单词 | italic |
释义 |
复数:italics 例句释义: 斜体字,意大利语族,斜体的,文字斜体,倾斜,用斜体 1. Notably, Times New Roman, as Morison made it, did not contain a true italic, but one that was an in-house standard at Monotype. 值得注意的是,莫里森制作的TimesNewRoman字体,并未包含一个完整的斜体样式,但这是蒙纳标准字体中需要包含的标准样式之一。 dongxi.net 2. When making a font family with a roman and an italic font, the italic font can be constructed in many different ways. 当设计一个包括罗马体和意大利体的字体族时,意大利体可以有很多构建方式。 www.douban.com 3. Italics, block capitals and any others are welcome. Italic script is fine so long as its legible and easy to. 斜体,大写字母和任何其他人的欢迎。斜体脚本是好的,只要其易读,易。 www.bing.com 4. Returns the font object used for standard interface items that are rendered in italic type in the specified size. 运用标准接口返回指定大小的斜体风格的字体。 www.cocoachina.com 5. Swash letter: A florid version of standard italic capital letters, usually used for ornamentation. 花饰字:加上装饰的标准斜体英文大写字母;作装饰用。 chinafanyi.com 6. Type style Referred to a particular family member of a typeface , such as italic , or bold, etc. SeeType family . 指字体族内的某一成员,例如斜体或黑体等。参阅字族。 www.bing.com 7. The place where the italic font is stored is not broken; but the system's process of rendering italic is broken. 斜体字的存储位置并没有被破坏,但是渲染斜体字的系统进程被破坏了。 www.bing.com 8. Italic text represents variables. Substitute values appropriate for your system. 斜体代表变量,一些在系统中的设置值。 bbs.zhuhai.cc 9. The words in italic represent items you can fill in with anything that fits the specification of that template. 斜体字部分表示你可以在模板的这一项填入任何符合规则的内容。 www.bing.com 10. It sets the font to a 24-point bold monospaced font by default, and a 48-point italic serif font when the mouse moves over the button. 它把字体默认值设为24点黑体monospaced的字体,当鼠标移到按钮时,把字体设置为48点斜体serif字体。 www.ibm.com 1. The font, font style (normal, italic, oblique), and font size can be controlled in the generated table of contents and on the page footers. 生成的目录和页脚的字体、字形(常规,斜体,加粗)和字号都是可以控制的。 www.ibm.com 2. Use the Font page to select the desired font type, its base attributes (Italic, Bold, etc. ) as well as the size. 透过字体选项页,你可以选择喜欢的字体种类,它的基本特性(斜体、粗体等等)和大小。 ooo.pingju.org 3. On the View menu , make sure that there is no check mark next to the option Hide Variations ( Bold , Italic , etc. ) . 在“视图”菜单上,确保未选中“隐藏变体(如粗体、斜体等)”选项。 www.bing.com 4. Quick and easy reference New supplementary section with a complete review of basic and cursive italic and capitals. 快速和方便的参考…新补充的基础和草书斜体全面审查和首都部分。 word.hcbus.com 5. The default Table Heading paragraph style is applied to the heading rows and thus makes the text centered, bold, and italic. 默认表格标题段落样式应用于标题行,从而使文本居中、粗体和斜体。 ooo.pingju.org 6. The reminder text and background can both be colored as desired by the user and the text can be set to bold, italic, or both. 提醒的文本和背景都能按照用户的需求被设置成各种颜色,文本还可以设置成粗体、斜体,或者两者同时这样设置。 www.elanso.com 7. Sorrell previously described the current slump as an italic L shape, implying a slow and protracted recovery. 索雷尔先前把当下的经济衰退描述为斜体L型,意指经济恢复是个缓慢而又长期的过程。 www.bing.com 8. This value determines whether the default font for a new workbook is italic. 该数值决定了新工作簿的默认字体是否为斜体。 translations.launchpad.net 9. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text in a Bookmark control is formatted as italic. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示Bookmark控件中的文本的格式是否设置为斜体。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The names and scores of the winning teams are in a bold, italic font, which makes them really stand out. 优胜队的名称和得分用加粗、斜体字体表示,这样可以清晰显示它们。 www.ibm.com 1. The parameters in italic are passed in by the user, but could be hard-coded if you want. 斜体的参数由用户传入,必要时也可以硬编码。 www.ibm.com 2. Italic letters indicate placeholders for information that you supply. 斜体字母表示需由您提供的信息的占位符。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Defines a programming variable . Typically renders in an italic font style . 定义程序变量,通常以斜体显示。 www.bing.com 4. Author's surname, Given name initials. Title of the book (Italic) [M]. Place: Publisher, Year. 作者(姓在前,名在后)。文献题名[M].出版地:出版者,出版年.。 wy.zzhxxy.com 5. The Summary, Description, and Discussion fields support "bold" and "italic" text styles (see Edit menu while some text is selected). Description和Discussion字段支持“粗体”和“斜体”文本样式(在选定某些文本时查看Edit菜单)。 www.ibm.com 6. Author's surname, Given name initials. Title of the article [J]. Name of the Journal (Italic), Year, (volume number) . 作者(姓在前,名在后).文章名[J].期刊名称,年,(期).。 wy.zzhxxy.com 7. Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the requesting device supports italic HTML text. 获取或设置一个布尔值,该值指示请求设备是否支持斜体HTML文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. the "regular" or upright counterpart of an italic or oblique typeface, regardless of whether the type design is spiffed or a sans serif. 另一个含义指“常规”字体,即字型“正立”的字体以区别于斜体,而不管字体本身的式样是衬线体或无衬线体。 www.jcwcn.com 9. Prominence given to a syllable, word, or words, as by raising the voice or printing in italic type. 对于音节、单词或语句的突出,如通过提高音调或用斜体。 www.chinabaike.com 10. A family of type may consist of roman (the BASIC design), italic, bold, bold italic, condensed and expanded, etc. Also called Type family. 一字族可能包括正体(基本设计)、斜体、黑体、黑斜体、窄体、和阔体等等。 dict.ebigear.com 1. A italic penalty clause in the contract outlined by a red triangle is in dispute. 该合同中用红色的三角符号标出的一项斜体字罚款条款存在争议的。 www.bing.com 2. When you apply the bold or italic style to these fonts, Windows creates a synthetic version of the typeface in that style. 向这些字体应用粗体或斜体样式时,Windows将采用该样式创建一个综合版本的字样。 office.microsoft.com 3. This example indents the quote on both sides and puts a blue line on the left side of the quote and makes the text italic. 这个例子中,引用的两边都缩进了而且引用的左边有一个蓝行,同时引用文本也是斜体的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Bold, italic, underline and mixes. Teletype, replaceable, strikeout. 粗体、斜体、下划线以及它们的混合。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 5. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the text was written with the italic attribute. 如果文本以斜体属性编写,则包含。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Property enables you to make text bold or italic. 属性使您得以将文本以粗体或斜体显示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Applies the Italic attribute to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic. 组合键对所选择的区域应用斜体属性。如果光标是在文字上,则文字变为斜体。 ooo.pingju.org 8. Methods: patients with normal lives for ridge, only when the skull, traction for patients with spinal deformity body and italic. 本领:看待脊住寻常的病人,颅骨牵引时仅用主体,对于脊柱反常的病人主体与斜体并用。 www.lostonline.cn 9. Italic to-day is a "Slanted " version of a roman typeface. 现在的斜体,是用正体字改变为倾斜而成。 www.tdict.com 10. Text styles - choose among normal, bold, italic, underline and strikeout fonts. 文本样式-选择在正常,粗体,斜体,下划线和删除线字体。 www.nokiabbs.com 1. However, there are many typefaces that do not have separate fonts to represent bold and italic. 但有很多字样没有单独用于表示粗体和斜体的字体。 office.microsoft.com 2. To apply or remove bold , italic, or underline formats, click the buttons on the Formatting toolbar. 单击“格式”工具栏上的相应按钮,可以快速应用或删除粗体、斜体和下划线格式。 www.jukuu.com 3. Swash capitals are often used with italic lower case letters. 花饰大写,通常配合斜体小写使用。 chinafanyi.com 4. The logo can include italic fonts but must stand out from the logos of established competitor lawyer firms. 这个标志可以包括斜体字体,但一定要站在从律师事务所建立了竞争对手的标识出来。 www.bing.com 5. This applet displays a field where the user can enter rich text (text that you can format as bold, italic, in colors, and so forth). 这个applet显示了用户输入富文本(可设置文本为粗体、斜体、文本颜色等等)的区域。 www.ibm.com 6. An enumerated value indicating whether the font is italic. 指示字体是否为斜体的枚举值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Toolbar followed by the font, size, bold, italic, underline and font color. 工具栏上依次为字体、字号、粗体、斜体、下划线和字体颜色。 img3.zhubajie.com 8. Select the fields you want to format, and then click Bold , Italic , or Underline on the Formatting toolbar. 具体做法是:选定要设置格式的域,然后单击“格式”工具栏上的“粗体”、“斜体”或“下划线”按钮。 www.jukuu.com 9. A line under something, such as a symbol, word, or phrase, used to indicate emphasis or italic type. 下划线划在符号,词或词组下的线,用以表示强调或斜体打印 zhidao.baidu.com 10. By changing a template, you can ensure that all Output Text controls for java. lang. Boolean files use the italic font. 通过更改一个模板,您可以确保java.lang.Boolean文件的OutputText控件使用的是斜体。 www.ibm.com 1. At the end of the day it's still a condor above an italic word mark. 在这一天结束时,仍然是一个以上的倾斜wordmark秃鹰。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The following code example sets the text box labels to blue italic text by setting properties of the. 对象的属性,将文本框标签设置为蓝色斜体文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. When you apply the italic style to text in Comic Sans MS, Windows will make it look italic by slanting the characters. 向采用ComicSansMS表示的文字应用斜体样式时,Windows将通过倾斜字符使其呈现斜体外观。 office.microsoft.com 4. Use bold face, lower-case letter type for titles; use non-bold, italic letter type for sub-titles. 使用大胆面对,降低的情况下,信型职称;使用非大胆,斜体的一封信型为副标题。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Would you change the boldface terms, perhaps using italic or underlining? 你会改变黑体字方面,可能使用斜体或下划线? www.bing.com 6. Bold, Italic, and Outlined need to be added to the text part. 粗体,斜体,并概述了需要被添加到文本的一部分。 www.bing.com 7. Emphasizes text, usually by rendering it in italic. 强调文本,通常以斜体显示。 fred.webcan.cn 8. If part of the text is in a different font or font variation (for example, bold or italic), that part of the line is in a separate text box. 如果文本的一部分,使用了不同的字体或字体变化(例如,粗体或斜体),该部分的文本是在一个单独的文本框里。 ooo.pingju.org 9. Al-properry in contreller-high manufacturing quality poor down the cord, italic, distorted. 基体软、辊的制造质量差造成的倒楞、倾斜、扭曲。 www.bing.com 10. Control to green italic text by setting properties of the. 控件中的超链接设置为绿色斜体文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Finial: Curve that finishes a main stroke in some italic faces, replacing the serif of the roman. 顶饰:一些斜体英文字的主要笔画收笔时的回转弧线,它代替正体的衬线。 www.tdict.com 2. The family includes bold, heavy, italic, light and regular weights, all available for free use. Pigiarniq家族包括粗体、重体、斜体、细体和常规,所有的Pigiarniq都可以免费使用。 www.bing.com 3. Inherited settings are italic and inherited settings that you have overridden are bold. 继承的设置以斜体显示,已经重写的继承设置以粗体显示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The JY AEtna OSF Italic Fonts is a clear option in Transitional Fonts. 在彼安泰因子斜体字体是一个明确的选择,过渡字体。 word.hcbus.com 5. For other formatting, you can use the Bold, Italic, or Underline icons. 要设置其它格式,您可以使用粗体,斜体,或下划线图标。 ooo.pingju.org 6. Toggles the selected text between italic and normal. 在斜体和正常之间切换选定文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Apply or remove italic formatting from the selected text. 应用或删除所选文本的倾斜格式。 office.microsoft.com 8. The XML file can be processed to format this word in some distinct way, such as with a bold or italic font. 可以处理XML文件来以不同的方式格式化此单词,比如将其设置为粗体或斜体。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. In the Pattern field, after the value, type this: style= "font-style: italic" 在Pattern区域中,值的后面,输入以下内容:style=“font-style:italic” www.ibm.com 10. Supports italics, which indicates the device can make device fonts italic. If this bit is not set, GDI assumes italics are not available. 支持斜体字符,设备字体可设置为斜体。如果此位没有设置,GDI认为不能得到斜体。 www.zjrj.org 1. If a typeface is listed with only one variation, it means there are no separate fonts available for bold, italic, or bold italic styles. 如果字样只列出了一个变体,则意味着没有单独的字体可用于粗体、斜体或粗斜体样式。 www.juyy.net 2. The element is typically rendered in italic text. 通常以斜体字文本显示元素。 www.ibm.com 3. Indicates a citation by rendering text in italic. 用斜体显示标明引文。 fred.webcan.cn 4. By default, PSGML simply defines tags to appear in bold and comments to appear in italic. 缺省情况下,PSGML简单地定义标记用黑体显示,注释用斜体显示。 www.ibm.com 5. The examples in that dictionary are in italic type. 那本字典的例句是用斜体字印刷的。 www59.86-0.com 6. These buttons produce HTML tags for bold, italic, image, link, lists, and more. 这些按钮为粗体,斜体,图像,链接,目录以及更多的创建HTML标签。 www.zzbaike.com 7. The paragraph in italic should be set in. 斜体这一段应排进去。 www.hotdic.com 8. In this poem, some lines are printed in black, some in capital letters, and some in italic. 诗中有些诗行是黑体,有些诗行是大写,有些诗行是斜体。 fls.ccnu.edu.cn 9. an extinct Italic language of ancient S Italy. 古代意大利南部一个绝迹的分支。 www.hotdic.com 10. To display the hyperlinks text in italic type. 则以斜体显示超链接文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. This text includes different colors and font modification, such as underline, strikeout, bold, and italic text. 该文本包含不同的颜色和字体修饰,比如下划线、删除线、粗体和斜体。 www.ibm.com 2. To display the error message text in italic type. 则以斜体显示错误信息文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Listing 8 shows the code for the italic formatting button. 清单8显示斜体格式按钮的代码。 www.ibm.com 4. Tag will not render a link as bold or italic. 标记内,则不会将链接呈现为粗体或斜体。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. To display the text box labels text in italic type. 则以斜体显示文本框标签文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. True to display the text boxes text in italic type. 则以斜体显示文本框中的文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. But you are not really supposed to use red bold italic text. 但是,不推荐您使用红色粗斜体的文本。 wiki.fcctt.org 8. To display the titles text in italic type. 则以斜体显示标题文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Specifies an italic font style, if set to. 则指定斜体样式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. He wrote in italic characters. 他用斜体字书写。 www.hxen.com 1. To display the hint text in italic type. 则以斜体显示提示文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. You can format the text using the Bold and Italic properties. 可以使用Bold和Italic属性设置文本格式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. ASCII-formatted text contains no formatting information such as bold, italic, or fonts. ASCII格式的文本不包含像黑体、斜体或字体等格式信息。 office.microsoft.com 4. There are various rich text components, such as bold, headline, italic, inserted images, and embedded links to other artifacts. 多格式文本有多种构件,例如粗体、标题、斜体、插入的图片,以及对其他工件的嵌入链接。 www.ibm.com 5. You can quickly apply character formatting such as bold, italic, or underline by usingtheFormatting toolbar. 利用“格式”工具栏可以快速应用字符格式(例如粗体,斜体或下划线)。 www.bing.com 6. But for now, keep the italic font. 但是现在,保持斜体不变。 www.ibm.com 7. This close italic print is very hard on the eyes. 看这种排得很紧的斜体字,很伤人的眼睛。 www.hotdic.com 8. ADDRESSThis text will be italic. 此文本将以斜体显示。 www.blabla.cn 9. For example, you can apply bold or italic formatting to emphasize a word in the description of a calendar event or task. 例如,可以应用加粗或倾斜格式,以便在日历事件或任务的说明中强调某个词。 office.microsoft.com 10. Matches other digits such as old italic number one. 匹配其他数字,如旧斜体数字一。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The control properties of certain control words (such as bold, italic, keep together, and so on) have only two states. 某个控制字(例如粗体(bold)、斜体(italic)、粗斜体等等)的控制属性仅有两个状态。 blog.csdn.net 2. Letter-form The shape of letters or style of types. For example: italic, bold, etc. Also called Type style. 绘画字体或印刷字体的形状,例如:斜体、黑体等等。 big5.cgan.net 3. Describes how you can make the selected characters bold, underlined, or italic, using the SelectionFont property. 描述如何使用SelectionFont属性使选定的字符变为粗体、带下划线或斜体格式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. For example, you can set colors, change fonts, and make data bold or italic. 例如,您可以设置颜色、更改字体以及使数据加粗或倾斜。 office.microsoft.com 5. This proportional serif typeface is used for text, with italic used for symbols and the first appearance of new terms; 成比例的衬线铅字字体是用来显示文字,而斜字体是用来代表符号及第一次出现的专有名词; www.figtaiwan.org 6. Some new proposals for standardization of straight or italic signs of measurements in papers on computer science 关于在计算机类论文中规范使用量符号正斜体的几点新建议 www.ilib.cn 7. Rule of capitalization and italic of foreign letters in medical literatures 医学文献中外文字母大小写与斜体的运用规则 www.ilib.com.cn 8. You can also specify a bold italic font by putting a space between the two attributes: BOLD ITALIC 您还可以通过在这两个属性之间加一个空格来指定粗体加斜体的字体 www-128.ibm.com 9. Four-bolt sliding bearing italic driving into two halves Types and dimensions 对开式四螺柱斜滑动轴承座型式与尺寸 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Arcus and Arcus Italic (Registration required) ArcusandArcus斜体(需要注册) www.bing.com 1. Character styles affect selected text within a paragraph, such as the font and size of text, or bold and italic formats. (15) 字符样式影响段落内选定文本,如文本的字体和大小,或粗体和斜体格式。 ooo.pingju.org 2. Apply bold, italic, or underline formatting to text 将加粗、倾斜或下划线格式应用于文本 office.microsoft.com 3. Italic Noodle with Fresh Shrimps and Cream 鲜虾奶油意大利面 blog.diandian.net 4. Make tab group bookmarks italic and brown 使标签组里的书签为棕色斜体 forums.mozine.cn 5. Make text italic in the selected field of the PivotTable view 使数据透视表视图的选定字段中的文本倾斜 office.microsoft.com 6. Italian 15th century humanists learn to write a "Roman" hand we call italic (aka Carolingian); 意大利15世纪人文主义学习写“罗马”一方面,我们呼吁斜体(又名加洛林); blog.sina.com.cn 7. The browser displays an italic font 浏览器显示倾斜字体 www.fzs8.net 8. Italic Wide Noodle with Bacon and Crab 培根蟹肉炒宽面 blog.diandian.net 9. A script like italic or copperplate is explicitly formed from the shapes made in engraving; 像斜体字和铜板字这种字体都是从雕刻的图形中演变出来的; www.bing.com 10. To highlight text with styles such as bold, italic, and monospace 使用诸如粗体、斜体及等宽字体之类的样式突出显示文本 www-128.ibm.com |
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