单词 | Israeli |
释义 |
复数:Israelis 例句释义: 犹太人,以色列的,以色列人的,以色列共和国的,以色列舞,以色列籍 1. An Irish-owned ship that was trying to break through the Israeli blockade of Gaza has been diverted to the Port of Ashdod. 一艘试图冲破以色列对加沙地带封锁线的爱尔兰船只被转移到阿什杜德港口。 www.englishtang.com 2. The next thing I knew, his crotchety neighbor was laying out his ideas on Israeli foreign policy at the top of his lungs. 接着,他那古怪的邻居就开始声嘶力竭地发表他对以色列外交政策的意见。 www.bing.com 3. Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev would not say what level of violence would provoke Israel to call off the cease-fire. 以色列政府发言人马克雷格夫并没有说何种程度的挑衅将取消以色列停火。 blog.163.com 4. Soon a group of Israeli soldiers approached. "They came and banged on the door and told everyone to leave the house, " he said. 随后来了一群以色列士兵,“他们来到后猛敲着地板,命令我们全部出去。” www.bing.com 5. Palestinian demonstrators protesting the Israeli military incursion in Gaza clashed with the police outside the Israeli Embassy in London. 英国,伦敦:在以色列大使馆外,反对以色列军队侵犯加沙的巴勒斯坦示威者们与警察发生了冲突。 item.feedsky.com 6. He said the 10-month construction freeze will end on schedule on September 26th, according to a previous decision of the Israeli Cabinet. 他说,根据以色列内阁先前的决定,冻结定居点建设10个月的决定将按计划在9月26日结束。 www.voanews.com.cn 7. Even so, and despite last-minute quarrels, Hamas and Fatah appear now to be trying to stand together against their Israeli foe. 尽管如此,尽管在最后一刻的争执,哈玛斯和法塔赫看起来现在在试着联合起来以对付它们的对手以色列。 www.ecocn.org 8. Israeli officials provided no proof of their assertions but appeared more confident that chemical weapons had been used. 以色列官员没有为自己的断言提供证据,不过,对化学武器已被投入使用一事,他们显得更有把握。 cn.nytimes.com 9. As he happily treated Israeli women and made friends with fellow doctors, he saw medicine as a bridge between the two hostile people. 他愉快地为以色列妇女提供治疗,并和同事结为好友。他将医学视为两个彼此仇恨的民族之间的沟通桥梁。 www.ecocn.org 10. Along the border with Lebanon, several Palestinians were shot to death while trying to cross the Israeli boundary. 在黎以边界,有几名巴勒斯坦人在试图穿越以色列边境线的时候被开枪打死。 www.24en.com 1. The head of the Israeli military has said he does not think Iran will develop nuclear weapons. 以色列军方领导人称,他认为伊朗不会发展核武器。 www.enread.com 2. The UK expelled an Israeli diplomat as a result of the scandal, Miliband said. He did not name the diplomat or say what rank the envoy held. 米利班德说,由于这项丑闻,英国已经驱逐了一名以色列外交官。他并没有指出这名外交官的名字,也没有说这名使节的职位。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The matter of Israeli settlements in the West Bank is one of the key sticking points in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 以色列在西岸建立定居点在以色列和巴基斯坦冲突中是一个关键。 www.voanews.cn 4. An Israeli mayor on the front lines of the conflict with the Palestinians is calling for a truce with Islamic militants. 以色列和巴勒斯坦人发生冲突的一个前沿城市的市长呼吁和伊斯兰激进分子实行停战。 www.ebigear.com 5. As they stood chatting, an Israeli drone had fired a missile at a passing Hamas fighter on a motorbike three metres from the children. 正当他们站着聊天时,一架以色列无人机向一名路过的哈马斯士兵发射了导弹。 www.bing.com 6. He was the only member of the Israeli delegation who would not shake hands with Arafat. 他是以色列代表团中唯一不愿意和阿拉法特握手的人。 www.bing.com 7. An Israeli military spokesman said the two-metre-high wall was no longer needed. 以色列军方一名发言人表示,现在已经不再需要这座两米高的水泥墙了。 bbs.koolearn.com 8. Some say the president should himself fly to Israel to address the Israeli people directly with a game-changing plan of his own. 有人认为这位总统先生应该亲自飞去以色列,直接告诉以色列人民计划有变。 www.ecocn.org 9. It is often seen, Mr Cohen says, "as demanding loyalty to certain objectionable Israeli policies" . 科恩认为,这常常会被视为“对人们所反对的以色列某个政策过分地忠诚”。 dict.bioon.com 10. Israeli army spokesman said officials were still trying to understand what in the end led to the emergency alerts issued. 以军发言人表示,官员们仍然在设法了解到底是什么情况导致紧急警报的发出。 www.englishtang.com 1. In an interview on Israeli television, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he is ready to start indirect peace talks. 巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯在接受以色列电视台采访时说,他愿意展开间接和平谈判。 www.voanews.cn 2. It said the Israeli army would conduct inquiries followed by a joint investigation with the Egyptian army to determine what went wrong. 以色列声称,军队将会进行调查,随后与埃及军队展开联合调查,以确定事故原因。 www.hxen.com 3. The Israeli military has denied using white phosphorus during the assault on Gaza, but aid agencies say they have no doubt it has been used. 以军已否认在对加沙的进攻中使用白磷,但是一些援助机构声称,他们确信白磷已被用作武器。 www.bing.com 4. His effort to build relationships, not walls, amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is especially amazing in light of his own past. 他试图在巴以冲突之外建立起一种联系而不是隔阂,当了解到他的过去以后,这份努力尤其令人瞠目。 www.bing.com 5. Israeli intelligence said the blasts damaged nuclear facilities near the city and were not accidents. 以色列情报说爆炸摧毁了城区附近的核设施,不是一起简单的事故。 www.ecocn.org 6. With his Israeli guest at his side, Mr Obama appeared to set a rough deadline for his proposed dialogue with Iran. 在以色列客人来访的情况下,奥巴马似乎给其承诺的美伊对话定下了一个粗略的最后期限。 www.ecocn.org 7. Israeli aircraft staged what appeared to be a limited response, attacking sites where the rockets were launched. 随后,以色列战机对火箭弹发射场地实施空袭,进行了一定限度的反击。 www.bing.com 8. On the other side of the ledger, the Israeli invasion of Gaza has led to a rupture in the long-standing relationship with Israel. 另一方面,以色列入侵加沙导致土以的长期关系出现破裂。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The actual result of Israeli policy seems to be: hit Gazans hard and they only get angrier. 以色列政策的效果似乎就在于:对加沙的攻击只会引起巴勒斯坦人更加恼怒。 www.ecocn.org 10. Former Israeli president Moshe Katsav is to be charged with rape nearly two years after he resigned as part of a plea bargain. 以色列前总统摩西·卡察夫,部分因达成认罪协议辞职近两年后,将被落案控以强奸。 www.bing.com 1. Speaking from Tripoli, Lebanon, he said the strong Israeli response has radicalized Arab public opinion in the region. 他在黎巴嫩的的黎波里接受采访时说,以色列激烈的报复行为使中东地区的阿拉伯民意变得更加激进。 www.ebigear.com 2. Then, it was a Palestinian assassination attempt on an Israeli diplomat in London. 在那时,是因为巴勒斯坦企图暗杀以色列驻伦敦外交官。 www.ecocn.org 3. Mr. Mesalem pointed at an Israeli ship on the horizon, then made his hand into a gun, pointed it at his head. 梅萨勒姆指了指海平面上一艘以色列船只,然后把手摆出手枪的样子,指着自己的头部。 www.bing.com 4. The reason given by the Israeli authorities is often bitakhon, or security, without bothering to give any shred of justification. 以色列当局给的借口往往是证件,或者是安全,而懒得给予最起码的理由。 www.2muslim.com 5. You see Israeli soldiers jumping out of helicopters onto the boat shooting. 你可以看到以色列士兵从直升机跳到船上进行射击。 www.kekenet.com 6. At least five Palestinians have been killed and several wounded in an Israeli air attack on Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip. 以色列对加沙地带南部的拉法发起空袭,至少5名巴基斯坦人死亡,数人受伤。 www.remword.cn 7. The client was an Israeli woman who had inherited them from her husband who, I believe, was either an American or a European. 这位客户是一位以色列妇女,她从她丈夫那里继承了这些财产,我认为,她丈夫要么是美国人,要么是欧洲人。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But one factor that gets less attention than it should is quite mundane, and yet extremely influential: the Israeli electoral system. 但是一个很普通但又极具影响力的因素并不引人注目,这就是以色列的选举制度。 www.ecocn.org 9. The researchers surveyed how much TV news coverage was given to every member of the Israeli Knesset on three local channels. 研究人员调查了当地三家新闻台对以色列议会所有成员的报道情况。 www.bing.com 10. All he had was a crumpled paper on which he had jotted some rough verse inspired by a visit to the Israeli police, to renew his travel pass. 他只有一张皱巴巴的纸,上面摘记着一些粗糙的诗句,这是他去以色列警署续签证件时突发的灵感。 www.ecocn.org 1. "Palestinians have no say in the Israeli development of these shared, trans-boundary, water resources, " he said. “巴勒斯坦人对以色列开发这些共有的跨境水资源没有任何发言权,”他说。 www.bing.com 2. He said he had also been trying to fix a deal with Hamas over a prisoner exchange, including freedom for a kidnapped Israeli corporal. 他说他也在试图与哈马斯在交换囚犯上达成协议,其中包括帮助一名遭绑架的以色列下士获释。 www.ecocn.org 3. The Israeli Defence Forces said it was an accident, and that she was killed by falling debris. 而以色列国防军则说她死于废墟坍塌,纯属意外事故。 www.tieku.org 4. Anat, who did not want to reveal her full name, told Israeli radio that she had wanted to surprise her mother. 阿奈特(她没有透露自己的全名)告诉以色列的电台说:她只是想给她母亲一个惊喜。 www.bing.com 5. Israeli officials have said the Gaza border will remain closed to all but humanitarian supplies until the rocket attacks completely stop. 以色列官员说,除非火箭弹袭击完全停止,否则除了人道救援物资之外,加沙边界将继续关闭。 www.voanews.cn 6. That was the basic script for a study that took place recently in an Israeli playroom which doubled as a social-science laboratory. 这是近期以色列一个游戏室(同时也充当社会科学实验室)里进行的一次实验的基本方案。 chinese.wsj.com 7. He said the Palestinians want negotiations based on where talks with the previous Israeli administration left off. 他说,巴勒斯坦希望和谈能够在与前任以色列政府对话结果的基础上展开。 www.voanews.cn 8. An ICRC report said the territory's economy and infrastructure had collapsed since the Israeli military offensive in Gaza six months ago. 一份国际红十字会的报告说,自从6个月前以色列在加沙展开军事攻势以来,这里就陷入了经济崩溃、基础设施瘫痪的惨境。 www.eoezone.com 9. An Israeli official said the rampage marked a further deterioration of diplomatic ties between Israel and Egypt since the fall of Mubarak. 一位以色列官员称这一事件让自从穆巴拉克下台以来一直恶化的以埃关系雪上加霜。 www.bing.com 10. "They shoot at the Palestinians like this on a daily basis. You have only heard about this because, for once, they shot at an Israeli. " “他们每天都这么朝巴勒斯坦人开枪。你能听到我这个遭遇是因为,就这么这一次,他们是在打一个以色列人。” www.bing.com 1. He said Mr Netanyahu had expressed condolences and offered help in trying to locate Israeli citizens who had died. 他说,内塔尼亚胡先生表示了哀悼并愿意为寻找遇难的以色列公民提供帮助。 www.bing.com 2. The Israeli army said the raids were a response to the launching of a Qassam rocket earlier this week. 以色列军方称,此次袭击是对本周早些时候发射火箭弹的一个响应 bbs.ebigear.com 3. What Zogby wants Obama to deliver in Cairo is nothing less than a breakthrough in the Arab-Israeli conflict, he said. 他说自己期望的是奥巴马能够在开罗的演讲中传递能让阿以冲突找到突破的信息。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. That's why we always try to have at least two guides, one Israeli and one Palestinian, plus many local guides all along the way. 这也是为什么我们总是安排至少两个导游,一个以色列的一个巴勒斯坦的,另外沿途还有许多当地导游。 www.bing.com 5. Firstly, I shall address the situation with the recent Israeli demoniac attempts to annihilate those who seek to help my innocent ones. 首先,最近以色列的恶魔试图消灭那些救援我无辜孩子的人们。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. One day I was chatting to a shopkeeper on Pahar Ganj, when an -Israeli girl walked past with her friend, chatting to him in Hebrew. 有一天,我在伯哈尔根杰与一名店主闲聊。有个以色列女子与朋友经过,两人用希伯来语交谈着。 www.360doc.com 7. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was about to leave for the U. S. when President Obama made the announcement that infuriated him. 以色列总理内塔尼亚胡前往美国,因为总统奥巴马宣布的这个消息激怒了他。 www.tingclass.com 8. Then, two years ago, he saw three of his daughters literally blown to bits by an Israeli tank that had aimed its shells at their bedroom. 之后,两年前,他又亲眼目睹自己三个女儿被瞄准她们卧室开炮的以色列坦克几乎炸成碎片。 www.ecocn.org 9. Israeli leaders said the operation, known as Cast Lead, was meant to quell militant rocket and mortar fire on southern Israel. 以色列领导人表示,此次名为CastLead的军事行动,目的在于遏制(哈马斯)对以南部地区的火箭筒袭击和炮击。 www.i21st.cn 10. He even agreed to have Shara negotiate, something he had not done before, as long as Barak would personally handle the Israeli side. 只要巴拉克亲自把国内各派打理好,他甚至还答应派沙拉去谈,这在以前是不可能的。 www.bing.com 1. Syria said the uranium could have come from munitions dropped by Israeli jets. 叙方称铀可能来自以色列战斗机的弹药。 www.ecocn.org 2. He said the boat was trying to outmaneuver the Israeli vessel when it was struck. 他表示,该船意图超越以色列的船,结果撞在一起。 www.rr365.com 3. The killings came just a few days after an Israeli army incursion into Gaza that killed at least 110 Palestinians. 这一幕幕惨剧发生在以军侵入加沙,并造成至少110名巴勒斯坦人死亡后的几天内。 www.ecocn.org 4. There was no empathy for the Palestinians, he only spoke of the Israeli problems, " she said. " 他就没有考虑到巴勒斯坦人的状况,只谈到以色列的问题。 www.2muslim.com 5. He said Israeli withdrawals from land they had occupied had not brought peace. 他说,以色列撤出了被占领的土地,但这并没有带来和平。 www.bing.com 6. "Of course we are very disappointed. We didn't expect to lose but it was just one of those games, " said the Israeli utility man. “当然,我们非常失望,我们没有想过失球,但是这就是众多比赛的一场。”以色列悍将说道。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 7. It sailed from Greece six weeks after Israeli commandos intercepted an aid flotilla trying to break the Gaza blockade. 6个星期前,以色列部队拦截了一支试图冲破加沙封锁线的援助船队。 www.voanews.com.cn 8. Regional tensions have been running high since Israeli commandos intercepted an aid flotilla trying to break the blockade six weeks ago. 六个星期前,以色列突击队拦截一个试图冲破以色列封锁的援助船队,致使这一地区的紧张局势升级。 www.voanews.com.cn 9. Israeli admitted that the statement is in the Americans do not know the name of the new country to be a good time. 承认以色列的文告是美国人在还不知道这个新国家叫什么名字的时候就拟好的。 www.bing.com 10. But Mr. Hermann nevertheless felt he was entitled to the money, and he pressed the Israeli government to pay him for his efforts. 然而,赫尔曼却认为,这悬赏金是他应得的。他一口咬住以色列政府要对他的付出给予报酬。 www.bing.com 1. There was no immediate claim of responsibility from any Palestinian group, apparently to avoid being targeted by Israeli retaliation. 目前还没有任何巴勒斯坦组织声称对火箭弹袭击负责,很明显是为了避免以色列报复。 show.24en.com 2. The police who asked not to be named, said he saw Israeli aircraft fired a missile to the ground. 一名不愿透露姓名的警察称,他看到以色列战斗机向地面发射了一枚导弹。 www.englishtang.com 3. One Israeli report said the fourth stage could last several months or up to a year. 一份以色列报道称,第四套方案将会持续数月甚至一年。 www.bing.com 4. Reading Bush's book, seeing him in his various TV appearances, I keep thinking of Menachem Begin, the late Israeli prime minister. 当我读着布什的书,看着他在电视屏幕上以各种方式出现,我不禁想起以色列前总理MenachemBegin。 www.bing.com 5. Such visits began a year ago as the idea of one Israeli, and have blossomed into a small, determined movement of civil disobedience. 此类的游玩从一年前开始,是一个以色列人的主意。现在已经发展成为一项小型但坚定的非暴力反抗运动。 www.fanyitie.com 6. He said he would try to convince Hamas to halt attacks against Israeli civilians, but in an unofficial capacity. 他说,他会立以非官方的身份,努力说服哈马斯停止袭击以色列平民。 www.kekenet.com 7. Israeli settlers in Hebron today still cite, as if it were yesterday, the massacre of Hebron's Jews in 1929. 时至今日,在希伯伦的以色列定居者谈论起1929年针对犹太人的希伯伦大屠杀时依然恍如昨日。 www.bing.com 8. Abuani said Injaz demanded to be flown to Turkey and said he was being persecuted by the Israeli Shin-Bet security force. 阿布阿尼说因扎兹要求被空运回土耳其,并说以色列辛贝特安全部队正在迫害他。 www.aitrans.net 9. Israeli officials say this was a mistake they would avoid if events were to be repeated. 以色列官员表示,如果类似事件再次发生,他们将不会再犯同样的错误。 www.ftchinese.com 10. she began playing drums at the age of 18, right about the same time that she was drafted into the Israeli Defense Forces for two years. 她18岁就开始打鼓,这时她已经应征入伍以色列自卫队两年了。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Sentencing Katsav - the first former Israeli head of state to be jailed - the judges told him no-one was above the law. 卡察夫是第一个被判入狱的以色列原国家元首——法官对他说,谁也不比法律更高。 www.bing.com 2. Palestinians ran toward the home of a Hamas military leader after it was hit by an Israeli missile strike in Beit Lahia in Gaza. 巴勒斯坦,加沙:在以色列导弹袭击了哈马斯武装领导人的住所之后,人们纷纷跑向那里。 item.feedsky.com 3. Israeli officials describe the latest attempt to break the blockade as an unnecessary provocation. 以色列官员声称,最近冲破封锁的企图是不必要的挑衅行为。 www.voanews.com.cn 4. and in selecting foreigners as targets: hostage-takers seem to have sought out American, British and Israeli victims. 第二,将外国人锁定为袭击目标,绑匪似乎在刻意挑选美国人、英国人和以色列人。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 5. Had Mr Abbas said yes, it might have been hard for a future Israeli government to back out. 如果阿巴斯当时同意,以色列政府要想反悔就不会这么轻易。 www.bing.com 6. Egypt's president, Hosni Mubarak, was annoyed but ordered his troops to let them in, saying they were "starving due to an Israeli siege" . 埃及总统胡斯尼·穆巴拉克对此感到苦恼,但是他命令他的军队允许巴勒斯坦人进入埃及境内,他说他们“会因为以色列的包围而饿死”。 www.ecocn.org 7. "The Israeli Jewish towns and villages should develop according to the natural development rate and this must not be stopped , " he said . 贝京说:“根据自然增长率,以色列的犹太人城镇和村庄应该得到发展,绝对不能停止。” www.bing.com 8. One woman tells me: "I am trained and ready to be a suicide bomber against Israeli soldiers. " 一个女子告诉我:“我接受训练并已经准备好针对那些以色列军人做一个人弹。” www.bing.com 9. But it really must be a solution this time that does not allow Hamas to use Gaza as a launching pad against Israeli cities. 然而,这一次制定的方案必须能切实防止哈马斯把加沙用作袭击以色列城市的基地。 www.america.gov 10. A few years later a man claiming to be from Mossad, the Israeli national intelligence agency, asked if I would work for them. 几年后,有个声称来自以色列情报机构摩萨德(Mossad)的人问我,愿不愿意为他们工作。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It was the first time the Israeli Prime Minister has called for the creation of a Palestinian state since taking office this year. 这是以色列总理今年就任以来第一次呼吁建立一个巴勒斯坦国。 www.tingroom.com 2. An Israeli official said the report showed Israel's actions were in keeping with international law. 一位以色列官员表示报告显示以色列的活动是符合国际法的。 www.bing.com 3. But neither his American nor his Palestinian nor even his Israeli interlocutors find him easy to interpret. 但无论是美方、巴方甚至是以方的谈判人员,都觉得他难以捉摸。 www.ecocn.org 4. sometimes, the widely felt yearning for a Palestinian or Israeli Gandhi seems proof of the moral superiority of his nonviolent politics. 有时候,巴勒斯坦和以色列地区人民对甘地似人物强烈的渴望似乎是甘地非暴力政治道德优越性的有力证据。 www.bing.com 5. In Jerusalem, Israeli office worker Ziva Gazit agreed, although she said she supports a separate state for the Palestinians. 在耶路撒冷,以色列文职人员齐瓦·盖兹特同意这种观点,不过她说,她支持巴勒斯坦独立建国。 www.bing.com 6. He ordered troop deployments in the Sinai and closed the Red Sea to Israeli shipping, hoping that this would get his allies off his back. 根据之前他们签订的防务条约,纳赛尔命令把部队部署到西奈半岛(Sinai),并封锁红海以禁止以色列船只通过,期望这样能使盟友避免背面受敌。 www.ecocn.org 7. The Israeli army said the air strike targeted four Palestinians who were planting a bomb and all four were hit. 以色列军方表示此次空袭的目标是四名正在安装炸弹的巴基斯坦人,四人全部被击中。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. Israelis, or rather, Israeli Jews, are beginning to feel much the way their parents did in those apocalyptic days. 以色列人,或者说以色列犹太人,正在重温类似当年他们的父辈所感受到的世界末日即将来临的感觉。 www.bing.com 9. Israeli-Palestinian conflictPresident Obama said the Palestinians must renounce violence, and Israel must cease settlement activity. 奥巴马总统说,巴勒斯坦人必须抛弃暴力,而以色列人必须停止兴建定居点的活动。 www.bing.com 10. The United Nations is to distribute the aid seized by the Israeli navy from a flotilla of ships that tried to break the Gaza blockade. 联合国将分发以色列海军从企图冲破加沙封锁线的舰队缴获的救援物资。 www.51toefl.com 1. The publisher was then threatened with a libel action by an Israeli company that made devices that Mr Lacerda criticised. 出版商不久就遭到了诽谤诉讼的威胁,扬言要起诉的是一家制作被拉赛尔达先生批评的测谎设备的以色列公司。 www.ecocn.org 2. One artist has written CTRL ALT DELETE, as if to reboot decades of Israeli-Palestinian mistrust and bloodshed. 一名艺术家则写了CTRL ALT DELETE,似乎是要重新引发以色列和巴勒斯坦之间长达数十年的不信任和流血冲突。 www.bing.com 3. A year ago Israeli aircraft destroyed a convoy in eastern Sudan that it said was carrying Iranian arms to Hamas in the Gaza Strip. 一年前,以色列空军在苏丹东部击毁一列车队,该车队被认为是伊朗在向加沙地带的哈马斯提供的装备。 www.ecocn.org 4. Despite weeks of international pressure, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not extend the moratorium. 尽管承受了几周的国际压力,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡并未延长冻结定居点建设的时间。 www.tingclass.com 5. To date, 14 Israelis have been killed by these rockets since 2001 and up to the beginning of the Israeli offensive. January 2009. 自2001年起到2009年1月以军发动进攻为止,已有14名以色列人死在了这种火箭的攻击之下。 www.bing.com 6. Arabic media report Hezbollah killed at least 12 Israeli soldiers as they tried to take the Hezbollah stronghold. 阿拉伯媒体报导,以色列在试图强佔这个真主党据点的行动中至少有12名以色列士兵被真主党打死。 ept-cn.com 7. The Dignity was carrying 16 passengers and crew who were trying to reach Gaza through an Israeli blockade of the territory. “Dignity”号上载有16名乘客和船员,他们正在通过该地区以色列设置的一道封锁线前往加沙。 www.ebigear.com 8. Israeli intelligence was said to be behind the assassination of a senior Hamas military leader, who was killed at a hotel in Dubai. 据说,以色列的情报组织策划并暗杀了当时在迪拜一家旅馆的一名哈马斯高级军事领导人。 www.ebigear.com 9. In one case highlighted by the British experts, an Israeli boy seeking treatment for a spinal injury in Russia developed multiple tumors. 在由英国专家着重指出的一个案例中,一名以色列男孩在俄罗斯寻求治疗脊髓损伤的病情演化成多发性肿瘤。 www.bing.com 10. The Syrian army was designed as a static force to ward off an Israeli attack, but it has shown itself to be surprisingly flexible. 叙利亚军方在应对以色列袭击的时候被描述成静态部队,但在这次它却展示了惊人的灵活作战能力。 www.ecocn.org 1. The White House is urging Hamas to agree to a ceasefire with Israel as a first step in halting the current Israeli air assault on Gaza. 白宫方面希望哈马斯能够同意和以色列停火,这将作为暂停以色列当前在加沙地区的空袭的第一步。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In the words of Michael Oren, an Israeli historian, the war "confronted the state of Israel with its Jewishness" . 用以色列历史学家迈克尔?奥仁(MichaelOren)的话来说,这场战争是“以色列国与其犹太性的碰撞”。 www.ecocn.org 3. US President Barack Obama has called on Israeli and Palestinian leaders to act with a sense of urgency in restarting stalled peace talks. 美国总统呼吁以色列、巴基斯坦领导以一种紧迫感重新开始陷入僵局的会谈。 www.enread.com 4. An attack on an Israeli border patrol by assailants on a motorbike is said to have borne the hallmarks of training in Afghanistan. 一起针对以色列边境巡逻员的袭击事件,据说袭击者所骑的摩托车涂有在阿富汗受训的标志。 www.ecocn.org 5. The size and whereabouts of the "agreed swaps" of Israeli land to be taken by Palestine would be determined in the upcoming negotiations. 按照“经认同而交换的边界”,巴勒斯坦可以获得的以色列领土面值多少、位置在哪,将会在以后的谈判中确定。 www.ecocn.org 6. Turkey for more than a year has mediated between Tel Aviv and Damascus. But efforts collapsed with the Israeli attack on Gaza. 土耳其用了一年多的时间调解特拉维夫和大马士革的关系。但以色列对加沙地带的进攻使得所有努力失败。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. Israeli spokesman Mark Regev says the only place to address such disagreements is at the negotiating table. 以色列发言人雷格夫说,能够处理这类分歧的唯一地点就是谈判桌。 www.voanews.com.cn 8. Israeli army officials said they were unaware of any shooting at the Erez border crossing, which links Israel and the Gaza Strip. 以色列军方官员声明在链接以色列和加沙一带的埃及交界处并没有注意到任何枪杀事件。 www.unjs.com 9. The head of the Israeli army's northern command said troops had been caught in a "premeditated" ambush by Lebanese soldiers. 以色列军队北方司令部负责人表示军队已经在黎巴嫩士兵的“预谋”伏击中遭殃。 www.etiri.com.cn 10. In the run up to the talks, four Israeli settlers were shot dead and two injured in two separate incidents in the West Bank. 在此次和平谈判前夕,四名以色列居民在西岸被枪杀,另有两人在另一起事故中受伤。 www.ecocn.org 1. The Israeli army has not commented. Hezbollah also fired rockets at northern Israel, wounding at least two people. 以色列军方尚未就此发表评论.真主党向以色列北部发射火箭,至少两人受伤。 www.taiyang888.com 2. Indeed, the parties are engaged in a competition to see who can be the most pro-Israeli. 事实上,两党正投身于一场竞争,看谁更加亲以。 www.ecocn.org 3. He felt he was an "alien being" before an Israeli audience, and considered Israeli society "pathological" . 他感到在以色列观众面前他是一个“外来人”,他认为以色列社会“是病态的”。 www.ecocn.org 4. Sheik Hassan Nasrallah's appearance on Lebanese television came after Israeli forces pulled out of a Hezbollah stronghold border town. 纳斯鲁拉在以色列军队撤离一个真主党的边界据点后出现在黎巴嫩电视上。 bbs.putclub.com 5. As with the broader Arab-Israeli conflict, religion, history, and land are at the heart of this dispute. 随着阿拉伯人和以色列人的冲突越来越广,宗教、历史、土地都聚集在这个争论的中心。 www.ebigear.com 6. Israeli archaeologists are scraping away the eastern parts of the city's Arab surface in search of a Jewish past. 以色列考古学家们为了寻找犹太人的过去,正把东耶路撒冷的地皮给挖开了。 www.ecocn.org 7. Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip have declared a ceasefire and say they're giving Israeli forces one week to leave the territory. 巴勒斯坦在加沙地带的军方已经声明停战并称他们正在给以色列军方一个星期的时间离开这个区域。 www.bing.com 8. It is learned that this style of opposition to Israeli-based movie called "wolf Valley" , is adapted from the TV series of the same name. 据悉,这部以反对以色列为主格调的电影名叫《恶狼谷》,是根据同名电视剧改编而成。 www.englishtang.com 9. The New York Times reported last week that the worm was a joint U. S. -Israeli effort and had been tested at Israel's Dimona nuclear plant. 《纽约时报》上周报导,蠕虫不但是美国与以色列的共同杰作,还在以国的狄莫纳核武厂进行测试。 www.chinapost.com.tw 10. But there were no peace talks and Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, basically ignored him on settlements. 但和平会谈从未成为现实,而在移民问题上,以色列总理本杰明?内塔尼亚胡(BenjaminNetanyahu)基本上不理会他的要求。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Scarcely a week passes without an Israeli newspaper heralding new Jewish housing units being built in Arab districts. 基本上每个星期都会有以色列报纸宣布有犹太住宅区将在阿拉伯人区域建立。 www.ecocn.org 2. He said it is not possible to link the cease-fire with the issue of the Israeli prisoner Gilad Shalit. 梅沙尔说,不可能将停火与以色列俘虏沙利特联系在一起。 www.24en.com 3. IDF troops prepare to cross the border. An Israeli military spokesman said the invasion would last "many long days. " 以色列国防军准备跨国边境。以色列军方发言人称这将是“一次长期的打击” bbs.cnnas.com 4. All six vessels were taken to the Israeli port of Ashdod where those on board were to be arrested pending their deportation. 随后,全部的6艘船只都被押解到以色列的阿什杜德港,船上的所有成员均将被逮捕,等待被驱逐出境。 www.ecocn.org 5. For all the provocations, the Israeli leadership's willingness to see so many Palestinians killed speaks to fearfulness above strength. 尽管多次挑衅,但以色列领导人愿意见到这么多巴勒斯坦人死去,说明胆怯胜过实力。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, Andy David, dismissed the latest Al-Qaida message and its attempt to link Israel with attacks on the US. 以色列外交部发言人安迪?大卫对拉登传递的信息,及其将以色列和袭击美国联系在一起的意图进行了批驳。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. The action comes in response to a weekend Palestinian attack in which two Israeli soldiers were killed and a third was captured. 这次行动是缘于在上周末巴勒斯坦的一次袭击中两名以色列士兵被打死且一名被俘虏。 bbs.putclub.com 8. But he has concluded that the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu has no interest in a deal. 但他得出结论认为,以色列的本杰明-内塔尼亚胡(BenjaminNetanyahu)没有兴趣缔结协议。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Israeli Cabinet Minister Uzi Landau said the territory is not negotiable. 以色列内阁部长乌齐.兰多说,这片领土是没有商量余地的。 www.ebigear.com 10. Israeli police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld says the attacker was armed with a Kalashnikov rifle and was killed on the scene. 以色列警方发言人罗森费尔德说,袭击者使用的武器是一支卡拉什尼科夫步枪,枪手被当场打死。 hxen.com 1. Mr Abbas came close to agreement with Ehud Olmert, a former Israeli leader, at least on borders. 巴总统阿巴斯与以色列前领导人埃胡德·奥尔默特几乎达成一致,最少在边界问题上是这样。 www.ecocn.org 2. At least three rockets struck southern Israel after Hamas said it was halting attacks, Israeli police said. 而以据色列警方消息,就在哈马斯宣布中止军事行动后,至少三枚火箭弹袭击了以色列南部。 www.bing.com 3. Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat said the Israeli assault on Gaza will only bring more violence. 巴勒斯坦方面的首席谈判代表埃雷卡特说,以色列对加沙的攻击只会引起更多的暴力活动。 www.voanews.cn 4. Israeli lawyers say Britain is the only country exercising universal jurisdiction where no such government "filter" is in place. 以色列的法官说,英国是唯一一个行使全球法令的国家,没有任何一个政府能在其中逃脱。 www.ecocn.org 5. Our Israeli paramedics kicked into emergency mode and began to treat trauma cases immediately. 以色列医护人员们立马进入急救状态,展开救治工作。 www.bing.com 6. no more wars for israeli. it is time to realize that the usa media totally controlled and spews out nothing but lies and distortions. 以色列不会有战争。这是意识到美国媒体专断和除了谎言和歪曲没有任何中心的时候了。杀死不穿鞋的农民不是英雄。 bbs.tiexue.net 7. The truly remarkable manifestation of how the United States has marginalized itself is the conduct of the Israeli government. 美国如何边缘化自己的真正明显体现在于以色列政府的做法。 www.stnn.cc 8. Malki said he was disappointed by President- elect Barack Obama's refusal to comment on the Israeli offensive . 马利基说,他对美国候任总统奥巴马拒绝在以色列入侵加沙问题上公开表态赶到失望。 www.bing.com 9. "We want any Israeli government to accept the two-state solution, agreements signed, and stop settlement activities, " he said. 我们希望以色列的任何政府能够接受两个国家的解决方案,签订协议,并停止定居点活动。 www.kekenet.com 10. Israel is keen to facilitate operations aimed at "beefing up security" , said the Israeli official. 以色列官员称,以色列乐于支持旨在“促进安全”的行动。 www.bing.com 1. Over the weekend, the Egyptian press reported that the resumption of Israeli-Syrian negotiations would be discussed at the summit. 上周末,埃及媒体报道,峰会中还会讨论以色列和叙利亚的谈判的重开。 www.bing.com 2. The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) said it had "targeted" seven militants in a gun battle. 以色列国防军(IDF)称他们已经锁定了7个军事目标,准备予以炮击。 www.bing.com 3. "The policy of assassination, the policy of escalation from the Israeli side is ruining every chance of peace, " he said. 他说:“暗杀政策以及以色列方面升级的政策正在破坏一切实现和平的机会。” www.voanews.cn 4. They were invited by the Israeli and Jordanian Governments to perform in concert during the peace signing between the two countries. 他们被邀请到以色列和约旦政府演出音乐会是在和平签署两国家。 www.baike.com 5. Many ordinary Israelis will tell you that the Palestinian response to Israeli concessions has been one of unremitting violence. 多数以色列大众会告诉你,尽管以色列一再忍让,巴勒斯坦人仍旧不断地予以武力袭击。 kk.dongxi.net 6. No wonder that Israeli politics tends to belie what professors have written about the cohesiveness of cabinet government. 以色列的政治表明,大学教授们关于内阁政府是如何团结一致的说法常常与事实相左,这毫不足怪。 dict.veduchina.com 7. The Bush administration says it has been consistently engaged in trying to find a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli crisis. 布什政府表示,美国一直在积极努力为巴以危机找到解决办法。 www.kekenet.com 8. Then I thought of a much simpler idea -- a little air conditioner, " Israeli Ofir Ben Aharon told Reuters. " 后来我想到一个更简单的方法——安装一台小空调。 gb.cri.cn 9. The militant wing of Hamas has claimed responsibility for the deaths of the two Israeli soldiers, but says it was a defensive action. 哈马斯好战分子已经声称对两名以色列士兵的死亡负责,但是表示这是出于自卫。 club.topsage.com 10. Eighty kilometers away from Jerusalem, in the Gaza Strip, a new round of Israeli air strikes killed at least two Palestinians. 以色列在离耶路撒冷80公里的加沙地带发动的新一轮空袭导致至少两名巴勒斯坦人丧生。 www.ebigear.com 1. Efforts should be kept up to persuade Hamas to accept a two-state deal and to stop rockets being fired from Gaza into Israeli towns. 人们应当继续努力,让哈马斯接受上述协定,并停止从加沙地带向以色列城镇火箭炮的发射。 www.ecocn.org 2. By the by, the Israeli prime minister declared that any Palestinian state would have to be completely encircled by Israeli forces. 顺便提一下,以色列总理称任何巴勒斯坦城市都应该完全处于以色列军队的包围之下。 www.ecocn.org 3. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud B arak s aid in a live television bro adc ast th at he does not expect the incursion to be short ore asy. 以色列国防部长胡德巴拉克在一次电视直播时发表讲话,他不希望袭击持续时间既短,过程又简单。 www.showxiu.com 4. We hope that the Israeli authorities would not ban the ship from entering the port of Gaza. 我们希望以色列当局不要禁止船只进入加沙港口。 www.anxue.net 5. Speaking in Jordan Sunday, Israeli President Shimon Peres said Mr. Netanyahu would abide by agreements signed by his predecessors. 以色列总统佩雷斯星期天在约旦说,内塔尼亚胡将遵守他的前任所签署的协议。 www.tingroom.com 6. and allowed the peace process to stagnate as Israeli settlement activity compromised the last chance of a two-state solution in Palestine. 美国纵容以色列扩建犹太人定居点,不惜让和平进程停滞,损害了巴以达成两国共存方案的最后机会。对于这一切,阿拉伯人敢怒不敢言。 www.bing.com 7. Indeed, Israel says it had repeatedly offered to transfer the flotilla's cargo once it docked in the Israeli port of Ashdod. 的确,以色列表示它已反复提出一旦这支船队停靠阿什杜德港,就转交运载的货物。 www.ecocn.org 8. Cornershot, an Israeli-American firm has created a pistol accessory that enables the user to see, and fire, a pistol around corners. 弯射枪—一个以美合资企业已经制造出一种可以让使用者绕过墙角观察,射击的手枪附件。 www.bing.com 9. "The Greek government is under a huge amount of pressure from the Israeli government and probably our own government as well, " said Berlin. 柏尔林说:“希腊政府承受了来自以色列政府、可能也有美国政府的巨大压力。” bbs.imelite.com.cn 10. The deal has sent the Israeli government into a panic, making it even less likely to consent to meaningful peace negotiations. 该协议令以色列政府陷入恐慌,更不太可能同意展开有意义的和平谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The U. N. has been trying to negotiate with the Israeli government to bring building materials to repair the damage from the 2008-2009 war. 联合国一直在试图与以色列政府进行谈判,使建材修复从2008-2009年的战争破坏。 bbs.5i5i.cn 2. Past Israeli efforts to put Palestinian terrorists on a more peaceful path have emphasized getting them married. 以色列过去就强调让巴勒斯坦恐怖分子结婚,以使他们回归和平的道路。 www.bing.com 3. The US would have to bear some of the political consequences of an Israeli bombing campaign against Iran's nuclear sites. 如果以色列轰炸伊朗的核设施,美国将不得不承担一些政治后果。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has hoped to secure the release of Shalit before he leaves office, within a few weeks. 以色列总理奥尔默特原来希望能在他几个星期后下台前确保沙利特能被释放。 www.24en.com 5. Israeli defence officials favour a clear agreement with Hamas even if it is not enshrined in a written document. 以色列国防官员赞成同哈马斯的一个明确协议,即使这并没有体现在一份书面文件。 www.bing.com 6. All this has contributed to the view that the PA is a handmaiden of the Israeli occupation. 而这些都促成了这样一个舆论,巴勒斯坦自治政权是以色列扩张的帮手。 kk.dongxi.net 7. Obama went from his speech to a meeting with the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu. 奥巴马在发表讲话后会见了以色列总理卞亚民·内塔尼亚胡。 www.bing.com 8. Yet Mr Netanyahu's bleak vision may not be winning as many Israeli minds as he would like. 但是内塔尼亚胡的这种偏激的观点并不能赢得他想象中那么多以色列人的支持。 www.ecocn.org 9. Israeli military reoccupied the West Bank towns after two suicide bombing attacks took place in Jerusalem, killing 26 civilians. 继耶路撒冷发生两次自杀炸弹攻击,造成二十六名平民丧生之后,以军重新占领西岸城镇。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. One of those people is David Lior, the boss of a small Israeli firm called R-Jet Engineering. 其中一人就是DavidLior,一家小型以色列航空公司R-JetEngineering的老板。 www.ecocn.org 1. Hamas's military wing, the Qassam Brigades, recently boasted it had killed two Israeli soldiers in Gaza. 哈马斯军事之翼——卡桑旅,近来鼓吹其在加沙地区杀死了两名以色列士兵。 www.ecocn.org 2. Demonstrators in Syria also tried to break through a border fence in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. 在叙利亚的示威者还试图冲破在以色列占领的戈兰高地边界围网。 www.maynet.cn 3. There are both religious and ethnic meanings of the concept of Israeli. It serves as an ethnic group and also a religious group. 以色列人这一概念兼具宗教与民族的双重含义,它不仅指一个民族群体,而且指一个宗教群体。 www.fabiao.net 4. It's been described by the American showbiz bible Variety as "the boldest and best of recent Israeli movies" . 美国娱乐界圣经《Variety》称其为“以色列近来最大胆最好的电影”。 www.englishtang.com 5. Mr. Obama cannot allow himself to be intimidated by Mr. Netanyahu, nor can he wink if the Israeli air force bombs Iran's nuclear facilities. 奥巴马不能被内塔尼亚胡胁迫,如果以色列空军轰炸伊朗核设施,他也不能视而不见。 www.stnn.cc 6. But Israeli leaders say the Jewish state would be doomed if Palestinian refugees are allowed to return. 以色列领导人说,如果允许巴勒斯坦难民返回他们原先在以色列的家园,以色列国家就会消亡。 www.voanews.cn 7. On Thursday, the Israeli military said it had destroyed about half of Hizballah's military strength. 周四,以色列军方声称,已经将真主党的军事力量摧毁近半。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. As Britain's Tony Blair recently pointed out, at the heart of the region's politics stands the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 就像英国的布莱尔最近所指出的那样,中东地区政治的中心是有色列和巴勒斯坦之间的冲突。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He was asked if he thought the Israeli assault on Gaza might end by Inauguration Day. 有记者问,他是否认为以色列对加沙地带的攻击能在1月20日就职典礼日之前结束。 www.voanews.cn 10. Until now, the ICRC has still not received confirmation from the Israeli authorities that this will be allowed. 但到目前为止,红十字国际委员会仍未收到以色列当局批准其进行搜求的确切消息。 hongdou.gxnews.com.cn 1. This agreement went into effect on Monday, after the Israeli and Lebanese cabinets agreed to its conditions. 在以色列和黎巴嫩内阁同意协议规定的条件后,这项协议已于星期一生效。 www.america.gov 2. But Mr Obama is being badgered by fiercely pro-Israeli groups at home to look more kindly on the prospect of a preemptive Israeli attack. 但是奥巴马在国内与声势浩大的亲以组织纠缠不清,看起来如果以色列主动发起攻击,他也不会大发雷霆。 www.ecocn.org 3. The Israeli brass is anxious not to leave Gaza to become what chief of staff Moshe Ya'alon calls "Hamasland" . 以色列高官千方百计想使加沙不成为参谋长亚龙所称的“哈马斯乐土”。 bbs.3gbbs.com 4. Ashrawi said the Israeli-Palestinian impasse is being used by extremists to recruit terrorists and sow instability. 阿什拉维表示,以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的僵局正在被极端分子所利用,来招募恐怖份子并传播不稳定。 www.bing.com 5. The Arab resolution condemning Israeli settlements by and large reflects the opinion of the world as well as the United States. 这份谴责以色列定居点的阿拉伯决议总体来说反映了国际舆论以及美国的看法。 www.tingclass.com 6. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says his country is willing to be a partner in peace with the Palestinians but can't wait forever. 以色列总理奥尔默特说,他的国家愿意就和平问题与巴勒斯坦进行合作,但不会长久等待下去。 bbs.putclub.com 7. During our conversations I learned that he was an Israeli who had settled in England and was an only child. 我从谈话中了解到他是个独生子,是定居于英国的以色列人。 www.shm.com.cn 8. Illegal under international law , some of these Israeli implants have developed into sprawling towns and suburbs . 一些以色列据点在违反国际法的情况下,逐渐扩张成为肆意侵占土地的城镇和郊区。 www.bing.com 9. Had he done so, he might well have completed the full four years in office, a rarity for an Israeli prime minister. 如果他这么做了,那么他很有可能完成四年的任期,历任以色列总理极少能做到这点。 www.ecocn.org 10. A large number of Israeli troops are massed along the border, leading to speculation there may be a ground incursion into Gaza. 以色列大批军队集结在边境待命,不免让人猜测,以色列可能将大举进攻加沙地带。 www.kekenet.com 1. The militant group Islamic Jihad said one of its members was killed on the ground while on a mission to attack an Israeli patrol. 激进集团伊斯兰圣战组织说,他们的一名成员在袭击一支以色列巡逻队时被打死。 www.voanews.cn 2. Golda Meir, Israel Once called "the only man in the Cabinet, " Golda Meir was a formidable figure in Israeli politics. 有“内阁唯一的男子汉”之称的戈尔迪·梅厄森是以色列政界令人敬畏的人物。 www.bing.com 3. The body of an Islamic Jihad militant, who was killed during Israeli air strikes, is lifted up by mourners during his funeral in Gaza City. 一具伊斯兰抵抗运动成员尸体,在以色列空袭期间被杀害,在他的葬礼期间被送葬者举起,加沙城。 feedproxy.google.com 4. More likely, they say, the blame of lack of communication could rest at the door of the Israeli Navy. 更有可能的是,他们会将这次缺乏沟通造成的结果归咎于以色列海军。 bbs.koolearn.com 5. Ehud Olmert, a former Israeli prime minister, previously negotiated the release of a larger number of Palestinian prisoners with Mr Abbas. 以色列前总理埃胡德?奥尔默特(EhudOlmert)曾和阿巴斯一道进行谈判,要求释放更多数量的巴勒斯坦在押犯。 www.ecocn.org 6. Obama hosts the Israeli leader at the White House on Friday, in what is sure to be a contentious meeting. 奥巴马主机上周五在白宫以色列领导人,在什么是肯定会是一个有争议的会议。 www.maynet.cn 7. United Nations worker ran out of a warehouse in Gaza City after it was hit by Israeli forces. 巴勒斯坦,加沙:一名联合国的工作人员在以军袭击之后从仓库中跑了出来。 club.china.com 8. Long trusted with most sensitive matters like the Israeli-Palestinian talks, Mr. Suleiman is well connected in both Washington and Tel Aviv. 长期以来对于像巴以对话问题这样的敏感问题的长期支持,Suleiman先生同华盛顿已经特拉维夫都有密切的联系。 www.bing.com 9. I decided to paste in eight Israeli and Palestinian cities and on both sides of the wall. 我打算贴八个以色列和巴勒斯坦城市,而且给隔离墙的两面都贴上。 www.ted.com 10. If some of these moderate forces started to converge, then the overall status of Israeli security would improve radically. 要是这些温和派势力开始汇集,则以色列整体安全状况会根本改善。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "In the Arab countries you feel like an Israeli, and here in Israel you feel like an Arab, " Ms Sabbah comments in the film. “在阿拉伯国家,你感觉自己像以色列人;在这里呢,你又感觉自己是阿拉伯人,”电影中的Sabbah如此表示。 www.ecocn.org 2. Earlier, Secretary Rice met with Israeli leaders and with the heads of the Israeli and Palestinian negotiating teams in Jerusalem. 早些时候,赖斯国务卿在耶路撒冷会晤了以色列领导人以及以色列和巴勒斯坦的谈判小组。 www.ebigear.com 3. Everyone understands, says a senior Israeli minister, that this is the core issue behind the row over the freeze. 一名以色列高级部长说,每个人都理解,这是停建争吵背后的核心问题。 www.ecocn.org 4. Israeli President Shimon Peres met with Mr. Bush in Jerusalem and said some of the obstacles to peace may soon fade. 以色列总统西蒙.佩雷斯在耶路撒冷会晤了布什总统,并表示和平的一些障碍可能很快会消失。 www.hxen.com 5. As everyone knows, every Jew, especially an Israeli one, has at least one opinion on any given issue, public or otherwise. 大家都知道每个犹太人,尤其是以色列人,对于任何议题,无论是否与政治有关,都至少有一种意见看法。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon told Israel Radio that the Israeli government will not allow the U. N. delegation to enter the country. 以色列副外长阿亚隆对以色列电台说,以色列政府不会允许联合国代表团进入这个国家。 www.bing.com 7. The Israeli attack on Gaza is likely to bring to the fore political trends that up to now have remained just below the parapet of influence. 以色列对加沙的攻击很可能使残留到现在的之前的政治趋势变得越加没有影响力。 www.bing.com 8. At least nine activists were killed when Israeli commandos stormed the ships in international waters. 以色列突击队在国际水域向这些船只开火,造成至少9名活动家遇难。 www.englishtang.com 9. Israeli spokesmen said Hamas deliberately and cynically operated close to civilians. Hence the number of children killed in the fighting. 以色列发言人说,哈马斯嘲讽地故意靠近平民活动,由此引起战斗中大量儿童死亡。 www.ecocn.org 10. The Israeli military says it will briefly halt operations in Gaza for a few hours a day to allow in humanitarian aid and fuel. 以色列军方表示其在加沙的军事行动每天会暂停几个小时,以允许人道主义援助和燃料进入。 bbs.putclub.com 1. And really, we press and pray our Israeli friends to stop, to follow to go on moratorium and to stop settlements. 我们向以色列朋友施压,希望他们停止建设定居点,继续延长定居点建设的禁令。 www.voanews.cn 2. Israeli analyst Ra'anan Gissin says the prime minister has no choice, but to make concessions through quiet diplomacy. 以色列分析家吉辛说,小泉首相没有选择,而是要通过平静外交让步。 www.maynet.cn 3. But fitting Israeli equipment to a Saudi fighter is a nonstarter, so the British have opted to use the Damocles. 但将以色列装备安装到沙特阿拉伯战斗机上是不可能实现的,因此英国选择使用Damocles吊舱。 www.etiri.com.cn 4. The system developed by staff at Tactile World, an Israeli company, uses a device that looks similar to a conventional computer mouse. 该系统是由以色列触觉世界公司研制。它使用一种看似传统电脑鼠标的装置。 www.ecocn.org 5. Israeli Embassy spokesman Jonathan Peled said the opinion has been overtaken by events. 以色列大使馆发言人JonathanPeled说这份意见已经被一些事件所取代。 www.bing.com 6. But the alarming increase in the number of civilians among the Palestinian dead has jolted Israeli policymakers. 但是巴勒斯坦死亡者中平民人数以惊人速度增加震动(?动摇)了以色列决策者。 www.ecocn.org 7. His only other address was an Israeli prison, where he served time for being a leader of the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad. 他曾经被关押在那里,因为他担任巴勒斯坦激进组织伊斯兰圣战组织的领导人。 www.voanews.com.cn 8. When the Israeli soldiers arrived during the first few weeks of the intifada, they wanted the family to leave the house altogether. 当以色列大军在巴勒斯坦叛变的那几周内开到时,他们本来想叫他们家人直接离开。 mailftp.lihpao.com 9. The elite Golani is an infantry brigade that was formed in 1948 and is one of the most highly decorated units in the Israeli army. 1948年组建的步兵旅,戈兰高地主力,是以军最精锐的一个部队。 www.2muslim.com 10. The Israeli navy shot and killed four members of a militant Palestinian group off the coast of the Gaza Strip. 以色列海军在加沙地带的海岸开枪并杀死了四名巴勒斯坦激进组织的成员。 www.ecocn.org 1. The bank blamed the problem on Israeli restrictions on Palestinian movement and trade. 世界银行认为,造成这一问题的原因是以色列限制巴勒斯坦人的行动和贸易。 www.voanews.cn 2. Israeli officials claimed to see the hand of Iran or Syria's beleaguered president, Bashar Assad, in the Golan and Lebanon border incidents. 以色列官方宣称发现伊朗和叙利亚已陷入困境的总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(BasharAssad)插手此次的戈兰高地和黎巴嫩边境事件。 www.ecocn.org 3. As Shalit was welcomed home Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised a stiff response to any acts of violence. 星期二,沙利特回到以色列,受到了隆重欢迎。以色列总理内塔尼亚胡说,对任何暴力行为,将坚决予以反击。 www.24en.com 4. He pointed out that the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks should be to achieve the ultimate goal of good neighborliness and friendship. 他指出,巴以和谈应该以达成睦邻友好为最终目的。 www.englishtang.com 5. On the 31 December, the Gaza Freedom March is taking place to mark a year passing since Operation Cast Lead, the Israeli attack on Gaza. 自由加沙的游行将在12月31日举行,标记以色列攻击加沙走廊的铅铸行动(OperationCastLead)已过周年。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. Furthermore invoices must clearly state that the goods are of non Israeli origin and contain no leather made of pig-skin . 此外,发票必须明确指出,以色列没有货物来源,猪皮革不包含皮革。 www.bing.com 7. At the center of the display is an Israeli Merkava-4 tank, with its gun turret tied in a knot. 展区中央是一辆以色列梅卡瓦四型坦克,它的炮塔已经被堵死。 dongxi.net 8. Mr. Netanyahu told his Cabinet that the Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip in 2005 did not bring peace or security. 内塔尼亚胡对以色列内阁说,以色列2005年撤离加沙地带并没有带来和平或安全。 www.24en.com 9. If he sticks to his word, the prospect of meaningful Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in the near future is zero. 如果内塔尼亚胡坚持此态度,近期内巴以展开真正谈判的可能性为零。 www.ecocn.org 10. Israel fears if it hands full security control of Jenin to Mr. Abbas, Palestinian suicide bombers will soon return to Israeli cities. 以色列方面担心,如果把杰宁的安全控制完全交给阿巴斯,巴勒斯坦自杀炸弹手会马上回到以色列城市。 www.voanews.cn 1. Israeli Embassy where the building is high-rise buildings, located west of Cairo, Giza, the embassy occupies several floors of the building. 以色列使馆所在的大楼是栋高层建筑,位于开罗西部的吉萨,使馆占据这栋大楼的几个楼层。 www.englishtang.com 2. Israeli forces boarded the catamaran Tuesday off the coast of Gaza and forced it to head toward the southern Israeli port of Ashdod. 以色列海军在加沙海岸附近的海域登上他们的船,并强迫该船驶往以色列南部的阿什杜德港。 www.voa365.com 3. He says that even if he wanted to look for work in Arab countries, Israeli travel restrictions would prevent him from going there. 他说,即使他想寻求在阿拉伯国家的工作,以色列的旅行限制会阻止他去那里。 bbs.5i5i.cn 4. The U. N. Secretary-General is urging Israeli and Palestinian leaders to hold intensive talks to resolve their core issues. 联合国秘书长潘基文敦促以色列和巴勒斯坦领导人加紧举行会谈以解决双方的核心问题。 www.voanews.com.cn 5. He responded that all the reports on the possible release of Shalit were part of what he called "Israeli election propaganda. " 他回答说,所有有关沙利特可能获释的报导,都是他所说的“以色列选举宣传”的一部分。 www.ebigear.com 6. Rachel is no weed: in the past few months she has been on assignment in Iran and camped out with Bedouins in the Israeli desert. 雷切尔身体并不弱:在过去几个月里,她被派往伊朗一直和阿拉伯游牧族贝都因人一起驻扎在以色列的沙漠中。 www.bing.com 7. Pro-Israeli critics of the governors' report argue that the period was not representative of the conflict as a whole. 理事调查报告中亲以色列批评家表示,那段时期并不能代表整个的(巴以)冲突。 www.ecocn.org 8. With the realization of a meeting between Palestinian and Israeli leaders this year, bilateral relations are continuously improving. 今年,巴勒斯坦和以色列领导人实现会晤,双方关系不断改善。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. Israeli television reported that the test was to calibrate the seismic instruments, improve the seismic monitoring system. 以色列电视台报道称,此次试验是为了校准地震仪器,完善地震监控系统。 www.englishtang.com 10. Flares fired by Israeli forces light up the sky above the northern Gaza Strip. 以军发射的照明弹照亮了北部加沙地带的夜空。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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