单词 | insurance products | ||||||||||||
释义 | insurance products
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 保险商品,各类险种,保险险种 1. Man: To be honest, with all the new insurance products coming out it isn't easy to keep up with them all. 男:说实话,随着所有新的保险产品的出现,赶上他们很不容易。 club.topsage.com 2. It would be very advantageous to innovating life insurance products if the differential pricing is widely adopted. 采取差异化定价法有利于推动寿险产品创新。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. AIA provides an extensive range of life insurance products through a multi-channel distribution system with an extensive agency force. AIA通过以庞大营销员为主的多渠道销售系统,为客户提供全面的寿险产品及服务。 www.alsox.com 4. Farmers in the agricultural insurance enthusiasm is not high, in small commercial insurance, insurance products are extremely scarce. 农民参加农业保险热情不高,商业保险公司参与不多,保险产品奇缺。 www.qk114.net 5. The company also handle a variety of business documents such as a personalized quote for insurance products, etc. 公司还能处理各种商业文档,如保险产品的个性化报价单等。 www.bing.com 6. Insurance companies are encouraged to develop individual pension annuity insurance products containing the draw of life annuity . 鼓励保险公司开发含有终身年金领取方式的个人养老年金保险产品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. CDSs are unregulated shadow insurance products that investors buy to protect themselves against default of corporate and sovereign bonds. 信用违约互换是不受监管的影子保险产品,投资者购买它们是为了使自己不受公司债券和主权债券违约的影响。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Offers a comprehensive range of insurance products at competitive terms, with the assurance of prompt and fair claim settlement. 以优惠的保费,以及迅速和合理的赔偿,为客户提供多元化的保险服务。 www.shkp.com.hk 9. Of course, through such insurance products, the investment risks are being reallocated to policyholders. 当然,通过这些保险产品,各种投资风险正在被重新分配给享受政策的人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The wider selection of mortgage insurance products and services will provide more choices to suit the varying needs of homebuyers. 这项安排令按揭保险计划按揭产品及服务更多元化,为有意置业人士提供更多选择,以配合不同的需要。 www.info.gov.hk 1. Furthermore, we need to streamline current motor vehicle insurance products, bringing them in line with market rules. 重新梳理现行机动车保险产品,使其更加符合市场规律; blog.sina.com.cn 2. Innovative high-tech insurance products shall be explored to scatter the loan risks of high-tech SMEs. 探索创新科技保险产品,分散科技型中小企业贷款风险。 www.lawinfochina.com 3. In line with the regional trend, multi-channel distribution for insurance products is growing in popularity. 保险产品多渠道分销日渐普及,这与地区发展趋势一致。 www.tdctrade.com 4. White towels , aprons, hand cuff and a series of other insurance products. 白毛巾、围裙、手袖及其它劳保系列用品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Competition in core areas of insurance companies are insurance products competition. 保险企业竞争的核心领域是保险产品的竞争。 lib.cqvip.com 6. The financial products were made "safe" by insurance products known as credit default swaps, a credit derivative from companies such as AIG. 由保险产品“保险”生成的金融产品就是所谓的“信用委托互换”,这是来自AIG等公司的信用衍生品。 www.ecocn.org 7. In 1996, many insurance-oriented Web sites were launched, offering consumers immediate access to online quotes for insurance products. 年里诞生了许多保险类的网站,向消费者提供保险产品报价的在线查询服务。 www.zftrans.com 8. An Analysis of Chinese Insurance Products Consumption Using the Consumption Function Theory in Macroeconomics. 试用消费函数理论分析我国的保险产品消费。 econ.pku.edu.cn 9. Insurance products, unlike mortgages, are not standardised, says Mr Roberts. 罗伯茨先生认为,保险产品不同于抵押,是非标准化的。 www.ecocn.org 10. Failing to file the insurance clauses and premium rates for its proposed insurance products as required. 未按照规定将拟定险种的保险条款和保险费率报送备案的。 cq.netsh.com 1. Distribution of insurance products also contributed to the increase. 另外分销保险产品也促进了代理手续费的增加。 c.wsj.com 2. Insurance products provided for export goods by domestic insurance organizations of China. 境内保险机构为出口货物提供的保险产品。 www.bing.com 3. A combination of banking and insurance products offered in continental Europe. 欧洲年夜陆一种联合银行及保险办事的金融产品。 ksgaoxin.com 4. At present, CPIC Life provides over 150 lines of insurance products, covering life , annuity , health and accident etc. 公司目前开办险种150余个,覆盖人寿保险、年金保险、健康保险、意外伤害保险等多个领域。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. And life insurance products is also scheduled to discuss interest rates and dividend relations. 并且还讨论寿险产品预定利率和红利的关系。 www.fabiao.net 6. You can download our insurance products application forms here. 您可以在这里下载保险产品的投保单。 www.royalsunalliance.com.cn 7. "Medium-class customers are targets of Manulife so we will boostlaunching health care and retirement insurance products, " he shared. “中等收入人群是宏利的目标客户群,因此我们将大力推出健康护理和退休养老保险产品。”Philip与我们分享。 www.bing.com 8. Cash flow analysis of modern life insurance products. 现代寿险产品的现金流分析。 www.zujee.com 9. The insurer set up an office in Beijing in 2007 and sells insurance products to expatriates in China and Chinese nationals working in the U. 该公司于2007年在北京设立代表处,面向在华外国人和在美国工作的中国人销售保险产品。 www.waijiaochina.com 10. Any claims experience during the past 3 years for similar insurance products? 过去3年投保同类型保险产品时是否有任何索偿? www.aiush.com.cn 1. In 1998 the Chinese economy had yet to achieve lift-off and sales of insurance products were at a low base. 1998年,中国的经济尚未腾飞,保险产品销售的基础也很薄弱。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In China, the unit-linked insurance products are sold well and the premium grows rapidly, especially these years. 投资连结保险在中国发展迅猛,市场巨大,特别是在最近几年里,保费增长迅速。 www.fabiao.net 3. This is most evident at bank branches that sell insurance products. 这是最明显的,在银行分行销售保险产物。 www.wenjiaoyu.com 4. Managing and supervising the daily sales work of the Insurance products of the Company; 监督和管理产品的日常销售工作; www.lietou.com 5. 1 to 3 years of professional experience with Actuarial background, insurance products pricing especially Accident & Health; 1到3年专业的精算背景与经验,从事保险产品定价,尤其是意外和健康险领域。 job131.com 6. Major reinsurance terms, including the insurance products involved and the form of reinsurance; 合约的主要条件,包括涉及的险种、再保险方式; en.pkulaw.cn 7. Marine Cargo Transportation Insurance Policy Proposal Form for Products Liability Insurance Products Liability Insurance Policy 海洋货物运输保险单產品责任险投保单產品责任保险单 www.bowwin.com 8. Public Announcement of China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Several Matters Concerning New-type Personal Insurance Products 中国保险监督管理委员会关于人身保险人身保险新型产品若干事项的公告 www.sanmontlex.com 9. Notice of China Insurance Regulatory Commission for Issuing the Provisions on Accurate Calculation for New Personal Insurance Products 中国保监会关于印发人身保险新型产品精算规定的通知 www.sanmontlex.com 10. Today, we provide a full range of personal insurance products to both Chinese and Expatriates Living in Shanghai. Our products include 目前,我们可以同时为居住在上海的中国籍和外籍客户提供的产品主要包括 www.royalsunalliance.com.cn 1. Administrative Measures on Examination, Approval and Filing of Personal Insurance Products 人身保险产品审批和备案管理办法 e.3edu.net 2. Enlightenment of Innovative Universal Life Insurance Products Overseas 国外投资分红类个险产品创新的启示 service.ilib.cn 3. An Economic Study on the Price Setting of Agricultural Insurance Products and Chinese Situation 农业保险产品定价的经济学分析及我国实证研究 4. Insurance investment and the exploitation of new life insurance products 保险投资与寿险产品的创新 www.ilib.cn 5. The Strategy of Life Insurance Products under the Guidance of the Balance Sheet Managerial Skill 论资产负债管理技术指导下的寿险产品战略 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Correctly Treating Development of Investment Insurance Products 正确看待投资型保险产品的发展 service.ilib.cn 7. The Market Influence Upon the Pricing of Insurance Products 论市场因素对保险产品定价的影响 www.ilib.cn 8. Analysis on the Influence Factors of Developing the Sport Insurance Products 我国体育保险产品开发的影响因素分析 service.ilib.cn 9. Types of Property Insurance Products Requiring Administrative Approval Reduced to Four in 2006 2006年起中国需审批财险险种减至四类 gbcode.tdctrade.com 10. The Aging of Population and Developing of Life Insurance Products 人口老龄化与寿险产品开发 www.ilib.cn 1. New Rules for Approval and Record-Filing of Personal Insurance Products 人身保险产品实行审批备案管理制度 gbcode.tdctrade.com 2. Gloves, raincoats, umbrellas and other insurance products 智利求购手套、雨衣、雨伞等劳保产品 vip.globalimporter.net 3. The Approach on The Methods of Pricing Insurance Products of Short Terms 短期保险商品定价方法的探讨 service.ilib.cn 4. Design on the Optimal Insurance Products under Moral Hazard 道德风险与最优保险产品设计模型 www.ilib.cn 5. On the Community Marketing of Insurance Products 论保险产品的社区营销 service.ilib.cn 6. A Probe into the Innovation of China's Life insurance Products 中国寿险产品创新探析 www.ilib.cn 7. The Meaning and the Location about the Property of Insurance Products 关于保险商品属性的定位与意义 service.ilib.cn 8. On the Innovation of Insurance Products 关于保险产品创新的制度建设探讨 www.ilib.cn 9. Pricing Life Insurance Products Based on the Objective of Maximizing Benefit 利益最大化目标下人寿保险商品价格的确定 www.ilib.cn 10. A Systematic Analysis of the Differential Pricing in the Innovation of the Life Insurance Products 在寿险产品创新中推行差异化定价法的系统分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Our popular Life and Savings Insurance products include 我们的储蓄人寿保险产品包括 www.manulife.com.hk 2. The situation of China's insurance products under the innovative research 金融危机形势下我国保险产品的创新性研究 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Comparative Analysis on Life Insurance Products in China 中国寿险市场产品比较分析 www.zujee.com 4. Thinking on the New life Insurance Products in China 关于我国寿险业产品推新的若干思考 www.ilib.cn |
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