单词 | landscape | ||||||||||||||||||
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复数:landscapes 现在分词:landscaping 过去式:landscaped landscape 显示所有例句
例句释义: 景色,乡村风景画,乡村风景画的风格,横向打印格式,对…做景观美化,给…做园林美化,美化…的环境,地景,地形,景致 1. Situated at the top of a hilly landscape, the hotel's rooftop deck provides panoramic views of the city and the sea in all directions. 坐落在一个丘陵景观的顶部的旅店的屋顶甲板上,可以看到四面的城市和大海美景。 www.bing.com 2. The colorful decoration, I hug you-my lover loiter the landscape joy and do not know to return. 花团锦簇间,我拥着你——我的爱人流连山水乐不知返。 bbs.scol.com.cn 3. The form and position of the slope is only schematic and its shape after piling up should be checked and ratified by the landscape stylist. 图纸上土坡的形式和位置仅为示意,其堆砌后的形状应由景观设计师进行检查并认可。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Grand old trees graced the landscape , and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance . 庄严古老的大树幽雅的点缀着风景,远处可以清楚地看见城市的地平线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In a region of China known for thousands of years of tea growing, a new crop is beginning to change the country's landscape: coffee. 中国茶都云南普洱市自古以来就以茶叶种植享誉海内外,不过现在一种新的作物正开始改变该地数千年的种植格局,这就是咖啡。 putclub.com 6. The changes that had come to this landscape did not favor long-distance rattlesnake migration. 这块地发生的变化不利于响尾蛇长距离的迁徙。 xianguo.com 7. The last major step was to finish painting and detailing the landscape, I made sure to turn off all the unnecessary layers while painting. 最后重要一步是细化场景,在绘画时我会关闭所有不需要的图层。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Hovering somewhere near the centre of the circle, I try to work out why it all seems so familiar. Like being back in my very own landscape. 止步于中心圆环附近,我试图解释为何这一切看起来如此熟悉,像是重新回到了属于自己的土地上。 www.chinavalue.net 9. But it may be a mistake to think of Mr Clegg merely as a force for realigning Britain's existing party landscape. 但认为克莱格先生仅是重新整合英国目前的政党格局的推动力,或许是错的。 www.ecocn.org 10. Good description! You seem to be revealing a hundred-kilometer long scroll of folk customs and landscape! 说得好!听上去你好像在展示一幅百里长卷民俗风景画! www.dictall.com 1. By the time the company was broken up the US Supreme Court in 1911, the corruption had already leaked into the US political landscape. 在1911年该公司被美国最高法院宣布解体的时候,腐败之风早已经渗入了美国政界了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The lawn has become so much a part of the suburban landscape that it is difficult to see it as something that had to be invented. 草地已经是郊区景观的一个重要组成部分,很难想象它曾经是被发明出来的。 www.elanso.com 3. With this reasoning, will technological progress help landscape get out of the region? 如此推论,技术进步会不会促使景观逐渐摆脱地缘的引力? www.jchla.com 4. As a vantage point, it also attracted literati and poets of past Dynasty to climb i it to see a panoramic view of the beauty landscape. 由于它的有利位置,而吸引了历代的文人和诗人来登塔眺望周围美丽的风景。 blog.163.com 5. Garden plants is an important part of urban landscape design elements of the landscape, landscape design elements are the only life in vivo. 园林植物是城市景观设计中重要的景观要素,是景观设计要素中唯一有生命的活体。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Miami proves to be a perfect location for a CSI series with its wild blend of people, culture, nightlife, and criminal landscape. 迈阿密被证明是一个具有其野生沪深系列完美融合了人的位置,文化,夜生活和刑事景观。 page.renren.com 7. It is routinely probed by time-of-flight experiments and can be rationalized in terms of random walk within a rough energy landscape. 这是经常探讨的飞行时间的实验,可以在合理的规定范围内随机游动一个粗略能源景观。 www.syyxw.com 8. A thousand tons of wet snow had slithered down the window-panes, and I had to climb onto a chair to see the long grey landscape. 上千吨湿湿雪滑下窗棂,我不得不爬上张椅子才能看到外面灰色的风景。 www.bing.com 9. I also do not know what kind of landscape to the temptation, I can let me forget. 我也并不清楚,什么样的风景能够诱惑我,可以让我流连忘返。 www.bing.com 10. Yet the insistence on immediate spending cuts continued to dominate the political landscape, with malign effects on the U. S. economy. 然而,坚持立即采取开支削减的观点继续占据政治版图的主导地位,对美国经济产生有害的影响。 www.bing.com 1. For the moment, none of this has ruffled the surface of the landscape since the revolt. 自起义来,这一切都还暂时没有扰乱现环境的表面。 www.bing.com 2. R: Bacon had erased certain elements from his initial composition: flowers, something of a landscape, and a figure in the distance. 罗:这里能看到的画跟原来的还不一样,培根后来改了一些地方。有一些元素被消除掉了,包括:花卉,山水,还有一个遥远的躯体。 blog.artintern.net 3. How much light does "The Nature of the Firm" throw on today's corporate landscape? 《企业的性质》对如今的经济形势又有何启发意义呢? www.ecocn.org 4. Their retreats have come in a changing landscape for hedge funds, pools of money that were once scarcely regulated at all. 他们的退出对昔日乏于管制的冲基金带来了巨大的改变。 dongxi.net 5. Paths enrich landscape access, turning a simple yard into a special place to which you can take a latte for a perfect mid-morning break. 访问路径丰富景观,使其成为一个特殊的位置,以一个简单的院子里,你可以采取一个完美的上午10时左右休息一杯咖啡。 www.cfli.cn 6. The relics of the old ramparts seem to merge with the natural landscape, as if they were never built by man. 古老土墙的遗迹看起来和自然景观融为一体,就像根本不是由人修建的一样。 www.yappr.cn 7. The bays, cliffs, variety of the finest sandy beaches in the British Isles and forever changing landscape make it a spectacular place. 海湾,悬崖,多变的美好沙滩在不列颠和永远多变的视景让他成为一个很特别的地方。 www.bing.com 8. Since the beginning of the new century, profound and complex changes have been taking place in international landscape. 进入新世纪以来,国际形势正在发生复杂深刻变化,和平与发展仍然是时代主题,但全球性挑战不断增多。 www.putclub.com 9. By the time he began work as a landscape architect, Olmsted had developed a set of social values that gave purpose to his design work. 在开始景观建筑的工作时,奥姆斯特德已发展出了一套社会价值观作为他的设计作品的宗旨。 www.bing.com 10. And the relationship to landscape was that of farmers who have been farming the same piece of ground for 40 centuries. 与土地的关系是这样的:农民在同一块地耕种了4000年。 www.ted.com 1. One of the questions to ask yourself as you take Landscape shots is 'how am I leading the eye of those viewing this shot'? 当你拍摄风景照的时候一个应该问自己的问题是:怎样我的照片才能引人注目? www.bing.com 2. The investment in nature had to be made through taking up eco-system and landscape scale challenges, she said. 投资于环境必须面临生态系统和土地等的挑战,她说。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Shotcrete alone might be the only coating needed to create a rocky landscape in a gorilla cage if only the gorillas will see it up close. 喷射混凝土单可能是唯一的涂料需要建立在一个大猩猩笼子岩石风景,只要大猩猩将它关闭。 www.cfli.cn 4. As an independent form of landscape poetry and idyll, garden poetry has characteristics of its own but is interrelated with the two forms. 园林诗作为一种独立于山水诗、田园诗又与其有交叉关系的诗歌类型,有着自己的特点。 www.jiaoyu85.com 5. Accordingly, to film a literary text as though one films a landscape is not a question of form but of attitude. 相应地,像拍摄风景一样拍摄文学著作不是形式的问题,而是态度的问题。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 6. Then we climbed the back of a mountain. The air was fresh, but the landscape was a bit desolate. Most people choose other ways. 之后折到后山,空气还是蛮不错的,就是有点荒凉,大部分人不从这里过了,都从溶洞直接穿过去。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. She was deeply convinced that he must be in the Napian landscape, waiting for her dream. 她深深相信,他一定是在那片梦中风景里等待着她。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. He's in front of a beautiful landscape of mountains, and his head is in his hands. 他面对着美丽的群山景色,头靠在手上。 www.bing.com 9. In recent years, the landscape planning of residential quarter seems to be more influential in every corner of the surroundings. 近几年来,小区景观规划似乎更加渗透到居住环境区的各个角落。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. To see one of the largest animal battles , we have to visit the enchanting landscape of South Georgia . 要看到规模最盛大的动物战争,必须造访迷人的南乔治岛。 www.bing.com 1. During and after school, prospective landscape architects serve as interns to professionals in the field for a period of at least two years. 完成学业以后,准景观建筑师需要在相关的领域里面实习至少2年时间。 www.bing.com 2. I wasn't ashamed of it. I craved, however, something different from the largely asphalt landscape I grew up in. 我并不以此为耻,我渴望有与我成长的环境有一些区别的生活。 english.dxy.cn 3. The landscape is distinctive too, with grand castles and half-timbered houses topped by storks that look like the set of a Disney movie. 景观更是别具特色,有宏伟的城堡和顶部以鹳装饰的露明木架房子,俨然活在迪士尼电影布景里。 www.bing.com 4. In fact, the landscape is dramatically different from that of just a decade ago. 事实上,大环境与仅仅十年前相比就已经有惊人的差异。 www.who.int 5. Invigorated by his travels, Turner continued to plow his energies into his prolific landscape painting. 旅行使透纳变得精神饱满,他不断地将精力投入到大量的风景画创作当中。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Within the city, a great deal of grass, trees, and greenery is seen, whereas the outskirts consist of a dusty, rocky landscape. 置身于城市中,到处都是大片的草地,绿树,和绿色植被,在郊外由泥土,岩石组成的风景(美不胜收)。 www.yappr.cn 7. But one of Peng Si's beautifully evocative landscape paintings continued to haunt my mind for weeks until I finally asked if I could buy it. 但是彭斯的一幅优美动人的风景画几个星期里一直不断萦绕在我心头,最后我问他,我是不是可以买下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The smallest planet made out of the dense stuff with the most lunar-like landscape at its surface, and yet, generating magnetic field. 这颗最小的星球由密集的物质组成,好像月面景观在其表面一样,然而,却产生着磁场。 www.kekenet.com 9. The last thing we are going to do is drop the opacity of the landscape photo to 80% to give it a faded out look, like everything else has. 我们要做的最后一件事情是降低风景照片的不透明度到80%,以使图像如前面的一些操作一样使色彩淡出。(增加真实感——译者注) blog.sina.com.cn 10. If those challenges cannot be tackled, however, the landscape around Aynak will be disfigured by more than just a few Soviet-era holes. 但是,如果无法解决这些难题,艾娜克铜矿的景致将面目全非,留下的伤痕决不止是区区几个苏联时期的钻孔。 www.ftchinese.com 1. No doubt that this occupies a unique landscape of scarce resources, villa, villa of the king, unmatched. 不容置疑,这种占据得天独厚稀缺景观资源的别墅,是别墅中的王者,无可媲美。 www.chuncui.cn 2. As a consequence, they refer to no place in particular and, therefore are disconnected from landscape, climate and culture. 因此,这些理论从未提及特点地点,与实际地貌、气候和文化脱节。 bbs.wwenglish.org 3. In the mobile world, the biggest constant is change, so this promises to be a bit of a shifting landscape. 在移动世界,变化无时无刻不在发生,我们这里所讨论的也不是一成不变的。 www.ibm.com 4. The landscape of Qingdao is often described as the pearl on the crown of the Yellow Sea. 在青岛风景经常被认为是珍珠在黄海海域的冠冕。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Reading Chinese novels rarely seen such a fine description of the vocabulary of landscape. 读中国的小说很少见到这样细腻的风景描写的词汇。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 6. His paintings of the lunar landscape, which fetch tens of thousands of dollars, bear the lessons of his time as an astronaut. 他的月球风光画,凝聚了他那个时代宇航员的人生体会。这为他带来十几万美元的收入。 www.ecocn.org 7. But he did the next best thing by transforming the couple's garden in Saham Toney, Norfolk , into a desert landscape. 不过他还是想了些办法,尽量满足了妻子的愿望——对自家花园进行了一番改造,让它呈现出一派沙漠风光。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Life has no meaning the moment yet , not without meaning landscape . 人生没有回眸的时刻吗,更不可能没有回眸的风景。 www.bing.com 9. The landscape is craggy, with high dunes, enormous rocky outcrops and unspoiled beaches that seem to go on forever. 这一地区地形崎岖,沙丘高耸,露出地面的岩层遍布,还有保存完整并且似乎会一直保持下去的海滩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It's sort of an alternative universe. It's kind of a reinterpretation of the landscape. 它就像另一个宇宙把风景都重新展示。 www.ted.com 1. Since the birth of Chinese landscape painting, the light as a component of the deposit is always with them. 自中国山水画诞生起,光作为其组成部分之一始终伴存其中。 www.fabiao.net 2. The sylvan landscape is indeed amazing, but you eventually wonder why the main character sees nobody and is allowed to roam alone all day. 的确是惊人的森林之景观,但最后你纳闷为什么的主要人物,看到没有允许主宰孤独了一整天了。 www.beiin.net 3. At the heart of our business are talented architects, landscape designers, urban planners, engineers, drafters to name a few. 处于我们的业务核心位置的一批才华横溢的建筑师、景观师、城市规划师、工程师、制图师等等,不一而足。 www.haoqiantu.cn 4. Landscape photography has no fault by its own. It is people who mass it up and stain it. 风光本身没毛病,而是我们现在的人把它弄乱了,弄脏了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The study of trees stumps in this drowned landscape indicated there had been a huge earthquake and a tsunami between 1680 and 1720. 研究此一淹没景观的树椿指出1680至1720年之间,有巨大的地震和海啸。 mailftp.lihpao.com 6. All landscape painters tried to get a feeling of the human spirit and the strength of the wind, water, mist and mountains. 所有山水画尝试的一种感觉,人的精神和力量的风,水,薄雾和山区。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. In an urban landscape called "Mortlake Terrace" the intensity of the sunlight seems to dissolve the river wall. 在一幅都市风景画“牛轭湖畔的沙丘”中,阳光的浓烈似乎能溶解河堤。 www.ecocn.org 8. The bear moves like a silhouette across the landscape, its black fur blending in with the dark rocks and dusky woods. 黑熊的身影穿过这片区域,黑色的皮毛与黑色的岩石和昏暗的树林交融在一起。 www.bing.com 9. We show that the free energy landscape resembles that of a funnel, indicating that this peptide is a good folder. 我们表明,自由能景观相似的渠道,这表明这是一个很好的多肽的文件夹。 www.syyxw.com 10. Streetscape is an important part of the urban landscape, is to carry out activities of daily life in an important place. 街道景观是城市景观的重要组成部分,是人们日常生活中进行各种活动的重要场所。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Also, Turin said, ancient people may have felt tied to the landscape in a way that might be hard for many modern Westerners to understand. 此外,Turin说,远古人类,在某种对许多现代西方人都难以理解的方式上,可能感到他们与景观紧密相连。 www.bing.com 2. Finally, night enveloped the landscape, and all that could be seen was the warm glow of the lantern and the shadow of the figures behind it. 最后,黑夜包围了大地,除了灯笼温暖的光亮以及它后面的身影,什么也看不见了。 www.bing.com 3. It was a peaceful moment, a time to pause and reflect on the beauty of landscape, and my place in life. 在这一个宁静的时刻,可以驻足欣赏景观之美,可以思考我在人生中的位置。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Landscape photography within the realm of HDR, is the study of light and an attempt to bring detail out of high-contrast scenes. 在HDR范畴内,风光摄影就是对光线的研究,并努力将细节从高对比度的场景中挖掘出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. ZK: In terms of cityscape it is very hard to say that if it is architecture or only a landscape. 张轲:从城市尺度来说,很难确切的定义这是一座建筑或者是纯粹的景观。 standardarchitecture.cn 6. The rays of the sun glistened through the mist as it rose between the mountains, covering the landscape with a wet cloak. 当晨雾在山间弥漫,给山间景物覆盖上一层湿气时,阳光也穿透薄雾。 www.bing.com 7. As I created a sense of what I was seeing and feeling through photographs, I was also recreating my own inner landscape. 当我通过摄影制造出我所看到和感觉到的东西时,我也在重塑自己内心的风景。 woshao.com 8. And the landscape was always made by this sort of weird, uneasy collaboration between nature and man. 风景总是由自然和人类之间的这种怪异不安的协作产生的。 www.ted.com 9. and house-sized boulders that had been scattered across the landscape with the ease of a child kicking a beach ball . 房屋大小的巨石散落四下,随意得就好像小孩子在踢水球一般。 de.bab.la 10. Yes, happy as a child a rainbow sky, arranged in the word of the geese will be a pleasant landscape, and we, it is to see the scenery. 真的,快乐就像儿时天空的一道彩虹,排成一字的大雁,都会是一道怡人的风景,而我们,正是看风景的人。 blog.wtojob.com 1. The landscape in which health programmes operate has become far more complex than it was just a decade ago. 卫生规划运行的环境已变得比仅十年之前要复杂得多。 www.who.int 2. The virtual camera that Mr Cameron used revealed the Pandoran landscape in front of him, but it gave him no peripheral vision. 卡梅伦使用的虚拟摄像机只能展现他面前的潘多拉的景色,却无法显示周边的景观。 www.ecocn.org 3. From an economic and a unity perspective, it has been a fantastic event that should radically improve the tourism landscape. 从经济与整合的角度来看,这次的盛会将大幅度地提升南非的观光产业。 times.hinet.net 4. You know a charity can only do that by truly understanding the landscape and cultural challenges they're operating in. 一家慈善机构只有真正了解他们所从事的领域和面临的文化挑战才能这么做。 www.bing.com 5. "The Sphinx has thus emerged into the landscape out of shadows of what seemed to be an impenetrable oblivion, " the New York Times declared. “斯芬克斯从此从看似不可摧毁的遗忘阴影中解脱,成为了一处景观。”当时的《纽约时报》如此宣称。 dongxi.net 6. In the surface lands far above Menzoberranzan, winter was beginning to ebb, and themiddaysun struggled to warm the harsh landscape. 在魔索布莱之上的大地,寒冬开始逐渐消散,正午的阳光努力温暖着荒芜的大地。 www.cndkc.net 7. Story-telling that old grandmother, a few stars of the children, but also seems to be under the tree will never change the landscape. 那讲故事的老祖母,数星星的孩子,也似乎是老树下永远不变的风景。 www.bing.com 8. "Bacteria are at the bottom of a deep chasm in the energy landscape, and they never found a way out, " explained Dr Martin. “细菌位于能源景观中的一个深深鸿沟的底部,而且他们从来没有找到一条出路,”马丁博士解释。 www.bing.com 9. The garden respects the serenity of the original landscape and was constructed on the various planes that had been planned out. 花园的设计和规划完全尊重原有景致的宁静氛围并建立原本规划好的各种布局之上。 www.dooland.com 10. A good stats program will paint the landscape for you, and all you have to do is to be able to read the data and react accordingly. 一个好的统计程序会为你统计好每一个登入网站的信息,你所要做的全部就是阅读那些数据并相应作出反应。 www.bing.com 1. A good stats program will paint the landscape for you, and all you have to do is to be able to read the data and react accordingly. 一个好的统计程序会为你统计好每一个登入网站的信息,你所要做的全部就是阅读那些数据并相应作出反应。 www.bing.com 2. The train began to circle and I could watch the pink landscape go by. 火车就开始绕圈运行了,我可以看到粉红色的风景从我身边掠过。 dongxi.net 3. Around this point, the power of the Tibetan landscape and the beliefs of many cultures converge. 在这一点上西藏山水的力量和许多文化的信仰汇集到了一起 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Just wide enough, a curving sidewalk serves as another passageway, guiding guests through a landscape garden to the front porch. 只要足够宽,弯曲人行道作为一个通道,引导通过园林的前廊客人。 www.cfli.cn 5. He observes the sun and moon traversing the sky and the changes to the buildings and landscape around him as he travels through time. 穿梭时光中时,他看到了太阳与月亮沿著天空来回移动,以及身边建筑物和陆上景色的改变。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 6. Changli enjoys pleasant climate. Its splendid landscape and picturesque scenery make it a world renowned tourist resort. 昌黎气候宜人,山川秀丽,景色优美,是驰名中外的旅游胜地。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. This married-by-thirty rule serves as a sort of Continental Divide, shaping the dating landscape on either side of it. 这条“三十以前结婚”的准则就像是一道分水岭——这两边的风景大不相同。 www.bing.com 8. As the waterscape appears unique landscape in different place, the artificial waterscape ought to be suitable with its surroundings. 水景在不同的地域有地带性差异,人造水景应与所在地域的客观环境条件相适宜。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The landscape changed when Finland began trying to remold its bloody, fractured past into a unified future. 当芬兰开始试着把血腥断裂的过去重新塑造成一个统一的未来时,一切都变了。 www.bing.com 10. This is our landscape of food. I need you to understand it. You've probably heard all this before, but let's just go back over it. 这就是我们饮食的构造我需要你们理解它你以前很可能全听过但是让我们回顾一遍故去的30年是什么撕裂了这个国家的心呢? www.ted.com 1. But to antitrust watchdogs, customer convenience is often less important than preserving a competitive landscape. 不过,对于反垄断监管机构来说,客户便利的重要性往往不如维护一个竞争的格局。 www.bing.com 2. This article illustrates how the philosophy affects the esthetic orientation and creative concept of architecture and landscape. 本文以结构主义与解构主义为例,阐述哲学如何影响建筑、景观的审美取向及创作理念。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. melting into the depth of a landscape painting, you faded out into the dark background. 在泼墨山水画里你从墨色深处被隐去 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Third, this article will be referred to the regulation of urban green landscape of the existence of problems and solutions. 再次,本文将述城市园林绿地规化中所存在的问题及解决措施。 auto.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The clouds scudded across the flat landscape, the wind filling my lungs and cleansing my mind of stress and turmoil. 平展展的大地的上空,乱云飞渡,大风吹散了我胸中的烦恼和不安。 6. through these experiences , it hoped that this will give significance to the similar resources traveling landscape planning and design. 通过该研究案例的经验总结,希望能对同类型资源的旅游景观规划具有一定的借鉴意义。 www.ichacha.net 7. Opportunities to reveal dark secrets seem to come up repeatedly, in part because these secrets so dominate our psychological landscape. 揭露阴暗秘密的机会似乎在反复出现,部分原因是这些秘密主宰了我们心理世界程度很深。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Abstract: The arising of interactive landscape architecture is in its prime in the time of seeking for the individual character development. 摘要:追求个性发展的时代里,互动园林的出现正当其时。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 9. Although soaring like a hawk is a great way to feel the enormity of the landscape, driving is still my favorite way to experience it. 尽管像鹰般飞翔是体验美景的最佳方式,但是我更喜欢自驾游。 www.kle100.cn 10. There, the winds will be pushed upward a bit by the rolling land, and your home and the surrounding landscape can be in a quiet pocket. 在那里,风将因为起伏连绵的土地而被推挤着向上吹,而你的家和周围的景观则可以在一个安静的岩石上的凹坑里。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Development of the landscape around the sea, beautiful scenery, is one of the well - known scenic spot . 周围海蚀地貌发育,景色绮丽,是著名的风景区之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Asia has proved just as important a landscape of innovation in green architecture as it has in the search for new forms . 亚洲已证明,与搜索新的建筑外形设计一样,在追求绿色建筑方面,创新环境也同样重要。 www.bing.com 3. I try to have no expectations, no agenda and let the landscape unfold as I explore. 我尽量不给自己定什么目标或日程,而是让景物在我的探索途中自然地呈现出来。 www.bing.com 4. So far, the trade relationship with China has been a minor issue on the political landscape, largely because U. S. unemployment is very low. 到目前为止,对华贸易关系一直是政治画面上的次要问题,这很大部分是由于美国的失业率非常低。 www.stnn.cc 5. Someday, sometime, if you will remember, is only a vague landscape, is no longer recall pain. 某天,某个时刻,如果还会忆起,只不过是一道模糊的风景,是不能再追忆的苦痛。 www.bing.com 6. Alternative trading platforms have been a feature of the US share trading landscape for years. 另类交易平台这几年都是美国股票交易界的一项特征。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Locating the aspirations of the company's point of contact, workforce, and management places them vertically on this landscape. 查明公司的联系人、职工,和管理层的期望,将它们垂直地置于此情景中。 www.ibm.com 8. And here you see how their sacred landscape has been covered by brothels and hotels and casinos , and yet , still they pray . 现在我们就看到了神圣的景色被妓院、旅店和赌场包围着,他们仍然,祈祷。 www.bing.com 9. NOT since Cologne was rebuilt half a century ago, out of the rubble of war, has a change in the urban landscape generated so much heat. 自从科隆半个世纪前走出战争废墟得以重建以来,城市景观的变化还不曾引发如此的热情。 www.ecocn.org 10. America is still having enough trouble getting used to the idea of accepting marijuana as part of the legal landscape. 若要让民众接受大麻合法化的观念,美国仍要面临很多麻烦。 www.bing.com 1. They will begin a reshaping of the landscape that must take place before Earth herself can move to the next phase of her ascendancy. 它们将开始地貌的重塑——在地球进入她主权的下一阶段之前必须发生。 www.angozj.com 2. The Nazca plateau in Peru: a barren and unwelcoming landscape. But it contains one of the great mysteries of our world. 秘鲁境内的纳斯卡高原是一块贫瘠而荒凉的地带,但这里蕴藏着我们世界上一处伟大的神秘景象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It helps to think of each portion of the landscape as an individual project and create a budget for each project. 认为它有助于每一部分的景观工程,创造一个以个人为每个预算工程。 actuafreearticles.com 4. However, there may in one time period, she would shy to say that I sometimes want to be the city a beautiful landscape, if possible. 然而,可能在某一个时间段,她也会羞涩地说,我有时也想成为这座城市里一道亮丽的风景,假如可能。 www.360doc.com 5. Alive is a beautiful landscape, Death is still a man of tremendous promise, Dead or alive. 活着是美丽的风景,死了依然是栋梁之才,活着死了都有用。 www.pojies.com 6. Motorbike and motor-tricycle-taxis are full of every avenue or lane making a particular landscape. 两轮的,三轮的摩的充斥大街小巷,构成一道独特的‘风景线’。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. JMW Turner was one of the greatest landscape and marine painter ever. 特纳是最大的景观和海洋画家不断之一。 www.yfs8.com 8. Tess had never before visited this part of the country, and yet she felt akin to the landscape. 苔丝以前从来没有到过乡间这块地方,不过她却感到同这儿的风景有着血亲关系。 www.hjenglish.com 9. His landscape art had creative style and showed high art achievement, which had a good effect in east. 他的山水艺术具有独创的风格,在东方的艺海中掀起了巨浪。表现出了很高的艺术成就。 cnki.gzlib.gov.cn 10. "Tourism resources" referred to in these regulations mean the natural and artificial landscape that are capable for visiting. 本条例所称旅游资源,是指可供游览的自然景观和人文景观。 www.lawyee.net 1. India is dashing in old clothes, as printed on the landscape seems to be cloudy and rainy days. 印衣服则衣服显得不新,印风物则似是不阴晦不天。 www.bing.com 2. The integrated collection of available IT governance processes is referred to as the IT governance landscape. 可用的IT治理过程的全面的集合称为IT治理全景。 www.ibm.com 3. They spend half of a year to travel in the US annually, to enjoy the beautiful outdoor landscape. 他们每年花半年时间漫游美国,享受野外的绚丽风光。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. The global industrial landscape certainly appears to be in the early stages of a realignment . 全球工业格局正处于重新调整的初期。 www.bing.com 5. Mine development and urban construction has been a fundamental change to the mining area of the original landscape pattern. 煤矿开发和城市建设已经从根本上改变了矿区的原有景观格局。 terms.shengwuquan.com 6. When television news played scenes of the torch's progress across the landscape, something in the soul of the audience cheered as well. 电视中正在直播火炬传遍全国的场景,这使观众们从灵魂深处产生兴奋。 www.bing.com 7. The company is an international design firm specializing in planning, landscape architecture and architecture. 和高杜潘设计公司是一家国际设计公司,从事规划、景观设计和建筑设计。 search.buildhr.com 8. "Everything is just exported out of the country, " the driver said as they made their way through the ever-developing industrial landscape. 在他们穿过这些年来一直不断发展的工业区时,司机说,“镇上所有的东西都被迁走了。” www.bing.com 9. Landscape photography has its own unique beauty that makes it differently attractive than any other type of photography. 风景摄影具有与众不同的美,相较于其他类型摄影,它的吸引力更加特别。 www.bing.com 10. There will be sparkling epiphanies experienced on the landscape of your minds as you blossom exponentially. 当你们以指数方式兴旺开花的时候,在你们的思维的景象中将会经验闪光的顿悟。 apps.hi.baidu.com 1. This provides a visual "vanishing point" within the home's landscape, and an even sense of balance and symmetry amongst its character. 这种设计在可以在有限的空间内,创造一个视觉上的“无限远”点,同时营造一种均衡的对称美。 www.bing.com 2. Confucius: Yes, and New York reminds me of the way gridiron buildings and a flowing landscape are combined in Beijing, China. 孔子:对,纽约使我回忆起中国北京的方格建筑物和流动的园林的结合。 zhan.renren.com 3. And China will remain committed to this policy no matter what changes may take place in the international landscape. 今后,不管国际风云如何变化,中国都将一如既往地奉行这一政策。 www.ebigear.com 4. Under this kind of cultural influence, the temple landscape of Dai Buddhism is different from that of Han Buddhism. 在这种文化影响下,傣族佛寺园林与汉传佛教的佛寺园林迥然。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. His overseas experience, Mr Diekmann says, has helped him internationalise what was the anchor of Germany's financial landscape. 迪克曼表示,海外经历有助于他从全球视角考虑德国金融体系的关键问题。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The lakeshore landscape around the Sun Moon Lake is the major landscape element for being a National Scenic Area. 日月潭的湖域景观是其作为国家级风景区的主要景观元素。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Take boat the tour hao river, you can grasp to the beautiful landscape of the near the bank. 乘船游览濠河,您可以领略到岸边的优美景色。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. However, sometimes, people always love does not belong to his own view, thus missing the suitable landscape. 然而,有时候,人们总是留恋于不属于自己的风景,从而错过了适合的风景。 www.bing.com 9. Each kingdom specializes in a specific gift, and as you open to your inner landscape, such gifts shall be freely shared. 每一王国专攻一特殊的天赋,而当你打开你的内在风景,这些天赋会被自由分享。 mcs.szu.edu.cn 10. Real estate landscape field by scientific, artistic and regulation of market economy, is the result of the interaction of many factors. 楼盘景观场域受到科学性、艺术性和市场经济的调控,是多种因素共同作用的结果。 dict.chla.com.cn 1. As the cone spreads across the landscape along the flight path, they create a continuous sonic boom along the full width of the cone's base. 这个圆锥体沿着飞行路线在地面上扫过,底部与地面接触部分产生连续的轰隆声。 www.bing.com 2. IF THE past is a foreign country, the version that used to be taught in Irish schools had a simple landscape. 如果过去是一个不相干的国度,那么以前在爱尔兰授课的版本里就是一处简单的风景。 www.ecocn.org 3. Landscape design software can help in this, as you can easily adjust your plan and your ideas to fit with your budget. 这个软件可以帮助景观设计、你可以很容易调整你的计划和预算你适合你的想法。 actuafreearticles.com 4. So, the house turned into a habitable dock, which emerges from the ground to see the landscape surrounding. 因此,他们的“船屋”与森林很和谐,从屋里可以看到周围的景色。 www.bing.com 5. I would really like to go on the train. I think that it would be great to spend three days watching the landscape change day by day. 确实挺想坐火车去的,我想花三天时间,一天一天看着风景变化感觉肯定特好。 epaper.jinghua.cn 6. One of the last subject matters I would expect on dust artwork is a beautiful landscape, but careful shading can create a gorgeous vista. 我最期待看到用灰尘艺术的手法创作的优美风景,细致的描影法能够实现。 www.bing.com 7. Broken Bridge's famous West Lake Winter is one of the Ten for the West Lake of a unique winter landscape. 断桥残雪是著名的西湖十景之一,为西湖冬季的一处独特景观。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 8. When the two of us left the New York Federal Reserve on Sunday night, we knew that the financial landscape was in for a seismic shock. 当我们俩在星期天晚离开纽约联储的时候,我们知道金融界的风貌正在经历地震式的打击。 www.bing.com 9. Dating seems to have disappeared from our cultural landscape. 约会貌似从我们的文化视野里消失。 www.bing.com 10. He taught me that landscape architecture was a serious art and he demanded rigor in thinking. 他教导我风景园林是一门严肃的艺术,并且需要缜密的思考。 word.hcbus.com 1. Among the landscape types, cropland had the greatest change in its proportion. 在景观类型面积比例的变化中,耕地的变幅最大。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The research of human geography is the core question of cultural landscape whose main carrier is traditional settlement . 人文地理学研究的核心问题是文化景观,文化景观的主要载体是传统聚落。 www.pet2008.cn 3. The natural phenomenon draws in thousands of tourists from around the world hoping to catch a glimpse of this changing landscape. 这一自然现象吸引着世界各地数成千上万的游客来到这里,希望能够看到这一不断变化的景观。 www.bing.com 4. The landscape 'falls away' to open this view, with a series of paved terraces surrounded by gardens on the golf side of the building. “落差”景观开阔了这个视野,在建筑的高尔夫球场一侧一系列的铺装台地由花园所环绕。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Across the length of the mural the River Wear moves from source to sea, through its natural and social landscape. 画面上贯穿壁画全长的韦尔河穿过它的自然风光和社会风光,从源头流向大海。 www.jukuu.com 6. Even go elsewhere, I often think of it, and even wished to turn the clock back, let me look at a landscape Almost. 就算走到别处,我也常常想起它,甚至还想时光倒流,让我再看一次那片风景。 www.bing.com 7. The sustainability of this project is quite impressive and the landscape architect is to be commended. 该项目的可持续性设计让人印象深刻,景观设计师因为这一点备受称赞。 www.ccbuild.com 8. and the landscape modeling is inlaid on the bottom board and is prepared from glass fiber reinforced cement and chemical raw materials. 景观造型镶嵌在底板上;所述景观造型由玻璃纤维增强水泥与化工原料配置而成。 ip.com 9. You then test to see if the user is viewing the application in portrait or landscape orientation and adjust your application accordingly. 然后,可以通过测试来检查用户是以纵向方向还是以横向方向查看应用程序,并相应地调整应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. But as a rule he was more affected by the awesome abysses than by the harmonious landscape. 但是一般说来,更触动他的是可畏的绝壁深壑,而非和谐的景色。 1. In the changing world, as an important means of communication exhibition has been increasingly applied to civic landscape. 作为传达信息的重要途径,展示越来越广泛地运用于城市景观环境中。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. It stood there now , as for more than a century it had stood , a blot upon the landscape, vulgar and new . 现在它立在那儿,好象已经有了一个世纪以上,粗俗而缺乏古雅,成了一件大煞风景的赘物。 www.bing.com 3. It was an opportunity to do breakthrough work at the right time in what's become a predictable graphic landscape. 在一个可以实现并正在实现美丽前景的重要时刻,我们觉得要做出突破,这是一次机会。 www.bing.com 4. However, by turning yourself into a landscape detective, you can unlock some of its secrets. 然而,如果你懂得如何破解地貌,你自己就可以解开其中部分奥秘。 www.bing.com 5. The landscape of human life as a modern society an important part of the garden designer of the level of demand also will increase. 而园林景观作为现代社会人类生活的重要组成部分,对园林设计师的水平要求也随之提高。 baike.china.alibaba.com 6. The small landscape was done by my grandmother and is one of my most treasured possessions. 墙上的小风景画是我祖母的作品,是我最珍贵的财产之一。 www.bing.com 7. Urban landscape is "all three sides willow, a lotus mountain half city lake" . 市区风貌可谓是“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Strong managing ability for a project. Capable of taking charge of a large-scale landscape design project. 对项目有较强的控制能力,具有主持大型项目景观设计工作的能力,富有团队领导精神,优秀的沟通能力。 www.jobui.com 9. Landscape shape index and fractal dimension of green space were relatively low and did not change significantly. 公园绿地分维数和形状指数较低且变化不明显; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 10. you could create strips across the landscape to stop sudden oak death from moving quickly. 我们也可以建立隔离带来阻止橡树猝死病的快速传播。 www.fanyitie.com 1. This garden is a fine example showing how the natural landscape both inside and outside coule be merged . 这座园林恰如其分的诠释了内外自然景观融为一体的内涵。 www.hicoo.net 2. The sky over west Texas is studded with wind turbines, which dwarf the drilling rigs that used to dominate the landscape. 德州西部遍布风力涡轮机,这让曾经统治这片土地的油井相形见绌。 www.ecocn.org 3. He flows with the changing landscape, rather than trying to bulldoze it. 他随着变化着的世界流动,而不是想法冲撞这个世界。 www.bing.com 4. Owing to the representative and demonstration of its rural cultural landscape, cluster agricultural villages deserve to be studied. 而集聚型农业村落乡村文化景观的代表性、典型性和示范性,使其文化景观演化研究对新农村建设具有重要参考意义。 www.dictall.com 5. Being a vacation house, the interior spaces are free-flowing and open up to the unique landscape, turning it into the protagonist. 作为一个度假的房子里,室内空间可自由流动,开放的独特景观,它变成了主角。 dndci.com 6. Cinderella-type glass roofed carriages help prevent neck strain from all that landscape ogling. 通过灰姑娘式的玻璃顶棚观赏外面美景,能避免你颈部疲劳。 www.51mokao.com 7. How does this make you better able to make decisions that affect the array of forces that constantly change the landscape of our lives? 这,怎能使你在不断改变我们生活状态的各种力量面前比别人更有本领作出正确决定呢? www.bing.com 8. The film landscape all taken from changping district, which lasted six hot springs scenic spot shot more than a year. 本片景观全部取自于昌平区六大温泉景区,历时一年多拍摄完成。 www.ipaow.com 9. Life is like a road, need to be patient. Walked out of the bustling landscape, maybe it will in the desolate. 人生如路,须要耐心。走着走着,说不定就会在凄凉中走出繁华的风景。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Reynolds has established a list of important subject matters in painting that started with history and right at the bottom was landscape. 雷诺兹列出了绘画中重要的题材,历史画位于榜首,风景画排在最后。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The above observation could equally as well be interpreted as an accurate description of Chinese landscape Architecture. 以上的描述同样成为中国风景园林的准确诠释。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This is often difficult, as in our cities and even in rural areas the landscape was significantly changed after European settlement. 这是非常困难的,在我们城市甚至乡村地带,在欧洲人住扎之后景观发生巨大的变化。 www.114news.com 3. But despite widespread recognition of the changing global landscape, opinions differ widely as to which country will emerge on top. 尽管普遍认可世界格局已悄然变化,但至于哪个国家会一枝独秀,大家众说纷纭,莫衷一是。 www.bing.com 4. Such a statement demonstrates the kindred spiritual relationship between landscape painting and the mind enjoying mountains and waters. 这说明山水作品与人生喜好山水的心靈相沟通的关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Landscape Bridge As well as facilitating a magnificent symphonic allegro, some bridges in Tianjin provide for a more lyrical adagio. 景观桥天津的桥不只有宏伟壮阔的交响乐,也不乏低吟浅唱抒情慢板。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 6. The poet has been the sublimation and found a spiritual conversion of the spirit in the landscape. 在山水中诗人得到了精神的升华,找到了心灵的皈依。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. What was the prominent characteristic in the landscape the auteur chose to weave into the storyline? 是什么突出特点的景观的导演选择编织成的故事? was.christianlovedating.com 8. It's an old tip but a good one - before you take a landscape shot always consider the horizon on two fronts. 这算是老生常谈了,但是却依然很管用。在你开始拍摄风光摄影时首先从两点上考虑地平线的放置。 www.bing.com 9. Therefore, protection and restoration project of ancient path landscape resource is imperative, imminent and of great significance. 因此,对古道景观资源的保护恢复工作势在必行,意义重大。 www.qk114.net 10. The landscape fell away, revealing a seemingly infinite vista of rippled sand mounds, rising and falling like the folds in a quilt. 这里视野开阔,看到的是无边无际起伏的沙丘,像被子上的褶皱。 www.bing.com 1. With the advent of the age of know ledge economy, education of creativity has added a wonderful landscape to reforms of education. 知识经济时代已经到来,创新教育为教育改革平添了一道亮丽的风景线。 www.lw23.com 2. The architectural concept of the house HB was determined by the location of the property on the prominent part of the landscape. 房子的建筑理念的测定血红蛋白的位置上突出部分财产的景观。 wenwen.soso.com 3. I got a partial answer the next day when, after I'd taken a train 20 miles south from Nove Zamky to Gbelce, the landscape changed. 第二天我似乎找到了答案。那天当我搭火车从诺维占基向南20英里到达格贝尔采,景色变了。 www.bing.com 4. The natural landscape in different season, display their magic, as if men and women love the four-step song. 自然景观随季节不同,各显其妙,仿佛男女情爱的四步曲。 dict.wanyuwang.com 5. Since monotony has proved to be a safety Hazard, traffic engineering even includes the landscape of the borders of the road. 由于景观单调已证明是对交通安全的一大威胁,交通工程学还包括高速公路两边的景观设计。 dict.ebigear.com 6. But for those banks at the heart of the crisis, the household names of Western finance, the landscape is different. 但对于那些处于危机中心的银行,这些西方金融业中家喻户晓的名字,情形就完全不一样了。 www.bing.com 7. Ornamental grasses is one kind of new landscape plants and quite a lot of cultivars had been introduced to Beijing. 观赏草是一类新型园林植物,近年来较多的观赏草品种被引入北京。 www.jchla.com 8. He gave dramatic interpretations of rugged, intricate beauty found in the Western landscape. 他给戏剧性的演绎凹凸不平、纷繁美丽景观,展现了西部。 exchange.xitek.com 9. Critics of the awards have previously complained that they do not represent a broad enough cross-section of the toy retail landscape. 该奖项的批评者曾抱怨他们没有足够的代表广泛代表性的玩具零售景观部分。 www.cnhuu.cn 10. Landscape architects are the only professionals trained to design in harmony with the natural elements that surround us. 景观设计师是唯一经过训练,能够通过设计使人类生活与自然元素和谐相处的职业。 www.landscape.cn 1. My eyes filled with desire to flame, burning too hot heart, the figure stands as a tragic landscape of desolation . 我的眼睛充满渴望的火焰,燃烧得心口发烫,把身影伫立成一道荒凉悲壮的风景。 dict.kekenet.com 2. Arranged in little rows, the waving lavender seems to stripe the landscape, from baby blue to mature deep mauve. It is a heaven of bees. 花儿排成小列成行随风晃动,好像给这一地区划上深浅不一的条纹,从嫩嫩的淡蓝色到成熟的深紫红色,吸引了成群的蜜蜂。 iphone.unisk.cn 3. But urban development has blighted its scenery, leading officials to prune some of the latest additions to its landscape. 但是,城市的发展却破坏了她的景致,领导们决定对城市景观进行修整,于是有了以上举动。 www.bing.com 4. Guozhuang, also called Fenyang Villa, was the private house with the classical garden features among the West Lake landscape gardens. 郭庄,又称汾阳别墅,是杭州西湖园林中最具江南古典园林特色的私家宅园。 www.jchla.com 5. It was a dusty, inhospitable landscape. The train represented a welcome refuge. 景色苍凉,满街尘土,列车就像是吸引人的避难所。 www.bing.com 6. If you live up in the mountains, understanding the continually shifting landscape can mean survival. 如果你居住在山上,了解持续不断移动的风景就意味着生存。 www.kekenet.com 7. in the landscape element scale , the discrepancy between the fragmentation degrees of each element is quite small. 在景观要素尺度上,各景观要素破碎化差异较小。 www.ichacha.net 8. We spent quite a few days here enjoying this magnificent landscape. 我们在这里玩了几天,享受那里的壮丽景观。 www.bing.com 9. Projects in landscape architecture design are often assigned much like a practicing landscape architect would receive them from a client. 景观建筑设计中的项目往往是很像执业景观设计师将它们从客户端接收分配。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Like an expedition in general, led his troops, standing as a beautiful landscape. 像一个远征的将军,带领着他的部队,站立成一道美丽的风景。 www.bing.com 1. After 19 years of study and master the creation of a painting: portrait, landscape painting, flower painting works of art. 经过20年创作研究掌握了国画:人物画,山水画,花鸟画作品绘画艺术。 blog.artintern.net 2. Ericsson's extended family is as good an illustration of the rapidly shifting landscape as any other. 爱立信的大家庭与其他迅速变化的景观一样,是最好的例证。 www.bing.com 3. Like the Human Genome Project, the Allen Brain Atlases and Spinal-Cord Atlas have helped democratise the scientific landscape. 像人类基因组计划一样,艾伦脑图谱及脊髓图谱工程有助于科学领域的民主化。 www.ecocn.org 4. Planting design of plants for the residential area is one of the important landscape element design in garden landscaping. 居住区植物的种植设计是园林造景的重要景观元素设计途径之一。 www.cnak.net.cn 5. Before the entire House before a public toilet in the morning queuing up and down the toilet is a city of a landscape. 以前整座楼才一个公用厕所,早上起来排队倒马桶是城市一道风景。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Therefore, the design of the urban landscape has been a popular subject of theoretical research. 因此,城市景观设计一直是理论研究的热门主题。 www.qk114.net 7. It's an unexpected discovery since the region doesn't appear to get enough rain to support such a sodden landscape. 这一发现出人意料。因为这一地区似乎没有足够的江水来维持这种汪洋景观。 www.bing.com 8. Discussion the concept of the modern landscape painting makes a huge boost on the contemporary landscape painting. 论述了现代山水画写生观对当代山水画创作产生的巨大推动作用。 www.fabiao.net 9. Among the schmaltzy watercolors was a subdued landscape with Aung San Suu Kyi's face in the corner. 在这些感伤的水彩画中有一幅柔和的风景画,画面一角是昂山素季的面孔。 chinese.wsj.com 10. If I am taken away from Bethlehem, I am like a fish out of water, because this landscape is deep inside me. 如果将我同伯利恒分离,我就会如鱼离水般不适,因为此地之景深入我心。 www.ecocn.org 1. So the comparison study of the tradition of landscape elements in the modern landscape space is of certain significance. 因此对于中韩传统要素在现代空间中再现形式的比较研究有一定的意义。 www.jchla.com 2. External image of a town being good or bad, depends on many factors, including one of the most important factors, the road landscape. 一个城镇对外形象的好坏,取决于许多因素,其中最重要的因素之一就是道路景观。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Aerial views yesterday showed towns that seemed to have been bombed, once-sturdy houses flattened, white ash covering the landscape. 航空图片显示城市似乎被轰炸过了,曾经坚固的房屋夷为平地,一片白色火山灰覆盖的景观。 www.bing.com 4. Trees provide shade, beautify our land and country landscape, and reduce heat-trapping CO build-up in the earth's atmosphere. 树木能带来阴凉,美化大地,使一个国家风景如画,也能减轻大气中二氧化碳的含量。 www.jxddzx.com 5. Landscape impact post-evaluation is one of the important subjects of environmental impact post-evaluation for large projects. 景观影响后评价是重大工程项目环境影响后评价的重要内容。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Collisions using energy conservation, conditions for a force-field to be conservative, energy landscape. 在能量守恒下的振动,在保守力场中的情况,能量图。 www.myoops.org 7. Mostly, it had flowers and trees, a contrast to the barren landscape I was used to. 最大的变化是有了鲜花和树木,与我们刚刚经过的荒凉地带形成了鲜明的对照。 www.bing.com 8. We watch as the "Master Painter" touches up small areas of the landscape at a time, slowly coloring them green. 我们看到“绘画大师”每次涉及更多小区域风景,他们慢慢变绿春季。 bbs.awaker.net 9. Although far from commonplace , school shootings have periodically marred America's educational landscape over the years . 尽管不是普遍发生的事件,校园枪击案近年来时常破坏美国教育界的平静。 www.bing.com 10. The underlying relationship between the War and the shift in popular cultural landscape is elaborated on through abundant exemplification. 作者将通过充分例证来说明越战和大众文化转变之间的潜在关系。 www.fabiao.net 1. Poplar-based smallholder agroforestry has transformed the flood plains of Siyang County into a mosaic of green activity on the landscape. 泗阳县以杨树为主的小农农林复合经营已将这个洪泛区变成了由块块绿色镶嵌的田园。 www.fao.org 2. Architecture can be demolished, entertainment can be replaced and landscape can be duplicated. Only can people be the spirit of a city. 建筑可以被推翻和重建,娱乐可以被替代和淘汰,风景可以被复刻和仿效,唯有人,是城市的灵魂所在。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. if I stepped high and fast, I could zoom across the simulated landscape. 如果我的步伐又大又快,我就能飞奔过模拟的景观。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 4. It used to be horribly expensive to visit. Now its hauntingly barren landscape is a bargain holiday destination. 曾经到访冰岛是极其昂贵的,如今它美丽荒芜的景观成了便宜实惠的度假胜地。 www.ecocn.org 5. Three-dimensional visualization models for extra large scale landscape geomorphology are the important parts of VR system platforms. 超大场景的三维地形可视化模型是虚拟现实系统平台的重要组成部分。 www.dictall.com 6. Although this section shade blotting out the sun, exotic landscape, inevitably people are still boarding difficult. 虽然这段路林荫蔽日,景致奇特,仍不免让人感到登临的艰难。 slgf.com.cn 7. Admire this beautiful landscape from your bike, or stop and talk with one of the villages working in his field. 你可以在脚踏车上欣赏明媚风光,或者停下来和在田里工作的村民闲话家常。 www.ebigear.com 8. As the result of rethinking, the cordial yardstick, good proportion and rich details in the landscape design are concerned by people again. 作为这种反思的结果,在道路景观设计中,亲切的尺度,良好的比例以及丰富的细节重新成为人们所关注的问题。 www.biodic.cn 9. More than 30 years of widowhood were spent campaigning nationally for preservation and conservation of the landscape and wild flowers. 30多年的寡妇生涯中,她都在为保存土地和保护野花做全国范围的宣传活动。 www.ecocn.org 10. Requests must have self-confidence. You are a landscape, no need in the scenery inside looking up to others. 请一定要有自信。你就是一道风景,没必要在别人风景里面仰视。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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