单词 | in the ear | ||||
释义 | in the ear
例句释义: 耳内型,耳内式 1. 27 "Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. " 我在暗中告诉你们的,你们要在明处说出来;你们耳中所听的,要在房上宣扬出来。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 2. If your voice in the ear ring, as if you were in my side. 仿佛你的声音在耳边响起,仿佛你在我身边的亲切。 www.xici.net 3. It is possible to convert the Web module in the EAR into an OSGi bundle using changes similar to those you made to the persistence module. 可以使用与对持久性模块所做的类似的更改来将EAR中的Web模块转化成一个OSGi包。 www.ibm.com 4. What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, proclaim on the housetops. 我在暗中告诉你们的,你们要在明处说出来;你们耳中所听的,要在房顶上宣扬出来。 edu.china.com 5. Press the tape tight to the ear and cut off any that sticks down in the ear itself that would tickle the puppies ear. 按下磁带紧至耳,并切断任何棍棒下来,在自己的耳朵会痒小狗的耳朵。 bbs.westies.cn 6. Wind, always inadvertently when the breeze gently broken down in the ear hair, like intimacy between lovers soft ear sideburns. 风,总是在不经意的时候,轻轻吹过垂于耳际的碎发,像极了恋人间亲昵的耳鬓软语。 www.bing.com 7. Other libraries (JAR files) used by the application can be located in the EAR file as well. 应用程序中用到的其它的库(JAR文件)也可以在EAR文件中找到。 www.ibm.com 8. Matt 10: 27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light, and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. 太10:27我在暗中告诉你们的,你们要在明处说出来;你们耳中所听的,要在房上宣扬出来。 download.godwithus.cc 9. In the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the small, yellow Babel Fish was capable of translating any language when placed in the ear. 在《银河系漫游指南》里,那条小小的黄色的宝贝鱼只要放在耳朵里就可以翻译任何语言。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Some in-the-ear earphones are capable of providing higher sound levels than some over-the-ear earphones. 一些内置的耳塞能提供比外挂耳塞更高的音量。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The train station is very close to home, the roar of the train often rings in the ear. 火车站似乎离家是很近的,火车的轰鸣声时常在耳畔响起。 www.bing.com 2. The translator is whispering in the ear of a high-level visitor, the top U. S. military officer, Admiral Mike Mullen. 翻译在高级访问者,美军最高长官海军上将MikeMullen耳边低语。 playenglish.net 3. All the necessary materials to deploy the Place Statistics widget are contained in the EAR file supplied with this article. 部署PlaceStatistics小部件的所有必需的材料都包含在本文提供的EAR文件中。 www.ibm.com 4. and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops . 在内室附耳所说的,将要在房上被人宣扬。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. "Do not leave me . . . Do not leave me . . . " the voice of the weak response from the key link in the ear Supnner. “不要离开我…不要离开我…”纲弱小的声音回响在斯帕纳的耳边。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Incision face lift surgery generally hidden in the ear, along the ear lobe and ear into the hairline. 面部除皱术的手术切口一般隐藏在耳内,沿耳垂及耳后进入发际。 99mrw.5d6d.com 7. Since you want to develop this application, this time select Expanded, extract project contents for development in the EAR import wizard. 既然您想要开发该应用程序,此时请在EARImport向导中选择Expanded,extractprojectcontentsfordevelopment。 www.ibm.com 8. If only one eye is blue, they are often deaf in the ear close to the blue eye. 如果一只眼睛是蓝色的,靠近蓝眼睛的那只耳朵通常是聋的。 www.2r2y.com 9. These JARs are then available to any project that is included in the EAR, as shown in Figure 2. 然后这些JAR对包含于EAR中的任何项目都可以使用,如图2所示。 www.ibm.com 10. Again, they are infrastructure and not part of your application code, but the was. policy file is included in the EAR file. 它们也是基础设施,而不是应用程序代码的一部分,不过was.policy文件包含在EAR文件中。 www.ibm.com 1. A device that converts electric signals, as from a telephone, stereo, or radio receiver, to audible sound and fits over or in the ear. 耳机一种传递电子信号的设备,比如从电话、立体声或广播接收器上传出可听的声音。 www.godict.com 2. Transaction attributes for the service are specified in the EJB deployment descriptor (ejb-jar. xml) in the EAR. 服务的事务属性在EAR中的EJB部署描述符(ejb-jar.xml)中指定。 www.ibm.com 3. Liferay uses Spring and includes a version of Spring in the . ear file for all of the sub-applications deployed in it. Liferay使用Spring,它在.ear文件中包含了一个Spring版本供其中部署的所有子应用程序使用。 www.ibm.com 4. And trees around are still green. Then I come to the fields. I find the corn in the ear. Apple trees nearby are fruiting well. 再看向附近的数目依旧是青翠无比,随后,来到田间,我看到了金黄的玉米,挂满果实的苹果树。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Bending is low body, reply in the ear of kissing the Qing Xuan: "Three his highnesses, big ministers all await you cilia words. " 屈低了身子,覆在吻擎轩的耳边:“三殿下,大臣们都等着你发话呢。” wester.com.cn 6. A single file: This option allows you to update a single file in the EAR. 单个文件:此选项允许您更新EAR中的单个文件。 www.ibm.com 7. Have a relationship will not continue, a voice in the ear of never again a ringing, hold hands with comfortable temperature of the palm. 有一段感情再也不可能继续,有一个声音再也不能的在耳边响起,有一双手再也握不住那手心的温度与舒适。 www.94493.com 8. The cochlea in the ear converts sound waves to electrical impulses that the brain processes as sound. 耳朵中的耳蜗将声波转换成大脑可以处理的神经电脉冲,从而产生听觉。 www.bing.com 9. To trim the hair on the back of the ear, put your finger part way in the ear and roll the ear around your finger. 修剪头发上回的耳朵,把你的手指部分地在耳朵摇耳朵左右手指。 bbs.westies.cn 10. Note that the error will occur even if the utilclasses. jar file is placed in the EAR file and the classpath for the EJB JAR file is set. 注意,即使utilclasses.jar文件放在EAR文件中并且为EJBJAR文件设置了类路径,这种错误也会发生。 www.ibm.com 1. You can refer to the source code in the EAR file in the Download section of this article. 您可以在本文下载小节的EAR文件中找到源代码。 www.ibm.com 2. Always midnight silence whisper softly, that day in the ear cyclotron, and where can I find, floated away shadow? 每每夜半寂静时,那日的温柔低语总在耳畔回旋,而我该到哪里去寻找,飘然远去的身影? www.bing.com 3. A spider that nested in the ear of a Swedish woman was discovered and removed alive after 27 days. 日前,瑞典一名妇女发现一只蜘蛛在自己之耳中安居了27天。 www.wzksw.cn 4. A word from me in the ear of His Majesty, and the Duke will be ruined. 只要我悄悄地和国王陛下说一声,公爵就要完蛋了。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 5. I whispered an offer softly in the ear of your playful heart. 轻轻地,在你的心的耳朵里,我说过一句悄悄话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. You also get the benefit of not storing the Utility JARs physically in the EAR project, which saves repository space. 您还获得了不用对物理上存在于EAR项目中UtilityJAR文件进行分类的利益,这将节省储存库空间。 www.ibm.com 7. Old China, the world divides of the cannon voice rings out still in the ear, Has been reminding our race will fall behind. 旧中国世界列强瓜分的炮声还在耳边轰鸣,无时无刻不提醒着成路人:落后就要挨打。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. To create the security roles in the EAR deployment descriptor, use the Role Mapping button. 要在EAR部署描述符中创建安全性角色,使用RoleMapping按钮。 www.ibm.com 9. The WebLogic build process constructs a WAR file and includes it in the EAR. WebLogic构造过程创立一个WAR文件并将它包含到EAR中。 www.ibm.com 10. Of hand, blush in the ear, return to absolute being, scare not already of eyes look about on all sides. 的手,脸红到耳根上,DoudouneMonclerHomme,回过神来,惊恐不已的眼睛张望四周。 www.happyaliceedu.com 1. Love is not sweet nothings whispered in the ear. It is accepting the thoughts of others. 爱不是耳边轻诉的蜜语,而是对他人思想的接受。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. The prefix attribute specifies the destination directory in the EAR. prefix属性指定了其在EAR文件中的目标路径。 blog.163.com 3. hearing loss , ringing in the ear especially if only one ear is affected. 听觉减退耳鸣尤其是影响一边耳朵。 www.ichacha.net 4. When the familiar melody in the ear, who had forgotten ring in the corner, gently mixing. 当似曾相识的旋律在耳畔响彻,遗忘有谁曾在角落,轻轻和着。 www.cntingshu.net 5. Nine people, including a boy aged three who was shot in the ear, are being treated in hospital. 现在有九人正住院治疗,其中包括一名被射中耳朵的九岁男孩。 www.096.cc 6. Remember, that Nongyin afternoon, flowing gently in the ear your words, you said: "I love you, whole life. " 还记得,那个浓阴的午后,流淌在耳边你温柔的话语,你说:“我爱你,一生一世。” blog.wtojob.com 7. convey A vibrating membrane in the ear helps to convey sounds to the brain. 耳膜的振动帮助声音传送到大脑。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Accept the default settings in the EAR Membership section. 在EARMembership部分接受默认设置。 www.ibm.com 9. The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. 地生五谷是出于自然的:先发苗,后长穗,再后穗上结成饱满的子粒; dictsearch.appspot.com 10. So my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear tone. 我喜欢她的双圝唇对她的耳朵说悄悄话 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The linked resources are actually kept in the EAR's . project file. 这个链接的资源实际上保存在EAR的项目文件中。 www.ibm.com 2. Always felt you in the ear after breathing, I hope you always feel that the Bixi in my chest . . . 时常感觉到你在耳后的呼吸,也希望时常感觉到你在我心口的鼻息… hi.baidu.com 3. Father often said, I tracks, no tenderness in the ear the lullaby, it will be difficult to low moans sleep. 父亲经常说,我在襁褓中,没有温柔甜美的摇篮曲在耳边低吟,就难以入眠。 www.zzzdao.com 4. and the activity of nitric acid reductase in the ear leaf was decreasing. 穗位叶片的硝酸还原酶活力逐渐降低。 www.fabiao.net 5. Exodus 9 : 31 And the flax and the barley was smitten: for the barley was in the ear, and the flax [was] billed. 出9:31那时,麻和大麦被雹击打,因为大麦已经吐穗,麻也开了花。 www.cardiffccc.org 6. The glands in the ear canal that produce the wax make too much in some people. 某些人耳道内的腺会产生过多的耳垢。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. a soft yellow wax secreted by glands in the ear canal. 一种由耳道腺体分泌的黄色软质的蜡状分泌物。 www.1stenglish.com 8. To listen to the sounds of nature, the breeze in the ear to roam. 侧耳倾听,微风中天籁在耳边盘旋徜徉。 www.bing.com 9. Mk 4: 28 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. 可4:28地生五谷是出于自然的:先发苗,后长穗,再后穗上结成饱满的子粒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Mothers often in the ear next to garrulous, I think trouble. 妈妈时常在耳朵旁边唠叨,我却觉得烦。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Plugin which files to include in the EAR file. 插件要在EAR文件中包括哪些文件。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Also singing softly in the ear rings . 悠扬的歌声又在耳边轻轻响起…… zhidao.baidu.com 3. It isolates to the tune of about 14 decibels and stays snug in the ear. 它隔离的约14分贝调整和停留在耳朵舒适。 bbs.imp3.net 4. Figure 1 below shows that commonclasses. jar and sqlclasses. jar are placed at the very top level in the EAR file. 下面的图1显示commonclasses.jar和sqlclasses.jar被放在了EAR文件的最顶层。 www.ibm.com 5. The EJB project uses the version in the EAR. EJB项目使用EAR中的版本。 www.ibm.com 6. Listen to "Qiang" ground is 1 in the ear round, drown of the blade showed appearance to play back. 耳轮中就听“呛”地一声,沉沦之刃显出形态弹了回来。 blog.tianya.cn 7. Local factors might play important roles, such as moisture in the ear canal and mastoid cavity. 外耳道及乳突腔内环境潮湿在真菌感染中起重要作用; xuebao.shsmu.edu.cn 8. Mk. 4: 28 The earth bears fruit by itself: first a blade, then an ear, then full grain in the ear. 可四28地生五谷,是出于自然的:先发苗,后长穗,再后穗上结成饱满的子粒。 www.dictall.com 9. You have two drops in the ear. 你耳朵上有两个污点 zhidao.baidu.com 10. To add the database configuration to the application, open the application. xml file in the EAR project. 若要将数据库配置添加到应用程序,请打开EAR项目中的application.xml文件。 www.ibm.com 1. one year after baidu will nots sleep when the light well the story up in the ear; 一年后睡不着时还会百度故事在耳边轻喏吗; www.nahuo8.com 2. how do I get out the chewing gum in the ear~ 我耳朵里的口香糖怎么弄出来啊? bbs.ebigear.com 3. Effects of vacuum assisted closure on endothelin, nitrogen monoxide and blood flow in the ear acute wound of rabbits 封闭负压引流技术对兔耳急性创面内皮素、一氧化氮及血流量的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. Discussion on China's agricultural development strategies in the ear of knowledge economy 论知识经济时代我国农业的发展战略 www.ilib.cn 5. A study of on-the-job training mode for primary and middle school P. E. Masters in the ear of intellectual economy 知识经济时代中小学体育教师岗位培训模式的研究 service.ilib.cn 6. The characteristics of service trade in the ear of knowledge economy and the countermeasures for China 知识经济时代服务贸易的特点及中国的对策 www.ilib.cn 7. The Macroeconomic Policy for Developing International Trade in the Ear of Green Trade 绿色贸易大潮下拓展对外贸易的宏观对策 ilib.cn 8. Measure the Amount of Phenol in the Ear Drops by Spectrometer with Ultraviolet Rays 紫外分光光度法测定苯酚滴耳液的含量 www.ilib.cn 9. Treatment of inflammation in the ear, nose and throat with nimesulide: a clinical study 尼美舒利治疗耳鼻喉炎症的临床试验 www.ilib.cn 10. Resolving endpoint addresses for web services contained in the EAR 为EAR中的Web服务器容器解析端点地址 www.ibm.com 1. Jondrette found time to mutter in the ear of his eldest daughter 容德雷特觑个空,对着他大女儿的耳朵抱怨 www.ebigear.com 2. Modify the mapping file directly in the EAR 在EAR中直接修改映射文件 www.ibm.com 3. in the ear or an impending 迫切的,逼迫的,即将发生的 blog.hjenglish.com 4. On the archives workers in the ear of knowledag elonong 论知识经济时代的档案工作者 www.ilib.cn 5. Hair cell in the ear 耳毛细胞 blog.sina.com.cn |
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