单词 | influence each other | ||
释义 | influence each other
例句释义: 相互影响 1. Many things are the result of how people influence each other, and not because there's some bad guy behind the scene calling the shots. 好多事就是大家互相影响的结果,而不是有什么幕后黑手在组织。 pakistanvoices.com 2. The various risk factors of supply chain do not exist independently but influence each other and are reciprocal causation. 供应链中各种风险因素之间并非独立存在,而是相互影响、互为因果。 www.syyjzz.com 3. Music and literature have always been interrelated and influence each other. 音乐与文学历来是相互结合、相互影响的。 ccclw.cn 4. The State of Performers' Mood tightly relates to the musical performing practice. They influence each other. 音乐表演实践、表演效果与表演者的情绪状态之间有着紧密联系,它们是相互作用、相互影响的。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Desert dust and climate influence each other directly and indirectly through a host of intertwined systems. 沙漠灰尘和气候因素成为一个直接或间接相互影响缠绕错综复杂的系统。 www.bing.com 6. We should know how powerful this sound is. All sentient beings have this vibration or sound, and we influence each other. 我们现在应该知道,那个声音是多么厉害了,任何众生都有那个振动或声音,彼此互相影响。 sm2000.org 7. The medical liability insurance has close contacts with liability for tort of medical treatment. They promote and influence each other. 医疗责任保险与医疗侵权责任有着密切的联系,两者相互促进、相互影响。 china.findlaw.cn 8. The theory of electromagnetism may bring about negative effect on hydromechanics , and both influence each other. 同时,电磁学理论对流体力学具有反作用,它们相互影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Over time, they pick up the ins and outs of mapping-system dynamics and the way varying factors influence each other. 他们懂得了动态规划系统的细节,并且知道了各个因素间相互影响的方式。 www.bing.com 10. Moreover, cooperation benefit and cooperation relationship quality influence each other and have direct relationships. 无论何种业态、何种经营方式,工商合作关系的质量与合作效益具有正相关关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Chinese ancient art have common ground and comparability, which influence each other and development together. 中国古代艺术有着共通性、相融性,它们相互影响、共同发展。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The superstructure, foundation and soil is a unified organic whole, interrelate and influence each other. 高层建筑的上部结构、基础和地基是一个统一的有机整体,三者相互联系、相互影响。 www.fabiao.net 3. Many alternative therapies assume that mind and body are subtly interlocked and influence each other powerfully. 许多另类疗法假设身与心之间有微妙的联系,彼此有强大的影响。 www.rrting.com 4. Subsoil, foundation, superstructure are an organic whole which connect and influence each other. 地基、基础、上部结构是一个统一的有机整体,三者相互联系、相互影响。 www.zidir.com 5. Do you think people who live together or often hang out together will influence each other? 你认为住在一起或经常在一起的人会相互影响吗? zhidao.baidu.com 6. Quarters, we influence each other, encourage each other, compete for the quarters glory. 宿舍里,我们彼此影响,彼此鼓励,为宿舍争光彩。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The development and achievement of many peoples'art is not closed or isolated. They communicate with and influence each other. 世界上许多民族的艺术发展与辉煌都不是封闭、孤立的,而是相互往来、相互影响的。 www.fabiao.net 8. Feminism and modern Olympic Games have deep historical relationship. They act on and influence each other. 女性主义和现代奥林匹克运动会有着极深的历史渊源,两者相互影响,相互作用。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 9. Through culture exchange, different cultures can absorb and influence each other. 通过文化交流,不同的文化可以相互学习,相互影响。 www.putclub.com 10. Terminal visualized effect includes soft terminal and hard terminal, both of which connect and also influence each other closely. 终端视觉形象包括软终端和硬终端,二者相互影响,缺一不可。 www.chemyq.com 1. Different interest groups influence each other to jointly promote the rise in house prices. 不同利益主体相互影响,共同推动了房价上涨。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. You should care about both, as they have a few crucial aspects in common (namely metadata! ) and will therefore influence each other. 因为二者有一些关键的共同点(称为元数据!)并相互影响,所以你必须同时关注。 www.infoq.com 3. In a word, the martial arts and Nuo dance have the same origin and blend and influence each other in the process of development. 总之,武术与傩舞在起源及发展过程中,两者同源异流,既相互交融又相互影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Intra-disciplines within each of them also work together and influence each other. 二者中的多个规程彼此协作,并会相互影响。 www.ibm.com 5. Science, technology and value influence each other and are the unitive exist based on the practice. 科技与价值相互渗透、相互影响,是建立在实践基础上的统一存在。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Liver and kidney all store ministerial fire, and influence each other in stress. 肝肾均藏相火,在应激反应中常互相影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The relationship between all aspects of interrelated and mutually influence each other constraints. 各个环节之间的关系是相互联系、相互影响、相互制约的。 www.fabiao.net 8. agent, TV medium and audience influence each other and benefit from each other. 广告商、电视媒体和受众之间相互制约、互惠互利。 www.boshuo.net 9. But they influence each other in profound and measurable ways. 他们以深刻有策略的方式影响着彼此。 www.ted.com 10. In doing this, the branches influence each other's growth. 这样做,枝条之间互相影响着彼此的生长。 www.unsv.com 1. We influence each other, grow together. 我们相互影响,一起成长。 asiafriendfinder.com 2. You probably influence each other. 你们可能是相互影响。 www.bing.com 3. The most important thing is that come from friends, classmates, peer pressure, they influence each other and encourage each other to smoke . 最主要的是来自朋友、同学、同伴的压力、互相影响、互相鼓励吸烟,互相敬烟。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Books influence each other; they link the past, the present and the future and have their own generations, like families. 书与书相互影响,它们联系过去,包融现在,又衔接未来,而且像家族一样,有自己的继承者。 www.putclub.com 5. Foot can be used as therapy in patients outside the rule, three kinds of role can influence each other. 足浴可作为内病外治的疗法,三种作用可以互相影响。 terms.shengwuquan.com 6. Chinese religion has one especially valuable point: believers and non-believers respect each other, and do not influence each other; 中国宗教现状有一个宝贵的特点:信教者与不信者互相尊重、互不影响; res6zeam.wordpress.com 7. On the Influence Each Other between Teacher Teaching and Student Studying 论施教与择学的相通性 www.ilib.cn 8. Environment Ethics and High-new Technology Influence Each Other 环境伦理学与高新技术的相互影响 service.ilib.cn |
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