单词 | IPO |
释义 |
复数:IPOs 例句释义: 上市,首次公开发行,首次公开招股 1. He said Louis Dreyfus, the family owned trader looking for a sale or IPO, would be a good complement. 他表示,寻求出售股权或进行IPO的家族控股交易公司路易达孚(LouisDreyfus)将与嘉能可形成良好的互补。 www.ftchinese.com 2. One person close to the company stressed that this "absolutely signals that there is no IPO" on the cards for Alibaba. 一位接近该公司的人士强调,这“绝对表明了阿里巴巴目前无意IPO”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He said once the number of IPOs making it to the market reaches about 200 a year, its willingness to take on risk will be too high. 他说,一旦IPO的数量达到每年200家左右,承担风险的意愿就会太高了。 www.bing.com 4. has been a controversial one, as many across Silicon Valley and Wall Street say that investors are being taken in by a new Internet bubble. 不过LinkedIn此次IPO也充满了争议,硅谷和华尔街的很多人都说投资者被一个新的互联网泡沫所蒙骗。 c.wsj.com 5. New shares, sub-IPO seems to be hot forever two cities, almost every one will be the performance of new shares Quotes times. 新股、次新股似乎是两市永远的热点,几乎每一轮行情次新股都会有所表现。 www.htygp.com 6. Even if the size of the IPO surpasses that of ICBC, it still falls short of the bank's goal to raise as much as $30 billion. 即使农行IPO规模超过工商银行,仍没有达到该行筹集至多300亿美元的目标。 chinese.wsj.com 7. "In the lead-up to the IPO, " he said, "there is little indication that this contradiction is diminishing in a significant way. " “在首次公开发行(IPO)筹备过程中,”他表示。“没有什么迹象表明,这种矛盾正明显消失。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Volumes were exceptionally heavy as hedge funds, which had bid aggressively for IPO allocations, sought to turn a quick profit. 成交量格外强劲,此前大举认购首次公开发行(IPO)分配的对冲基金希望快速锁定利润。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The company has both scale and a strong brand, says Lise Buyer, a Silicon Valley-based IPO consultant. 硅谷的一位IPO顾问拜尔(LiseBuyer)说,Facebook既有规模,又有品牌。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The big question for IPO investors this week won't be which deals to invest in, but how many actually make it out the door. 周对青睐首次公开募股(IPO)的投资者而言,最大的问题不在于应当投资于哪笔交易,而在于有多少IPO真正得以进行。 c.wsj.com 1. The document did not reveal how much each of Blackstone's founders and other dozen top executives would sell into the IPO. 这份文件没有透露黑石创始人和其他12位高管将在首发中出让的股权比例。 www.ftchinese.com 2. "We need to see what happens in Europe and the U. S. , that needs to be resolved before we see the real flow of new IPOs coming, " he added. “我们需要观察欧洲和美国的情况,这些问题需要先得到解决,我们才能看到新一轮IPO真正涌入,”他并称。 cn.reuters.com 3. The SFC regime overseeing IPO sponsors came into effect three years ago and it was an appropriate time for a review. 香港证监会监督IPO保荐人的机制三年前开始实施,如今恰好是审核这一机制的时机。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Mr Deripaska insisted in an interview with the Financial Times last week that it did not matter if the IPO was delayed until next year. 德里帕斯卡上周接受英国《金融时报》采访时仍坚称,即使上市被推迟至明年也没有关系。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The company says that most of the IPO proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes, rather than cashing out existing shareholders. Zynga表示,首次公开募股的绝大多数收益将用于公司一般用途,而不是提现分给现有股东。 www.fortunechina.com 6. Not the sort of in-depth info we'd get in an IPO prospectus, but still much more than most other privately-held firms disclose. 这些报告披露的信息虽然不像IPO招股书那样深度,但比其他大多数非上市公司仍要详尽。 www.fortunechina.com 7. The U. S. came in second place in terms of dollar volume raised, at $210 million, with its two deals. 美国融资规模第二,为2.1亿美元,这是通过两宗IPO实现的。 chinese.wsj.com 8. the potential for a cash-out from a sale or IPO is usually enough to keep employees around. 通过出售或上市的方式套现足以使员工保持履行职责。 dongxi.net 9. The listing was the world's largest so far this year and was seen as an indicator of improved sentiment. 此次发行是今年迄今为止全球最大的IPO,人们认为,它反映出了市场人气的改善。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Some of these IPOs may have been done mainly to feed the ego of the CEO, and that sets up the perfect conditions for fraud. 有些这样的IPO的目的可能仅仅是满足CEO的虚荣心,而这样的IPO为之后的舞弊建立了完美的环境。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. GM filed paperwork for its IPO just over a year after emerging from a government-sponsored restructuring in bankruptcy. 通用递交公开募股文件仅在一年前在,当时正是破产时接受政府的捐赠重建。 www.bing.com 2. Its initial public offering, which is expected within a year or two, would be the biggest Silicon Valley event since Google's IPO in 2004. 预计在一、两年内,Facebook将进行首次公开发行(IPO),这将是自谷歌在2004年上市以来硅谷发生的最大事件。 www.ftchinese.com 3. IPO underpricing is all the issue of the securities market, China's securities market shares particularly high degree of under-pricing. 新股发行抑价是所有证券市场都存在的问题,我国证券市场的新股抑价程度尤其高。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. He said he thinks most potential IPO candidates are waiting for market conditions to improve before launching their deals. 他认为,有意进行IPO的公司正在等待市况转好后再做交易。 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. The company continued to consider remaining independent and pursuing an IPO in the future, people familiar with the matter have said. 据知情人士透露,公司将考虑继续保持独立,将来寻求公开募股。 www.bing.com 6. Liaoning Publishing's initial public offering would be the first of many, he said. 他表示,辽宁出版集团的首次公开发行(IPO)将是众多上市活动的第一例。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Skype had expected to raise close to $1 billion through its IPO, people familiar with the matter said at the time. 知情人士当时说,Skype本希望通过IPO筹资近10亿美元。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The way Wall Street did IPOs came under scrutiny. And a whole set of rules were put in place to try to stop accounting frauds like Enron. 由于华尔街推出IPO(首次公开募股)的手法受到了密切关注,又有一整套规则出台,用来防止类似安然公司那种会计欺诈。 www.bing.com 9. "There is no doubt this just adds to the allure to a potential Facebook IPO, " said Morningstar IPO strategist Bill Buhr. 晨星(Morningstar)IPO策略师BillBuhr称,“这毫无疑问为Facebook可能进行的IPO添加吸引力。” cn.reuters.com 10. Should the company ultimately opt for an IPO then the proceeds would also be used to fund new acquisitions, he said. 他说,如果公司最终选择IPO,那么其收益也会为新的并购提供资金。 select.yeeyan.org 1. Or more to the point: What does the price of Greek bonds have to do with the IPO of a web startup? 或者更直接点:希腊国债价格和互联网新创企业的IPO有什么关系? www.fortunechina.com 2. It was the most active month this year in terms of number of deals priced, but their performance was all over the map. 它是今年以来发行宗数最活跃的月份,但这些IPO的表现各不相同。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Even as RenRen is using this IPO to float its shares into the U. S. market, Wall Street seems to be using it to float a trial balloon. 人人网正在利用此次IPO在美国股市上大肆散发其股份,另一方面,华尔街却似乎把人人的IPO看成了一个试验气球。 www.fortunechina.com 4. two years after its ipo , torch lost seasoned issue and stocks dividend because its return on net asset did not meet the bottom requirement. 湘火炬上市仅两年,即因净资产收益率未达到配股及格线而丧失了再融资能力。 www.ichacha.net 5. Four weeks before the IPO, we had a certain sense of confidence, but there was a faint possibility that we may not be able to pull this off. 银行上市前的四周,我们有些信心,可也存在一丝最后上不了市的可能性。 www.bing.com 6. Well, at least if Kayak follows through with an IPO, there would be some funding to hire some more salespeople. 显然,如果Kayak接下来能够通过IPO上市,他们就有充足的资金来雇佣更多的销售人员了。 www.bing.com 7. In an interview, Xiang Junbo said Agricultural Bank will introduce at least one domestic investor ahead of its IPO. 在一次采访中,项俊波表示农行将在IPO之前引进至少一家国内投资者。 cn.wsj.com 8. Stable growth of results coincided with rapidly improved market capitalization since the IPO of the company. 上市以来,业绩稳定增长与公司市值快速提高相伴而生。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. "We have seen IPO performance get weaker and weaker over at least a year, and participation in IPOs fall off further and further. " “我们看到,至少一年以来,IPO的表现越来越弱,投资者对IPO的参与水平不断下降。” www.ftchinese.com 10. With a Facebook IPO at least a year off, many investors are keen for a slice of "the Facebook of China" . 鉴于Facebook至少还有一年才会启动IPO,许多投资者渴望从“中国版Facebook”的增长中分得一杯羹。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Everbright declined to say how much it hoped to raise with the IPO. 光大银行不愿表明其希望通过IPO募集多少资金。 www.kekenet.com 2. Venture capitalists would not put so much money and effort into nurturing start-ups if they did not dream of a lucrative IPO. 只有梦想着利润丰厚IPO的创业者,风险投资才会舍得投入大笔资金和经理培养他们。 www.bing.com 3. He says: "It's not easy to do depository receipts well, because if you are really competitive, companies would come and IPO instead" . 薛琦说:“做好存托凭证业务可不容易,因为如果你真有竞争力,企业就会改为过来进行IPO。” www.ftchinese.com 4. "The investors realise that Rusal is an attractive play on rebounding commodity prices, " said one person close to the company. 知情人士表示:“投资者意识到,随着大宗商品价格反弹,俄铝联合公司的IPO交易颇具吸引力。” www.ftchinese.com 5. The only thing on which companies and investors seem able to agree about initial public offerings is not to trust investment banks. 说到首次公开发行(IPO),上市公司和投资者能够想到一处的,似乎只有“不要相信投资银行”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. AIA's IPO has 11 bookrunners-firms that help banks in charge of the sale sell the shares to investors-people familiar with the matter said. 知情人士称,友邦保险为IPO聘用了11家簿记商,其作用是帮助主管销售的银行向投资者推销股票。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Nobody would have thought back in the dark days of February that 2009 might turn out to be a good year for initial public offerings. 在今年2月份资本市场一片黯淡之际,没有人会想到2009年可能最终成为IPO(首次公开发行)的好年景。 www.eoezone.com 8. Regardless, Wall Street looks likely to lose the IPO crown, but at least some are able to ride the IPO dragon. 不过,尽管华尔街看来可能会失去IPO的皇冠,但至少有一些公司能够从中国的IPO热潮中受益。 www.bing.com 9. Trading contributed about a third of its revenues in the two years leading up to its 1999 initial public offering. 在其1999年首次公开发行(IPO)前的两年内,交易业务所贡献的收入占到总收入的三分之一。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Last October, Pacnet said it had appointed a financial adviser for a potential IPO but declined to comment further. 去年10月,亚太环通称已为其可能的IPO指定了财务顾问,但未做更多评论。 cn.reuters.com 1. The company's recent initial public offering has made it one of the most valuable internet businesses. 该公司最近进行了首次公开发行(IPO),成为世界上最有价值的互联网公司之一。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A large initial public offering came to market, after nine months in which there had been a ban on equity issues. 在禁止股票发行9个月之后,一波大规模的首次公开发行(IPO)涌入市场。 www.ftchinese.com 3. China is one of the only areas with a robust market in stock market debuts. 中国是全球少数首次公开发行(IPO)市场活跃的地区之一。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Bankers say the pipeline for emerging market IPOs is strong, with a large number of deals expected over the next two months. 银行业人士表示,新兴市场有大量企业准备进行IPO,预计在未来2个月内,将有大批公司上市。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Lehman emailed him, he said, saying the firm had revalued its KSK stake based on an 'expected' pre-IPO financing as well as other factors. 他说,雷曼兄弟发电子邮件给他,称,公司根据“预期中”的IPO前融资以及其他因素对所持KSK股份进行了重新估价。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. At that astonishing rate of growth, the company is on track to accomplish much more than just a multibillion-dollar IPO. 在如此惊人的突飞猛进后,该司沿着计划轨道所完成的不仅仅是数十亿美元的公开募股目标。 www.bing.com 7. Then on Thursday he finally stepped out of the shadows as he launched Glencore's multi-billion dollar initial public offering. 上周四,格拉森伯格终于打破沉默,启动了嘉能可的巨额首次公开发行(IPO)。 www.ftchinese.com 8. That means huge flows of money swishing around the banking system , temporarily being lodged with the custodian bank of the IPO deals . 这意味着巨额资金在银行系统中四处流动,暂时存放在IPO交易托管银行的帐户中。 www.bing.com 9. "The corporates who need brokers for IPOs are generally operating in most parts of the world, " he said. “需要经纪公司帮助完成首次公开发行(IPO)的公司,运营范围通常遍及世界大部分地区,”他说。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The bank has spent years cleaning up its balance sheet and restructuring. It has delayed its IPO on numerous occasions. 该银行花了数年时间清理其资产负债表,并进行重组。它的IPO计划一再推迟。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It has been a while since Chinese IPOs were embraced by U. S. investors. 美国投资者接受中国企业IPO已经有一段时间了。 chinese.wsj.com 2. "There is a strong pipeline across the street [investment banks] but much of it is getting well seasoned, " Mr Woodthorpe says. 伍德索普认为:“整个行业(指投资银行)中在等待中的IPO很多,但其中多数被晾了很长时间。” www.ftchinese.com 3. 'As has been the case since 2009, Asia continued to dominate the global market, accounting for 53% of the total deals priced. 和2009年以来一样,亚洲继续引领全球市场,占已定价IPO总数的53%。 chinese.wsj.com 4. "You may also see a bit more measured sentiment when it comes to the next Chinese internet IPO. " “你还可能在下一次中国互联网公司进行首次公开发行(IPO)时,看到人气有所收敛。” www.ftchinese.com 5. The company recently raised $219 million in an IPO in Shenzhen to help fund battery research. 公司最近在深圳通过IPO融资2.19亿美元,以进一步投入电池研发项目。 www.bing.com 6. Conversion periods were typically 18 months to three years, with some written just a few months ahead of the IPO. 这些债券的转换期通常为18个月至3年,其中一些就在IPO之前的几个月。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He did not not rule out the possibility of an initial public offering. 他并不排除新华人寿首次公开发行(IPO)的可能性。 cn.reuters.com 8. Bindra said his bank passed on an offer to help underwrite the listing in favor of joining it as an investor. 白承睿说,渣打拒绝了充当农行IPO承销商之一的提议,而选择作为投资者参与其中。 www.bing.com 9. That seems to be the case with AgBank , which chose to push ahead with its IPO despite markets globally having been in the doldrums . 农行的情况看起来就是这样。尽管全球市场处于低迷之中,农行仍选择推进IPO。 www.bing.com 10. One of those people said the IPO was scheduled for the third quarter this year. 其中一位知情人士表示,此次IPO计划在今年第三季度进行。 www.ftchinese.com 1. With about a year until the IPO, they felt they "could afford the disruption of finding an A-plus [candidate]" , the person added. 知情人士补充称,鉴于通用在IPO之前还有一年左右的时间,他们觉得“可以承受找到一位更好的(候选人)所造成的影响”。 www.ftchinese.com 2. So it is with the revamp of rules on initial public offerings, billed as an attempt to impose a more market-oriented pricing regime. 改革有关首次公开发行(IPO)的规则就是这样。官方将此举包装为企图实行一套更以市场为导向的定价机制。 www.ftchinese.com 3. So IPOs are "not as difficult as you think" . 所以,IPO“并不像你想象的那么难”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The stock popped that day despite a raft of bad news, including the IPO-eve resignation of the head of the company's audit committee. 人人公司挂牌上市那天,尽管出现了一系列诸如IPO前夕该公司审计委员会负责人辞职等坏消息,其股票依然大涨。 c.wsj.com 5. AIG would not comment yesterday beyond its statement that it would proceed with an initial public offering of AIA "as soon as praticable" . 美国国际集团昨日发表声明,表示将“尽快”推进友邦保险的IPO。除此以外,该集团不予置评。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The IPO's underwriters are hoping to sell at the top end of the range, and for the stock to rise 20% or more when trading begins. 此次IPO的承销商希望发股价能位于价格区间的高端,并希望上市后股票升值20%或更多。 c.wsj.com 7. This marks the first time since 2004 that the amount of money raised through IPOs in London has fallen behind New York. 这标志着伦敦自2004年以来首次在IPO融资规模方面落后于纽约。 www.ftchinese.com 8. When Quanjude completes its IPO, it will be one of the first mainland-based restaurant chains to have done so. 当全聚德完成IPO之后,它将成为中国大陆第一家上市的饭店连锁企业。 www.kekenet.com 9. "The orders are mixed, " said a person close to the deal. "Some are at the bottom, some at the top. " 一位接近农行IPO的人士表示:“认购价参差不一,有的位于区间下限,有的是上限。” www.ftchinese.com 10. To understand how Google earned the trust of its users, go back to its 2004 IPO. 要了解谷歌是如何赢得了用户的信赖的,要回溯到2004年上市的时候。 www.bing.com 1. It had been expected to eclipse the current IPO record set by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, which raised $22bn in 2006. 此前人们曾预期,农行此次上市将打破中国工商银行(ICBC)2006年上市筹资220亿美元的纪录。 www.ftchinese.com 2. News of the IPO also comes a week after GM's chief executive, Edward Whitacre, announced plans to resign. IPO的消息也是在通用汽车总裁爱德华·惠特克宣布辞职一周后发布的。 www.bing.com 3. While some U. S. investment banks were leery about the Rusal IPO, it had no trouble finding underwriters. 虽然一些美国投资银行对Rusal公司的IPO存有戒心,但这家公司寻找承销商并不费力。 c.wsj.com 4. All this shows why setting an offering price for shares in an IPO is so tricky. 所有这些都显示出为什么为IPO的公司定价是一件多么微妙的事情。 www.bing.com 5. After trailing Asia the past two years, U. S. has reclaimed its place as the top region in terms of IPO issuance. 过去两年里美国的IPO一直落后于亚洲,如今美国重新夺回IPO之王的地位。 c.wsj.com 6. Peng Yunliang of Shanghai Securities said the anaemic first-day jump recorded by recent IPOs reflected greater rationality by investors. 上海证券公司(ShanghaiSecurities)的彭蕴亮表示,近期IPO首日上涨乏力,反映出投资者已变得更加理性。 www.ftchinese.com 7. in September, even before the IPO the company shocked the investment community by a large change in its accounting practices. 在9月,甚至在IPO之前,公司在会计操作中的一个大的变化令投资界感到震惊。 www.bing.com 8. Skype has filed for an initial public offering, setting up what could be one of the biggest technology IPOs in years. Skype已提交首次公开发行(IPO)申请,有可能成为多年来规模最大的科技类IPO之一。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Enter incentive fees, which are awarded to the leading or star banks in a deal deemed to have done a good job. 于是出现了奖励费,意在奖励那些在IPO交易中表现出色的主要或明星投行。 c.wsj.com 10. The money for this, says an experienced banker, often comes from a "pre-IPO" offering to a small group of investors. 一个富有经验的银行业者表示这部分资金通常通过一次上市前融资然后提供给一小群投资者。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It sold just 9% of its outstanding shares on its IPO, and is now down 35% from its initial public offer price. 该公司在IPO时售出的流通股仅占9%,而当前的股价和IPO价格相比已经跌去了35%。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The era for an IPO with all buyers and commercial people is far gone. You need a balanced team for your extended supply management arm. 满是采购和商务人员的IPO时代已经一去不复返了,为了你延伸后范围更大的供应管理,你需要一个稳定的团队。 www.bing.com 3. Instead they dedicate their inexhaustible energy, looking for the philosopher's stone, which in the local dialect is called 'IPO. 相反,他们将自己用之不竭的精力投入到点金石的寻找中,点金石在方言中被称为“IPO”。 yeebang.com 4. The credit line is expected to be finalized in the next two weeks, about a month before the automaker files for its IPO, a source said. 该信贷额度,预计两周内将最后敲定,也就是上市日子的一个月前。 www.12edu.cn 5. It has been a tale of two markets for US initial public offerings. 美国的首次公开发行活动(IPO)一直在上演“双市记”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Pre-IPO financings typically did not involve guarantees on board representation. Pre-IPO融资通常不保证投资方拥有董事会席位。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Last week, it filed with US regulators to raise up to $200m through an initial public offering of its new media subsidiary. 该公司最近向美国监管机构申请对旗下新媒体业务作首次公开发行(IPO),融资额最多将达2亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Soon after missing out on AgBank's IPO, the largest in history, two senior bankers left UBS's equity capital markets group last May. 错过农行的IPO后不久,两位资深银行家于去年5月离开了瑞银的股权资本市场集团。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Asian IPO toilers are starting to moan that too big a share of the spoils ends up in pockets back west. 亚洲的IPO从业人员已经开始抱怨,西方机构分得的蛋糕太大了。 www.ftchinese.com 10. But the lower price for the IPO would make me more cautious about what I'd pay for shares in a Chinese company. 但如果农行首发价格走得更低,我买入中国公司的股票时就会更加谨慎。 www.bing.com 1. IPO can be accurate priced depends on a reasonable valuation model and accurately estimating those parameters of the model. 能否给金川公司IPO准确定价取决于找到合理的估值模型及对模型中的参数准确估测。 www.dictall.com 2. The company undertook publicity raise capital by floating shares first later (IPO) , the stock of its CEO fell subsequently 7% . 之后公司进行了一次首次公开招股(IPO),其CEO的股份随之下降到了7%。 itzhe.cn 3. Indulging in a race to the bottom to lead the new-listings pack would surely prove counterproductive. 通过“竞次”(racetothebottom)来保持IPO的领先地位其结果一定是适得其反。 c.wsj.com 4. It was their second infusion in recent months into the company after a hoped-for IPO faltered, spurring its need for cash. 恒大地产暂缓上市导致其现金需求激增,这已经是近几个月来这两家对冲基金第二次向该公司注资。 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. The WSJ is reporting tonight that Facebook is inching closer to an IPO that it hopes will value the company at more than $100 billion. 《华尔街日报》周一晚间报道,Facebook正逐步向首次公开募股(IPO)迈进,该公司希望估值能超过1,000亿美元。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Bankers close to the deal blamed investor fatigue for the abrupt cancellation, suggesting Huaneng might try to list again next year. 知情的银行界人士指出,投资者疲劳是华能新能源突然取消IPO的原因。他们暗示,华能新能源可能打算明年再上市。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Blackstone is believed to be in the advanced stages of planning an initial public offering (IPO) of a minority stake, perhaps 10%. 黑石集团的首次公开上市(IPO)的计划工作,被认为已经接近尾声。本次IPO将发行少量股份,大约10%左右。 www.ecocn.org 8. Underwriters often offer investors more stock than has actually been allotted for an IPO- as much as 15% of the total offering . 承销商们常常会向投资者提供多于IPO中实际配售的股票,至多可以达到总发行量的15%。 www.bing.com 9. In March, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell to its lowest levels in 12 years, there was just one IPO filing, according to Dealogic. Dealogic的数据显示,今年3月份,道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数跌至12年来的最低水平,当月IPO申请只有一例。 www.bing.com 10. As I did the translation the relevant documents for the company's IPO, I acquired the relevant experiences that was a rare resources. 由于做过公司发行上市相关文件的翻译工作,我获得了很多相关经验。这可是一种稀缺资源呢。 www.dioenglish.com 1. AIA Group, which had veered over the past couple of years between a full sale and an IPO, gave 0. 25% in incentive fees. 多年来在全盘出售和IPO之间徘徊的美国友邦保险集团(AIAGroup)提供了0.25%的奖励费。 c.wsj.com 2. Today this venture has strong revenues, top-tier venture backing, and is a strong IPO or acquisition candidate. 而今天,这个企业有着很好的收入,高层投资基金支撑,且是强大的首次公开募股或并购的候选者。 www.bing.com 3. The proceeds of any future IPO will enhance our ability to invest in the business and drive competitive advantage. 未来IPO所募集的资金将会提升我们投资新业务的能力,极大地强化我们的竞争优势。 www.bing.com 4. The miner's backers hope an IPO can take place in the first half of next year, one of the people said. 其中一位知情人士说,这个铁矿的支持公司希望能在明年上半年进行IPO。 www.bing.com 5. But in 2000, the US Justice Department investigated allegations of price fixing in domestic IPOs and dropped the case a year later. 2000年,美国司法部曾对国内IPO市场存在价格操纵的指控进行了调查,但在一年后放弃了该项调查。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Many of the biggest users of these pre-IPO convertibles were in sectors that are now reeling, particularly Asian real estate. 这些首次公开发行(IPO)前可转换证券(pre-IPOconvertibles)的许多最大用户都身处目前陷入困境的行业,特别是亚洲房地产行业。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Unfortunately, its years of losses and historical inability to generate cash from operations suggest the IPO is being rushed. 但不幸的是,它多年亏损,历年来都无法从运营中产生现金流。这些情况表明,它现在进行IPO有些操之过急。 www.fortunechina.com 8. The company may relaunch the deal but attempt to raise less money. 该公司可能重启IPO,不过可能会缩减筹资规模。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Several investors said the SEC scrutiny was likely a major factor in delaying a Groupon IPO. 数位投资者说,SEC的调查可能是令Groupon推迟IPO的主要原因。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Dozens of IPOs are being lined up for the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges in the next months. 目前有多起IPO正等待在未来数月登陆上海和深圳证交所。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Looked at more broadly, Chinese IPOs have not been a total write-off for foreign banks. 不过,若将视野扩大,外资银行在中国IPO业务上的表现也并非一无是处。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But if traditional IPOs are flawed, why have Dutch auctions been used in fewer than 30 cases? 但是,如果传统IPO方式存在缺陷,为什么采用“荷兰式拍卖”的公司还不到30家呢? chinese.wsj.com 3. More problematic is that the time horizon always seems to be 90 days from "now" -- no matter whether "now" is June or yesterday. 更成问题的是,他们提到的IPO时间总是距离“现在”90天——不论这个“现在”是六月份还是昨天。 www.fortunechina.com 4. Initial stock offerings and acquisitions of tech companies have rebounded, improving confidence among investors to help fund new companies. 科技企业的首次公开募股(IPO)和收购活动都出现回升,投资者信心改善帮助资助新企业。 c.wsj.com 5. Seven years after its IPO, Google is one of the biggest companies in the country with a market value of of nearly $200 billion. IPO七年过后,谷歌已经是美国最大的上市公司之一,其市值接近2,000亿美元。 chinese.wsj.com 6. "The shareholders have given the mandate for an initial public offering and the search for a lead manager for the deal, " the source said. 知情人士称:“股东已经发出指令进行首次公开募股(IPO)并寻找这次交易的最高管理人员。” www.bing.com 7. Administrative layer choice restarts at the moment do pioneering work board IPO, is right current drop approbate? 管理层选择此刻重启创业板IPO,是否预示着管理层对当前点位的认可呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 8. With a first-quarter pretax profit of $660 million, the company is also planning to IPO this year on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. 该公司今年第一季度的税前利润为6.6亿美元,它还计划今年在上海证交所进行首次公开募股(IPO)。 www.bing.com 9. 'Some CEOs say that going IPO in the U. S. was the worst decision they'd ever made. ' 他说,一些首席执行长说,在美国上市是他们做的最糟糕的决定。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Google's IPO did not just announce the Valley's return to Wall Street. It also unveiled a new business model. Google的公开募集不仅仅宣布了硅谷重回华尔街,也昭示着新的商业模式的诞生。 www.ecocn.org 1. A senior executive once said, his IPO delivered nothing but tons of presentations. 一位高级执行官曾说,他的IPO除了一大堆报表以外没有提供任何价值。 www.bing.com 2. There should only be one response to any Chinese money targeting General Motors' forthcoming initial public offering: Fill 'er up. 对于任何以通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)即将到来的首次公开募股(IPO)为目标的中国资金,应该只有一种回应:把车子的油加满。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Alibaba disputed her comment and denied it had plans for an IPO. 阿里巴巴驳斥了这种说法,并否认有IPO的计划。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Unfortunately, now that the IPO is back on the front burner, the calendar isn't AIA's friend. 不幸的是,当IPO重新成为当务之急时,友邦保险却没有遇上好时候。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Mr. Sidwell also pointed to a strong initial-public-offering market in this sector as luring investors. 希德威尔还认为,这个行业的首次公开募股(IPO)市场较旺,也是吸引投资者的原因。 www.bing.com 6. The bank is expected to set a final price for the IPO by July 7, with the shares listing in Hong Kong and Shanghai about a week later. 该行预期将在7月7日确定最终上市价格,其股票将在大约一周后在香港和上海挂牌上市。 www.ftchinese.com 7. These deals, known as reverse mergers or backdoor listings, allowed them to bypass the scrutiny of an initial public offering. 这些被称为借壳上市或后门上市的交易使得它们可以绕过首次公开发行(IPO)的严格审查。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Investors must be careful with the next crop of tech IPOs, particularly online game company Zynga. 投资者必须警惕下一批准备IPO的科技公司,尤其是网络游戏公司Zynga。 chinese.wsj.com 9. China's largest online dating service, plans to raise up to $100m in an initial public offering in the US. 中国最大的在线婚恋交友服务——世纪佳缘(Jiayuan.com)计划在美国进行首次公开发行(IPO),募资至多1亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 10. With HK IPO loan , you are able to subscribe more shares and increase the chance of receiving higher number of allocated shares . 您可透过申请新股认购贷款,以认购更多新股,从而提高获配发较多股数的机会。 www.bing.com 1. Though the deal would give the government only a 3% stake, people close to it say it will be a huge boost to the public offering. 接近这项交易的人士说,虽然政府只将得到3%的股权,但对Rusal的IPO计划却是很大的支持。 c.wsj.com 2. Below the influence of global finance seismic sea wave, activity of capital market IPO for a time icebound . 在全球金融海啸的影响下,资本市场IPO活动一度冰封。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In their lust for the latest technology IPO, investors appear to have ditched some of their former tech darlings. 投资者热追科技行业IPO的“新欢”,似乎抛弃了同一行业的部分“旧爱”。 chinese.wsj.com 4. He said his company is expecting rmb 50 million after-tax income and getting ready for an IPO. 他说公司的税后收入有望达到5000万人民币,并且正在准备上市。 dongxi.net 5. While Datang completed its IPO, it raised only US$642 million, at the bottom of its marketing price range. 大唐新能源完成了IPO,但只融资6.42亿美元,处于定价区间的底端。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. 'An IPO price of between 2. 5 yuan and 2. 6 yuan is reasonable, as it would value the bank around 1. 6 times 2010 book value, ' she said. 她说,IPO价格在人民币2.5元至2.6元之间是合理的,因为这样对应的市净率(根据2010年预期收益)约为1.6倍。 c.wsj.com 7. And yet, given all this, it's LinkedIn that is the first social network to go public, the first multi-billion Web 2. 0 IPO. 但LinkedIn却抢先于Facebook成为第一个上市的社交网络公司,而且是Web2.0时代第一个估值数十亿的IPO。 www.bing.com 8. In the year since BrightSource announced its IPO, however, clouds have formed over the U. S. solar industry. 从亮源公司宣布募股的那一年开始,美国的太阳能产业就乌云压顶,风雨欲来。 www.bing.com 9. The tick-up in stock markets also helped initial public offerings resurface. 股市的反弹也推动了首次公开募股(IPO)再次浮出水面。 www.bing.com 10. Now the end of the latest moratorium on domestic IPOs, which began last September, appears to be in sight. 目前,始自去年9月份的国内IPO暂缓发行似乎已接近尾声。 www.ftchinese.com 1. For Renren, even if it has lost its post-IPO gains, those multiples border on the fantastic. 对于人人网而言,即使它丧失了IPO之后的涨幅,其估值水平仍然高得近乎神奇。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Besides a lack of foreign listings, the sluggish domestic IPO market has been a concern for KRX. 除了缺乏外国企业的上市,韩国国内IPO市场低迷也令韩交所感到担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 3. But the IPO is risky for the company. The offering will test the willingness of investors to take an equity share in the "new GM. " 但是IPO对公司来说是有风险的,它也将检验投资者对“新通用”股票的购买意愿。 www.51voa.com 4. Global IPOs so far this year are scarcely a tenth of that amount, at just under $6bn, with $2. 3bn in Asia excluding Japan, Dealogic says. Dealogic称,今年迄今为止,全球IPO规模仅为上述数字的十分之一,略低于60亿美元,其中23亿美元来自于日本以外的亚洲地区。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The owners of these will receive dividends, broadening the offer's appeal in an uncertain market. 持有这些证券的投资者享受派息,从而增强了此次IPO在一个不确定市场中的吸引力。 www.ftchinese.com 6. These information rights shall terminate upon the IPO of the Company. 公司IPO后,投资人的上述信息获取权即终止。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Whichever is right, Glencore's IPO will give it the currency to continue expanding in both sides of the company. 无论哪一方是正确的,嘉能可都能通过IPO获取大量资金用于公司继续在这两方面的扩张。 www.ecocn.org 8. One of the leading reasons for U. S. exchanges' difficulty in gaining more listings is a prolonged slump in U. S. initial public offerings. 美国证券交易所难以吸引更多公司赴美上市的一个主要原因是,美国IPO长期低迷。 c.wsj.com 9. Its IPO was repeatedly delayed to allow the bank to reform its management and balance sheet. 该行IPO被一再推迟,为的是让它改革其管理层和资产负债表。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The ABC IPO is not the only thing that has the banking chiefs donning their aprons and oven gloves. 让银行高管们穿上围裙、戴上烤箱手套的,并不仅仅是农行IPO这一件事。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The debut of a large initial public offering was an obvious catalyst. 一宗大规模首次公开发行(IPO)的登场,是明显的触发因素。 www.bing.com 2. Executives started talking up the video business -- and a forthcoming IPO. 高管们也开始谈论视频业务,并且开始策划推动Skype上市。 www.fortunechina.com 3. However, the company said that it intended "to review the situation" and would consider relaunching the listing in the "near future" . 不过,该集团表示,它打算“重新评估形势”,并将在“不久的将来”考虑重启IPO。 www.ftchinese.com 4. According to Ariba, approximately 48% of the word's largest corporations have established international procurement offices (IPO). 根据Ariba公司的调查,48%的世界大公司已经建立了国际采购处(以下简称IPO)。 www.bing.com 5. The performance of recent initial public offerings so far in this Year of the Tiger has many bankers rethinking that forecast. 但面对迄今为止虎年的IPO成绩,许多银行家开始重新考虑这一预期。 chinese.wsj.com 6. "The IPO is almost a fall-back position on the pricing [negotiations], " he said. 他表示:“上市几乎是定价(谈判)的退路。” www.ftchinese.com 7. OAO Sberbank offered to refinance the loan for four more years, and is considering buying shares in the IPO as well. OAOSberbank为这笔贷款提供为期四年的再融资,并且也在考虑在IPO中购买股票。 c.wsj.com 8. The initial public offering (IPO) represents about 15 per cent of the bank's enlarged share capital. 这次为工行的首次发行(IPO),此次发行预演了15%银行流通股份的发放。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The Internet bull market continued to run for four more years after the Open Market IPO, finally ending in the spring of 2000. 在OpenMarketIPO后,互联网牛市又延续了4年,终结于2000年春季。 www.fortunechina.com 10. In a different market, a price-sales ratio of 50 would be laughed out of the IPO pipeline. 在其他市场上,IPO的股价与销售额之比达到50,一定会让业界笑掉大牙。 www.fortunechina.com 1. Yes, for the Kayak Team, private sales or not, a public offering, i. e. an IPO, perhaps is much more top of mind. 是的,对于Kayak团队,内部销售与否只是其次,公开招股,或说IPO可能对其更为重要。 www.bing.com 2. Even if the IPO bonanza were to peter out, there would be other opportunities. 即使IPO这块肥肉已经被分光了,其他的机会还是存在的。 www.ecocn.org 3. Cornerstone investors get a pre-determined amount of shares and are subject to a lockup period and will pay the IPO price. 基石投资获得数量预先确定的股票,有一段禁售期,将按IPO价格购买。 www.voa365.com 4. It took place shortly after the first big initial public offering (IPO) of a technology firm since the dotcom boom. 在此之后很快一家技术公司(Google)开始了网络泡沫破裂之后硅谷第一起较大规模的公开募集。 www.ecocn.org 5. Much about the IPO market remains the same as it was a decade ago, with controversial practices still in place. IPO市场的整体状况仍与10年前差不多,某些有争议的做法仍然存在。 cn.reuters.com 6. Longtime IPO analyst Scott Sweet, the owner of IPO Boutique, said Groupon is now expected to go public the first week of November. 长期IPO观察家、IPOBoutique公司所有者,ScottSweet说Groupon现在希望在11月的第一周上市。 www.bing.com 7. As a result, Goldman would seem to have an inside track to underwriting Facebook's public offering. 因此,高盛似乎有近水楼台的优势来承销Facebook的IPO发行。 www.fortunechina.com 8. China continued to be the dominant force in the IPO market in 2010, a position it took on in 2009. 同2009年时的情况一样,中国依然是2010年IPO市场的主导力量。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The IPO pricing involves activities of government, intermediaries, investors and public enterprises. It is the result of multiple gaming. 新股发行(IPO)定价涉及政府监管部门、各类中介机构、投资者和上市公司等众多市场参与主体,可以说是多方博弈的结果。 www.fabiao.net 10. GM's IPO will not be easy, but the fact that it is happening at all is remarkable. 通用的上市之路就不会平坦,但是上市这个事实本身就已经意义非凡。 www.ecocn.org 1. A major reason investors have lost some of their appetite for IPOs is the poor performance of recent offerings. 投资者对IPO兴趣减弱的一个主要原因是近期新股的表现欠佳。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Xstrata, one of the world's biggest mining firms, was born out of the initial public offering (IPO) of Glencore's coal mines in 2002. 斯特拉塔是世界上最大的矿业公司之一,它成立于2002年嘉能可煤矿公开募股之日。 www.ecocn.org 3. The number and value of initial public offerings is well down in Shanghai this year. 上海证交所今年IPO的数量和规模均明显下降。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Earlier media reports said the IPO filing was expected in early July. 先前媒体报道说,预期上市申请是在7月初。 www.12edu.cn 5. Soho China used most of the money raised from its October IPO to acquire two large pieces of land. Soho中国去年10月份IPO募集的大部分资金用于购买两个较大的地块。 www.ftchinese.com 6. However, Rongsheng is now in talks with private investors about selling a stake ahead of a IPO. 不过,目前熔盛正与私人投资者洽谈在IPO前出售股权的事宜。 www.ftchinese.com 7. There will continue to be a steady pipeline of IPOs as issuers seek capital to grow from the public markets. 由于发行者寻求从公开市场得到增长所需资金,两国仍将有数量稳定的IPO交易。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Mr. Akerson will spend the coming months preparing for the IPO and helping sell the company to Wall Street. 阿克森接下来几个月将筹备公司的IPO,帮助通用汽车向华尔街推销自己。 www.voa365.com 9. The deal, announced yesterday, came as Gmarket, a leading online shopping mall, said it was filing for an initial public offering on Nasdaq. 此笔交易于昨日宣布之际,Gmarket表示正申请在纳斯达克进行首次公开发行(IPO)。 www.ftchinese.com 10. More so than Pandora or LinkedIn, RenRen could be the web IPO that sets the market's tone for the next year. 与潘朵拉(Pandora)或LinkedIn的上市相比,人人的IPO更像是为明年的市场定调的一次网络公司IPO。 www.fortunechina.com 1. This would be China's fourth largest IPO and the biggest in the world so far this year behind Visa of the US. 这将是中国第四大规模的IPO,也将是今年以来仅次于美国Visa的全球最大规模IPO。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The $132 million IPO of China's Real Gold Mining, which played on gold's haven status, was the only IPO around. 凭藉着黄金的避风港地位,瑞金矿业通过IPO筹资1.32亿美元,成为了当时中国唯一一笔IPO交易。 c.wsj.com 3. The investment is only the second by China Investment Corp, which bought a pre-IPO stake in Blackstone, the US private equity firm, in May. 这仅是中国投资有限公司(CIC)进行的第二笔投资。今年5月,该公司在美国私人股本集团百仕通(Blackstone)上市前购入了其部分股权。 www.ftchinese.com 4. LinkedIn is also benefiting from being one of the first such Web IPOs out of the gate, analysts added. 分析师们还认为,LinkedIn是同类互联网IPO中的最先进行的,这一点也对它有利。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Several foreign banks are pushing for permission to acquire control of a local brokerage and gain a slice of the booming IPO market. 有几家外资银行正在争取获准收购一家内地券商的控股权,以期在欣欣向荣的IPO市场上分得一杯羹。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Finally, the management shareholders would like to express currently there is no intent to sell stock upon the expiration of the IPO lockup. 最后,管理层股东谨表示在IPO锁定期满内目前没有出售意向。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. They said this trend could help investors get used to the idea that purchasing IPO shares was not a guaranteed one-way bet. 他们表示,这一趋势可能有助于投资者适应一个理念,即买新股并非稳赚不赔的单向押注。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Institutional investors have remained cautious on the sector in the wake of the poor performance of previous listings. 由于此前一些IPO表现不尽人意,机构投资者仍对该行业持谨慎态度。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Even if the IPO is to have been "drying up" , but the collapse of confidence in the market or index makes a new low record. 即使是IPO已经“断流”,但是市场信心的崩溃还是使得指数屡创新低。 www.showxiu.com 10. If Copal is preparing for an initial public offering next year, is Mr Khosla thinking of moving on to a new venture? 如果Copal准备明年进行首次公开发行(IPO),科斯拉是否会考虑创建一个新企业呢? www.ftchinese.com 1. Before its initial public offering, Google issued a number of its options in violation of the federal securities laws. 在IPO之前,Google分发了一定数量的期权,其实已经触犯了美国联邦证券法律。 dongxi.net 2. So far in 2011, just three companies from China have completed IPOs in the U. S. , and the results were underwhelming. 今年到目前为止,仅有三个中国公司在美国完成了IPO,且都表现平平。 cn.wsj.com 3. It's estimated that Google's August 2004 IPO created at least 900 instant millionaires of the company's 2, 300 employees. 据估计Google在2004年8月首次公开募股(IPO)时,2300名员工当中最少有900人瞬间成为百万富翁。 www.bing.com 4. With Mr. Akerson in place, GM can move forward with preparations for an IPO and give investors a clearer picture of its strategy. 阿克森上任后,通用汽车可以继续推进其首次公开募股(IPO)筹备工作,让投资者更加清楚地了解公司的经营策略。 chinese.wsj.com 5. With the emergence of ST companies, it is under a test to determine whether the small and medium-sized enterprises board has the IPO effect. 随着ST公司的出现,中小企业板上市公司是否也存在着IPO效应有待检验。 www.lunwenchina.net.cn 6. Alibaba denied speculation that by taking Alibaba. com private, it might prepare for an IPO later down the road. 阿里巴巴集团否认了通过将阿里巴巴私有化,为以后的首次公开募股做准备的猜测。 www.hxen.com 7. In this situation, the only approach is to decrease the demand for fund raised in the market by IPO or refinancing. 在通货膨胀压力之下,那剩下的只有减少对股市资金的需求一条路了。 www.ccer21cbh.com 8. Earlier this month, Renren, China's largest social networking service, priced its IPO at the top of an already raised range. 本月早些时候,中国最大的网络社交服务企业人人网(Renren),将其IPO价格定在了调高后的询价区间的最高端。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But Chinese IPOs have had a really, really strong performance. ' 但中国企业在美IPO确实表现非常强劲。 chinese.wsj.com 10. More importantly, it seems to signal that an Alibaba Group IPO is a long ways off. 更重要的是,银湖投资阿里巴巴意味着该集团整体上市可能是猴年马月的事了。 www.fortunechina.com 1. Yet as a percentage of the money raised, fees in Asia tend to lag behind those elsewhere. 不过亚洲IPO费用在所募集到的资金总额中所占的百分比往往落后于世界其它地方。 c.wsj.com 2. Prof Sherman points to IPOs in Asia, which often include an institutional and a public tranche (as did the Thatcher privatisations). 谢尔曼教授提到了往往包括机构和公众部分(正如撒切尔私有化那样)的亚洲IPO。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The consensus across the City and Wall Street suggests, too, that the drought of initial public offerings could end soon. 伦敦金融城和华尔街的共识也表明,首次公开发行(IPO)的干涸现象可能会很快结束。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If all three are completed, it would be the most active week for IPO issuance in the U. S. since May 2008. 如果三桩IPO都能完成,本周将会是2008年5月以来IPO最活跃的一周。 www.bing.com 5. On a global basis, IPO issuance was similarly slow around the world in October as markets grappled with the European debt crisis. 相关报道全球IPO发行量低,是因为市场面临着欧洲债务危机的压力。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Still, fund managers said appetite for IPOs is likely to be limited, given Mideast turmoil and inflation worries. 尽管如此,基金经理说,鉴于中东的动荡和对通胀的担忧,对IPO的喜好可能有限。 c.wsj.com 7. The larger the group of cornerstone investors, the easier it would be for the Treasury to sell a big chunk of its GM stake in the IPO. 基础投资者团体的规模越大,对财政部来说就越容易在IPO中出售其所持通用汽车的大部分股权。 c.wsj.com 8. Disadvantages to see an IPO is generally for a long time, not to finish YiNianBanZai review. 劣势是一般来看IPO要经过较长时间的审核,没有一年半载很难完成。 www.cwzyc.com 9. Research in the US demonstrates this: initial public offerings of private equity-backed firms perform better than IPOs in general. 美国的研究显示:私人股本支持的公司的首次公开发行(IPO)表现优于整体水平。 www.ftchinese.com 10. As supply base shifts to low cost regions, IPOs are taking over more strategic responsibilities which used to reside in headquarters. 但随着供应基地向低成本地区转移,IPO已经开始承担起更多原先由总部负责的战略性业务。 www.bing.com 1. The stock has had a dip since then but is now back up at levels representing a 140% gain since the IPO. 无锡尚德股票在IPO之后出现下跌,但现在很快又回升,至少有140%的盈利。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Analysts say other food-services companies will be watching closely to see what the IPO does for Quanjude's business. 分析师表示,其它餐饮类企业将会密切关注IPO对全聚德业务的影响。 www.kekenet.com 3. When that did not work, a slew of new initial public offerings were given the go-ahead, in order to flood the market with new paper. 在这一手段不起作用时,政府又批准大量企业进行首次公开发行(IPO),目的是让市场上充斥着新股。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Another senior Agricultural Bank executive said last month that it would consider an IPO next year if the market conditions are right. 农行另一位高管上月曾表示,如果市场环境适当,将考虑在明年进行IPO。 cn.wsj.com 5. Combined the result of this paper with Jinchuan company's financial data , we can roughly estimate the reasonable price of its IPO. 将本文的研究成果结合金川公司的财务数据可以大致估算公司IPO的合理价位。 www.fabiao.net 6. "On the last quarter of 2008, we haven't seen any IPO. They just delayed for 2009, " he said. 他说,“在2008年最后一个季度,我们没有看到一家首次公开募股的公司。它们都推延到了2009年。” www.kekenet.com 7. People close to Mapletree's IPO said it aimed to raise $924m and was covered five times by commitments from investors. 知情人士称,丰树计划融资9.24亿美元,而投资者承诺的认购规模是这个目标的5倍。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It would bring "validation and market awareness that happens with a public offering, " Shank says. 其将“IPO将为他们带来足够的市场关注度和价值的实现。”。 www.bing.com 9. Regulators asked for 20% of the offering to be reserved for retail investors, double the usual amount, ahead of anticipated strong demand. 由于预计需求旺盛,监管机构要求此次IPO的20%留给散户投资者,比通常的份额多出一倍。 c.wsj.com 10. According to AgBank's IPO prospectus, nearly 30% of the bank's 24, 000 branches are in western China, one of the country's poorest regions. 农行的IPO招股说明书显示,该行24,000个网点中接近30%都在西部。西部是中国最贫穷的地区之一。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Hundreds of cash-hungry mainland companies had picked advisers to help them achieve an initial public offering. 数百家亟需资金的中国内地企业纷纷挑选上市顾问,帮助它们完成首次公开发行(IPO)。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The issue is what happens when financial partnerships sell out to other investors, often in initial public offerings. 这正是在向其他投资者出售金融合伙企业时(往往以IPO的形式)出现的问题。 www.tiantianbt.com 3. Since the start of the decade, Chinese IPOs have consistently produced high average one-day returns. 自2000年以来,中国内地IPO始终保持着高水平的单日平均回报率。 www.examw.com 4. Mr Nyheim says the attractions of the IPO for investors include the fact that GM has now reduced its debt load and is profitable. 尼翰姆称,这宗IPO之所以对投资者有吸引力,也是因为通用汽车已减轻债务负担,并实现盈利。 www.ftchinese.com 5. So why wouldn't a Chinese investor buy in an IPO from the Agricultural Bank of China or a stock offer from any other Chinese bank? 那么中国的投资者又有什么理由不购买中国农业银行的首次公开招股集资或者购买其他中国银行的股票呢? www.bing.com 6. BOOM will acknowledge receipt of your online IPO application by displaying on screen an application confirmation page. 在收到您的网上新股认购申请时,BOOM会将申请确认版面显示在屏幕上。 baby.boom.com.hk 7. Turbine-maker listings have thus fared poorly: Mingyang listed in New York in October, only to see its stock slide. 因此,涡轮机制造商在IPO中表现不佳:明阳风电(Mingyang)今年10月在纽约挂牌后,股价一路下挫。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The venture was conceived during a time when China's stock markets were red hot and soaking up hundreds of initial public offerings. 计划构思之时,中国股市尚在红火阶段,吸收了数以百计的首次公开发行(IPO)。 www.ftchinese.com 9. We attempt to shed light on this issue by examining some classical models of IPO underpricing for the Chinese market. 本文试图通过在中国证券市场检验ipo折价的一些经典模型来弄清楚这个问题。 www.jukuu.com 10. This will require the IPO head to be a change agent when you set up the organization. 这就要求你在建立IPO时寻找的一把手必须是一位变革者。 www.bing.com 1. After delays, China Datang Corp Renewable Power priced at the bottom of its range on Monday at HK$2. 33 a share. 在一再推迟后,大唐集团新能源股份有限公司(ChinaDatangCorpRenewablePower)周一确定了IPO价格,为指导价格区间的最低端,每股2.33港元。 www.ftchinese.com 2. It comes as 360buy has started preparing for an IPO in which it hopes to raise up to $5bn. 此举出台之际,适逢京东商城开始筹备首次公开发行(IPO),以求募资至多50亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Valuation Discipline & Positive Performance: So far this year, 58% of U. S. IPOs have priced below the midpoint of their ranges. 2?估值规定和良好业绩:今年初以来,58%的美国IPO的定价低于价格区间的中间值。 c.wsj.com 4. But a flop like this should also set off alarm bells. 但像长甲地产这样放弃IPO的败举也应该为投资者敲响警钟。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The regulator is likely to allow bigger offerings if the market gives a positive response, repeating the pattern of the IPO resumption. 如果市场作出积极反应,延续了IPO重启之后的利好状况,监管部门此后可能会批准更大规模的公司债发行。 www.bing.com 6. The allotment basis depends on the number of valid applications for subscription for the IPO shares. 股份的分配基准视乎有效的认购新股申请数目而定。 baby.boom.com.hk 7. The share sale over the next week will test the appetite for new issues among investors. 将在未来一周进行的紫金矿业IPO,将检测投资者对新股发行的兴趣。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Indeed, some in Silicon Valley believe that the Google IPO will be an event unmatched in two decades. 的确,硅谷一些人士认为,今后20年内都没有事件能和Google的IPO相比。 www.xici.net 9. Therefore it is an important studying issue for all participating IPO issuers to have reasonable evaluation models. 因此合理的计价模式对所有参与IPO发行者而言是相当重要的研究议题。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Investors have been so eager to get in on ChiNext IPOs that companies listing have increased the size of the deals. 投资者在创业板打新股的热情极为高涨,以至于正在进行上市准备的公司增加了IPO的规模。 c.wsj.com |
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