单词 | issue | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:issues 现在分词:issuing 过去式:issued v. n. resolve issue,address issue,discuss issue,issue command,issue statement adj. n. political issue,real issue,serious issue,controversial issue,thorny issue issue- 显示所有例句 议题topic of discussion
邮票;钱币;股份of stamps/coins/shares
发出;发布making available/known
be at issue 是讨论的焦点to be the most important part of the subject that is being discussed
take issue with sb (about/on/over sth) 向某人提出异议;开始与某人争论to start disagreeing or arguing with sb about sth
公布make known
例句释义: 发行,分发,期号,重要议题,发出,发表,出版,公布,问题,发布,问题,争论点 1. It's the magazine's art issue, and art shouldn't provide an easy answer. But at least it makes you think. 杂志在搞艺术,艺术没有简单答案,但至少它让你想到了什么。 www.bing.com 2. The difficulty is always your choice as the choice is simple, please do not consider the issue of choice, just do it. 困难在于你总是把抉择当做抉择,简单在于你别去考虑抉择的问题,只是动手去做。 lxtzdfx.blog.163.com 3. A relationship issue: Your significant other is accepted at a one-year program in City A and you don't want to be apart for a year. 亲属的原因:你的家人在另一个城市申请到一年的项目,而且在这一年内你不想离开。 www.bing.com 4. Raymond commented that how come the BN component parties had so much talk on him and yet the opposition keep total "silent" on the issue. 他说,为什么国阵成员党极力做出攻击和话题多多,但是反对党却保持“沉默”。 dapsabah.org 5. Mr Reid had appointed a panel of ten moderates and liberals from his party to hash out a compromise on this issue. 瑞德任命了由其党内十名温和派和自由主义者组成的专门小组来敲定该议题。 www.ecocn.org 6. He said: "If economic sanctions do not achieve their goals, they should issue a credible threat of force. " 他说:“如果经济制裁没有达到目的,就应该发出可信的武力威胁。” www.englishtang.com 7. The plan obviously raises a number of ethical considerations, and Iritani raised a few of the issue himself in an interview with Yomiuri. 尽管这个计画很显然将引起某些道德考量,然而入谷明教授已在接受读卖新闻访谈时提到一些考量。 times.hinet.net 8. Obviously, what types of food we eat is an issue, but for many of us, how much we eat is the biggest issue. 显而易见的,我们吃什么是个问题,但对于我们很多人来说,怎么吃才是最大的问题。 www.elanso.com 9. China is ready to continue playing a positive role for the comprehensive, long-term and proper settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue. 中方愿继续为全面、长期、妥善解决伊朗核问题发挥积极作用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. This cut to the heart of an issue that had bedevilled the company under previous chief executives. 这解决了让公司前任CEO们头疼不已的一个中心问题。 www.bdza.cn 1. I was in teams here who had that benefit and I never thought it was an issue because I actually thought we had a bad time by referees. 当时我还在队中,并不认为这是什么问题,因为我实际上认为裁判给了我们不愉快的经历。 www.bing.com 2. Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, recently called for a "public and informed debate" on the issue. 英国央行行长默文-金(MervynKing)近日呼吁就此问题展开“开诚布公的讨论”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Mr Carbone said the issue is not so much about shifting jobs to Asia but helping companies grow in the US. 卡蓬表示,这个问题的关键不在于将工作岗位转移到亚洲,而是帮助美国的企业发展壮大。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Bob Woodward, Ron Suskind and I recently debated on Slate the issue of how much we really know about Bush's biggest decision. 最近我和鲍勃.伍德沃、罗恩.苏斯金德就布什总统的这个重大决定我们到底知道多少展开讨论。 www.bing.com 5. You want to hold a review, and you want to exclude the one big issue which should be right at the heart of that review. 你想拖延复审。你想把一件本应处于复审议题核心的大事排除在外。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Still open, too, is the issue of how much Microsoft can charge firms that want to license its protocols. 对于希望特许使用其产品的公司,微软到底该收多少钱也是一个尚待解决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 7. We did what we could so far on this issue, Erdogan said. Bahceli is trying to blame the government for his internal problems, he added. 我们做了我们在这个问题上可以这么远,埃尔多安说。巴赫切利正试图为他的内部问题归咎于政府,他补充说。 www.maynet.cn 8. He said it was a pity that players in Demon's Souls weren't able to play with gamers from different countries. Luckily, that issue is fixed. 很可惜恶魔之魂的玩家如果在不同的国家的话,就不能联机,很幸运的是,现在问题解决了!! tieba.baidu.com 9. At the same time, a growing number of evangelical Christians are beginning to see global warming as a moral issue. 同时,有越来越多的福音基督徒开始视全球变暖为道义问题。 www.ecocn.org 10. US delegate Jonathan Pershing said the draft failed to address the issue of carbon emissions by emerging economies. 美国代表乔纳森·珀欣说,草案没有解决新兴经济体的碳排放问题。 www.bing.com 1. It has always been the point at issue on how to protect the intellectual property rights of the traditional knowledge. 传统知识的知识产权保护一直是争议的焦点问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The special package will appear in a fall print issue, although you will be able to see early versions on our Web site. 虽然你可以在我们网站上看到早期版本,但这个特别方案会在秋季期刊上展现给大家。 www.bing.com 3. They do not explain why the mix-up is only now being reported. Chinese foreign ministry officials had no immediate comment on the issue. 他们没有解释为什麽到现在才报告这一错误.中国外交部官员尚未就此事做出评论。 ept-cn.com 4. Now, when one of us has read an issue, we rip the bottom of the front cover in half. 现在,当我们其中一位读完一本,我们就会把杂志封面的底部撕开。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. "Climate change is no longer seen as a north-south issue, " he said. “气候变化不再被视为一个南北问题”,他说。 www.bing.com 6. Mr. Schell says he and the other participants in the event discussed the issue and that there was no easy answer. 夏伟说,他和其他参与这次活动的人讨论过这一问题,但得出答案殊非易事。 www.cn.wsj.com 7. The court will not issue a writ of certiorari unless at least four of the nine justices approve of it. 除非是九位大法官中的至少四位同一,否则一般不会发布调案复审令。 blog.163.com 8. As an economist I have followed this issue closely over the past two and a half years, and yet I still found this book illuminating. 作为一名经济学家,两年半以来,我一直在跟踪这个问题的研究,不过我仍然感到这本书很有启发作用。 www.bing.com 9. Their anger tends to be ignored by Tokyo, which seems to want to discuss the "comfort women" issue only with Washington. 东京倾向于忽视它们的愤怒,它似乎只想和华盛顿讨论“慰安妇”问题。 www.stnn.cc 10. However officials said the issue of what India calls cross border terrorism and infiltration will come up in the scheduled talks. 然而印度官员表示,他们所称的越境恐怖主义和渗透行为将在计划的会谈中提上议事日程。 www.ebigear.com 1. Although there was no fixed theme for this year's meeting, the strength of the euro zone was an important issue. 尽管今年的大会没有一个特定主题,但是欧元区的强度倒是成为了一个重要议题。 times.hinet.net 2. In this instance, it was one very subtle issue that may have taken much longer to find if it were not for the assistance of others. 本文讨论的例子是一个非常微妙的问题,如果没有其他来源的帮助,要找出它可能会花更长的时间。 www-128.ibm.com 3. To tell the children what would happen, the Fairy Queen ordered the dream fairies to issue a notice to them when they were in their dreams. 为了让全世界的孩子们知道这件事,仙后命令梦仙子在孩子们做梦时通知他们,把自己不要的牙齿放在枕头下面,以便牙仙子来取走。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Width seems to be a big issue for Arsenal at the moment. 如何利用球场宽度看起来已成为阿森纳当前的一大问题。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 5. How accurately evaluate the status of human resource in college is all along a difficult issue in human resource management of college. 如何比较准确有效地评估高校人力资源状况一直是高校人力资源管理的一个难点。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. And how much clout could they bring to bear if they chose to engage on the issue. 我们还需知道对这件事情到底他们能有多大的影响力如果他们选择介入议题。 www.ted.com 7. "I grew up in postwar Japan when things were just as chaotic. So the surrounding environment was never an issue for me, " Mr. Aida said. 会田先生说,“我是在日本战后长大的,那时日本的情况很糟糕。所以,这里的环境对我来说根本不是问题。” www.bing.com 8. It was gratifying to see my colleagues asking probing questions and demonstrating genuine concern about this important issue as well. 看着我的同僚们问出探索性的问题并真心显露出对这个重要议题的关切是相当令人欣慰的。 www.bing.com 9. The seat back in a few years ago gave you issue the ultimatum, and you do not dare looked down on the seat! 阀座早在几年前给你问题最后通牒,和你不敢往下看在座位上! www.esask.net 10. We're not happy that the public knows about this, this is a private issue between the drivers and the FIA, he said. “我们很不满,因为公众知道了这些。这是车手和FIA之间的私事。”他说。 club.yule.sohu.com 1. What on the surface appeared a relatively minor issue in fact went to the heart of a fundamental question facing the Social Democrats. 那些在表面上看相对次要的问题实际上牵涉到社会民主党面临的根本问题。 2. Of the 18 contracts at issue, 14 were secured by businesses that GE did not own at the time, the company said. 公司表示,在指控牵涉的18份合约中,有14份合约的商业主体当时并不为GE所有。 www.ftchinese.com 3. This new paper puts to bed once and for all the issue of how the Komodo dragon kills, Shaw says. Shaw认为这一劳永逸地解决了科莫多龙如何杀死猎物的问题。 www.bing.com 4. This was the sort of issue on which Nixon would never yield as long as he could find someone else to do the work. 这种问题,只要尼克松能找到什么人肯卖力干,他就不会罢手。 www.jukuu.com 5. Where the taxpayer pays taxes through a bank, the tax organ may authorize the bank to issue tax payment receipts . 纳税人通过银行缴纳税款的,税务机关可以委托银行开具完税凭证。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Mr. Capus said the issue of the other political daughters did not come up in his conversations with Ms. Clinton. 卡布斯先生说他和克林顿小姐的谈话中没有涉及到其他政治(家)的女儿的事情。 dongxi.net 7. The issue of society balance is quite complicated, but the knot to solve complicacy is usually very simple: have room for maneuver. 社会平衡非常复杂,但复杂的事情道理往往很简单,无非是:进退得当。社会发展过快就会透支生力、过犹不及,无异于拔苗助长。 blog.163.com 8. And I think, you know, this is an issue that we're going to continue to discuss for a while. 我认为这是我们在一段时间内将会持续讨论的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In other words, now you'll really get an idea of how much this issue is killing your reception. 换句话会所,现在你真的该想想这个毛病对你的信号接收会造成多大的伤害了。 www.bing.com 10. 'Raw materials are no longer just a question of procurement; they have gradually become a geopolitical issue, ' Mr. Keitel said. 凯特尔说,原材料已不再仅是采购问题,已逐渐成为地缘政治问题。 c.wsj.com 1. She devoted herself to the issue of why there were so few women writers and why it is usually difficult or impossible for a woman to write. 她把自己的问题,为什么有那么一些女性作家和它为什么通常是困难的或不可能的女人写。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Application code is one issue, and since the code in many cases is mostly "just JavaTM" , migration is often relatively easy. 应用程序源代码就是其中一个,并且由于源代码在很多情况下大多数是纯Java的,所以移植相对来说比较简单。 www.ibm.com 3. Even if the Greenstein and Forman study is just a quirk, which I suspect is not the case, it still points to an interesting issue. 即使格林斯坦和福尔曼的研究只是个异常现象(我觉得事实并非如此),它仍然指出了一个有趣的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 4. How to obtain and maintain competitive advantage in enterprises has always been a hot and difficult issue in strategic management research. 企业应如何获取和保持竞争优势一直是战略管理研究中的一个热点和难点问题。 www.594wm.com 5. It thought that the issue was not directly connected with the theme and was really a question of control and management of the Organization. 该代表团认为,这个问题和讨论主题没有直接联系,只是本组织控制和管理的问题。 www.wipo.int 6. Among readers who took issue with Playworks' approach, the main concern was that children needed more time, not less, to be free of adults. 在那些对Playworks的方法有疑问的读者中,主要的问题是孩子们没有大人看护的时间会更多,而不是更少。 www.bing.com 7. You might just be able to turn a performance issue into a triumph for your organization. 您可以将性能问题变成组织胜利的号角。 www.ibm.com 8. Earnings management has always been a hot issue in the research of enterprise accounting. 盈余管理一直是企业会计研究中的热点问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. This might be less of an issue in India, just as it is less an issue in South East Asia. 这在印度就是不太可能发生的事情,也就是在东南亚也是不太可能的事情。 www.elanso.com 10. "Two years have come and gone, " he said. "If [the issue] does resonate within Canadian policy, it will be glacial. " “两年来了又去了,”他说。“如果该议案在加国政策内引起反响,到那时,黄花菜都凉了。” news.dxy.cn 1. He said at the time he wanted to revisit the issue, but Cantor accused Obama of flip-flopping on his own tax deal. 那时他称,希望重新考虑此问题,但Cantor批评奥巴马在自己的税赋协议上都经常改变立场。 cn.reuters.com 2. It is even prepared to be flexible over the contentious issue of the name the island uses. 台湾甚至准备柔性处理存在争议的名称。 www.bing.com 3. China is ready to exchange views in a timely way with all parties concerned on the Korean nuclear issue. 中方愿就朝核问题与有关各方及时沟通协调。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. This is the matter of the fate of stated owned economy and the major theoretical issue on the long-term development of economy. 这是一个关乎公有制命运和关乎国民经济长远发展的重大理论不足。 www.zidir.com 5. "This is no longer just a social issue, it is becoming an economic issue for us, " said the car yard's owner Said Mohammad Zaman. 二手车商负责人萨伊德?穆汉默德?札曼说:「这不再只是社会问题,它对我们也是个经济问题。」 www.taipeitimes.com 6. Since cloning is not yet ready to be made accessible, by any means, to the general public, it is not yet a major issue to politicians. 由于克隆尚未准备好了访问,以任何方式,向广大公众,这还不是一个大问题的政治家。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. He said that he was delighted to have been appointed and asked me to issue a brief statement on his behalf (see earlier news item). 他说他很高兴能被选中,并让我代表他发布一段简短的声明。 wokingfc.blog.sohu.com 8. Okay, well, the issue then is, do we need to be alive to see this kind of spontaneous order, and I've already hinted that the answer is no. 那么,现在的问题是,是不是一定要有生命才可以达到这种同步。我已经暗示答案是否定的。 www.ted.com 9. It said the key to settling the nuclear issue is to bring an end to what the agency calls the U. S. "hostile policy" towards North Korea. 文章说,解决核问题的关键是这个通讯社所谓的美国停止对北韩的“敌对政策”。 ept-cn.com 10. America seems to have thrown its weight behind the emerging world on this issue. 美国则似乎在向新兴国家施加压力。 www.bing.com 1. Coal India's prospectus said the issue should be resolved in a few months through "mutual consultation" . 印度煤炭公司在招股说明书中表示,这个问题应在未来几个月内通过“共同协商”解决。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The only issue is that the inspection results did not list the sample part number, so we are trying to obtain that information now. 唯一的问题是检查结果没有列出样品的零件号码,我们现在想获得这部分信息。 www.hjbbs.com 3. It'll help with the stale air issue, but will also help liven things up and make it a more inviting space. 它在解决空气不好的问题的同时是也会活跃气氛,使你哪儿变得更加吸引人。 www.bing.com 4. "There's a larger policy issue within China over who has control of the airspace, " Mr Fung said last month at a year-end media briefing. 上个月,冯国经在年终的媒体吹风会上表示:“空域控制权问题,是中国内部一个涉及面较大的政策问题。” www.ftchinese.com 5. Through your company bank in London . The bank can issue a banker's check drawn on their correspondent here in Tokyo . 通过在伦敦贵公司的银行来进行。伦敦的银行可以发出一张银行支票,这张支票可以在东京这里的往来银行支取。 www.putclub.com 6. Compassionate care for the dying has always been a difficult issue for doctors of any age. 对于任何年龄段的医生来说,对临终者实施人文关怀的治疗都是一件不易的事。 dongxi.net 7. "water" has been a major problem plaguing Nancheng development, but the issue is now quietly undergoing fundamental change. “水”一直以来都是困扰南城发展的一大问题,但现在这个问题正在悄悄地发生着根本性的改变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Politics was no longer simply a pocketbook issue but amoral issue as well, subject to moral imperatives and moralabsolutes. 政治不再是完全围绕着经济展开,也与道德问题息息相关,受到道德责任和道德至上理念的制约。 blog.163.com 9. They also signal something of a revolution in the way Australia tackles this politically charged issue. 最新数字也发出类似革命的信号,以解决澳大利亚在政治上争议很大的问题。 blog.ecocn.org 10. I agree this is part of the answer, but the issue is really only a sliver of the type of things we consume. It's how much we consume. 我部分同意他们的观点,但是他们讲道的只是我们消费的东西的类型,我们消费了多少。 www.suiniyi.com 1. In Redbook's April issue, Brand said he had been more than happy to give up his partying ways to settle down. 在八月份给锐步拍广告时,布兰说他很高兴能够结束浪子的生涯,安定下来。 gb.cri.cn 2. The salient issue, says study co-author Fred Turek, may be the disruption of the body's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm. 该项研究的共同合作者弗雷德·托莱克说,身体生物钟受到扰乱可能是一个突出的问题。 www.bing.com 3. At the White House Monday, Mr. Obama said the international community must stand up to North Korea on the nuclear issue. 奥巴马星期一在白宫说,国际社会必须在这个核问题上起而反对北韩。 kantianya.com 4. Record migration into a fast-shrinking job market have been a charged issue in recent years. 创纪录数量的移民涌入一个快速收缩的就业市场,近年来一直是一个引发争议的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 5. On the issue of the transformation mode of economics, there exist differences between the right of civil law and that of the economic law. 在经济学的范式转换问题上,民法法权与经济法法权均有不同。 www.dictall.com 6. He said his relationship with controversial wide receiver Terrell Owens was not a major issue in his move to step down. 他说,他的争议性与接收机Terrell女士欧文斯并不是一个大问题,他提出下台。 www.2getnews.com 7. The issue price is usually close to the existing market price to protect the interests of existing shareholders. 这个问题通常是价格接近现有的市场价格,保护利益的现有股东。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Management said the resignations wouldn't affect the next issue of the magazine, due out on Nov. 管理层说上述辞职要求在11月23日下期杂志出版之后才能生效。 c.wsj.com 9. He said the most challenging issue for people of faith was how to explain the relevance of ancient scripture in the modern world. 他说,有信仰的人们面临的最大挑战,就是如何解释古代宗教经典和当代世界的关系。 www.bing.com 10. British officials had earlier been claiming that there was no need for Cameron to attend this meeting, but the issue could be reopened. 英国官员早些时候称卡梅伦没必要出席周三的峰会,不过这个问题也可以重新讨论。 www.bing.com 1. "water" has been a major problem plaguing Nancheng development, but the issue is now quietly undergoing fundamental change. “水”一直以来都是困扰南城发展的一大问题,但现在这个问题正在悄悄地发生着根本性的改变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Politics was no longer simply a pocketbook issue but amoral issue as well, subject to moral imperatives and moralabsolutes. 政治不再是完全围绕着经济展开,也与道德问题息息相关,受到道德责任和道德至上理念的制约。 blog.163.com 3. They also signal something of a revolution in the way Australia tackles this politically charged issue. 最新数字也发出类似革命的信号,以解决澳大利亚在政治上争议很大的问题。 blog.ecocn.org 4. I agree this is part of the answer, but the issue is really only a sliver of the type of things we consume. It's how much we consume. 我部分同意他们的观点,但是他们讲道的只是我们消费的东西的类型,我们消费了多少。 www.suiniyi.com 5. Thus, strategic adjustment of state-owned enterprises has always been a major issue of China's economic reform. 因此,国有企业战略调整一直是我国经济改革中的重大问题。 www.fabiao.net 6. "The fund has not established details of its investment options so we still can't talk about the issue of investing, " he said. 他说道:“这项基金还未策划出其投资权的细节,所以我们现在还不能谈投资的问题”。 www.bing.com 7. In Redbook's April issue, Brand said he had been more than happy to give up his partying ways to settle down. 在八月份给锐步拍广告时,布兰说他很高兴能够结束浪子的生涯,安定下来。 gb.cri.cn 8. The salient issue, says study co-author Fred Turek, may be the disruption of the body's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm. 该项研究的共同合作者弗雷德·托莱克说,身体生物钟受到扰乱可能是一个突出的问题。 www.bing.com 9. At the White House Monday, Mr. Obama said the international community must stand up to North Korea on the nuclear issue. 奥巴马星期一在白宫说,国际社会必须在这个核问题上起而反对北韩。 kantianya.com 10. Record migration into a fast-shrinking job market have been a charged issue in recent years. 创纪录数量的移民涌入一个快速收缩的就业市场,近年来一直是一个引发争议的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I agree this is part of the answer, but the issue is really only a sliver of the type of things we consume. It's how much we consume. 我部分同意他们的观点,但是他们讲道的只是我们消费的东西的类型,我们消费了多少。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Thus, strategic adjustment of state-owned enterprises has always been a major issue of China's economic reform. 因此,国有企业战略调整一直是我国经济改革中的重大问题。 www.fabiao.net 3. "The fund has not established details of its investment options so we still can't talk about the issue of investing, " he said. 他说道:“这项基金还未策划出其投资权的细节,所以我们现在还不能谈投资的问题”。 www.bing.com 4. Administration officials determined it would be counterproductive to issue the currency report in the midst of these discussions. 美国政府认定,在磋商进行期间发表汇率政策报告将会适得其反。 chinese.wsj.com 5. In Redbook's April issue, Brand said he had been more than happy to give up his partying ways to settle down. 在八月份给锐步拍广告时,布兰说他很高兴能够结束浪子的生涯,安定下来。 gb.cri.cn 6. The salient issue, says study co-author Fred Turek, may be the disruption of the body's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm. 该项研究的共同合作者弗雷德·托莱克说,身体生物钟受到扰乱可能是一个突出的问题。 www.bing.com 7. At the White House Monday, Mr. Obama said the international community must stand up to North Korea on the nuclear issue. 奥巴马星期一在白宫说,国际社会必须在这个核问题上起而反对北韩。 kantianya.com 8. Record migration into a fast-shrinking job market have been a charged issue in recent years. 创纪录数量的移民涌入一个快速收缩的就业市场,近年来一直是一个引发争议的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 9. On the issue of the transformation mode of economics, there exist differences between the right of civil law and that of the economic law. 在经济学的范式转换问题上,民法法权与经济法法权均有不同。 www.dictall.com 10. He said his relationship with controversial wide receiver Terrell Owens was not a major issue in his move to step down. 他说,他的争议性与接收机Terrell女士欧文斯并不是一个大问题,他提出下台。 www.2getnews.com 1. Administration officials determined it would be counterproductive to issue the currency report in the midst of these discussions. 美国政府认定,在磋商进行期间发表汇率政策报告将会适得其反。 chinese.wsj.com 2. For several millennia the two ideologies remained head-locked over this issue and governmental agencies were in a state of delicate impasse. 数千年来,这两种意识形态在这个议题上仍然无解,而政府机构也处在一个微妙的僵局状态。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In Redbook's April issue, Brand said he had been more than happy to give up his partying ways to settle down. 在八月份给锐步拍广告时,布兰说他很高兴能够结束浪子的生涯,安定下来。 gb.cri.cn 4. The salient issue, says study co-author Fred Turek, may be the disruption of the body's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm. 该项研究的共同合作者弗雷德·托莱克说,身体生物钟受到扰乱可能是一个突出的问题。 www.bing.com 5. At the White House Monday, Mr. Obama said the international community must stand up to North Korea on the nuclear issue. 奥巴马星期一在白宫说,国际社会必须在这个核问题上起而反对北韩。 kantianya.com 6. Record migration into a fast-shrinking job market have been a charged issue in recent years. 创纪录数量的移民涌入一个快速收缩的就业市场,近年来一直是一个引发争议的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 7. On the issue of the transformation mode of economics, there exist differences between the right of civil law and that of the economic law. 在经济学的范式转换问题上,民法法权与经济法法权均有不同。 www.dictall.com 8. He said his relationship with controversial wide receiver Terrell Owens was not a major issue in his move to step down. 他说,他的争议性与接收机Terrell女士欧文斯并不是一个大问题,他提出下台。 www.2getnews.com 9. The issue price is usually close to the existing market price to protect the interests of existing shareholders. 这个问题通常是价格接近现有的市场价格,保护利益的现有股东。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Management said the resignations wouldn't affect the next issue of the magazine, due out on Nov. 管理层说上述辞职要求在11月23日下期杂志出版之后才能生效。 c.wsj.com 1. In Redbook's April issue, Brand said he had been more than happy to give up his partying ways to settle down. 在八月份给锐步拍广告时,布兰说他很高兴能够结束浪子的生涯,安定下来。 gb.cri.cn 2. The salient issue, says study co-author Fred Turek, may be the disruption of the body's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm. 该项研究的共同合作者弗雷德·托莱克说,身体生物钟受到扰乱可能是一个突出的问题。 www.bing.com 3. At the White House Monday, Mr. Obama said the international community must stand up to North Korea on the nuclear issue. 奥巴马星期一在白宫说,国际社会必须在这个核问题上起而反对北韩。 kantianya.com 4. Record migration into a fast-shrinking job market have been a charged issue in recent years. 创纪录数量的移民涌入一个快速收缩的就业市场,近年来一直是一个引发争议的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 5. On the issue of the transformation mode of economics, there exist differences between the right of civil law and that of the economic law. 在经济学的范式转换问题上,民法法权与经济法法权均有不同。 www.dictall.com 6. He said his relationship with controversial wide receiver Terrell Owens was not a major issue in his move to step down. 他说,他的争议性与接收机Terrell女士欧文斯并不是一个大问题,他提出下台。 www.2getnews.com 7. The issue price is usually close to the existing market price to protect the interests of existing shareholders. 这个问题通常是价格接近现有的市场价格,保护利益的现有股东。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Management said the resignations wouldn't affect the next issue of the magazine, due out on Nov. 管理层说上述辞职要求在11月23日下期杂志出版之后才能生效。 c.wsj.com 9. He said the most challenging issue for people of faith was how to explain the relevance of ancient scripture in the modern world. 他说,有信仰的人们面临的最大挑战,就是如何解释古代宗教经典和当代世界的关系。 www.bing.com 10. British officials had earlier been claiming that there was no need for Cameron to attend this meeting, but the issue could be reopened. 英国官员早些时候称卡梅伦没必要出席周三的峰会,不过这个问题也可以重新讨论。 www.bing.com 1. At the White House Monday, Mr. Obama said the international community must stand up to North Korea on the nuclear issue. 奥巴马星期一在白宫说,国际社会必须在这个核问题上起而反对北韩。 kantianya.com 2. Record migration into a fast-shrinking job market have been a charged issue in recent years. 创纪录数量的移民涌入一个快速收缩的就业市场,近年来一直是一个引发争议的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 3. On the issue of the transformation mode of economics, there exist differences between the right of civil law and that of the economic law. 在经济学的范式转换问题上,民法法权与经济法法权均有不同。 www.dictall.com 4. He said his relationship with controversial wide receiver Terrell Owens was not a major issue in his move to step down. 他说,他的争议性与接收机Terrell女士欧文斯并不是一个大问题,他提出下台。 www.2getnews.com 5. The issue price is usually close to the existing market price to protect the interests of existing shareholders. 这个问题通常是价格接近现有的市场价格,保护利益的现有股东。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Management said the resignations wouldn't affect the next issue of the magazine, due out on Nov. 管理层说上述辞职要求在11月23日下期杂志出版之后才能生效。 c.wsj.com 7. He said the most challenging issue for people of faith was how to explain the relevance of ancient scripture in the modern world. 他说,有信仰的人们面临的最大挑战,就是如何解释古代宗教经典和当代世界的关系。 www.bing.com 8. British officials had earlier been claiming that there was no need for Cameron to attend this meeting, but the issue could be reopened. 英国官员早些时候称卡梅伦没必要出席周三的峰会,不过这个问题也可以重新讨论。 www.bing.com 9. But with strangers coming over to see your stuff or for going to a stranger's home to make a purchase, safety becomes an issue. 但和随之而来的陌生人看你的物品或去陌生人家购买,安全成为问题。 swc.178.blog.163.com 10. I decided to take a nap and apparently ended up sleeping with my mouth wide open since breathing was an issue. 我决定打个盹,嘴巴大张着因为呼吸很困难。 www.diyihulian.com 1. On the issue of the transformation mode of economics, there exist differences between the right of civil law and that of the economic law. 在经济学的范式转换问题上,民法法权与经济法法权均有不同。 www.dictall.com 2. He said his relationship with controversial wide receiver Terrell Owens was not a major issue in his move to step down. 他说,他的争议性与接收机Terrell女士欧文斯并不是一个大问题,他提出下台。 www.2getnews.com 3. The issue price is usually close to the existing market price to protect the interests of existing shareholders. 这个问题通常是价格接近现有的市场价格,保护利益的现有股东。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Management said the resignations wouldn't affect the next issue of the magazine, due out on Nov. 管理层说上述辞职要求在11月23日下期杂志出版之后才能生效。 c.wsj.com 5. He said the most challenging issue for people of faith was how to explain the relevance of ancient scripture in the modern world. 他说,有信仰的人们面临的最大挑战,就是如何解释古代宗教经典和当代世界的关系。 www.bing.com 6. British officials had earlier been claiming that there was no need for Cameron to attend this meeting, but the issue could be reopened. 英国官员早些时候称卡梅伦没必要出席周三的峰会,不过这个问题也可以重新讨论。 www.bing.com 7. But with strangers coming over to see your stuff or for going to a stranger's home to make a purchase, safety becomes an issue. 但和随之而来的陌生人看你的物品或去陌生人家购买,安全成为问题。 swc.178.blog.163.com 8. I decided to take a nap and apparently ended up sleeping with my mouth wide open since breathing was an issue. 我决定打个盹,嘴巴大张着因为呼吸很困难。 www.diyihulian.com 9. The only issue is that you might feel uncomfortable, therefore the problem has been magnified to be a question of principle. 唯一的问题,也许就是你觉得不舒服,所以说得上纲上线吧。 new.chinadialogue.net 10. Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. " 拉里贾尼称,美国不单在巴勒斯坦问题上体现了实力的减弱,而且“在伊拉克也寸步难行”。 www.englishtang.com 1. The issue price is usually close to the existing market price to protect the interests of existing shareholders. 这个问题通常是价格接近现有的市场价格,保护利益的现有股东。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Management said the resignations wouldn't affect the next issue of the magazine, due out on Nov. 管理层说上述辞职要求在11月23日下期杂志出版之后才能生效。 c.wsj.com 3. He said the most challenging issue for people of faith was how to explain the relevance of ancient scripture in the modern world. 他说,有信仰的人们面临的最大挑战,就是如何解释古代宗教经典和当代世界的关系。 www.bing.com 4. British officials had earlier been claiming that there was no need for Cameron to attend this meeting, but the issue could be reopened. 英国官员早些时候称卡梅伦没必要出席周三的峰会,不过这个问题也可以重新讨论。 www.bing.com 5. But with strangers coming over to see your stuff or for going to a stranger's home to make a purchase, safety becomes an issue. 但和随之而来的陌生人看你的物品或去陌生人家购买,安全成为问题。 swc.178.blog.163.com 6. I decided to take a nap and apparently ended up sleeping with my mouth wide open since breathing was an issue. 我决定打个盹,嘴巴大张着因为呼吸很困难。 www.diyihulian.com 7. The only issue is that you might feel uncomfortable, therefore the problem has been magnified to be a question of principle. 唯一的问题,也许就是你觉得不舒服,所以说得上纲上线吧。 new.chinadialogue.net 8. Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. " 拉里贾尼称,美国不单在巴勒斯坦问题上体现了实力的减弱,而且“在伊拉克也寸步难行”。 www.englishtang.com 9. Where if you were at to be possible not to be able to find may issue me to thank directly! 如果你在哪里可以找得到可以直接发给我非常感谢! wenwen.soso.com 10. It is not clear how much of an issue this is; none of the 1024 elements results had serial correlation. 这个问题的影响程度不明确;1024个元素的所有结果没有序列相关性。 www.ibm.com 1. He said the most challenging issue for people of faith was how to explain the relevance of ancient scripture in the modern world. 他说,有信仰的人们面临的最大挑战,就是如何解释古代宗教经典和当代世界的关系。 www.bing.com 2. British officials had earlier been claiming that there was no need for Cameron to attend this meeting, but the issue could be reopened. 英国官员早些时候称卡梅伦没必要出席周三的峰会,不过这个问题也可以重新讨论。 www.bing.com 3. But with strangers coming over to see your stuff or for going to a stranger's home to make a purchase, safety becomes an issue. 但和随之而来的陌生人看你的物品或去陌生人家购买,安全成为问题。 swc.178.blog.163.com 4. I decided to take a nap and apparently ended up sleeping with my mouth wide open since breathing was an issue. 我决定打个盹,嘴巴大张着因为呼吸很困难。 www.diyihulian.com 5. The only issue is that you might feel uncomfortable, therefore the problem has been magnified to be a question of principle. 唯一的问题,也许就是你觉得不舒服,所以说得上纲上线吧。 new.chinadialogue.net 6. Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. " 拉里贾尼称,美国不单在巴勒斯坦问题上体现了实力的减弱,而且“在伊拉克也寸步难行”。 www.englishtang.com 7. Where if you were at to be possible not to be able to find may issue me to thank directly! 如果你在哪里可以找得到可以直接发给我非常感谢! wenwen.soso.com 8. It is not clear how much of an issue this is; none of the 1024 elements results had serial correlation. 这个问题的影响程度不明确;1024个元素的所有结果没有序列相关性。 www.ibm.com 9. Parents said the suit seeking damages over the Fuxin collapse was the first effort to put the issue before a court. 家长们指出,通过诉讼将富新校舍坍塌事件提交到法院,争取损害赔偿是他们的第一次努力。 www.bing.com 10. Temasek Holdings seems to be quite reluctant to interfere with in the political issue of the countries it invests into. Temasek基金看起来非常不愿意干涉它所投资国家的政治事务。 edu.newdu.com 1. But with strangers coming over to see your stuff or for going to a stranger's home to make a purchase, safety becomes an issue. 但和随之而来的陌生人看你的物品或去陌生人家购买,安全成为问题。 swc.178.blog.163.com 2. I decided to take a nap and apparently ended up sleeping with my mouth wide open since breathing was an issue. 我决定打个盹,嘴巴大张着因为呼吸很困难。 www.diyihulian.com 3. The only issue is that you might feel uncomfortable, therefore the problem has been magnified to be a question of principle. 唯一的问题,也许就是你觉得不舒服,所以说得上纲上线吧。 new.chinadialogue.net 4. Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. " 拉里贾尼称,美国不单在巴勒斯坦问题上体现了实力的减弱,而且“在伊拉克也寸步难行”。 www.englishtang.com 5. Where if you were at to be possible not to be able to find may issue me to thank directly! 如果你在哪里可以找得到可以直接发给我非常感谢! wenwen.soso.com 6. It is not clear how much of an issue this is; none of the 1024 elements results had serial correlation. 这个问题的影响程度不明确;1024个元素的所有结果没有序列相关性。 www.ibm.com 7. Parents said the suit seeking damages over the Fuxin collapse was the first effort to put the issue before a court. 家长们指出,通过诉讼将富新校舍坍塌事件提交到法院,争取损害赔偿是他们的第一次努力。 www.bing.com 8. Temasek Holdings seems to be quite reluctant to interfere with in the political issue of the countries it invests into. Temasek基金看起来非常不愿意干涉它所投资国家的政治事务。 edu.newdu.com 9. In case the applicant passes the reexamination, the SARFT shall issue it a TV Play (TV Cartoon) Distribution License. 复审合格的,由广电总局核发《电视剧(电视动画片)发行许可证》。 www.commonenglish.cn 10. The flag itself was standard issue, although the top was hemmed so that the astronauts would be able to slide it over the crossbar. 国旗也是关键,国旗的顶端镶边了,以便宇航员将国旗滑动至横杆。 down02.putclub.com 1. On the issue of the transformation mode of economics, there exist differences between the right of civil law and that of the economic law. 在经济学的范式转换问题上,民法法权与经济法法权均有不同。 www.dictall.com 2. He said his relationship with controversial wide receiver Terrell Owens was not a major issue in his move to step down. 他说,他的争议性与接收机Terrell女士欧文斯并不是一个大问题,他提出下台。 www.2getnews.com 3. The issue price is usually close to the existing market price to protect the interests of existing shareholders. 这个问题通常是价格接近现有的市场价格,保护利益的现有股东。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Management said the resignations wouldn't affect the next issue of the magazine, due out on Nov. 管理层说上述辞职要求在11月23日下期杂志出版之后才能生效。 c.wsj.com 5. He said the most challenging issue for people of faith was how to explain the relevance of ancient scripture in the modern world. 他说,有信仰的人们面临的最大挑战,就是如何解释古代宗教经典和当代世界的关系。 www.bing.com 6. British officials had earlier been claiming that there was no need for Cameron to attend this meeting, but the issue could be reopened. 英国官员早些时候称卡梅伦没必要出席周三的峰会,不过这个问题也可以重新讨论。 www.bing.com 7. But with strangers coming over to see your stuff or for going to a stranger's home to make a purchase, safety becomes an issue. 但和随之而来的陌生人看你的物品或去陌生人家购买,安全成为问题。 swc.178.blog.163.com 8. I decided to take a nap and apparently ended up sleeping with my mouth wide open since breathing was an issue. 我决定打个盹,嘴巴大张着因为呼吸很困难。 www.diyihulian.com 9. The only issue is that you might feel uncomfortable, therefore the problem has been magnified to be a question of principle. 唯一的问题,也许就是你觉得不舒服,所以说得上纲上线吧。 new.chinadialogue.net 10. Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. " 拉里贾尼称,美国不单在巴勒斯坦问题上体现了实力的减弱,而且“在伊拉克也寸步难行”。 www.englishtang.com 1. The issue price is usually close to the existing market price to protect the interests of existing shareholders. 这个问题通常是价格接近现有的市场价格,保护利益的现有股东。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Management said the resignations wouldn't affect the next issue of the magazine, due out on Nov. 管理层说上述辞职要求在11月23日下期杂志出版之后才能生效。 c.wsj.com 3. He said the most challenging issue for people of faith was how to explain the relevance of ancient scripture in the modern world. 他说,有信仰的人们面临的最大挑战,就是如何解释古代宗教经典和当代世界的关系。 www.bing.com 4. British officials had earlier been claiming that there was no need for Cameron to attend this meeting, but the issue could be reopened. 英国官员早些时候称卡梅伦没必要出席周三的峰会,不过这个问题也可以重新讨论。 www.bing.com 5. But with strangers coming over to see your stuff or for going to a stranger's home to make a purchase, safety becomes an issue. 但和随之而来的陌生人看你的物品或去陌生人家购买,安全成为问题。 swc.178.blog.163.com 6. I decided to take a nap and apparently ended up sleeping with my mouth wide open since breathing was an issue. 我决定打个盹,嘴巴大张着因为呼吸很困难。 www.diyihulian.com 7. The only issue is that you might feel uncomfortable, therefore the problem has been magnified to be a question of principle. 唯一的问题,也许就是你觉得不舒服,所以说得上纲上线吧。 new.chinadialogue.net 8. Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. " 拉里贾尼称,美国不单在巴勒斯坦问题上体现了实力的减弱,而且“在伊拉克也寸步难行”。 www.englishtang.com 9. Where if you were at to be possible not to be able to find may issue me to thank directly! 如果你在哪里可以找得到可以直接发给我非常感谢! wenwen.soso.com 10. It is not clear how much of an issue this is; none of the 1024 elements results had serial correlation. 这个问题的影响程度不明确;1024个元素的所有结果没有序列相关性。 www.ibm.com 1. He said the most challenging issue for people of faith was how to explain the relevance of ancient scripture in the modern world. 他说,有信仰的人们面临的最大挑战,就是如何解释古代宗教经典和当代世界的关系。 www.bing.com 2. British officials had earlier been claiming that there was no need for Cameron to attend this meeting, but the issue could be reopened. 英国官员早些时候称卡梅伦没必要出席周三的峰会,不过这个问题也可以重新讨论。 www.bing.com 3. But with strangers coming over to see your stuff or for going to a stranger's home to make a purchase, safety becomes an issue. 但和随之而来的陌生人看你的物品或去陌生人家购买,安全成为问题。 swc.178.blog.163.com 4. I decided to take a nap and apparently ended up sleeping with my mouth wide open since breathing was an issue. 我决定打个盹,嘴巴大张着因为呼吸很困难。 www.diyihulian.com 5. The only issue is that you might feel uncomfortable, therefore the problem has been magnified to be a question of principle. 唯一的问题,也许就是你觉得不舒服,所以说得上纲上线吧。 new.chinadialogue.net 6. Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. " 拉里贾尼称,美国不单在巴勒斯坦问题上体现了实力的减弱,而且“在伊拉克也寸步难行”。 www.englishtang.com 7. Where if you were at to be possible not to be able to find may issue me to thank directly! 如果你在哪里可以找得到可以直接发给我非常感谢! wenwen.soso.com 8. It is not clear how much of an issue this is; none of the 1024 elements results had serial correlation. 这个问题的影响程度不明确;1024个元素的所有结果没有序列相关性。 www.ibm.com 9. Parents said the suit seeking damages over the Fuxin collapse was the first effort to put the issue before a court. 家长们指出,通过诉讼将富新校舍坍塌事件提交到法院,争取损害赔偿是他们的第一次努力。 www.bing.com 10. Temasek Holdings seems to be quite reluctant to interfere with in the political issue of the countries it invests into. Temasek基金看起来非常不愿意干涉它所投资国家的政治事务。 edu.newdu.com 1. But with strangers coming over to see your stuff or for going to a stranger's home to make a purchase, safety becomes an issue. 但和随之而来的陌生人看你的物品或去陌生人家购买,安全成为问题。 swc.178.blog.163.com 2. I decided to take a nap and apparently ended up sleeping with my mouth wide open since breathing was an issue. 我决定打个盹,嘴巴大张着因为呼吸很困难。 www.diyihulian.com 3. The only issue is that you might feel uncomfortable, therefore the problem has been magnified to be a question of principle. 唯一的问题,也许就是你觉得不舒服,所以说得上纲上线吧。 new.chinadialogue.net 4. Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. " 拉里贾尼称,美国不单在巴勒斯坦问题上体现了实力的减弱,而且“在伊拉克也寸步难行”。 www.englishtang.com 5. Where if you were at to be possible not to be able to find may issue me to thank directly! 如果你在哪里可以找得到可以直接发给我非常感谢! wenwen.soso.com 6. It is not clear how much of an issue this is; none of the 1024 elements results had serial correlation. 这个问题的影响程度不明确;1024个元素的所有结果没有序列相关性。 www.ibm.com 7. Parents said the suit seeking damages over the Fuxin collapse was the first effort to put the issue before a court. 家长们指出,通过诉讼将富新校舍坍塌事件提交到法院,争取损害赔偿是他们的第一次努力。 www.bing.com 8. Temasek Holdings seems to be quite reluctant to interfere with in the political issue of the countries it invests into. Temasek基金看起来非常不愿意干涉它所投资国家的政治事务。 edu.newdu.com 9. In case the applicant passes the reexamination, the SARFT shall issue it a TV Play (TV Cartoon) Distribution License. 复审合格的,由广电总局核发《电视剧(电视动画片)发行许可证》。 www.commonenglish.cn 10. The flag itself was standard issue, although the top was hemmed so that the astronauts would be able to slide it over the crossbar. 国旗也是关键,国旗的顶端镶边了,以便宇航员将国旗滑动至横杆。 down02.putclub.com 1. The only issue is that you might feel uncomfortable, therefore the problem has been magnified to be a question of principle. 唯一的问题,也许就是你觉得不舒服,所以说得上纲上线吧。 new.chinadialogue.net 2. Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. " 拉里贾尼称,美国不单在巴勒斯坦问题上体现了实力的减弱,而且“在伊拉克也寸步难行”。 www.englishtang.com 3. Where if you were at to be possible not to be able to find may issue me to thank directly! 如果你在哪里可以找得到可以直接发给我非常感谢! wenwen.soso.com 4. It is not clear how much of an issue this is; none of the 1024 elements results had serial correlation. 这个问题的影响程度不明确;1024个元素的所有结果没有序列相关性。 www.ibm.com 5. Parents said the suit seeking damages over the Fuxin collapse was the first effort to put the issue before a court. 家长们指出,通过诉讼将富新校舍坍塌事件提交到法院,争取损害赔偿是他们的第一次努力。 www.bing.com 6. Temasek Holdings seems to be quite reluctant to interfere with in the political issue of the countries it invests into. Temasek基金看起来非常不愿意干涉它所投资国家的政治事务。 edu.newdu.com 7. In case the applicant passes the reexamination, the SARFT shall issue it a TV Play (TV Cartoon) Distribution License. 复审合格的,由广电总局核发《电视剧(电视动画片)发行许可证》。 www.commonenglish.cn 8. The flag itself was standard issue, although the top was hemmed so that the astronauts would be able to slide it over the crossbar. 国旗也是关键,国旗的顶端镶边了,以便宇航员将国旗滑动至横杆。 down02.putclub.com 9. The constitution of mediatory acceptance of bribe has always been a problem at issue. 斡旋受贿的构成一直是有争议的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Thanks for providing me this opportunity to be here with you and exchange my views and thoughts on climate issue. 很高兴今天能来这里和大家交流有关气候变化问题的认识和看法。 www.putclub.com 1. Where if you were at to be possible not to be able to find may issue me to thank directly! 如果你在哪里可以找得到可以直接发给我非常感谢! wenwen.soso.com 2. It is not clear how much of an issue this is; none of the 1024 elements results had serial correlation. 这个问题的影响程度不明确;1024个元素的所有结果没有序列相关性。 www.ibm.com 3. Parents said the suit seeking damages over the Fuxin collapse was the first effort to put the issue before a court. 家长们指出,通过诉讼将富新校舍坍塌事件提交到法院,争取损害赔偿是他们的第一次努力。 www.bing.com 4. Temasek Holdings seems to be quite reluctant to interfere with in the political issue of the countries it invests into. Temasek基金看起来非常不愿意干涉它所投资国家的政治事务。 edu.newdu.com 5. In case the applicant passes the reexamination, the SARFT shall issue it a TV Play (TV Cartoon) Distribution License. 复审合格的,由广电总局核发《电视剧(电视动画片)发行许可证》。 www.commonenglish.cn 6. The flag itself was standard issue, although the top was hemmed so that the astronauts would be able to slide it over the crossbar. 国旗也是关键,国旗的顶端镶边了,以便宇航员将国旗滑动至横杆。 down02.putclub.com 7. The constitution of mediatory acceptance of bribe has always been a problem at issue. 斡旋受贿的构成一直是有争议的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Thanks for providing me this opportunity to be here with you and exchange my views and thoughts on climate issue. 很高兴今天能来这里和大家交流有关气候变化问题的认识和看法。 www.putclub.com 9. Another issue is just how much is known about the links between radicalized British Muslims and al-Qaeda operatives abroad. 第二个问题是对激进的英国穆斯林份子和国外基地组织联系的了解程度。 www.ecocn.org 10. What's good about this type of humour is the fact that it is able to address whatever political issue is at hand. 这种类型的幽默所谓“好”,是因为它能够将人们身边的政治问题信手拈来。 www.bing.com 1. Parents said the suit seeking damages over the Fuxin collapse was the first effort to put the issue before a court. 家长们指出,通过诉讼将富新校舍坍塌事件提交到法院,争取损害赔偿是他们的第一次努力。 www.bing.com 2. Temasek Holdings seems to be quite reluctant to interfere with in the political issue of the countries it invests into. Temasek基金看起来非常不愿意干涉它所投资国家的政治事务。 edu.newdu.com 3. In case the applicant passes the reexamination, the SARFT shall issue it a TV Play (TV Cartoon) Distribution License. 复审合格的,由广电总局核发《电视剧(电视动画片)发行许可证》。 www.commonenglish.cn 4. The flag itself was standard issue, although the top was hemmed so that the astronauts would be able to slide it over the crossbar. 国旗也是关键,国旗的顶端镶边了,以便宇航员将国旗滑动至横杆。 down02.putclub.com 5. The constitution of mediatory acceptance of bribe has always been a problem at issue. 斡旋受贿的构成一直是有争议的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Thanks for providing me this opportunity to be here with you and exchange my views and thoughts on climate issue. 很高兴今天能来这里和大家交流有关气候变化问题的认识和看法。 www.putclub.com 7. Another issue is just how much is known about the links between radicalized British Muslims and al-Qaeda operatives abroad. 第二个问题是对激进的英国穆斯林份子和国外基地组织联系的了解程度。 www.ecocn.org 8. What's good about this type of humour is the fact that it is able to address whatever political issue is at hand. 这种类型的幽默所谓“好”,是因为它能够将人们身边的政治问题信手拈来。 www.bing.com 9. Yet Iceland is special in another way: it did not issue a blanket bail-out to its banks, but rather let bits of them go bust. 然而,冰岛特殊在另一方面:政府并未向银行发放一条“御寒的”毛毯,而是让少数银行自生自灭。 www.ecocn.org 10. When I first picked up the paper, I don't know if I agreed that it was an issue. 第一次看那篇论文的时候,我不知道那算不算个问题。 www.tesoon.com |
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