单词 | Jas. |
释义 | 例句释义: 贝尔,崔太 1. Jas. 1: 6 But let him ask in faith, doubting nothing, for he who doubts is like the surge of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed about. 雅一6只是要凭著信心求,一点不疑惑;因为那疑惑的人,就像海中的波浪,被风吹动翻腾。 big5.china.com 2. Please attach copies of your SOP's and documentation used for JAS grading. 请附上SOP’s和其它用于达规判定的文件副本。 www.ecocert.cn 3. This is a label that includes the name of the certifier and JAS. It must be used exactly in the form as it was approved by MAFF. 这个商标包含认证者和JAS的名字,并且必须按MAFF核准的形式,准确的使用它。 www.zhongsou.net 4. Internal grading inspections are performed by the grading staff or manager for every production run of product to be JAS sealed. 应对所有加贴JAS标签的产品进行内部达规检查,该检查由达规判定人员或者负责人完成。 www.ecocert.cn 5. Jas. 2: 26 For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. 雅二26身体没有灵是死的,照样,信心没有行为也是死的。 edu.china.com 6. Jas WenYi and dry city the main difference is the point in distillation apparatus and the process. 雅文邑与干邑最主要的不同之点是在蒸馏仪器以及程序上。 www.9999jiu.com 7. This Compliance Plan and supporting documentation will serve to fulfill the JAS requirements for an organic processor. 该遵从计划和所支持的文件将有助于有机生产者履行JAS的要求。 www.ecocert.cn 8. Verification of JAS certification AND presents JAS seal on all raw materials to be used in repacking. 确认分装所用原材料都经过了JAS认证而且都有JAS标识。 www.ecocert.cn 9. Documented internal grading inspections and approvals must be on file for all products with the JAS seal. 对于所有印有JAS标识的产品的内部达规判定检查和批文都应该保存好。 www.ecocert.cn 10. Seal use is not required JAS seal use required for JAS bulk commodities but advisable on each bag or container of bulk product. 散装产品可以不使用JAS标签,但建议在散装产品的袋子和容器上加贴JAS标签。 www.ecocert.cn 1. Are ALL the products requesting JAS certification covered under the current producer organic certification? 是否所有要求JAS认证的产品都包括在当前生产者的有机认证中? www.ecocert.cn 2. Are ALL the products and processes requesting JAS certification covered under the current organic certification? 是否所有要求JAS认证的产品和加工都包括在当前的有机认证中? www.ecocert.cn 3. Labelling requirements for multi-ingredient food products are somehow different from the EU Regulation and JAS. 多成分食品产品的标签要求或多或少的不用于欧盟规章和JAS。 ceres-osc.com 4. Organic exports to Japan must be labelled with the so-called "JAS mark" . 出口到日本的有机物必须贴上被称为“JAS标志”的商标。 www.zhongsou.net 5. Jas. 1: 1 James, a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes in the dispersion: Rejoice! 雅一1神和主耶稣基督的奴仆雅各,写信给散居的十二个支派:愿你们喜乐。 edu.china.com 6. Only products approved by the grading department will be sold as JAS certified and display the JAS seal. 只有经过达规判定部门批准的产品才能按照JAS认证的产品销售并加贴JAS标签。 www.ecocert.cn 7. ( ) A farmer can use any materials on "Attached table" of JAS standards without any restriction. 农民可以使用JAS标准中列出的任何材料而不受任何限制。 www.ecocert.cn 8. For a Producer Group do you maintain a current organic certification for each producer location and field requesting JAS certification? 对于生产队,是否保存了要求JAS认证的每个生产者和田块最近的有机证书? www.ecocert.cn 9. ( ) One can use additives listed in the JAS Attachment table without any restriction. 可以在无任何限制条件下使用JAS标准附则中所列的添加剂。 www.ecocert.cn 10. James (James) 2 Jas 2: 7 Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called? 雅各书(雅)2雅2:7他们不是亵渎你们所敬奉(所敬奉:或作被称)的尊名吗? home.godwithus.cn 1. Is production plan documentation such as annual organic renewal information available for review by the registered JAS certifier? 是否有生产计划书例如每年更新的信息需要JAS认证机构评阅? www.ecocert.cn 2. Jas. 1: 16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. 雅一16我亲爱的弟兄们,不要看错了。 big5.china.com 3. Jas. 5: 19 My brothers, if any one among you is led astray from the truth and someone turns him back. 雅五19我的弟兄们,你们中间若有人受迷惑离开真理,有人使他回转。 edu.china.com 4. Jas. 1: 10 And the rich in his being brought low, because like a flower of the grass he will pass away. 雅一10富足的降卑,也该如此,因为他必要过去,如同草上的花一样。 edu.china.com 5. Cause I really see a future with Jas, and if his parents for some reason don "t like me, then I will be devastated. " 因为我看到我和贾斯之间的美好未来。但是如果他的父母亲因为什么原因不喜欢我,我想我会完的。 www.77sx.com 6. Please attach current labels and examples of JAS seal. 请附上当前的标签和JAS标识的样本。 www.ecocert.cn 7. On the same day as Jas' funeral, 19-year-old Pedro Espinoza was formally charged in the teens slaying. 论就在葬礼当天,19岁的PedroEspinoza被正式指控杀害十多位青少年。 dongxi.net 8. You can't be the same person anymore because Jas is what made me whole. 我不可能再和以前一样了,因为他的存在才让我完整。 dongxi.net 9. Notice that the JAS_PORT is now 80. 注意,JAS_PORT现在是80。 www.ibm.com 10. Jas. 5: 8 You also be long-suffering; establish your hearts because the coming of the Lord has drawn near. 雅五8你们也当恒忍,坚固你们的心,因为主的来临近了。 edu.china.com 1. Jas. 1: 2 Count it all joy, my brothers, whenever you fall into various trials. 雅一2我的弟兄们,无论何时你们落在诸般的试炼中,都要以为大喜乐; edu.china.com 2. JAS seal must appear on all possible shipping documents such as invoices and transportation documents. JAS标签应体现在所有可能的运输文件如发票、运单上。 www.ecocert.cn 3. They plan to burn dead shakira jas, at a crucial juncture, let GaoFu save her, in order to obtain simba trust. 他们计划用火烧死琪拉雅,在紧要关头,让高孚救她,以取得辛巴的信任。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. JAS Journal of Asian Studies. 亚洲研究学报。 bbs17.xilu.com 5. JAS JD AIR SYSTEM JAPAN AIR SYSTEM CO. LTD. 日本空运系统公司日本 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Jas. 3: 15 This wisdom is not that which descends from above, but is earthly, soulish, demonic . 雅三15这样的智慧,不是从上头下来的,乃是属地的、魂的、于鬼且像鬼的。 dict.veduchina.com 7. To find son's scar madam, want to kill shakira jas, be arrived in time simba to rescue. 前来找儿子的刀疤夫人,想要杀害琪拉雅,被及时赶到了辛巴救回。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. James (James) 4 Jas 4: 3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. 雅各书(雅)4雅4:3你们求也得不著,是因为你们妄求,要浪费在你们的宴乐中。 home.godwithus.cn 9. James (James) 2 Jas 2: 4 Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts? 雅各书(雅)2雅2:4这岂不是你们偏心待人,用恶意断定人吗? home.godwithus.cn 10. Shakira jas and GaoFu also really love each other. 琪拉雅和高孚也彼此真心相爱。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Jas. 4: 5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain: 'The Spirit, whom He has caused to dwell in us, longs to envy'? 雅四5经上说,『他使其居住在我们里面的那灵,恋慕以至于嫉妒。』你们想,这话是徒然的么? edu.china.com 2. James (James) 2 Jas 2: 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? 雅各书(雅)2雅2:20虚浮的人哪,你愿意知道没有行为的信心是死的吗? home.godwithus.cn 3. Assurance that products, which have failed during grading to receive the JAS seal, are not sold as organic in Japan. 保证没有通过达规判定不能得到JAS标识的产品不能在日本以有机方式销售。 www.ecocert.cn 4. Jas. 2: 4 Have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil reasonings? 雅二4这岂不是你们中间有了歧视,用恶意判断人么? edu.china.com 5. Maria ni jas so for two years, studying with the first results are eligible for the physics bachelor's degree; 玛妮雅就这样苦读了两年,以第一名的成绩考取了物理学学士学位; wenwen.soso.com 6. Effect of Implementing the Organic JAS Identification to Improve Production Quality in Brewing Enterprises 酿造企业实施日本有机JAS认证对提高产品质量的作用 service.ilib.cn 7. go in the truck , jas . you don ' t need to see this 上车吧,贾斯帕,你没必要看这个 www.ichacha.net 8. Jas 1: 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that given to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; 雅1:5你们中间若有缺少智慧的,应当求那厚赐与众人、也不斥责人的神,主就必赐给他。 home.godwithus.cn 9. JAS grading procedures, including an example of a grading checklist JAS 分级程序,包括分级检查表的例子 www.cn176.com 10. Formal steps requested to obtain and maintain JAS certification 获得和持有JAS认证的正式手续 www.cn176.com 1. Jas. 5: 4 Behold, the wages of the workmen who mowed your fields, which have been withheld by you, cry out; 雅五4看哪,工人收割你们的田地,你们扣下他们的工钱,这工钱为他们喊冤; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. God is a wise husbandman, "who waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it. " (Jas. 5: 7) 亲爱的读者,神是一位聪明的农夫,祂「忍耐等候地里宝贵的出产」(雅各布书五章7节)。 www.ebigear.com 3. Documents required for JAS certification JAS 认证所需的文件 www.cn176.com 4. Jas. 2: 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, 'And Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness'; 雅二23这就应验经上所说的:『亚伯拉罕信神,这就算为他的义。』 edu.china.com 5. Guangdong dongguan city HongFu road south sea jas department fourth floor 广东省东莞市南城区鸿福路海雅百货四楼 zhidao.baidu.com 6. General JAS Grading overview: JAS 分级程序全面概述: www.cn176.com 7. Report on sales of JAS-labelled products 贴有JAS标志产品的销售报告 www.ceres-osc.com 8. Jas. 2: 8 If indeed you are fulfilling the royal law according to the Scripture, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself, ' you do well; 雅二8你们若照著经上『要爱邻舍如同自己』的话,成全这君尊的律法,你们就作得好了; edu.china.com |
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