单词 | legal representative |
释义 |
n. lawyer,attorney,brief,notary,trial lawyer 例句释义: 法定代表人,法人代表,法定代理人,法律代表 1. Where a limited liability company has no board of director, the executive director is the legal representative of the company. 有限责任公司不设董事会的,执行董事为公司的法定代表人。 chinafanyi.com 2. Each party or legal representative may entrust one or two persons to represent him in litigation. 当事人,法定代理人,可以委托一至二人代为诉讼。 www.juyy.net 3. He went into business, eventually becoming the legal representative of an auction company, which he declined to name. 离职后,他下海经商,最终成为一家拍卖公司的法人代表,他不愿透露这家拍卖公司的名称。 dongxi.net 4. where no liquidation group has been set up, the original legal representative shall participate in litigation for the company. 尚未成立清算组的,由原法定代表人代表公司参加诉讼。 yingyucihui.scientrans.com 5. When a witness under the age of 18 is questioned, his legal representative may be notified to be present. 询问不满十八岁的证人,可以通知其法定代理人到场。 www.bing.com 6. The legal representative of a construction enterprise is responsible for the safety in operation of this enterprise. 建筑施工企业的法定代表人对本企业的安全生产负责。 www.24en.com 7. Article 43 An enterprise-juristic person is civilly liable for the business activities of its legal representative or other employees. 第四十三条企业法人对它的法定代表人和其他工作人员的经营活动,承担民事责任。 expo2012.blog.163.com 8. However, a power of attorney signed by the legal representative of each consortium member shall be submitted to the tenderee . 但是,需要向招标人提交由所有联合体成员法定代表人签署的授权委托书。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The legal representative of the Company is undertaken by the Chairman. 公司的法定代表人由董事长担任。 www.ok-chinese.com 10. can accept legal representative or close relatives of the victims and their , the parties entrusted with civil litigation as an agent. 可以接受被害人及其法定代理人或者近亲属,附带民事诉讼当事人委托担任诉讼代理人。 www.xiami360.com 1. The stock shall bear the signature of the legal representative and the seal of the company. 股票由法定代表人签名,公司盖章。 www.lawpaver.com 2. The signature of the legal representative shall be submitted to the registration authority for the record. 法定代表人的签字应当向登记主管机关备案。 www.bing.com 3. copy of Business License, Power of Attorney , Identity Certificate of Legal Representative of the Landlord. 业主的营业执照复印件、授权委托书、法定代表人身份证明书。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Note: the authorizes as mentioned here must be all investors or the legal representative to be appointed. 注:委托人指全体投资者或拟任法定代表人。 www.jchd.gov.cn 5. The subordinate companies legal representative office for economical responsibility audit, various special investigation, etc. 对下属公司法人代表离任进行经济责任审计、各种专项调查等。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. There shall be a qualified legal representative or responsible person for business operations; and. 有符合条件的法定代表人和经营负责人; www.zftrans.com 7. On May 9, the company website declared that their legal representative is a different person also named Lu Hongying. 5月9日,该公司在网站上声明称其法人代表是另一个和肇事司机母亲同名同姓的陆红英。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Information on the record of major illegal operation of the franchiser and its legal representative, records of major illegal operation. 特许人及其法定代表人重大违法经营记录情况,重大违法经营记录。 yingyucihui.scientrans.com 9. Bill: Another question, may the vice mayor of Wanda city serve as the legal representative of this company? 比尔:另外他想请万达市副市长担当这个企业的法人,您看行吗? www.hdbbs.net 10. Now, his identity is the legal representative of a company in Chengdu, he is the owner of this company. 现在,他的身份是成都一家公司的法人代表,他是这家公司的老板。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 1. Miss Wang: Please don't forget! The application for registration of alteration must be signed by the legal representative. 王小姐:请记住,变更登记申请书一定要法定代表人签署。 www.hdbbs.net 2. Article 9 The bargaining representatives on behalf of the employer shall be appointed by the legal representative of the employer. 第九条用人单位一方的协商代表由用人单位法定代表人委派。 51fane.net 3. In the absence of a legal representative, the arbitration committee shall appoint an agent for him. 没有法定代理人的,由仲裁委员会为其指定代理人代为参加仲裁活动。 hi.baidu.com 4. The register application of the foreign-invested corporation signed by the legal representative. 由法定代表人签署的外商投资企业登记申请书。 ascetlan.bokee.com 5. Bill: Legally, what obligations shall the legal representative of a foreign company bear? 比尔:在法律上,外商投资企业的法人究竟应承担哪些义务? www.hdbbs.net 6. Approve shareholder A of transferring all its shares to , whose registered address is and legal representative is , by the price of . 同意股东A将其所持有的公司的全部股权以转让给(新股东),其注册地址为,法定代表人为。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Application signed by the legal representative to be appointed. 拟任法定代表人签署的申请书 wenku.baidu.com 8. Power of attorney provided by legal representative for the responsible person. 法定代表人授权经办人员办理备案的委托授权书。 wenku.baidu.com 9. the name and domicile of the legal representative. 法定代表人的姓名、住所。 yingyucihui.scientrans.com 10. Declaration : to be signed by the legal representative . 声明人:填写法定代表人姓名。 www.bing.com 1. Legal representative: Zhu Qiang, chairman of the board of directors of this company. 法定代表人:朱强,该公司董事长。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Legal representative: Li Heping, chairman of the board of directors of this company. 法定代表人:李和平,该公司董事长。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The mining concession application shall include the juridical person's and legal representative's registration data, as appropriate. 申请采矿特许权应该包括法人的和法定代理人的登记资料。 www.1x1y.com.cn 4. This contract by both parties sign the legal representative or authorized representative of both parties and affixed with seal force. 本合同经双方法定代表人或授权代表签字并加盖双方印章后生效。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The book of tender shall be sealed by the entity and the legal representative or the proxy authorized by the legal representative. 第二十八条投标书须有单位和法定代表人或法定代表人委托的代理人的印鉴。 www.chinalawedu.com 6. Miss Wang: Another thing, application for changing any registered items should be signed by the legal representative. 王小姐:另外,企业的各种变更登记申请,都应提交法定代表人签署的申请书。 www.hdbbs.net 7. The chairman of the liquidation committee shall perform the duties on behalf of the legal representative of the enterprise. 清算委员会主任履行企业法定代表人的职责。 51fane.net 8. The legal representative of the debtor must attend the creditors' meetings and answer the creditors inquiries. 债务人的法定代表人必须列席债权人会议,回答债权人的询问。 www.chinalawedu.com 9. The legal representative, the accountants and the property custodians of the bankrupt enterprise must stay behind for duty. 破产企业的法定代表人、财会、财产保管人员必须留守。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. If a legal person or economic entity, the legal representative or person in charge shall be notified to be present. 被执行人是法人或者其他组织的,应当通知其法定代表人或者主要负责人到场; www.bing.com 1. The factory director shall be the legal representative of the enterprise. 第四十五条厂长是企业的法定代表人。 www.bing.com 2. Prior notice shall be given to Party A by Party B in the event of changes in sales venue, bank accounts or its legal representative. 乙方销售场地、帐号和法人代表变动时,必须事前通知甲方。 www.chinalawedu.com 3. Written commitment by the Franchisor which is duly signed by its legal representative or by any authorized representative of the Franchisor. 经法定代表人或者合法授权代表签字或者盖章的特许人承诺。 www.110.com 4. The original shall be put up on eye-catching place of the living place of legal representative. 原件应置放与法人住所的醒目位置。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. For accidents of enterprise legal representative more should be severely punished. 对于已经发生安全事故的企业法人代表更要严惩。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The visitor read the card: Bi Liufu, Legal Representative, inheritor of the craft of making oil paper umbrellas, intangible heritage. 客人看了看名片:毕六福,法人代表,非物质文化遗产油纸伞传人。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Legal representative of our company: General Manager Zhuang Xuan Hua. 公司法人代表:庄宣华总经理。 www.smerttravel.com 8. Signed by the Legal Representative or the consignee , if the investor is a natural person, signed by himself or herself . 由投资各方法定代表人或其授权人签字盖章,投资者为自然人的由本人签字。 www.bing.com 9. Matter of close have to immediately notify Legal Representative or general manager. 关事宜。必须立即通知法定代表人或总经理。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Having a well-qualified legal representative and responsible managerial person in the unit. 单位有符合条件的法定代表人和经营负责人。 www.lawyee.org 1. Please attach the copy of business licence, tax registration and ID card of legal representative. 请将公司营业执照副本,税务登记证副本,公司法人代表身份证复印件附后。 dict.bioon.com 2. Note: the license collector should be legal representative or the person authorized by him. 注:领照人应为法定代表人或其授权人。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture. 董事长是合营企业法定代表人。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Note: the authorizers must be the legal representative. 注:委托人指法定代表人。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Chairman of Board of Directors is the legal representative of JOINT VENTURE. 第二十八条董事长是合营公司法定代表。 news.9ask.cn 6. Copy of contractor's business license and copy of ID card of legal representative. 承包人营业执照复印件及法定代表人身份证复印件。 www.yxbiz.com.cn 7. Zhejiang Hao Xiang Pty Ltd. was incorporated in 2000, the legal representative Zhu Hong. 公司图片桐庐昊翔针织有限公司注册成立于2000年,法人代表朱虹。 www.hudong.com 8. If there is a change of legal representative, please use paper application for subsequent stamping. 倘若法律代表有变,则请使用纸张形式的申请表为其后的文件申请加盖印花。 www.ird.gov.hk 9. Who is the legal representative of a Sino-foreign joint venture? 中外合营企业的法定代表人为谁? bbs.exue.com 10. The name and address of the defending party of an application, the name and position of its legal representative; 被申请人的名称、地址,法定代表人的姓名、职务; cq.netsh.com 1. name and [] of legal person or other organization, and name, position and residence of the legal representative or principal; 当事人为法人或者其他组织的,法人或者其他组织的名称、住所以及法定代表人或者主要负责人的姓名、职务和住所; www.bing.com 2. The name, address and credentials of the legal representative of the film studio to be established; and(三)电影制片单位的法定代表人的姓名、住址、资格证明文件; www.lawyee.com 3. On Ultra Vires Act of Enterprise as Legal Person and that of Legal Representative 论企业法人越权与法定代表人越权 www.ilib.cn 4. the business license, certificate of legal representative or responsible person, identification card, the power of attorney of an agent; 营业执照、法定代表人或负责人证明、身份证明、代理人的授权委托书; www.lawyee.com 5. The name, domicile as well as the name of the legal representative of the parties concerned; 当事人的名称、住所及法定代表人姓名; www.chinalawedu.com 6. a written appeal shall include the name of the litigant, the name of the legal person and its legal representative, 上诉状的内容,应当包括当事人的姓名,法人的名称及其法定代表人的姓名 www.jukuu.com 7. Three aspects should be reformed: The legal representative of the company should be appointed according to the regulations of the company; 因此应该从以下三个方面进行改革:公司法定代表人由公司章程加以规定,实行当事人意思自治原则; cnki.gzlib.gov.cn 8. Alteration application signed by the legal representative of the company; 公司法定代表人签署的申请变更申请书; www.bing.com 9. an application for registration of establishment of the branch signed by the company's legal representative; 公司法定代表人签署的设立分公司的登记申请书; www.bing.com 10. Letter of appointment of the General Manager or the Deputy General Manager (please notify if the GM is the legal representative) 正、副总经理名单及聘任文件(注明法定代表人) wenku.baidu.com 1. letters of appointment and identity certifications of the legal representative and of the directors; 法定代表人、理事的任职文件及身份证明; www.bing.com 2. the title, address and legal representative of the company emerging from the merger; 合并后公司的名称、住所、法定代表人; www.nexoncn.com 3. the name, residence and legal representative or senior leadership in charge of the Unit; 用人单位的名称、住所和法定代表人或者主要负责人; www.bing.com 4. An application for registration of change signed by the company's legal representative; 公司法定代表人签署的变更登记申请书; www.englishtranslation.cn 5. Application report signed by the legal representative of the merging enterprises (1 printed copy of each, with seal of the enterprises); 各合并企业法定代表人签署的申请报告(各1份,打印、企业盖章); www.szbti.gov.cn 6. the appointment documents and identification certificates of the legal representative, directors and supervisors; 法定代表人、董事、监事的任职文件及其身份证明; www.bing.com 7. Legal representative: (signature) Legal representative: (signature) 委托代理人:(签字)委托代理人:(签字) blog.sina.com.cn 8. Application for Establishment of Foreign-funded Enterprise signed by the legal representative to be appointed 拟任法定代表人签署的《外商投资的公司设立登记申请书》 wenku.baidu.com 9. without the signature of the legal representative of the Company 未经公司的法定代表人签字,不得做出 blog.sina.com.cn 10. fingerprints taken by the applicants themselves , a legal representative or private commercial agency are also unacceptable 由申请人本人、法律代表或私人商业机构印取的手指模亦不予接纳。 www.ichacha.net 1. to respond to litigation in court, as entrusted by the legal representative of the administrative body for reconsideration; 受复议机关法定代表人的委托出庭应诉; www.24en.com 2. Legal representative of the company; 公司的法定代表人; www.24en.com 3. Registration certificate (photocopy) of all the investors, and the certificate of the legal representative (photocopy); 投资各方的登记注册证明(复印件)、法定代表人证明(复印件); www.youlawyer.com 4. Legal Representative: (Signing) Legal Representative: (Signing) 法定代表人:(签字)法定代表人:(签字) blog.sina.com.cn 5. Discussion on credit archives system construction of enterprise and its legal representative 浅议企业和企业法定代表人信用档案系统建设 www.ilib.cn 6. Application report on increasing capital signed by the legal representative of the enterprise (1 printed original, with the corporate seal); 企业法定代表人签署的增资的申请报告(原件1份,打印、企业盖章); www.szbti.gov.cn 7. Application forms to establish a foreign-invested construction enterprise signed by the investor's legal representative; (一)投资方法定代表人签署的外商投资建筑业企业设立申请书; www.bing.com 8. the legal representative of the company; 公司法定代表人; www.bing.com 9. Registration Form of new Legal Representative 新任法定代表人登记表 www.0411ln.com 10. The bidder is of the same one legal representative with the agent for the bid section or the tendering agency; 与本标段的代建人或招标代理机构同为一个法定代表人的; www.366translation.com 1. The bidder is of the same one legal representative with the agent for the bid section or the tendering agency; 与本标段的代建人或招标代理机构同为一个法定代表人的; www.366translation.com 2. the legal representative or principal responsible person identification materials; 法定代表人或者主要负责人的身份证明材料; www.dw188.com 3. Appointment Documents of new Legal Representative and the documents about the removal of the former Legal Representative 新任法定代表人的任职文件和原法定代表人的免职文件 www.0411ln.com 4. One copy of original application singed by the legal representative of enterprise (Printed and sealed by the applicant); 企业法定代表人签署的申请报告原件1份(打印,申报企业盖章); www.bing.com 5. signed and sealed by the legal representative of the franchisor's undertaking, and submit the PDF format; 经法定代表人签字盖章的特许人承诺书,并提交相应PDF格式文件; www.xiami360.com 6. signature of legal representative (agent) : signature of legal representative (agent) : 法定代表人(代理人)签字:法定代表人(代理人)签字: www.diyifanwen.com 7. Photocopies of documents of appointment and proof of identification for legal representative and members of Joint management committee 法定代表人、联合管理委员会委员任职文件原件及身份证明复印件 wenku.baidu.com 8. Application report signed by the legal representative of the enterprise (1 printed original, with the corporate seal); 企业法定代表人签署的申请报告(原件1份,打印,企业盖章); www.szbti.gov.cn 9. Signature of Legal Representative (or Authorized Representative): 法定代表人(或授权代表人)签字: www.en84.com 10. Simply on the system of the legal representative of social organizations 浅析社会团体法定代表人制度 www.ilib.cn 1. Signature of Legal Representative to be Appointed : 拟任法定代表人签字: wenku.baidu.com 2. Application signed by the legal representative of the acquired Chinese enterprise (1 printed original); 被并购境内企业法定代表人签署的申请书(原件1份,打印); www.szboftec.gov.cn 3. identification of the applicant's legal representative, chief managers and the persons handling the deal; 申请人的法定代表人、主要经营管理人以及经办人的身份证明; www.bing.com 4. Letter of appointment of the board members (please designate the legal representative) 董事会成员名单及任命文件(注明法定代表人) wenku.baidu.com 5. The organizational form and organs, and the legal representative of the foreign-capital enterprise; 拟设立外资企业的组织形式和机构、法定代表人; www.chinalawedu.com 6. Documents and Certificates Requited for Change of Legal Representative of Foreign-funded Enterprise 外商投资企业法定代表人变更所需提交的文件、证件 www.0411ln.com 7. Photocopies of documents of appointment and proof of identification for legal representative; 法定代表人任职文件和身份证明复印件 wenku.baidu.com 8. If you need to contact your landlord as well as inter-provincial hunting site administrator or legal representative; 如果需要跨省追捕请联系楼主以及网站管理员或法人代表; tieba.baidu.com 9. Legal Representative, Privatization and Reforming of Corporate Governance of SOEs 法定代表人、国企民营化与治理改革 www.ilib.cn 10. Legal representative or Entrusted representative 法定代表或委托代表人 www.yxbiz.com.cn 1. Legal Representative (or Principal Responsible Person): 法定代表人(或主要负责人): zhidao.baidu.com 2. On the Economic Responsibility Audit of the Outgoing Legal Representative 浅谈法人离任经济责任审计评价 ilib.cn 3. An application signed by the legal representative or any person authorized thereby; 法定代表人或者其授权人签署的申请书; www.lawyee.com 4. Registration certificate of the new legal representative 新任《法人代表登记表》 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The identity card of the business' legal representative or person-in-charge; 企业法定代表人或者企业负责人身份证件; www.gzlo.gov.cn 6. Enterprise Seal Legal representative or Responsible Person (Signature or Seal) 企业盖章法人代表或负责人(签章) hs.ningbo.gov.cn 7. Legal representative of the foreign-capital enterprise (or roster of directors, if applicable) (1 original); 外资企业法定代表人人选(或者董事会人选名单,如有)(原件1份); wenku.baidu.com 8. in a sole corporation, the investor or the legal representative of the investor; 在独资组织系指出资人或其法定代理人; www.cntranslators.com 9. name of the legal representative or principal of the insurance institution; 保险类机构法定代表人或者负责人姓名; bk.mylegist.com 10. Letter of attorney (if the documents are not signed by the legal representative) 授权委托书(非法定代表人签署文件) wenku.baidu.com 1. the franchisor (corporate) legal representative and other key person in charge of the basic situation; 特许人(企业)法定代表人及其他主要负责人的基本情况; www.xiami360.com 2. On malpractice and reconstruction of legal representative system 论法定代表人制度的弊端及重构 www.ilib.cn 3. identity certificate of legal representative: 法定代表人身份证明: blog.sina.com.cn 4. Copy of the Interim Report signed by the legal representative; 载有法定代表人签名的半年度报告文本; ggn.cc 5. Signed by Legal Representative of Foreign Investment Enterprise 外商投资企业法定代表人签字 www.dongyang.gov.cn 6. Examination Opinions on Legal Representative 法定代表人审查意见 veracity.blog.hexun.com 7. Analysis on the Defects and Improvement of Legal Representative Structure 论我国法人治理结构的缺陷与完善 ilib.cn 8. Application for reinvestment in the territory of China signed by the legal representative of the enterprise (1 original); 企业法定代表人签署的关于境内再投资申请书(原件1份); www.szbti.gov.cn 9. Identity card of enterprise legal representative (copy); 企业法定代表人身份证(复印件); www.cbex.com.cn 10. The Legal Quality of Registered Capital of Legal Representative of Enterprise 企业法人注册资本的法律性质 service.ilib.cn 1. The employer's name, residence, legal representative or major principal; (一)用人单位的名称、住所和法定代表人或者主要负责人; www.putclub.com 2. One copy of the original Certificate of the legal representative; 二、法定代表人证明原件; blog.sina.com.cn 3. The passport copy of legal representative of the investor (copy); 投资方法定代表人身份证明(如护照复印件); zhidao.baidu.com 4. Legal Representative for investors(or person entrusted) 投资方法人代表(或被委托人) wenku.baidu.com 5. Party A Name: Legal Representative: Registered Address: 甲方名称:法定代表人:注册地址: wenku.baidu.com 6. Name of the legal representative or principal of the operating entity; 经营单位法定代表人或负责人姓名; www.100yingyu.com 7. Registration Form for Legal Representative 法定代表人登记表 wenku.baidu.com 8. Legal Representative or Responsible Person 法定代表人或负责人 wenku.baidu.com 9. Copy of personal records to Vietnamese migrant or his legal representative 给予越南船民或其法律代表的个人档案的副本 www.immd.gov.hk 10. ( a ) the use of child labor units of the legal representative ( or the principal person in charge and the person directly responsible ); 使用童工单位的法定代表人(或者主要负责人)和直接责任者; www.cnqr.org 1. Signature of the applicant's legal representative or the chief financial officer 申请单位法人代表或财务负责人签章 wenku.baidu.com 2. Legal representative (person in charge) or agent (signature or stamp) 法定代表人(主要负责人)或委托代理人(签字或盖章) blog.sina.com.cn 3. Application for Criminal Legal Representative 刑事法定代理人制度的适用 service.ilib.cn 4. The verification for the period of accession and demission of Legal Representative Person; 总部出具首席代表到任及离任的时间证明; wenku.baidu.com 5. The identity certification of the legal representative or the person-in-charge; 法定代表人或者主要负责人的身份证明; www.lawyee.com 6. A Discussion about Derogating the Lawyer's Legal Representative 关于限制律师诉讼代理权问题的探讨 www.ilib.cn 7. The legal representative of the Shareholder is: 股东的法定代表人为: wenku.baidu.com 8. Party A's Legal Representative or Authorized PersonParty B's Legal Representative or Authorized Person 甲方法定代表人或委托人:乙方法定代表人或委托人 www.uicc-web.com 9. One copy of passport of the legal representative of investor 投资方法人代表护照复印件 beijinghaohe.cn 10. Signature of Legal Representative (for filing) 法定代表人签字(备案) wenku.baidu.com 1. The Cognizance and Relief to the Slander on the Legal Representative 对法定代表人诽谤的认定与救济 service.ilib.cn 2. Copy of business license and health permit signed and affixed a seal by legal representative or the owner; 由法定代表人或业主签字、盖章的营业执照复印件和卫生许可证复印件; www.zlcool.com 3. Two one-inch-size photos of the legal representative of WFOE; 法定代表人一寸照片两张; wenku.baidu.com 4. command legal representative name seal, for handling bank set aside money to pay bank seal; 指挥部法人代表人名印章,用于办理银行款项支付时预留银行印鉴; www.lawyerbeijing.cn 5. Application for Deregistration signed by legal representative 法定代表人签署的注销申请书 www.anshan.gov.cn 6. Signature of legal representative Company's seal Date 首席代表签字单位盖章日期 www.sbacn.org 7. Resume of the Legal Representative 法定代表人履历 ossc.sipac.gov.cn 8. Name of the Legal Representative: 法定代表姓名: wenku.baidu.com 9. The copy of ID Card of Italian company's legal representative 意大利公司法定代表人的身份证复印件 wenku.baidu.com 10. Name of the legal representative(if invester is a company): 法定代表人姓名(如果投资者是公司): zhidao.baidu.com 1. Name of the Legal Representative of 代理商法人代表姓名 www.mtm2000.net 2. President As its true and legal representative to act for and in my name and stead and to perform the following: 为甲方之法定代表人,以甲方之名义执行下列事情: www.eduzhai.net 3. The legal representative of Party A is 甲方的法定代表人为 www.profanyi.com 4. A record shall be kept if a spoken notification is adopted, and the juvenile defendant or his legal representative shall sign on it; 口头告知的,应当制作笔录,由未成年被告人或其法定代理人签名; 1x1y.com.cn |
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