单词 | lower-risk | ||||
释义 | lower-risk
例句释义: 低危,低危组 1. A woman who ate ice cream two or more times a week had a 38% lower risk than one who treated herself less than once a week. 一名妇女一周吃两次以上冰淇淋比一周吃不到一次冰淇淋的妇女患上不孕症的几率要低38%。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. Subjects who ate such a diet had a one-third lower risk of having major depression than did subjects who did not eat such a diet. 实验对象中,食用传统饮食的人和不食用传统饮食的人相比,患抑郁症的风险性要低三分之一。 www.bing.com 3. The option with a lower risk of death may seem to be the logical choice. 死亡风险较低的那个选项似乎是合乎逻辑的选择。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The main finding was that participants who adhered closely to the Mediterranean diet had a lower risk of diabetes. 调查主要发现,那些接近于地中海饮食的参与者患糖尿病的风险会降低。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. But for a subset of patients followed for more than two years, only high HDL levels were linked with a lower risk of colon cancer. 但是对于一部分随访超过两年的患者,(发现)只有高等级水平的HDL与降低结肠癌的风险有联系。 www.bing.com 6. diabetes : " we found a lower risk of adult - onset diabetes in people who ate more whole grains , " says willet. 糖尿病威利指出:我们发现多吃全谷食物的人较少发生成人糖尿病。 www.ichacha.net 7. Women who had at least 80 percent adherence to the medication had a 60 percent lower risk of severe coronary calcium, as well. 另外,坚持服药超过80%的妇女发生严重冠状动脉钙化的风险会降低60%。 news.dxy.cn 8. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, and getting fewer calories from fat, was also associated with a lower risk of failing the test. 此外,研究发现,在摄入大量水果蔬菜和较少高脂肪食品的情况下,学生读写测试不及格的几率也会降低。 www.ebigear.com 9. Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman will do an about-face on the bank's 'lower risk' corporate nike jordan shoes strategy. 摩根士丹利首席执行长戈尔曼将给该行所谓“降低风险”的策略来个大掉头。 blog.cnfol.com 10. They found, however, that moderate beer drinkers reported less illness and appeared to have a lower risk of death from heart disease. 然而他们发现适当饮用啤酒的人很少生病,而且的心脏病死亡的危险也小。 bbs.24en.com 1. People taking garlic supplements who did catch a cold also had a shorter duration of symptoms and a lower risk of reinfection. 那些吃大蒜的人,他们有感冒症状的持续时间较短,并且传染的风险较低。 www.putclub.com 2. Add tomatoes to your diet to provide lycopene, an antioxidant associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease. 在饮食中添加西红柿,能提供番茄红素,它是一种抗氧化剂,能够降低患前列腺癌和心血管疾病的风险。 www.bing.com 3. Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman will do an about-face on the bank's 'lower risk' corporate strategy. 摩根士丹利首席长戈尔曼将给该行所谓“降低风险”的策略来个大掉头。 www.ttxyy.com 4. Breast fed babies are at lower risk of getting high blood pressure, high cholesterol, of becoming obese and of developing type II diabetes. 母乳喂养的婴儿患高血压、高胆固醇、肥胖症和第二类糖尿病的风险较低。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Earlier studies also linked coffee consumption with a lower risk of getting colon, mouth, throat, esophageal and endometrial cancers. 早前的研究还认为饮用咖啡有可能会降低患结肠癌、口腔癌、喉癌、食道癌和子宫内膜癌的风险。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Images can be moved from test to performance test to production quickly and seamlessly with a much lower risk of incompatibilities. 可以快速地和无缝地将这些镜像从测试部门移动到性能测试部门,直至生产部门,这样可以带来更低的不兼容问题的可能性。 www.ibm.com 7. Women who drank at least four cups per day had a 20 percent lower risk of depression. 每天喝至少四杯的妇女患抑郁症的几率要低20%。 www.bing.com 8. Building easily maintainable code in this manner will enable you to debug, fix, and extend your code with lower risk. 使用这种方式构建的易维护代码将降低调试、修复和扩展代码所面临的风险。 www.ibm.com 9. Additionally, an evidence-based review showed a vegetarian diet is associated with a lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease. 另外,一份证据调查显示,素食饮食可以降低缺铁性心脏病的发病率。 www.bing.com 10. Coffee consumption has been associated with a lower risk of death in prospective epidemiological studies, especially in type II diabetics. 在前瞻性流行病研究中发现,咖啡能降低死亡率,尤其是二类糖尿病。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. People who were taking aspirin daily appeared to have a lower risk for heart attack in cold weather than those who didn't take aspirin. 跟那些不服用阿司匹林的人们相比,每天服用该药物的人心脏病发作的风险好像较低。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 2. Last March Free North Korea Radio claimed to have equipped three North Koreans with satellite phones, which offer a lower risk of detection. 去年三月,自由朝鲜电台称已经给三名朝鲜人配备了卫星电话,降低了他们被发现的危险。 www.ecocn.org 3. Among women with a history of CVD, those who consumed the most antioxidants had a 45% lower risk for hemorrhagic strokes. 在那些有心血管疾病史的女性中,那些进食最多富含抗氧化剂食物的女性患出血性卒中的概率要低45%。 news.dxy.cn 4. Previous studies have suggested that physical activity is associated with a lower risk of depressive symptoms. 先前有研究显示,锻炼身体有助于降低抑郁症状。 www.putclub.com 5. The "good" bank will hold all of Northern Rock's retail deposits and a proportion of its lower-risk mortgage loans. “好”银行将持有北岩所有的零售存款和部分低风险抵押贷款。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Those drinking four or more , cups of coffee a day had an 18 per cent lower risk of going to hospital for heart disturbances. 那些每天喝4杯或者更多咖啡的人,患心律不齐的风险比正常人降低18%。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Limiting dietary fat is a step supported by a number of studies as a smart move to lower risk of skin cancer. 一些研究证明:限制饮食中的脂肪,等于向降低皮肤癌患病几率迈出了明智的一步。 blog.163.com 8. And Asia has accepted a lower standard of living in exchange for export-led growth and a lower risk of currency crises. 另外,亚洲也愿意接受较低的生活水平,来换取出口带动的经济增长和较低的货币危机风险。 www.america.gov 9. In a recent Harvard University study, coffee drinkers had a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular causes than nondrinkers. 哈佛大学最近的一项研究表明,常喝咖啡的人比不喝咖啡的人死于心血管疾病的风险更小。 www.bing.com 10. Sunscreens are essential to good skin health by reducing sunburn and skin damage, ultimately leading to a lower risk of skin cancer. 防晒霜是保证皮肤健康的必须要素,它能减低晒伤和皮肤损伤的几率,从而降低皮肤癌的发生率。 microcard2u.com 1. They found those who used a lot of olive oil in cooking or as a dressing or dip had a lower risk of stroke than those who never used it. 他们发现,烹调或调味时大量使用橄榄油的人们的中风风险比那些烹调时从不使用橄榄油的人们的中风风险要低。 www.kle100.cn 2. In general, the higher the excess, the more careful would be the insured and hence the lower risk of having a claim. 一般来说,更高的多余的,更小心,因此将被保险人的风险降低有索赔。 www.bing.com 3. Good news for lifetime coffee drinkers: Long term consumption's been linked to a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. 对于终生饮用咖啡者来说,长期饮用咖啡能够降低患阿尔茨海莫氏症的风险这个消息于他们无疑是令人高兴的。 www.kekenet.com 4. A significant limitation of the IPSS is the heterogeneity within each IPSS category, particularly the lower-risk groups. IPSS的一个显著限制为各IPSS类别中(尤其是低危组中)的异质性。 www.medlive.cn 5. The researchers found that men who drank regular coffee containing caffeine had a lower risk of gallstone disease. 研究人员发现常喝含有咖啡因的咖啡的男性得胆囊结石的可能性较低。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Future research may prove whether there is a cause-and-effect relationship between coffee-drinking and a lower risk of depression. 未来研究可能证明饮用咖啡和减低抑郁症风险之间的因果关系。 www.voanews.cn 7. Past research has shown that diets high in fruits and vegetables are associated with a lower risk of obesity. 过去研究表明多吃水果和蔬菜肥胖的风险是很小的。 news.dxy.cn 8. People who do not eat much salty food have a 25% lower risk of cardiac arrest or stroke and a 20% lower risk of premature death. 那些不食用盐腌食品的人患心搏骤停或中风的风险降低了25%,患过早死亡的风险降低了20%。 www.dictall.com 9. Conversely, a greater intake of fiber is related to a lower risk of these illnesses. 反之,摄取较多的纤维,则患病的风险较低。 dict.bioon.com 10. This is only part of the story, however: The Investment Company Institute data show lower risk tolerance among younger people, too. 但这只是其中一部分的原因,另一方面:美国投资公司学会的数据显示,年纪较轻的人对风险的承受力较低。 c.wsj.com 1. But for each rise in the happiness scale there was a 22% lower risk of developing heart disease. 但是快乐的程度每提高一分,罹患心脏病的风险就低22%。 english.31931.cn 2. More research is needed to determine whether reducing body fat percentage in such people would lower risk of heart disease. 若要证明此类人如果体内脂肪比例降低其患心脏病的风险是否也会随着降低,还需要做更多的研究。 c.wsj.com 3. In Whitmore's era, cure was often not possible due to advanced disease and complications for lower risk disease were too high. 在惠特莫尔时代,由于病变处于晚期或者低危疾病具有较高的并发症,(前列腺癌)治愈通常是不可能的。 blog.163.com 4. Higher levels of a protein made by fat cells i slinked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. 患2型糖尿病的风险较低与脂肪细胞产生的一种蛋白质含量较高有关。 www.suiniyi.com 5. Men who drink six or more cups of coffee per day had a 60% lower risk of lethal prostate cancer than men who drank no coffee. 每天喝6杯或超过6杯咖啡的男性患致命性前列腺癌症的危险要比不喝咖啡的男性低60%。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Controlling the quality processes across and between software and systems delivery cycles gives companies many ways to lower risk. 在软件与系统交付周期中控制质量流程为组织提供了更多降低风险的方式。 www.ibm.com 7. A recent study found that women who drink more than three glasses a day had a 44 percent lower risk of breast cancer. 最近研究表明:每天喝奶三杯以上的女性,乳腺癌患病率可减少44%。 www.bing.com 8. High Levels of 'Good' Cholesterol May Lower Risk of Dementia, Study Suggests. 研究显示,高水平的“好”胆固醇可能降低患痴呆的风险。 news.dxy.cn 9. Research found that people who take cholesterol-lowering drugs known as stating have a lower risk of developing all forms of dementia. 研究发现服用降胆固醇药物即他汀药物的人发生各种痴呆的风险都很低。 news.dxy.cn 10. The use of aspirin is associated with a lower risk of many cancer types. However, there are little reports in cervical cancer. 使用阿司匹林可以降低很多种类癌症的发病率,然而在宫颈癌中应用的却很少报道。 www.13191.com 1. He says that many borrowers, often nominally lower-risk ones, prepare for default by making more credit inquiries and taking up other loans. 他说,大量借款人——通常表面上还是低风险借款人——早就做好了违约准备,他们的信用调查做得很充分,且还会有其他贷款。 www.ecocn.org 2. Platz and her colleagues previously linked lower risk of advanced prostate cancer to men taking cholesterol-lowering statin-drugs. Platz和她的同事早先认为男性服用降胆固醇的他汀类药物可以降低发生进展期前列腺癌的风险性。 news.dxy.cn 3. In addition, people who adopted the Med diet way of living had fewer incidents of Parkinson's and had a lower risk of depression. 而且,采用地式饮食的人患帕金森综合症的几率更小,他们也更不容易患上忧郁症。 www.bing.com 4. They have been shown to provide an anti-inflammatory effect and have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease. 已经证明它们提供消炎作用,并且与较低的心脏病风险相关联。 www.sdmsw.com 5. New research shows that overweight or even mildly obese people have a lower risk of early death than people considered to be normal weight. 最新研究表明,超胖或轻度肥胖者比正常体重者早逝风险更低。 www.tingroom.com 6. There has been no clear biologic explanation for the lower risk of diabetes seen with higher dairy consumption in prior studies. 在先前的研究中,对于乳制品的高消耗能降低患糖尿病风险这点并没有给予明确的生物学解释。 www.bing.com 7. But surprisingly, those who also get a federally funded school breakfast are at lower risk. 但是令人意外的是,那些吃联邦政府资助的早餐的同学却有着稍小的概率。 www.bing.com 8. They found higher adiponectin levels were consistently associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. 他们发现高脂联素水平可以降低患2型糖尿病的风险。 news.dxy.cn 9. Among both smokers and nonsmokers, those who ate this minimal amount of raw veggies had a 40 percent lower risk. 在吸烟者和不吸烟者双方之间,那些进食最小量生蔬菜的人的膀胱癌风险低于40%。 news.dxy.cn 10. Alternative medications that have a lower risk of oral clefts and other adverse birth outcomes should be considered for these patients. 如果有,应当给这些病人使用唇腭裂和其他不良分娩结局发生风险更低的其他替代药物。 news.dxy.cn 1. Women who ate more than 13 grams of soy per day had a 35% lower risk of fracture than those who ate less than 5 grams per day. 妇女每日摄取十三公克以上的黄豆,发生骨折的风险比每日仅摄取五公克的妇女减少三成五。 www.ebigear.com 2. Another study presented at the conference showed that women who had a daily drink had a lower risk of stroke. 会议上公布的另一项研究显示,每天饮酒的女性患中风的几率更低。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Theories include height being a marker for better nutrition in the womb, which would mean a lower risk of heart and respiratory diseases. 支撑这里理论的是各自越高,在子宫内所吸收的营养也就越好,这就意味着出现心脏病和呼吸系统疾病的风险会降低。 www.hxen.com 4. And those who sipped just one cup of tea each day had a 15 per cent lower risk of the disease than non-drinkers. 而且每天只喝一杯茶的人比不喝茶的人患肾癌的风险低15%。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. It also is likely to spark debate about the role of inflammation in cardiovascular disease and how stating work to lower risk. 也很可能会引发关于炎症在心血管疾病中的地位以及他汀如何降低危险的争论。 news.dxy.cn 6. Doctors chose this approach because it meant a shorter time under anesthesia and a lower risk of massive bleeding and injury to the brain. 选择这种方案是因为它是一种短时间的麻醉手术,大出血和脑部受损的风险相对较低。 bbs.wwenglish.org 7. Previous research has pointed to health benefits for men and women with regular alcohol use, including lower risk of heart problems. 此前的研究已经显示,有规律的饮酒对男性和女性的健康都有一些好处,如患心脏疾病的几率更低。 chinese.wsj.com 8. There are data that show a diet high in fruits and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of pancreatic cancer. 有数据显示,多水果和蔬菜的饮食使得患胰腺癌的风险较低。 www.bing.com 9. In general, people living farther away of the site of the event are at lower risk than those who live nearby. 一般来说,居住在离事件发生地点较远的人们,比住在附近的人们风险低。 www.who.int 10. Nevertheless , anti clotting appears to have a role in the lower risk for heart attacks enjoyed by moderate drinkers. 不过,酒精的抗凝血作用,似乎是适度饮酒者心脏病发作风险较低的部份原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Those who followed a "Prudent" diet had a 30 percent lower risk of heart attack compared to those who went light on fruits and vegetables. 而饮食“谨慎”者患心脏病的几率则比少食蔬菜水果的人低30%。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Female drivers may now have to pay more for their car insurance, despite being a lower risk behind the wheel. 尽管女性驾驶员在车辆事故中的风险较低,但却必须支付更多的车辆保险费。 www.ecocn.org 3. Don't believe anyone who tells you that you can earn higher returns while assuming a lower risk. 无论任何人对你说你能在承担较低风险的情况下获得较高回报,你都不要相信。 www.ebigear.com 4. Scientific studies suggest that taller people are at a lower risk of coronary heart disease. 科学研究表现,高个子的人出现冠心病的风险很低。 www.hxen.com 5. In early fall, however, some people began expressing interest in lower-risk stocks, bankers told the Summit. 银行家对路透峰会表示,在秋初时,部分人士开始对较低风险的股票有兴趣。 cn.reuters.com 6. Instead, they want budget cuts to lower risk premiums and stave off disruptive debt restructurings. 相反,它们希望通过削减预算来降低风险溢价,并避免破坏性的债务重组。 www.ftchinese.com 7. For instance, an investment in U. S. Treasuries carries lower risk (we hope) than an unsecured credit card line. 比方说,美国国债的风险低于无担保信用卡贷款额度(我们希望如此)。 www.fortunechina.com 8. People who eat more of these fruits and vegetables have a documented lower risk of cancer, heart disease and some neurological diseases. 人们吃更多的水果和蔬菜有记载降低癌症的危险性,心脏病和某些神经疾病。 www.vc120.com 9. Yields on securities will continue to decline as we replace maturities and prepayments with lower-risk securities. 由于我们低风险债券替换了到期和预付款债券,债券的投资收益还会继续下降。 www.bing.com 10. And you get a far lower risk of famine, because you actually had two crops to fall back on, not one. 同时,也可以大大降低发生饥荒的风险,因为有两种作物可以依靠,而不是一种。 www.ted.com 1. Sara: That's right. And besides, our babies will be at lower risk for hereditary disease because we're an interracial couple. 莎拉:没错。此外,我们的孩子得遗传疾病的风险会比较低,因为我们是异国情侣。 bbs.haojishu.com 2. these protected funds have lower risk than other covered call funds , and lower expected returns. 这些保护型基金的风险低于其它备兑买入基金,但预期回报率也较低。 www.ichacha.net 3. If you haven't done that, the lower risk approach of larger machines is probably a safer bet. 如果您没有这样做,对于较大的计算机来说,采用风险较小的方法更合适。 www.ibm.com 4. The study found no overall benefit from the supplements, although women who consistently took their pills had a lower risk of hip fracture. 研究发现,没有从补剂中得到的全面的好处,尽管坚持服用补剂的妇女骨折的风险降低。 www.bing.com 5. However, they appear to be at lower risk of death from cancer. 然而,面对癌症死亡,他们似乎有一个较低的风险。 news.dxy.cn 6. Those with high perfectionism scores had a 26-percent lower risk of death than those with low scores. 那些完美主义得分较高的人比那些得分较低的人死亡风险的机率要低26%。 www.bing.com 7. They also offer a yield pickup over government securities, but at much lower risk than equity holdings. 他们也提供某种高于政府证券的收益率,但是大大低于持有产权的风险。 8. But, as importantly, they will help reduce uncertainty, lower risk spreads, and get consumers and firms spending again. 然而,同样重要的是,它们将有助于较少不确定因素,降低风险的蔓延,使得消费者和公司再次开始消费。 www.bing.com 9. Various studies link a high-fiber diet with a lower risk of heart disease. 各种研究都发现高纤维食品与较低的心脏病风险相关联。 www.foodmate.net 10. Coffee intake is associated with lower risk of symptomatic gallstone disease in women. 研究课题:咖啡可降低女性患胆结石的危险。 www.51mycoffee.com 1. The use of sulfonylurea by women was associated with a 51% lower risk of cancer, the report indicates. 报告指出,使用磺酰脲类的女性癌症风险下降51%。 adoop.cn 2. A well diversified portfolio with dollar-cost-averaging approach can help lower risk. 采用分散投资及平均成本法,能有助减低风险。 www.midlandfinancial.com.hk 3. Eating fish and vegetable oils and oliveoil are associated with lower risk of depression. 食用鱼类,蔬菜油以及橄榄油会降低患抑郁症风险。 www.bing.com 4. Reduce stroke risk. U. S. researchers found that regular brisk walking people than less people who suffer 40% lower risk of stroke. 减少中风风险。美国研究发现,经常快走的人比少走路的人患上中风的可能性低40%。 www.xiami360.com 5. Men with longer index fingers were 33% less likely to develop prostate cancer, and men under 60 had an 87% lower risk. 食指长的男性患前列腺癌的几率要低33%,并且在60岁以下的这部分男性要低87%。 news.dxy.cn 6. High levels of physical activity at work also entail a lower risk of heart attack, but only in men. 工作中高强度的体力活动也可以使人承受相对更低的心脏病发病风险,但是这一现象只适用于男性。 www.soudoc.com 7. high levels of the mineral are associated with lower risk for early death. 高水平的这种矿物与较低的早期死亡风险相关联。 www.suiniyi.com 8. Why invest in the UK when other countries and companies offer the same or higher returns for lower risk? 当其它国家和企业能提供同样甚至更高的回报、而风险更低的时候,凭什么要在英国投资? www.ftchinese.com 9. Chinese corporates are still priced for lower risk than, say, the Greek government's debt. 中国公司债的价格显示其风险仍低于希腊政府债券。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Men who drank four or more cups of regular coffee each day had a 45 percent lower risk. 每天喝四杯或四杯以上咖啡比不喝咖啡的男子得胆结石的可能性低45%。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. They found that aspirin users had an almost thirty percent lower risk of dying from their cancer. 他们发现,阿司匹林对用户有一个人死于癌症的风险降低近百分之三十。 www.englishtang.com 2. Lower risk means lower funding costs, which in turn means fatter banking profits. 风险降低意味融资成本下降,进而意味着银行将获得利润丰厚。 www.cei.gov.cn 3. This way you can get the benefits of fish consumption, with a lower risk of getting too much mercury. 通过这种方法,你可以在更低的摄入过多汞的危险下收获到食用鱼类的益处。 www.elanso.com 4. Helps lower risk of disease and infection. Non-toxic. Leaves no harmful residue. 降低疾病传播风险,无毒性,无残留有害物质。 detail.china.alibaba.com 5. Now stocks have run up so quickly, corporate bonds are a lower-risk way to bet on continued healing in the economy. 如今股市上涨如此迅猛,投资公司债成为了押注美国经济持续复苏的一个风险较低的手段。 www.bing.com 6. In general, people living farther away are at lower risk than those who live nearby. 一般来说,住在较远处的居民面临的风险比住在近处的人要低一些。 www.who.int 7. This might explain why children with high IQs tend to have a lower risk of heart disease in later life. 这也是为什么高智商的孩子在晚年不容易患心脏病的原因。 gb.cri.cn 8. It is with lower risk and higher satisfaction. The patients recover more rapidly and double-eyelid looked more beautiful and more natural. 结论新手术方法风险低,满意度高,恢复快,形成的重睑线自然。 www.studa.net 9. The characteristics of GTIMS are lower risk, easier usability, easier maintenance and foresightedness . 该系统具有低风险性、易用性、易维护性及前瞻性约特点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. S. adults who fall in the overweight category have a lower risk of premature death than do those of so-called healthy weight. 结果显示,体重落于过重范围的美国成年人,与所谓健康体重的人相比,有更低的早逝风险。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 1. If you are new to investments, you should probably start with a lower risk portfolio. 如果您是一名投资新手,您应当从低风险的投资组合开始。 www.fundsupermart.com 2. As the fund manager pools the funds from many investors, he can invest in a diversified portfolio that offers lower risk. 负责管理基金的专业经理会集合许多投资者的资金,组成一个风险分散的投资组合。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. People living farther away are at lower risk than those who live nearby. 居住在远处的居民受到的威胁要比附近的居民受到的威胁要低。 www.bing.com 4. People who took echinacea had a 58% lower risk of catching a cold, according to the researchers. 据研究人员讲,服用紫锥菊的人感冒的患病几率降低了58%。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 5. Women who drink coffee may have a lower risk of depression, according to a study from the Harvard School of Public Health. 哈佛大学公共卫生学院的一项研究发现,多喝咖啡的女性较少患抑郁症。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The covered bond is much more transparent and lower risk. 相比之下,担保贷款的透明度要高的多,风险也低得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The studies may help explain why people who eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables have a lower risk of cancer, Srivastava said. 报道说,这项研究或许能帮助解释为什么那些食用大量蔬菜水果的人患癌症的风险要比其他人低的原因。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. More specifically, weekly church goers have a lower risk of death than those who never set foot inside a place of worship. 说得更具体些,每周上教堂的人的死亡率要比脚从不踏进任何宗教崇拜地方的人来得低。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. And other research has found that regular, strenuous exercise may help lower risk too. 还有研究发现,定期大剂量运动也可能有助于降低风险。 www.bing.com 10. The stocks below are chosen from StockInvestor's tortoise, or lower-risk, portfolio. 这些股票都是从股票投资者的“乌龟”或者“野兔”(较低风险)中选出来的。 www.bing.com 1. Melatonin also has been linked to improved immunity and lower risk of cancer. 褪黑激素也被认为与提高免疫力,降低患癌症的风险。 www.zhong-yao.net 2. High dietary fibre is also associated with lower risk of some cancers, especially bowel cancer. 高饮食纤维同时也和减少一些癌症的风险有关,特别是肠癌。 afic.org 3. Individuals are happy with the lower risk. 个人投资者乐于看到风险的下降。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Eating fish weekly may lower risk of age-related eye disease. 每周吃鱼可降低与年龄有关的眼部疾病的风险。 www.17tx.com 5. Women who ate soy regularly as children have a lower risk of breast cancer, American researchers report. 据美国研究人员报告,儿童时期经常吃豆类食品的女性患乳腺癌的风险较小。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Women who choose plain water over sweet fizzy drinks or fruit juice, have a lower risk of developing diabetes. 用白开水替代泡沫丰富的饮料和果汁喝的妇女患有糖尿病的风险较低。 www.bing.com 7. For example, a predominance of type I muscle fibres is associated with better performance in endurance sports and a lower risk of obesity. 例如,一个占主导地位的I型肌纤维与更好的性能和耐力运动中的风险较低肥胖。 www.syyxw.com 8. There is now a lot of evidence that people who regularly include fish in their diet have a lower risk of unwanted weight gain. 现在,有很多证据表明,在膳食中定期摄入鱼类的人的多余体重增加的风险比较低。 www.bing.com 9. It worked out at a 31% lower risk of infection for the vaccine group. 经计算得出的结论是,对于接受疫苗的那一组志愿者来说,艾滋病毒感染风险降低了31%。 www.bing.com 10. Even lower risk of roll-back if you are taking the opportunity to add small unit tests to these newly separated components at the same time. 如果你同时乘机给新分离的组件增加小的单元测试,回退的风险会变得更低。 www.infoq.com 1. Women in the study who said they ate one serving of poultry per day had a 19% lower risk of heart disease. 研究中说她们每天吃1份家禽肉的女性心脏病风险降低19%。 www.dxy.cn 2. This is a lower risk situation, but it may take a long time before the market adjusts the stock's valuation. 这是一种风险更低的情况,但是或许要花很长时间市场才会调整该股票的估值。 www.bing.com 3. Blood in the mouth carries an even lower risk. 由于血液进入口腔而被感染的风险更低。 www.bing.com 4. Some studies have found that children have a lower risk of eczema if they are given probiotics as babies. 一些研究发现在婴儿时期给予益生菌的儿童患湿疹的危险要小。 www.bing.com 5. The study found that the aspirin users had an almost 30% lower risk of dying from their cancer. 研究发现,使用阿司匹林的病人的癌症死亡率几乎降低了30%。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. And they're in fact at lower risk for dying of cardiovascular disease, " Kuk says. " 实际上,肥胖人群死于心血管疾病的风险更低。 www.voanews.cn 7. A separate study found that active people have a 50 percent lower risk of premature death. 另一个研究显示活跃的人有50%的可能避免早逝。 bbs.runbible.cn 8. At the same time it is an safe way with lower risk on the basis of skilled microsurgical technique. 在熟练的显微外科技术的基础上,显微血管减压手术是一种安全的治疗方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. That means you will be investing the funds more conservatively, which will likely yield a lower return but also a lower risk. 此意味著,您将更保守地投资资金,如此风险较低,不过报酬率也可能较低。 irp.com.tw 10. Again: Lower risk to taxpayers (though not quite as low as option 1), but also harder to get a 30-year loan. 同理,场景二也降低了纳税人的直接风险(不如场景一风险那么低),不过仍然很难得到30年期的住房抵押贷款。 www.bing.com 1. Myth: Small-chested women have a lower risk. 误区二:胸小的女人患病机率较低。 www.bing.com 2. When we compared people in the same age groups, women and men with the highest HEI scores did have a lower risk of major chronic disease. 如果比较同年龄层的人,HEI分数最高的男女罹患主要慢性病的风险的确比较低; edba.ncl.edu.tw 3. polyunsaturated fats -- a healthier type of fat that is found in olive oil, for example -- had a lower risk of depression. 志愿者食用类似橄榄油含有的不饱和脂肪更加健康,患抑郁症的风险也降低了。 www.putclub.com 4. So we can design the future if we choose what kind of things we want to have happen and not have happen, and steer us to a lower-risk place. 因此如果我们能够选择什么是我们希望发生的,什么不是,然后引导未来向低风险的方向去发展,那么我们就可以设计未来了。 www.ted.com 5. Conclusions Obesity is associated with a lower risk of active pulmonary tuberculosis in the older population of Hong Kong. 结果:在香港的老年人群中,肥胖是活动性肺结核的保护性因素。 www.dxy.cn 6. A study last year said that men with long index fingers have a lower risk of prostate cancer. 去年的一项研究发现,食指长的男性患前列腺癌的风险较低。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The law of large numbers; Larger scale, relatively lower risk. Higher benefit, lower cost; 形成最大的人数规模,分散风险,以较低的保费成本获得较高的保险福利; www.chnlife.com 8. we discovered that those who had one or two alcoholic drinks a day had a 32 percent lower risk of dying from chd than abstainers did 我们发现,每天喝一两杯酒的人,死于chd的机率比不喝酒的人低了32%。 www.ichacha.net 9. Lower-risk project investments and an overall project balance that optimizes business value 低风险项目投资和最优化商业价值的总体项目的平衡。 www.ibm.com 10. Primary analysis on motivation of citizen blood donation and strategy of recruiting lower risk blood donor 浅析公民献血动机及低危献血者的招募策略 www.ilib.cn 1. Science in the News: More Fish, Less Tobacco Could Lower Risk of Blindness in Older People 科技新闻:多吃鱼少抽烟可以减小老年人失明的危险 www.ilit.cn 2. Opening new markets with lower risk in the market downturn. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HE 在市场低迷时期,以更低的风险,开辟和培养新航线。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Health Report - Study Finds Overweight People Have Lower Risk of Death 健康报道-研究发现超重者死亡风险更低 www.tingroom.com 4. Medical Researchers: Aspirin May Lower Risk of Breast Cancer 医学研究者:阿斯匹林可降低乳腺癌发生风险 www.24en.com 5. China lower risk than UK for green investors, claims Deutsche Bank 德意志银行表示:中国环保投资风险低于英国 www.bing.com 6. Off-line Control Strategies of Lower Risk in Spinning Process 纺纱过程低风险离线控制策略 www.ilib.cn 7. Women who are overweight and exercising are at lower risk than those who are overweight and not exercising; Feigelson博士说:坚持运动的超重女性比不运动的超重女性风险更低; www.dxy.cn 8. Infant Exposure to Pets May Lower Risk of Later Allergies 早养宠物对宝宝好 ts.hjenglish.com 9. Alpha-Carotene Level Linked with Lower Risk of Death α-胡萝卜素水平与低死亡风险 www.bing.com 10. default risk More equity, lower risk ? low ROE 股权收益率低, wenku.baidu.com 1. Coffee, tea linked to lower risk of kidney cancer 研究:喝茶和咖啡有助于预防肾癌 internationalperson.com 2. Lower risk of overall project failure 项目总体性失败的风险比较低 myweb.xxzsg.com 3. Separation Method Could Lower Risk of Microemboli in CABG 分离方法可降低CABG中的微栓塞危险 www.sinoas.com 4. Garlic May Lower Risk of Prostate Cancer 大蒜可以降低前列腺癌的患病几率 dzd.every.com.cn 5. Cocoa linked to lower risk of disease 可可和低发病率的关联 www.bing.com |
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