单词 | in the hope that |
释义 |
例句释义: 希望,希望能,怀着…的希望 1. He is always strict with himself in the hope that he can get up to the high standard required for a communist. 他总是严格要求自己,希望能够达到对一个共产党员提出的高标准。 www.jukuu.com 2. So the city chose bankruptcy in the hope that it might be able to restructure some of those pension promises. 因此城市选择破产希望也许能够调整这些退休金的承诺。 www.ecocn.org 3. As long as there is light at the moon, as long as there is faith in the hope that this can last until dawn, to see the sun. 只要月亮在就有光,只要信念在就有希望,为此就可以挨到黎明、看到阳光。 enwaimao.cn 4. You may have been in conflict with yourself over whether to call it a day, or keep battling on in the hope that things will improve. 你可能会与自己做斗争,是结束呢,还是在事情可能会好转的希望下继续战斗。 www.douban.com 5. As an investment that does not produce income, its attraction lies solely in the hope that its value will rise or at least be maintained. 作为一种投资品,黄金本身不能创造价值,它的吸引力仅仅来自于其本身价值的上升或者至少保持当前的价值。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Financial investors, who are not burdened by social concerns, are prepared to sit it out in the hope that prices will fall further. 金融投资者没有社会关注压力,纷纷观望,期望价格会进一步下落。 www.ecocn.org 7. Intervention is often delayed in the hope that recovery will occur, and this delay increases the stress on the economy. 在期冀能够发生复苏时干预又往往被延误,而这种延误将进一步加剧经济的压力。 www.bing.com 8. After a while, his mother decided to hold another ball, in the hope that the unknown young lady would once more appear. 过了一段时间,他母亲决定再举行一次舞会,希望那位不知姓名的年轻小姐能够再次光临。 9. And Mr Mbeki seems content to leave Mr Mugabe in place, in the hope that age alone will gradually ease him out. 此外,姆贝基似乎同意穆加贝留下,他指望年岁的增加会令穆加贝慢慢淡出。 www.ebigear.com 10. Here. I would like to ask you reflected. in the hope that you can take some of my recommendations. 在这里我想向您反映出来。希望您能够得采取我的一些建议。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. TUI Travel is now planning to merge its French operations to create one brand in the hope that this will turn around its weakest unit. 途易旅游现在正计划把旗下的法国业务合并成一个品牌,希望以此来拯救那些经营惨淡的分支。 www.kekenet.com 2. and then you want to go back and see the movie again (as I did) in the hope that this time you have something of your own to offer. 而当你回头再看一遍这部电影时(我就看了第二遍),你就有了自己的想法。 www.bing.com 3. We have decided to make a further concession of 2% in the hope that this will help you push the sale of our products. 我方决定再作2%的让步,希望这将有助于你方推销我们的产品。 www.kekenet.com 4. "They have chosen to project all their sins on to him in the hope that when he goes it will absolve them, " said Lord Foulkes. “他们选择把自己的罪孽都投射到他身上,希望在他离开时,他们将得到赦免,”福克斯勋爵(LordFoulkes)表示。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Adam told his wife the truth in the hope that she would forgive him . 亚当向他太太据实以告,希望她会原谅他。 www.bing.com 6. Americans began to seek changes in the hope that the black leaders of the United States for the new change. 美国人开始寻求变化,也希望这位黑人领袖为美国带来新的改变。 www.xkyn.com 7. It has nothing to do with trying to increase employment by cutting real wages in the hope that people will not notice. 它跟试图增加就业的努力毫不相干,它只是希望在人们并不察觉的情况下,降低实际工资。 www.bing.com 8. At the benign extreme, a girl's birth might simply not be registered, in the hope that next time the couple would produce a male. 一对夫妇如果生了女孩也许不会注册,寄希望于下次能生个男孩,这种情况还算是好的。 www.ecocn.org 9. He and rival wholesalers are trying to stockpile lobster in the hope that their biggest export market opens up again soon. 他和其他批发商都在试图储存大龙虾,以期最大的出口市场不久将再度开放。 www.ftchinese.com 10. One woman told local newspapers she cooked a gel pack and served it to her children in the hope that it would make them more intelligent. 一名妇女对当地报纸说,她将其中一个冰袋烹饪后喂给她的孩子们吃,希望这能让孩子们变得更聪明。 c.wsj.com 1. We seem to skip over our judgments in the hope that this will be love at first sight. 我们好像忽略了自己的判断而第一眼后就期望这是爱情。 www.bing.com 2. About half of the U. S. states chose to open electric service to competition in the hope that new products and lower prices would result. 大约一半的州选择开放电力服务业的竞争,希望借此催生新产品并降低电价。 www.america.gov 3. PE houses remain involved in the hope that value can be recovered, perhaps in some sort of restructuring. 私人股本公司仍希望通过某种形式的重组,它们投资的价值可以恢复。 www.ftchinese.com 4. More families now ask doctors to carry out the cut, in the hope that this will make it safer. 现在,越来越多的家庭请医生来操刀,因为他们觉得这样会更安全。 www.ecocn.org 5. Semi-starvation is not, however, a course of action most people would be willing to undertake in the hope that it might prolong their lives. 尽管半饥饿可能会延长人们的寿命,可多数人也不会因抱此期望而让自己处于半饥饿状态。 www.ecocn.org 6. In the hope that you voluntarily, to be registered as a formal version of the user, once registered to enjoy life! 希望在你自愿的情况,注册成为正式版用户,一次注册终身享用! www.g36.com.cn 7. He took along some of his pictures in the hope that he could get a job there. 他随身带去自己的几幅画,希望能在那儿找到工作。 www.nmhrjy.com 8. I am writing to you in the hope that you could do me a favor to improve the horrible situation. (开头语)我写信给您是希望您可以给我一些支持来改善糟糕的现状。 www.8875.org 9. The players are encouraged to marry young, in the hope that this will keep them at home, but it doesn't always work out. 人们鼓励球员们早日成家,希望此举可以把他们圈在家里,但往往无法事遂人愿。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Finally, thank you to accept me for being a member of your family in the hope that we can relate to in this time of 1 month! 最后,感谢你们能够接受我成为你们家庭中的一员,希望我们能够在这1个月的时间内相处融洽! www.88769253.com 1. Should Proton give up and become a tiny part of a global carmaker, or should it struggle on in the hope that things will somehow improve? 宝腾应该选择放弃(出售)从而成为全球汽车制造领域微不足道的一分子,还是选择继续奋斗并期待情况会有所好转? www.ecocn.org 2. They emphasize his human qualities, in the hope that believers might better identify with him. 他们强调的是他的人性,希望籍此能让信徒更亲近他。 www.bing.com 3. Thus, Jarod sought out one of the priestesses of Elune in the hope that she could heal his prisoner. 于是,迦洛德打算找了个艾露恩的女祭司看看能不能治疗他的囚犯。 bbs.ngacn.cc 4. It added that a series of proposals were made in the hope that they would be adopted by the last as well as the next General Assembly. 该代表团接着说,之所以提出了一系列提案,是希望上届和下届大会予以通过。 www.wipo.int 5. So instead they are relying more on scapegoating prominent wrongdoers in the hope that this will deter others. 所以,他们转而越加依赖迁怒突出的作恶者,希望借此以儆效尤、威慑其他网络公司。 www.putclub.com 6. Pregnant women swallow them in the hope that the supplements might give their babies a cognitive boost, though that's far from certain. 尽管完全不能确定,孕妇依然服用,期望着补剂能给她们的宝贝带来认知能力的突飞猛进。 www.bing.com 7. Meanwhile, small fires have been lit in the square in the hope that the rising smoke will carry the tear gas with it. 同时,广场上点起了小火堆,希望升起的烟雾能驱走空气中的催泪瓦斯。 www.hxen.com 8. He told a court he had become a nurse in the hope that she might recover somewhat under his care. 他告诉法庭他成为护士就是希望在他的照顾下,她也许会苏醒过来。 www.ecocn.org 9. One is to look for signatures of consciousness in brain activity, in the hope that this takes us closer to understanding what it is. 办法之一是在大脑活动中寻找意识的印记,以期更深入了解它到底是什么。 m.yeeyan.org 10. "I still have many matches at my disposal, in the hope that I will not suffer too many injuries, " he continued. “我还要经历很多场比赛,希望我不会受到太多伤病的拖累,”他继续说。 www.forza-azzurri.net 1. I wrote to Brundrett in the hope that there might be a space for me somewhere in the Admiralty. 我给布伦德里特写信,希望他能在海军部的某个单位为我找个工作。 2. The total subsidy would be limited to $500, 000 per employer, in the hope that the principal recipients would be small businesses. 对每个雇主的补贴总额不超过500,000美元,目的是希望小企业成为主要受益者。 www.bing.com 3. the prospect of handouts might cause them to delay their plans, in the hope that the state will pay for things they were going to do anyway. 这些公司可能会因为政府声明而推迟计划,以期望国家为他们的分内事买单。 club.topsage.com 4. "We want to raise our kids in peace and hope, " he says, speaking in Hebrew, no doubt in the hope that some Israelis will hear him. “我们想让自己的孩子在充满和平与希望的环境中成长”他用希伯来语说道,毫无疑问,他希望一些以色列人能够倾听到他的声音。 www.ecocn.org 5. We cultivate a colleague in the field or a contact outside of it in the hope that it will advance our career or enhance our status. 我们在业内培养同僚,或者是在业外拓展人脉,就是希望借此推进自己的事业,或是提升自己的地位。 www.joyen.net 6. I've listed some of my favorite disconnection strategies below, in the hope that you might find them useful. 在下面我列出了一些最喜爱的脱离方法,希望你能感到他们有用。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. We've let established players go and not replaced them in the hope that the younger squad members will come in and take their chance. 我们赶走老队员,尽管没有现成的替补,然后我们把小年轻提拔上来希望能够补上这个窟窿。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 8. I called in the hope that she was at home. 我是抱着她在家的希望打电话的。 www.ycu.edu.cn 9. In the hope that the regional search for a strength of the resellers and partners for common development. 希望在全国各区域寻找有实力的经销商与合作伙伴共同发展。 www.tonke.cn 10. Atropine has often been given with an opioid in the treatment of renal colic in the hope that it will relax the ureteral smooth muscle . 阿托品常与鸦片类制剂合用治疗肾绞痛,目的在于松驰输尿管平滑肌。 www.bing.com 1. I know how valuable this stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. 我知道这宝石的价值,但是现在我把它还给你,希望能够得到更珍贵的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The children send up a smoke signal in the hope that their parents will see it and rescue them. 孩子们升起了信号烟雾,希望他们的父母能看到,且来解救他们。 3. As the author of little talent and less learning, I am sure that the text of a number of inadequacies in the hope that readers criticism. 由于作者才疏学浅,文中肯定有很多不足之处,希望广大读者批评指正。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. We finally got to our room on the 18th floor in the hope that we had put the worst behind us. No such luck. 终于我们到了在18楼的房间,希望我们最坏的事情已经过去了。没有这种运气。 weike.taskcn.com 5. To pursue austerity in the hope that monetary policy can reliably be used to undo any untoward effects, is, in short, sheer folly. 寄望于货币政策能够可靠地抵消任何不利后果而出台紧缩措施,总之是非常愚蠢的做法。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But if it is a dream, the story of Atlantis is also solid and real enough to keep searching on, in the hope that one day it might be found. 倘若它是个梦想,它的事迹也真实具体,值得我们继续追寻,可能在未来某日终能发现这块梦土。 www.douban.com 7. In other words, Obama on the U. S. working class solution to unemployment in the hope that Americans buy fewer Chinese goods. 换句话说,奥巴马对美国劳工阶层失业的解决方法,是希望美国人少买中国商品。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 8. They hacked off her brother's head in the hope that it was mine, yet here I sit like some bloody gargoyle, offering empty consolations. 他们希望砍掉我的脑袋但不幸的是那是她哥哥的,而我却坐在这里像个该死的兽形滴水嘴,流出的皆是些空洞的安慰。 www.cndkc.net 9. I submerged myself in a gathering of notes in the hope that I could keep quiet ins noisy neighborhood. 我把自己淹没在他们嘈杂的聚会中,想闹中取静。 bak.xinkb.org 10. Before that many small shops operated without a formal lease in the hope that the property owner was immune from prosecution. 在那之前,许多小商店在经营时不签订正式租约,希望借此可以使房屋所有人免于被起诉。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Since he needed a forest, he planted 8, 000 cedar trees in the hope that a few would be resistant to the blight, and a few were. 由于需要森林,他种植了8000棵香柏,希望其中能有一些抵抗得住枯萎病。 dongxi.net 2. One day, when Houyi was out, Chang'e secretly swallowed the potion in the hope that she would become immortal. 一天,当厚被,嫦娥偷偷吞下了药水,在希望她成为不朽的。 wenwen.soso.com 3. If so I certainly cannot only ask them to reflect again, in the hope that they will ultimately agree that they also know it to be true. 如果是这样,我当然不能再要求他们细想一下,只能希望他们最终会同意他们也认为这是真的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I felt about sixteen again--walking close enough for our hands to keep touching in the hope that she might hang on. 我仿佛又回到十六岁——我和她走得很近,近得能碰到她的手,心里盼着她会紧紧握住我的手。 www.bing.com 5. The Americans want China to revalue the yuan considerably in the hope that it would lead to an increase in US exports and employment. 美国政府断言目前人民币价值偏低,希望中国能够推动人民币大幅升值,以期提升美国出口和就业。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Companies sent delegations to tour Toyota's factories in the hope that some of its magic would rub off on them. 许多公司派出代表团到丰田的工厂进行参观,他们希望丰田的神奇能够在他们身上生效。 www.ecocn.org 7. I shared the story with you in the hope that you will not make the same mistake. 我把这个故事告诉大家,就是希望大家不会犯同样的错误,以致让悲剧重演。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 8. in the hope that greater scale will draw more advertisers to its search advertising system. 希望更大的规模能为其搜索广告系统吸引更多广告客户。 www.juyy.net 9. Some suggested he had deliberately made the remark in the hope that the deal with Fatah would be scuttled, since he will lose his job. 有的人认为,哈尼耶因为深知自己将会地位不保,他故意说这番话就是希望破坏他们与法塔赫之间的协定。 www.ecocn.org 10. In the hope that for the majority of health care in child welfare institutions working on front with hints of the role that people play. 以期望对于在广大在儿童福利机构医疗战线上工作的同人们起到些许提示作用。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. The strategy of the Red Shirts appears to be to disrupt the government for as long as possible, in the hope that the prime minister blinks. 红衫军的策略就是要干扰政府的运行,时间能多长就多长,籍此希望总理下台。 space.englishcn.com 2. And I must thank you, the judges, in the hope that your sanity and critical faculties may speedily be returned to you. 我还要感谢评委,希望你们的理性和评判能力能迅速恢复。 www.odyguild.net 3. They do so in the hope that intellect, or some lost piece of knowledge, can save the world from the rise of the dragons. 他们这样做更是希望通过这些智慧或者失落的稀有知识经验能够拯救这个觉醒的巨龙们脚下的世界。 www.bing.com 4. You've now read this entire blog, suffered through my babbling, all in the hope that you'll get scoop on next week's episode. 你已经阅读了整篇博文,忍受我的唠叨(主页君已经坚持了一个半小时了),希望你能得到下周剧集的暗示。 page.renren.com 5. Communications savings systems in the hope that we support! Thank you for assessing! 交通银行储蓄系统,希望大家支持!谢谢大家给于评价! dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Orphaned baby birds are being played recordings of the dawn chorus in the hope that the sounds will teach them to sing in tune. 给失去父母的幼鸟播放清晨鸟类合唱曲的磁带,以期这些声音能教会他们合谐歌唱。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. They bought the bonds of peripheral European governments in the hope that their yields would converge with those of Germany. 他们购买周边欧洲政府债券,希望这些债券的收益率能与德国的持平。 www.ecocn.org 8. I decided to not leave Nihilum right away but to give things more time in the hope that matters would improve. 于是我改变了主意暂时不退出公会,我希望事情能有好的转机。 www.bluenoah.com 9. Scores of Chinese steel makers have resumed production in the hope that it will lead to a sustained recovery in steel prices. 数十家钢铁企业已经恢复生产,希望能够使钢铁价格稳步恢复。 www.rr365.com 10. We write to you in the hope that we can establish business relations with you. 此信的目的是,希望能与贵司建立长期合作的关系。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. In the hope that Engaged in the related work of professional to create value for enterprises, and reach self-realization of value. 希望从事于所学专业相关的工作,以发挥自己的一技之长,为企业创造价值,并达到自我价值实现。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 2. This thesis is in the hope that the research of Taoism sleep can help to solve the sleep problem. 本文希望能够借道教睡眠术的研究,对解决睡眠问题起一点借鉴作用。 www.fabiao.net 3. The England international had been in a protective boot for a period in the hope that an operation was not necessary. 这位英格兰国脚穿了保护靴一段时间,原本希望可以不必动手术。 bbs1.arsenal.com.cn 4. Then we try to fix the situation or person, change them and their energy, in the hope that they will respond to us differently. 于是我们试著要调整情势或调整对方,要改变他们与他们的能量以让他们用不一样的方式回应我们。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And that is the question they wanted the Greek people to vote on in the hope that the answer might be yes. 欧盟还希望希腊人民在这个问题的答案上持肯定态度,即支持援助计划。 www.ecocn.org 6. Instead, Mr Obama will be talking about America's national interests, in the hope that some of them may overlap with Russia's. 相反,奥巴马将会谈及美国的国家利益,希望找到一些或可同俄相互重叠的部分。 www.ecocn.org 7. I offer this exchange in the hope that it will be the first of many peaceful transactions. Please accept. 为了达成世界和平,我提出这项交易,希望您能接受。 www.civclub.net 8. They spend so much of their money just in the hope that they could get the right help for their admission in any university abroad. 他们花了这么多的钱,只是希望能找到合适的,能帮助他们被大学录取。 tieba.baidu.com 9. China supports its application for observer status with COPUOS in the hope that it will further strengthen cooperation with COPUOS. 中国支持该组织成为外空委观察员,希望该组织进一步加强与外空委的合作。 www.kouyi.org 10. It also abolished all duty on imports of copper, in the hope that higher imports of finished metal might displace some domestic smelting. 它也取消了所有的铜进口税,希望金属成品进口的提高能够取代一些国内冶炼。 www.ecocn.org 1. Power is fed into the grid from power stations in the hope that it will arrive in factories, offices and homes. 电源从发电站输入电网,然后送达工厂、办公室和家庭。 blog.eastmoney.com 2. Two documents for encryption systems in the hope that the process of writing papers for data encryption, in the course of time deciphering. 二是用于加密文件系统,希望在文件写过程中对数据进行加密,在读的过程中进行解密。三是设计透明的文件系统加速。 www.pudn.com 3. I started to whisper my older sister's name in the hope that she would wake up. 我开始轻声地唤我姐姐的名字,希望她能醒过来。 gb.cri.cn 4. Policymakers have decided to play for time in the hope that the countries in difficulty will restore their creditworthiness. 政策制定者们已决定借此拖延时间,以期这些陷入困境的国家最终恢复信誉度。 www.ftchinese.com 5. British bishop has penned a special prayer in the hope that divine intervention can help England rediscover their World Cup form . 英国一名主教近日专门为征战南非世界杯的英格兰队撰写了一段特殊的祈祷文,希望上帝能保佑他们找回状态。 www.bing.com 6. Indeed, Mr Abbas has also promised fresh elections, in the hope that, thanks to improvements on the West Bank, his Fatah group will win. 确实,阿巴斯同样也已经许诺会进行新的选举,多亏了约旦河西岸的改善,他希望法耶兹政体将能赢得选举。 www.ecocn.org 7. It involves borrowing shares of stock and then selling them in the hope that the stock will lose value. 它涉及借股票股份,然后在期望价格出售,股票将失去价值。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. In November, our governments borrowed money and gave it to us in the hope that we'd get the hint. 今年11月份,我们的政府把借来的钱发给我们,希望我们能领会其用意。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Yoga has a lot of activities on the eye exercises, including the rotation of the eye in the hope that we all already know this knowledge. 瑜伽中有很多关于眼睛的活动练习,包括眼球的转动等,希望大家都已经知道这些知识。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. in the hope that she find it entertaining and instructive. 希望她能从此书中得到乐趣和启发 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Our book is written in the hope that it will interest that large body of persons who know little or nothing about birds. 我们写这本书的目的是,希望能够引起那些不在少数、对鸟一无所知或知之甚少的人的兴趣。 www.enteacher.cn 2. In the hope that under your guidance, the company create a better tomorrow! 希望在您的指导下,共创公司美好的明天! iask.sina.com.cn 3. Some traders have been reduced to stockpiling their wares in the hope that prices will rise. 一些经营者不得不把他们的设备贮存起来,以等待再生产品价格的回升。 www.ecocn.org 4. Top managers need to be decisive and should not push issues under the rug in the hope that they will solve themselves. 最高经理层要果断,而不应该把问题掩盖起来,指望它们自行解决。 www.yingyudaxue.com 5. This by-product has been made available as open source software in the hope that it will accelerate innovation in the sector. 现在我们将其以开源软件的形式向公众开放,期望能促进建筑行业的创新。 www.bing.com 6. Officials also published guidance in March pushing banks to roll loans over, in the hope that growth will solve the problem. 官方在3月份还发布了指导意见,推动银行将贷款延期,希望经济增长将能使这一问题得到解决。 www.bing.com 7. Organized capital was merely socializing mainstream society to accept a culture of endurance in the hope that change would gradually come. 资产阶级联合起来,使社会接受一种观念:怀着希望去忍受,现实会逐渐变化。 www.bing.com 8. It still envisages big investments, but in the hope that these will boost household consumption in the longer term. 新五年计划仍然构想了大规模的投资,不过只是希望这在更长远的未来能够带动家庭消费。 www.kekenet.com 9. He's just announced the formation of a new government in the hope that that might help to do the trick. 他刚刚宣布组建新的政府,希望能达到目的。 www.hxen.com 10. Debian Jr. also focuses heavily on mathematics in the hope that children will "gain an appreciation of math from an early age. " DebianJr.也非常关注数学方面,希望孩子们会“从小获得值得称赞的数学能力”。 www.bing.com 1. Allah always the case, will always find hope in despair, in the hope that China and planted the seeds of despair. 阿拉总是这样,永远在绝望中寻找希望,在希望中埋下绝望的种子。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Many astronomers look to the nearest stars, in the hope that they harbor a warm, wet planet like Earth. 很多天文学者在探索距离太阳系最近的恒星,希望能够发现可以生存的温暖、湿润的星球,就像地球一样。 www.bing.com 3. One cosmetics firm pitches its wrinkle-removal cream to middle-aged women, in the hope that they will recommend it to their mothers. 有家化妆品公司向中年妇女推销去皱霜,他们希望这些顾客可以向她们的母亲推荐自己的产品。 www.ecocn.org 4. Standing on a projecting rock, he played several tunes in the hope that the fish. 站在一个突出的岩石上,他吹了一些不同的曲调,希望鱼儿听见。 bbs.24en.com 5. Previously she talked about building a big tent, in the hope that Democrats would vote for a moderate Republican. 先前,她提倡宽容政策,鼓励对不同意见兼容并蓄,目的希望民主党人会支持一个温和的共和党人。 www.ecocn.org 6. He went there in the hope that he might meet his son. 他怀着能见到他儿子的希望而去了那里。 edu.people.com.cn 7. We gather as well in the hope that the more than 200 people who are still missing will be found alive. 我们齐聚在一起衷心希望在地震中仍失踪的200位中国人民能够被搜救并生还。 tr.hjenglish.com 8. Sampras is publicizing the theft which took place three weeks ago in the hope that someone might provide a new lead. 山普拉斯向大众说明这个发生在三周前的窃案,并且期望能够进一步得到更新的线索。 times.hinet.net 9. Burger King produces edgy advertisements in the hope that people will pass them around online. 汉堡王打出了一个令人不安的广告,希望人们能在网上传播开来。 www.ecocn.org 10. In the hope that future cooperation, for the greater development. 希望在今后的合作当中,取的更大发展。 www.tonke.cn 1. Journalists say a thing that they know isn't true, in the hope that if they keep on saying it long enough it will be true. 记者讲的东西他们知道并非事实,但他们希望不停的讲,讲久了就变成事实。 www.sgwritings.com 2. Content, in the hope that funny on the basis of upgrading some high level connotation inside. 内容方面,希望在搞笑的基础上提升一些高层次的内涵在里面。 www.bing.com 3. They contacted me in the hope that I could show them a better way. 他们联系到我,希望我能给他们展示一种更好的方法。 www.ibm.com 4. Soon after the diagnosis, everyone in the family had a blood test in the hope that one of us would be eligible bone-marrow donor. 诊断作出不久,家里人都接受了血液测试,希望我们中间有一位能成为合格的骨髓捐献者。 www.983210.com 5. The same night, I started reading it in the hope that I might find a solution to my problem. 当晚,我抱着寻找解决方法的希望阅读了该说明书。 www.bing.com 6. Life's beauty lies in the hope that a person who does not want to never feel less than a life of fun. 生活的美丽在于希望,一个没有希望的人永远也体会不到生活的乐趣。 www.tradeask.com 7. But the firm may delay an offering in the hope that rising commodity prices will boost that figure. 为使商品价格提升到这一水平,公司可能会推迟债券上市。 www.ecocn.org 8. All you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day they'll come out on top. 你只有破釜沉舟跟他们拚,或许有朝一日会出头的。 z.tougao98.com 9. He goes to the club to do exercises in the hope that he may keep good shape . 他经常去俱乐部锻炼身体,希望能保持好的体形。 www.bing.com 10. The teacher gave the lazy pupil's parents a severe report in the hope that it would shake him up. 老师给这个懒学生的家长发了一份措辞严厉的学习报告单,希望借此使他勤奋起来。 www.1stenglish.com 1. I dipped my fingers in the water in the hope that 2007 would make all my wishes come true. 我把十指浸在水中希望2007年里我的所有愿望都能实现。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Treatment in the hope that he will be able to train on Friday. 他也正在接受特别治疗,希望在星期五能够参加训练。 east.jstu.edu.cn 3. Let others make their swingeing cuts first in the hope that they will deflect attention from you. 先让其他人进行大规模裁员,希望这能让他们把注意力从你身上转移。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It is time to apply much tougher ones, in the hope that it is not already too late. 该是采取些更加强硬和更有威慑的行动了,希望不要为时已晚。 www.ecocn.org 5. Jienfa now brings these secret wisdom to China in the hope that China will become the Spiritual Leader of the World. 荣华现在把这些秘密的智慧带到中国,寄希望于中国有朝一日成为世界精神领袖! blog.zhiji.com 6. The broker does this without charge in the hope that another day it will be paid well for other services. 这些经纪人(投资银行)有时可能分文不取,因为他们希望从日后的服务中捞回本来。 www.ecocn.org 7. Or keep plugging away in the hope that it somehow works out? 或者不断努力,希望以某种方式解决这个问题呢? www.infoq.com 8. We have been introducing a lot of books to you, in the hope that we can give you some suggestions for what to read to improve your English. 我们已向你介绍了许多图书,希望能给你提供一些阅读建议,以提高你的英语水平。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Plan B: Play dead in the hope that Jumbo will get tired of tossing your body around. 方案B:装死,希望那只庞然大物厌烦在你身体周围辗转。 www.bing.com 10. He can insert the earmark into a big, fat, unrelated bill, in the hope that it passes without anyone reading it. 他可以在一份与其无涉又有油水可捞的大法案中做个赞成标记,指望无人阅读即可通过。 www.ecocn.org 1. I studied hard in the hope that good grades might attract her attention. 我努力学习,希望获得好成绩,引起她的注意。 bbs.yytree.com 2. Mr Wang asked his team of researchers to interview people they knew (over 4, 000 families) in the hope that familiarity would breed honesty. 王先生让他的研究人员访问他们交往密切,对他们能够诚实回答的家庭(超过4千个)。 www.bing.com 3. As long as there are people in the hope that I will be in government with the help of self-help, to carry out production. 只要人在就有希望,我还是会在政府的帮助下自救,开展生产。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. the road ahead is long, but time is fleeting, giving in the hope that all of us at a later date, altogether creates magnificently. 未来的道路很长,但时间转瞬即逝,希望我们大家在以后的日子里携手并肩,共创辉煌。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. We have six months to develop plans to fight cholera in the hope that in 6 months to eliminate cholera. 我们已制定抗击霍乱的半年计划,希望在6个月内消除霍乱。 www.englishtang.com 6. She went to America in the hope that she might improve her spoken English. 她去美国,希望能提高自己的口语水平。 www.jinkoo.com 7. in the hope that a fair competitive market economy era, it is the strongest desire to eliminate the privileges and corruption and so on. 在希望公平竞争的市场经济时代,人们最强烈的愿望是铲除特权和腐败等等。 jztu.5d6d.com 8. You donate to charities in the hope that your child won't get that disease. 你做慈善事业只是希望你的孩子不要得类似的疾病。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The bears were brought to Scotland from China in the hope that they will produce cubs. 这两只熊猫是从中国远渡重洋来到苏格兰,人们期望它们能够繁衍后代。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Everyone in the hope that their dress dressed in front of some true heart of the so-called beauty in everyone. 每一个人在都希望自己在人前打扮光鲜一些,真所谓爱美之心人皆有之。 www.106jsw.com 1. They are being re-educated in special camps in the hope that they can be peacefully reintegrated into Rwandan society. 人们在特殊营地里对他们进行再教育,希望他们能够和平地重新融入卢旺达社会。 www.ecocn.org 2. The boy rushed to the bus station without having breakfast in the hope that he could catch the school bus. 这个男孩没吃早饭就冲向车站希望还能赶上校车。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Tonight, who like me quietly in the hope that round moon then? 今夜,谁还在像我这样默默地望那轮圆月呢? enwaimao.cn 4. people come to the pub in the hope that the mixologists ' magic will carry them through to closing time , and it generally does. 人们到这个酒吧来,为的就是在调酒师神乎其技的表演当中消磨时光直到打烊,而且他们通常都能如愿以偿。 www.ichacha.net 5. "I think sometimes people let things drift, " she says, "in the hope that they will go away. " “我认为,有时候人们会放任自流,”她说,“希望情况事态会自行消失。” www.ftchinese.com 6. I didn't phone till four o'clock in the hope that you'd be finished. 我到四点钟才打电话给你是希望那时你已把事情做完了。 www.ycu.edu.cn 7. Reiterate : Since this is the first one, I think there will inevitably be inadequate in the hope that the Members can give advice. 先申明:由于是第一个版本,所以难免有不足的地方,希望大家多多给意见。 www.hxzi.com 8. Moreover, it left a link, in the hope that we can contact them as soon as possible, to provide them with a comprehensive solution. 而且留下了联系方式,希望我们能尽快联系他们,给他们提供一套完善的方案。 www.shuaikangyiye.com 9. I send you my revised catalogue and price-list, in the hope that you may find something to suit you. 随信寄往新点窜的目次和价目表,希看这些商品能合适贵公司的营业。 www.xmboo.com 10. I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain. . . 我现写信给您,希望能得到有关…的资料。 teacher.swun.edu.cn 1. Did you ever attempt to sneak up on the mirror in the hope that you might find your reflection napping? 你是否曾经尝试悄悄地走近镜子,希望或许能发现自己的影像正在打盹儿? www.douban.com 2. Investigation into the identity of the third assailant will continue in the hope that he can also be identified with certainty. 尼丰说,“关于这三个侵害者身份的调查将继续进行,以冀望取得定论。” www.tianya.cn 3. And I like to explore all the possibilities in the hope that you'll be on the wavelength of your audience. 而我却喜欢探索所有这些可能性,并希望你可以在你的听众的波长上。 www.ted.com 4. Bought in the hope that he might one day have a use for them. 他希望有一天能用得上这些东西。 www.bing.com 5. The author has been exploring the case teaching methodology in recent years in the hope that it can enhance the students' overall qualities. 作者近年来对该教学法进行了探索,以期达到提高学生综合素质之目的。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. I walked along the mountain road in a hurry holding a large bag in the hope that a village will appear. 一个人背负着大包,急匆匆地在山路上行走着,只盼望着眼前尽快出现有人烟的村落。 www.foreignercn.com 7. I'm not holding my breath in the hope that l'affaire Strauss-Kahn will lead to anything different. 而现在,我同样不会屏息期待卡恩的告别会带来什么不同。 dongxi.net 8. We come here in the hope that we will learn English well. 我们来到这儿希望把英语学好。 www.ebigear.com 9. That is why investors get lured into buying dotcom stocks in the hope that a "greater fool" will purchase them at a higher price. 这就是为什么投资人受到诱惑,买入互联网股票,并希望“更傻的人”能够在更高价买入。 www.ecocn.org 10. We are concerned about the situation . . . no matter where Iranian naval operations in the hope that they can comply with international law. 我们正关注局势……无论伊朗军舰在何处行动,希望它们能遵守国际法。 www.englishtang.com 1. I speak simply and briefly in the hope that my words will be taken to heart. 我的讲话筒单明了,希望我的话能打动人心。 www.zftrans.com 2. you always live in the hope that if you do your job well , justice will prevail. 一个人总会抱着这样的希望,只要工作干得好,你是会得到公正对待的。 www.ichacha.net 3. Then, individual studios grappled with rival technologies in the hope that one would become dominant in home entertainment. 当时,面对互相竞争的技术,各电影公司苦苦挣扎,希望其中一种会在家庭娱乐领域占据统治地位。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It can wait and risk dilution in the hope that Citigroup's shares will recover. 该公司可以冒着稀释的风险等待花旗股价回升。 www.bing.com 5. But to love the individuals, in the hope that the rest of the life and the lives of the people of the calendar. 而是为了爱这一个人,希望在馀下的生命与这个人共历生命。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 6. China's higher education in the hope that we can get better development. 希望可以在我国高等教育中得到更好的发展。 www.13191.com 7. The researchers have provided ISPs with their findings in the hope that they will do something to protect vulnerable customers. 研究组已向ISP们提交了研究报告,寄希望于他们能够采取有效措施来保护易受攻击的用户们。 www.bing.com 8. He loves music, so the audio part in the hope that through the use of sound to promote, popularize music. 他由于热爱音乐,所以就投身于音响,希望借助于音响来推广、普及音乐。 www.b2easy.com 9. I called in the hope that I can get the job. 我给你打电话希望我能得到这份工作。 xkjy.fnzx.com 10. She has been practicing piano hard ever since her childhood in the hope that one day she will be a concert player. 她从孩提时代起就刻苦练习弹钢琴,希望有朝一日自己能成为一名钢琴演奏家。 wlxt.pzhu.edu.cn 1. I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in English toward Master degree in your university. 我特地写信给贵校,希望能获得进行英语系研究生深造的机会 zhidao.baidu.com 2. In the hope that the future work to learn more. 希望在以后的工作中学习到更多 zhidao.baidu.com 3. In July, Tokyo eased visa restrictions in the hope that Chinese visitors would increase from 1m last year to 1. 8m this year. 今年7月,日本放宽了签证条件,以期今年中国游客能从去年的100万人次增加到180万人次。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Because I love you in the hope that you can go back to school, complete your studies. 因为我喜欢你,希望你能回去上学,完成你的学业。 bbs.renyu.net 5. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 用温柔劝戒那抵挡的人;或者上帝给他们悔改的心,可以明白真道, new.fuyinchina.com 6. A man saves money in the hope that inflation will not wipe it out (一个人储钱,希望积蓄不被通货膨胀所吞没)。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. And I join in the hope that when my time as your President has ended, people might say this about our Nation : 我和你们一样希望,当我作为你们的总统任期结束的时候,人们将会这样谈论我们的国家:….。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. To all those who lead monotonous lives in the hope that they may experience at second-hand the delights and dangers of adventure 题辞:献给那些过着单调生活的人们,愿他们可以在阅读中享有冒险的乐趣 www.cnajs.com 9. in the hope that it might capture peoples' imagination and perhaps raise their appreciation of them 希望它可以捕捉人民的想象力和提高他们对我作品的认同 bbs.cnnas.com 10. This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; 本文件之散布,是希望能有用,但不提供任何保证; www.77169.com 1. In the hope that these notes and the words that I sing make you see 希望这我唱的音符和歌词儿能让你明白 wenwen.soso.com 2. Yield implies giving way, as to pressure or superior authority, often in the hope that such action will be temporary: Yield意味着让步,如向压力或上级权威,经常是希望这样的行动将是暂时性的: bbs.gter.net 3. so i'm singing these words in the hope that you'll hear 在此我愿你能听到我的歌唱 wenwen.soso.com 4. One approach is to make several wild guesses in the hope that one will prove right; 一种方法是做出几个大体的预测,希望有一个可以是对的; club.topsage.com |
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