单词 | bondholder |
释义 | bondholders是bondholder的复数
复数:bondholders 例句释义: 债券持有者,债权人,持券人,债券持有人 1. He got her to water down the idea that private bondholders must take a hit whenever countries get into trouble. 他则说服她摒弃让私人债券持有者为危难中的国家堵枪眼的想法。 www.bing.com 2. Bondholders who woke up to find themselves stockholders might sell their shares, and the shares of any other banks, aggravating contagion. 债券持有人发觉自己是股东时可能会卖掉手里或者其他任何一家银行的股票,会使不良态势恶化。 www.bing.com 3. With shareholders wiped out by a default, the big question would be how much money bondholders could reasonably expect to recover. 违约之后股东会净身出户,因此重要的问题是,根据合理预期,债券持有人应该有望收回多少投资。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A spokeswoman for the department of finance said the government intended to ask all bondholders to extend until May. 迪拜财政部发言人表示,政府打算请求所有债券持有人展延至明年5月。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Ms. Merkel backed down on June 17, agreeing to ask bondholders only for a 'voluntary' contribution to the rescue of Greece. 默克尔在6月17日做出让步,同意仅要求债券持有人“自愿”为救助希腊做贡献。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Few Argentine politicians are prepared to pay the political cost of spending cuts or tax rises to pay off bondholders. 很少阿根廷政治人物愿意支付删减公共支出或加税以偿还债券持有人的政治代价。 www.ecocn.org 7. In the case of assignment of registered bonds, the company shall record the assignee's name and domicile on the record of bondholders. 记名债券的转让,由公司将受让人的姓名或者名称及住所记载于公司债券存根簿。 www.bing.com 8. It later emerges that those bondholders who voted against the restructuring made a lot of money from the company's demise. 后来的情况是,那些投票反对重组的债券持有人从公司终止中赚了很多钱。 www.ftchinese.com 9. For Japan, a swift restructuring under special legislation is better than a bail-out of bondholders that perpetuates perverse incentives. 对日本来说,依据特别法进行快速重组,胜于向债券持有人施以援手,那将使不当激励长期化。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Bondholders have a prior claim on a company's assets; if they are not going to be paid in full, then shareholders will not get a look-in. 债权人对公司资产享有优先权。如果债权人不能获得全额偿还,那么股权所有者更加没份。 www.ecocn.org 1. The others were usually bondholders, who had to be satisfied with what was left after the banks had been paid. 拥有第二追索权的是债券持有人,拥有银行清算完毕之后企业剩余资产的追索权。 club.topsage.com 2. To nobody's surprise, the bondholders are unhappy with their treatment, and appear ready to take their chances in bankruptcy court. 不出人们所料,债券持有人并不满意他们的待遇,似乎准备好要在法庭上碰碰运气。 www.ecocn.org 3. The restructuring fails , the company goes under and bondholders lose more than they would have done under the proposed deal . 重组失败,公司破产,债券持有人遭受的损失超过重组情况下可能发生的损失。 www.bing.com 4. This shifting of risk from bondholders was a bad idea in Ireland and generalizing it across the euro zone will not improve it. 这种把风险从债券持有人身上移走的做法在爱尔兰就收效不佳,推广到整个欧元区收效也不会改善。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The bondholders also said they would be interested in participating in a rescue financing package should Kodak pursue that, the person said. 这位知情人士还说,这些债券持有人也表示,如果柯达想要推行一揽子救助融资计划,他们有意参与其中。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Plan B acknowledges the need for debt relief, through some combination of a fiscal transfer and a contribution by bondholders. A计划是实施紧缩;B计划承认有必要通过结合使用财政转移和债券持有人的贡献,来削减债务。 www.ftchinese.com 7. S&P said the risk is rising that Greece will push its bondholders to accept a delay in the repayment of its bonds. 标普说,希腊将力劝其债券持有者接受债券延期偿还的可能性不断增大。 c.wsj.com 8. So the U. S. Treasury and a committee of bondholders reworked the proposal into something both sides could live with. 因此,美国财政部和债券持有人委员会的建议修改成双方能够接受这个协议代表。 usa.315che.com 9. It said bondholders were likely to get back only 30-50% of their principal were Greece to restructure its debt or to default. 它认为如果希腊进行债务重组或者违约,债券持有人将仅仅收回大约30%-50%的本金。 www.ecocn.org 10. Such a move would see bondholders paid back but at a later date, something S& P says would amount to selective default. 自愿重组后债券持有人仍将得到债务偿还,只是偿还时间将推迟——标普认为这将构成选择性违约。 www.ftchinese.com 1. THL began talking to the banks and bondholders about how to lighten Simmons's debt load, and put the company up for sale. THL当时就开始和各银行股东商谈怎样减轻公司债务负担,再次把公司推上了出售的境地。 www.bing.com 2. By 2015, for instance, Greece could not reduce its debt to a sustainable level even if it wiped out the remaining private bondholders. 比如,到2015年,即使希腊不考虑现有私人投资者的借款,也不可能把债务降低到可承受水平。 www.ecocn.org 3. That sort of detail would help taxpayers and bondholders to form views about future policy. 这些信息有助于纳税人和债券持有人对未来的政策形成一个清晰的认识。 www.ecocn.org 4. With an eye on future rescues, markets were especially concerned about the treatment of these banks' senior bondholders. 考虑到将来的救助,市场尤其关心这些银行的高级债券持有人的待遇问题。 www.ecocn.org 5. The bondholders know that the southern Europeans cannot get out of the mess through higher nominal growth. 债券持有者知道,南部欧洲无法凭借更高的名义增长率走出泥潭。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Shares in the bank fell by 27% ahead of the announcement (bondholders continue to escape unscathed). 而银行的股值在通告发出前就下跌了27%,债券持有人都难逃劫数。 www.ecocn.org 7. Germany is quietly pushing for Greece to sit down with its bondholders and discuss a delay in the maturity dates of its bonds. 德国正暗中努力,希望能让希腊和其债券持有者坐下来商讨关于推迟债券到期日的问题。 c.wsj.com 8. Andrew Zivitz, a lawyer representing the bondholders, did not immediately return a call seeking comment. 代表债券持有人的律师AndrewZivitz并未立即回覆寻求评论的电话。 cn.reuters.com 9. GM said it had no other bidders, and the deal had also gained support from about 54 percent of GM's bondholders. 通用汽车称没有其它买主,而且重组计划也获得了大约54%的债券持有人的支持。 cn.reuters.com 10. But in recent days, debt rating agencies warned any attempt to get bondholders to participate would represent a selective default. 然而,最近几天,债务评级机构警告称,任何让债券持有者介入的举措都将代表选择性违约。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Shareholders and long-term bondholders would have been wiped out before any public money had to be put in. 而且在投入公款之前,股东和长期债券投资者也本应该被清理。 www.bing.com 2. True, if GM were to enter the bankruptcy courts, as holders of unsecured debt the bondholders could be wiped out entirely. 事实上,如果GM进入破产法庭,非担保债务的持有者及债券持有者就将会完全不复存在。 www.ecocn.org 3. However, the balance is likely to have declined since then and foreign bondholders could face difficulties accessing the onshore cash. 不过从那以后,其结余可能已经下降,而外国债券持有人很难获取嘉汉林业在国内的现金。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The Irish will toil for years to service rescue loans that, at Europe's insistence, pay off the bondholders of its defunct banks. 在欧洲的坚持下,爱尔兰未来几年将竭力获得救济贷款,来偿还破产银行债券持有人的资金。 ecocn.org 5. Rather they are expected to say they see viable futures for the companies, but only if management, union, and bondholders make sacrifices. 相反,他们预计说,他们看到可行的期货公司,但只有管理,联盟和债券持有人作出牺牲。 usa.315che.com 6. The latest rescue offers Greece cheap rates for up to 30 years, with a 50% haircut on private bondholders. 最后的一个纾困方案则答应以超低的利率给予希腊30年的贷款,并且给予私人债券持有人50%的估价折扣。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. Bondholders would shun the debt of the departing country, and funding of budget deficits and maturing debt would be suspended. 债券持有者将会极力避免可能会退出欧元区国家发行的债券,预算赤字的融资以及到期债务将会被延期。 www.ecocn.org 8. This would allow losses to be imposed on all bondholders without their unanimous consent, provided a certain majority agreed. 如此一来,只要有一定多数人的同意,就可以对所有债券持有人施行接受损失的安排,而不需获得一致通过。 c.wsj.com 9. GM is expected to give an update on its negotiations with thousands of unsecured bondholders as early as Wednesday. 预计通用汽车最早会在周三公布与数千名无担保债券持有者举行谈判的最新情况。 www.bing.com 10. The size of the eventual losses for bondholders may still be unknown, but there should be a single system for reporting them. 债券持有人的最终损失严重程度也许仍然未知,但至少该有个一致的报告机制。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Mr Henderson insisted that for the offer to stand, bondholders representing more than 90% of the debt must accept by the end of May. 亨德森先生坚持,为了使这一提议有效,拥有90%以上债券持有人必须在5月底接受。 www.ecocn.org 2. That will turn each crisis into a game of chicken as bondholders sell before they get penalised. 那会将每次危机变成老鹰捉小鸡的游戏,因为债券持有人会在受到惩罚前出售所持债券。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Lehman revised its plan after bondholders complained that it favored large bank creditors of the derivatives business over other creditors. 先前债券持有人抱怨,雷曼兄弟给那些衍生品业务大型债权银行的条件较其他债权人优沃,随后,雷曼兄弟就修改了计划。 cn.reuters.com 4. Ireland's bail-out last November can be traced to that moment; a debate on imposing losses on bank bondholders still rages. 爱尔兰去年11月的困境应该可以追溯到这个时刻;将损失强加给银行债券持有者的争论一直在肆虐。 www.ecocn.org 5. The standoff between GM and its bondholders sets the stage for a bankruptcy filing, analysts have said. 分析师曾说,通用和债券持有人之间的僵局,可能使通用走上申请破产一途。 cn.reuters.com 6. The change leaves room for GM to sweeten its stock offer to bondholders to reduce the company's $27 billion in unsecured debt. 这种改变为通用汽车提高对债券持有者的股票报价,降低公司270亿美元的未担保债务留下了空间。 www.bing.com 7. It created the idea that they were too big to fail and that their executives and bondholders would be protected from their own mistakes. 它催生了“大到不能倒”的概念,这类公司的高管和债券持有人即便自己犯错也会受到保护。 chinese.wsj.com 8. But bondholders have balked at proposals that they forgive debt in exchange for a 10 percent stake in a restructured company. 但其债券持有人则阻挠要其豁免通用的债务、以交换重组后公司10%股权的提案。 cn.reuters.com 9. General Motors moved one step closer to bankruptcy on Wednesday as bondholders failed to agree on a debt for equity swap. 通用汽车的方向踏进一步破产债券持有人周三未能达成一致的债务转股权。 usa.315che.com 10. In its filing, Neo-China said it has 'sufficient financial resources' to repay the bondholders in full. 中新集团在文件中说,它有足够的财务资源全额偿还债券持有者。 www.bing.com 1. But the risk of a crash in the bond market means that bondholders may receive only a haircut. 但债券市场可能出现的崩盘风险意味着,债券持有人可能只会遭遇债券价值削减。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The automaker faces objections and questions from its creditors committee, a group of dissenting bondholders and others. 通用面临债权人委员会、持异议股东等人的反对和质疑.(完) cn.reuters.com 3. That has limited the state's ability to force losses on the banks' bondholders and left the public finances in ruins. 不过,这种不明智的选择,不但让国家迫使银行债券持有人背负损失的能力大打折扣,也会将公共财政逼到崩塌的境地。 www.ecocn.org 4. Ireland's new government is talking about forcing the senior bondholders of its bust banks to take a hit. 爱尔兰新政府正在考虑迫使陷入危机的樱花的老牌债权持有者承担损失。 www.ecocn.org 5. However they are the last to receive money after the creditors, bondholders and preference shareholders are paid. 不过,他们是去年收到钱后,债权人,债券持有人和优先股股东支付。 translate.google.com 6. This would involve making permanent the temporary EFSF, while also demanding that bondholders take some of the pain. 这就会涉及到将临时的欧洲金融稳定机构持久化,同时也需要债券持有者承担一定的责任。 www.bing.com 7. It is no surprise that injecting cash into banks would increase the wealth of their shareholders and bondholders. 显然,向银行注资会增加股东和债券持有人的财富。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Rather, those Euros will be deployed to help spare senior bondholders on Irish debt from suffering harm. 相反,那些欧元将被用来帮助高级债券持有人免遭爱尔兰债务的损失。 www.bing.com 9. Details of the debt restructuring are being worked out, and a formal offer to banks and bondholders is expected soon. 有关于债务重组的详细条款正在拟定之中,稍后会通知各家银行以及国债持有人。 dongxi.net 10. But with lenders and bondholders much more risk-averse than before, the era of "clean" restructurings appears to be over. 但是,随着贷款人和债券持有人的风险厌恶心理大为加重,“干净利落”重组的时代似乎已经过去。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Like bondholders, the United Auto Workers union is being pressed to accept stock in a recapitalized GM in exchange for debt forgiveness. 与债权人一样,美国汽车工人联盟(UAW)也承受着压力,要求他们将债务转换为注资后的公司的股权。 cn.reuters.com 2. Will those losses accrue to taxpayers, recipients of public services, equity investors, bondholders, domestic debtors or foreign creditors? 这些亏损是否将由纳税人、公共服务接受者、股票投资者、债券持有人、国内债务人或外国债权人承担? www.ftchinese.com 3. With equity investors already wiped out; the question is whether senior bondholders should share the burden. 问题是,在股权投资者已精疲力竭的情况下,优先债券持有人是否应承担部分负担。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In such an event, bond prices can be expected to rise, giving bondholders a capital gain. 在这种情况下,债券价格有望上升,使债券持有人获得资本增值。 www.jjxr.org 5. It is because this write-down would be voluntary on the part of bondholders that hedge funds have found an opportunity. 正是因为部分债券持有者自愿降价,对冲基金才找到机会。 www.bing.com 6. Greek bondholders might be wise to check which type of contract they hold. 因此,希腊债务持有者查看一下他们手中持有何种合约的做法,可能会比较明智。 www.ecocn.org 7. These covenants prevent companies from taking actions that would hurt bondholders and would protect investors if companies are sold. 根据这些保护性契约,如果发行债券的公司被出售,它们不能采取有损债券持有人的措施,这样就为投资者提供了保护。 chinese.wsj.com 8. GM wanted bondholders with 90% of the debt to accept the deal, but fell well short of that threshold. 通用公司希望持有90%债权的债券持有人接受这笔交易,但实际情况与开始预想的差的太远。 www.ecocn.org 9. It may be that by announcing the proposals early GM has left time for renegotiation with the bondholders. 通用公司拿出时间和这些债权人重新谈判,也许会提前宣布提议。 www.ecocn.org 10. Through the regulation of bond issuance, circulation, giving the basis to the bondholders'protection system. 通过对债券发行、流通市场的规范,奠定债券持有人保护之制度基础。 www.13191.com 1. Why aim for a timid haircut that gives bondholders such good terms compared with market discounts that are much bigger than 21 per cent? 为何要设定这么小的扣减率,以至于与远高于21%的市场贴现率相比,相当于给予债券持有人相当优厚的条件? www.ftchinese.com 2. That means that some pain will have to be inflicted on bondholders. 这就意味着,债券持有人也会承担一些损失。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Credit-default swaps act like insurance, protecting bondholders in the event of a default. 信用违约掉期的作用跟保险类似,是在万一发生债券违约的情况下对债券持有人的一种保护。 c.wsj.com 4. HSBC has today reiterated its intention to stand behind bondholders in Household, even though its debts are non-recourse to the group. 汇丰银行昨日重申,它打算对Household的债券持有人负起责任,虽然这些债务对汇丰集团没有追索权。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Originally it demanded that bondholders should take a hit whenever a country received European rescue funds. 起初它要求每当一个国家接受欧洲救援基金时,债券持有者应当蒙受损失。 www.ecocn.org 6. But in order to proceed, the proposal must be accepted by an overwhelming majority of 90% of bondholders by a deadline of 1 June. 但是,为了能够得到通过,这个提议必须在一月一日前得到占债权人人数中90%的压倒性数量的同意。 www.bing.com 7. Bondholders, who have been very forgiving of the printer of the world's chief reserve currency, greeted the tax deal by selling Treasuries. 债券持有人一直宽容对待这个世界主要储备货币的印刷者,他们以出售国债的方式迎接这个减税协议。 www.bing.com 8. Mr Trump and his daughter, Ivanka, recently quit the board after disagreeing with management and bondholders. Trump和他女儿最近因为和经营者和其他债券持有人意见不一而退出董事会。 www.bing.com 9. Popular sentiment wants bank shareholders, bondholders, and managers to pay before taxpayers pitch in. 民众希望银行的股东、债权人和经理层在纳税人作出贡献前,能够付出更多。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. One major sticking point, however, is the money owed to bondholders . 一个主要的症结所在,但是,是拖欠债券持有人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Some of those companies are involved in payment talks with bondholders. 一些企业中正与债券持有者进行偿付谈判。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Regulate corporate behavior, clear the responsibility of protection is the core of the bondholders. 规范公司行为,明确公司的行为责任是债券持有人保护的核心。 www.13191.com 3. 'Negotiations will continue as they have' with bondholders and the United Auto Workers, Ms. Gibson said. 吉布森说,与债券持有者和全美汽车工人联合会(UnitedAutoWorkers)的谈判会按照现有的方式继续进行。 www.bing.com 4. Bondholders have not been presented with new terms, a source familiar with GM's talks with bondholders said on Monday. 熟悉通用汽车与债权人谈判的消息人士周一表示,并未向债权人提出新条款。 cn.reuters.com 5. Bondholders everywhere are anticipating windfall gains, as the owners of gilts have enjoyed. 其它地区的债券持有人期望着发一笔横财,就像英国国债持有人那样。 www.ftchinese.com 6. London is becoming a center of Islamic finance. And France recently proposed changes in finance laws to protect Islamic bondholders. 伦敦正在成为伊斯兰金融的中心,而法国最近提议修改金融法以保护伊斯兰债券持有人。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. "Sovereign risk has supplanted regulatory risk as the primary focus of bank bondholders, " says Jonathan Glionna at Barclays Capital. “主权危机已经取代监管风险成为银行债券持有人的主要关注焦点”巴克莱银行的JonathanGlionna说。 www.ecocn.org 8. Niall Ferguson and Jeffrey Sachs: Impose haircuts on bondholders and counter parties prior to using taxpayer money in bailouts. 尼阿尔?佛格森与杰弗里?萨克斯:利用纳税人的资金进行紧急救助前应先削减债券持有人及合约方数量。 www.bing.com 9. Obviously, that makes extra debt service more burdensome--and also makes both bondholders and taxpayers more reluctant. 显然,这使得偿还额外债务负担更加沉重——也让债劵持有人和纳税人更不情愿了。 www.bing.com 10. Bear Stearns bondholders were made whole and its stockholders lost most of their money. 贝尔斯等的债券持有者得以保全,但股东损失惨重。 www.bing.com 1. Activist shareholders are now competing against activist bondholders. 活动分子股东现在正在和活动分子债券持有人竞争。 www.ecocn.org 2. To date, the bondholders have been tough negotiators, complaining that they are being unfairly treated. 到目前为止,债权人在谈判中一直态度强硬,抱怨说他们正受到不公正的对待。 www.bing.com 3. Standing in the way of restructuring outside of the bankruptcy courts are GM's aggrieved bondholders. 阻碍通用汽车通过重组以避免破产的是该公司的债券持有人。 www.elanso.com 4. Bondholders want a greater cushion beneath them in the capital structure to protect them against losses. 债券持有者希望资本结构有更多的缓冲资金,以防范损失。 www.ecocn.org 5. Asian policymakers are entitled to look askance at foreign bondholders. 亚洲的决策者们有资格用质疑的眼光观察外国债券投资者。 www.ftchinese.com 6. This could involve private bondholders agreeing to roll Greece's debts over and governments helping Greece buy back its bonds. 会议内容包括:劝说私人债券持有者同意对所持希腊债务展期,动员各国政府帮助希腊回购债券。 www.ecocn.org 7. Should bondholders decide to convert the convertible bond that Gold One has in issue, this would dilute the consortium's holding. 倘若债券持有人决定转换GoldOne已发行的可转债,该财团的持股比例将被稀释。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Its bondholders eventually took over the stake in GE SeaCo through a new company. SeaContainers的债券持有人最终通过一家新公司接手了其在通用海洋货柜所持股份。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Legally, the owners of this stock stand next in line to the bondholders in getting paid. 从法律上讲,优先股的持有者在分配时排在债券持有者的后面。 www.jukuu.com 10. This should not end up as just another rescue package for bondholders and shareholders. 这不应最后单纯变成对债券持有者和股东的又一个援救计划。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Critics of the government's involvement maintain that bondholders have been punished, union workers coddled and laws flouted in the process. 对政府介入的批评家们坚持在这个过程中债券持有人受到惩罚,工会工人被溺爱,法律被愚弄。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Ordinarily, bondholders are better protected from losses than stock investors. 通常,债券持有人比股票投资者更不容易遭受损失。 www.bing.com 3. As a result, they cannot guarantee to the bondholders that they will always have the necessary liquidity to pay out the bond at maturity. 因此,它们无法向债券持有人保证:债券到期时有足够的流动性用于偿付。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In the Appendix to the note we provided a detailed analysis of the value of both options for bondholders. 附录中的注意:我们提供了一份详细的价值分析这两种选择的债券持有人。 word.hcbus.com 5. We assume bondholders will only have access to 50 per cent of these assets in the base case and 30 per cent in the downside case ". " 我们认为,按照基本预测,债券持有人只能获得这些资产的50%,消极预测则只有30%。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The agents were more interested in maximising fee income than in protecting the interests of bondholders. 代理人更感兴趣的是手续费收入最大化,而非保护债券持有者的利益。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Even if one makes the unlikely assumption that bondholders recover nothing after default, prices suggest a 25% default rate over five years. 就算有人假设(这种假设不太可能成真)债券持有人在违约后什么也拿不回来,价格显示5年违约率仍在25%。 www.bing.com 8. GM's bondholders are resisting its push to cut its unsecured debt by two-thirds, a condition of the bail-out. 通用汽车的债券持有者抵制其推动减少三分之二无担保债券的努力,而这是政府纾困的一个条件。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In the past, Chinese companies have been restricted from using domestic loans to redeem foreign bondholders. 过去,中国企业利用国内贷款来偿还外国债券持有人的做法一直受到限制。 www.bing.com 10. Withholding a $10m payment should trigger notices of default from its bondholders. 不按时支付1000万美元的利息,应该会让债券持有者发出违约通知。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Such swaps are like insurance policies; bondholders buy them to protect themselves from default on various forms of debt. 这种掉期衍生品就像是保险保单;债券持有人购买这种衍生品,用以保护自己避免各种形式债务的违约风险。 www.bing.com 2. He says the bondholders are buying a share of a business or property. 他说,债券持有人购买一家公司或财产的一部分。 www.unsv.com 3. But officials were making little progress with bondholders in talks stretching into the evening. 但官员们与债券持有者在持续到夜间的谈判中几乎未能取得任何进展。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Bondholders usually recover some proportion of their holdings. 债券持有人通常会收回一定比例的本金。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Bondholders would have a say in how the money is spent. 债权人对如何使用这笔钱持有发言权。 www.ecocn.org 6. Many bondholders would never sell into the market, as this would force them to crystallise losses. 许多债券持有人说什么也不愿在市场上出售债券,因为那会使他们的浮亏变成实亏。 www.ftchinese.com 7. When inflation rises, for instance, bondholders will expect a higher nominal interest rate on new debt. 比方说,当通货膨胀率上升时候,债券持有人会认为新债务的名义利率会变高。 www.ecocn.org 8. The delayed earnings report, it said, would likely force some bondholders to issue default notices. 声明说,推迟发布的盈利报告可能会迫使一些债券持有人发出违约通知书。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Bio-Treat bondholders, includingCitigroup Inc. , ended up taking a haircut. 包括花旗集团(CitigroupInc.)在内的金迪集团债券持有人最终接受了债务扣减。 chinese.wsj.com 10. To avoid defaulting on U. S. government debt, the Treasury would probably make a $29 billion interest payment to bondholders on Aug. 为了避免政府债务出现违约,美国财政部可能会在8月15日向债券持有人支付290亿美元的利息。 chinese.wsj.com 1. One thing's for sure: If Fitch is right, it will mainly be a problem only for domestic bondholders. 一件事情是肯定的:如果惠誉是正确的,那么这种情形大体上只是国内债券持有者会面临的问题。 c.wsj.com 2. Supreme Court ruling paved the way, ruling against some bondholders ' blocking of the sale. 最高法院为其出售铺平了道路,阻止了债券持有者的反对。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In fact, a plan to bail out the carmakers would benefit shareholders and bondholders as much as anybody else. 实际上,从汽车制造商救援计划中,股东和债券持有人获得的好处将与其他任何人一样多。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The combative Mr Correa has treated his former supporters little better than he does foreign bondholders. 好斗的科雷亚对以前支持他的人跟外国债券持有人没什么两样。 www.ecocn.org 5. But GM Bondholders Unite, which represents some individual investors who bought GM's bonds, still plans to fight the reorganisation plan. 但是,通用债权人联合会仍计划抵制这个重组计划,它代表一部分购买了通用债券的个人投资者。 www.bing.com 6. The first is legal: bondholders rank above compensation claims in power company insolvencies. 第一条理由是法律上的:电力公司破产时,债券持有人获得赔偿的次序,优于事故受害者。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The bondholders of insolvent banks are being protected at the expense of taxpayers. 他们正以牺牲纳税人利益为代价,保护那些资不抵债银行所发行债券的持有者。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Bank debt stayed under pressure amid concerns that bondholders may be forced to accept losses. 银行债继续处于压力之下,人们担心债券持有者可能会被迫接受亏损。 www.ftchinese.com 9. JAL shareholders, bondholders and lenders booked hefty losses. 日本航空公司的股票和债券持有者及贷方都出现了大幅亏损。 c.wsj.com 10. Litigation with the bondholders continues to this day. 中科智与债券持有人之间的诉讼至今没有消停。 www.ftchinese.com 1. A third is the mood of creditor countries such as Germany, which have been insisting on a "substantial" contribution by private bondholders. 第三是诸如德国这样的债权国的情绪,德国一再坚持私有债券持有者应作出实质性贡献。 www.ecocn.org 2. The other, which could run in parallel, would guarantee against losses by bondholders. 另一项方案可以与第一项同时实施,将担保债券持有人不受损失。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The plan to prioritize payments to bondholders was reported earlier by Bloomberg News. 彭博社(BloombergNews)此前报道了财政部先行支付债券持有人利息的计划。 chinese.wsj.com 4. That would force the government to choose between paying its bondholders and its pensioners. 那就会强迫政府在为债券持有人和领取退休金的人之间进行选择。 www.ecocn.org 5. Bondholders would suffer losses from devaluation. 债券持有人会因欧元贬值而蒙受损失。 cn.wsj.com 6. The banks that lent to them should similarly suffer consequences, as should the bondholders who provided those banks with funds. 向政府提供贷款的银行同样要为自己的行为承担后果,向银行提供资金的债券持有人也不例外。 c.wsj.com 7. And lenders fear lawsuits from mortgage bondholders if they start writing down loan values. 如果他们写下退保金额,银行方面担心来自债权抵押的控诉。 www.ecocn.org 8. Inflation eats into bondholders' returns by eroding the value of their returns over time. 通货膨胀会侵蚀债券持有人收益的价值,从而侵蚀他们的回报。 cn.wsj.com 9. Falling prices may have helped the government by providing its bondholders with invisible gains, but in other ways deflation is a menace. 持续下跌的价格可为国债持有人带来无形的收益,从而对政府也许有所帮助。但在其他方面,通货紧缩是一个威胁。 www.ecocn.org 10. Optimally , bondholders would be wiped out, too . 最理想的情况是,债券持有人也将被清理出场。 www.bing.com 1. But it almost certainly has to happen -- and bondholders will need to take a substantial loss. 不过,债务重组几乎不可不免——债券持有人将必须承担高额损失。 www.fortunechina.com 2. Bondholders will be handed new CIT debt worth about 70% of the face value of their old paper. 债券持有人将会被给予CIT新的债券,其价值约为以前债券面值的70%。 www.ecocn.org 3. This structure carries several risks for bondholders. 这种结构给债券持有人带来了多重风险。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But before burning the Greek bondholders, Europe needs a proper firewall. 但在点燃希腊债券持有人这条线之前,欧洲需要一个合适的防火墙。 www.bing.com 5. In this case, it will be the taxpayer that foots the bill, rather than the original bondholders that made the wrong investment decisions. 在这个案例中,埋单的将是纳税人,而不是做出错误投资决策的原始债券持有人。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Bailing out the US banks need not have meant bailing out the bankers, their shareholders, and bondholders. 救助美国银行不必意味着救助银行家、银行的股东和债券投资者。 www.bing.com 7. Meanwhile, bondholders' taxes will rise. 而债券持有者则要为利息纳税。 chinese.wsj.com 8. This commits the government to ensuring bondholders will never contribute to compensation costs through haircuts. 这等于承诺政府不会采取削减债务、使债券持有人分担赔偿成本的做法。 www.ftchinese.com 9. A new market would also ensure that private bondholders bore the risk and responsibility for their investment decisions. 一个新的市场还将确保私人债券持有人为自己的投资决策承担风险和责任。 www.ftchinese.com 10. If a bank's shortfalls wipe out equity and subordinated debt, either taxpayers or bondholders must absorb any further losses. 如果一家银行的亏空勾销了股权和次级债务,那么任何进一步的损失必须由纳税人或债券持有人承担。 www.ftchinese.com 1. If AIG can't raise enough cash by selling assets, bondholders won't be fully repaid. 如果AIG不能通过出售资产筹集足够的现金,债券持有人将不能得到足额偿付。 www.bing.com 2. Nations have piled up too much debt and have trouble paying back their bondholders. 一些国家负债高居不下,最终难以偿付债权人。 www.bing.com 3. Bondholders have first claim on the corporate sector's cashflow and shareholders take what is left. 债券拥有者首先获得企业部门的现金流,而股东获得剩下的那部分。 www.bing.com 4. This is bad news for bondholders. Quite apart from lower demand from Chinese (or Japanese) reserve building, it means higher inflation. 但这对债券持有者来说是个坏消息。除了中国(或日本)的储备需求降低以外,这也意味着通胀率将会提高。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In both cases, some bondholders owned CDS and stood to gain more by bankruptcy than by reorganisation. 在这两个案例中,都有部分债券持有者持有CDS,而对他们来说,公司破产比重组更有利。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Foreign bondholders? 外国债券持有人? chinese.wsj.com 7. This Article applies only to bondholders who have been paid in full. 本条款只适用于已全部偿付的债券持有者。 www.chinalawedu.com 8. The EU also negotiated a plan with bondholders to write down the value of the Greek debt they hold by 50 percent. 欧盟还与债券持有者谈判达成一项方案,把他们持有的希腊债务减半。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 9. The government has warned that if fewer than 90 per cent of bondholders decide to participate, the debt swaps may be cancelled altogether. 希腊政府警告,如果决定参与该计划的债券持有人不足90%,债务互换方案可能会完全取消。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The bondholders include First Reserve, the US-based private equity group, and Zijin Mining Group, the Chinese miner. 这些债券的持有者包括美国私人股本集团FirstReserve和中国矿产企业紫金矿业(ZijinMiningGroup)。 www.ftchinese.com 1. GM is looking to launch a debt-for-equity swap with bondholders by Friday. 通用汽车希望在周五前与债权人达成债转股协议。 www.bing.com 2. The plan required 90% of existing bondholders to sign on to the plan. 该计划至少需要90%的债权人签名才能生效。 www.fortunechina.com 3. The automaker set a May 26 deadline for its bondholders to reach a restructuring agreement. 汽车制造商给其债券持有人设定的达成重组协议的最后期限是五月二十六日。 word.hcbus.com 4. MF's bondholders should be careful what they wish for. MF的债券持有人应该小心谨慎,别让他们不愿看到的结果出现。 www.ecocn.org 5. They've gone to the bondholders, they've gone to their own employees, they've gone to the union. 他们已经去了债券持有人,他们已经去了自己的雇员,他们已经去了联盟。 word.hcbus.com 6. Nor, in most countries, should fear of bondholders lead to sudden fiscal austerity. 在大多数国家,也不必恐惧债券持有者会导致突然的财政紧缩。 www.ecocn.org 7. Third, many of Tepco's bondholders are banks, and some worry that restructuring would threaten financial stability. 第三,东电的许多债券持有人都是银行,有些人因此担心重组可能危及金融稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 8. If a restructuring is to take place, how could it be best designed to incentivise bondholders to monitor default risk in the future? 如果确实需要重组债务,要如何规划才能达到激励债权人对未来违约风险进行管控的最佳效果? www.ecocn.org 9. In addition, bondholders typically get some money back following a default. 此外,债券出现违约后,债券持有者通常还可以拿回一部分钱。 www.bing.com 10. The downgrades follow from Germany's insistence that private-sector bondholders play a part in a Greek bailout now under negotiation. 评级下调之前,德国坚决主张私营领域债券持有人在目前讨论中的希腊救助计划中发挥一定的作用。 c.wsj.com 1. Three arguments for the government's zeal to make bondholders whole can all be refuted. 政府一门心思要保全债券持有人,是出于三点理由,这些理由全都可以推翻。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The implication some are drawing from the Asia Aluminum case is that Chinese companies don't care much about bondholders. 一些人从亚洲铝业这件事联想道,中国企业不太关心债券持有者。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Its bondholders alone stand to lose more than $575 million. 单公司债券人就要损失5.75亿美元。 www.bing.com 4. Even if $1. 18bn has been spent on timber acquisitions, that does not mean bondholders will have access to them. 即使花费了11.8亿美元收购林木资产,但这也并不意味着债券持有人能分到手。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Even senior bondholders, who are high in the pecking order, were hit. 即使是在偿还顺序中处于优先地位的高等级债券持有人也受到了损失。 bbs.ecocn.org 6. General Motors and Chrysler are negotiating with their lenders and bondholders to reduce their debt in order to avoid bankruptcy. 为了避免破产,通用汽车公司及克莱斯勒汽车公司正在和他们的贷款人及债券持有人商谈减少债务事宜。 www.ecocn.org 7. All existing bondholders will be protected until 2013. 现有的债券持有人在2013年之前都将受到保护。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Private bondholders are served notice that they will be at risk from mid-2013 when the new regime comes into force. 目前的援助机制将于2013年年中到期,私人债券持有人已经被告知新的机制生效后他们将面临风险。 www.ecocn.org 9. But we already have some and the bail-outs of Greek, Irish and Portuguese bondholders broke them. 但我们已经拥有一些限制性规定,而对希腊、爱尔兰与葡萄牙债权人的救助却破坏了这些规定。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Even if he makes it past 2012, he will eventually either have to change his policies or deny bondholders what they are owed. 即使他在2012年大选胜出,最终他还是要么改变他的政策要么抛弃那些手持债券的持券人。 www.ecocn.org 1. But first short-term bondholders have to accept its tender offer of 82. 5 cents on the dollar. 但是,首个短期债券持有者不得不接受一美元换82.5美分的收购股价。 www.ecocn.org 2. It will drop to 27 per cent after dilution caused by bondholders converting their debt into common equity. 在债券持有者将债务转换为普通股、从而稀释股份后,这一比例将降至27%。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The Greek government has kept mum about how many bondholders actually signed up. 希腊政府对于到底有多少债券持有人签署了上述协议守口如瓶。 www.ftchinese.com 4. For each $1, 000 of loan notes, bondholders would get 225 shares, worth little more than $550 at today's market price. 债权人可以从每1000美元的债券中得到225美元的股份,价值略超过550美元在今天的市价。 www.bing.com 5. Besides not yet achieving concessions from the UAW and bondholders, predicting future auto demand is also a big challenge for the team. 除了尚未实现从美国联合汽车工会的让步和债券持有人,预测未来的汽车需求也是一个很大的挑战的团队。 usa.315che.com 6. How easy is it for bondholders to observe what equity investors are doing? 多麽容易,是它为债券持有人观察什麽股票投资者是在做什麽? word.hcbus.com 7. The answer probably depends on how many of Nakheel's bondholders insist on timely repayment on December 14th. 答案可能取决于多少棕榈岛集团的债券持有人坚持在12月14日按时偿还债务。 www.bing.com 8. Bondholders smell an unsavoury deal cooked up between the UAW and Barack Obama, who had the union's support in last year's election. 债券持有人似乎闻到了UAW和奥巴马之间令人讨厌的交易,而奥巴马在去年的竞选中曾获得UAW的协助。 www.elanso.com 9. Under a new restructured GM the bondholders would get 10 percent of equity with warrants to buy an extra 15 percent. 根据新的重组通用债券持有人将获得百分之十的股权认购购买额外的百分之十五。 usa.315che.com 10. Very few bondholders had agreed to the debt swap as of Tuesday afternoon, a person familiar with the exchange said. 一位知情人士说,截至周二中午,很少有债券持有者同意债转股提议。 www.bing.com 1. In California, for example, only schools can be paid ahead of bondholders. 比如在加州,只有学校比债权人优先得到政府支付。 www.ecocn.org 2. The UAW's trust will have 17. 5% and the bondholders 10%. 美国汽车工人联盟的信托基金将持有17.5%,债务人持有10%。 www.ecocn.org 3. GM's unions will take 17. 5% and bondholders 10%. 通用工会持股17.5%,债券股占10%。 www.ecocn.org 4. But the government stood firm and roughly three-quarters of the bondholders took part in a debt exchange in 2005. 不过阿政府态度坚决,另外差不多四分之三的持券人都参加了2005年的债务互换。 www.ecocn.org 5. If a company has issued bonds, it shall maintain a record of bondholders. 第一百六十九条:公司发行公司债券应当置备公司债券存根簿。 cq.netsh.com 6. have private bondholders pay at least a share of the losses but without triggering default clauses and credit default swap claims; 让私人债券持有者至少承受一部分损失,而又不触发违约条款、不引起信用违约互换(CDS)索赔; www.ftchinese.com 7. third, because these countries have active central banks, bondholders suffer no significant liquidity risk; 第三,由于这些国家的央行比较活跃,债券持有人不会遭遇重大的流动性风险; www.ftchinese.com 8. bondholders will take a loss to reflect the firm's current difficulties, 而债券持有人将承担与公司现有债务相当的损失, www.kekenet.com 9. The filing says that once its bondholders and the union have been paid off, it would unleash a 1-for-100 reverse stock split; 东芝提交的文件显示,一旦其债券持有人和欧洲联盟已经得到了回报,这将引发1为100反向股票分割; usa.315che.com 10. the pain demanded of private bondholders has steadily mounted 要求私人债权人承受的损失正在逐步提升。 www.ecocn.org 1. as bondholders worry that they might not be paid on time or in full 债券持有人担心手中的债券无法得到按时或足额支付 www.ecocn.org 2. Burning bridges or burning bondholders 燃烧的桥,或是燃烧的债主 www.bing.com 3. lack of relief measures to the bondholders; 债券持有人救济措施欠缺; www.fabiao.net 4. CIT Bondholders Agree to Provide $3 Billion in Emergency Funds CIT的债券持有人同意提供30亿美元的应急基金 www.bing.com |
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