单词 | magnetic coupling |
释义 | 例句释义: 电磁联轴节,磁性藕合,磁耦合,电磁联结器,磁性耦合 1. The system includes a power source and a magnetic coupling element for securing the power supply system to the electrically powered device. 所述系统包括电源和用于将所述供电系统固定于所述电动装置的磁耦合元件。 ip.com 2. The force coupling, moment coupling and magnetic coupling etc are natural characteristics in a magnetic suspended rotor system. 磁悬浮转子系统的力耦合、力矩耦合、磁耦合等耦合现象是磁悬浮转子系统的特性。 www.dictall.com 3. The magnetic coupling function and equivalent relationship between reluctance rotor and cage rotor have been analyzed. 分析了电机转子的磁耦合作用以及磁阻和笼型转子的等效关系; www.lw23.com 4. In case of critical media the magnetic coupling is a reliable seal and prevents any serious leaking. 在媒体的批评的情况下,磁耦合是一个可靠的密封,防止任何严重的泄漏。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Finally, mechanics-magnetic coupling dynamic characteristics of the electromagnetic vibratory mechanism for FMAV are discussed. 最后,研究了电磁振动式微扑翼机构机-磁耦合非线性系统动力学特性。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Provides Improved Magnetic Coupling. Isolated & Supported by Shock Absorbing Silicon Rubber Washers. 改善了磁耦合性能.它由硅橡胶垫圈支撑并通过其绝缘。 wenku.baidu.com 7. The blood pump works based on non-contact magnetic coupling drive; and comprises a pump body and a drive mechanism in vitro. 该血泵采用无接触式磁耦合传动方式,由设置在体内的泵体和设置在体外的驱动装置两部分组成。 ip.com 8. The liquid level gauge operates on principle of buoyancy and magnetic coupling effect. 液位计根据浮力原理和磁性耦合作用原理工作的。 shhxw.famens.com 9. Applying a magnetic coupling, the drive and the driven sides are hermetically separated. 应用的磁耦合,驱动和从动侧是密封分离。 wenku.baidu.com 10. In any case it does the coupling between one or a plurality of motors and the cylinders by the magnetic coupling device. 无论如何都经由磁耦合装置进行一个或多个电机与圆筒之间的耦合。 ip.com 1. The magnetic coupling therefore is used to ensure no media leaking or when pumps are used hazardous areas such as explosive areas. 因此,磁耦合是用来确保没有媒体泄漏或泵使用时,例如爆炸区的危险区域。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Magnetic Coupling of a Communication Line with a Crossing Power Line 强电线交叉跨越时对通信线的磁耦合 www.ilib.cn 3. Study of Nonlinear Characteristic Curve for the Core of Transformer with Magnetic Coupling 变压器铁心磁耦合下非线性特性曲线的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. The Electromagnetism Analysis of a New-Type Resisting High Temperature Magnetic Coupling 从电路和磁路角度来分析新型耐高温磁力联轴器 ilib.cn 5. Discussion of the energy relation of a couple of magnetic coupling circuits 两个磁耦合回路能量关系的探讨 www.ilib.cn 6. Finite element analysis of temperature field during quenching by heat-magnetic coupling with the consideration of phase transformations 热磁耦合下淬火考虑相变的温度场有限元分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Numerical calculation of torque transferred by a new typed high temperature resisting magnetic coupling 新型耐高温磁力联轴器传递转矩的数值计算 ilib.cn 8. Research on the Feasibility of a Magnetic-coupling-driven Axial Flow Blood Pump 磁偶合驱动轴流式血泵的可行性研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Research of a New-type Resisting High Temperature Magnetic Coupling 新型耐高温磁力联轴器的研制 ilib.cn 10. Analysis of the Magnetic Coupling Force Transmission in Extra Magnetic Field Driven Blood Pumps 外场驱动血泵磁力耦合传动受力分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Optimization Trial and Analysis of Parameter on a New Type Magnetic Coupling Enduring High Temperature 新型耐高温磁力联轴器参数优化试验及分析 ilib.cn 2. Application of the Magnetic Coupling on Rotary Film Molecular Distillation 磁力驱动在旋转薄膜分子蒸馏装置上的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Chaotic motion of a double-pendulum with magnetic coupling 磁耦合双摆的混沌运动 www.ilib.cn 4. Calculative Study on Constructure Parameters of Magnetic Coupling Transmission Elements for Ultrahigh Vacuum 超高真空磁力耦合元件结构参数的计算研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Artificial Heart Pump Suspended Rotor Unbalance Mass and Magnetic Coupling Control 人工心脏泵磁悬浮转子质量不平衡及磁耦合研究 ilib.cn 6. Effect of Electronegativity of Atoms in Terminal Ligands on Magnetic Coupling Interactions 端接配体原子的电负性对磁耦合作用的影响 service.ilib.cn 7. Structure and Magnetic Drive Design of Magnetic Coupling Driven Plastic Self-Priming Pump 磁力塑料自吸泵结构和磁力传动设计 ilib.cn 8. Simplifying Calculation of Three Dimension Fields of Magnetic Coupling of Gear Pump 磁力传动齿轮泵磁耦合器三维磁场的简化计算 ilib.cn 9. High Emissivity and Magnetic Coupling Process in Accretion Disc Radiation 吸积盘辐射的高发射率指数研究 service.ilib.cn 10. Application of magnetic coupling in underwater propeller motor 磁性联轴节在水下推进电机上的应用 service.ilib.cn 1. Magnetic Coupling Between Two Adjacent Type-II Superconductors 两相邻第II类超导体间的磁耦合 edu.qiji.cn 2. Torque calculating of magnetic coupling of heavy still bottoms gear pump 重质残油磁力传动齿轮泵磁偶合器扭矩计算 www.ilib.cn 3. Steel Rope Fault Quantitative Detection Based on Equivalent Magnetic Coupling Model 基于等效磁耦模型的钢丝绳损伤定量检测 service.ilib.cn 4. Application of magnetic coupling in reel drives 磁力联轴器在卷筒驱动中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Research of Magnetic Coupling Series 永磁联轴器的系列化 ilib.cn 6. Magnetic coupling max technical data 的最大磁耦合技术数据? wenku.baidu.com 7. A Novel Principle of Arc Suppression Coil Based on Changing Magnetic Coupling to Adjust Inductance 基于变耦电抗器的消弧线圈的新原理 service.ilib.cn 8. Torque of radial magnetic coupling: a FEM approach 用有限元法分析径向磁性联轴器的力矩特性 www.ilib.cn 9. New Type Arc Suppression Coil Based on Changing Magnetic Coupling to Adjust Inductance 基于变耦电抗法的新型消弧线圈 service.ilib.cn |
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