in skill. 其形式,技巧为中国山水画的传承发展做出了特殊的贡献。 www.fabiao.net 10. Studying Li's painting more closely, we discover a few key points about the development of Chinese landscape painting. 如果我们仔细观赏《江帆楼阁图》,还可以发现古人对于山水画创作的一些重要观念。 magazine.99ys.com 1. Look there , that landscape painting is very natural, vivid and beautiful . 看,那幅风景画非常自然,栩栩如生,实在太美了。 www.tingroom.com 2. But stresses unilaterally in and takes the words training, is the Chinese landscape painting development slow most important reason. 而单方面偏重于对笔墨的训练和重视,是中国山水画发展迟缓的最重要原因。 www.fabiao.net 3. The JiangShanTu "as far as the song) WangXiMeng (northern landscape painting works, China green. " 《千里江山图》为(宋)王希孟作,中国北宋青绿山水画作品。 www.bjscsc.com 4. Between the Chinese tradition landscape painting composition and the words has the close relationship. 中国传统山水画的构图和笔墨之间存在着密切的联系。 www.fabiao.net 5. He entered a landscape painting in the Exposition. 他把一幅风景画送展览会展出。 dict.hjenglish.com 6. But the Chinese corner landscape painting drawing idea has the enlightenment to the modern format design practice. 而中国边角山水画的绘画理念对现代版式设计实践更是不无启示的。 www.fabiao.net 7. a beautiful landscape painting I. 一幅美丽的山水画 wenku.baidu.com 8. Landscape painting and erotic depictions are but two kinds of art forms that speak of two cultural fantacy stereotypes. 山水画与春宫图,不过是两种类形文化遐想典型的艺术图式。 city.yoho.cn 9. This is the ideal color and positive way, promoting independence and development of Chinese landscape painting. 这种具有理想色彩和积极意义的方式,促进了中国山水画的独立和发展。 www.360doc.com 10. It makes a wonderful basement for the development of chinese landscape painting from theory to practice. 皴法从理论到实践上的不断丰富为中国山水画的发展完善奠定了基础。 www.fabiao.net 1. This is the ideal color and positive way, promoting independence and development of Chinese landscape painting. 这种具有理想色彩和积极意义的方式,促进了中国山水画的独立和发展。 www.360doc.com 2. It makes a wonderful basement for the development of chinese landscape painting from theory to practice. 皴法从理论到实践上的不断丰富为中国山水画的发展完善奠定了基础。 www.fabiao.net 3. At first, sketch endows the endless landscape painting. 写生给予了中国山水画无穷的艺术滋养和智慧源泉。 www.fabiao.net 4. How did you come by that beautiful landscape painting? 你是怎样弄到那张漂亮的风景画的? www.murmur.com.cn 5. There is a huge landscape painting kept up there. 梅峰上珍藏着一幅巨型的山水画。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. This article is a brief statement on the development of Green Landscape Painting. 本文就青绿山水的发展进行简要的阐述。 www.fabiao.net 7. The sketch of landscape painting in China has already come into being for a long time. 中国山水画写生由来已久,写生一词早在五代就出现了。 www.fabiao.net 8. Nationalization will definitely be the way to the development of Chinese landscape painting. 民族化应是中国风景油画发展的必然方向。 www.lw23.com 9. This article has analyzed the Production of water ink landscape painting, the development of using the water. 本文先分析了水墨山水画的产生,对用“水”的发展。 www.fabiao.net 10. Landscape painting made by ink in China. 指纯用水墨作的画。 www.chinese.cn 1. Are you studying figure painting or landscape painting? 你正在学习人物画还是风景画? www.hellomandarin.com 2. The artistic conception is beyond the paint The point springs from paint--Discussing conception expression of landscape painting simply 境生象外意发其中--浅谈山水画的意境表现 www.ilib.cn 3. Chinese ink landscape painting to the world contribute to the very homes of the aesthetic sense of the ecological vitality; 中国水墨山水画给世界贡献了极富家园意识的美学生态活力; www.zidir.com 4. On Cultivation of Ability and Concept of Students in Landscape Painting Teaching 谈山水画教学中学生能力和观念的培养 ilib.cn 5. Poetic Nature and Melting Feelings to the Scene--Personal Experience about Watercolor Landscape Painting Creation 诗化自然寄情于景--浅淡水彩风景画的创作体会 ilib.cn 6. Landscape painting, bird has reached its maturity, religious art reached its peak, and the emergence of a secular trend; 山水画、花鸟画已发展成熟,宗教画达到了顶峰,并出现了世俗化倾向; www.cutpic.cn 7. Fourth, "artistically depicted to be both real and unreal" embodiment on the technique of expression of the Chinese landscape painting ; “似与不似”在中国山水画表现手法上的体现; www.fabiao.net 8. "Painting" and "Garden" : analysis of inspiration of Chinese classical garden from traditional Chinese landscape painting “画”与“园”——探析传统山水画对古典园林之启迪 www.ilib.cn 9. Aesthetic characteristics and humanistic forms of architecture landscape painting 建筑风景画的美学品格与文法范式 www.ilib.cn 10. Comparison of Chinese Landscape Painting and Western Landscape Painting Picture Composition 中国山水画与西方风景画构图之比较 www.ilib.cn 1. This article mainly divides into four parts: First part of landscape painting tradition color view development; 本文主要分为四个部分:第一部分山水画传统色彩观的发展; paper.pet2008.cn 2. On Aesthetics Law of Chinese Traditional Landscape Painting 传统山水画创造艺术美的规律 www.ilib.cn 3. Landscape painting; feng shui; vivid; harmonious; seek spirit from appearance; view inner existence from shape; 山水画;风水;生动;和谐;以形求神;观势望气; www.zidir.com 4. Second Exhibition of Traditional Chinese Landscape and Oil Landscape Painting, National Museum of Fine Arts in Beijing; 参加第二届中国山水画----油画风景展,中国美术馆。北京; www.zunke.com 5. The Cultural Characteristic of Chinese Ancient Scholar's Personality and Chinese Landscape Painting 中国文人人格的文化特质与山水画艺术 www.ilib.cn 6. Discussion on the Characteristics of Regional Culture in Landscape Painting Composition 论风景画创作的地域性文化特征 www.ilib.cn 7. Discussion on Relation between Chinese Classical Gardens and Chinese Landscape Painting 论中国古典园林与中国山水画的关系 8. The Western Landscape Painting Should Have the Elements of Its Culture 西部山水画创作应体现地域文化特征 www.ilib.cn 9. The Role of Composition Form of Landscape Painting 浅谈构图在水彩风景画中的重要作用 ilib.cn 10. Second part of blue and green landscape painting source arteries and classification; 第二部分青绿山水的源脉及分类; paper.pet2008.cn 1. The Comparison between Traditional and Modern Chinese Landscape Painting 传统中国山水画与现代中国山水画之比较 www.ilib.cn 2. Texture Synthesis-based System Simulation for Chinese Landscape Painting 基于纹理合成的中国山水画系统仿真 service.ilib.cn 3. Summarizing the Landscape Painting Perspective 概述山水画透视 www.ilib.cn 4. Landscape Painting Should Be Close To Life 山水画创作应该贴近生活 www.ilib.cn 5. Landscape Painting and Its Problems and Prevention 山水画创作弊病与防治 www.ilib.cn 6. All I want is this landscape painting. 我就是要这幅山水画。 quizlet.com 7. Contrast between Landscape Painting Creation and Deep Meditation of Chan Buddism 山水画艺术创作与南北禅宗修为方式的话语对照 www.jukuu.com 8. A Comparison of Impressionist Painting and Chinese Landscape Painting 论印象派画与中国山水画的异同 www.ilib.cn 9. On Traditional Chinese Painting and European Landscape Painting 漫议山水画和风景画 www.ilib.cn 10. The Meaning of the Brushstroke "Dots" in Chinese Landscape Painting 试论“点”在山水画中的意蕴 www.ilib.cn 1. On Traditional and Contemporary Landscape Painting 浅析传统山水画与现代山水画 www.ilib.cn 2. The Perfect Combination of Ancient Chinese Poetry and Landscape Painting 中国古代山水画的诗画合璧 ilib.cn 3. Shen Kuo's Four Aesthetics Propositions of the Landscape Painting 沈括关于中国山水画的四个美学命题 service.ilib.cn 4. the natural scene - on chinese traditional landscape painting 中国传统山水画审美情趣 www.ichacha.net 5. The Spatial Processing about Chinese Landscape Painting 中国山水画的空间处理 www.ilib.cn 6. On the Image Expression Forms of the Freehand Landscape Painting 浅谈写意山水的意象表现形式 www.ilib.cn 7. Advocate Nature and Feel Color--Light color Landscape painting teaching 崇尚自然、感受色彩--淡色彩风景教学 www.ilib.cn 8. in the ceramic tile sculpture on the figure, landscape painting a vivid image of clear and accurate; 在瓷瓦上雕刻人物画、风景画生动形象,清晰准确; detail.china.alibaba.com 9. Zhuangzi's Aesthetics and Ancient Chinese Landscape Painting 庄子美学精神与古代山水画 ilib.cn 10. be like a beautiful landscape painting 像一幅美丽的风景画 www.ebigear.com 1. Analysis on Southern Song Dynasty of the Landscape Painting 南宋院体山水画评析 ilib.cn 2. The Decorative Technique in Chinese Landscape Painting 浅析中国山水画笔墨中的装饰性 www.ilib.cn 3. Exploration of Teaching Landscape painting 风景写生教学探究 www.ilib.cn 4. The Relationship between Man and Nature Reflected in Yu Zhi-xue's Landscape Painting on Ice-and-snow 从于志学的冰雪山水画看人与自然的关系 www.ilib.cn 5. Teaching Painting from Nature in Chinese Landscape Painting 浅谈中国山水画写生教学 www.ilib.cn 6. The Appreciation of the Landscape Painting in Yuan Dynasty 元代山水画的审美 ilib.cn 7. Exploring the Technique of Chinese Landscape Painting 山水画创作的笔墨结构探索 service.ilib.cn 8. Early Landscape Painting and Drawing Trees in Dunhuang Frescoes 早期山水画与敦煌壁画中的树木描写 www.ilib.cn 9. Analysis of the Beauty of Chinese Landscape Painting 浅析中国风景画之美 www.ilib.cn 10. Aesthetic Value of Decorative Landscape Painting 山水画装饰性的审美价值 service.ilib.cn 1. The Criteria and the Aesthetic Judgement in Chinese Landscape Painting 传统山水画的法度与审美 beta.ilib.cn 2. Research on Chinese Ink and Wash Landscape Painting Appeared in the Tang Dynasty 水墨山水在唐代出现的原因初探 ilib.cn 3. Study on the Elements of Artistic Conception in Landscape Painting 论油画风景写生中的意境要素 scholar.ilib.cn 4. The Impact of Zhuang Zi and Zen Philosophies on Chinese Landscape Painting 试谈老庄、禅宗哲学对中国山水画意境的影响 www.ilib.cn 5. The Forms and Meanings of Lines in Traditional Landscape Painting 浅析传统山水画中线的存在形式及意义 www.ilib.cn 6. An Introduction of the Charm in Landscape Painting 浅谈风景画与风景写生的情意 service.ilib.cn 7. Developing Clue of Western Landscape Painting 西方风景画发展线索 service.ilib.cn 8. The Four Giant stars of Chinese landscape Painting in the Turning of Modern Style 中国山水画现代风格转折中的四位巨星 www.ichacha.net 9. The Origin of Chinese Landscape Painting and Aesthetics 中国山水画的产生及审美 www.ilib.cn 10. Thinking on landscape painting teaching 对国画教学的再认识 www.ilib.cn 1. The artistic conception of the onglaze color landscape painting 谈新彩山水画创作中的意境 www.ilib.cn 2. Free Brushwork from Life-Looking at He Yuanzheng's Landscape Painting 来自生活的写意特色——观贺远征山水画 www.ilib.cn 3. Zhenjiang Landscape and the Mis'Chinese Ink Landscape Painting 镇江山水与米氏父子的水墨山水画 ilib.cn 4. French Landscape Painting's Impact on Painting Schools 法国风景画对画派的影响 www.ilib.cn 5. Free Thoughts about Blue Green Landscape Painting 青绿山水画创作随想 www.ilib.cn 6. The Demands of Human Culture Cultivation Is Makes to Breakthrough of the Chinese Landscape Painting 蓄养人文内蕴是中国山水画艺术出新的需要 service.ilib.cn 7. The Cultural Context and Development of Chinese Landscape Painting 中国山水画的文化背景和发展轨迹 www.ilib.cn 8. In Chinese landscape painting scenery 中国山水画中的点景 www.ilib.cn 9. The Landscape painting of late symbolism school 后期印象派风景画 szulibnt.szu.edu.cn 10. On Concepts and Chinese Landscape Painting 漫淡中国山水画对观念的表达 www.ilib.cn 1. Discussions about the Blue and Green Landscape Painting of Qian Xuan 谈钱选的青绿山水画 service.ilib.cn 2. On the Haziness of Chinese Landscape Painting 论中国山水画的朦胧 www.ilib.cn 3. Cypress Fan with Landscape Painting 山水,风景柏木扇 www.wenkoo.cn 4. I Paint Chinese Landscape Painting 我画中国山水画 www.ilib.cn 5. Landscape Painting of Yuan Dynasty 元代山水画 www.chinese.cn 6. A Brief Talk on Teaching of Landscape Painting 浅谈色彩风景写生的教学 www.ilib.cn 7. In addition, landscape painting trees and rocks advanced in the late Tang Dynasty 另外,山水树石画在中晚唐的新演进, wenku.baidu.com 8. Different Stages in the Development of Ancient Chinese Landscape Painting and Their Characteristics 论中国古代山水画发展的阶段性及其特点 www.ilib.cn 9. The Beauty of Depth in the Landscape Painting 山水画的深邃之美 www.ilib.cn 10. Reading Zhao Zhongyun's Green Landscape Painting 读赵中云的青绿山水 service.ilib.cn 1. Guoxi's Landscape Painting and Aesthetic Thought 郭熙的山水画美学思想 service.ilib.cn 2. The Local Color of Landscape Painting in Oil 浅议风景油画的色彩民族化 www.ilib.cn 3. 2003 participated in the Chinese landscape painting exhibition named Approaches the 70's - Developments and the Inheritance; 2003年参加“走近70年代—开拓与传承”中国山水画大展,在炎黄艺术馆展出; ebook.artron.net 4. The Affection on the Chinese Landscape Painting By Chen sect 禅宗对中国山水画的影响 www.ichacha.net 5. Influence of Sketch on the Development of Landscape Painting 写生对现代山水画发展的影响 scholar.ilib.cn 6. On the Secular Tang in the Nature Outlook in Chinese Landscape Painting 中国山水画自然观中的世俗文化情态 www.ilib.cn 7. She has every season I have good memories, and her autumn is my favorite, it is a beautiful landscape painting, in my grief when my heal; 她的每个季节都有我美好的回忆,而她的秋是我的最爱,那是一幅美丽的风景画,在我伤心时,为我抚平伤口; www.bing.com |
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