单词 | imitate |
释义 | imitated是imitate的过去式
第三人称单数:imitates 现在分词:imitating 过去式:imitated 例句释义: 模仿,伪造,学样,摹拟,模仿的,被模仿的,效法 1. Advantages: according to imitated, do not wash your face first massage, only a few minutes to feel the grain. 优点:依照仿单,不洗脸先推拿,才几分钟的时间就感觉有粒粒出来了。 www.xuejiewang.com 2. We imitated the way you had to lift her head a little so she could drink water, she sucked it up slow out of a green tin cup. 她从一个绿色的锡杯里把水慢慢地吮出来喝掉。 www.putclub.com 3. A spokesman of the building's owner warned that this dangerous behavior should not be imitated. 一位大楼业主的发言人警告人们说,不要模仿这样的危险行为。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. A piece of transparent imitated crystal is embedded into the center of the door base, adding a noble and elegant touch to the product. 门座底部中间夹一层透明仿水晶片,整体突现高贵典雅的艺术造型。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And I imitated his way of saying "I love you" by telling him his nose was too big or his ties too ugly. 我也学着他的样,想说“我爱你”时,却说他的鼻子太大或者领带太难看。 club.topsage.com 6. Entertainers, whose behavior is often imitated by young people, should especially refrain from drinking and driving. 艺人们因为其行为经常被年轻人模仿,所以应该特别避免醉酒驾车。 bbs.putclub.com 7. One of his lines from the film, "I coulda been a contender, " has been widely imitated. 他在电影中的一句台词“我本来可以奋力拼搏一回的”被广泛仿效。 www.2r2y.com 8. Known as the "King of Pop, " Jackson`s dramatic stage presence and innovative dance moves were imitated by legions of fans around the world. 迈克尔-杰克逊被誉为“流行天王”,他精彩的舞台表演及创新的舞蹈动作被世界各地的粉丝所模仿。 www.i21st.cn 9. Recently Huche bladesmith has forged some imitated Japanese swords, which are easy to distinguish. 近来户撒匠人也打造一些仿日刀,很好区分的。 hfsword.com 10. But then we move on to the next stage of the training, where some of the problems which actually crop up on the street are imitated. 然后进入训练的下一步:模拟在街道上实际会出现的一些问题。 www.tingclass.com 1. The adults drank their tea in a ceremonious manner, and the children imitated them. 大人们客套地喝着茶,孩子们模仿着他们。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. This tale is rather old: Two painters wanted to see which of them could paint the painting that best imitated reality . . . 这个故事相当古老了:两个画家想看看他们当中哪一个能画得最接近真实…… www.bing.com 3. Runic writing (imitated from the Greek or Latin letters) was a purely secret form of writing , used only for religious magic. 鲁恩文字是模仿希腊和拉丁字母造成的,仅仅用作暗号,并且专供宗教巫术之用。 dict.veduchina.com 4. QQ phoneticize is imitated completely but late a year of time. QQ拼音完全的模仿但是晚了一年时间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Do I detect a little sarcasm? On "Friends, " Chandler-speak was a dialect all it's own, often imitated, but never duplicated. 我是不是觉得有些讽刺了?在老友记里,钱钱的言语是一种他自己的语言,经常模仿但从不复制。 post.baidu.com 6. Those special cornering styles are formed in an early age, each of them is unique and difficult to be imitated. 那些特别的过弯方式是早期形成的,每个都是独特而难于模仿的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. To, you not are to say that imitated the tropical zone to take a trip Florida with how many weeks family are before? 对了,你不是说和家人在几周前模拟热带旅行到佛罗里达吗? en.juren.com 8. People identify enterprises core ability through their user value, uniqueness, extendibility, and impossibility to be imitated and replaced. 人们通过用户价值、独特性、延展性、难以模仿和替代性来识别企业的核心能力。 www.dictall.com 9. He was the first opera star to be imitated, drunkenly, by legions of joyful or heartbroken football fans. 他是第一个被高兴或者伤心的球迷们模仿成醉鬼的歌剧明星。 www.bing.com 10. But, study cannot be imitated adroitly, not be duplicate, cannot borrowed more. 但是,学习敏捷不能模仿,不是复制,更不能抄袭。 pjprimer.com 1. His ghoulish moves in the video have been imitated by dancers all over the world. 他在录像带中表演的魔鬼舞被全世界的舞者所效仿。 gb.cri.cn 2. My in the mind imitated a Buddha to put a cake of heavy big rock and slowly fell calm. 我的心里仿佛放了一块沉重的大石头,慢慢地平静下来。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Highly efficient and extremely reliable, Dunham-Bush screw compressors are often imitated, but never equaled. 顿汉布什螺杆压缩机以高效率和超高稳定性而著称于世,被许多厂家效仿,却无可比拟。 www.zyzhan.com 4. In a competitive market, inventions are quickly imitated, so a small inventor's investment often fails to pay off. 在竞争性市场发明迅速被模仿,所以人微言轻的发明家常辛苦付出却没有回报。 www.bing.com 5. Since the world's first aircraft company Lian - Since Southwest Airlines, its business model has been imitated in many other airlines. 自从世界第一家廉航公司——美国西南航空问世以来,其经营模式就受到了其他很多航空公司的模仿。 www.5955555.net 6. Although the focus is on North America, as authors Augier and March point out, the US business school model was imitated around the world. 正如作者奥吉尔和马奇所说,尽管本书的关注重点是北美,但美国商学院的模式受到了世界各地的模仿。 www.ftchinese.com 7. South Carolina's secession was imitated by ten other states and led to the formation of the confederacy. 南瞳罗莱纳州退出联邦为其他十州所仿效,导致南部联邦的形成。 www.bing.com 8. CONCLUSION: The imitated twin-stage liquid impinger could be used to control the quality of inhalation product. 结论:自制双层液体碰撞器可用于吸入剂的质量监控。 www.zgyxzz.com.cn:8080 9. deepen the word mea ning research on imitated words of themodern Uighur languages. 深化了对维吾尔语摹拟词语义方面的研究。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. Next to Humphrey Bogart's Rick from Casablanca , Oscar winner Marlon Brando's Don Vito may be the most imitated character in screen history. 下一步亨弗莱鲍嘉从里克卡萨布兰卡,奥斯卡影帝马龙白兰度的唐吉维托可能是历史上最模仿屏幕字符。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. If you ask ordinary parents how their child learned to talk, they would probably say, "He just imitated. What's the problem? " 如果你向某位寻常父母打听他们的孩子是怎样学会说话的,他们很可能会告诉你“他就是模仿啦,怎么了?” bbs.huainet.com 2. He was the first opera star to be imitated, drunkenly, by legions of joyful or heartbrokenfootball fans. 他是首位被醉醺醺的高兴或者心碎的足球球迷军团模仿的歌剧明星。 www.ecocn.org 3. Updated thinking can often be an impact to people and imitated. But some unprecedented deeds can sink ourselves into mire and abyss! 前卫的思想常常会给别人造成冲击并被效仿,而前卫的行为则往往让自己陷入泥淖和深渊! www.bing.com 4. America is no longer admired, imitated, or feared. 人们已经不再崇拜、模仿或惧怕美国。 www.bing.com 5. Product is produced by factory, while brand is what the consumers buy. Products can be imitated by competitors, whereas brand is unique. 产品是工厂生产的东西,而品牌是消费者购买的东西。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 6. Each year's team is full of new faces adding new dynamics to the team as never seen before. Often imitated, never duplicated. 每年的球队充满了新的面孔增添新的活力,车队从未有过的。经常模仿,永远不会重复。加州大学的自己卡巴现代?。 www.yycz.net 7. Continental industrial co ltd cop and imitated the outward appearance and trademark of our product. 大陆工业有限公司仿制了我方产品的外型及商标。 www.hotdic.com 8. Longfellow also imitated the meter of the Finnish epic poem Kalevala, possibly to avoid British models. 朗费罗还模仿米芬兰史诗卡勒瓦拉,可能避免英国模式。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It should be forged by moulding, and the work is not fine, which may be newly imitated! 应该是翻砂铸造,且工艺不精,有新仿的嫌疑! hfsword.com 10. Each works all express with bloody, impossible to be imitated by anyone, including author himself. 每一幅作品都透着血气,是任何人无法模仿的——包括作者本人。 exhibit.99ys.com 1. This method of recruitment would be imitated by many subsequent social networks. 许多后来的社会网络也模仿这样的注册方式。 www.bing.com 2. The first chapter on the definition of the imitated words of themodern Uighur languages and the ownership of parts of speech. 第一章讨论维吾尔语摹拟词的定义和词类归属问题。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. A blade can be imitated to such level should have good rigidity, and I think it's worth of playing. 能仿到这样的条子,硬度应过关,在下认为玩得过。 hfsword.com 4. furthermore , high - tech consumer products are easily imitated . consumer cannot identify which one is better. 此外,高科技消费品容易相互效仿,产品差别不大,导致消费者购买产品时越来越谨慎。 www.ichacha.net 5. Scholars read, imitated and emulated his works eagerly. Korean scholars absorbed Ouyang Xiu's literary theory from the form and content. 文人们争相阅读、次韵、效仿其诗文,还从形式与内容方面吸收、借鉴其文学理论。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. However, the imitated context is not completely the actual setting and it may strengthen the "role conflict" . 但它又具有不完全真实的局限,甚至可能会强化“角色冲突”。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. On certain conditions, national culture can be copied, imitated and spread. 在一定条件下,它能够被模仿、复制和传播。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. His style is characterized by strong, black outlines and is widely imitated by later artists. 他的风格以粗壮、黑色的轮廓为特点,广为后来的艺术家所模仿。 www.powerdict.com 9. Then the bandit thrice imitated the cry of a crow; a croak answered this signal. 于是那强盗学了三声鸡叫,一声老鸦叫答复了这个暗号。 dict.veduchina.com 10. Yang Xiong imitated Yi and wrote Tai Xuan, which aroused study of Tai Xuan in history. 扬雄准《易》而作《太玄》,在历史上引发《太玄》研究之学。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Rococo taste enjoyed the exotic character of Chinese arts, and imitated them in wares produced in France. 在法国生产的洛可可艺术风格商品,充分吸收并且享用了中国式艺术品的乐趣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Chapter IV summarizing at different levels of imitated words of the modern Uighur la nguagesfrom the voice, syntax and semantic analysis . 第四章从语音、语法和语义等不同层面分析和归纳维吾尔语摹拟词的特点。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Meaning, the voice imitated the exact solo of a saxophonist solo. 意思,声音模仿的确切独奏一个萨克斯演奏家独奏。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Of course, Kissinger has been much imitated on the consultant track by many of his successors in high office. 当然,坐在高层办公室的基辛格的继任们都纷纷效仿他的顾问生涯。 dongxi.net 5. The imitated experiment of random network indicates that the efficiency of DKFLSPT algorithm can be raised by 19%. 随机网络模型的仿真结果表明,DKFLSPT算法效率平均可以提高19%。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Perhaps he imitated sounds he heard all around him: water splashing, bees humming, a stone falling to the ground. 也许他模仿他周围所听到的一切的声音:水的飞溅声、蜜蜂的嗡嗡声、石头的落地声。 www.hbb.cn 7. The processes of manufacturing imitated cow hide furniture leather with buffalo hide was studied. 对水牛蓝湿皮仿黄牛皮家具革的生产过程进行了研究。 www.chemyq.com 8. The more plausible mechanism is that educated women have less children and are more prosperous, and that prosperous people are imitated. 更为合情理的机制是,受过教育的妇女生育的子女少,过得也越好,而人们会仿效过得好的人。 www.bing.com 9. With records at home, listeners imitated these lighting effects as best they could, and heightened the whole experience by using drugs. 家中有唱片的人会模仿那些灯光效果,并使用实物来加强整体的感觉。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. He is known for his stage presence, muscular riffing style and often-imitated signature growl. 并且以其台风、强劲的演奏风格和常被效仿的标志性狂吼而著称。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The sketches imitated the trappings of real relationships but within a fantasy world of love and betrayal. 情节上基于真实的事件而构想着一个充满着爱恨情仇的幻想世界。 dongxi.net 2. The culture is duplicated and imitated endlessly in dispensary and disorder, which gives us endlessly simulational series. 它在消解与失序中被无休止的复制与模仿,给我们一个无止尽的仿真系列。 lib.nwnu.edu.cn 3. Humans have imitated this by wearing green clothing as a camouflage in military and other fields. 人类也模仿了这一点,在军事和其它领域穿着绿色服装作为伪装。 dict.kekenet.com 4. I imitated this action, even wearing his spectacles, thinking they might help solve the mystery. 我也会模仿他的动作,甚至戴上了他的眼镜,因为我想眼镜或许能帮我解开未知的秘密。 www.okread.net 5. There's research that shows babies like to be imitated. 有研究表明婴儿们喜欢被模仿。 www.bing.com 6. Art poetry is an imitated product also is the imitated target to people. 诗乐艺术是模仿的产物,也是模仿的对象。 www.fabiao.net 7. "This signature is fairly well imitated, " he growled between his teeth; "however, let it go! " “这签字摹仿得相当好,”他咬紧牙咕哝着,“不过,让它去吧!” www.ebigear.com 8. The result demonstrates that SOD has strong resistance to the inactivating effects of imitated stomach andsmall intestines. 结果说明,SOD对模拟胃肠道中的变性作用有较强的耐受力,为SOD的口服提供理论依据。 www.zgyxzz.com.cn:8080 9. In the preparation for Juno, she chatted with pregnant young girls and imitated their walking ways. 在筹备接拍《朱诺》时,艾伦就经常和早孕少女聊天,并尝试着模仿她们走路的方式。 www.kekenet.com 10. It should be newly imitated, rough grain, with no verve and strength. 应是新仿之作,纹样粗劣,线条没有神彩力度。 hfsword.com 1. Produce: cloth for garment, silk, velvet, imitated silk, label, window mesh. 可织造产品:服装面料,真丝桃皮绒,仿真丝,商标,窗纱。 www.showxiu.com 2. Furthermore, this paper imitated Non-line voltage sensors virtual flux based PCFF and validated its feasibility. 文章还对基于虚拟磁链的无电压传感器预测电流控制方法进行仿真模拟,验证了其可行性。 www.boshuo.net 3. Reita: Whenever I listen to Ishida Junichi talk, I think someone who imitated him would be popular. 不管什么时候我听石田纯一说话,我都觉得能模仿他的人会很受欢迎。 hi.baidu.com 4. The design first took off in US colleges and soon was imitated by other apparel manufacturers. 这种式样最初在美国大学中流行,不久其他的服装制造商进行了仿制。 www.hotdic.com 5. After Pulcharia, the emperors of Byzantium ruled by divine right and by right of birth and all later Western kings's imitated them. 普尔喀丽娅之后,所有的拜占庭皇帝皆为神权,出生权所统治,之后的西方国王也效法他们。 www.bing.com 6. With records at home , listeners imitated these lighting effects as best they could . 家中听唱片音乐的时候,听众极尽可能地模仿照明效果。 www.bing.com 7. the former imitated, and even translated, Alcaeus and Anacreon, the latter was directly inspired by Sappho. 前模仿,甚至翻译,Alcaeus和阿那克里翁,后者是直接启发萨福。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In addition, Tan has Japanese style, wonder it's Chinese imitated Japanese, or Japanese imitated Chinese. I prefer to the latter. 另外,刀镡确有日风,不知是中学日,还是日学中,我宁愿相信后者。 hfsword.com 9. Chapter II on the examinionof symbols issues of imitated words of the modern Uighur languages. 第二章探讨维吾尔语摹拟词的符号性问题。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. [B] he uses them in an eccentric way that can hardly be imitated by other poets. [B]他用比喻的方式很奇怪、他人无法模仿。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The tower body with iron imitated wood casting layer, layer by layer stack assembled. 塔身用生铁仿木构分层铸造,逐层迭装而成。 liaocheng.qite8.com 2. In the past, we indiscriminately imitated other countries and suffered greatly from the consequences. 过去我们中国照搬别人的,吃了很大苦头。 www.hotdic.com 3. He imitated the president giving a speech. 他学总统发表演讲。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. The color texture modeling which uses sine function was built. An example of building imitated fruits statuette was given. 利用正弦函数的变化规律对植物表面颜色纹理进行模拟。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. And it is true that the company has time and again bought in or imitated the technology of others. 事实上也是,这个公司一次又一次的买入或者模仿其他人的技术。 www.bing.com 6. On our curvy test loop, the Focus imitated a go-kart's taut ride and dart maneuverability. 在我们的曲线测试回路,福克斯模仿一卡丁车的弦乘坐和darty机动性。 usa.315che.com 7. If only from the imitated western-style sword it's probably in late Qing and Minguo period. 如单以仿西洋式手杖剑算起则多属清末民国之物。 hfsword.com 8. Hollywood fashions in the way of clothing are servilely imitated by the Japanese. 日本人盲目地模仿着好莱坞的服装流行式样。 www.fzfu.com 9. Carried on numberemulation to that model in the meantime, the number expanded imitated as a result predict withtheories consistently. 同时,对该模型进行了数值模拟,扩展的数值模拟结果与理论预测一致。 www.say666.com 10. At that time sabers of Kuomintang military school were all imitated the shape of Japanese sabers ! 那时候国名党创办的军校军刀都是仿日式军刀的造型! dictsearch.appspot.com 1. People who are convinced this style of design is "cool" have continuously imitated Tokyo. 认定这种设计风格“很酷”的人们一直在模仿东京。 www.ftchinese.com 2. It's the imitated Japanese weapon used by the army of Qijiguang. It's named stick nipped Dao! 这是戚继光部队使用的仿倭寇的武器,名:夹刀棍! hfsword.com 3. What appearance is the small furniture that can you imagine to imitated strawberry appearance and colour are made? 你能想象仿造草莓外形和色彩制作的小家具是什么样子吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The actress perfectly imitated a French accent in the movie. 这位女演员在电影中完美的模仿了法国的口音。 www.bing.com 5. Influenced by the ideology tide, there were many poets who lived in seclusion and imitated Taoist priests in Yuan Dynasty. 在此种社会思想潮流下,元代诗人大量地隐居学道,杨维桢是这些诗人的典型代表。 www.fabiao.net 6. Is there pic imitated Longquan in Beijing antique city? 可有北京古玩城仿龙泉的照片! hfsword.com 7. Q. Is it a danger when you have a style that's so distinctive it becomes boilerplate and imitated? 你有一种独特的风格,独特到成了一种套路,会被模仿,这是不是一种危机呢? cn.nytimes.com 8. They only imitated us and our methods slavishly . 他们不过是依样画葫芦地模仿我们的方法。 www.bing.com 9. White fu ling be eaten many bean curds, but some get up up of testify always have not, imitated a Buddha to sleep to dead generally. 白茯苓被人吃了不少豆腐,可是一点儿醒来的迹象都没有,仿佛睡死了一般。 www.dqbuluo.com 10. "Eat, drink and be merry, " a soldier imitated. “吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐,”一个士兵模仿道。 bbs.enfamily.cn 1. Imitated with the computer finally, we can get a great recovery picture. 最后依据相应的数学模型用计算机进行模拟得到效果良好的恢复图像。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. He imitated the ancients in painting. 他在绘画上师法古人。 www.powerdict.com 3. A man never knows what a fool he is until he hears himself imitated by one. 到了听说别人模仿他时,人才知道自己有多笨。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Imitated by many, surpassed by none. 一直被模仿,从未被超越~~~。 en.cnxianzai.com 5. At last, we should know, enterprises' core competence should be something that can't be duplicated and imitated by their rivals. 最后,我们应该知道,企业的核心能力应该是不能复制并且所模仿他们的竞争对手。 ask.china-exam.com 6. The Western firms that some of them imitated find obstacles in their way in China. 它们模仿的对象在中国阻力重重、步履维艰。 www.bing.com 7. MAIN PRODUCTS: Different kinds of craft loafer, fashionable shoe and imitated shoe lather. 各式男、女、童工艺凉、拖鞋、时装鞋、仿皮鞋。 www.cnefair.com 8. He imitated the works of Picasso. 他仿制了毕加索的作品。 dict.hjenglish.com 9. Striving to emulate Xishi, she imitated her stoop , knitting her brows at the same time. 于是东施时常效仿西施,手捂胸口,紧皱眉头。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Police went to the flat because of unpaid rent and other bills. The man had imitated an old woman's voice to deceive the social services. 报道说,警方之所以来到那套公寓是因为该男子拖欠了房租及其它一些帐单。 www.24en.com 1. Zhu Geliang imitated woodpecker to cry twice, take the chance to give fart put. 诸葛亮模拟啄木鸟叫了两声,趁机把屁给放了。 qyweb.org 2. The Dutch team not only replicated the earlier research but also found that people become more altruistic after they have been imitated. 荷兰团队不仅重复了以前的研究,还发现人们在被模仿之后会变得更慷慨无私。 www.bing.com 3. He imitated the cock 's crow. 他模仿公鸡打鸣。 www.hotdic.com 4. Thanks! It's really imitated. Because it's softer than bean curd. That guy said it's iron. 多谢了!的确是仿的。因为简直比豆腐还软。那家伙说它是镔铁的。又被骗了。 www.kuenglish.info 5. Color field of vision of color blind is imitated based on color design tree for color blind. 通过建立产品设计方案的色彩设计树,实现了色盲人群色彩视界的转换与显示。 www.zidir.com 6. Its movements imitated the motion of five kinds of birds and beasts. 其招式就模仿了五种飞禽走兽的动作。 english.cntv.cn 7. It's fat. Why is it so different from the imitated hollow sword with short hilt sold in the street? 这剑身胖胖的,为何与街边卖的镂空短柄剑的类似仿品大为不同呢?。 hfsword.com 8. I have imitated this 'Spring and Autumn' over 100 times. 这幅春树秋霜图,画过几百次,熟得很。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Why I think it's newly imitated? 我怎么觉得是新仿的? hfsword.com 10. If you have your own label, what is your feeling of being counterfeited or imitated? 如果你拥有你自己的品牌,对于被冒牌或抄袭有什麽感觉?。 www.my3q.com.tw 1. " He imitated instructors, said: " Brother, are you the wrong place, boys line up over there. 他模仿教官,说:“兄弟,你走错地方了,男生在那边排队。” www.dota123.com 2. 'He must have imitated somebody else's hand, ' said the King. (The jury all brightened up again. ) “一定是他模仿了别人的笔迹。”国王这么一说,陪审员全都醒悟过来了。 www.hjenglish.com 3. A model is a person who is learnt from and imitated by others. There are three kinds of models: elite-model, typical-model and common-model. 榜样是指被别人作为学习、模仿对象的人物,包括“精英”型榜样、“典型”型榜样、“大众”型榜样等三种类型。 www.juhe8.com 4. "Is just 14 years old, also small get very. " She imitated a Buddha to release tone: "Where did you learn it ? " “才十四岁,还小得很嘛。”她仿佛松了口气:“在哪儿念书?” www.dqbuluo.com 5. elbow bending shoulders of the imitated Boxers posture, put themselves in a proper position; 肘部弯曲,双肩发力,模仿拳击运动员的姿势,摆正位置; www.6m.com 6. Establishment Accounting Imitated Room Being Efficient Measure of Strengthen Technical Fostering 建立财会模拟室是强化技能培养的有效措施 www.ilib.cn 7. Setting up of an animal model of imitated thermal radiation burn and study on its death probability 模拟光辐射烧伤动物模型的建立和死亡概率的研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Reconstructing Surfaces Using Imitated Uniformity Subdivision Method 拟均匀细分曲面方法进行曲面重构 ilib.cn 9. Identification and Modification of the Mistake Area in the Comprehensive Imitated Early-warning Model of Real Estate 房地产综合模拟预警法误区的识别及修正 www.ilib.cn 10. strengths that cannot be easily matched or imitated by competitors 不容易为竞争对手比较或模仿的优势 wenku.baidu.com 1. Development of an Intelligent Pneumatic-hydraulic Proportional-tuning Imitated Load System 一种气-液比例智能调节模拟负载系统的研制 www.ilib.cn 2. Decision on Market Entry Time for Imitated Products of a Certain Market Share 模仿者基于一定市场份额条件下产品进入市场时间的确定 www.ilib.cn 3. Strict laws in Sweden once aimed to stop people creating family names that imitated those already in use 瑞典曾经有很严格的法律,禁止人们把自己的姓改为其他人已经使用的姓。 www.bing.com 4. a writer who slavishly imitated the works of his favourite poet, Keats (一位盲目地模仿自己喜爱的诗人济慈的作品的作家); blog.hjenglish.com 5. Specification for construction and acceptance of vinylite decorating imitated screen wall 合成树脂幕墙装饰工程施工及验收规程 www.cecs.org.cn 6. manufacture or market adulterated product or imitated product, or pass off "substandard" product as qualified; 生产、经销掺假产品、冒牌产品,以“处理品”冒充合格品; www.zftrans.com 7. Establishment and Compaction Experiment of Dynamics Model for Impact-imitated Vibratory Roller 仿冲击振动压实机动力学模型的建立及压实试验 8. Determination of reflection coefficient in TEM imitated-seismic interpreting TEM拟地震解释中的反射系数确定 service.ilib.cn 9. Notification on Strengthening the Declaration and Administration of Imitated Drugs 关於加强仿製药品申报管理有关事宜的通知 www.sanmontlex.com 10. Research on Issues of the Experimental Curriculum Construction of Imitated Court 模拟法庭实验课程建设基本问题研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Creating Imitated Context of Situation in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language 论对外汉语教学中模拟情景的创设 ilib.cn 2. Breeding Direction and Crossbreeding Technique of Imitated Indigenous Layer Breed 仿土蛋鸡的育种方向与配套选育技术 service.ilib.cn 3. Differentiation and analysis of imitated patent and counterfeited patent 假冒专利与冒充专利辨析 ilib.cn 4. Circuit imitated and its application in man-machine project 电路模拟及其在人机工程中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. But the evolution process of the GUI program on all platform does not have this road, give appearance only however be imitated; 可是所有平台上的GUI程序的演化进程都没有走这条路,而是只把外表给模仿走了; pjprimer.com 6. Bones and stones inlaid imitated red sandalwood two-door and two-drawer cabinet with figures painting 骨石镶嵌仿红木人物双门双抽柜 wmyzqq.mflady.com 7. Bones and stones inlaid imitated red sandalwood mid-size corner cabinet with figures painting 骨石镶嵌仿红木人物中角柜 wmyzqq.mflady.com 8. Effect of imitated freeze injury on moisture content translocation ability of longan branch tips 人工模拟冻害对龙眼枝梢水分输导能力的影响 service.ilib.cn 9. Examination of Signature Handwriting Imitated by Practice and memory 一起練习记忆摹仿签名笔迹的鉴定与启示 service.ilib.cn 10. second is wrapped slurry, if you see more old wrapped slurry, you'll know which is old and which is imitated old; 二是看包浆,你看多了老东西的包浆,就知道哪是老的,哪是新仿作旧; hfsword.com 1. Design of data acquisition circuit and DLL for riding manipulation system imitated by loader 装载机模拟驾驶操纵系统中数据采集电路及动态链接库的设计 service.ilib.cn 2. Decorative gold-imitated barrel plating process for small article of zinc alloy die castings 锌合金压铸小零件装饰性滚镀仿金工艺 www.ilib.com.cn 3. The manufacturing process for skin-imitated artificial leather 仿真皮人造革的制作工艺 service.ilib.cn 4. Examination of Handwriting Imitated after Practice 练习摹仿笔迹的检验 service.ilib.cn 5. Basic materials salted egg yolk, eggs, juice, Japan imitated crab meat, celery, bread and bran; 基本材料咸蛋黄、鸡蛋汁、日本蟹柳、西芹、面包糠; sites.google.com 6. Imitated Crystal lamp stone art lamp mirror lamp track lamp crystal lamp ceiling lamp pendant lamp 灯饰灯具系列专业词汇、灯饰灯具系列专业词汇、专业术语仿水晶灯石艺灯镜画灯导轨灯水晶灯天花灯吊灯 wenku.baidu.com 7. 55 Cases of Treating Urolithiasis with Self- imitated Concretion - eliminating Package Granule 自拟排石袋泡剂治疗泌尿系结石55例 www.ilib.cn 8. Application of Imitated Sculpturing Methods in Product Design 论模仿造型法在产品设计中的应用 www.ilib.cn 9. Dyeing of the Padauk-imitated Veneer of Paulownia Wood with Reactive Dyes 用活性染料对泡桐单板仿红木进行染色的影响因素 www.ilib.com.cn 10. Imitated sheepskin leather type pigskin garment leather 仿绵羊型猪皮服装革 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Probe into methods of carrying out case imitated practice examination for in- turn nurses 对轮岗护士实施个案模拟实践考核方法的探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. Developing Imitated Double Needle Bar Fabric on Single Bed Warp Knitting Machine 在单针床经编机上开发仿双针床经编产品 www.ilib.cn 3. The Technological Design for Dyeing Garments with Worn-imitated Effect 仿旧服装染色工艺设计 www.ilib.cn 4. The Design of an Imitated Elevator System for Teaching 教学用电梯模拟系统的设计 www.ilib.cn 5. Imitated analysis of thermal stresses in concrete structure 混凝土结构温度应力仿真分析 service.ilib.cn 6. Imitated Physics Testing Paper of 2007 National University Entrance Examination 2007年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试物理模拟试卷 www.ilib.cn 7. Several Atmospheric Phenomenon Imitated by Milk 牛奶模拟几种大气现象 www.ilib.cn 8. Examination of Imitated Carbon Copy Handwriting 复写摹仿笔迹检验初探 www.ilib.cn 9. The random signal generator of imitated nuclear radiation pulse 仿核脉冲的随机信号发生器研究 virtualchat.cn 10. Application the one-step one-bath pigment dyeing technology in the worn-imitated finishing of ready-made cloths 一浴一步法涂料染色工艺在成衣仿旧整理中的应用 www.ilib.cn 1. Research on Technique Parameter for Anti-glaring Board of Imitated Shape 仿生外形防眩板技术参数的研究 www.ilib.cn 2. The Manufacture of Imitated Cow Hide Furniture Leather with Buffalo Wet Blue 水牛皮仿黄牛皮家具革的制造 service.ilib.cn 3. Gold imitated coloring of aluminum alloy by chemical oxidation 铝合金化学氧化着仿金色工艺 www.ilib.cn 4. In no case shall the double-reinforced waterproofing membrane be used or imitated as SBS modified bitumen membrane 不能用复合胎卷材假冒或误用作SBS改性沥青防水卷材 www.ilib.cn 5. Preparation and Properties of TiO Based Cermets Imitated Gold 一氧化钛基金属陶瓷仿金材料的制备及性能研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Rotary Screen Pigment Printing Imitated Yarn-dyed Fabric 圆网涂料仿色织布印花 service.ilib.cn 7. Electroplating Solution of Imitated Rosy Gold 仿玫瑰金镀液的研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Superficial views on color control of gold imitated deposits 浅谈仿金镀层的色泽控制 service.ilib.cn 9. Study of the imitated ring 拟环的初步研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Gaussian Distribution Signal Generator Based on Imitated Nuclear Radiation Pulse 仿核脉冲的高斯分布信号发生器 ilib.cn 1. Function: The digester can be imitated cooking process during pulp making. Also it can wash pulp replacement; 用途:该蒸煮锅可模拟制浆生产中的蒸煮过程,还可进行纸浆置换洗涤; www.bmlink.com 2. Multi-service Imitated Technology over IP Network IP网上的多业务仿真技术 service.ilib.cn 3. Electrolytic coloring for copper and copper alloy to form gold- imitated film 铜及其合金电解仿金着色工艺 service.ilib.cn 4. The Imitated Researching to Air Press Station System 空压站系统仿真研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Unorderly, irregular and even imitated domestic markets results in Chinese miniature fuse's disrepute 国内市场鱼龙混杂,参次不齐,甚至假冒伪劣,造成中国小型熔断器的不好名声 www.aemchina.com 6. A Computer Security Model of Imitated Nature Immune 一种仿生物免疫的计算机安全系统模型 ilib.cn 7. Overall Design of Imitated Eiffel Tower in Shenzhen 深圳仿埃菲尔铁塔总体设计 scholar.ilib.cn 8. an exploration on imitated teaching method of diagnosis of tcm 模拟教学法的探讨 www.ichacha.net 9. Many times imitated, not duplicated, can't be replaced 很多时候模仿并不是抄袭,我是不可能被取代的 wenwen.soso.com 10. Imitated Face Action Techniques of Robot 机器人仿真表情技术 campus.mechr.com 1. Study on technology of imitated marten fur with veal 犊牛皮仿貂皮毛革生产工艺的研究 service.ilib.cn 2. Brief Analysis on the Imitated Loanword 浅析仿拟外来词 service.ilib.cn 3. Analysis and reform for the damaging support which is mapped and imitated 测绘仿制的立柱损伤原因分析及其技术改造 service.ilib.cn 4. A Study on the Argument Issues of Imitated Coin Crime 伪造货币罪之疑难问题新探 www.ilib.cn 5. women who imitated the new British hair styles (模仿英国的新发型的妇女)。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Cattlehide top grain snuffed to imitated full grain leather 黄牛轻修仿全粒鞋面革 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Qijia with imitated Japanese Tan 仿日镡戚家 forum.china.com 8. A Study on the Imitated Kinship of Folk Society 民间社会中的拟亲属关系研究 www.ichacha.net 9. Small imitated automatic production line based on PLC 基于PLC的小型模拟自动生产线 www.ilib.cn 10. there is the effect of self-overflow because the innovative achievement can be shared and imitated rapidly; 集群内创新成果能够被迅速地共享和仿效而具有自溢出效应; www.ceps.com.tw 1. A style imitated from sb's 从某人那里模仿的风格 www.powerdict.com 2. QQ the Three Kingdoms adventurous island, this is imitated make royal Laochen successional and depressed two; QQ三国模拟冒险岛,这一模拟让盛大老陈接连郁闷了两把; dictsearch.appspot.com |
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