单词 | inflated |
释义 |
例句释义: 过高的,高得不合理的,夸张的,言过其实的,膨胀的,充气的,通货膨胀的 1. All that cash has also inflated valuations of fledgling businesses, making it harder for VC funds to turn a profit on them. 所有的资金都追捧那些羽翼未丰的公司,这时vc想从中获利也变得困难。 www.ecocn.org 2. Can be used after inflating, easy to carry. Inflated and deflated when the valve just pinch flat, a dedicated anti-backflow device gas. 充气后即可使用,便于携带。充、放气时仅需捏扁气门嘴,专设气体防倒流装置。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But she said the FDI growth rate is not expected to exceed 10 percent this year because of an already inflated base. 但是她说,今年外商直接投资企业的增长率由于受通胀影响而不到10%。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. Apparently this was one of Stichelbaut's best flyers and had returned from a race from Tours with his air- sacs over inflated. 显然,这一种鸽子是斯蒂克博特最好的飞鸽之一。该鸽子从图尔斯赛事飞回来后,颈部气囊感染。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. This Ponzi-like spiral could not go on for ever but was enough to keep the bubble inflated for a while longer. 这种略带庞式骗局意味的高速发展虽不会持续很久,但也足以让经济泡沫持续好长一段时间。 www.ecocn.org 6. Other investors go so far as to say there's a gold bubble, inflated by the biggest wave of economic anxiety since the Great Depression. 一些投资者甚至宣称,受自从大萧条以来最大的经济恐慌影响,黄金市场存在着泡沫。 c.wsj.com 7. By January its customer service team was able to announce it had worked with the makers to make sure the planets stayed inflated. 到了1月份,他们的客服部门才宣布,已经与制造商共同努力,确保这些星球不会跑气。 www.ftchinese.com 8. 'We're working with the Bank of Thailand to ensure that our competitiveness is not inflated away, ' he said. 他说,我们正在与泰国央行(BankofThailand)合作,确保我们的竞争力不被通胀带走。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The inflated price tag is due to rare and expensive materials used for the handle and screws, all made of platinum. 高昂的价格主要源于制造手柄与螺丝的稀有昂贵材料,螺丝都是铂金的。 www.bing.com 10. Devaluation of a currency also directly harms importers as the cost of imported goods is inflated by the devaluation of the currency. 货币贬值也直接损害进口国的进口商品的成本是由膨胀货币的贬值。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Mata: A lot of interest in him, we're hovering around to see what price gets put on him. If it's too inflated, we'll go elsewhere. 很多俱乐部对他有兴趣。我们在观望看看他究竟要多少钱。如果太贵,我们就去其他家… www.lfcbbs.com 2. There is nothing inherently wonderful about inflated prices, but it is not easy to bet that prices will fall. 膨胀的价格本身没有什么美妙之处,但是押注于价格下跌并不容易。 www.ftchinese.com 3. But a career is like an open balloon. It remains inflated only as long as you keep pumping. 不过,工作就像是一个敞开口的气球,你只有一直给它充气,它才会保持膨胀。 www.yyyyw.com 4. Though Paul was an apostle chosen personally by Jesus Christ himself, yet he is not inflated by such a position. 虽然保罗是耶稣基督亲自拣选的使徒,但他没有因这个位置而骄傲。 www.bing.com 5. The dark earth dream then inflated in counterbalance on the surface of the earth. 地表的黑暗地球梦想为了反平衡随之被膨胀。 cqly186.blog.163.com 6. This could be caused by a lack of trust in you, or an over-inflated sense of his own importance. 这可能是由于对你缺乏信任,也可能是过于高估了自己的重要性。 www.ftchinese.com 7. They complained in reviews on the company's website that the sun, the eight planets and Pluto would often just not stay inflated. 他们在该公司网站上的用户评论中抱怨称,太阳、八大行星和冥王星常常会跑气。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Excessive preoccupation with one's own well-being and interests , usually accompanied by an inflated sense of self-importance . 对自己的安乐和利益过分的关注,通常伴随着极度的妄自尊大感。 www.bing.com 9. Unable to dismount Touareg's tire, we had to fill it for the moment and continue, then get it inflated every ten minutes. 途锐轮胎卸不下来,只好充足气继续开,每隔十几分钟就得再充气。 www.bing.com 10. Boudebouz has been ear-marked as a great talent, and is seen as the more affordable option, with the British market currently over-inflated. 利亚德·布德布兹早就被认定为一位天才。在拥有英国户口本球员极贵的当下,他也被认为是更能接受的选择。 www.lfc.org.cn 1. As the darkness inflated upon the surface of Terra, a dark dream caught upon the human species residing in this region of domain. 当黑暗在地球表面膨胀,黑暗梦想笼罩了居住在这一区域的人类物种上。 cqly186.blog.163.com 2. Amy inflated the balloon so big that it was ready to explode any second. 艾米把气球吹那么大,随时都有可能爆开。 www.hjenglish.com 3. We demonstrate that, this technique produces inflated estimates of the price elasticity. 我们表明,这种技术产生膨胀的价格弹性的估计。 www.syyxw.com 4. Well it appears that the dark earth or space between was inflated due to the ascension of inner earth humans. 唔,黑暗地球梦想或两极空间,似乎由于地心人类的提升而被膨胀。 cqly186.blog.163.com 5. Typically, IT consultancies capture them in the form of onsite service fees, inflated first-half-hour rates, or other surcharges. 一般而言,IT咨询公司会把这些列为现场服务费用、前半小时涨价率(inflatedfirst-half-hourrates)或其他附加费。 www.bing.com 6. In an age of inflated egos and "creative" resume production, behavioral interviews involve lots of no-nonsense "show me" questions. 在一个利己主义不断膨胀和“创新性”简历的时代,行为式面试包含了很多“把你的能力展示给我”的严肃问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. As soon as he landed on the inflated landing mat and with the crowd on their feet, Michael immediately began preparing for his next attempt. 他一落到气垫上,观众们立即站了起来,可迈克尔却又立刻开始为他的下一跳做准备了。 www.360doc.com 8. It seems that you were satisfied until you reflected on your education and inflated your aspirations. 在回想自己的教育经历,并让期望高涨之前,你好像很知足。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This risks going back to the inflated debt ratios that have contributed so much to the recent bubble. 这反过来可能加剧已经居高不下的债务比率,而最近的泡沫很大程度上就是因为债务比率太高。 www.ftchinese.com 10. While the British posters displayed her natural boyish look, the American ones showed her with a clearly inflated chest. 当在英国的海报展示的是她假小子身材的时候,美国观众看到的是她绝对夸张的胸脯。 www.bing.com 1. Below the surface, where the pressures are less, a web of tension cables hold a submerged curtain and the inflated barrier in place. 而水面下当暴风雨的压力退减后,一张由紧致的钢缆编成的网将把一张浸于水中的幕帘与膨胀的障碍带拖到适当的位置。 www.bing.com 2. First the ducks are inflated by blowing air between the skin and body. The skin is then pricked and boiling water poured all over the duck. 首先要在鸭子的皮肤与身体之间鼓入空气,这样皮肤就会被剥离,然后用沸水浇灌整个鸭子。 www.bing.com 3. Richard Shelby, senior Republican on the committee, said the proposals presented a "grossly inflated view of the Fed's expertise" . 参议院银行委员会资深共和党人理查德-谢尔比(RichardShelby)表示,这些提议“严重高估了美联储的专业技能”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. There is reason to believe that this strength is more than just another of the many bubbles that have recently inflated, only to pop. 相較於其他經濟泡沫一衰退就會破滅,有理由可以相信農業的經濟力量還是相當雄厚。 www.bing.com 5. The agency is now pursuing a charge far more serious than inflated commissions, a practice known as "laddering. " 目前经纪人的收费要比考虑了通胀因素的中介费还高得多,实践中将这种现象称为“梯度”。 www.zftrans.com 6. "But it's increasingly clear that those expectations were inflated, " he said. “但是越来越看到这些计划都太夸张了”他说 www.bing.com 7. They borrowed against the inflated equity in their homes or traded up to bigger, more expensive houses. 他们用通货膨胀的房子作借贷,或购买更大更贵的房子。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Their mistake was not so much the decision to invest in biotech stocks, as an inflated belief in the value of science-based patents. 他们的错误与其说是由于投资生物技术股票的决策,还不如说是由于对科学专利价值过于相信。 www.scidev.net 9. The European Central Bank's purchases of Spanish and Italian sovereign debt continue to take the air out of inflated bond yields. 欧洲中央银行购买西班牙和意大利政府债券的行动持续地降低了人们对公债利息过度膨胀的担忧。 club.topsage.com 10. Keeping up a self-image can be a burden. Hanging on to an inflated, unrealistic one is a curse. 维持自我形象会是种负担,执着于自我膨胀和脱离实际是种诅咒。 www.bing.com 1. Indeed, there is already talk that emerging markets could be the next bubble to be inflated by loose monetary policies. 事实上,现在传言纷纷称新兴市场不过是宽松货币政策所鼓吹出来的有一个肥皂泡而已。 bbs.translators.com.cn 2. To provide maximum protection, the airbag must be completely inflated before the vehicle occupant comes into contact with it. 要提供最大保护,车辆乘员接触气囊以前,气囊必须完全充气。 www.bjqxxx.org 3. Think of the amount of energy it takes to hold an inflated beach ball underwater for an extended period of time. 来想想如果将一只吹了气的海滩气球按在水面下很长时间时你要用多少力量。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. It has also led to a lot of public tenders being awarded, often at inflated prices, to family and friends of politicians and officials. 另外,它还导致很多公共竞标,往往以高价格给予政治家、官员的家人和朋友。 www.ecocn.org 5. This finding adds support to theories of how the universe began in an initial Big Bang, inflated rapidly, then developed the first galaxies. 这个发现对于宇宙是如何从最初的大爆炸中开始的,它迅速膨胀,然后发展处第一批星系。 www.bing.com 6. And that means that unlike postwar America, which inflated away part of its debt, Greece will see its debt burden worsened by deflation. 这意味着,不同于二战后的美国——它通过通货膨胀解决了部分债务,希腊只能眼睁睁地看着其债务负担因通货紧缩而恶化。 dongxi.net 7. We haven't inflated it to keep up with the rest of the economy for a couple of expansions. 我们还没有膨胀它为一些扩充赶上经济的其它部分。 bbs.ngacn.cc 8. Credit policies that inflated further an already expanding property bubble would not be helpful. 那种令已经膨胀的地产泡沫进一步胀大的信贷政策对解决问题没有帮助。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Imbalances at this level can result in low self-esteem, inferiority complexes, an inflated sense of self-importance or snobbishness . 在这一层上的不平衡会导致低自尊,自卑心理,一种自我重要或者谄上欺下的夸大的感觉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This time he discovered that the astro navigation clothing balloon inflated equally likely, he is unable to sneak in the cabin door. 此时他发现,宇航服像气球一样膨胀了起来,他无法钻进舱门。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Sleeping Coat is made from lightweight waterproof fabric that keeps the body warm and can be inflated to create a comfortable sleeping bag. 这款睡袋由超轻防水纤维制成,能保暖,也能充气使用更舒适。 www.hjenglish.com 2. The purchase price looks inflated to some, and there may be better uses of the bank's capital. 而且收购价看起来有些受到通货膨胀的影响,也许银行的资本应该流到更合适的地方。 blog.ecocn.org 3. Cuffs wrapped around the lower extremities and the hips are inflated with air in each diastole and deflated instantly at onset of systole. 袖带缠在下肢和臀部被夸大与空气中的每个舒张和收缩立即发病时的收缩。体外反搏有很长的持久的影响心绞痛。 www.syyxw.com 4. Russia's increasing assertiveness is underwritten by the inflated price of oil and a growing nationalism. 俄罗斯的这种过度自信主要是因为石油价格爆涨和俄国内日益抬头的国家主义势力。 www.ecocn.org 5. But many industry analysts have cast doubt on these figures, saying data may be inflated for a variety of reasons. 然而许多业内分析师提出质疑,称这些数据可能出于不同的原因而被夸大。 cn.reuters.com 6. Year-on-year comparisons for multinational companies had been inflated for 12 quarters in a row by a weakening dollar. 连续12个季度来,跨国企业利润年度同比因美元走弱而被夸大。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Collectively, the world mutters in its beard that it "has had a lot of experience with inflated currency. " 全世界都在低声嘟囔,自称“对于通货膨胀有丰富的应对经验”。 www.fortunechina.com 8. Larger-than-life balloons were inflated and marched around the parking lot at a giant stadium in New Jersey. 充满气的各色各样的大气球排列在新泽西州一座巨大露天运动场的停车场中。 www.showxiu.com 9. The price of bringing a container from the Kenyan port of Mombasa to Kigali has rocketed, pushing up the already inflated price of imports. 从肯尼亚海港蒙巴萨拖车到基加利的费用出现飙升,这也让已经通货的进口价格继续上涨。 www.ecocn.org 10. NO EVENT is seared upon Japan's recent memory like the bursting of the country's credit-inflated bubble in land and share prices after 1990. 在日本近年来的记忆中没有哪件事能如1990年后的信用膨胀泡沫的爆破和股票价格的暴跌那样来的更令人印象深刻。 www.ecocn.org 1. Inflorescence a short dense head, subtended by an inflated leaf sheath with rudimentary blade. 花序一紧密的短头状花序,以一膨大的叶鞘具不发育叶片被包着。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. Among the items he spotted were plastic coat hangers, an inflated volleyball, a truck tyre and dozens of plastic fishing floats. 他认出来的有塑料衣架,一个充气的排球,卡车轮胎以及几打塑料捕鱼浮筒。 www.bing.com 3. Pakistan artificially inflated prices by up to 30 percent for supplies like fuel, ammunition, and barbed wire. 巴基斯坦供应商哄抬物价,导致燃料、弹药和铁丝网价格上涨30%。 www.bing.com 4. The Irish took to buying property with such abandon that there was soon a credit-inflated bubble in property prices. 爱尔兰人开始疯狂置业,很快,由于银行信贷的膨胀造成了房地产价格的泡沫。 ecocn.org 5. Art is not the only inflated asset class, either. 艺术品也不是唯一有水分的资产。 www.ecocn.org 6. The reason for the seemingly inflated fee is due to the fact he was under contract with Moscow right up until the end of 2011. 第十一,转会费这么高的原因,主要是因为他和莫斯科火车头的合同一直签到了2011年。 www.qieerxi.com 7. Exaggerated growth forecasts and inflated privatization revenue projections will require additional adjustments going forward. 夸张的增长预测和虚增私有化收益项目讲需要额外的调整。 www.bing.com 8. The bubble is simply taking the form of inflated earnings rather than inflated valuation multiples. 只不过泡沫的形式是盈利被夸大,而非估值倍数被夸大。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Moreover, that deficit would have been even higher but for inflated receipts from ebullient property markets and financial firms. 而且要不是来自繁荣的资产市场和金融公司的收入,赤字还将进一步增加。 club.topsage.com 10. An investigation by the Inland Revenue Department revealed that Chan had inflated the amounts of purchases for the business. 税务局经调查发现,陈夸大该公司的购货金额。 www.ird.gov.hk 1. Macroeconomic data alone cannot provide sufficient information to determine whether asset prices are inflated. 单靠宏观经济数据,还无法提供足够的信息,以确定资产价格是否过度膨胀。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A sizeable chunk of the excess savings that inflated the credit bubble were a product of the Washington Consensus. 导致信贷泡沫膨胀的过剩储蓄中,相当大一部分是“华盛顿共识”的产物。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Clearly, Hamilton's inflated ego is merely symptomatic of a wider, endemic culture within McLaren-Mercedes. 显然,Hamilton的自我膨胀人格只是McLaren-Mercedes内部的一种更广泛的地方流行病的表面征兆而已。 tieba.baidu.com 4. One problem is the likely inflated value of much of that collateral. 问题之一是许多贷款抵押品的价值可能被夸大。 www.ftchinese.com 5. According to the UN's perhaps inflated estimate, the illegal drug industry is worth some $320 billion a year. 根据联合国饱受的估计,每年非法毒品产业价值3200亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 6. Once everything is in place, a balloon on the catheter is inflated, mashing the plaque into the artery wall and expanding a stent. 一旦一步到位,对导管气球充气,压缩斑块到动脉壁和支架扩张。 news.dxy.cn 7. Pellicle appears smooth at low magnification, a thin layer of inflated cortical vesicles can be observed at high magnification. 低倍镜下虫体表膜光滑,而高倍镜下可见表膜具有一薄层排列均匀、整齐的泡状结构。 www2.ouc.edu.cn 8. "Because his bingy inflated like an egg. " The duck said. “因为他的肚子鼓得像一个鹅蛋那么大!”鸭妈妈说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. And to what adolescent striving to define an identity do inflated self-esteem and grandiosity not appear attractive? 而对努力定义一种身份的青少年确实会膨胀自尊与夸张的事情好像没有吸引力? bbs.xlzx.com 10. Cloud computing has rapidly risen to what McDonald calls "the peak of inflated expectations. " 云计算已经迅速攀升到了麦当劳先生所谓的“翘首以望的顶峰”。 www.bing.com 1. That number is inflated by London's role as a global financial hub where foreign banks cluster to do international business. 伦敦作为全球财政中心,外国银行扎堆于此做着国际生意,因此数据被夸大了。 www.ecocn.org 2. Cell appearance was inflated and intracellular proteinase had been released. 细胞形态膨胀,细胞内蛋白酶已释放。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. "Because his bingy inflated like an egg. " The hen said. “因为他的肚子鼓得像一个鸭蛋那么大!”鸡妈妈说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The utility model discloses a product formed with pre-inflated balloons, comprising a container with a cover. 本实用新型公开了将气球在容器中预充气后形成的产品。 ip.com 5. Tourists stand out, so often you'll be singled out for special attention and inflated prices. 旅游者太打眼了,因此经常会被挑选出来予以特别的关照和售以夸张的价格。 www.bing.com 6. Whenever it comes up plagiarism is a hot button topic and essays about it tend to be philosophically and morally inflated. 不论什么时候提起剽窃,它都是个热门话题。批判的文章大多在哲学和道德层面上进行了夸大。 9.yeezhe.com 7. Mr. Puri is also alleged to have sent false statements to Mr. Agarwal that showed an inflated value on his investments. 据其指控,布里还曾向阿加瓦尔寄送虚假陈述文件,所显示阿加瓦尔投资的价值高于实际价值。 chinese.wsj.com 8. In the sea, a young girl was fighting with a large inflated shark; on the beach, olidaymakers were enjoying the warm sun. 在海里,有一个女孩在与一条充气鲨鱼奋力搏斗,沙滩上,度假的人们享受着阳光。 www.bing.com 9. Some figures get banded about, inflated figures, maybe that is done on purpose - but a lot of that is not true. 有些媒体爆出了我要求的薪金,非常夸张的高薪---也许他们是有意为之,但大多数都不是真的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Speculators in New York tried to capitalize on the inflated price of gold in relation to paper currency by corning the gold market. 纽约的投机者试图投资与纸币相比价格飞涨的黄金来垄断黄金市场。 joejoewu.blogchina.com 1. It is a crisis that will land, inevitably, on the city dweller's food plate, in the form of inflated prices. 这场危机最终将不可避免地以价格飙涨的形式,传导到城市居民的餐桌上。 newssgo.com 2. BRIEFCASES of cash, dodgy party financing, inflated expense accounts, corrupt public-works contracts and state-sponsored eavesdropping. 装现金的公文包,狡诈的政党融资,公费报销的大幅增长,腐败的劳务合同以及州际间发起的窃听。 xiaozu.renren.com 3. Instead, price maximums provide stark psychological reminders of how attentive Chinese authorities are to inflated property markets. 相反,设定房价上限让人们清楚地意识到,中国当局有多关注价格过高的楼市。 cn.wsj.com 4. Hence, China's patrolling is a strong counteraction against Japan's provocation, dealing a big blow to the inflated swagger of Japan. 因此,中国的巡逻是对日本挑衅的强大威慑,是对日本膨胀的野心的极大打击。 www.kekenet.com 5. Fruiting calyx tube greatly inflated, bladder like, translucently membranous, with reticulate veins, teeth remaining minute. 非常膨大,囊状的果期花萼筒部,保持小的膜质,具网脉,齿的半透明。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. Both are accused of unlawful conduct over the lease of new police headquarters at grossly inflated prices. 两人都被控非法以明显过高的价格把新的警察总部大楼出租出去。 www.ecocn.org 7. production budgets are often inflated due , perhaps , to inadequate planning or poor economic sense. 二可能因为筹备或者经济概念不足,制作预算往往超过实际开支。 www.ichacha.net 8. Admittedly some headlines have inflated the pandemic's severity, which may have provoked an excessive response from some public authorities. 无疑,一些新闻标题夸大了大流行的严重性,这可能导致了一些公共当局的过度的反应。 www.scidev.net 9. The gain in competitiveness from devaluation would be transient if, as is likely, wages inflated along with prices. 如果工资和物价正如很有可能发生的那样同时飙升的话,由贬值得来的竞争性会是昙花一现的幻影。 www.ecocn.org 10. Carbon fiber composite tubes, 23 to be exact, were inflated, curved into arches and infused with resin at the construction site. 23支碳纤维复合材料管道充气后被弯成具有一定弧度的拱桥,并在建造现场灌注树脂。 www.frponline.com.cn 1. The expectations of partners are inflated to an unmanageable degree: good looks, impressive salary, kind to grandmother, and right socks. 合作伙伴被膨胀的期望到一个无法学位:美貌,让人印象深刻的工资,种外婆,正确的袜子。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The outlook for Sweden is not risk-free. Particularly worrisome are the country's over-inflated house prices. 瑞典经济的前景并非没有风险,其过高的房价尤其令人忧虑。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Virtually all bank loans and OTC derivatives have been issued against inflated and unsustainable asset values . 现在所有的银行带快和柜面衍生物产品定价都是基于通货膨胀和资产价格上涨的。 www.bing.com 4. The Berkshire Hathaway chairman warned the public against buying Chinese stocks at their currently inflated values. 巴菲特警告公众,不要在当前估值水平过高的情况下买进中国股票。 www.ftchinese.com 5. That's the flip side of the inflated prices associated with a bubble, Zhang explains. 张教授解释道,这就是与泡沫相关的价格飞涨的另一面。 www.newchannel.org 6. Without a connection to Soul humans felt very lost and inflated body level consciousness (The False Gods ) to lead them. 失去了对灵魂的联系,人类就会感到非常迷失,并依赖身体层面的意识(也就是虚假神)来指引自己。 www.liangzimimi.com 7. The prices of new properties, they say, would drop because they would no longer be inflated by the land-use fees, which developers pass on. 他们表示,新的房产价格将会下降,因为里面将刨掉由开发商转加的土地使用费。 www.bing.com 8. Crowing like a cockerel , his red cheeks inflated, and his red wings beating. 她想小公鸡那样尖叫着,她红红的脸鼓胀着,他的红翅膀扑腾着。 kcpt.cidp.edu.cn 9. The system can extract lenses, keep the eyeball inflated, and inject lenses in several different ways. 这个系统能够抽取晶状体,保持眼球的膨胀,和用不同的方法注射晶状体。 www.ecocn.org 10. LOSING a law suit is painful. Being landed with an inflated bill for the other side's costs makes it worse. 败诉是件非常痛苦的事,加之承担对方高昂的诉讼费,无疑是雪上加霜。 www.ecocn.org 1. The bubble did not only inflate asset prices, it also inflated pay. 以前的泡沫不仅膨胀了资产的价格,同时也膨胀了薪酬。 www.ecocn.org 2. The problem posed by the paucity of quality hotel rooms and their inflated prices has even spurred India's finance minister to take action. 印度高档酒店客房的稀缺及其高昂价格所引发的问题,甚至促使印度财政部长采取了行动。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Ameriquest, a mortgage originator that inflated appraisals, encouraged customers to lie about their incomes and misled clients about fees. 按揭贷款最初的发起者之一阿姆莱奎斯特(Ameriquest),评级就带有很大的水分,这家公司鼓励顾客谎报收入,还在费用方面误导客户。 dongxi.net 4. You are describing the problem exactly. The dollar was artificially inflated by China. As the dollar declines, China will pay the price. ? 你对这个问题的描述完全正确。美元的价值是被中国人为抬高了的。一旦美元贬值,中国将为此付出代价。 bbs123.blog.china.com 5. The cuff is wrapped around your upper arm and inflated to stop the flow of blood in your artery. 这种缠绕在上臂的套袖膨胀时可使动脉里的血流停止。 www.dxy.cn 6. Branches patently hirsute, base of trichomes inflated; calyx lobes triangular to triangular-lanceolate, strigose only on ridges. 清晰的分枝具粗毛,毛状体的基部膨大;只在脊上披针形萼裂片三角形到三角形,具糙伏毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. It inflated the company's worth by ignoring marketing costs. 它忽略了营销成本,从而夸大了公司的价值。 kb.cnblogs.com 8. In some grade-inflated American high schools, a 4. 0 weighted GPA may place a student in the bottom half of a class. 在美国一些爱夸大事实的高中里,一个班级里有一半以上可能出现4.0的加权成绩。 www.dltcedu.org 9. The settlement focuses on Mr Greenberg's alleged involvement in "numerous improper accounting transactions" that inflated AIG's results. 此次和解聚焦于格林伯格对抬高AIG业绩的“大量不当会计交易”的涉嫌参与。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Capsule inflated, bladder like, with membranous fruit wall, dehiscing at tip of each carpel. 膨大的蒴果,囊状,具膜质的果壁,每心皮在顶部开裂的。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. The dearth of such deals is a reflection of China's red-hot domestic stock market, which has inflated the valuations of acquisition targets. 这类交易数量之稀少,侧面反映了中国国内股市的炙热程度。股市的大幅上涨提高了收购目标的估值。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Agency workers may accept bribes to favour a particular supplier, agree to an inflated quote or turn a blind-eye to theft from a warehouse. 机构工作人员可能收取贿赂而偏向某个供应商,接受过高的报价或者对仓库盗窃视而不见。 www.bing.com 3. As the currency of a country is inflated, the prices of goods begin to rise. 当一国的通货发生膨胀时,物品的价格开始升高。 www.easydata.com.cn 4. Buddha inflated the light earth dream creating pattern after pattern to foster his evolution to the fourth dimension. 佛陀膨胀了光明地球梦想,制造了一个又一个模式来培育去往第四密度的进化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In Spain and Ireland property bubbles that were inflated in part by the switch to low euro interest rates have burst spectacularly. 在西班牙和爱尔兰,部分由于欧元开始施行低利率政策所导致进一步膨胀的房产市场泡沫突然破灭了。 www.ecocn.org 6. There's a chance, he says, the estimated number of kangaroos has been wildly inflated. 他说,有可能袋鼠的预计数量已经被严重夸大了。 bbs.diandian.net 7. "Male frigate birds have this spectacular adaptation: Their skin can be inflated enormously to attract mates, " said Boorujy. “雄性军舰鸟拥有这种引人注目的适应性变化:它们的皮肤能极大地膨胀以便吸引异性,”博瑞说。 www.bing.com 8. Each timeinterest rates were lowered prices inflated until the cost of the average homehad doubled in just three years. 银行利率每降低一次,房产价格就膨胀一次,直到平均房价在三年内翻了一倍。 www.bing.com 9. The DNA was swiped through the exaggerated space between inflated in the false ascents of the Pharaohs. DNA是透过法老的虚假提升所导致的两极空间的膨胀与扩大而被偷走的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Make sure all of your tires are properly inflated. The more rolling resistance your tires exert, the harder your engine has to work. 给轮胎充好气:确定所有的轮胎都打好了气,轮胎的滚动阻力越大,引擎损耗越大。 dongxi.net 1. The internalized homophobia and the inflated black masculine self prevent Rufus from admitting his homosexual inclinations. 对同性恋的恐惧和极度膨胀的黑人男性自尊使得鲁弗斯羞于面对自己的同性倾向。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. To ensure that progress measures are not inflated, keep track of the test coverage -- it should be at 100% for all completed scenarios. 为确保过程度量不是虚拟膨胀的,保持测试的覆盖率——应该是100%覆盖到所有完成的场景。 www.ibm.com 3. Of course this number is inflated -- statically linked programs would incorporate only those parts of the library that they use. 当然这个数字有一些夸张——静态链接程序只合并它们使用的那部分程序库。 www.ibm.com 4. This also allows inventories to be inflated and illegal wood to enter the supply chain. 这引起了存货价格飞涨,也造成非法原木进入供应链。 www.ecocn.org 5. Or it is an enormous bubble, produced by capital controls and excess liquidity, that has massively inflated the value of mainland companies? 抑或它只是资本控制和流动性过剩所造成的大泡沫,极度夸大了内地公司的实际价值? www.ftchinese.com 6. The recorded death toll at Towton may well have been inflated to burnish the legend of Edward's ascent to the crown. 陶顿战役的战果记载很可能被大大夸大了,因为要给爱德华的登基增添几分传奇色彩。 www.ecocn.org 7. erect subshrub having purple-tinted flowers and an inflated pod in which the ripe seeds rattle; India. 直立半灌木,浅紫色花,成熟的种子在鼓胀的荚里哗哗响;印度。 www.dictall.com 8. Periodic wheel alignments and keeping tires inflated to the maximum recommended pressure can improve your gas mileage. 定期进行车轮定位,并将轮胎的充气压力保持在推荐的最高值,可以改善油耗。 www.fueleconomy.cn 9. Numerous factors inflated the cost of imports in 2007, including rising commodities prices - notably for oil and iron ore. 多个因素推升了中国2007年的进口成本,其中包括大宗商品价格不断上涨——尤其是石油和铁矿石。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The top of bucket is sealed with rubber membrane, and the rubber membrane inflated at a pressure. 水桶顶端用橡皮膜密封,橡皮膜在压力作用下膨胀。 1. But foreign investment and low interest rates inflated a property bubble, raising prices to levels that could not be supported. 但外国投资和低利率楼市泡沫的膨胀,提高价格是不能支持的水平。 www.englishtang.com 2. Under-inflated tires are more likely to cause a blowout, which can result in very bad things. 充气不足的轮胎更容易爆胎,这会导致非常糟糕的事情。 www.bing.com 3. Infrared illumination levels are measured within individual or groups of inflated mattress chambers. 在单独的或成组的充气床垫腔内测量红外照明水平。 ip.com 4. afire with annihilating invective; a devastating portrait of human folly; to compliments inflated I've a withering reply- W. S. Gilbert. 因恶语谩骂而怒火中烧的;荒唐人类的讽刺像;对夸张的恭维我都给以讽刺的回答。 www.jukuu.com 5. Even by today's inflated standards, 100m is an obscene amount of money. 即使用如今高通胀的标准看,一亿欧元的转会费也是一笔巨大的费用。 hi.baidu.com 6. Prices within a particular currency area can rise only when that particular currency is inflated. 某一货币区域的物价上涨只能由该货币的通胀引起。 www.bing.com 7. Annual, lacking non-flowering shoots at anthesis; spikelets obovate-cuneate; glumes firm, inflated. 一年生草本,缺乏的非花嫩枝在花期;小穗倒卵形楔形;颖片公司,膨大。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Then Cuba had become dependent on selling sugar to the Soviet Union at an inflated price. 那时古巴物价飞涨,对向苏联出口蔗糖很依赖。 www.ecocn.org 9. rachis internodes linear, inflated upward, shorter than spikelet, margins ciliate. 轴节间线,向上使膨胀,短于小穗,边缘具缘毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Meanwhile, the coupon is constant, stems from the inflated principal and is paid at maturity. 同时,受益于资本增长的红利固定,并且定期支付。 www.bing.com 1. Mr Davis may not have scooped up many votes, but his importance is now being rapidly inflated by Republican spin-doctors. Davis先生也许得票率不高,但是共和党人的助选顾问们迅速彰显了他的重要性。 www.ecocn.org 2. The numbers are probably a bit inflated, as most numbers are in the People's Republic, but the trend line is undeniable. 这些数字可能是有些夸大的,就好象中华人民共和国的很多数字一样,但是这种趋势是无法否认的。 www.tryjohn.com 3. Some analysts believe that investors have inflated a speculative bubble in commodities. 一些分析家相信投机者夸大了农产品和矿产品的投机泡沫。 www.ecocn.org 4. But fathers' rights activists and educators now argue that an inflated predator panic is damaging men's relationships with kids. 然而,倡导父亲权力的活跃人士现在提出反对意见,说过度渲染男性负面形像正在破坏男性和孩子间的关系。 www.neworiental.org 5. Corolla salverform , tube cylindric, slightly inflated near base, lobes overlapping to right. 高脚碟状的花冠,圆筒状的筒部,稍膨大近基部,裂片对正确地重叠。 www.showxiu.com 6. Humphys' book laments the growth of " cliched , dumbed-down, inflated and bogus management-speak" which he says now passes for English. 汉弗莱斯的这本书表达了作者对“陈腐愚蠢、夸张虚伪的官腔语言”滋生的悲叹,而这种语言现在(居然)被称为英语。 dict.wenguo.com 7. Problems with the selection of both cases and controls may have inflated the observed odds ratio. 问题的选择和控制这两种情况下可能有夸大的观察比值比。 www.syyxw.com 8. Taxpayers could foot bill for inflated valuations of assets in government's protection scheme amid talk of potential 'fraud' 纳税人可能得为政府资产保护计划这一被传是一个可能的骗局中被过高估价的资产埋单。 www.bing.com 9. But even if the WFP has been misled into giving an inflated estimate of the dangers, "food aid may nonetheless be warranted. " 但是即便世界粮食计划署被误导,对危险性估计过高,“食品援助应得到保证。” www.ecocn.org 10. When inflated, the bladder serves as a natural buoyancy aid, keeping the fish upright in the water. 当鱼鳔膨胀时,会增加天然浮力助,帮助鱼类在水中保持直立姿势。 newssgo.com 1. Financial crisis rapidly inflated to a nation-wide economic crisis. 金融危机迅速扩展成全国性的经济危机。 2. This has inflated an enormous bubble that was a leading cause of the financial crisis. 这种扩张引发了巨大的经济泡沫,这是此次金融危机的主因。 www.bing.com 3. The inflated cuff compresses the tissues and vessels to stop the arterial pulse. 充气的袖带压迫组织和血管使动脉搏动停止。 www.yappr.cn 4. Fruiting calyx slightly inflated, teeth short; capsule teeth erect. Seeds with concave surfaces. 果期花萼稍膨大,齿短;蒴果齿直立。种子具凹的表面。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Some emerging stock valuations, especially of state-owned banks, may be inflated. 一些新型股市估值,特别是一些国有银行,可能被高估。 www.bing.com 6. That liquidity inflated the mainland stock market first, then commodity markets and property market last. 流动性先是在大陆股市泛滥,接着进入大宗商品市场,最后流入房市。 www.bing.com 7. Are you presenting yourself in the best possible light? Downplaying your accomplishments is no better than having an inflated ego. 你最好地展示自己了吗?忽视你的成就并不比有一个夸张的自我更好。 waiyu.kaoshibaike.com 8. When you shop for tires, look for the longest-wearing types you can find and keep them properly inflated to reduce wear and save gas. 当你买轮胎的时候,要尽你所能买那些最耐磨的,并且保证胎的气要足这样可以减少磨损和节省汽油。 www.bing.com 9. In particular, the substrate is an inflated bladder such as an airbag used in athletic shoes. 特别地,所述基底为充气的囊状物如用在运动鞋中的气囊。 ip.com 10. Strap it on to the inflated tube pillow and let Madame Butterfly do all the work. 带它到膨胀管枕头,让蝴蝶夫人做的所有工作。 www.ttbuy168.com 1. The banking system, inflated by British home owning fetishism and dodgy American loans, has experienced a trauma. 由于英国人对房屋产权的盲目追捧,以及狡猾的美国贷款,英国的银行系统已经受到了一次伤害。 www.bing.com 2. They were made on the basis of collateral whose value was inflated by a bubble. 而这一切的根源是所抵押的房产的价格由于泡沫的产生而飞涨。 www.bing.com 3. Match 3 game with a twist! Match three balloons to set them free them from their inflated incarceration. 匹配三个气球设置它们摆脱膨胀监禁他们。 macos.it168.com 4. The balloon is inflated and starts to rise to the sky. 气球充好气了,然后开始向天上飞去。 www.englishtown.cn 5. But it's now becoming clear that flaws in these studies inflated the benefits of flu vaccination in the elderly. 但现已证明这些研究中流感疫苗对老年人的作用显然被夸大了。 news.dxy.cn 6. Hold an inflated balloon in mouth, which is as big as your face. The balloon and your own hair make up a new head. 一个与脸大小差不多的气球,用嘴咬着气球的嘴儿,刚好挡住脸,与露出的头发组成一个新头。 www.fqart.com 7. Now he's gone perhaps they can begin to consider whether any human being can match up to their grossly inflated expectations. 现在他已离去﹐也许人们可以开始想想﹐他们对从政者那渐趋膨胀的非份期望﹐是不是真的有人能应付得了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But foreign investment and low interest rates inflated a property bubblerasingraising prices to levels that could not be supported. 然而外国投资和低利率导致房产泡沫的产生,令房价升高至无力支撑的水平。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. American regulators stood idle as the housing bubble inflated. German banks often required a down payment of 40 percent. 这个角色始自于严格的监管,美国的监管机构在泡沫扩张时是无效的,德国银行通常要求40%的首付款。 dongxi.net 10. A balloon apparatus includes a balloon having an inflation opening that can be closed for keeping the balloon inflated. 一种气球装置包括具有充气开口的气球,可将该充气开口闭合以保持气球充气。 ip.com 1. The USA lived off credit for too long, inflated its financial sector massively and neglected its industrial base. 美国长期以来依赖信贷,金融行业虚增并且忽视了产业基础。 www.bing.com 2. In recent years, consumers increasingly overborrowed, especially against inflated home values. 近年来,过度举债的消费者与日俱增,尤其是在房屋升值的背景下。 cei.lib.whu.edu.cn 3. Corolla pale green, brownish, or reddish brown, slightly curved, distal portion slightly inflated, lobes spatulate, ca. 4 mm, reflexed. 花冠苍绿色,带褐色,或红棕色,稍弯曲,上部部分稍膨大,匙形的裂片,约4毫米,。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. Seeds often inflated, roughened, without reticulate striae. 种子通常膨大,使粗糙,没有网状的条纹。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Inflatable boats should have multiple air chambers and be test- inflated before launching. 充气船应该有多个气室并在下水前作充气测试。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. For a man who thought his best talent was throwing an inflated ellipsoid a long way, I've been fortunate in my career. 相较于认为自己最擅长的是将橄榄球扔出很远的人来说,我为自己的事业感到庆幸。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. underwater parts often swollen and spongy or with inflated white spongy pneumatophores. 在水下部分的被通常膨胀和海绵状的或具膨大的白色的海绵状的气生根。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. They are then inflated again up to the nominal pressure (400 PSI). 再次膨胀球囊直至达到额定的压力(400PSI)。 adoop.cn 9. Black-market prices will be further inflated by rising demand by consumers ineligible for "in-plan allocations" of input. 由于无法获得“计划分配”的消费者持续增长的需求,黑市物价将进一步膨胀。 zhidao.wangchao.net.cn 10. Local residents also refer to the inflated prices as a cause for fewer births. 当地居民也会考虑通胀的物价同样是低生育水平的一个原因。 www.bing.com 1. There are entities of the space between that have inflated themselves into "god goddess" over life. 是被两极空间的存有将自我膨胀为“神与女神”(godgoddess)。 cqly186.blog.163.com 2. But the cost of the Chinese policy has been high, as prices have surged this year; housing prices have inflated especially quickly. 随着物价上升,中国政策的代价非常昂贵,尤其是房地产价格膨胀更为迅速。 www.bing.com 3. In inflated prices and stolen food anti-corruption campaigners see proof of how aid rots everything it touches. 反腐败运动者从膨胀的物价和被偷走的食物中看到了援助是如何腐化了它接触的所有东西。 www.ecocn.org 4. A well-inflated tyre decreases the rolling resistance and thereby increases the efficiency. 气压适当的轮胎能减少行驶中的阻力从而提高效率。 q.sohu.com 5. A former Fed official said this strategy enables banks to sell these securities to the Fed at an inflated price. 一位前美联储官员表示,这种策略致使银行能够以抬高的价格向美联储出售这些证券。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Their practice of taking payment from the companies they assess was blamed for causing inflated ratings. 这些公司向受评公司收取费用,被认为是评级存在水分的原因。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Corolla red, slightly curved, with appressed stellate hairs, basal part slightly inflated, lobes lanceolate, ca. 7 mm, reflexed. 花冠红色,稍弯曲,具紧贴的星状毛,基部的深裂的稍膨大,裂片披针形,约7毫米,反折。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. In the combustion, the soul of Rama was puffed up and inflated into greater power than before. 在燃烧中,Rama的灵魂被膨胀而比先前力量更大。 niaoshiguanchao.blog.163.com 9. The government inflated the economy by increasing the supply of money thus resulting in severe inflation. 政府用增加货币供应的办法刺激经济增长,从而造成严重通货膨胀。 www.5doc.com 10. "Past compensation of top management was inflated by higher risk whose losses were not realised until this year. " “最高管理层过去的薪酬由于风险上升而提高,但风险造成的损失直到今年还尚未体现出来。” www.ftchinese.com 1. "The market is correcting itself, and was very inflated. Now it's adjusting. " “市场曾经膨胀,现在正在调整回归。” www.bing.com 2. Input prices, meanwhile, may be inflated by the tight supply of ore. 与此同时,成本价格可能会因铁矿石供应吃紧而激增。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Her government's plan to seek cuts of 50 billion reais ($30 billion) in the inflated budget may be both insufficient and hard to implement. 政府削减500亿雷亚尔(300亿美元)虚增预算的计划也许根本不够,实施起来也很困难。 www.ecocn.org 4. Housing prices in Beijing and Shanghai are clearly inflated and demand continues to grow unabated. 北京和上海的房价显然过高,而需求却有增无减。 www.ftchinese.com 5. On- site ads include the following types : inflated arch , flag post , sign post , ad post , hoisting flag, air balloon banner . 现场广告包括以下类型:广场门楼广告,升空气球条幅,充气拱形门广告,广告牌,司标旗,广告旗,三角广告立牌等。 www.bing.com 6. However, they may not be as tough as before. Everything else is inflated already. 不过,现在的他们未必能够像以前那么坚定了——所有的东西都在膨胀。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Once the zip file has been inflated (on my system the inflated directory was not much larger -- only 412MB), execute the setup executable. 将zip文件解压之后(在我的系统上解压后的目录并没有大多少,只有412MB),执行可执行文件setup。 www.ibm.com 8. Herbs, repent, stoloniferous, rooting at nodes, nodes inflated. 草本,匍匐,有匍匐茎,使生根在节上,节膨大。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Could an athlete sporting genetically inflated musculature exert enough force to snap his or her own bones or tendons? 利用基因疗法来增加肌肉的运动员,可能会因使力过大而拉伤自己的骨骼或肌腱吗? www.showxiu.com 10. The Libyan crisis also punctures some inflated hopes about other European countries. 利比亚的危机也揭穿了关于其他欧洲国家膨胀的希望。 www.bing.com 1. And by sheer luck, tax cuts, planned when the economy was still strong, inflated demand at exactly the right time. 特别幸运的是在经济依旧强劲的时候减税,适时的刺激了需求。 www.ecocn.org 2. Shorter stamens with connective decurrent, inflated, forming a short triangular spur. 短雄蕊具药隔下延,膨大,形成一短三角形的距。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. This would allow banks to maintain inflated valuations for the assets they retain. 这会导致银行保留下来的资产维持虚高估值。 www.bing.com 4. In this case . . . researchers inflated prices of wines . . . and then observed the brain's activity related to perceptions of pleasure. 研究人员夸大酒价。。。并且观察大脑活动与快感间的联系。 www.elanso.com 5. Hebe: How come the Japanese yen has inflated so much? 怎麽最近日圆汇率涨那麽多啊? times.hinet.net 6. INFLATED claims in the beauty industry are a hazard of the trade. 夸大宣传是美容业的一大隐患。 www.ecocn.org 7. A balloon is inflated at the level of the gastroesophageal junction to blindly rupture the muscle fibers while leaving the mucosa intact. 气球充气时的水平,盲目胃交界处的肌纤维断裂而离开黏膜完整。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Quarter after quarter, he inflated Satyam's profits, even as operations expanded and costs grew. 他一季复一季地夸大萨蒂扬的利润,即便是业务扩张而成本上升的时候也是如此。 club.topsage.com 9. The balloons are inflated to push the bone back into its normal position, then bone cement is used to keep it from collapsing again. 气球膨胀将骨头推向正常的位置,然后骨头接合剂防止脊椎骨再次损伤。 www.bing.com 10. dominant branches usually inflated at base and flexuous, lower branchlets sometimes shortened into weak thorns. 通常的有势力的分枝膨大的在基部和之字形,低的小枝有时变短到弱的刺。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. The tube has a deflated balloon in the tip. When the tube is placed in the narrowed valve, the balloon is inflated to stretch the area open. 在导管的前端有一个球囊,当它位于狭窄的瓣膜时,使其膨胀扩张开狭窄部位。 www.showxiu.com 2. A lack of competition on many routes has led to inflated prices. 许多航线缺乏竞争导致票价高涨。 www.ecocn.org 3. And both have armies with inflated views of their importance to national survival. 还有,两国军队都很骄傲,认为他们对国家存亡至关重要。 www.ecocn.org 4. The present invention discloses one kind of netted sandwich cloth for making large inflated toy. 本发明公开了一种用于制造大型充气玩具的夹网布。 ip.com 5. A former Fed official said this enables banks to sell these securities to the Fed at an inflated price. 美联储一名前官员称,这一做法使银行得以向美联储溢价出售证券。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Critics believe this cheats retail investors who later buy post-IPO shares at inflated prices. 批评人士相信,这欺骗了在挂牌后以高价买进股票的散户投资者。 cn.reuters.com 7. Preferences were shown by brain wave patterns as highest when wines came with inflated prices. 当酒价变得夸张时,显示脑波图样的指数会达到最高点。 www.elanso.com 8. Footballers' salaries have inflated rapidly, along with transfer fees. 球员的薪水一直迅速上涨,转会费也不断提升。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "Often, these companies have inflated expectations when they hire, " Durbin says. “通常这些企业在招聘的时候都有极高的期望,”杜宾说。 www.bing.com 10. Empty your car of items you don't need, keep tires inflated and drive the speed limit for better fuel economy. 清空您车上不必要的物品,把轮胎充满气和在限定的车速内行驶以便节省燃料。 www.elanso.com 1. connective abaxially with a short basal spur, adaxially slightly inflated tuberculate. 药隔背面具一短基生距,正面稍膨大具瘤。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. Not everyone thinks of English soccer as a debt-inflated bubble. 也不是所有人都把英格兰足球看作债务泡沫。 www.bing.com 3. Note that these manufactuers give specification for the wheel without tire, or without inflated tire. 请注意,这些manufactuers给轮胎的车轮不规范或不充气轮胎。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. tropical American annual herb having an inflated pod in which the ripe seeds rattle. 热带美洲一年生草本植物,在鼓胀的荚里成熟的种子哗哗响。 www.dictall.com 5. A "safer" financial system leaves ample scope for pay packages that most people will rightly regard as offensively inflated. “更安全”的金融体系为大多数人确实认为过于膨胀的奖金支付留下了充足余地。 blog.vsharing.com 6. Don't leave a mattress inflated in a car on a hot day; overheating could cause the mattress to burst. 在炎热天气里不要把充好的气垫放在汽车里,过热会导致气垫爆裂。 dict.bioon.com 7. When the seeds sprout, some individuals produce annularly inflated hair zones above early initial roots near root tip meristematic zones. 种子萌发时,部分个体早期初生根紧邻根尖分生区之上产生环状膨大生毛区。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Their outsized sales and earnings have inflated China's savings and trade surpluses. 这些企业极其庞大的销售收入和利润使得中国的储蓄和贸易顺差膨胀。 c.wsj.com 9. Save 5% on your fuel bill by keeping tires inflated to the correct pressure. 保持胎压正常可以节约5%的燃料费用。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Then it happened all over again, starting in 2004 with the listing of Google on the stockmarket, which inflated a new "Web 2. 0" bubble. 然而历史又重演了一次。伴随着2004年google的上市,开始了新的一轮“Web2.0”泡沫膨胀。 www.ecocn.org 1. The former Porto boss insisted the inflated prices in the English market does not help him buy home-grown players. 前波尔图主教练坚持英国市场的恶性膨胀阻止了他购买本土球员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. an inflated ball used in playing volleyball. 排球运动中使用的充气球。 www.hotdic.com 3. True, the inventory ratio is inflated by falling sales, and in absolute terms inventories are falling. 确实,由于销售的下滑,存货销售比是被高估了,而存货的绝对数额是在减少的。 www.ecocn.org 4. But some critics--including one who helped feed the frenzy--say that while the 2009 Bordeaux will taste nice, the prices are inflated. 一些批评人士,包括助长了这种疯狂的人说,尽管2009年波尔多葡萄酒尝起来不错,但价格也在高涨。 c.wsj.com 5. The inflated price is due to the unique route the beans take from bush to cup. 其夸张的价格归因于咖啡豆从灌木丛到杯子要经历的独特过程。 www.ftchinese.com 6. LA SALLE himself sued for certain high privileges, and they were graciously accorded him by Louis XIV of inflated memory. 拉萨尔本人请求得到一定高度的特权,在夸张的记忆中路易十四仁慈地同意了他的那些要求。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The numbers of people involved have been grossly inflated by the media. 涉及的人数被媒体过渡的夸大。 www.kaocn.com 8. Inside the airplane, an inflated vest can reduce your mobility and block other people. 在飞机中,一个充了气的背心会减弱你的机动性和堵住其他人。 www.bing.com 9. No more inflated ticket prices and no need to buy a new TV for a feature no one ever really wanted? 没有了飞涨的票价,也不需要为了一个人们不是真的需要的特性而购买新的电视机?对我来说挺好。 www.bing.com 10. Bite through a inflated balloon by mouth. 用嘴巴把一个充气的气球咬破。 www.fqart.com |
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