单词 | make certain |
释义 |
v. check,make sure,double-check,ascertain,ensure 例句释义: 保证,弄清楚,弄确实,确定 1. Deerslayer waited a little to make certain that he had at last gained the desired position, when he gave the signal agreed on. 杀鹿人稍微停了一下,看清了自己所要到达的目的地,就发出了约定的信号。 2. Now that he was on his legs, it was more difficult to make certain of his age. 虽然他已经站了起来,却叫人更捉摸不透他的年令。 jukuu.com 3. Make certain (that) you know what time the train leaves. 你要弄清楚火车开出的确切时间。 edu.21cn.com 4. Another very simple way to "Use less, gain more" is to make certain our presentations or our pitches always end just a few minutes early. 另一个非常简单的方法是,”用的少,得到的多“是为了确定我们的演讲或者我们的球场总是提前几分钟结束。 www.bing.com 5. He had impressed me that Italy, not Germany, would have to make certain statements for the next Apostolic move of God to begin. 祂感动我,是义大利,而不是德国,必须作出某些陈述,为著下一波上帝的使徒性行动而开始。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I was the first recruit to get out. I'm going to make certain I'm not the last. 我是第一个跳出魔窟的成员,也绝不会成为最后一个。 wenku.baidu.com 7. If you had a custom display mode, you might want to make certain controls visible if the custom mode is going to be the new display mode. 如果有自定义的显示模式,并且该自定义的模式将成为新的显示模式,您可能想要显示某些控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. We have got to make certain we stop any vulnerability with that simplistic type of play. 我们需要确保,在这种简单进攻方式面前出现的漏洞必须停止了。 www.ept-team.com 9. On target machines that have instruction caches, GDB requires this function to make certain that the state of your program is stable. 在有指令缓存的目标机上,gdb需要这一函数,以确定你的程序的状态是稳定的。 www.wikipic.org 10. Make certain you know what time the train arrives, please. 请弄清楚火车到达的时间。 dict.bioon.com 1. From time to time he touched his sword, as if to make certain that it still hung at his side. 不时的他会摸一摸他的剑好像想确定它是不是还好好挂在腰间。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Make certain that rare steaks are at least browned on the outside to kill as much bacteria as possible. 三成熟的牛排至少外面要变成棕色,以便尽可能地杀死细菌。 dongxi.net 3. It is not very sophisticated but it helps at a supplementary level to make certain that the capital is at an appropriate level. 它不是非常复杂,但它有助于确定资本金处于合适的水平。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Thus, to make certain the responsibility of unit crime and restrict the action of unit through criminal penalty have been a kind of trend. 因此从立法上确认单位犯罪的刑事责任,用刑罚的手段规制单位的行为以求单位犯罪的有效控制成为一个必然的趋势。 www.13191.com 5. This policy is usually used if you want to make certain that processes will not be killed because of low paging conditions. 如果您希望确保进程不会因为较低的分页情况而终止,通常可以使用这种策略。 www.ibm.com 6. The operator should make certain that the flanges are clean and of the proper size and are properly mounted and secured. 经营者应做出一定的法兰清扫,适当规模和适当的行动, www.cc-bi.com 7. Make certain (that) you know what time the film begins. 你要弄确实[弄清楚]那部片子在何时上映。 www3.060s.com 8. You'll have to leave soon to make certain of getting there on time. 你得快点出发,好确保准时到达那里。 9. You have to make certain that your direct report understands that the work is not up to standards. 您必须弄明白:您是要让员工明白他的工作表现没有达到公司的标准。 www.bing.com 10. Dany took a moment to make certain of her directions. 丹妮花了点时间确认了一下她前进的方向。 www.cndkc.net 1. The Olympics was an important event after all, so of course it became a political requirement for individuals to make certain sacrifices. 奥运会是我们的大事,当然个人需要做些牺牲,是政治需要。 www.chinadialogue.net 2. teacher: To make certain about community care I should explain the word community. 老师:为了弄清什么是社区保健,应该解释一下社区这个词。 www.bing.com 3. Second, foreign language examination to make certain professionals lost their professional development opportunities. 二是外语考试使一些专业人才失去了专业发展的机会。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. A certain I'm prepared to make certain concessions. 我已准备好了作出一些让步。 www.englishcat.cn 5. Although the judges make certain orders, in practice most of the work is done in an office building by civil servants. 尽管法官们发布一些命令,但在实践中绝大多数的工作是由文官们在办公楼里完成的。 translation168.lingdi.net 6. Third, you absolutely must make certain that you use only those condoms that have not reached their expiration date. 第三,你必须确保你所使用的避孕套还没到过期日。 www.elanso.com 7. When a new technology is introduced, make certain to measure the productivity of the team with respect to the new technology. 引入新的技术时,先要估测一下团队在新技术方面的生产力。 www.ibm.com 8. Make certain that the sound card for the computer is also properly seated and installed, and that the correct drivers are available. 确定计算机的声卡是否正确插入并安装,是否有正确的驱动程序。 support.microsoft.com 9. Make certain you do not perform your religious duties in public so that people will see what you do. 你们切不可为了让人们看见自己的行为而在公众面前行善。 dict.bioon.com 10. Make certain you receive that lowest interest rate possible for your individual situation. 你一定要接受,最低利率可能你个人的情况。 www.qmpy.cn 1. That's means, more detail discussion should be arranged to make certain that the decision more verifiable and convincing. 这意味着,更详细的讨论应安排一定要确保核查和决定更令人信服。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Make certain that the personnel selected is informative and well qualified, with excellent communicative and marketing skills. 确保挑选的人员是见闻广博的、合格的人才,并有良好的交流技能以及市场营销技巧。 club.topsage.com 3. The foreword of the paper mainly attempts to make certain the conception of the humor story and its value. 论文的前言部分主要解决对幽默小说概念的界定和幽默小说研究价值的确定。 4. The article aims to solve the two below questions: First, we try to make certain and perfect property centrality effect. 本文的研究目的有二个:一是对属性中心性效应进行确定和完善。 www.fabiao.net 5. Fourth, you need to make certain that you store condoms correctly as well. 第四,你也必须确保正确储藏避孕套。 www.elanso.com 6. Especially make certain that documentation is updated after testing finds errors within the procedures. 尤其是在测试发现过程中的错误之后,要确保更新文档。 www.ibm.com 7. Of course, you need to make certain that this is an age appropriate activity. 当然你得先明白这是针对特定年龄段做的事。 www.elanso.com 8. Make certain the tank is filled with water. Applying electric current to heater elements that are not submerged in water will destroy them. 确认容器是否注满水。如果加热棒没有浸在水内就打开电源,将会损坏加热棒。 www.h6688.com 9. People should make certain that their actions never intentionally harm others even to a small degree. 人们应该确保他们的行动从未有意伤害他人,使是一个很小的程度。 my3q.com 10. Some will only ever make certain bridges open, and activating it again will not make it close. 有的开关按下去只会控制桥梁开启,再按一遍不会使桥梁重新关闭。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Yes, the beans actually make certain noises during the roasting process and these noises are and accurate indicators of roast level. 是的,咖啡豆事实上会在烘焙过程中产生声音,同时,这些声音可以用以判断烘焙度。 www.coffeesalon.com 2. Note: You are allowed to make certain assumptions as long as convincing justification is given in your report. 注意:你可以做一定的假设只要你的报告里有可信的正当的理由。 img3.zhubajie.com 3. Make certain that all mixing equipments are absolutely clean, and that inclusive of your hands. 确认打发蛋白的所有工具都要干净,是的,包括你的双手。 www.tianya.cn 4. I am prepared to make certain concessions on this issue. 我准备在这个问题上做某些让步。 www.bing.com 5. Get an enemy running away from you. Let it run, but make certain you know where it is. It will regenerate it's HP shortly. 取保怪物能从你身边跑开,让它跑,但是你要确定你知道它所处的位置,怪物剩余很少的血量会恢复。 bbs.ngacn.com 6. Application of advanced apparatus could also make certain effects but the expensive production costs prevent their quick development. 用先进的设备虽然能起到一定的作用,但是,昂贵的成本令人望而却步。 www.lmst.com.cn 7. Having transactions be managed by the container allows the container to make certain optimization decisions for us. 让容器来管理事务允许容器为我们做出某些最优化决定。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Today, I make certain to consider and anticipate patients' unavoidable fears and concerns as I approach them. 今天,当我与他们接触时,我确定并可以预测得到病人对此有着不可避免的恐惧。 www.bing.com 9. Avoid vague descriptions at all costs, be specific, draw diagrams and pictures, and make certain everyone agrees with it. 在这个问题上要避免模糊不清,要不惜一切代价描述清楚,展示给大家,并且得到大家的一致认同。 www.bing.com 10. You simply must make certain that a mature adult is present at all times when your youngster is in the tub or bathing. 你必须确保孩子在浴盆里或洗澡的时候,身边随时有个成年人看管。 www.elanso.com 1. First we must recognize and understand what can be controlled and then we must make certain that we exercise whatever control we have. 首先我们必须认识并理解那些我们能控制的部分,并确保我们真正做到这一点。 dict.bioon.com 2. He sent out scouts as well, to make certain no enemy took them unawares. 他也派出了侦察兵,保证没有人趁他们不备偷袭。 www.cndkc.net 3. Vibration dampeners make certain electric pumps somewhat quieter, by absorbing some of the shock in the pump action. 避震器能吸收水泵运转时产生的震动,从而使电动水泵听起来安静一些。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Worn parts are replaced and technicians make certain that the machines adhere to original safety standards. 磨损部件替换和技术员作某些的机器坚持原来的安全标准。 bzxw.512121.com 5. Having goals means that there are bound to be times when we make certain sacrifices with regard to our time. 有目标意味着注定有时我们要对有的时间做出牺牲。 www.bing.com 6. With this in mind it is vitally important that you make certain you utilize solid protection when you go out into the sun. 所以当你外出时,对皮肤进行可靠的保护是及其重要的。 www.ebigear.com 7. I think the train leaves at six o'clock but you ought to make certain. 我想火车是六点开吧,但你应该查清楚。 www.nmet168.com 8. Make certain of your position in the firm before you argue with the director. 在你在和经理争辩之前,要首先弄清你在公司里的地位。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Give us a call at 1-800-934-0737; I'm Tim Schafer, I own the company and I'll make certain your purchase is everything we claim. 在1-800-934-0737给我们一个电话,我添谢弗,我自己的公司,我一定会让你的购买是我们的一切要求。 bbs.fblife.com 10. At the same time, the government began to make certain treaties with the Soviet Union in Singkiang Province. 同时,国民党政府还着手同苏联订立有关新疆省的一些协定。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 1. Make certain you bring plenty of fruit aboard, my young friend. Destiny calls to us both. 你得确保带足够多的果子上飞机,小伙子。命运召唤了我们两个人。 bbs.rtucn.com 2. Make certain that all cashiering work for each shift is audited properly prior to completion of the final report of the audit. 确保在每次审计报告完成之前,已经对每一班收银工作进行了正常检查。 www.6eat.com 3. Make certain that you mention you are very interested in the position. 你要确认你对这个岗位很感兴趣。 www.bing.com 4. Just be sure it looks good, and make certain that the ship is allowed to fold. 要确保场面上很好看,还要保证能让那艘船折叠。 bbs.rtucn.com 5. Before you start installing the iptables userspace tool, you'll need to make certain modifications to your system. 在开始安装iptables用户空间工具之前,需要对系统做某些修改。 www.ibm.com 6. You need to make certain that you utilize only mild shampoos and soaps when it comes to bathing your child. 你要保证你给孩子使用的是温和的洗发液和肥皂。 www.elanso.com 7. Fifth, you will want to make certain that you keep your baby hydrated when the little one is suffering from a fever. 第五,宝宝发烧时,你需要确保他的身体保持一定的湿度。 www.elanso.com 8. We don't have to rule the world to make certain this happens; we just have to remember to take care of each other along the way. 我们每个人的生活都在继续。我们不必掌控整个世界来确定事情是否发生;我们只要记住一路上要互相关心。 www.bing.com 9. Nutrition is cast as a huge role in maintaining the fitness of your dog and make certain their particular healthy and balanced expansion. 营养是投下了巨大的作用,维护您的狗做一些健身和其特殊的健康和平衡的增长。 qianxk.com 10. make certain you know the right escape route. 清醒的认识到一旦火灾发生时,正确的撤离路线。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Regression in data mining is a statistical method that seeks to make certain predictions about data. 数据挖掘中的回归分析(Regression)是一种统计方法,旨在做出数据的某些预言。 www.ibm.com 2. When this flag is set, Terminal Server will not make certain changes to the application. 设置该标志后,终端服务器将不对应用程序进行某些更改。 technet.microsoft.com 3. The mold undergoes a visual inspection to make certain of its quality. 模具通过检查来保证它们的质量。 www.yappr.cn 4. If nothing else, you got a way to make certain that trees are prepared for the holidays. 如果没有其他的问题,你有一个方法可以确定树木已经为假期做好准备了。 times.hinet.net 5. You can (and should) empower individuals, committees, or task forces to make certain decisions. 你可以,也应该去授权个人,委员会或者特殊小组去做一些决策。 www.bing.com 6. Make certain that your reasons for ignoring the advice (which you sought out) are truly logical, not emotional. 确定你忽视别人建议的原因是真正符合逻辑的,不是感情用事。 www.bing.com 7. Make certain that you've got a game plan up your sleeve. 确定你手边已经有了策略。 horoscopes.blogbus.com 8. She shook it to make certain there was nothing inside. 她把它摇了摇,想知道里面确实没有东西。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Please make certain when the train leaves. 请去弄清楚火车什么时候开。 www.diyifanwen.com 10. The ABO antigens make certain Blood types incompatible for transfusion . ABO抗原使某些血型在输血时不能兼容。 www.jukuu.com 1. WWL will make certain that the authorized Merchandise Manufacturers meet TCCC's social compliance requirements. 全球认证部WWL将确保所有授权的产品制造商符合TCCC的社会责任要求。 blog.163.com 2. You have to make certain sacrifices to walk the road to happiness on a consistent or permanent basis. 你必须作出某些牺牲,以步行幸福的道路上一致或永久性的基础。 www.ggdxc.com 3. Make certain your punctuation, spelling and grammar are letter-perfect. 确认你的标点、语法、拼写是绝对正确的。 www.bing.com 4. Make certain to let all your friends know that you are looking to meet someone. 一定要让你的朋友知道你在找对象。 www.bing.com 5. I think the train leaves at 8 o'clock but you ought to make certain. 我想火车是8点钟开,但你还是应该确认一下。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Pilot: We've already sent a signal for remote scrapping, but you bring up a good point. Why don't you go and check get to make certain. 驾驶员:我们已经发射了遥控拆除信号,不过你说的不错。还是去检查下,以防万一。 52night.com 7. Make certain that all assignments are completed by the end of all employee shifts. 确保所有员工在下班前完成所有工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. On the one hand, it is a useful calculation to make certain international comparisons with regard to standards of living. 一方面,在用来进行全球生活水平比较上它是很有用的数据。 www.bing.com 9. The deaf were taught to make certain movements using their hands, heads and bodies. 人们教聋人如何使用他们的手、头和身体来作特定的动作。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. To get ahead, one must work hard and be willing to make certain sacrifices. 一个人要有所进步,就必每努力工作,而且甘愿做出某些牺牲。 www.kekenet.com 1. Two weeks later, Mr. Li says he met again with Mr. Munger to make certain he had heard right. 李路说,两周后他与芒格再度会面,以确保后者的听证权。 c.wsj.com 2. make certain things stand for other things may be called things stand for other things may be called the symbolic process. 人类能凭自己的意思以某些事物暗示另一些事物的方法不妨称作象征法。 www.jukuu.com 3. We will make certain assumptions about the properties of the intruding magma and of the intruded strata. 我们对入侵的岩浆和被侵入地层的性质做某些假定。 www.kuenglish.info 4. Always make certain to cover your outdoor wood furniture with waterproof covers when you are not using it. 在您不使用它们时,一定要用防水户外木家具罩来保护它们。 www.bing.com 5. If you make a decision to pursue a career in these fields then you have to make certain sacrifices. 如果你决定在这些领域里追求自己的事业,那么你便要牺牲。 www.bing.com 6. Make certain that a current version of the Oracle client code is installed at the distributor. 请确保分发服务器上安装了最新版本的Oracle客户端代码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Make certain that you understand a concept - It'svery difficult to recall a fuzzy thing . 确保自己确确实实弄明白了——要回想起一件模糊的事情是很困难的。 cn.qikan.com 8. It is particularly important to make certain all other channels are open before closing a particular channel. 在闭合某个通道之前,必须确保其它所有的通道都是开路的,这非常重要。 www.eefocus.com 9. Your child can also make certain food choices and select movies to watch and books to read. 也可以让您的孩子去选择吃什么食物,看什么电影,阅读什么书。 pro.yeeyan.com 10. Frying on a hot fire is a good method to make certain dishes. 急火现炸,是做某些菜肴的一种很好的办法。 www.nciku.com 1. It is easier to make certain things legal than to make them legitimate. 一些事立法容易,要它们合法难。 www.sgwritings.com 2. Addendum: I called Chris this morning to make certain it was okay to use his name in this post. 附录:今天早晨我打电话给克里斯以确定在这封邮件中使用他的真名没问题。 www.elanso.com 3. Finally , the paper forecasts the possible problems in the implementation of this ordinance of and make certain solutions. 最后,对《条例》实施过程中可能出现的问题做出预测并提出一定的解决方案。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Arrive early at the cinema to make certain of getting a seat. 早点去电影院以便能弄个座位。 www.bing.com 5. Shall we make certain changes accordingly? 我们是否应当相应地做些调整呢? www.hxen.com 6. If you do buy imports, make certain they are grown and harvested ethically and organically. 如果你购买进口食品,请确保他们在种植和收获食品在道德上合理,食物为有机食品。 www.bing.com 7. We suggest that you calculate your prices CIF and make certain your prices are the lowest possible. 我们建议您按CIF计价,并确保贵方价格为最低价。 wenku.baidu.com 8. I do not make certain of the date of leaving. 我还没弄清楚出发日期。 bbs.eol.cn 9. If you are copying something from someone else, make certain that you have permission to do so. 如果您复制的东西从别人,请确认您有权限这样做。 103993044.lingd.net 10. The President says he will win the hearts of the Tamils in the North and the East and make certain terrorism does not resurface. 拉贾帕克萨总统说,他将赢得斯里兰卡北部和东部泰米尔人的心,让恐怖主义不再重现。 www.tingroom.com 1. Atomix is a puzzle game where you must join up a series of atoms to make certain molecules. 是解密类游戏,你必须连接一些原子来构成某种分子。 translations.launchpad.net 2. Please make certain of the date of meeting. 请把开会日期弄清楚。 www.ruiwen.com 3. Second, you need to make certain that a particular daycare center appropriately is licensed and certified. 第二,你需要确定那个托儿所享有开业许可证和执照。 www.elanso.com 4. And you need to make certain they feel they are playing a suitably significant role in reaching those goals. 你需要,感觉在组织的过程中扮演着恰如其分的角色。 www.ttxyy.com 5. Make certain you value and allow rest and recovery time. 确信你重视并允许休息和恢复时间。 www.bing.com 6. You must make certain of the date of the meeting. 你必须把开会的日期弄清楚。 e.3edu.net 7. It is imperative for the recognition about administrative competence to make certain of decisive factors at present in China. 搞清楚我国现阶段行政权力范围的决定因素有哪些,这对于正确认识行政权力范围是十分必要的。 www.dictall.com 8. I think there's a train at 10: 40, but you'd better make certain [sure] of it. 我想10:40有趟火车,但你最好去核实一下。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 9. Always make certain that your facts are right. 经常注意把事实核对清楚。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 10. But this project starts relatively late in China, although make certain progress, still have greater disparity with the world standard. 但该项目在中国起步较晚,虽取得一定的进步,但与世界水平仍有较大差距。 www.showxiu.com 1. Horrible bosses think their job is to order employees to do things and make certain that they do them. 极品老板会认为他们的工作是命令员工做事并且确保员工做了这些事。 edu.qq.com 2. Make certain aspects of the evaluation and judgment. 做出某方面的评价与判别。 www.hongtaifeng.com 3. So you need to make certain you are not becoming emotional and feeding into this. 因此,你需要确定的是,你不要变得感情用事,孩子一哭闹就不知所措了。 michellemomusa.blog.163.com 4. Visualizing data about the software development process can make certain trends more accessible; they might otherwise be hidden or obscured. 可视化有关软件开发过程的数据可以使某些趋势更容易理解;在其他方式下,这些趋势可能是隐藏或模糊的。 www.ibm.com 5. Will you please make certain of the meeting? 请你把开会的日期弄清楚好吗? wenku.baidu.com 6. or be old technology too soon, or something is weighing on them, and you need to make certain that you uncover what it is. . . 或者很快成为过时的技术,或者他们有压力,而且你需要保证你找出那是什么… qac.yappr.cn 7. You can also make certain changes when you preview before printing. 您还可以在打印之前预览时进行某些更改。 office.microsoft.com 8. The Conservatives think minimum pricing will make certain "alcopop" drinks cheaper, and so should be dropped. 保守党认为最低定价会导致一些“波普”饮料价格下降,应该废除。 club.topsage.com 9. To make certain you get there in time, I will fetch you in the car. 为了保证你及时来到,我要开车去接你。 www.ruiwen.com 10. I wanted to make certain first. 我本想先确定一下。 bbs.enfamily.cn 1. Make certain where we are going. 弄清楚我们去哪儿。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 2. The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts. 赢得核的方是确保它万世不会爆发。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. To make certain, you need to sign this paper. 为了正确无误,你要在纸上签名。 club.163.com 4. If there is any doubt, you had better make certain. 如果你有什么不能肯定的,一定要弄清楚。 www.jxenglish.com 5. In addition, you also need to make certain that these items are kept clean. 另外,你还要保持这些东西的干净卫生。 www.elanso.com 6. You can assign default values to columns to make certain kinds of data entry more reliable. 可以为列指派缺省值以确保某些类型的数据条目更可靠。 www.ianywhere.com 7. think there's a train at 8. 20 but you ought to make certain. 我想8点20分有一班火车,不过你应该打听清楚。 hi.baidu.com 8. You can make certain faces come to life by giving them different expressions, e. g. , happiness, anger. 你可以通过给脸谱画上不同的表情使脸谱显得逼真,有生气,例如高兴、生气。 beike.dangzhi.com 9. And we must make certain that they are no longer perceived as risk-free. 而且我们必须确保不让它再被视为是无风险之举。 www.putclub.com 10. be sure to include the daily nutrition you need. make certain you are getting the right kinds of food. 务必包括你日常需要的营养,确保选择的食品恰当。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. The StAX parser doesn't replace all the SAX and DOM code in the world, but it definitely can make certain tasks easier. StAX解析器不会替换所有的SAX和DOM代码。但肯定会让某些任务容易些。 www.ibm.com 2. That is why I am taking administrative and regulatory action to make certain the ESA isn't abused to make global warming policies. 这就是为什么我采取行政裁定和监管行动以确保濒危物种法案未被滥用于制定全球变暖的政策。 www.bing.com 3. i think there's a train at 8: 20, but you -ought to - make certain. 我想这有8:20一班火车,但是你打听清楚。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. It is important that you re-plan your time on a weekly basis so that you can make certain changes when necessary. 每周重新安排时间很重要,这样才能在必要时对计划进行调整。 blog.163.com 5. You can make certain it is the tour assemble you'll meet if meet all the details . 一切相符合才能确定是自己所要接待的旅行团。 www.daocong.com 6. Make certain that current login is authorized to modify SQL Server owned registry keys. 请确保当前登录名有权修改SQLServer拥有的注册表项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. A few pacing problems make certain sections of the game a bit of a drag 一些流程问题似的游戏的部分章节有些拖拉 bbs.egchina.com 8. The first thing we do here is make certain that our lru_file_repage parameter = 0. 这里我们要做的第一项工作是,确保我们的lru_file_repage参数=0。 www.ibm.com 9. I think there is a train at 8: 20, but you ought to make certain. 我想在八点二十分有一班火车,不过你应该问清楚。 www.ruiwen.com 10. Please tell me how I can make certain that his love for me is true and everlasting. 请你告诉我,我如果才能确定,他对我的爱是真的,更是恒久的呢? club.china.alibaba.com 1. I confirm, ensure and make certain that. 确定一定以及肯定。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We must make certain that they can come. 我们一定要搞确实他们是否能来 zhidao.baidu.com 3. For example, you should check your firewall's security policy to make certain it doesn't monitor SOAP-requests as Web traffic. 比如,检查防火墙的安全策略,以确定它不把SOAP请求作为Web流量来监控。 www.ibm.com 4. It is very much in order to make certain concrete suggestions in this regard. 对于这种关注我们需要更多确定的具体的建议。 www.bing.com 5. I'm obsessed with trying to make certain that I'm around 我很沉迷于努力尝试使自己 www.kekenet.com 6. Make certain of labour cost, material expenses and equipment cost of quoted price of bidding on the economic aid of foreign project 对外经济援助工程投标报价中人工费、材料设备费的确定 www.ilib.cn 7. Strengthening the management and programming of construction land use make certain the proper and orderly progress of city construction 加强建设用地规划管理保障城市建设合理有序进行 www.ilib.cn 8. At last, the thesis make certain every index weight in expert evaluation, discuss index data source, processing method and so on. 最后确定各指标的权重,并就各指标的考核数据来源、数据处理方法及考核主体的确定进行了讨论。 www.fabiao.net 9. comfort convince ensure guarantee insure make certain promise pledge satisfy testify vouch vow 担保;使确信;确保 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Steps of argument are as follows: Make certain the composition of TV news media ecological system; 全文具体按照以下步骤推演:确立电视新闻媒介生态系统的基本构型; www.lw23.com 1. D. The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts. Bradley Omar American General 赢得核战争的方法是确保它永远不会发生。美国上将奥马尔,B。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. confirm vt. make certain; support 证实,肯定;确定 www.unsv.com 3. How to Make Certain the Marketing Place of Haikou Rural Credit Cooperative 浅议海口市农村信用社的市场定位 www.ilib.cn 4. Make Certain the Aim of Socialist Value 确立社会主义价值目标 ilib.cn 5. make certain when the guests leave 弄清楚客人何时动身。 www.ichacha.net 6. to make certain or safe 使安全,使可靠 www.ebigear.com 7. Be sure to have a visa, if required and make certain it is the right type of visa (business or tourist) 肯定有签证,如果需要,并作出一定的,这是适当类型的签证(商务或旅游)。 chat.uzai.com |
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