单词 | it is assumed that | ||||||||||||||
释义 | it is assumed that
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 假设,人们认为,假定 1. When such a control word has no parameter or has a nonzero parameter, it is assumed that the control word turns on the property. 当这样的控制字没有参数或仅有一个非零参数,则认为这个控制字开启了这个属性。 blog.csdn.net 2. In this case, it is assumed that the serializer either already reported the error or it did not attempt to serialize the object. 在这种情况下,我们假定序列化程序或者已经报告了错误,或者没有尝试序列化该对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Records , mention very little of the Vindicator throughout the time of Great Crusade, it is assumed that the Vindicator fell out of favour. 记录中提到极少数的辩护者完整的撑过了大远征时代,似乎辩护者在逐渐失去战士们对他的喜爱。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It is assumed that this tumorigenic feature will be manifested upon transplantation to human patients as well. 推测这种致瘤特征在干细胞被移植到人类病人时也可显现。 www.soudoc.com 5. It is assumed that the "manager" attribute of every person contains the dn value of her manager. 假设每个人员的“manager”属性包含其管理员的dn值。 www.ibm.com 6. It is assumed that the emission and absorption of light energy by an atom or molecule is not a continuous process but occurs in steps. 假定原子或分子发射光能和吸收光只能不是一个连续的过程,而是阶梯式发生的。 www.jukuu.com 7. It is assumed that China will become an empire like the United States, but will not be so "benevolent" as the United States is. 他们认为中国会成为美国一样的经济帝国,但却不会像美国一样“仁爱”。 www.bing.com 8. It is assumed that the geographic distribution of Henipaviruses overlaps with that of Pteropus category. 据假设,亨德拉尼帕病毒的地理分布与狐蝠类的分布重叠。 www.who.int 9. It is assumed that the geographic distribution of Henipaviruses overlap with that of Pteropus genus. 据假设,亨德拉尼帕病毒的地理分布与狐蝠属的分布重叠。 www.who.int 10. It is assumed that the "uid" attribute of every person contains the WebSphere Application Server authenticated user ID. 假设每个人员的“uid”属性包含经过WebSphereApplicationServer身份验证的用户ID。 www.ibm.com 1. It is assumed that you are already familiar with Java development in Eclipse and that you know how to link a project with the SWT toolkit. 本文假设您已经熟悉在Eclipse中进行Java开发,还假设您知道如何将项目链接到SWT工具包。 www.ibm.com 2. for the addition of the node to the existing topology , it is assumed that activity is occurring and that system downtime must be minimized. 在向现有拓扑中添加节点时,假设有活动发生以及系统停机时间必须尽量缩短。 www.ichacha.net 3. It is assumed that every substance which is capable of being magnetized consists of a very large number of molecular magnets. 人们假定,能够被磁化的各种物质都是由大量的分子磁体组成的用来代替。 language.ynenglish.com 4. It is assumed that the Hadoop slave node has been configured a priori in such a manner that it registers with the Hadoop master node. 这里假设Hadoop从节点已经在之前配置完成,也就是它已经注册到Hadoop主节点中。 www.infoq.com 5. It is assumed that each of you brings some expertise to be integrated with the goals and talents of other team members. 这预设每个人将带来某些专业知识,能够和其他队员的专才进行整合以达成某些目标。 www.myoops.org 6. It is assumed that this is due to the ions masking the repulsion between one charged gluten protein molecule and another of like charge. 假设这是由于离子抵消了一个面筋蛋白分子与另一个面筋蛋白分子之间的相互排斥力。 dict.ebigear.com 7. This forms the second factor of the two-factor authentication, where it is assumed that only the user will have access to his ATM card. 这是两因素身份验证的第二个因素,系统假设只有用户能够看到自己的ATM卡。 www.ibm.com 8. Generally, it is assumed that if a device supports a shading operation at all, it at least supports flat shading. 通常情况下,假设如果设备完全支持着色操作,则它至少支持平面着色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Shareholders invest on enterprises, it is assumed that the objective of a business is to maximize the value of the firm. 委托人是出资者,其追求的目标一般都是利润最大化或是企业价值最大化。 www.fabiao.net 10. It is assumed that you know nothing of CORBA. 这里假设你对CORBA毫无所知。 www.hxzi.com 1. It is assumed that the ball at the weekend, men and women to enter the ballroom, the respective teams lined up. 舞伴问题(难度系数:1.1)假设在周末舞会上,男士和女士进入舞厅时,各自排成一队。 nulung.com 2. It is assumed that the feed stage is a fixed ratio of the total number of stages. 它假定了进料位置是总塔板数的固定比例值。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Although it is assumed that pain represents an adverse prognostic factor, this variable has not been extensively evaluated. 虽然该症状被认为是一个不良预后因素,但是未有较深入的评估。 www.mdchome.com 4. It is assumed that gas passes through the bed in two distinct paths with no interchange or movement from region to region. 假设气体经两条截然无关的路径通过床层,区与区之间没有交换或流动。 5. It is assumed that the propellant consists of a finite volume of elements and the burning surface consists of a finite area of elements. 该方法认为装药由有限个体积微元组成,而燃面由有限个面积微元组成。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn 6. In the second case, when not a hundred but a hundred and fifty loaves are available, it is assumed that the supply of B remains unchanged. 在第二种情况中,可供支配的不是100条,而是150条面粉和水发酵制成的,费雪又假定B的供给维持不变。 yongziw.hn00.com 7. For the creation of the topology, it is assumed that activity is not occurring in any of the peer databases. 在创建拓扑时,假设任一对等数据库中均没有发生活动。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. It is assumed that tire is no translation, just rotation and the translation speed is applied to road model. 假定在轮胎滚动过程中,不发生平动,只有定轴转动,将平动速度施加在路面模型上。 www.fabiao.net 9. Here, the movie, title, and genre elements have no namespace prefix; it is assumed that they are in the same namespace as their parent. 在这里,movie、title和genre元素没有名称空间前缀,假定它们与其父元素在同一个名称空间中。 www.ibm.com 10. It is assumed that the reader is fairly familiar with WebSphere Studio Application Developer as a development tool. 假设读者相当熟悉作为开发工具的WebSphereStudioApplicationDeveloper。 www-128.ibm.com 1. It is assumed that the reader has previously studied the analysis of certain types of trusses in a course of statics. 假定读者在静力学课程中已经学过某些类型桁架的分析。 2. It is assumed that you have general development knowledge, but that you may not be familiar with each piece of software. 本文假设您具备一般性的开发知识,但是可能不熟悉这些软件。 www.ibm.com 3. It is assumed that the reader of this paper has medium to high knowledge level of directory service concepts and management experience. 本文假设读者在目录服务概念和管理经验方面具有中级到高级的知识水平。 www.ibm.com 4. It is assumed that the interfacial tension is sufficiently great to preserve the spherical shape of the droplets. 吾人假设雷诺数很小且液滴的表面张力够大足以使液滴于运动中仍维持球形。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Often, says Mr Barnes, it is assumed that the monetary environment is determined by central banks. But he thinks this too simplistic. 人们常常假定货币环境取决于央行,巴恩斯认为这种假设过于简单。 www.ecocn.org 6. It is assumed that the pilot masters the basic techniques of launching, flying towards the landing zone, making an approach and landing. 我们假设飞行员掌握起飞,飞行到著陆区,进航及降落的基本技能。 www.fullyou.com 7. These approaches are not specific to a special version of WebSphere Portal, but it is assumed that you use either version 4. x or 5. x. 这些方法并不专用于某种特定版本的WebSpherePortal,但假设您使用的是版本4.x或5. www.ibm.com 8. It is assumed that everything can be planned for upfront and any deviations from plan are generally punished. 它通常假设所有的事情都可以事先计划好,任何偏离计划的行为都会受到惩罚。 dongxi.net 9. Note that the step to configure access to JDBC drivers was skipped, since it is assumed that each database user already has these available. 注意,这里跳过访问JDBC驱动程序的配置步骤,因为我们假设每个数据库用户已经具备了这些配置。 www.ibm.com 10. Basic principles must be mastered, and after some practice, it is assumed that intelligence will show the way to a solution. 必须掌握基本原理,有了一些实践后,理智将会指示解决问题的方法。 www.jukuu.com 1. It is assumed that the routing topology representing all the paths from one routing group to all other routing groups is a spanning tree. 用路由拓扑来表示从一个路由组到其他所有路由组的所有路径,并假定路由拓扑是一棵生成树。 www.kuenglish.info 2. It is assumed that you are familiar with the configuration of connector components in Exchange System Manager. 本文假设您熟悉在Exchange系统管理器中对连接器组件的配置。 technet.microsoft.com 3. If the DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause is not provided, it is assumed that the method returns no result set. 如果不提供DYNAMICRESULTSETS子句,则假定此方法不返回结果集。 www.ianywhere.com 4. science in fact , makes sense only if it is assumed that nature is orderly. 事实上,只有假定自然界是有序的科学才有意义。 www.ichacha.net 5. In this instance, it is assumed that the server-side script returns plain text, and this text is shown to the user via an alert box. 在本例中,假设服务器端脚本返回普通文本,并且文本会通过警告框显示给用户。 www.ibm.com 6. It is assumed that a handler will be added to the service with the responsibility to set the target endpoint on a per message basis. 这里假设处理器会添加到服务中,并负责在每一个消息基础上设置目标端点。 www-128.ibm.com 7. It is assumed that the Queue has the messages correctly ordered for it to dispatch. 该组件假设Queue已对消息进行了正确的排序,以便由其进行调度。 www.ibm.com 8. In most researches, it is assumed that the channel state information (CSI) is available at the receiver. 已有的天线选择算法大多假设了在发射机或接收机处能准确地获得信道状态信息(CSI)。 www.fabiao.net 9. Here, it is assumed that each new version of the FpML standard is not backward-compatible. 现在假定FpML标准的每一个新版本都不是向后兼容的。 www.ibm.com 10. It is assumed that the social issues resulted from the moving directly relate with the legal inefficiency. 当前由拆迁引发的社会问题与我国拆迁立法存在缺陷有着直接关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Therefore it is assumed that the coupon payments can be reinvested at this average rate, i. e. 因此这就假设了票面利息可以以这样一个平均折现率来进行再投资。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 2. However, because the memory pressure on the computer was light, it is assumed that this is a valid representational value. 然而,由于对计算机造成的内存压力很小,因此会假设这是一个有效的表示值。 technet.microsoft.com 3. It is assumed that readers will be familiar with the terms and concepts described in the first volume of this work. 假定读者熟悉的术语和概念描述的首卷这项工作。 www.cgfriend.org 4. It is assumed that the load is uniformly distributed between the welds. 假定两焊缝间的载荷为均匀的。 www.5555333.com 5. In Eq. (53)it is assumed that there is no restraint to the free warping of the cross sections. 在式(53)中,可假定对截面的自由翘曲没有阻碍。 www.kuenglish.info 6. Furthermore, it is assumed that the modulus is constant throughout each tissue volume. 此外,假定模量是不断在每一个组织音量。 www.syyxw.com 7. It is assumed that you do not already know Lisp. Instead, it is assumed that you have knowledge of Java technology. 本文假设您不熟悉Lisp,但需要您具备Java技术方面的知识。 www.ibm.com 8. However, it is assumed that the SSH server is running in the remote machine with the repository and it is allowing incoming connections. 然而,它要假设SSH服务器已经运行,并且允许进来的访问。 www.oulan.com 9. Whenever the shared static field member is accessed from c, it is assumed that the type of member is String. 每当从c访问member这一共享静态字段时,总是假定member的类型是String。 www.ibm.com 10. In this walkthrough, it is assumed that you have an emulator and that it is available on the same computer as your Web server. 在此演练中,假定已有一个仿真程序,该仿真程序与Web服务器在相同的计算机上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. It is assumed that the charge transfer process is the rate-determining step of theelectrochromism of erbium dipht. . . 作者认为,电荷传递过程是铒二酞花青电化学变色的速度控制步骤。 epub.cnki.net 2. Although Ireland has yet to "sign on the dotted line" to receive a bailout package it is assumed that they will succumb sooner than later. 虽然爱尔兰尚未“正式签字同意”接受一揽子救援计划,但市场猜测其迟早会屈服。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In other words, it is assumed that volume is the only factor that will cause costs and revenue to change. 换言之,业务量是导致成本和收入变动的惟一因素。 dict.ebigear.com 4. In the example presented below, it is assumed that asset location events are already "zone" determined. 在下面展示的例子中,我们假设资产位置事件已经确定了“区域”。 www.ibm.com 5. It is assumed that both sellers had equal access to the market and could produce their goods without cost. 据推测,这两个卖家有平等进入市场和可能产生的货物的成本。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It is assumed that the type locality is also the principal collecting area of the species. 它是假定型地区,也是主要的方面收集的物种。 bbs.pleco.cn 7. It is assumed that a signalling performance which satisfies the requirements mentioned above will also meet those of future users. 这里设想只要能满足上述要求的信令性能,也就能满足未来用户性能的要求。 www.ptsn.net.cn 8. It is assumed that all the influence factors surrounding deep-buried circle tunnel are axially symmetrical. 将深埋圆形隧洞各影响因素简化为轴对称。 www.rockmech.org 9. It is assumed that the C compiler and standard library are both compliant with the Standard and work correctly. 我们假设C 编译器和标准库与“标准”相兼容,而且能正常工作。 hi.baidu.com 10. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the concepts of PKI and SSL in particular. 假设读者熟悉PKI和SSL的概念。 www.ibm.com 1. It is assumed that all parts have been thoroughly cleaned for welding. If not, do so now! 据推测,各地已彻底清洗,焊接。如果没有,现在这样做! www.tech-domain.com 2. In this walkthrough, it is assumed that you have IIS running on your own computer. 在此演练中,假定您自己的计算机上已经正在运行IIS。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. A person's race: For example, if it is assumed that people from certain countries are likely to have HIV infection or AIDS. 种族。例如,认为来自某些国家的人携带HIV。 bbs.hbvhbv.com 4. And it is assumed that the interface is implemented by the creator of the function. 类型,且假定由函数创建者来实现接口。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. It is assumed that you are familiar with PHP, have a fundamental grasp of database design, and are comfortable getting your hands dirty. 假设您很熟悉PHP,基本掌握数据库设计并喜欢实战。 www.ibm.com 6. It is assumed that you have both AIX system administration and Cisco storage area network (SAN) configuration skills. 我们假定您已掌握AIX系统管理和Cisco存储区域网络(SAN)的配置技能。 www.ibm.com 7. It is assumed that the reader has intermediate knowledge of those two products. 本文假定读者对这两个产品的知识达到中级水平。 www.ibm.com 8. Also, it is assumed that your thumbnails share the same name as their corresponding images. 此外,我们还假定缩略图和对应的图像使用相同的名称。 www.ibm.com 9. It is assumed that all the source files are checked into the baseline. 假设所有的源程序都被检入到基线。 www.ibm.com 10. It is assumed that a person will pass information to a more important person (i. e. one who can make decisions like a manager). 它假设的是一个人将信息转给另一个更重要的人(例如,转给像经理这样能作决定的人)。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Because this article focuses on more advanced topics, it is assumed that you have prior experience with JSSE. 由于本文着重讲述更高级的主题,因此假定您已经具备了JSSE的使用经验。 www.ibm.com 2. It is assumed that the user can remove icons from the panel by simply rubbing the display with their hands. 据推测,该用户可以通过简单用手抹屏幕便可以移除图标。 www.bing.com 3. It is assumed that the procedure on the replicate side has the correct effect. 其前提条件是复制端的过程具有正确的效果。 www.ianywhere.com 4. It is assumed that you are familiar with custom attributes and how to apply them in your development language. 这里假定您熟悉自定义属性,也熟悉如何在开发语言中应用这些属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. It is assumed that individualised patient care (IPC) benefits both patients and nurses. 据推测,个性化的病人护理服务(IPC)的好处病人和护士。 www.syyxw.com 6. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the use of standard containers. 我们假定读者熟悉标准容器的使用。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 7. It is assumed that you already have such test cases in order to run this step. 我们假定您已经获得了运行此步骤所需的此类测试用例。 www.ibm.com 8. In this chapter it is assumed that each program is sequential in nature. 在本章中,假设所有的程序都是顺序执行的。 net.sxtcm.com 9. It is assumed that your DB2 database access privileges allow you to change data in the database. 这里假定您的DB2数据库访问权限允许您更改数据库中的数据。 www.ibm.com 10. Traditional financial theory is based on a linear thinking, it is assumed that yield sequence is a process of I. 传统的金融理论基于一种线性思维,假定收益率序列是一个I。 www.13191.com 1. It is assumed that no item has a number sign directly in its name. 假设任何项的名称中都未直接包含数字符号。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. It is assumed that the key container specified by. 指定的密钥容器包含了密钥对。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. It is assumed that you have already edited JMSAdmin. config to configure a namespace to store JMS-administered objects. 假设您已经对JMSAdmin.config进行了编辑,以配置一个名称空间来存储JMS受管的对象。 www.ibm.com 4. It is assumed that there is more than one disk attached to the disk controller allocated to the VIO Server (see Listing 4). 这里假设有多个磁盘连接到分配给VIOServer的磁盘控制器(请参见清单4)。 www.ibm.com 5. It is assumed that these hereditary by-elections will be swept away if the government ever gets round to reforming the Lords. 据推测如果政府抽出时间来重组议会这些世袭议员补选将不复存在。 www.ecocn.org 6. When you use these methods, it is assumed that you have an element of the correct underlying type. 使用这些方法时,假设您有一个具有基础类型恰好合适的元素。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. It is assumed that you already know PHP, application design, and how to work in a database. 假定您已经了解PHP、应用程序设计以及如何在数据库中工作。 www.ibm.com 8. It is assumed that you have basic knowledge of UNIX programming and file system concepts. 本文假定您对UNIX编程和文件系统的概念有基本的了解。 www.ibm.com 9. It is assumed that you have a general understanding of Active Directory before using these classes. 假定您在使用这些类之前已大致了解ActiveDirectory。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of network communication mechanisms. 本教程的前提是需要您对网络通信机制有一个基本的了解。 www.ibm.com 1. It is assumed that an ejector pin is a column that is fr~ at the loaded end and clamped at the other end, as illustrated in Fig. 15. 据推测,一个顶针,是一列是在神父?装载结束,在另一端夹紧,如图所示。15。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 2. It is assumed that applicants will already have a valid visa. 它假设,申请人已经将有一个合法的签证。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. In this sample, it is assumed that every contact record has a unique e-mail address that is used as the "Key" column. 在这个示例中,假设每个联系方式记录都有一个惟一的e-mail地址,作为“Key”列。 www.ibm.com 4. It is assumed that you have some basic knowledge of JavaScript programming. 本文假设您具备JavaScript编程的基本知识。 www.ibm.com 5. That is, it is assumed that the ecological assessment is complete, accurate, and relevant. 也就是说,假定生态评估是完整,准确,和相关性的。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. To complete the procedure, it is assumed that you will bind to a data source derived from a database. 为了完成此过程,假定将绑定到派生自数据库的数据源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. These discrepancies are caused by that it is assumed that theradiative surface temperature can be regarded as the aerodynamic temperature; 产生这种差异的原因是假设辐射表面温度可以用来代替空气动力学温度。 www.magsci.org 8. In this example, it is assumed that the periodicity of the data is every 12 months, so the 在此示例中,假定数据出现的频率为每12个月一次,因此将 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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