单词 | immaterial |
释义 |
例句释义: 无关紧要,不重要,无形体的,非物质的,不重要的,无形的,非实质的 1. You felt that it was ready to be wafted away on the immaterial air, and death bore all the aspect of a beloved friend . 你感觉到你的灵魂随时都可能飘升到缥缈的空际,死神的面貌就象你亲爱的朋友那样熟悉。 book.douban.com 2. Remember I am the foreign minister so whether I can speak French or not seems to be reasonably immaterial . 请记住我是一个外交部长,所以不管怎么样我都会说法语,?。 www.bing.com 3. Judge Turpin: Your meaning is immaterial. Mark me! If I see your face again on this street, your rue the day you were born. 特平法官:你的话是没有意义的,记住我的脸!如果我再在这条街上看到你,你就会后悔自己被生下来。 www.114bt.com 4. If you were in fact the case that there was an immaterial substance there influencing how the atoms move how on earth would you know? 如果你真的遇到了那种情况,存在着一种非物质影响着原子的运动,你究竟是怎么知道的呢? open.163.com 5. I struggle to see how the private assessments that the subprime market was imploding were immaterial. 我看不出,关于次贷市场即将崩溃的的私下评估,怎么会无足轻重。 cn.nytimes.com 6. Corporate culture is the most valuable immaterial capital and is one of the inherent factors to influence the corporate development. 企业文化是企业最重要的无形资产,是影响企业长远发展的深层次原因。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. an issue extraneous to the debate; the price was immaterial; mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point. 与辩论无关的问题;价格不是重点;在最终说到正题之前提到几个无关的事实。 www.hotdic.com 8. Thomas Colfax was on his feet. ' Objection, Your Honor. This line of questioning is immaterial. ' 托马斯·柯尔法克斯站起身来。“我抗议,法官先生。这样提问问不到点子上。” english.31931.cn 9. More important is that, by means of this technology, artists are able to arrange immaterial world in their mind freely. 重要的是,通过技术,艺术家得以尽意组织他们心中的非物质世界。 www.fabiao.net 10. The network marketing system is the competition ability of the hard mimicry of the company with can obtain income of immaterial assets. 网络营销系统是公司的难以模仿的竞争能力和可以获取收益的无形资产。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. One could say that the epidemic was immaterial to his death, that it was coincidental. 人们可以说那场流行病对他的死因并不重要,那只是巧合而已。 www.thnu.edu.cn 2. No! Descartes thought that mind whose essence is thinking is made of immaterial substance but Hobbes would have non of that. 不是,笛卡尔认为思维的精髓,在于思考,是非物质的,但是霍布斯却不这么认为。 open.163.com 3. That being so just like the chess computer, there may be no need of hypothesize some spooky substance, some immaterial substance. 正如电脑国际象棋那样,可能不需要设想那些令人毛骨悚然的物质和非物质。 open.163.com 4. You will, I am sure, agree with me that if the page be given, the number of the chapter is immaterial. 我相信你会同意我的理由的:既然已经指出了页码,那章数就无关紧要了。 hi.baidu.com 5. The orientation of the principal stresses relative to the directions of the polarizer and first quarter-wave plate is of course immaterial. 主应力相对于起偏镜和第一个四分之波片方向的方位,当然是无关紧要的。 6. Its definition is the total Mammon and the immaterial wealth which produced in all ages by people within the particular region. 它是历史时期的人们在特定地域范围内所创造的物质财富和精神财富总和,具有地域性、多元性等本质特征。 www.fabiao.net 7. and it is immaterial that the ship may not in fact have left the course of voyage contemplated by the policy when the loss occurs. 至于船舶发生灭失当时可能事实上尚未偏离保险单预定的航线则无关紧要。 blog.163.com 8. A painter who bemoaned the limitations of paint, he tried to convey something immaterial in his work, to lend shape to the invisible. 作为一个对绘画的局限性表达过不满的画家,他试图在作品中传达无形,试图把有形借给无形。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Christians is called upon to make his material possessions immaterial. 基督徒蒙召为的是将他拥有的有形财富变成无形的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The purpose was to let in more light: created, immaterial, and good. 目的则是想引进更多的光线:创世一般、非物质的并且是善。 www.bing.com 1. One noted the veracity of a market observer who said that in these circumstances, any action taken by a central bank was immaterial. 有人指出,一位市场观察人士说了一句大实话:在这种情况下,央行采取的任何举措都解决不了实质问题。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Immaterial motivation, as an important component of motivation, has enormous meanings to stimulate staff's work enthusiasm and initiative. 非物质激励作为激励的重要组成部分,对激发员工工作的积极性和主动性有着巨大的意义。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Religion became, in both senses of the word, immaterial. 宗教既是非物质的,也是不重要的。 wenku.baidu.com 4. MGM called the changes 'immaterial' and said they would be filed with the bankruptcy court for approval. 米高梅说这些改动“无关紧要”,并说这些改动将被提交给破产法庭批准。 chinese.wsj.com 5. An immaterial or ethereal Substance, especially the transparent corporeal presence of a spirit or ghost. 空灵物非物质或轻飘的物质,尤指鬼魂或精灵的透明身躯 dict.ebigear.com 6. A company that structured transactions to avoid accounting requirements and refused to record "immaterial" adjustments would get two stars. 那些为了避开会计要求而操纵交易并拒绝调整非实质性错弊的公司为“二星”。 club.esnai.com 7. the scope of compensation should include material compensation and immaterial compensation, determining amount of damages for divorce. 明确损害赔偿应包括物质损害赔偿和精神损害赔偿;规制赔偿数额。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Immaterial Cultural Heritages is the important mark of the nation spiritual culture, and important attracting tourism resource. 非物质文化遗产是民族精神文化的重要标识,也是一个地区重要的旅游资源。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The accounting treatment of immaterial items may be guided by convenience rather than by theoretical principles. 不重要项目的会计处理可以依据便利原则而不是理论原则。 accdep.cueb.edu.cn 10. Immaterial, death in flames is like a burning of light, graceful wings. 无形的,火焰之中的死亡就像一种光的燃烧,优雅的翅膀。 www.bing.com 1. The human social development has entered immaterial society that is the whole society is going through a deep change. 人类社会发展进入“非物质社会”,整个社会正在经历着一场深刻的变革。 www.fabiao.net 2. I have very many speeches to want to say with you, even if is some immaterial speeches. 我有很多话想和你们说,哪怕是一些无关紧要的话。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. believe in some sort of immaterial soul. 相信一些无形的灵魂 dongxi.net 4. We call the other principle form of immaterial labor "affective labor. " 我们将非物质性劳动中的其他主要一类形式称为“情感劳动”(affectivelabor)。 www.eduww.com 5. In comparison with the traditional enterprises, hi-tech enterprises have the particularity of owning immaterial assets. 与传统企业相比,高新技术企业具有无形资产的特殊性。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. They are intangible, immaterial and would be undetectable if the passengers stopped moving. 他们是无形的,非物质的,而且即使旅客都停下来也无法察觉。 www.bing.com 7. So Descartes , remember, had distinguished between material and immaterial substances . 还记得笛卡尔么,明确区分物质与非物质那位。 open.163.com 8. The condition of system mechanism of medical institution became the immaterial capital and important resource for medical service. 医疗机构内部、外部体制机制环境是医疗服务的一种无形资产和重要的卫生资源。 www.chemyq.com 9. Our analysis shows the link between the dollar and the inflation process is largely immaterial. 我们的分析是:美元和通货膨胀进程之间的关系很大程度上是非实质性的。 igarden.dlut.edu.cn 10. The fact that the Berlingo is a safe car is hardly immaterial either. 贝林戈是一款安全性能高的车,这一点也非常重要。 www.bing.com 1. To do this, we have to sell our products (material and immaterial ones) on the market. 为实现这点,我们不得不在市场上出售我们的产品(物质的和非物质的)。 di2jiayuan.com 2. Secondly, as we have already argued, the qualities of immaterial labor tend to transform all the other forms of production. 其次,正如我们已经指出的,非物质性劳动的本性倾向于改变其他的生产方式。 www.eduww.com 3. "We think the probability of a re-bid is low, but not immaterial, " it said in a note. “我们认为重新竞购的可能性很小,但并非绝无可能。”其在报告中称。 cn.reuters.com 4. This should be evident from our analysis earlier regarding the hegemony of immaterial labor. 这从我们以上对非物质性劳动霸权的分析中可以清楚地看到。 www.eduww.com 5. It is not immaterial that you came or not. 你是否来参加聚会无所谓。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. This kind of immaterial labor produces ideas, symbols, codes, texts, linguistic figures, images, and other such products. 这种非物质性劳动产生想法、符号、符码、文本、语言单位、形象和其他诸如此类的产品。 www.eduww.com 7. The influences of view of immaterial design on office furniture design and manufacturing enterprise were discussed. 分析了非物质主义设计观对办公家具设计及其生产企业所产生的影响; www.ceps.com.tw 8. Human being is a kind of immaterial animal and seeking for the living meaning is our unique characteristic and symbol of healthy psychology. 人是一种精神动物,寻找活着的意义是人类独有的特征和健康心理的标志。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. We recognize that "immaterial labor" is a very ambiguous term in this regard. 我们认识到,就这一点说,“非物质性劳动”是一个非常模糊不清的概念。 www.eduww.com 10. We hope great attention should be paid on the application for World Immaterial Heritages with TCM. 谨以此文抛砖引玉,以期引起对于中医药“申遗”问题的关注。 www.chemyq.com 1. Both bore languidly the indefinable burden of immaterial pleasures. 他俩昏昏沉沉地承受着这种非物质的快感的无限重压。 www.ebigear.com 2. Zhoushan fishing songs are immaterial cultural wonders for human beings. 舟山渔歌是人类非物质文化的宝贵遗产。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. as a kind of immaterial asset and economic resource , credit is the foundation of market economy to circulate. 信用作为一种无形资产和经济资源,是市场经济有效运行的基础。 www.ichacha.net 4. He argues that the proportion of people directly affected by legalizing same-sex marriage is immaterial. 他论述说,直接受到同性婚姻合法化影响的人比例有多大并不重要。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The first thing on my mind was to get the whole thing under control as soon as possible. Other things were immaterial. 我首先想到的是要尽快控制整个局面。其它事情都不重要。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. There are three parts in the article: viewpoint on product design, immaterial design and immaterial factors in family product design. 全文共分三个部分:对产品设计的观点、对非物质设计的观点和对家居产品设计中非物质因素的观点。 www.dictall.com 7. Chapter 5 introduces expression for arithmetic figure about immaterial display design introduction and related to computer technique. 第五章介绍了非物质展示设计的数字化表达及相关的计算机技术。 www.dictall.com 8. The systematic suppression of dissent in China is immaterial to his grand narrative of international relations. 中国对于持异见者大规模的镇压在他宏大的国际关系讲述中无足轻重。 cn.wsj.com 9. The mind is immaterial, its not matter and its quite distinct. 意识是非物质的,这个特性使其与其他外物截然不同。 open.163.com 10. It can be scheduled when convenient by the JVM and any impact of the garbage collector is immaterial. JVM可能在任何方便的时候调度它们,垃圾回收产生的影响也是微不足道的。 www.infoq.com 1. Database entity modelers, however, concern themselves solely with the static attributes -- the operations are immaterial to them. 但是,数据库实体建模者却只关注静态属性?操作对他们而言是非实质的东西。 www.ibm.com 2. This is indeed the key characteristic of immaterial labor: to produce communication, social relations, and cooperation. 这确实是非物质性劳动中的关键:生产信息交流、社会关系和协作。 www.eduww.com 3. It is therefore immaterial for the act of choosing which particular part forms its object. 所以就选择行为讲,任何部份作选择的对象都是一样。 www.douban.com 4. Nowadays, the earning resource is mainly from the immaterial assets. 当前我国体育赛事收入来源主要集中在无形资产开发上。 www.dictall.com 5. enclosed or enveloped in something immaterial. 被一些琐事环绕或包围。 www.hotdic.com 6. The intangible culture heritage is also named as immaterial culture heritage. 非物质文化遗产又称无形文化遗产。 www.13191.com 7. Maybe the sympathy between music and cinema is made by this immaterial and abstract quality. 也许音乐和画面之间这种交织的情感正是来源于它们的非物质性和抽象性。 www.bing.com 8. For the dinosaurs that perished 65 million years ago, extinction was extinction and the precise cause was immaterial. 因为恐龙在6500万年前就已经灭绝,灭绝就是灭绝,精确的原因也无关紧要。 www.bing.com 9. Immaterial labor constitutes a minority of global labor and it is concentrated in some of the dominant regions of the globe. 非物质性劳动在全球劳动中只占少数,而且,它只是集中在全球某些主导性地区。 www.eduww.com 10. An immaterial asset or benefit, such as a service or personal accomplishment, regarded as an article of commerce. 无形商品:被视作商品的非实体性的财产或利益,如某一项服务或个人成就。 www.newzgc.com 1. All the issues about relationships and who said and did what is immaterial to the process. 所有关于我们之间关系的问题,或者是谁说了什么做了什么,对过程来说都不重要。 www.f1salon.com 2. Base on the law, the owners of immaterial assets have specific rights and privileges as value as the other kinds of assets. 无形资产由于法律授予这类资产的所有者以某种权利和特权而与其他资产一样具有价值。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I know very little about how immaterial objects are supposed to work. 关于非物质的物体是如何工作的我知道的很少。 www.bing.com 4. The lawyer said, "Immaterial. " 律师说:“这不重要。” dongxi.net 5. He loved to find subjects in men's souls-to rule over an invisible and immaterial empire! 他喜欢在人们的内心深处搜寻目标,企图统治一个看不见的无形王国。 6. The second is to explain the nature of the unity of the immaterial mind. 第二个问题是解释非实质的精神的联合的本性是什么。 dict.kekenet.com 7. All immaterial matters watched pale somewhat, look at own vision far somewhat. 把一切无关紧要的事情看淡一些,把自己的目光看远一些。 www.bokequn.cn 8. Second, we will analyze the new emerging forms of production and, in particular, the hegemony of what we call immaterial production. 接着,我们将对新出现的生产方式,尤其是我们称之为非物质生产的霸权进行分析。 www.eduww.com 9. The Japanese government's 40% target is immaterial, Mr Maeda asserts. 前田认为,日本政府40%的目标并不重要。 www.ecocn.org 10. So, he denied immaterial substance. 他拒绝非物质的事物。 open.163.com 1. And so when Descartes tries to appeal to the idea of immaterial substances making room for mind, Hobbes just denies it. 当笛卡尔尝试着求助于非物质概念,来为思维留出空间的时候,霍布斯却将其否认。 open.163.com 2. It is immaterial where or when he goes. 他去何处或者何时去是无关紧要的。 www.ebigear.com 3. In China, in contrast, the Burmese find that, as long as they make no trouble, their faith is immaterial. 相反,这些缅甸人发现在中国只要不惹是生非,他们的宗教信仰在这里无关紧要。 www.ecocn.org 4. Are we material or immaterial? 我们是物质的还是非物质的? www.52vpn.com 5. That is immaterial, but the memory of the corner. 都说时间是无形的,可是坐在记忆的角落里。 wenwen.soso.com 6. I am an immaterial impalpable incarnation. 我是一个非物质的无形化身。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Taoism music is not only an import part of religious culture but also a precious immaterial culture relics. 道教音乐是我国宗教文化的重要组成部分,也是弥足珍贵的非物质文化遗产。 www.dictall.com 8. His willingness to veto more F-22 spending is admirable, but the $1. 75 billion at stake is immaterial. 他想要否决用于更多F-22战斗机开支的意愿是令人称赞的,但这对于高达1万7千5百亿美元的财政赤字来说显得并不重要。 www.ecocn.org 9. index just indicates summation, it is. immaterial which symbol is. used. 由于哑指标只是表明求和,所以它使用什么符号是无关重要的。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Here the enjoyment is not only physical, but also include immaterial and subjective enjoyment. 这儿所说的享受不光是物质的,更包括精神的,包括主观的满足感。 www.njyyjy.com 1. What is immaterial is its product. 所谓非物质性是指其产品。 www.eduww.com 2. So the good in particular doesn't issue from an immaterial substance , such as a free and rational soul. 因此尤其是好,不产生于,非物质实体,如自由理性的灵魂。 open.163.com 3. The hegemony of immaterial labor does, however, tend to change the conditions of work. 然而,非物质性劳动的霸权有可能使工作条件得到改善。 www.eduww.com 4. On the other hand, space is the communication of its components, so-called Immaterial. 同时,空间也是构成元素之间对话的外在表现,即具有非物质性。 www.jchla.com 5. Whether data due tomorrow show China's economy grew by 10. 1 per cent or 10. 4 per cent year-on-year in the second quarter is immaterial. 将于周四出炉的数据将显示中国第二季度经济同比增长10.1%还是10.4%并不重要。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Absrtact: The game brand is a kind of immaterial assets and it is the game outside image marking. 摘要:赛事品牌是一种无形资产,它是赛事外在的形象标识。 www.xitixb.com 7. How often it happened and with how many people was immaterial, according to the study. What mattered was with whom. 这项研究指出,出轨行为发生的频率和其对象个数并不重要,重要的是对象是谁。 www.bing.com 8. Along with the development of technology, there are many kinds of immaterial target, including optic-electric target and sound target. 而随着技术的发展,无形靶的种类也越来越多,光电靶和声靶都是其中之一。 www.fabiao.net 9. When it happened is immaterial; I want to know why it happened. “发生在什么时候并不重要,我要知道的是为什么会发生这种事。”。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 10. With the development of society, the status of immaterial assets of hospitals is becoming more and more important. 随着社会的进步,医院无形资产的地位越来越重要。 www.dictall.com 1. She told him that it was immaterial to her whether he stayed or left 她告诉他说,他的去留对她无足轻重 blog.hjenglish.com 2. production direction (technical, substantial)---market direction ( marketing, immaterial) 产品导向(技术、物质的)——市场导向(营销、精神的) wenku.baidu.com 3. According to the dualist, the mind is this immaterial substance and we could call it by different names. 按照二元学说论,心灵是这种非物质的物体,我们能叫他不同的名字。 www.bing.com 4. knowledge employee; material motivation; immaterial motivation; immaterial compensation; immaterial want; 知识型员工;物质激励;精神激励;精神酬劳;精神需求; www.zidir.com 5. The Immaterial Assets Together-Sharing of the Small Business Enterprise Collectivity 集群小企业无形资产的共享 www.ilib.cn 6. On Strengthening Administration of Immaterial Capital by Higher Educational Institutions 加强高校无形资产管理 www.ilib.cn 7. The Protection of Immaterial Cultural heritage from the Perspective of Traditional Popular Recreational Culture 从民间传统娱乐文化看非物质文化遗产的保护 www.ilib.cn 8. immaterial assets; intangible assets; invisible assets; invisible capital 无形资产 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A Study of the Countermeasures of the Athletics Immaterial Assets of China 对我国体育无形资产的对策研究 www.ilib.cn 10. On the Impact of Intellective Economy on the Immaterial Assets Accounting and Its Innovation 试论知识经济对无形资产会计的冲击与创新 ilib.cn 1. To See the Art Market Through Immaterial Products 透过精神产品看艺术市场 www.ichacha.net 2. Protection of the Immaterial Heritage: Strategies and Predicament 非物质文化遗产保护:策略与困境 www.ilib.cn 3. Consumption Function under Immaterial Consumption 非物质消费下的消费函数 www.ilib.cn 4. The Difficulty Brought to Enterprise Immaterial Assets Finance Management and Innovation 企业无形资产财务管理面临的困难与创新 www.ilib.cn 5. Discussion on Development and Utilization of College Sports Immaterial Property in Social Transformation Phase of China 试论转型期我国大学体育无形资产的开发与利用 ilib.cn 6. what he was like to you is immaterial 他像你什么毫不重要 www.ichacha.net 7. Analysis on the Innovation of Immaterial Assets Accountants Under Intellectual Economy 浅析知识经济下无形资产会计的革新 ilib.cn 8. Preliminary Research on Legal Protection of Immaterial Assets in Chinese Olympic Committee 对中国奥委会无形资产法律保护的初步研究 www.ilib.cn 9. when they would explain to us the strange adventures of our immaterial selves 向我们解释人类非物质的陌生而又奇妙的自身经历 wenwen.soso.com 10. On Offset of Reservation of Immaterial Assets Depreciation in Consolidated Financial 论合并报表中无形资产减值准备的抵销 ilib.cn 1. Three Arguments for the Inheritance Protection of Immaterial Culture 非物质文化遗产保护三议 www.ichacha.net 2. Application of traditional Chinese painting in immaterial packaging design in modern age 中国画在当今非物质包装设计中的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. On Protection and Management of China's Immaterial Cultural Heritages in Commercial Development 我国非物质文化遗产在商业开发中的保护与管理 www.ilib.cn 4. Original Value and Survival Dilemma of Immaterial Cultural Tour Resources in Huizhou Area 论徽州软体文化旅游资源的元价值与生存困境 www.ilib.cn 5. My Reflections on the Betterment of Immaterial Assets Accounting in Hi-tech Enterprises 对改进高新技术企业无形资产会计的思考 www.ilib.cn 6. Head, Brain, and Body--Role Orientation in the Protection of Immaterial Culture Heritage 主导·主脑·主体--非物质文化遗产保护中的角色定位 service.ilib.cn 7. The regional culture and the immaterial cultural relics protection of Qinghai province 青海地域文化与非物质文化遗产保护 www.ilib.cn 8. The Accounting Managing of Immaterial Assets Devaluation 无形资产减值的会计处理 ilib.cn 9. Immaterial Design of Product and Sustainable Development 产品的非物质设计及其可持续发展 service.ilib.cn 10. Study Afresh on Value Evaluation of Business Public Relations in Immaterial Assets 关于无形资产中商业公共关系价值评估的重新认识和探讨 ilib.cn 1. The Protection Frame with exploitation of Immaterial Culture Legacy 非物质文化遗产的开发式保护框架 www.ilib.cn 2. Immaterial labor and artistic production; Michael Hardt 非实质劳动与艺术生产 www.cctb.net 3. Marx's Productive Labor and Its Practical Significance in the Field of Immaterial Production 马克思论非物质生产领域的生产劳动及现实意义 www.ilib.cn 4. Comparison of Inspiring Fighting Immaterial Mode Between America and China in the View of Difference of Traditional Culture 传统文化差异视野下中美军队激发战斗精神方式之比较 service.ilib.cn 5. Studies on the Immaterial Property Theory and Legislation issues 论无形财产权理论及立法问题 www.ilib.cn 6. If the amount is immaterial, it is closed to Cost of Goods Sold at year-end; 如金额不大,在年终时将结转于销货成本账户; blog.sina.com.cn 7. User Interface Research of Product Design Based in Immaterial Society 基于非物质社会下产品设计用户界面研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Immaterial Stimulation for Employees of Enterprise in E-Commerce Era 电子商务时代企业员工的非物质激励 www.ilib.cn 9. Symbol Design and Symbol Consumption in Immaterial Society 非物质社会中的符号设计与符号消费 www.cnki.com.cn 10. Material and Immaterial: Protection and Development of Traditional Crafts and Fine Arts 物质与非物质:传统工艺美术的保护与发展 ilib.cn 1. Research on Evaluating Standard System of Publishing Unit's Immaterial Capital 出版单位无形资产评估指标体系研究 2. Development and Protection of the Immaterial Assets of Chenjiagou 陈家沟无形资产的开发与保护 www.ilib.cn 3. A trial analysis on people's immaterial demands in the transitory period of the socialist society 社会转型期人的精神需要问题探析 service.ilib.cn 4. The suggestion on the management of health immaterial assets 强化卫生无形资产管理的对策 service.ilib.cn 5. On the Connotation and Practice of Immaterial Incentive 非物质激励的理论内涵与实践运用 service.ilib.cn 6. The Behaviour of Leading Cadre is not Immaterial 领导干部的生活作风不是小事 ilib.cn 7. Assessment of Immaterial Assets of Hospitals 医院无形资产的评估 ilib.cn 8. A spirit, that is, a simple, incorporeal, immaterial being, possessing higher capacities th 一个精神,也就是说,一个简单的、灵魂、物质的存在,具有更高的能力 wenwen.soso.com 9. Immaterial Cultural Heritage and New Development of Drama Studies 非物质文化遗产与戏曲研究的新路向 www.ilib.cn 10. The Packaging Design in Immaterial Society 非物质社会的包装设计 www.ilib.cn 1. The Oral and Immaterial Cultural Heritages and the Civic Education of China 口头和非物质文化遗产与中国国民教育 www.ilib.cn 2. the spiritual, immaterial part of us, 精神上的非物质的部分 dongxi.net 3. A Study on Immaterial Motivation of Employees 企业员工的非物质激励研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Study on Management of Immaterial Assets 论无形资产的管理 www.ilib.cn 5. We are immaterial souls that possess physical bodies, 我们是拥有生理客体的无形心灵 wenku.baidu.com 6. Exploitation of immaterial capital and colligate development of universities of science and technology 无形资产开发与理工大学综合发展 www.ilib.cn 7. On the Development of Enterprises'Immaterial Assets under the Control of the Tax System 税收制度视野下的企业无形资产拓展 service.ilib.cn 8. On the Immaterial Capital Management in China's Enterprises 浅谈企业的无形资本经营 www.ilib.cn 9. an objection that is immaterial after the fact; 和该事实无关的反对意见; blog.hjenglish.com 10. On the Development of Immaterial Property 无形财产形态的历史演变及启示 www.ilib.cn 1. A Discussion on the Actuality and Development of the Immaterial Asset Accounting in Our Country 我国无形资产会计的现状及发展 www.ilib.cn |
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