单词 | make do |
释义 |
v. manage,put up with,cope,accept,tolerate 例句释义: 用设法应付,凑合着用,将就,设法对付 1. This phase is often called bootstrapping, meaning when firms make do with few resources. 这个阶段通常称作为自力更生阶段,这个时候公司只能利用很少的资源进行运转。 dongxi.net 2. However, the Pontiff had been too busy and they had been forced to make do with an audience with one of his cardinals. 但是教皇太忙,他们不得已只能谒见了一位大主教了事。 www.bing.com 3. He spoke into a commo - patch mike the Sentinels had somehow crafted for him in their careless, make-do fashion. 说话要通过一个哨兵们专门为他制作的通信器话筒,但它很简陋,仅仅能用而已。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In miserable contrast, the below-average Gilded Age American had to make do with a pair of shoes and a melting block of ice. 与此形成鲜明对比的是,生活在镀金时代的下层美国人一年四季只能穿一双鞋,只能用一块即将融化的冰块来保存食物。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. mr tien said there was no reason to guarantee civil servants an iron rice bowl , when others had to make do with a chipped porcelain bowl. 他说当其他人将就用崩瓷碗时,没有理由要保证公务员是一个铁饭碗。 www.ichacha.net 6. Whilst many Gunners were hoping for a football man to fill the void left by Edelman, it appears they will have to make do with just a fan. 虽然许多枪手希望由一个足球专业人士来填补埃德尔曼离开留下的空缺,但看来正是多诺万的枪迷身份令他们感到满足。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. It was tough making ends meet on the island, and many families had to make do with a lot less than what they were used to back in England. 在这个岛上,想做到收支平衡是很困难的。许多家庭只好用比过去英国国内还差还少的东西勉强维持生存。 www.bing.com 8. And a few line that blended in a tradition again in white, colour and style, make do not send too drab and cadaverous . 而在白色之中又融入了传统的一些线条、色彩以及风格,使之不致过于单调苍白。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Home try, coat also make do, did not expect the trousers is short and tight, hoop on the leg very hard, had to take them back to. 回家一试,上衣还凑合,没想到裤子却又短又紧,箍在腿上很难受,只好拿回去换。 www.texclo.net 10. Japanese firms, which have had to make do with less power since the earthquake, were particularly eager. 日本公司因为地震的原因对制造节能的产品尤其的渴望。 beckwriters.blog.sohu.com 1. Conversely, the less attractive women "may have to make do with what they have, hence the longer relationships" , he said. 他说,与之相反,长相平凡的女性“能够充分利用珍惜自己的所有,感情因而也更为持久”。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. So we have to make do with this furniture. As long as the children are small, anyway. It doesn't make sense to replace it. 就是因为孩子们太小了,所以我们不得不留着这些家具。丢掉了没有多大意义。 www.tingroom.com 3. she said she would rather be a single parent than make do with an unhappy marriage. 她说她宁可做单身妈妈也不在不幸的婚姻中勉为其难。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. For the time being they had to make do with scrawling the words "Home Sweet Home" all over filthy windows out of boredom. 眼前呢,只能够无聊地在污秽的玻璃窗上涂满了「家,甜蜜的家」的字样。 www.zftrans.com 5. You make do with it if I have no law of input in Chinese. 如果我没有中文输入法,你凑合着用。 wenwen.soso.com 6. In the end, we are who we were always meant to be. The choices we make do not alter our destiny; destiny alters the choices we make. 在最后关头,我们是谁我们都是所指。选择我们不改变自己的命运;命运的改变作出抉择。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. And then, that's just the way it was when your parents chose for you, even if it isn't right, you make do. 后来也就那么着了呗。那你爹妈给找的,不行也得行了。 www.linese.com 8. opened his eyes to choose your partner in the future, if wrong, and immediately separated. Do not make do too, as will harm the two people. 睁开双眼选择你的未来伴侣,如果选错了,立即分开。不要凑合过日,那样会害了两个人。 cxlian28.blog.163.com 9. Not a problem for games in the West but I'll be surprised if Indians can complete the game given the crappy ISPs we have to make do with. 不是一个问题在西方游戏,但我会感到惊讶,如果印度能完成给定的,我们也只能用蹩脚的互联网服务供应商的游戏。 game.ali213.net 10. I'm going to have to make do with what she's got and with whatever I can earn from future books. 我得对玛丽好一点。我以后得靠她的收入和我写书赚的钱过活。 www.zftrans.com 1. In the absence of such a bank the world will have to make do with the current system. 由于缺少这样的银行,世界的银行必须按照现行制度执行。 www.ecocn.org 2. Make do with second best There is so much variety that you never have to make do with second best. 物品品种繁多,从来不必用二等品来凑合。 www.xycai.com 3. We were late for supper and had to make do with a few cold buns. 我们误了吃晚饭的时间,只得啃几个冷馒头填填肚子。 wenku.baidu.com 4. We were in a hurry , so we had to make do with a quick snack. 因为太匆忙,我们只好将就地吃了点东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The high supply response of African farmers, who have to make do with a poor infrastructure and imperfect markets, is evident in niger. 使用条件差的基础设施和不完全的市场经营的非洲农民,不得不做出高度的供应反应,这种情况在尼日尔是很明显的。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Mary and Joseph found no room at the inn; they had to make do in a stable, and the new-born Jesus had to be laid in a manger. 玛丽和约瑟夫在那个旅馆找不到房间,他们不得不把产房搬到马房,而新生儿耶稣也不得不诞生在马槽。 blog.163.com 7. While most of us have to make do with a handful of fragrant soapy foam, the Welsh actress smears on truffles and caviar. 我们大多数人也就用用一般的洗发水,而这位威尔士影星则用松露和鱼子酱。 www.bilingualclub.com 8. For now, they will have to make do with seeing him locked up without the fireworks of a trial, still guarding his biggest secrets. 目前,他们将不得已眼巴巴地看着他没受到审判的烟火就被关了起来,把守着他最大的秘密。 www.ecocn.org 9. Before the banking crisis, she could make do with her salary as a sales assistant at Trilogia, a clothing store and gallery. 银行出现危机之前,她是一家经营服装和画廊的店铺——特里罗基亚的销售助理,薪水勉强还过得去。 www.bing.com 10. There is so much variety that you never have to " make do with second best" . 现在有那么多品种,你从来没有要“做与降格以求”。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. However, small and medium enterprises usually make do with a limited budget for modernizing their IT infrastructure and assets. 然而,中小型企业通常只有有限的预算来设法现代化其IT基础设施和资产。 www.ibm.com 2. So now that we know we have to make do with this existing technology, we have to look for a better solution. 所以,现在我们知道我们一定要做到与现有的技术,我们要寻找更好的解决方案。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. As a child, I had to make do with virtual camping: devouring the wonderful nature books that my own children now love. 孩提时的我只能如饥似渴地阅读那些描写自然美景的精彩书籍,在脑海里拼命想像露营的情景。 www.zftrans.com 4. Lacking the means to conduct proper investigations, the police often make do with signed confessions after brutal interrogations. 由于缺乏适当的查案方式,尼日利亚的警察通常对嫌疑人进行残忍的审讯后就拿着模棱两可的招供去交差。 blog.ecocn.org 5. According to recent reports, the BBC will have to make do with annual increases below retail-price inflation, less than it asked for. 由于零售价格增加会造成的年度预算增长,所以政府拨款会与之有所差距,最近的报告显示BBC将会自行解决这个问题。 www.ecocn.org 6. Many of you find yourself without jobs, and struggling to make do without the convenience of a supermarket nearby. 你们大家寻找自己,不用工作,并且奋斗做做,不用超级市场的便利附近。 cid-90189a65842aa71c.spaces.live.com 7. The comforts that you now enjoy will not exist and you will find that for a while you will have to improvise and make do. 现在你们享受的舒适将不存在,你会发现在一段时期里你将不得不即兴发挥,不得不凑合。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But it may be possible to delay ordering the new boats by several years, and to make do with three submarines rather than the current four. 但它可能会推迟数年去订购新潜艇,并采购3艘而不是目前的4艘潜艇。 www.ecocn.org 9. However, sometimes a can of pepper spray isn't readily available and a smart girl must make do with whatever is around. 然而,有时一罐胡椒喷雾不是随手就有,聪明的女孩必须利用周围环境。 www.kekenet.com 10. Indian firms must typically make do with slugs of spectrum half the size of those issued to peers in less crowded countries. 与相对人口较少国家的通信公司相比,印度本土的通信公司通常只能靠着数量只及人家一半的频谱资源勉强度日。 bbs.ecocn.org 1. Kitchen range hood, microwave ovens, rice cookers are using does not become a grandmother make do with doing lunch. 厨房里的油烟机、微波炉、电饭锅都用不成了,奶奶凑合着做了中午饭。 gotofob.cn 2. He laid out a plan for the town, chose names for the streets, and built a "make-do" church. 他规划该镇的发展计画、为街道取名并创建一座临时教堂。 www.24en.com 3. I do not know how they make do on so small an income. 我不知他们靠这一点收入日子怎么过的。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. New sheets have become so expensive that most housewives have decided to make do and mend. 新床单太贵了,所以许多家庭主妇决定将旧的缝补一下凑合着用。 www.hotdic.com 5. Why don't they believe that the dynamism of capitalism will spur it to find ways to make do in a world of reduced carbon emissions? 他们为什么不相信资本主义的活力会促使经济找到一个在降低碳排放还算可行的办法? www.bing.com 6. Either the labels will have to make do with less, or other firms, such as the mobile operators, will have to pitch in. 所有的唱片公司将被迫选择收取更少的费用,或者选取其它公司合作,比如手机运营商将会加入竞争。 superleegood.spaces.live.com 7. Look, we'll just pick up a few things and try to make do. 你看,我们只要买几样东西,凑合一下就可以了。 www.kekenet.com 8. You might be newly laid off, retired, or a student, homemaker , or entrepreneur who has to make do with less. 你也许刚被解雇、退休,或许是个学生、主妇或企业家,设法应付更少的事情。 www.showxiu.com 9. I think Americans have to stop the throw-away consumerism, spend less on rubbish they do not need and make do with less. 我认为美国人应该停止一次性消费,花费更少的钱在垃圾上,那些不需要或者用的少的东西上。 www.tianya.cn 10. So we have to make do with knowing thing like the color and the malleability and the density and so forth. 所以,我们只好去了解,颜色,延展性,密度这样的东西了。 open.163.com 1. " Girls " on the toilet next to my Mom and Dad's bedroom, you have to make do with the kitchen of the pool about it. 女孩说,“厕所就紧挨着我爸妈的卧室,你就先用厨房的水池凑合一下吧。” dictsearch.appspot.com 2. i only got one lunch box . we ' ll have to make do with it. 我只有一个餐盒。我们只好将就著吃了。 www.ichacha.net 3. I prefer to get the truth in person, but sometimes we just have to make do. 我更希望能够亲自查出真相但有时不得不这样 www.kekenet.com 4. In all, we had to make do with what was at hand. 总的来说,我们不得不先将就着使用手中现有的东西。 www.nciku.cn 5. They, it seems, must make do with YouTube footage, and the great sporting moments of others. 在他们看来,必须设法对付的是YouTube上的视频片段,和其他人的伟大运动时刻。 www.bing.com 6. The focus in the near future to speed up residence category of idle land put to use again, to make do with the application. 近期重点加快居住类闲置土地的盘活再利用工作,做到应用尽用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. We don't have enough information for our financial plan, but it's due tomorrow. I'm afraid we'll just have to make do with what we have got. 我们的财务计划没有足够的信息,但是明天就要交了。恐怕我们只好讲究用我们现有的信息。 joejoewu.blogchina.com 8. We run out of coffee, so we'll have to make do with tea. 咖啡没了,所以我们只能将就喝茶凑合一下。 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 9. Many Latinos still feed their pets table scraps: three-quarters of Mexican hounds make do with leftover bits of burrito. 许多拉美人还是在用剩饭剩菜来喂宠物:四分之三的墨西哥猎犬都在吃墨西哥玉米煎饼的残渣。 www.remword.cn 10. With no UEFA Champions League football to play, Liverpool will probably have to make-do with the current squad and the Europa League. 要知道,今年你村可是没有欧洲联赛去玩的,就拿着这些阵容凑合着用吧。 www.lfc.org.cn 1. There is so much variety thatyou never have to make do with second best. 物品种繁多,从来不必用二等品来凑合。 infos.edulife.com.cn 2. The national security adviser has always had to make do with humble and compact quarters. 国家安全顾问不得不总是在简陋而拥挤的地方凑合着办公。 dict.veduchina.com 3. Serious shoe lovers don't need a make-do shoe rack but rather an entire shoe room meticulously regimented to keep tabs on their assets. 真正爱鞋的人需要的并非凑合一时的鞋架,而是一整间精心管理的鞋室,时时照看着她们的资产。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It hoped to use continuous-variable transmission, but had to make do, for now, with manual. 之后又寄希望使用无级变速传动,但最终眼下还得使用手动挡。 www.ecocn.org 5. Fans of the London 2012 Olympic Games will have to make do with pink, green and baby blue. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,粉色、绿色和淡蓝色成为了伦敦2012奥运会商品的主打色。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. They all slashed by half their personality and weaknesses, and then make do with only the full. 两人各削去一半自己的个性和缺点,然后凑合在一起才完整。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. However, sometimes a Louisville Slugger isn't available but a smart girl will make do with something else. 然而,有时球棒往往就是不在手边,聪明的女孩会使做别的事情。 www.kekenet.com 8. When meeting the lunch rush hour, many people converge around the micro-wave oven, or you have to make do with the half-cold meal. 遇到午饭高峰时,大家都围着微波炉转悠,要不就将就着半冷不热的。 www.elanso.com 9. Others, particularly those in the armed forces told they must make do with much less cash, might beg to differ. 而其他人则有可能祈求有不同的结果,特别是武装部队被告知必须用更少的资金来完成任务。 www.ecocn.org 10. We have to make do with the small room for the night. 我们晚上只的在这小房间里将就一下。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Those French people without holiday homes often make do with "holiday villages" . 没有休假居所的法国人经常用“度假村”将就一下。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Today, she's long-term unemployed andhas to make do with a tiny one-bedroom in the Bronx. 如今她已长期失业,只能蜗居在布朗克斯的一间小单房中。 www.bing.com 3. Rita: It's all right. I'll just have to make do with my allowance. 丽塔:没关系啦。我只好靠零用钱勉强撑一下啰。 big5.cri.cn 4. We will have to make do with the little money we have now . 我们要用我们所拥有的少量的钱去谋生。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Like its real world counterpart, a patch is a " make-do " fix rather than an elegant solution. 像它的真实世界副本一样,一个补丁是一个“补破,缝补”的补丁,而不是一个一流的解决办法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Come on, Honey, not mentioning the Chinese restaurant. You just make do with it. 好了,亲爱的,别再提你那中餐馆了,就凑合凑合啦。 www.17k.com 7. And their kids? Well, their kids just make do with whatever emotional crumbs they get. 那么孩子们呢?啊,只好以他们所能得到的一些感情的碎片勉强过活。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. She'll make do with the old typewriter until the new one arrives. 新打字机到之前她将凑合着用旧的。 www.bing.com 9. The center's food reserves lasted only for two days and the pandas had to make do with rice porridge on the third day, said Zhang. 饲养员张先生说,保护中心的竹子储备量只够维持两天的,第三天熊猫们只能靠吃粥过日。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. We have plenty of logs already. Let's just make do with the ones we have. 我们已经有足够的木头了,让我们好好运用手边现有的木头就好了嘛! www.wowenni.com 1. margin They have always had to make do with relatively small profit margins. 他们不得不经常设法应付较少的利润额。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. "I don't see why she should have everything when there are so many who have to make do with makeshift weddings. " “我不明白为什么她就得应有尽有,而其他许多人都不得不婚礼从简。” www.ftchinese.com 3. Even large towns must make do with meagre dispensaries and most lack doctors. 即使在大城市里,防治所装备差,缺乏医生。 www.ecocn.org 4. Many make do without air fresheners, hair conditioner and other fripperies once deemed essential. Many scour the internet for special deals. 人们拒绝将空气清新剂、护发素,或是一旦视为必不可少的无用品放到篮子里,有人甚至会为特殊的优惠在互联网冲刷。 bbs.ecocn.org 5. Conversely, the man with less time is said is " lackey not (or cannot make do) wife " , be considered as " insufficient man is angry " . 反过来,次数较少的丈夫被说成是“侍候不了(或对付不了)妻子”,被认为是“不够男人气”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. If you're stranded in the rainforest you have to make do with whatever food is available, no matter how unpalatable. 如果困在热带雨林中,你必需靠身边的食物求生,不论它有多难吃。 video.2u4u.com.cn 7. The ancients had to make do with twisted ropes and sinews. 祖先们用拧在一起绳子或皮筋。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. So Galinis, an unemployed retail worker, will make do with what's in her apartment. 结果盖丽丝,这位失业的零售员,将就着公寓里有的东西凑合着做点吃的。 www.bing.com 9. Volunteers' "can do" attitudes mean that they find ways to "make do. " 志愿人员的“敢为”精神意味着,他们能寻找到“可行”之策。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 10. Now he had to make do with ibuprofen and fortitude. 现在他必须靠布洛芬和坚韧的意志来对抗它。 www.bing.com 1. There's no meat, so we'll have to make do with potatoes. 家里没肉了,所以我们只得用土豆来对付了。 www.jukuu.com 2. While others make do with ice cubes, here you get glacier ice on the beach. 其他山脉勉强算冰块,这里你能在海滩上获得冰川冰 www.bing.com 3. Then we'll have to make do with the cooked food. 那我们得凑合吃这些熟食品了。 blog.163.com 4. Jason: You're right. Chrissy, you're just gonna have to. . . make do with these credit cards the way they are. 杰森:是吗?克丽丝信用卡的事就这样,你要用的话也只好委屈点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. But these transformations won't come overnight, and we'll have to make do in the meantime. 但是,这些革命不是明天就能变成现实,冰冻三尺非一日之寒,我们必须要做的是设法促使它达成。 www.bing.com 6. There's no meat in the house, so we'll just have to make do with potatoes. 家里没肉,所以我们只得凑合着吃土豆了。 wenku.baidu.com 7. I'll make do with a hot dog in the snack bar. 我在快餐店吃个热狗就行了。 english.qdcnc.com 8. You'll have to make do with cold meat for dinner. 晚餐你只好将就一下用冷肉了。 www.jukuu.com 9. make do with sth She will make do with the old typewriter until the new one arrives. 新打字机还没到之前,她先凑合着用那台旧的。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Embedded LAMP stacks can make do without a full set of command-line utilities. 在没有全套的命令行实用工具时,可以凑合使用嵌入式LAMP堆栈。 www.ibm.com 1. You'll have to make do with this timber. 你就可着这块木料做吧。 www.jukuu.com 2. Not English, make do with PowerWord. Ha ha . . . 不会英语,用金山词霸凑合。哈哈… dictsearch.appspot.com 3. If yod don't have the right tool for the job, we'll have to make do without it. 假如你没有干这活的适当工具,咱们只得对付着干。 www.bing.com 4. But, alas, Rapunzel must make do with blond locks. 但是,遗憾的是,长发公主必须用她的金发。 www.bing.com 5. But I can not, I can not let you make do with me, so life is not what I want. 可是我不行,我不能让你凑合着和我在一起,这样的生活不是我要的。 wenwen.soso.com 6. This is a story in Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio about "Drunken Tao, " a unique species in the chrysanthemum family. 这是一个奇怪的传说从化妆做“醉陶”,在一个独特的品种菊花家庭工作室的故事。 www.youeredu.com 7. America must make do with second place, with around 223m users according to Nielsen, an internet-ratings company. 尼森网络统计公司称,美国网民约两亿两千三百万,只能屈居第二。 www.ecocn.org 8. I had to make do with my old PC last week. 上周我只能用那台旧电脑来应付。 www.joyen.net 9. I don't have time to cook today, so we will just have to make do with instant noodles. 我今天没时间做饭,咱们只能将就吃方便面了。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Don't worry about preparing any more food. The guests will be here in ten minutes, so we will just make do with what we have. 别忙着做更多的吃的了,客人们十分钟后就来了,有什么就吃什么吧。 www.yourblog.org 1. EVEN with two wars to wage, the Pentagon has to make do with less in hard times. 即便有两场仗要打,但面对今天的困难时局,五角大楼也不得不勒紧裤带。 www.ecocn.org 2. Often the financial manager has to make do with raw data supplied by specialists in product design, production, marketing, and so on. 时常的财务管理者不得不用产品设计、生产、营销等方面专业人士所提供的原始数据来工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. they'd have to make do with taxis. 他们只能凑合着坐出租车。 www.jukuu.com 4. She can't afford a new coat and so will have to make do with the old one. 她买不起新外衣,只能凑合着用旧的了。 www.jukuu.com 5. it ' s possible to make do without money , but not without food. 没有钱也可以凑合,没有吃的就凑合不了。 www.ichacha.net 6. Sorry fans, you'll just have to make do with AKB 48's 61 members that are real. Yeah, that's a big band. 对不起了粉丝们,你们得面对着AKB4861位真实的成员,真是一支庞大的队伍啊。 select.yeeyan.org 7. If I can't have the real thing, I can make do with the imitation. 如果我得不到真品,那也可以用仿制品对付一下。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Had to make do on less income. 不得不用较少的收入来应付 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Arthas: Then I'll make do without one. What is the Lich King's will? 阿尔塞斯:那么我将不再需要灵魂。告诉我巫妖王想要我做什么? www.zj1u.com 10. I didn't have time to buy any food today. You'll have to make do with the left - over cold meat from yesterday. 我今天没有时间去买吃的东西,你只好将就吃昨天剩下的肉了。 www.jukuu.com 1. No, I can't make do with these tools. 不,我不能将就用这些工具。 www.examw.com 2. He make do on limited income. 他靠有限的收入勉强度日。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. We'll just have to make do with what we've got. 我们将不得不用已有的东西来凑合一下。 www.tjyz.org 4. They'll make do. They're smart. 他们很聪明,晓得如何随机应变。 www.bing.com 5. Capello can make do without Totti. He is not obsessed with Totti like Trapattoni! ! ! 卡佩罗并不依赖托蒂,他并不想特拉帕托尼那样着迷于托蒂! www.milanchina.com 6. Since I am not yet of an age to invent, I must make do with telling a tale. 既然我还没到能够创造的年龄,那就只好满足于平铺直叙了。 www.jukuu.com 7. So that we could make do and still be investing in our future wisely. 而我们,也可以像这样,继续为我们的未来做明智的投资。 www.bing.com 8. This is a story from Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. 这是一个从化妆不要聊斋故事的故事。 www.youeredu.com 9. Make do and mend may indeed be the best we can hope for. 修修补补可能确实是我们所能期望的最好结果。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Don't worry! If you don't have the dictionary I recommend, you can make do without it. The one you are using now is good enough. 别担心,没有我给你们推荐的那本词典也行。你目前用的那本也够好的了。 www.360abc.com 1. I think I can make do with this coat for the winter. 这件大衣,我想今年冬天还是能应付得过去。 wenku.baidu.com 2. They can make do without you for a little bit each day. 没有你,他们依然可以做的很好。 www.bing.com 3. I can make do with this handbag for some time. 我这个提包还可以应付一阵子。 www.hxen.com 4. I don't know how they can make do on such a small income. 我不知道他们靠这一点收入怎么过日子。 www.360abc.com 5. If we can't get limes, we'll have to make do with lemons. 如果我们没有酸橙,只好将就一下用柠檬。二、 wenku.baidu.com 6. This hotel isn't what we wanted, but we must make do. 这家旅馆不是我们想住的地方,但我们得将就一下。 www.kekenet.com 7. This motel isn't what we wanted, but we must make do. 这家汽车旅馆不是我们想住的,但我们只好将就一下。 www.bing.com 8. We 'll have to make do with what we can find. 我们得将就著用能找到的东西。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. I think we can make do with a simple Veritas. 我觉得我们用吐真剂就行。 tw.netsh.com 10. Why don't you try and make do with what you have? 你为什么不试一试并且利用一下你现在所拥有的这些? blog.cersp.com 1. So matter done to can make, do it of best, this just is the importance that is a person. 所以做能做的事,把它做的最好,这才是做人的重要。 www.v6dp.com 2. We were able to make do with the materials we already have. make do with 设法应付。我们设法将我们已经拥有的材料都用上了。 wenku.baidu.com 3. You make do my two-step all day 你让我做两步一整天 zhidao.baidu.com 4. make do To manage to get along with the means available: 用手头拥有的钱去勉强应付: www.baike.com 5. make do with biscuits for lunch 用饼干当午饭这里有个词组 wenku.baidu.com |
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