单词 | legal means | ||||||||
释义 | legal means
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 法律手段,法律措施,合法途径 1. She said that she was trying to recover her property through legal means, but "so far, no judge has dared to review our complaint" . 她还表示她将尽力通过法律渠道追回自己的财产,但是“到目前为止还没有那个法官敢于受理我们的复审请求。” www.bing.com 2. An investor may purchase a listed company by means of tender offer or agreement as well as by any other legal means. 第八十五条投资者可以采取要约收购、协议收购及其他合法方式收购上市公司。 www.chinalawedu.com 3. She said the sustained combat will use legal means to seek their own justice. 身受打击的她表示将用法律途径为自已讨个公道。 bbs.d9it.com 4. However, consumers need to be careful in case they buy a pig in a poke and find no legal means of protecting their rights. 但是消费者要谨慎小心,以免在冲动之下购物,而没有法律途径可以保障自己的权益。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Bilateral investment agreement signed between countries is the main legal means of investment protection. 签署双边投资协定是国家间相互保护投资的主要法律途径。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Although she has been a goddess of war, but she doesn't like ares that militant, but rather use legal means to solve the dispute. 尽管她一直是战争女神,但她并不像阿瑞斯那样好战,而宁愿用法律手段解决争端。 www.jiaosha.org 7. If you do not get a reasonable solution, we will, through legal means to defend our rights as a consumer. 如果不得到相应合理的解决,我们将会通过法律途径来维护我们作为消费者的权益。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Second, a state of law must be protected by legal means. 第二,一个法制国家,必须通过合法手段来保护。 www.ftchinese.com 9. It may be a temptation to "create" the required resources by ethical and legal means or otherwise. 这也许是一种诱因,让人们透过道德与合法的手段或其他方式,「创造」所需资源。 goldenmarkint.com 10. The legal adjustment mechanism is the uniform system of these legal means and Legal methods which to affect the Social relations. 法律调整机制就是这些用来对社会关系实现有效影响的法律手段和法律方法的统一体系。 www.13191.com 1. We provided guidance and control for investment, mainly through a combination of economic and legal means. 我们主要运用经济、法律手段,采取综合措施,引导和调控社会投资。 bbs.hxgame.net 2. Innovation of economic management system and methods, more use of economic and legal means of regulating economic activities. 要创新经济管理制度和方式,更多地运用经济手段和法律手段调节经济活动。 yanjiang.com.cn 3. Although they may sell real Apple products, some of those products were not imported through legal means. 尽管它们可能卖的是真的苹果产品,但其中一些产品并不是通过合法途径进口的。 tieba.baidu.com.cn 4. The company will use all legal means to resist demands for censorship. 公司会使用所有的合法手段抵制审查制度。 www.bing.com 5. Anti- dumping is a legal means allowed in the WTO to protect fair competition and domestic industry against the imported products. 反倾销是WTO允许的维护公平竞争、保护国内产业的合法手段。 www.dictall.com 6. Part four explores the cost of legal means and its relation to accuracy. 第四部份探讨法律手段的成本及其与精确的关系; www.ceps.com.tw 7. Providing a legal means to open source code was nice, but it's more important to apply Open Source principles to data. 给开源代码一个合法手段是很好的,不过更重要的是把开源理念应用到数据上。 www.bing.com 8. The State , society , schools and families shall educate and help minors to safeguard their lawful rights and interests by legal means . 国家、社会、学校和家庭应当教育和帮助未成年人运用法律手段,维护自己的合法权益。 www.bing.com 9. We will speed up to adopt management and business practice based on economic and legal means and international standards. 我们要加快步伐采用以经济与律手段和国际标准为基础的管理模式和经营方。 fld.hrbeu.edu.cn 10. SDRMs are also designed to prevent a "rush to the courthouse" , in which investors try to settle claims through legal means, post-default. SDRM还旨在阻止违约后的“竞相起诉”,即投资者试图通过法律手段解决索赔问题。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Human Rights Watch urged the companies to use all legal means to resist demands for censorship of searches, blogs, and web addresses. 人权观察敦促这些公司应用尽所有的法律途径来抗拒审查搜索,博客和网址的要求。 www.hrw.org 2. Emerging in the Republic at China period, modern Chinese advertising management is practiced mainly through legal means. 民国时期,以法律为主要手段近代广告管理出现。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. To establish (a child born out of wedlock) as legitimate by legal means. 通过法律手段给(私生子)以合法地位 www.putclub.com 4. He cited "chilling" to describe the reports and said that we must use legal means to safeguard their rights. 他以“心寒”来形容该报道,并表示一定要使用法律手段来维护自己的权利。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Rehousing of residents, Zhang through other legal means should be taken to resolve the units separately. 对拆迁安置问题,张某应当通过其他合法途径与拆迁单位另行解决。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. At the same time, UPS decided to use legal means for extending its operating authority in California. 同时,UPS决定以合法的手段寻求在加州扩展其营运权。 www.ups.com 7. China's recent food safety incidents occur frequently, making legal means to protect food security has become essential. 我国近年来频频出现的食品安全事故,使得以法律手段保护食品安全成为必需。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The people have the right to change their form of government by legal means defined in the Constitution itself. 人民有权通过宪法自身所规定的法律方式来改变其政府形式。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Since there were few, if any, legal means for this, many re-sorted to illegal Chinese labour. 由于几乎没有引进劳工的合法渠道,许多企业都使用非法中国劳动力。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Those are all either publicly disclosed or available through legal means. 这类信息要么已经公开披露了,要么可以通过合法的手段获得。 www.bing.com 1. Private enterprises seek rents by legal means. In fact they are chasing the differential incomes similar to differential rents. 私有企业通过合法手段“寻租”,其实质是追逐类似于级差地租的级差收益。 epub.cnki.net 2. may be done by legal means, by plausible and profitable war, by calumny, as well as by dose or dagger. 谋杀可以用合法的手段完成,用似乎有理的,有利可图的战争,用毁谤,一如用药剂和短剑。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. NOTICE: Any text paragraph, drawings or pictures mustn't be reproduced in any way! Offenders will resort to legal means! Please seriously! 本文的任何文字和图片都不容许以任何方式转载,违者将诉诸法律手段处理!请严肃对待! dknt.blueidea.com 4. Gillard insisted that the government remained committed to ending the hunts through diplomatic or legal means. 吉拉德坚称政府继续承诺将通过外交和法律渠道结束捕鲸活动。 www.bing.com 5. Exhausted all legal means for the still claims can not be achieved, can the economic losses as a dereliction of duty claims losses. 对于穷尽一切合法的手段仍无法实现债权的,均可以认定为渎职犯罪经济损失中的债权损失。 www.zidir.com 6. However, Chinese internal audit system established in the government intervention, by using administrative and legal means. 然而,我国内部审计制度的产生却是在政府的干预下,运用行政和法律手段建立起来的。 www.fabiao.net 7. We will use all legal means to seek the return of these criminals and to bring them to justice in Libya. 我们将采取一切合法方式将这些罪人带回利比亚并给予正义的审判。 dongxi.net 8. To take into one's family through legal means and raise as one's own child . 收养,过继通过合法手段吸收为家庭中的一员并作自己的孩子抚养。 www.bing.com 9. even if is nearly impossible to also take through legal means to return this payment. 即使通过法律手段也很难拿回这笔货款 zhidao.baidu.com 10. prohibit esp. by legal means or social pressure. 通过合法手段或者社会压力来禁止。 tr.bab.la 1. Becoming rich through honest work and legal means is glorious. 通过诚实劳动和合法途径致富是光荣的。 bbs.m4.cn 2. You can use all LEGAL means to get the traffic to my site. 你可以使用一切法律手段来获得我的网站流量。 www.bing.com 3. Learn to protect your rights by legal means. 是“学会用法律保护您的权益。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. 4 use legal means to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. 运用法律手段推进城乡协调发展。 www.bing.com 5. At the same time, we will come to collect evidence, through the legal means to protect their reputation! 同时,我们也将陆续收集证据,通过法律手段维护自己的名誉! www.tianya.cn 6. Adjudication Interpretation: the Most Basic Legal Means of Judges 审判解释:法官最基本的法律方法 service.ilib.cn 7. Brief discussions on safeguarding the railway transportation safety by the legal means 浅谈运用法律手段维护铁路运输安全 www.ilib.cn 8. Mainly through economic and legal means supplemented by administrative means when necessary 主要运用经济、法律手段,辅之以必要的行政手段 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Licenses and legal means of execution 许可和执行法律调解 www.ppac.org.cn 10. Legal Means and the Practical Responsive Function of Jurisprudence 法律方法与法学的实践回应能力 1. Eight Suggestions: Shoot the Bird with Market and Legal Means 八项建议:运用市场和法律手段 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Legal Means: The Foundation of Legal Cognition 法律方法:法律认知之根本 |
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