单词 | iphones | ||||
释义 | iphones
例句释义: 苹果电话,苹果制造因特网电话 1. Now the company, best known for producing iPhones and other hi-tech gadgets, has found a solution: use robots instead. 这家以生产Iphone及其他高科技零配件所著名的公司找到了应对的方法:用机器人来替代工人。 www.bing.com 2. BlackBerry phones are much like iPhones in the fact that you can only use BlackBerry OS with an official phone by BlackBerry. 你只能在黑莓手机上使用黑莓操作系统,这点与iphone类似。 www.bing.com 3. So being without our iphones, GPS devices, and Blackberries might seem like the end of the world to some folks, come to think of it. 因此,这么想起来,对某些人来说不能使用我们的iphone,GPS设备和黑莓,看起来更像是世界末日。 www.bing.com 4. Apple has sold 75 million iPhones, but it had a year's head start on Google. 苹果已经售出7500万部iPhone,但是它比谷歌早一年开始。 www.bing.com 5. Mr Cook also said that Apple was still trying to sell iPhones in China and that it hoped to access that market within a year. 库克还表示,苹果仍在尝试在中国销售iPhone,希望能在一年内进入中国市场。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But a million iPhones in 74 days works out to a little less than 5 million iPhones per year--if you're selling them at a consistent rate. 但是从在74天内卖掉100万台来开,如果以固定速度销售,算起来,一年也只能卖出不到500万台。 www.bing.com 7. It is hard to estimate how much more it would cost to build iPhones in the United States. 很难估计如果iPhone在美国制造,其成本会如何。 www.bing.com 8. Currently, the company has had to allocate massive resources to its iTunes and iPhone online stores. 目前,苹果公司将大量的资源分配在iTunes和iPhones的在线商店上。 www.bing.com 9. When you go on Craigslist and see more listings for iPhone repair and parts than actual, second hand iPhones, you know there's a problem. 当你上Craigslist,看见iPhone维修和配件列表要比实际上的二手iPhone的数量更多,你就知道这里面出了问题。 www.bing.com 10. You mock, but I heard two latest-generation iPhones discussing such a scenario between themselves just the other day. 你会嘲笑我,但是我在前几听到两只最新一代的iPhone讨论了这一方案。 www.bing.com 1. Customers can pay a monthly fee to get rid of the advertisements or to install the application on iPhones and other mobile devices. 客户可以按月付费移除广告,也可以安装在iPhone或其它移动电话上。 www.ecocn.org 2. The Army plans to hold desert trials in the U. S. next week to test off-the-shelf iPhones, Androids and tablet computers for use in war. 国陆军计划于下周在美国境内举行沙漠测试,检验普通市售iPhone、Android手机和平板电脑的作战性能。 c.wsj.com 3. Nokia is asking the U. S. District Court in Delaware for an injunction (PDF) on sales of iPhones and for unspecified damages. 诺基亚正要求特拉华美国地方法院发布禁令(PDF),禁止销售iPhone,并对诺基亚作出数额尚未确定的赔偿。 www.bing.com 4. Jobs has announced plans to sell 10 million iPhones by the end of 2008--a year and a half after launch. 乔布斯宣布的计划是在2008年底之前卖出一千万台iPhone——这即是在发布之后的一年半。 www.bing.com 5. Manufacturing glass for the iPhone revived a Corning factory in Kentucky, and today, much of the glass in iPhones is still made there. 为苹果生产iPhone的玻璃,让康宁在肯塔基州的工厂重获新生。今天,大部分的iPhone玻璃仍在这里生产。 www.bing.com 6. The carrier has expressed a desire to sell iPhones and iPads to its customers, but hasn't announced any plans to do so. 运营商表示愿意向客户出售iPhone和iPad,但还没有宣布任何具体计划。 www.bing.com 7. The 45 million iPhones and iPod Touches sold over the last two years is having a major impact on the worldwide mobile phone ecosystem. 过去两年里,iPhone和iPodTouches已经卖出了4500万台,这对全世界的手机大环境带来巨大的冲击。 www.bing.com 8. By way of comparison, carrier China Unicom said a few days after its launch that 5, 000 iPhones had been sold. 相比之下,电信运营商中国联通(ChinaUnicom)在iPhone推出几天后说,共卖出了5,000部iPhone。 c.wsj.com 9. Consumers who have iPhones or BlackBerrys can sign up for the service, which does not ask for personal information. 拥有iPhones或者黑莓手机的用户可以注册申请这项服务服务不要求提供个人信息。 www.bing.com 10. For most people who see Apple's ads, and buy iPhones, the word beta means nothing at all. 对大多数看苹果广告,购买iPhone的人来讲,beta这个词毫无意义。 www.bing.com 1. He said a new "family of iPhones" will probably not be released until July. 他说可能到七月份才会发布新的“iPhone家庭成员”。 www.bing.com 2. iPhones account for 40 percent of Apple's revenue, so for the company, the bad publicity was a challenge. iPhone的占40苹果的收入的比例,为公司,坏的宣传,是一个挑战。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Forget touchscreens, the iPhones and iPads of the future might be controlled by something even more impressive: the human mind. 忘记触摸屏吧,未来的iPhone和iPad可能会使用更加先进的操作方式:意念控制。 www.bing.com 4. This kind of technology is in its infancy, but it's a hot and growing area to use iPhones for artistic expression. 这类技术还处于初期阶段,但用iPhone来进行表演艺术却是一个热门并不断增长的领域。 cn.reuters.com 5. So if Apple sells iPhones as though they were iPods, they will be far more expensive than competing handsets. 因此,如果苹果像销售iPod一样销售手机的话,他们的产品将会比与其竞争的手机贵许多。 www.ecocn.org 6. It's also possible to turn off location services on Apple's iPhones, by going to 'settings' and 'general. ' 同样,iPhone用户也可以通过“设置”中的“一般设置”,关掉iPhone的位置服务。 c.wsj.com 7. Subways and skyscrapers, in other words, are replacing exports of furniture and iPhones as the symbols of this nation's prowess. 也就是说,地铁和摩天大楼正在取代家具和iPhone的出口成为该国能力非凡的标志。 kk.dongxi.net 8. At home and in her office, she and her husband own four iPhones, two iPads, three Mac laptops, two Mac desktop computers and two iPods. 算上家里和办公室,她与她的丈夫共拥有四台iPhone,两台iPad,三台Mac笔记本,两台Mac台式机以及两台iPod。 kk.dongxi.net 9. Several of them have had to replace their iPhones due to cracked screens. 因为屏幕碎了,他们中的几个人不得不换掉iPhone手机。 www.bing.com 10. The pen interface was clumsy, and, frankly, customers saw no need for direct screen interfaces before the age of iPhones. 笔触界面并不便利,坦率地说,消费者在iPhone时代前并没有看出屏幕作为输入终端的必要。 www.bing.com 1. It was initially designed for use with Apple's iPad, though it also works on Android tablets, as well as on iPhones and Android smartphones. 这款产品最早针对苹果公司的iPad设计,虽然它也可以应用于安卓(Android)的平板电脑、iPhones和安卓智能手机。 chinese.wsj.com 2. More organized smugglers will bring in 100 or more iPhones a day, and some will put phones into a shipping container with other goods. 许多有组织的走私者一天能带进100支以上的手机。有的人则把iPhone装到集装箱里,和其它货物一起发往中国。 www.bing.com 3. This decision reduced Apple's control, but its iPhones were still not able to connect to other 3G wireless networks. 这一决定减少了苹果公司的控制,但是苹果手机任然无法连接其它的3G无限网络。 www.bing.com 4. Old iPhones that are no longer activated as phones can still be used like the iPod Touch. 虽然换下来的老款iPhone无法激活入网再作为电话使用,但还是可以拿来当iPodTouch。 www.bing.com 5. But instead of selling only a few million as it expected, AT&T now has an estimated 12m-14m iPhones on its network. 但是与之前预期仅几百万部的上网量不同,美国电报电话公司现在估计有1.2-1.4千万的iPhone手机使用其无线网络。 www.bing.com 6. Apple said it sold nearly 9 million iPhones for the three months that ended March 27, more than double the number from a year earlier. 苹果公司宣称,截止3月27日,公司在过去三个月销售接近900w部iPhone手机,相比去年同期翻番。 www.bing.com 7. 's network, which has been criticized for dropped calls and not being able to adequately handle the load of data-guzzling iPhones. 该报告曾批评AT&T的网络造成电话掉线,且无法充分满足iPhone的超大数据负荷。 c.wsj.com 8. But the momentum, particularly at the expensive end of the market, is with iPhones and Android phones. 但发展势头最猛的是iPhone和Android手机,尤其在高端市场。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But Android is growing fast, and many analysts expect more phone users to be using Android phones than iPhones by next year. 但是Android应用程序成长迅猛,很多分析师都预测手机用户在明年会更倾向于用Android(系统)的手机而不是iPhone。 www.bing.com 10. I was thinking recently how inconvenient it was not to have a general term for iPhones, iPads, and the corresponding things running Android. 我最近在想,如果没有关于iphone、ipad和类似的用Android的系统运行的东东总括,这会多么麻烦。 www.bing.com 1. Cook remains untested on this front, despite his deft hand dealing with the supply chain partners that make Macs, iPhones and iPads. 而库克在这方面的能力还有待观察,尽管他在与麦金塔电脑、iPhone和iPad供应链合作夥伴打交道方面游刃有余。 cn.reuters.com 2. Once again, Apple's approach is to let only Apple make the hardware and software. Nobody else makes iPhones. 再一次,苹果的做法是只让苹果制造硬件和软件,没有别人制造iPhone。 www.bing.com 3. There's a cult-like fascination with Apple product rumors, and that fascination turns into an obsession when it comes to iPhones. 苹果产品的流言具有如同邪教一般的魔力,而这股魔力到了iPhone这里就走火入魔了。 dongxi.net 4. Apple already has sold more than 50 million iPhones so far world-wide, Chief Executive Steve Jobs said earlier this month. 苹果首席执行长乔布斯(SteveJobs)本月早些时候称,iPhone迄今在全球销售量已超过5000万个。 c.wsj.com 5. He's got a Palm Pre, two iPhones (one for overseas), a Nexus One and a Droid. 他有一部PalmPre,两部iPhone(一部在国外用),一部NexusOne和一部Droid。 chinese.wsj.com 6. By contrast, iPhones and Android handsets are multi-media devices that can also be used for phone calls and messaging. 相比之下,iPhone和Android手机属于多媒体设备,也可以用来打电话和发信息。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Should we expect to see two new iPhones in September? 我们可以期望两款新iPhone在九月同时上市吗? dongxi.net 8. By cutting prices to boost the number of iPhones in use, Apple is hoping developers will put even more energy into creating new apps. 苹果降价以提升iPhone手机的使用数量,它希望开发商能投入更多精力创造新的应用。 www.ecocn.org 9. Carrying the iPhones, iPods and iPads have become a conveniently portable way of projecting status. 随身携带iPhone,iPod和iPad已经成为一个便于彰显身份的方式。 kk.dongxi.net 10. A more immediate goal is to build robots nimble enough to penetrate the assembly market for goods such as iPhones and BlackBerrys. 更为近期的目标是建造身手异常敏捷的机器人,能够进军iPhone和黑莓(BlackBerry)等产品的装配市场。 www.ftchinese.com 1. "The total number of iPhones in China Mobile's network has reached 10 million -- and we didn't pay any subsidies, " he said. “中国移动网络里的iPhone总数已达1千万--我们之前没有补贴过一分钱。”他说。 www.bing.com 2. Scalpers or no scalpers, the high demand for official, un-hacked iPhones would seem like a boost for Apple. 无论是否是手机黄牛,市场对正版、未破解iPhone手机的需求高涨,似乎是对苹果公司的提振。 chinese.wsj.com 3. A manager at a China Unicom store in Beijing said Sunday that his store sold ten iPhones on Saturday but only one on Sunday. 北京一家中国联通门店的经理说,他的商店周六卖出10部iPhone,但周日只有一部。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Elites elbowed for position at the bar, danced poorly, and tapped out text messages on their iPhones, made by? . ? . ? . ? Apple. 精英们在酒吧里摩肩接踵,局促地跳舞,用他们的iPhone手机发短信,而手机则是……苹果公司制造的。 www.bing.com 5. I think of this every time I hear business plans that say, "With over 30 million iPhones sold, our app is sure to. . . " 每当我听到商业计划里这样说道“只要卖出了超过三千万台iPhone,我们的应用程序铁定能…”的时候,我总会想起这个故事。 www.bing.com 6. Researchers last week said Apple's iPhones store unencrypted databases containing months of location information. 研究人员上周说,苹果iPhone存储了未加密数据库,其中包含数月的位置信息。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Her new 'Red Cat' series continues her commentary on capitalism, with figures clutching McDonald's fries, iPhones and digital cameras. 她最新的《红猫》(RedCat)雕塑系列延续了她对资本主义的诠释,雕塑人物有的手抓麦当劳薯条,有的拿着iPhone和数码相机。 chinese.wsj.com 8. In a few years, we'll view our iPhones and Android handsets the same way. 再过几年,我们也会这样看待我们的iPhone和Android手持设备。 www.bing.com 9. You can do video calling between two iPhones, two computers or one of each. 你可以在两部iPhone、两台电脑或一部iPhone和一台电脑之间进行视频通话。 c.wsj.com 10. The new line of iPhones and the revamped MobileMe are intended for release this summer, though those plans could change, the person said. 这位人士说,iPhone新款系列与改造后的MobileMe计划于今年夏天发布,不过具体发布时间也可能出现变化。 c.wsj.com 1. Foxconn, meanwhile, makes all of the iPhones and the two companies split the production of Apple's iMac desktop computers half-and-half. 而富士康生产所有的iPhone,苹果的iMac台式机业务则由这两家厂商平分。 www.bing.com 2. When you know that your users are browsing your site with iPhones, you can make a number of strong assumptions about their environments. 当您知道用户要使用iPhone浏览站点时,您可以对其环境作出一些典型的假设。 www.ibm.com 3. That's when the audience decides whether to listen to you or surf for last night's box scores on its iPhones. 这期间听众会决定是听你讲话,还是拿出iPhone手机找昨晚的游戏成绩。 gb.cri.cn 4. All key product lines exceeded expectations. The company sold 16. 2 million iPhones in the quarter, up 86 percent from the year-ago quarter. 所有主要产品都超出预期.当季公司出售了1,620部iPhone,增加了86%.iPad销售733万台,Mac销售增长23%,至410万台。 cn.reuters.com 5. Gameloft games are also available to players on WiiWare and DS, Microsoft's Xbox LIVE Arcade, Apple's iPod, iTouch and iPhones, and PCs. 智乐软件的游戏也可应用于WiiWare和DS,微软的XboxLIVEarcade,苹果的ipod,iTouch和iphones,以及个人计算机上。 www.bing.com 6. The demands became particularly fervent in late December, after many employees received iPhones as holiday gifts. 自许多雇员去年12月收到iPhone作为节日礼物后,这一需求变得尤为强烈。瑞德表示:“我们忙成一团。” cn.reuters.com 7. KT, which has an exclusive contract to offer iPhones in South Korea, will start to receive orders for the phone Wednesday. 该公司是iPhone在韩国的独家运营商,将于周三开始接受订单。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Britain has Autonomy, which makes specialised search software, and ARM, which designs the microchips for Apple's iPhones. 英国有Autonomy公司,它提供特别定制的搜索引擎;还有ARM公司,它为苹果iPhone设计芯片。 www.bing.com 9. China Mobile has already announced that it will carry Apple's 4G iPhones when a LTE (long-term evolution) version is ready. 中国移动已宣布,一旦LTE(长期演技技术)网络准备就绪,将发售苹果4GiPhone。 www.fortunechina.com 10. When he noticed other people were buried in their iPhones, he quieted down. 当他注意到电梯内的其他人全都沉浸在自己的iPhone里时,他不由得沉默下来。 chinese.wsj.com 1. We're multitasking like never before, constantly switching our focus from Blackberries to iPhones, to email and texts and the internet. 我们是从未有过的多项任务在身,不断地把我们的注意力从“黑莓”终端转移到手机,再到电子邮件、短信和因特网。 www.bing.com 2. Since then, however, it has abandoned this strategy in order to sell iPhones through many more mobile phone networks across the world. 然而在那之后,苹果为了能通过更多的手机网络在全球销售iPhone,便放弃了这种策略。 www.bing.com 3. The project is an important community effort that helps Linux users create software programs that work with their iPods and iPhones. 这个开源工程的目的是为了帮助Linux用户开发Linux版iPod和iPhone软件。 www.bing.com 4. These services also have complimentary apps for iOS that store and organize content locally on iPhones and iPads in that same format. 这些服务同时也提供了一些基于iOS的免费应用,帮助用户以相同格式组织整理iPhone或者iPad上的内容。 dongxi.net 5. Our San Francisco office almost exclusively has iPhones, and our New York office is littered with Androids. 我们的旧金山办事处几乎是清一色的iPhone,我们的纽约办事处几乎是清一色的Android。 www.bing.com 6. Other estimates have shown Android devices outselling iPhones, or moving ahead among consumers only. 其他的估测已经显示,Android手机的销量超过了iPhone,或是在消费者群体中稳步增加。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Mr. Munster, who rates Apple at outperform with a $607 price target, estimates sales of 25 million iPhones in the December quarter. 芒斯特估计今年四季度iPhone的销量将达2,500万部。他给苹果股票的评级为优于大盘,目标价607美元。 cn.wsj.com 8. What you want is a boatload of snazzy Samsung 3D TVs, or, even better, iPhones. 该挟持的是一船时髦的三星3D电视,要是一船iPhone就更好了。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "We sell iPhones in over a hundred countries, " a current Apple executive said. “我们在超过一百个国家销售iPhone”,一个在职的苹果高管说。 www.bing.com 10. A giant manufacturer of iPhones and other popular electronics has a bad employee problem: they're killing themselves. 内容提要:一家大型代工iPhone和若干主流电子产品的制造商日前正面临着严重的员工自杀问题 www.bing.com 1. The only headline that matters today is: "Apple pre-sells 600, 000 iPhones; Far exceeds expectations. " 关于这事今天只有一条头条消息,那就是“Apple预售了六万部Iphone,远超期望!” www.bing.com 2. Smartphones that run on Google's Android operating system also are expected to outsell iPhones this year. 预计今年内,安装谷歌Android操作系统的智能手机在销量上将超过iPhone。 www.bing.com 3. Everything imaginable is for sale in bulk at the Tianxiu Mansions, from motorbikes and building materials to fake Armani suits and iPhones. 所有可以想到的东西在天秀大厦内都有批发,从摩托车和建筑材料,到假阿玛尼(Armani)西装和iPhone。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Many analysts believe the strong international momentum for iPhones could spill over and help iPad sales. 很多分析人士认为,iPhone强劲的国际势头可能产生了“溢出效应”,助推了iPad的销售。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Apple has so far shipped more than 30m iPhones since the first 3G version was launched in 2007. 到目前为止自从推出第一个3G版本以来,苹果已经把3000万部iPhone推向市场。 www.bing.com 6. Apple faced growing criticism over the way it gathers positioning data from iPhones. 苹果公司在iPhone收集定位数据的方式方面面临了日益增强的批评。 www.ecocn.org 7. In her Korean school, near Seoul, her classmates have iPod touches and iPhones and play Nintendo, just like her classmates in America. 她的韩国学校临近首尔,她的同学也和美国同学一样有iPodtouch,iPhone,玩任天堂。 www.bing.com 8. There are no huge lines of people returning iPhones because of the antenna issue. So Apple has no need to bribe people with free bumpers. 并没有很多人因为信号问题而退还iPhone4,因此苹果才没有必要用免费的保护套来讨好用户呢。 www.bing.com 9. China, the world's biggest seller, sells cheap Christmas ornaments, cheap iPhones, cheap Gap shirts, and cheap Nike shoes to America. 中国,这个全球最大的卖家,正把廉价的圣诞饰品、Iphone、Gap衬衫和Nike鞋倾销到美国。 www.bing.com 10. The new oleophobic screen is brighter and displays warmer, richer colors than previous iPhones. 新的防油屏幕更加明亮,显示颜色更出众。 www.bing.com 1. And consumers are more likely to buy iPhones and iPads when more entertainment and information applications are available on them. iPhone和iPad应用程序提供的娱乐和信息越多,消费者就越愿意购买。 www.bing.com 2. Today, Mac OS X ships with Apple's Macs, and specialized versions of the OS power iPhones and iPads. 如今,MacOSX领航苹果的Macs系列,还为iPhone和iPads做了特殊的版本。 www.bing.com 3. They all bought iPhones and iPads, paying with $100 bills, though they seemed unfamiliar with the currency, Ms. Peters said. 他们买iPhone,也买iPad,付款全用100美元一张的大钞,但他们看起来对美元钞票不太熟悉,凯特说。 www.bing.com 4. Isn't it time for Apple to sell iPhones in silly colors as well? 是到了苹果开卖同样傻气颜色的iPhone的时候了吗? www.bing.com 5. Making love boosts our happiness more than anything else, a study using iPhones has revealed. 据一项通过iPhone开展的调查显示,性生活最能使人感到快乐。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Apple has already developed tiered pricing, selling older iPhones more cheaply. 苹果也已制定阶梯定价策略,款型越老的iPhone售价越便宜。 gb.cri.cn 7. If successful, the lawsuit could entitle Nokia to a licensing fee for all 30m iPhones sold since its launch. 如果胜诉,诺基亚将有权对iPhone上市以来售出的所有3000万部iPhone手机收取专利许可费。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In Henan, a giant new Foxconn factory making iPhones will need several hundred thousand workers. 在河南,富士康的一个新厂要开始制造iPhone,将需要数十万工人。 www.bing.com 9. Apple has a global sales target of 10m iPhones in the first year and is in talks with carrier NTT DoCoMo to bring the iPhone to Japan. 苹果对iPhone推出首年的全球销售目标是1000万部,目前正与日本运营商NTTDoCoMo就在日本推出iPhone进行谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Its giveaway T-shirts often carry the same 'Designed by Apple in California' notice as do its iPhones and iPads. 和iPhone及iPad一样,赠送的T恤通常也带有“加州苹果设计”(DesignedbyAppleinCalifornia)的字样。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The company spent approximately 61 percent of its semiconductor budget in 2010 on wireless products such as iPhones and iPads. 它2010年半导体预算中约61%花在了iPhone和iPad这类无线产品上。 www.fortunechina.com 2. Ambient light sensors, which are also in iPhones, tell the device to adjust the screen's brightness. 在iPhone中也使用了的环境光传感器(Ambientlightsensor),通知设备来调节屏幕的亮度。 www.bing.com 3. The researchers showed the audience how to break into iPhones by sending computer code via the phone's SMS system. 研究人员向观众演示了如何向手机短信系统SMS发送计算机代码从而侵入iPhone手机的过程。 www.bing.com 4. THE first iPhones are now on their way to Apple's American retail stores and those of its service partner, AT&T. 眼下,首批iPhone手机正被运往苹果及其业务合作伙伴美国电话电报公司在美国的零售店。 www.ecocn.org 5. That hold is slipping as firms let employees toting iPhones and Android-based devices use them for work. 由于许多公司让雇员配备iPhone及基于Android系统的设备用于工作,这种掌控正慢慢松弛。 www.ecocn.org 6. Employees also help customers to jailbreak iPhones and iPads purchased from the store. 员工帮助购买iPhone和iPad的消费者越狱。 www.bing.com 7. Some people whip out their BlackBerries or iPhones and start reading or typing furiously. 还有些人会马上拿出他们的黑莓(BlackBerry)或者是iPhone手机,然后开始狠命阅读或打字。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Another thing missing is an alternative to the AT&T data network, which is already buckling under the strain of traffic to and from iPhones. 另一个缺少的东西是一个替代AT&T的数据网络,因为AT&T的网络流量已经iphone亚的喘不过气来了。 www.bing.com 9. There is a new WorldCat Mobile pilot with downloadable apps for iPhones, BlackBerrys, and most phones that are Web enabled. 大多数支持Web浏览的手机,如iphone、黑莓都可以通过下载应用程序,访问Worldcat移动版网站。 www.bing.com 10. That means that users can easily buy iPhones that are sold overseas and brought into China for resale, though not 3G models. 这意味这用户可以很容易地购买从海外购进带回中国转卖的手机,只不过不是3G型号。 chinese.wsj.com 1. At the end of 2012, predicts Gartner, a market-research firm, Android phones will have a bigger share of the market than iPhones. 据市场分析公司Gartner预测指出,在2012年末,Android的市场份额将会超过iphone。 www.bing.com 2. They're part of the free software upgrade called iPhone 2. 0, which will be available to the six million original iPhones, starting Friday. 这是名为iPhone2.0的免费软件升级中的一部分,这项本周五开始的升级对于原来的600万iPhone用户都将适用。 www.bing.com 3. Not real people, but virtual ones, watching his run on a live stream of Tame's four iPhones. 不是真实的人,而是虚拟的,在Tame的四部iphone现场直播中观看他跑步。 www.bing.com 4. Our iPhones, Androids, and Blackberries are our personal devices. android以及黑莓系列产品是我们的私人设备。 www.bing.com 5. The alternative is for Apple to sell iPhones through operators, as other handset-makers do. 另一种选择则是,像其他手机厂商一样通过运营商销售iPhone。 www.ecocn.org 6. We are still made for jungles and savannahs but we interact more with iPhones and computer screens than anything else. 我们依然能够适应丛林和草原,但是我们接触的跟多的确是iPhones和电脑屏幕。 www.bing.com 7. They examine the latest iPhones and open Twitter accounts, to great public fanfare. 他们检测iPhones的最新发展状况,为广大民众的群聊开设了微博账号。 www.bing.com 8. In short, the subjects didn't demonstrate the classic brain-based signs of addiction. Instead, they loved their iPhones. 简言之,受试者的反应没有证明这是上瘾的表现,而是,他们爱上了他们的iphones。 dongxi.net 9. Toshiba is a key supplier of NAND flash memory to Apple Inc. for use in iPhones and iPad tablets. 东芝是苹果公司(AppleInc.)iPhone手机和iPad平板电脑所需闪存芯片的重要供应商。 chinese.wsj.com 10. We don't want to reduce the reliability and security of our iPhones, iPods and iPads by adding Flash. 我们不想因为加入Flash支持,而降低了iPhone、iPod与iPad的稳定性与安全性。 www.bing.com 1. The stash included Prada handbags, Cartier jewelry and four iPhones. 被缴商品包括一些Prada的手袋,卡地亚珠宝和四个iPhone。 www.bing.com 2. That's why America doesn't produce iPhones or much of the other stuff it keeps saying it's good at. 这是美国不生产iPhone的原因,也正是这个原因使美国生产不了别的它口口声声说擅长的东西。 dongxi.net 3. Though components differ between versions, all iPhones contain hundreds of parts, an estimated 90 percent of which are manufactured abroad. 尽管不同型号的iPhone有着不同元件,但所有的iPhone都包含着数百个组成部分。大约百分之90的部分是在国外生产的。 www.bing.com 4. A front facing camera could allow video-chat capabilities in future iPhones. 前置摄像头让手机具备视频聊天的能力。 www.bing.com 5. Some executives have openly renounced their iPhones. 有些管理者已经公开地放弃使用iPhone手机。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Several said they'd held out for years to buy it because they worried there would be quality problems if they purchased gray-market iPhones. 有几个人说,他们为买这款手机等了好几年,因为他们担心,如果从灰色市场购买iPhone,可能会有质量问题。 cn.wsj.com 7. Apps are mobile applications designed to be used on smartphones such as iPhones or BlackBerrys or devices such as the iPod Touch. 这些apps是专门为智能手机设计的应用程序,这些手机包括iPhone、BlackBerry或者其它的产品如iPodTouch。 www.bing.com 8. Will other wireless companies also start selling iPhones? 其他的通信运营商也会开始销售iPhone么? www.bing.com 9. In 2008, Apple found that a total of 25 child workers had been employed to build iPods, iPhones and its range of computers. 在2008年,苹果发现总共25名童工被雇用来生产iPod,iPhone和各型号电脑。 www.bing.com 10. IPhones and iPad 3G models running the latest version of Apple's iOS operating system have the database on it, they say. 他们说,iPhone和使用苹果最新版iOS操作系统的3G版iPad都装有这样的数据库。 chinese.wsj.com 1. There are reports that Apple might change this situation with the huge demand for 3G iPhones and its ripple effect. 有报道说通过3G版iPhone的巨大需求及其扩散效应,苹果有可能改变这一情况。 www.bing.com 2. Apple's new Lion version of OS X will link to iPhones and iPads through cloud-based services. 苹果的最新版本操作系统Lion将会通过云服务和iPhone和iPad连接起来。 www.bing.com 3. Estimates of the number of iPhones sold over the weekend range from 500, 000 to 1m; many stores ran out. 周末售出的苹果手机估计从50万达到了100万;许多商店售罄。 www.ecocn.org 4. Along with fears about dropping and damage, however, many parents sharing iPhones with their young ones feel nagging guilt. 然而,除了害怕孩子会把iPhone掉到地上摔坏之外,许多给孩子玩iPhone的父母还会一直有种内疚感。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. "We've heard the rumors that many iPhones are being used outside the officially sanctioned countries, " Net Applications says. “我们听到传闻,据说许多iPhone在苹果授权国家范围外被使用,”NetApplications称。 www.bing.com 6. Slice says it has processed 3 million transactions, while Lemon boasts 300, 000 users, primarily using iPhones and Android phones. Slice表示,迄今该软件已处理了300万笔交易,而Lemon则号称目前已经拥有30万名用户,其中主要是iPhone和安卓手机用户。 www.fortunechina.com 7. There have been problems in the past of touts buying up iPhones to resell at higher prices. 在以往一直有兜售全部IPHONe然后高价转售的问题。 www.bing.com 8. So does the iOS operating system which breathes life into iPhones and iPads. 给iPhone和iPad注入生命的iOS操作系统同样如此。 www.bing.com 9. With Apple having sold 50 million iPhones, it was perhaps inevitable that a cottage industry of iPhone repair shops would spring up. 鉴于苹果iPhone手机的销量已达5000万部,或许必定会涌现出许多家庭作坊式的iPhone手机维修店。 dongxi.net 10. The web experience has definitively extended beyond the personal computer to mobile devices such as iPhones, Blackberries and iPads. 舍个人电脑而用Phone,黑莓和iPad等移动设备上网毫无疑问在增加。 www.bing.com 1. Pupils are being given iPhones to spy on teachers in lessons, a union has warned. 一家协会警告说,有学校正向发给学生iPhone,用于在课堂上暗中监视老师。 www.bing.com 2. I think the more iPhones that we can get out there into peoples' hands, the more people love them. 我觉得我们能让更多的顾客使用iPhone手机,就有更多的人喜欢iPhone。 www.bing.com 3. Within three months, Apple had sold one million iPhones. 3个月内苹果卖掉了100万部iPhone。 www.bing.com 4. More Macs, iPhones sold than ever before. All-time record quarterly revenue and earnings. 每季度都要记录销售收入和盈利。 www.bing.com 5. Over 36 years, he transformed the supplier of plastic television knobs to the maker of iPhones and Sony Corp. PlayStations. 1974年郭台铭用7500美元创办公司,在36年里,他把一个电视机塑料旋钮工厂转变为iPhone和索尼PS的生产商。 www.bing.com 6. "We're on our mobile phones and we're on our various iPhones, BlackBerrys and the like that transmits data that locates individuals. " “我们同移动电话密不可分,像iPhone、BlackBerry等等等等,它们发送足以定位个体的资料。” www.bing.com 7. A lot people got upset about Apple collecting location data on iPads and iPhones. 很多人已经对于ipad和iPhone收集位置数据表示出反感。 dongxi.net 8. Now, they can tap a new Places icon in the Facebook app on their iPhones and do this more easily, complete with a map. 如今,他们只要轻点iPhone手机上Facebook应用程序中一个新的“地点”图标就行了,而且还有地图。 c.wsj.com 9. Apple has shipped over 75 million iPhones, and the iPhone OS continues to dominate mobile web traffic. 苹果已经销售超过75万部iPhone,iPhone的操作系统也将继续占用大部分的移动互联网流量。 www.bing.com 10. The Longhua plant now produces 137, 000 iPhones a day, or about 90 a minute. 龙华的工厂现在每天能生产13700台iPhone,也就是说每分钟90台。 www.bing.com 1. Where people once wore Mao suits and rode bicycles, there are now Prada, BMW, and iPhones galore. 一个曾经人们穿着中山装,骑着自行车的地方,看到现在的普拉达,宝马,和iPhone。 www.bing.com 2. Companies like Bausch & Lomb Inc. (BOL) are buying iPhones for their employees, in some cases replacing BlackBerry devices. 博士伦(Bausch&;LombInc.)等公司正在为员工购买iPhone手机,以部分取代他们目前使用的黑莓手机(BlackBerry)。 chinese.wsj.com 3. The company has 1, 000 BlackBerrys and 400 iPhones, including 200 purchased by employees. 该公司目前有1,000部黑莓和400部iPhone,其中200部iPhone是员工自己购买的。 www.voa365.com 4. In a lot of cases, especially with older model iPhones, Winterboard can slow down iOS a lot. 在很多情况下,特别是老型号iPhone,Winterboard会极大的降低iOS的运行速度。 www.bing.com 5. Things like iPhones and wine and serving in the military. 要不就是iphone酒呀和在部队那点事,真没意思。 www.bing.com 6. We expect a lot of users will feel the same way when iPhones are offered at their workplaces. 我们相信如果在工作场所也能使用iPhone,很多用户也会有同样的感觉。 c.wsj.com 7. Apple can sell $3. 9 billion worth of Macs in a single quarter, and nearly twice that in iPhones. 苹果一个季度卖出的Mac电脑就达39亿美元,而iPhone的收入几乎是这个的两倍。 gb.cri.cn 8. But it's not all bad news: electronics such as Blu-ray players, Kindles and iPhones will all be cheaper next year, the website says. 但也不都是坏消息:电子产品诸如蓝光播放器,Kindles和Iphones将会一年比一年便宜。 www.bing.com 9. Others remain less shy about their iPhones. 还有些人对他们的iPhone手机则不那么避讳。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Congress is considering a switch from their smart Blackberry phones for the even smartier iPhones. 国会正考虑把他们时髦的黑莓手机换成更炫、更臭屁的iPhone。 www.bing.com 1. For instance, the first iPhones didn't support multitasking for third-party apps. 比如说,第一代iPhone不支持第三方应用的多任务处理。 www.bing.com 2. Militias were raping six-month-old babies so that countries far away could get access to gold and coltan for their iPhones and computers. 士兵对六个月大的婴童施暴只为了遥远的某个国家可获得黄金和矿物,再来生产Iphone和电脑。 www.ted.com 3. Apple -- New versions of the iPod Touch and iPhone 3GS spurred sales (Apple sold 8. 7 million iPhones last holiday season). 苹果——iPodTouch和iPhone3GS的新版本刺激了销售(苹果在上一个假期季节销售了870万部iPhone)。 www.bing.com 4. Wi-Fi offload was all the buzz last year as mobile data use from iPhones and other smartphones threatened to swamp operators' networks. wi-fi下载去年广受争议,因为iPhone和其它智能手机之间大量的无线数据传输有使运营商的网络陷于瘫痪的危险。 www.bing.com 5. That's in part why iPhones generate more traffic than 30 basic cellphones. 这既是为何iPhone产生的流量比30部普通手机还多。 www.bing.com 6. Apple said in January that 70% of Fortune 100 companies were testing or deploying iPhones. 苹果公司今年1月份表示,70%的“财富100强”(Fortune100)企业都在测试或已经选用了iPhone手机。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Do the Chinese of Chongqing really want to give up their Ford Fiestas and bootleg iPhones for a return to the Maoist era? 难道重庆人真要扔掉他们的福特嘉年华和iphone水货,而回到毛时代吗? www.bing.com 8. For the quarter ended Sept. 30, Apple said it sold 17. 07 million iPhones, falling short of the roughly 20 million expected by analysts. 苹果说截至9月30日的季度销售了1,707万部iPhone手机,低于分析人士预测的约2,000万部的销量。 chinese.wsj.com 9. There are either Blackberry phones or iPhones in IT. 在IT界要么是黑莓手机要么是iPhone手机。 www.bing.com 10. Apple has sold more than 21 million iPhones in more than 80 countries since it was launched in 2007. 自2007年iPhone问世以来,已经在80多个国家累计售出210多万台。 www.bing.com 1. On the backs of its popular iPhones, iPads or iPods, you'll find the words "Assembled in China. " 以广受欢迎的iPhonesiPods做后盾,你可以在这些产品上发现“中国组装”的字样。 www.bing.com 2. Demand is so strong in China that smuggling of real iPhones and sales of fakes are on the rise. 对苹果产品需求非常强烈,以至于水货iPhone和山寨iPhone的销售额都在增长。 www.bing.com 3. Apple has lost not one, but three prototype iPhones in the past year. 苹果丢失的机器已经不止一台了,而是在过去的一年里面丢失了三台Iphone。 www.bing.com 4. Currently, iPhones are available in China through Apple's online store, resellers and China Unicom. 目前,消费者可以登陆苹果在线商店,或者通过零售商及中国联通三种渠道购买iPhone。 www.bing.com 5. In total, Apple has sold more than 50 million iPhones since it introduced the first model in 2007. 苹果公司自2007年推出首款iPhone以来,该产品总计已售出5000多万部。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Apple sells more than 6m iPhones and iPods each month. 苹果iPhone和iPod的每月销量超过600万部。 www.360abc.com 7. Apple sold 20. 3 million iPhones in its fiscal third quarter. 在第三个财政季,苹果iPhone的销售量达到了两千零三十万个。 www.bing.com 8. Xiang: It's really impressive that over 60, 000 iPhones were sold within two days in Korea. 项立刚:韩国两天内卖出了6万多部iPhone手机的确令人印象深刻。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Finally, we reiterate our goal of selling 10 million iPhones in calendar 2008. 最后,我们重申,我们的目标是在2008年卖出一千万部iPhone。 www.bing.com 10. The typical American buys products made in China, like Nike shoes or Apple iPhones, but probably can't name many Chinese brands at all. 美国消费者通常会购买中国制造的产品,像耐克鞋或苹果iPhone手机等,但很可能无法说出多少中国品牌。 www.bing.com 1. Apple has sold more than 21m iPhones in 80 countries since it was launched in 2007. 自2007年推出iPhone手机以来,苹果公司已在80个国家售出2100多万台iPhone手机。 www.bing.com 2. What is more interesting, though, is how these moms use their iPhones. 更有趣的是这些妈妈们如何使用iPhone。 www.bing.com 3. The mobile operator said it would start selling 3G iPhones for about Rmb5, 000 ($732) each on October 1, without specifying which model. 该公司表示,10月1日起将开始销售3GiPhone,价位在5000元人民币上下,但未说明有哪些型号。 www.ftchinese.com 4. "IPhones will help us to change the structure of our customer base and improve [average revenue per user], " said Mr Chang. “iPhone手机将帮助我们改变客户群结构,提高每用户平均收入(ARPU),”常小兵说。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In 2009, estimates showed that Apple sold 86% more iPhones and iPods than Mac's, which is a huge margin. 据估计,2009年苹果公司iPhones和iPods的销量比Mac多86%,这是一个相当大的差距。 www.bing.com 6. It's difficult to get accurate data on how many customers have jailbroken their iPhones. 有多少的iPhone“越狱”,这很难有一个准确的数据。 www.bing.com 7. Jailbreakme 2. 0 works on all iPhones which are running Apple's iOS4 operating system. 0版适用于所有拥有苹果iOS4操作系统的iPhone。 www.bing.com 8. Apple has sold more than 50 million iPhones to date, and the App Store carries 200, 000 apps and has served 3 billion downloads. 到现在为止,苹果卖了五千万只iPhone,App商店有20万左右的第三方软件,有30亿的下载数据。 www.bing.com 9. Apple sold 8. 4 million iPhones world-wide in the first quarter alone, according to research firm Gartner. 根据研究机构Gartner数据,仅第一季度苹果就在全球售出了840万支iPhone手机。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Nokia's last hit smartphone model, the N95, was unveiled in 2006. In comparison, Apple has sold 8. 75 million Iphones . 诺基亚上一款较受欢迎的智能手机是N95,这款手机于2006年上市,而苹果的iPhone则售出了875万部。 cnbeta.com 1. Within 96 hours, the plant was producing over 10, 000 iPhones a day. 这家工厂每天加工超过1万部iPhone,持续了96小时。 www.bing.com 2. By contrast, Apple reported shipments of 14. 1m iPhones during its most recent quarter, to September 25, or roughly 150, 000 a day. 苹果则报告称,在截至9月25日的最近一个季度,iPhone销量为1410万台,约合每天15万台。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Apple Inc. would love to sell more iPads and iPhones in China. 苹果公司将很乐意卖给中国更多的iPad和iPhone。 www.bing.com 4. Even though their iPhones were unlocked versions from Hong Kong, and had to be cracked, they were welcomed among many urban Chinese. 尽管他们的iPhone都是从香港来的没有解锁的,必须破解,但在中国城市居民中却很受欢迎。 www.bing.com 5. A MILLION CRACKED IPHONES IN CHINA? 中国有100万破解版iPhone? cn.reuters.com 6. Shares of Hon Hai, which assembles Apple's iPhones and iPads in China, dropped 4. 6%. 在中国内地组装苹果iPhone和iPad的鸿海精密下跌了4. chinese.wsj.com 7. What makes someone like me buy 2 iPhones and 2 computers in the past 12 months? 是什么让那些跟我差不多的人在12个月内购买了2台macbook和2台iphone呢? www.bing.com 8. Last year Standard Chartered became the first major bank to officially switch to Apple, offering iPhones to 15, 000 of its employees. 去年,渣打银行(StandardChartered)成为第一家正式转用苹果手机的主要银行,该行向15,000名雇员提供了iPhone。 c.wsj.com 9. Based on U. S. sales of 11. 3 million iPhones in 2009, the researchers estimate Chinese iPhone exports at $2. 02 billion. 考虑到美国在2009年销售了1130万部iPhone,研究人员估计中国的iPhone出口额为20.2亿美元。 www.bing.com 10. Analysts estimate 1m-2m iPhones are in use in China, which has nearly 700m mobile users. 分析师估计,中国的手机用户(接近7亿)现在正使用着100万至200万部iPhone。 www.ftchinese.com 1. How many more iPhones could you have sold if you didn't have supply constraints? 如果没有供应限制,你还能售出多少部iPhone手机。 www.bing.com 2. When inquired about the reason, an employee whispered that the iPhones are Hong Kong licensed and procured through the gray market. 当询问原因时,一名雇员低声说这是从香港买的水货。 www.bing.com 3. In Hong Kong this week, protesters are burning cardboard cutouts of iPhones. 本周,已有抗议者在香港焚烧纸质iPhone面板。 www.bing.com 4. Apple has just 2. 2 per cent of the world cell-phone market, but that means it sold twenty-five million iPhones last year. APPLE只在全球手机市场占据了2.2%的份额,但这意味着它去年卖出了250万台iPhone。 www.bing.com 5. Almost all of the 70 million iPhones, 30 million iPads and 59 million other products Apple sold last year were manufactured overseas. 去年,苹果所销售的7000万部iPhone,3000万台iPad,5900万部其他产品都是在国外加工生产的。 www.bing.com 6. Last year, Apple sold 1. 7 million iPhone 4s in just three days -- 20% of the quarter's iPhones. 苹果去年推出的iPhone4仅在三天之内就卖出了170万部,相当于iPhone手机第三财政季度总销量的20%。 www.cn.wsj.com 7. The price difference between iPhones in China and Hong Kong is partly due to import duties, Unicom President Lu Yimin said in March. 联通总裁陆一民3月份表示。香港iPhone和内地的价格差异,部分原因是中国内地的进口关税导致的。 www.bing.com 8. The new worm is affecting jailbroken iPhones in the Netherlands and is redirecting users from a legitimate banking website to a fake site 这个新型蠕虫正在感染荷兰境内破解的iPhone手机,将用户从一个合法的银行网站跳转到一个钓鱼站点。 www.bing.com 9. We divide 4 million by 200 days, that's 20, 000 Iphones every day on average. 用4百万除以200,意味着我们平均每天卖出了2万部iPhone。 www.hxen.com 10. Apply Inc. sold 1 million iPhones in the three days following its release of the latest model on Friday, 苹果公司最新型的手机iPhone星期五上市后三天就售出了一百万部。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. iPhones make Chinese eyes light up 苹果——引燃了中国 www.ecocn.org 2. China's 60th anniversary: from Mao's ideology to iPhones 中国六十年:从毛泽东思想到iPhone电话 www.bing.com 3. China signs deal to sell iPhones 中国联通与苹果签署销售协议 www.enread.com 4. Apple in China iPhones make Chinese eyes light up Apple doesn't just make stuff in China; its sales there are booming, too 苹果不仅在中国制造,其销售也正快速增长 www.bing.com |
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